XX8WNBX TOIi. XXXIII TO 11,039. POIiTLAJSTD, OKEaOX WEDS DA Y, FEBBTJABY 20. 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS Jwtttitw A 11 HI 0 BILLM FHIT1E FIXTURES R0THCHILD BROS. -FORKBRUY- The A.. P. Hotailirig Co. 58IHOLESKLE LIQUOR DEKLERS SO. 22. 24 and. 20 First St.. pitrst and Taylor sts, cssH HfflRDWR?E co- TELEPHONES Telegraph Instruments FOOT-POWER MACHINERY Writs for Our Catalogue. THE VANCOUVER - CREAMERY ?ISK VOUR GROCER FOR IT EVERY SQUARE IS FULL WEIGHT STAMPED Cffice: KGTEL C0L8KKA 6UHJKNB, VANCOUVER. WASH. GARDEN GRASS FIELD FLOWER vZ3 ry j - -i - NsZ3 LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ON THE COAST Of our Homc-Groran Seed I sf 11 larce quantities every year to Eastern Houses. "Write for Catalogue. E. J. BOWEN, SDKTTLS, 3nZ7?SH. MUST BE CLEARED OUT We are determined to closa. out our large Importations of 10C0 pairs LACE AND CHENIL.L.E CURTAINS, either In one lot or In single pairs, at 25 per cent balow import cost. We are the only direct importers In the North west, hence buyers can rely on Eettlne decided bargains. Also some mackintoshes at half value. JdiXtlEMtfiiWM) 2ffitekareet.beCTsUnJ2$. IS THE BEST. FIT FOB A KING. ',$3. coiedovan; i. POrvrMArMAMCLLmCflLP. 4?3.s? FtKEi&KfiKSARca $3.SPPGUCE.3S0LES. co$2.W0RKIHwi?m' JSftJ '"". EXTRA FINE ' 2.1 - BBYS'SCBCOtSHKa. X-A33IES- e,$?F.?2.?7 ,Pnt SEND FOR CATAlflGUC DEOSKTCKJIASS. Over Ons Miliisn People wecr tbo Y. Lo Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH cur shoes arc eqirslly satisfactory Tfary give the beet alue for ths monsv. The v equal custom s!.oss in Etj'Je end tit. Th:tr wcarinj quolttleo are unsurpassed. The prlcM ere unliorm, stntnpsd on sols. From Si to S r saved over other makes. Jf you' ,'te-einots'nn'77on'recar,. Sold by nggerr. Young & Co., 12JI-131 3il St. ltoscow Co.. F.!tt Fifth Street. lWlp CtMinitfc. 2M. OrptBlrtSnrr. Ccrthsid Gol&mita GOLDSMITH HOETOBERG linporton and Dealers in Hop and Fence Hires Screen Mi KECKE1M FSIEZKRS. REFKCEKUOnS Agents for "Boynton" Hot Air Furnaces K. It P RADWATS READY RELIEF stops pain, cures consestlon and allays Inflammation E. C. W L Oesie iPJ x J& WKKS t&&$k "SrMIP GODDARD & CO SPBCIKL TODHV Cloth-Top, Button, Patent Tip Shoes for $2.R5. Good value at Lad lew MlHHea' Pebble Ilutton SprlnR-Heels for OO ecnts. liable' Hue Kill Ilutton for 40 cents. iV fine pencil-box -nith Boy1 and Girl Shoes nt SI. 50 and Tip. 129 SIXTH STREET, - - 4fH? "THE BEST IS, AYE, THE CHEAPEST." AVOID IMI TATIONS OF AND SUBSTITUTES FOR Corner Burnside Portland Oregon. IS DELICIOUS iKi Trade Mark Registered BWIDS: CEEUL USBUECEK SIFSACO. FE03USE DE BRIE PORTLAND, OR. SRN PRKNClSCa C7?I LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF PORTUAJIO. Stark St-eet, let Strtnlh aid Pat The ns of 21,500 volumes and ths flies of otot 100 periodicals for $5.00 a year or $1.50 a quarter. mumuij- iviuK us ei cutrcui ocucuiua UPLIOH PERT CO. VlbolEsale Btitchers and Pzclars OF THE Shield Brand of Hams, Bacon A.ND Strictly Pure. Kettle-Rendered Lard. FOURTH kPGLISAN STREETS For Pale, Worn-Out Folks. No one fears spring sickness who uses Paine's Celery Compound, that wonderful medicine that makes people welL No one need be pale or worn out, with weak nerves and Impure blood. If they use this grand strength-giver. Try it.. LiLlNTD plaster $1.50 PER BSRHEL HBrlKG & FAEPEIL C0EK1R FROST MD ALDER STREETS 0REG0N1AN BUILDING TRADE MARK u -1 CKUTION ibout ti?? Us aijd Sijletior) of Spetaels Tervm havlrs normal vision -will be able to read this print at a Slstaace of 14 inches xram the eyes -with ease and comfort; also will be able to read It with eacto eye separately. It unabJe to do so your ejes are defective, and should hare Immediate attention "When the eye become tired from readme or seirins. or K the letters look blurred and run teseihtr. It Is a rare indication that glasses are needed. The iences sow in the cheap goods are of un equal deasity and have Imperfectly formed sur laes. Continued use of these poorer lecs trill rcselt la a positive Injury from the con stant strain upon the muscles of accommoda tion to supply th delects in the slaas." HEED & I?LRIiCOl5E Oculist Optioians Orogoiian Buildinrj AGAIN THEY SWITCHED ! The Inconstant Minority Drops Williams for Lowell. LORD'S FRIENDS VERY SANGUINE Speaker Moores Makes a, Speecli Chiding the Bolters for Not Stand ins Br Some Good Men. The twenty-fourth ballot for senator yesterday produced no result, but a sensa tion was caused by Speaker Moores mak ing a speech in which he said he was ready to vote for Williams or any man who stood squarely on the republican platform whenever the mirority showed they were sincere. Alley made an unsuc cessful effort for a second ballot. The re sult of the first and the last 11 ballots Is as follows: UI15 171S119I202122I23: 21 fife ri 4 Dolph Williams .... Hare Haley Weatherford Lowell Cogswell .... Absent 44 141)41 3339i39l41 "35J3SJ lolio: 71 7 111 3111 11110, lOJlO iuuu Oi 0 1010 0 7 7 1 12) 9jl2 0! 