THE MOBKTNG OREGONIAIT, TUESDAY", I"EBETIA33T 19, 1895. ILL BARKER OWNS OP AS INSURANCE SWIXDLER PLEADS GUILTY AAD GETS FrVE Forger Gee Say Some One It Third. Trial in. the wood Ziote Case. TEARS. Else Bid LocU- lUchard Banker -was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary yesterday by Judge Stephens. Banker pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with defrauding the A. O. U. IV. ouof $2000 on an insurance policy, lie pretended that he had been drowned and got A. L. Hunter and Harry Hunter to swear that they had seen him fall into the river, never to rise again. The Hunters, father and son, are declared to have shared the money with Banker. They have also been indicted for perjury by the grand jury, and their cases will soon be called for trial. A charge against Lydia Banker, wife of Richard Banker, may not be prosecuted. The crime of which Banker acknowl edged his guilt, was committed last fall. Banker left here in November, 1834. The A. O. U. Vf. officers became suspicious and an investigation convinced them that Banker's drowning was all a hoax. They put detectives to work and the result was that Banker was found alive and well in Sioux City, Iowa. He was arrested and returned to Portland, and his apprehen sion led to the arrest of the Huntera as confederates. SOMEBODY ELSE DID IT, SAYS GEE. He Clnlms lie Got the Forced Time Checks From Another Man. T. L. Gee, the road time-check forger, was arraigned before Judge Stephens yes terday, and given until "Wednesday to pted. The grand jury had the case of Goe on hand during the day, and other indictments against him will soon ap pear. Geo, according to all accounts, has been consorting with woaen in a local variety theater, and became so much enamored of one frail beauty, that he furnished a house for her and otherwise made him self very agreeable at the expense of the county. Gee is a very plain individual, about middle-age, with a wife and family, and with nothing of a fast appearance about IiIih, and is apparently the last man in the world one would suspect of being a "masher." His particular affinity is just now seeking a divorce in the state circuit court from her husband, who is a bar tender in a saloon. The evidence against Gee is considered most conclusive. His defense is that he bought the forged checks from another man, but he will not state who this man is. , Gee is believed by the officers to have had a confederate, who executed the forgeries upon the face of the time checks, and this person is being sought. XOW FOR A THIRD TRIAL. The 3Ioy Lung-Alexander Cne Mast lie Determined Agrnin. A new trial was granted by Judge Hur Ipj't yesterday, in the case of A. M. Alexander vs. Moy Lung. This is the sec ond new trial of the case. Alexander sues to recover on a note of $400 assigned to him by C. E. Lockwood. The Chinese set up as a defense that the note was given without consideration, because it was as payment for fraudulent Chinese certificates. Moy Lung was victorious at the first trial, and the second trial was in favor of Alexander. A motion for a third trial was made on the grounds that, in the second trial of the case, one of the Jurors expressed himself that hevwould stay out a week before he would bring in 'a verdict in favor of a "pig-tall." It was albo claimed that new evidence had been discovered. The new evidence con sists In affidavits from Moy Lung and his wife of a payment by them of $100 on the note, and that they can produce a re ceipt from Lockwood to this effect. Lock iood claims that the 5100 was paid to him on another cu&e. At the former trials of the case. May Lung did not produce the receipt showing the $100. as he did not know he hnd It. On the ground of this newly discovered evidence the court grant ed another trial. As to the matter of the juror stating In the jury-room that he would not bring in a verdict for a "pig-tail." tho court held that this was not pertinent to the issue, as It is a well-set principle of law that a jury cannot impeach its own verdict, by affidavits of misconduct. Besides, the jurors had made affidavits that these re marks in the jury-room did not in any way influence the verdict. PRAGER HROTJIERS FROTEST. HfTort to Remote F. K. Arnold, the Sew Receix'er. R. L. Sabin. secretary of the Merchants' Protective Union, representing Portland business firms, yesterday, by Dolph, Mat lory. Simon & Strahan, filed a motion In Judge Stearns court protesting against the appointment of a receiver in the case of rrager Bros., upon the following grounds: First Xo