0 0 0 0 0 V U( V 12 2412j 6 6 01 1 11 8 The speech of Speaker Moores this morn ing in the joint assembly has been much talked of during the day. It was as fol lows: "Mr. President: It seems to me that we, as republicans, are rapidly approaching a parting of the ways. We were sent here commissioned, among other things, with the duty of election of a senator, and we seem "no nearer a consummation of that work in this, the last week of the session, thau when we began. We have heard a great many homilies upon what are called the primary virtues that go to make up a first-class man. Seme of our menus boast of their courage, their consistency, their independence and their Spartan-like virtue, who tremble at the thought of what their constituents may say if they accept the hospitality of one of the most prominent and honored pioneer citizens of Oregon. Charges of corruption are freely made, but nothing-is made so specific as to warrant a resolution of inquiry to ferret out the offender. Now, it is the ex perience of the world that the perfect lady is rarely insulted, and the briber rarely approaches the thoroughly honest man. I submit that 3f these methods are being used, we should either pocket the bribe or brand the briber with a specific charge and drive him through the open walls of tha penitentiary into an iron cell, or stop this eternal babble about the prevalence of bribery and corruption. It is about time for us to quit advertising our pri vate virtues, to quit emulating those qual ities which are more highly developed In the mule than any other animal, and get dowrt to the hardpan of common sense and iuseieverycffortini!ur4POwewte91reakithis1 deadlocfand elect a senator; I am willing to pledge myself to vote for Hon. George H. Williams, Hon. S. A. Lowell, or any other republican who stands squarely upon the platform of the national republican party, whenever that vote will break the deadlock and secure an election, but I do not see how I can contribute to the de sired result by leaving a compact major ity and casting my vote with a minority which seems incapable of concentrating its strength upon any one man for more than two days at a time. Until we can divest ourselves of prejudice and passion asd face this question like men, making the question of men and factions subordinate to the welfare of the republican party as a whole, I do not see what can be gained by deserting the caucus nominee. For these reasons I shall, for the present at least, continue voting as I have In th'e past, for the nominee of the republican caucus. I vote for Hon. J. N. Dolph." The only thing new in the senatorial situation tonight is the statement made by Lord's friends that on Thursday he will be elected. This, of course, can only be accomplished by the aid of populist and democratic votes, as without the members of those parties the defection of 16 from Dolph ranks would be necessary- Secret and mysterious consultations on the part of the opposition leaders with democratic senators and populists give color to the statement. It is stated by the democrats and populists, on the other hand, that they propose keeping in the middle of their respective roads. It is more clear ly manifest than ever that the opposition leaders are bent upon Lord's election, and that they are merely trifling and playing with the followers of other can didates, with a view of swinging them all Into line for Lord when they have completed their negotiations with pop ulists and democrats enough to elect. The attendance now is larger than at any pre vious time on the part of prominent men from about the state. Lowell and Fulton are both here, the latter for the third time. Many influential republicans are also here, anxious to avert an extra, ses sion and to pull the party out of the hole j the bolt has precipitated it into. All their en oris are uniiormiy in uie line oi urging the bolting republicans to return to the party organization and vote for Dolph. The Joint Session. SALEM, Feb. 19. The joint