case is made by the com plaint requiring a receiver. Second Some of the essential allega tions in the complaint are shown to be untrue by the records of this court. Third The defendant was entitled to notice before such appointment could have been made. Fourth The appointment of a receiver uwdcr the facts alleged, without notice, was clearly irregular and unauthorized. The court set the matter for argument "Wednesday. Henry Ach, a San Francisco lawyer, rep resenting San Francisco creditors to the extent of $16,000. asked permission of the court to sue the receiver on these claims, but until the argument upon the appli cation for the removal of the receiver is hoard and passed upon, the request ot Attorney Ach will doubtless be held in abeyance. What shall we do in the long winter evenings? Fry doughnuts made with Dr. Price's Baking Powder. A POINT AllOLT KID.VAPIXG. Attorney Pi pen Ha Imps a. Question, in the Guff Ciwc. A demurrer to the Indictment against Dr. J. V. Gaff was argued yesterday before Judge Stephens. The indictment against Gaff charges "that he did felon iously inveigle and kidnap Maggie E. Smith, with intent to send her out of the elate, against her will." in stating his grounds of objection to the Indictment to lh court. Attorney Pipes said: "The In dictment does not charge what consti tutes the kidnaping, and it should also say if there was a forcible taking. The word Inveigle means fraud, rather than force. Kidnaping Implies force, also false imprisonment. A person cannot be kid naped unless there Is force. The Indict ment therefore should charge seizure. "We want to know whether the state is charg ing kidnaping or the other elements in eluded In the statute. The common law Snotades ImprironmcRt as well as forcible llsure to constitute the crime of kidnap in&. The indictment does not state how. when and where the kidnaping occurred, and the force used. If the kidnaping oensisted of fraudulent taking away, this should be stated in the indictment. The word Inveigle is not enough. "What did Gaff do? Did he persuade her; did he seise her, or what did he do? The facts ought to be stated in the indlct raqnt. In the indictment there are two crimes stated. It is one crime to kidnap a pwton and another crime to inveigle a person. To one of these crimes there must be force, and to the other fraud." Deputy District Attorney Malarkey. in reply to Attorney Pipes, said that what what common law said about kidnaping docs not enter into the case. The indict ment was drawn according to the statute. It was not necessary to charge forcible seizure. The statute provides two ways of drawing an indictment for the crime. One is that a person did unlawfully seize another for the purpose of conveying a person out of the state, and the other that a perron did inveigle and kidnap another for the purpose of taking another out of the state. They did not choose to charge force. Authorities are to be submitted upon these points, and Judge Stephens will render his decision "Wednesday. Divorce lor Desertion. Mahala M. Cooper, of Alblna, was di vorced by Judge Stearns yesterday from Bergan C. Cooper for desertion. The tes timony in the case was that Mrs. Cooper has been compelled "to earn her own liv ing for several years past, her husband contributing nothing whatever to her sup port. In addition to this misconduct upon his part, he deserted her completely over a year ago. They were married in Feb ruary, 1S74, in Lawrence county, Missouri. The president grows fonder of Gray Gables every year. They use Dr. Prics's Baking Powder there. Court Notes. License to wed has been issued to George Shuri, rged 'JS. and Lydia Evans, 26. The time for Dr. J. "V. Gaff to plead to the kidnaping Indictment was extended by Judge Stephens yesterday, by request of Gaff, until Wednesday. Judgment by default in favor of the Commercial National bank and against the Pioneer "Wood Company for $700 was rendered yesterday in Judge Shattuck's court. Judge Hurley denied a new trial, yes terday, in the case of A. Floss vs. School District No. 4L Floss won a suit against the district for $300 due on school bonds, of which the school district questioned the legality by reason of the crooked do ings of their school clerk, Ryan. Judge Stephens made an order yester day reducing the bail of Attorney George "W. Joseph from $3000 to $1500, and ordered $1300 returned to D. P. Thompson. Cash bail of $3000 was furnished for Joseph's appearance by Mr. Thompson at the time of the arrest of Joseph, but $1500 Is be lieved to be ample surety. A. R. Heintz & Co. have appealed their suit against Joseph Burkhard to the su preme court. Heintz fc Co. were non suited In the state circuit court. Their claim against Burkhard is for $900 dam ages by reason of his alleged violation of a contract made with Heintz & Co. for Iron work for a building on East Burnside street. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND "Colonel Jack." To night. CORDRAY'S Riggs Company in "The Private Secretary." Tonight. A three-act farce-comedy entitled "Colo nel Jack" was presented to a comfortably filled house at the Marquam Grand last evening by Ricketts' troubadours. There is some pretense of a plot in the piece, but it is very flimsy and unsatisfactory, and, were It not for the specialties that are introduced in every act, the interest of the audience could not be retained. How ever, the combination seemed to please last evening, and several individual mem bers received flattering encores, while there were curtain calls after the first and second acts. Mr. Tom Ricketts, in the title role, im personates an impecunious lawyer, and he does it cleverly. He is the only member of the company who attempts legitimate comedy, and he alternates It with special ties in the way of songs and dances, and never fails to produce a laugh when he tries. Mr. Harry McDowell repeated rather languidly the lines set down for Paul Stanton, the "hero," but he showed more life and considerable ab'llty in songs and dances. Miss Carrie Roma, while she failed to make much impression in the character of Mabel Tassleton, sang sev eral songs very sweetly, and was roundly applauded and encored. Mr. RicKetts' lit tle daughter, Ethel, sang and danced pret tily. In the second act the O'Brien sisters appeared in an original dance that was really the most pleasing thing in the show. Both are pretty and graceful, and their performance has In It a smack of novelty that is refreshing. They were twice en cored. "Colonel Jack" is on for two nights more. "The Privnte Secretary.' "The Private Secretary," with Mr. Al Leech in the leading lole, was put on by the Charles Riggs company at Cordray's last evening, and a well-filled house wit nessed the performance. The piece Is prettily staged and shows careful prep aration, and, while Mr. Leech's Imper sonation of Rev. Robert Spauldlng might not come up to the Ideal of Mr. Gillette, author and creator. It Is certainly clever and amusing, and so, commendable. Miss Foley, as Miss Ashford. does some ex cellent comedy work, w hlch received recog nition last evening. The Douglas Catter mole, jr., of Mr. Henderson is also good. Messrs. Gilbert, Alger, Fullwood, Mc Grath, Blumnthal und Sommers, and Misses Leonard, Drosden and Lewis fill the other characters, and do it well. "The Pr!va;e Secretary" is on for the entire week, with a matinee Saturday. Lecture on Runla and Siberia. On Friday and Saturday of this week the celebrated traveler, lecturer and author, Mr. George Kennan, will give one of his interesting lectures at the Mar quam Grand. The subject on Friday night will be "Sketches of Personal Experi ences In Siberia," and on Saturday his illustrated lecture on "Russian Political Exiles" will be given. Mr. Kennan Is too well known as a journalist to need any Introduction, and those who attend his lectures can be assured of a most enjoyable and interesting entertainment. RUNNING ADVERTISEMENT A fleshy widowed lady's experience in farming has caused her to understand how It gets Its appclation of "running a farm." She says no farm Is complete without nunnlng water; that she spends all her time running chickens out of the yard; the pigs out of the garden; the cat tle out of the growing crops; running from field to field after the hired men; running to the blacksmith, thegrocer and the butcher, and running in debt from year to year; and, therefore, she must sell to some man who can do this running, to some woman who has a man to do It, or take the run ners off from everything on the place that runs, so she will not be compelled to run her life out. To the casual observer her farm seems like a paradise on earth. There are 275 acres one-half In meadow. and the finest of meadow land several acrc of which are beaver-dam. After damming It the "beavers all "run" away, andourwidow is thinking of running after them to see if they won't return and dam the balance of It for her, and threat ens, if they refuse to comply with her re quest, to dam it herself. It lies three fourths of a mile from the station at Forest Grove, In the bon-ton adjunct of the Willamette valley. Land around It Is held from $75 to $150 per acre, but we will sell ours at $40 per acre, or will ex change it for unincumbered city prop erty that is bringing an income.. The owner Is a non-producer, and hence must get something that will yield an Income sufficient to support her. There Is a. mort gage of $3009 which the purchaser must assume or pay off. Drop in for full par ticulars. DeLASHMUTT & SON, 287-09 Stark street. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cnttinpr Teeth, Be sure to use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teetalng. It soothes the child, softens the turns, allays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. Are free from all crude and irritating matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Utile Lier mils. Very small, very easy to take, no nam no criplng. no purging. Try taesu IR.1TMLL ASSAILED THE O. R. & X. COMPANY CRITICISES HIS RECErVERSHIF. He Diverts Business From the Line, It Ik Claimed, Just to Keep Down the Road's Income. The Oregon Railway &. Navigation Com pany yesterday filed In the United States circuit court its answer to the complaint of the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company, under which Mr. McNeill was appointed receiver. The complaint of the company is that Mr. McNeill's conduct of the re ceivership is most detrimental to the in terests of the company, and that he is purposly diverting traffic from a part of the lines. The answer is long, but these are its substantial features: The company's mortgage and Its out standing indebtedness thereon are not dis puted, nor is it disputed that there was default in Interest as charged. The circumstances of the original Ames suit In which receivers were originally appointed over all of the various lines and properties at the time the Union Pacific system went into the hands of receivers, are set forth in the answer substantially as stated in the Trust Company's foreclosure bill, and the answer sets forth the substance and effect of the various pleadings in the Ames cause under which originally Clark and others were appointed receivers. The answer then alleges that the Ore gon Railway & Navigation Company line extends from Portland easterly to Hunt ington, where there is aconnection with the lines of the Short Line & Northern Rail way Company, which extends easterly to Granger, Wyoming, where there is a con nection with the Union Pacific Company, and by means of that connection there is a connection with Eastern lines and systems throughout the United States, and that, while the O. R. & N. has a number of branch lines, the money-earning capacity of Its lines arises from its main line be tween Portland and Huntington, and the railway connections at that point with the Short LJne & Northern and its Eastern connections, and that the ability of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company to earn necessary revenue to meet its in terest obligations depends upon the route of Its business" between Portland and the East over Its main lines. It is further said that by reason of the receivershipprocecdlngsin the Ames cause, its lessee, the Short Line & Northern, was prevented from complying with the terms of the lease to the O. R. & N., and from this cause and from the great business de pression, and the filling off in traffic oc casioned thereby, nd the extraordinary floods on the Columbia river, which de stroyed large portions of the Oregon Rail way & Navigation Company's road and in terrupted traffic thereover, the O. R. & N. lines were unable for a period prior to July 1, 1894, to earn sufficient net revenues with which to meet its interest obliga tions which became due in December, 1S93, and June, 1S94. The company's answer further says that Edv in McNeill was appointed upon motion of the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company for the express and declared purpose of operating the O. R. & N. Company's lines In accordance with the policies, wishes and directions of the Trust Company, ancl that Receiver McNeill, since his posses sion of the O. R. & N. lines, has so man aged and controled the same solely in ac cordance with the wishes and policy and the direction of the Trust Company, and that he has not managed and controled or operated the same in the Interests of the O. R. & N., and for its benefit, and for the purpose of deriving the greatest prac ticable and possible revenues therefrom, and that if he had so operated them, and If they had been properly managed, and theroutingof