assembly was called to order by President Simon at 12:04. Pairs were announced as follows: Hus ton and Woodard; Rinearson and Smith of Clackamas. Necessary lo a choice, 44. Roll call proceeded without incident, further than the casting of the minority republican votes for Lowell, till Speaker Moores was called. The speaker made a brief speech, in which he urged the republicans to find some method of. settling the senatorial fight. He would ote, he said, for any good republican who stood squarely on the platform of the party, Williams or Lowell or any other man; but he could see no prospect of success by leaving the majority and going to a minority w.hlch could not agree on any single name more than two days in succession. Moores speech was loudly applauded. He voted for Dolph. Alley rose and asked if he could an swer Moores' speech. President Simon ruled that there was no occasion for speech-making. The speaker had ex plained his vote, a privilege accorded Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOIUTEty PURE to all members of,the joint assembly, but discussion Wits not in order. Alley said it would be orslyfaa a question of priv ilege. President Simon answered that the speaker's explanation did not refer to the senator from Lane' at all, and therefore there was no question of privilege. So the vote was announced, all SO of the minority republican votes being for Lowell, except iRInearson, who was paired. jt Alley then moveSUhat another ballot be taken, but the motion "was overwhelm ingly lost viva vSce, and on motion of Long, the joint assembly adjourned. The vote in detalf stcod: For J. N. Dolph-Bancroft, Beach, Blun dell, Bridges, Brownell, Calbreath, Cal vert, Cardwell, Cljetcn, Conn, Daly, Da vid, Dawson, Demy, Gesner, Gowdy, Gow an, Hobson, Long? Maxwell, McCraken, McGinn, McCreer.IMirtie, Moorhead, My ers, Patterson (Marion), Paxton, Price, Sehlbrede, Shutrum, Smith (Josephine), Smith (Polk), Stanley, Steitver, Temple ton, Thompson, Moores, Simon 19. For S. A. Lowell Alley, Baker, Bark ley, Boothby, Burlce, Cole, Coon, Cooper, Craig, Curtis, Da1s Dunn, Gates, Guild, Gurdane, Hlllegas.jHcfer, Hope, Johnson, Keyt, Lester, Lyle McClung, Patterson fGrantt. Scott. Smith (Linn). Tigard. Wright, Yates 29. J For W. D. HareBuckman, Burleigh, Holt, Huffman, Jeffrey, King, Nealon, Stewart, Vanderburg. Young 10. For J. H. Baky-2Beckley, Butler, Cogs well, Huston, ijckllster, Smith (Sher man) 6. j For C. A. Cogswell Raley1. Absent Huston, Smith (Clackamas), RI nearson, WoodardJi PHILADELPHIA ELECTION "WarTriclE, Rcpnbfican, Elected Mayor by a. Largp Majority. PHILADELPHI-Feb. 19. At mid night alJ indtcatlonsjpolnt to the election of Charles F. Warwick as mayor of this city by a majorItyestimafed at from 50, 000 to 60,000, over Robert W. Pattison, ex governor of the state. William J. Roney, the republican candidate for receiver of taxes, has evidently been largely cut by his party, but hlsTmajority over Colonel Sylvester RonaffonMthe democratic can didate, is estimatedlat 40,000. Twelve po lice magistrates, llfselect councilmen and 79 common coimcilmen have been elected, and present indications are that the re publicans have tbesejofflces. Unusual In terest was manifested in the election, and a remarkably largejgpte was polled. The day was generally observed as a lioliday, and the '"streets were crowded. The fight waged by tfietwo reform organiza tions, the MunicipallLeague and the Citi zens' Committee ofgNinety-Five, was di rected against the councilmen whose rec ords justified their being turned down. I vtne most sanguiner oi me repuDiican leaders did not hopenpr a majority higher than 35,000 or 40,OOOjgrhile Governor Pat tison today expressed himself as confi dent that he wouldlbe elected by 20,000 plurality. That thePennsylvania democ racy, tne taction opposea to tne icauer ship of National Chairman Harrlty, cut Pattison, is indicateby the fact that the 12th ward, which us3lly goes democratic, gave Warwick 4D0majorlty. There was vdoubt aboufcSenatoMQuay supporting the disputes, but theaarptums Indicate that Quay decided to sacrifice hs personal feelings to the good of the party and turned for the support of the-tlcket. San Francisco's Lexotv Movement. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 19. In the assembly this morning Cutler presented resolutions from a civic association of San Francisco In. which it was recited that the police were corrupt and were blackmailing fallen women. A resolution attached, pro viding for the appointment of one senator and two assemblymen to go to San Fran cisco to investigate and report to the legis lature not later than March 1, was referred to the committee on public morals. Cut ler's motion that the committee be re quired to report back the resolution tomor row was defeated on roll-call. Governor Melntyre's Appointments. DENVER, Feb. 19. The state senate, in executive session, today confirmed the ap pointment by Governor Mclntyre of Frank Church, A. W. Hogle and Charles L. Wilson, as members of the Denver fire and police board, and Edward Monash as a member of the board of public works, to succeed the appointees of Governor Walte, whose terms will not expire until April, but whose appointments had never been confirmed. California. Woman Suffrage Bill. SACRAMENTO, Feb. 19. The woman suffrage bill passed the assembly of the state legislature today by a vote of 15 to 29. The Vote at Hol,e. BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 19. The vote for United States senator today was without change: Shoup, 20; Sweet, 19; Clagett, 15. m VOLUNTARY QUARANTINE Two Persons on a. Smallpox Steamer AVbo Were Kot Patisensers. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. The steam er City of Sydney is in quarantine off Mis sion rock, because a man was put ashore at Acapulco nine days ago with symptoms of smallpox. Among those quarantined are Colonel John Bradbury, proprietor of the Los Angeles Herald, and his wife. Bradbury's mother, brother and other rel atives were passengers on the steamer, .having returned from a trip to the Ro sario mines in Mexico, accompanied by Colonel Polk, superintendent of the mines. Colonel Bradbury went out on the cus toms tug to meet his relatives, and was ordered Into quarantine along with the passengers by Dr. Lawler, the quarantine officer. Bradbury was naturally annoyed at the detention, and his young wife, left alone at the Palace hotel, used every effort to secure her husband's release. Failing in this, she hired a rowboat, and quietly approached the steamer at. night. The boat was warned off by the watch, who suspected smugglers. Not to be outdone, Mrs. Bradbury secured permission from the Pacific Mail officials to board the steamer, and the following day went out to the City of Sydney in a tug. She an nounced, her intention of sharing the exile with her husband, and Is now on the steamer as the special guest of the Pa cific Mail Company. Dividend Declared. NEW TORK. Feb. 19. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy has declared a quar terly dividend of 1 per cent. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. PACIFIC ROADS' DEBT The Subject Discussed by the House Committee. SEVERAL PLANS FOR SETTLEMENT Chairman Rcilly ProposcH it Varia tion, of His Bill, "Whereby the Roads Are to Pay the Principal. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. Several mem bers of the house Pacific railroad commit tee gave a hearing today to the represen tatives of the Union and Central Pacific roads concerning the proposition that the government accept the principal of its debts in full payment of its claims upon the roads. Messrs. A. Boiessevain, Vic tor Morawetz, Charles Tweed and Sir Rivers Wilson appeared for the compan ies. The conference was entirely infor mal. Mr. Tweed stated that the Central Pa cific people had discussed the plan since the last meeting of the committee: had considered what their borrowing power was, and had come to the conclusion they, could raise the required amount to pay the principal if they could have the gov ernment lien as a security for the par ties from whom thay borrowed. The ques tion was raised by Chairman Rellly what would be done under tns arrangement with the first mortgage bonds, which fell due at the same time, and if an exten sion of them would not be necessary Mr. Tweed said the company would be obliged to borrow for them, although It had no Interest In their disposition if the claim was brought up. Then the status of the sinking fund was discussed and committee members argued that the gov ernment would not apply it to its debt until" the first debt was settled. Tweed held that the sinking fund belonged to the government absolutely in any event. In the course of the discussion, Mr. Mora wetz declared that the Union Pacific must be reorganized; that its continuance under present conditions was Impossible; that it did not ask a new charter from congress, as it could reorganize under state authority. Mr. Rellly