freight and passengers there over properly directed, and the relations between the O. R. & N. lines and its East ern connections been properly maintained, there would be at this time a sufficient net revenue In the hands of McNeill, receiver, more than sufficient to pay off the interest charges due against the company. It is further charged ori information and belief that Receiver McNeill, for the ex press purpose of preventing the earning and receipt of sufficient revenues with which to-meet and pay for interest charges, has diverted the freight and passenger business originating and destined to Port land, and which ought properly to be trans ported over the whole main line of the company, and so diverted this traffic at junction points at Lacrosse Junction, Wal lula Junction, and other intermediate points in the state of Washington, where by, by reason of this diversion, the freight and passenger business, which ordinarily ought to go over the entire main line of the O. R. & N., has been diverted from the main line and routed for the balance of the haul over other lines, and thus the earning capacity of the O. R. & N. has been depreciated, and the O. R. & N. has been denied much of the revenue which would otherwise have accrued to it, had the traffic been routed over the entire line of the O. R. & N., as it should have been. It Is also said that notwithstanding this diversion of business from the O. R. & N. llneat these Intermediate connecting points to other branch lines of other companies, whose business Is not valuable to the O. R. & N., Receiver McNeill has nevertheless received and has In his possession sufficient revenues to meet and pay off the interest coupons of the consolidated mortgage; that these revenues ought to be applied in payment of the coupons of this mortgage now due, in which event the Trust Com pany's action must abate and the posses sion of the O. R. & N. properties be turned over to Its corporate officers. Tho answer further says that had Re ceiver McNeill continued the routing and transportation of business between Port land and Eastern pc'nts over the entire main line of the company, as It had for merly been done, and as It ought now to be done. Receiver McNeill would now have in his possessior revenues largely in excess of the amount necessary to pay off all Interest coupons of the company, and that Receiver McNeill Is now so op erating the company's lines under the di rections of the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company for the express purpose of so re ducing its net revenue that the same may be Insufficient to pay off the interest coupons due the trust company. In order that its suit may not abate, and In order that the trust company may continue to unjustly and Illegally retain possession and continue the operation of the com pany properties through Receiver McNeill. It is also alleged In the answer that the receivership of Receiver McNeill was, upon motion, extended to the lines of the Oregon Railway Extensions Company and of the "Washington &r Idaho Railroad Com pany, which were lines constructed In Washington and over which the Uen of the O. R. & X. consolidated mortgage did not extend, and that by means of this extension of receivership over the Extensions company and the Washington & Idaho Railroad Company, McNeill, as receiver of all of the properties, has been operating the same as joint lines, not in the interests of the O. R. & N., but ex pressly for the purpose of diverting a large portion of the through traffic and that originating on the O. R. &. N. lines to those other companies in the state of Washington, and that for the purpose of enabling him thus to divert from the O. R. & N. lines to the Extensions company and the Washington & Idaho Railroad Company he Is paying to those companies unjust and unfair portions of the through traffic, and that thus the receipts and revenues of the O. R. & N. lines are un justly and Illegally reduced, and all for the purpose of preventing the O. R. & N. lines from earning moneys with which to pay Its obligations, and so that the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company might continue to control and direct the opera tion of the O. R. & N. lines. It Is charged also in the answer that for the purpose of tnus diverting revenue from the O. R. & N. lines and the unlawful diminution of revenue naturally accruing thereto, the Farmers Ixan & Trust Com pany has prematurely brought suit and there is no grt-und for the receivership or for the continuation thereof