said there was a question about its right to do that. Chairman Reilly proposed to the rep resentatives of the companies a new plan for the settlement of their debt, which Is practically a variation of the Rellly bill. He proposed that instead of raising the first mortgage debt and extending the government debts, the companies should pay the principal of the government debt into the treasury; that Interest on the government debt should be extended and the first mortgage be extended under the terms of the Reilly bill to be paid in In stallments through a period of 50 years, with interest at -3 per cent. The advant age over the pending bill which this plan ftTnntfl fc thnt M;flCiirv. wnnM. rp- !cerveHh3amountVof 'theprfriclpal ?Sf he government debt instead of the holders of the first mortgage bonds being given a settlement, and the debt, principal and interest being extended. The representatives of the Union and Central Pacific took the suggestion under consideration and will give their view s on it is a few days. "I do not think there will be any leg islation at the present session on the Pacific . railways." said one of the lobby of the Union Pacific railroad system to a correspondent last evening. "I think that Huntington and the Central Pacific railroad are Indifferent about the matter and are just as willing to have the matter in congress deferred. It will be harder for the Union Pacific railroad than for any other. Senator Brice said to me he thought it possible to secure an amend ment to one of the appropriation bills say, the sundry civil bill, for Instance to pro vide that the roads may pay the principal of their debt to the government and be ex empted from the payment of interest as a compromise. Still I have my doubts that anything will be done. The reason why the bill was defeated when the vote was taken on Boatner's resolution to recommit was because some of the democrats passed the word around that no party capital could be made out of the bill, and, there fore, action thereon should be postponed and let the republicans meet the issue. I know that the night before the vote was taken I made a careful canvass of the en tire membership of the house and was con fident of a clear majority of at least 25 In favor of the bill, but he story circulated served to kill the measure, and I believe It has been defeated beyond the possibility of its revival." THE PACIFIC CABLE. Conference Committee of the Tvro Houses Report Against It. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. The confer ence committee of the two houses of con gress today reported an agreement on all the senate amendments to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bills, except that appropriating 5500,000 for a tele graphic cable between the California coast and Hawaii. This lpaves the bill ready for the president as scon as the cable item, can be arranged, but the prospect is not good for reaching a speedy understanding on this subject- While the report con tains no detailed statements as to the differences which were developed In the conference on the cable amendment, it is learned from the members that so far as the negotiation had gone, neither side has shown any disposition whatever to yield. Senator Hale, who Is. the especial champion of the cable on the conference committee, said today that he had no in tention of surrendering, but he admitted that the house conferrees were apparently just as determined not to permit the ap propriation to be made. IDAHO BEET SUGAR. Commodity Which. May Soon Found In the Markets. Be SALT LAKE, Feb. 19. A special from Boise to the Tribune says: A deal has been consummated under which K. E. Jennings, of Salt Lake, and associates have purchased the Ridenbaugh canal here and some 8000 acres of land belonging to the company. The price paid is in the neighborhood of $350,000. The canal irri gates a large section of country below Boise, including lands in the vicinity of Nampa. It Is understood an extensive colonization project is a part of the new owners scheme, to be followed by the erection of extensive beet-sugar works. Mr. Jennings is prominently identified with the Utah Sugar Company. He has been investigating this section for two years, and has" said the soil and climate are peculiarly adapted to sugar-beet cul ture. Killed In a. Gun Test. SANDY HOOK, Feb. 19. Fremont P. Peck, first lieutenant of the ordnance corps, was almost instantly killed on the proving-grounds here this afternoon by the bursting of 'the breech of a Hotchklss rapid-firing gun. The test of a 4.7-lnch Hotch kiss rapid-firing gun was under way, and two rounds, with fixed ammunition, had been successfully fired by Lieutenant Peck. When the third round was fired, the breech of the gun burst, and fragments from it struck the lieutenant in the face and back, causing injuries which resulted in his death in a few minutes. Sergeant John Thorp was slightly injured In the leg, but others present escaped, unhurt. RUMOR DENIED. Xo Intention of "WlthflrnwinR From The American Tobacco Company. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Rumors have been circulated recently to the effect that Major GInter, of the firm of Allen & Gln ter, and Francis Kinney, of Kinney Bros., two of the largest stockholders in the American Tobacco Company, are about to withdraw from the company. At the of fices of the company In this city the truth of the rumor is emphatically denied. Geo. j Arents, the treasurer of the company. said: "I have not heard a word about Major Glnter's intention of retiring; neither do I believe he has such intentions. He is a di rector in the company, and, although he was opposed to the formation of a trust, he was not opposed to the forming of a legitimate tobacco company, and has been one of its main supporters. Francis Kin ney is not a director, but a stockholder, and I am sure that he has no intentions of retlnng. I take no stock whatever in .these rumors, and believe they have been circulated mbre through malice than from any truthful impulse." RICHMOND, Va., Feb. 19. It is denied tonight, upon the authority of Major Gin ter, that he has any idea of withdrawing frost the American Tobacco Company, as published. A BIG WINE D'EAL. A Sale of Nineteen Million Gallons in California. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 19. The great est wine deal that has ever taken place in the United States was consummated today. It involves the sale of 19,000,000 gallons, and the lease of six of the largest wineries in the state by the California WInemakers' Corporation. The purchaser and lessee is the California Wine Associa tion, an organization of seven of the prin cipal winedealers of San Francisco. The transaction means that the wine-producer can hereafter make a profit, and that the big dealers will be merchants, leaving to the grower and presser a clear field for his industry and enterprise. When, about 10 days ago, the wine makers' corporation sold its first 1,000,000 gallons of dry wine to Lachman & Jacobl, It gave to the winemakers' association an option of an equal amount at the same price, viz: 12' cents a gallon. This op tion would have expired tomorrow. The winemakers' association, instead of mere ly taking 1,000,000 gallons of wine, pur chased 4,000,000 gallons of the crops of last year and 1S9J, and contracted for 5,000,000 gallons a year for the three suc ceeding years. The price of the 4,000,000 gallons is 12 cents a gallon, but that for the next three years Is to be fixed by fu ture markets. The wine is to be delivered in San Francisco at the rate of 500,000 gal-, lonsa montli,gj:ash.paymentstoibeamadet ihytnmonTh7hel!veBf:::r-j' lTo Connection Between the TvVo SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. Vice-President H. E. Huntington, of the Southern Pacific company, said today that he had not learned that Messrs. Stillman & Hub bard had acquired the ownership of the New York Commercial Advertiser, and he was inclined to doubt that such was the fact. If It is true, however, Mr. Hunting ton could see no connection between that and the presidency of the Southern Pacific company. C. P. Huntington is in his usual health. He has been ill with rheu matism, Mr. H. E. Huntington said, but he is now in his customary health. Could Not Collect Its Debts. CINCINNATI, Feb. 19. The Pettibone Manufacturing Company, one of the larg est establishments for the manufacture of military, band and society uniforms and regalia, assigned today to R. M. Archer, on account of inability to collect outstand ing debts. Preferences aggregating less than $7000 were given to the City Hall bank and the Fourth National bank. No estimates have been made of the liabili ties, but they are supposed to be not more than the assets, which are placed at $50,000. The firm employs from 250 to 500 hands, and has done a very large busi ness for years. AV. W. Stovr's Will. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. The late W. W. Stow was not so rich a man as was generally believed. According to the bequests made by the dead politician, $300,000 will cover the entire value of the estate. The will was filed today, and all the property of the dead man is to be retained in the Stow family. Nothing is left to charity or to the park. Still Subscribing. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19. The sub scription in aid of the San Joaquin Val ley railroad project have reached $2,283, 500. Today's increase amounts to $131,500. Among the big subscriptions were: Lloyd Tevis, $50,000; the Sharon estate, $25,000; the Stockton Lumber Company, $20,000; William Dean, $10.000. Testimony All In. SAN JOSE, Cal., Feb. 19. The testl monly In the Barron will contest was concluded this afternoon with the evi dence of Mrs. Barron. CHICAGO PAPERS SOLD. The Herald and Evening Post Dis posed Of io James W. Scott. CHICAGO, Feb. 19. John R. Walsh, owner of the majority of the stock of the Chicago Herald and the Chicago Evening Post, has disposed of his interests in both papers to James W. Scott, who has been connected with both papers since their in ception. Mr. Scott has for some time held option on the stock of Mr. Walsh in both papers, which expired tomorrow. In a formal announcement of the purchase of the controlling interest, Mr. Scott says: "In addition to the business, printing plants, franchises and good-will of the newspapers mentioned, the transfer In cludes the Herald and the Evening Post buildings, both of them admirably adapt ed to newspaper publication. Under the new ownership, the Herald will continue to be a leading exponent of the principles of the democratic party, pledged to the support of honest government, honest money and honest taxation." Mr. Scott said tonight that the price paid for the two papers was approximate ly $2,000,000. A mortgage on the Herald building and fixtures for $600,000, and a mortgage on the Post building secures bonds which were subscribed by Marshall Field and other friends of Mr. Scott e Will Take a. Rest. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Both the pres Iflent and Secretary Carlisle Intend leav ing Washington for a short rest almost immediately after the adjournment of congress. The president will probably go to North Carolina for a duck hunt Mr. Carlisle has- not yet fully matured his plans, but It is expected he will be absent at least three weeks tr a month. v JONES' COINAGE BILL Unava'linor Effort to Force a Vote in the Senate, SMALL CHANGE OF THE MEASURE The Bill Debated Upon Until Lato at Night, but No Voting Quorum. Could Be Secured. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. At 9 o'clock tonight, the senate adjourned after a fruitless effort en the part of the silver men, lead by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, to pass a bill for the unrestricted coinage of silver. Mr. Jones himself made the motion to adjourn, after it had been made evident that a voting quorum of senators could not be held in the senate chamber for an all-night struggle. One of the surprises immediately pre ceding the adjournment was a resolution submitted by Mr. Wolcott, one of the most active silver leaders, declaring that while the welfare of the country required the unlimited coinage of silver at 16 to 1, yet. In view of the near adjournment of congress and the pressing demand of ap propriation bills, it was inexpedient to en ter upon the consideration of the silver bill at the present session of congress. No action was taken on the resolution, but it was regarded as significantly fore shadowing the course of the silver bill when It comes up tomorrow. The silver forces asserted their strength at. the outset of the proceedings today, and by a vote of 36 to 27, displaced the morning business and took up the silver bill before the regular order had been reached. Mr. Vilas then took the floor for four hours, and in a carefully prepared speech, defended the administration for the re cent bond contract When Mr. Vilas con cluded at 5:20 P. M., active steps were taken by the silver men to force a final vote. It was evident, however, that the opposition was ready to talk against time and thus carry the debate through, the night if necessary to cut off a vote. Mr. Jones appealed to the opposition to fix a time for the vote tomorrow, but no agreement could be reached. At S o'clock, the senate business was brought to a com plete standstill by a failure to secure a quorum on Mr. Aldrich's motion to go in.to executive session. From that time until adjournment, vain efforts were made to secure a voting quorum. Although a quorum was present most of the time, many of the senators refused to vote. This was kept up until 9 o'clock, when Mr. Jones reluctantly yielded and the ses sion closed. A DAY AND NIGHT SESSION. Proccdlngs in the Senate Attracted. Great Attention. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. There Tras a large attendanceon theflnr the Sin- ateatogay,' anq itnepailerlecrerefllledeIn anticipation ofSastrilgglefandperhap3 vote, on the silver bill, adroltIyforced to the front last night as unfinished busi ness. There was hardly an absentee on the democratic side. It was evident at the outset that the silver strength would be augmented by another vote, as the cre dentials of Wilson, the new senator from Washington, had been received. Blackburn reported from a conference of the committee oh diplomatic and con sular bills that an agreement had been reached on all items except $500,000 for beginning the Hawaiian cable. The re port was confirmed and further confer ence on the Hawaiian cable item was ordered. The ayes and noes were called on Jones motion to take up the silver bill in the senate todayf and it was carried, 3 to 27. George voted in the affirmative today, and Wilson, of Washington, who has jtjst been sworn in, also voted for the silver bill. After the silver bill had been taken up Senator Jones tried to get a time fixed for the vote, but senators objected. Jones gave notice that he wquld ask the senate to sit tonight until a vote was reached. Call presented a petition of the world's arbitration league, signed by 150 mem bers of the British parliament, favoring action toward international arbitration. Call offered a resolution, which went over, that the senate session begin at 11 o'clock and continue until 5, with a night session beginning at S P. M. Jones presented his motion to take up the silver bill. Great Interest was shown while the aye and no vote was being taken. The motion, prevailed by the de cisive majority of ayes 36, noes 27. On the announcement of the vote, Jones asked that 4 o'clock be fixed as the time for taking the vote on the bill. Aldrich and Hale objected to such precipitate ac tion, and Jones said: "As there appears to be no disposition to agree upon a time for a vote, I will ask that the senate remain in session tonight until a vote is taken." Vilas then addressed the senate. Ho spoke of the president's several messages to congress, and his constant appeals with words solemn and almost pathetic In their earnestness, to deal with the finan cial conditions. But there had been abso lute lmpotency in congress to meet the perils of the country. Vilas then took up the events leading to the recent bond con tract He said action was necessary to avert calamity or a gold suspension. "Few have known," he said, "the im minence of tne disaster to which tho treasury came before the action was taken to avert the disaster." He proceeded to show that the with drawals of gold were so great In January "that It became obvious to the treasury that a systematic run was being made on its gold. After reviewing the run on the treasury prior to the execution of the contract for the sale of bonds, and the consequent importation of gold from Europe, Vilas took up the present condi tion of the treasury and showed how a great crisis had been averted. He said the greater part of the gold left in the treasury when the run ceased was bullion, and unavailable for redemption purposes, and stated that If the run had continued the mints would have been unable to produce the coin with sufficient rapidity to meet the demand. "If the drain had pot been checked by the announcement of a contract," he said, "we should have been thrown to a siHer basis or to the suspension of specie pay ments." He declared that the president had been doubtful whether he would be able to hold on for another day. Few persons had been aware of the peril, but there w ere some who appreciated it, and he read the following telegram from Mr. Buchan an, the United States minister at Argen tine, to show that the English bankers understood the situation: "The London & Dover bank, the largest In South America, under orders from Lon don today, refused all classes of Ameri can exchange. Are you acquainted with this fact?" Commenting on the telegram, he assert ed that the condition of affairs which cropped out In far-off Argentina would j have made itself manifest in all the Euro-