over the O. R. & N. lines, and it is charged that by and through its corporate officials the O. R. & N. Company has from time to time requested from Receiver McNeill a full and complete statement of the busi ness operations of its railway lines in his hands, and o" the revenue, receipts and expenditures and accumulations thereof, but that Receiver McNeill has at all times neglected and refused to comply with this reasonable request, and refuses to advise the O. R. & N. Company of the details of his (McNeill's) management, and of the expenditures necessary to operate the same, and of the revenues which have come into his possession and the company therefore Is not able to answer specifically and set forth any account of the several matters which they have charged against Receiver McNeill and the trustee of the consolidated mortgage, the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company. It Is prayed that the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company may be dismissed and the receivership be terminated. In explanation of some of its features, representatives of the O. R. & N. Company make the following statement: "The O. R. & X. Company s main line runs from Portland to Huntington, but has a branch from Wallula Junction to Heppner, and a small branch from Uma tilla Junction to Wallula Junction, and a small branch from Pendleton Junction to Blue Mountain; a small branch also from Milton, through Walla Walla, to Lacrosse Junction, and-a small branch from Star buck to Poraeroy, and from Bolles Junc tion to Dayton. In order to get to Spo kane and thence East, a person leaving Portland over the O. R. & N. must travel over the O. R. & N. line to Pendleton; thence over the O. R. & N. line to Blue Mountain: thence over the Walla Walla & Columbia River railroad lines to Mil ton; thence over the O. R. & N. line to LaCrosse Junction; thence over the Co lumbia & Palouse railroad from La Crosse Junction to Farmlngton, and thence over the Washington & Iaaho railroad Com pany to Spokane. In other words, one has to travel over four different lines of railroad owned by different railroad com ranles, In order to reach Spokane and make Eastern connections; while If one traveled over the main line of the O. R. & X., he could go through the entire line from Portland to Huntington and make Eastern connections at that point, and the portion of Jie answer which speaks of diversion of traffic from the main line refers to diverting to the Washington & Idaho Railroad Company, to the Walla, Walla & Columbia River Railroad Com pany, to the Columbia & Palouse Railroad Company, and the answer practically says that all of these railway companies and their lines are being paid undue propor tions necessary to enable McNeill to di vert from the main line of the O. R. & N. "There is about 400 miles of main line of the O. R. & N. that aro being sacrificed whenever through business is routed by way of Spokane. "The O. R. &. N. is popularly supposed to own the stock and bonds of much of these other lines referred to, but this stock and these bonds have been In turn pledged by the O. R. & N. under its collateral trust mortgage, and therefore, whenever the O. R. & N. seeks now to take care of these lines. In whloh It owns stocks and bonds. It Is sacrificing Its own first mortgage creditors and Its consolidated mortgage creditors, who have mortgages on its main line." SUIT TO FORECLOSE. Titles to Land in. George Brock Claim Much Entangled. OREGON CITY. Feb. IS. Herman Hullman, of Portland, today began suit in this county against Leonard Becker, S. R. Jessup, t J. B. Laber and a dozen others to foreclose a mortgage for $1600, given by Becktfr May 24, 1892, on 220 acres of land In the. George Brock claim oppo site New Era. -The other defendants pur chased land in the tract at later dates. Through the operations of Mr. Laber the title to much of this land is very much snarled, and it is understood that by this action the later claimants will be enabled to purchase their property again at sher iff's sale, and will thus straighten out their titles Suit has also been begun by County Clerk Hortori: against E. M. Rands to collect $75, which the plaintiff had to pay by reason of. signing an accommodation note with the defendant. The Junior Order of United American Mechanics will hold its state council in this city tomorrow and Wednesday in the Knights of Pythias hall. More than 100 delegates from all parts of the state are expected to be present. The annual elec tion of officers will take place at this meeting. Ella M., wife of Claude M. Bacon, died last evening, aged 23 years. The couple w ere married only about two months ago. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Charles Knowles has not yet had his examination op. the charge of murdering James M. Brpwn at Wilhoit last Jan uary. The examination Is postponed at the request of the prisoner, who wishes his mother present to testify in his behalf. She has been quite seriously ill for some time, Man's destiny is in his own hands. Pure food cooked with Dr. Price's Bak ing Powder will help him to accomplish it. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Eighteen deeds. aggregating $15,343, were filed for record yesterday with the county recorder, as follows: Sheriff to H. B. Noble, lots 1 to 5. 16 to ?0. blk 31. Portsmouth $ 700 T. S. Townsend and wife to E. M. Cor- bu"?, lot 21, blk -1, Townsend's add 400 F. Hill to J. E. Haseltine, lots C. 7. blk 6. Germanla A 275 J. T. Dooley and wife to C. Mautz, lots 3, 4, blk 2. Stanley 400 M. "W. Kishor ct al. to W. D. Fraley, lot S, blk 11, Cloverdale Ex 300 G. B. Van Houten. trustee, and wife to C L. McKenna. lota 7, 16. blk 11; lots 0, 10. blk 1J. Portsmouth 1 SL J. Slocum to J. A. J. Kinicl, lots 0 to 16. blk 14. Klnsel Park 150 J. Hyland and wife to M. J. Slocum, same - 1 P. A. Kinzel et aU to C. H. Grund. lot 7, blk 15. same 300 A. Oberdorfer to M. SIchel, deed of as signee 1 Portland Trust Co. to P. "VV. Irish, lots 1C, 17. blk 12, Tremont Place 373 A. Gelsler to G. W. Matthews, lot 7. blk 1, Howitt ICO W. Reidt and wife to G. Ochler. 20 acres, sec 10, 2 X.. 2 W 1,200 X. N. Steeves to W. O. Allen, ICO acres, sec S. 1 N.. G E 3,000 Sheriff to A. Archambault. lots C. 7. blk 2. Excelsior 133 L. F. Grover and wife to Ass'd B. & Tr. Co.. part sec 14, 1 N.. 1 W l A. B. West and wife to A. Thompson, lot E. Sunnyslope 1 A. V. Bruce to F. H. Bass, lot 5, blk 6. Henry's add 8.000 Total -,...$15,343 Titles Examined and Insured. Money to lend on Improved city property. The Title Guarantee & Trust Company, Chamber of Commerce. The Peabody Centennial. PEABODT, Mass.. Feb. 18. This town today celebrated the centennial of the birth of Philanthropist George Peabody. Flags floated from public buildings, while the decoration of private residences was general. School children at the Peabody institute listened to an address by Rev. J. W. Hunt o2 "George Peabody." This afternoon In the town hall public exercises were continued, with an address by Fran cis Appleton, an oration by Lieutenant Governor Walcott, and a poem "One Hun dred Years." by Rev. Minot Savage. For twentv-flve cents, you can get Car ter's Little Liver Pills the best liver regu lator in the world. Don't forget this. One pill a doce. When weak, weary and worn out, Hcod's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine. KENMNOraECZARI THE FAMOUS TRAVELER TELLS OF RUSSLVN CONDITIONS. Religions Presecutions of the Late Ruler A Nctt Story About tlie Princess of Wales. Mr. George Kennan, the famous writer, traveler and investigator of the Russian convict system in Siberia, was in Portland Saturday and Sunday. He has gone to Tacoma, where he will lecture, and then go to Seattle. He will return to Portland next Thursday. Mr. Kennan was interviewed at the Port land Sunday. He is not an ordinary look ing man. He is tall, thin and dark, and bearing the unmistakable stamp of one who has endured long-continued hard ship. Mr. Kennan chatted freely about Russia, the new czar, Russia's attitude in the Oriental imbroglio, her army, her literature, and the probable future of the country. He said: "Very little Is known of the character or disposition of the new czar. Only his teachers and a few others who may have been brought in direct contact with him for a considerable period are qualified to speak with certainty on this point, but they have not been heard from. I had an opportunity once to observe him for an hour or more close at hand. He does not resemble his father, but is like his mother, who was the Princess Dagmar of Den mark and sister of Princess of Wales. He has Iier eyes and, I think, something of her character. His father was a dark, heavy man, kindly enough, but extraord inarily obstinate, and a religious bigot of the most pronounced type; one who be lieved that those who dissented from the doctrines of the orthodox Greek church were destined to eternal hell fire, and that he was justified In punishing such dis senters in this world in order that they might be saved from greater punishment in the next. It is thought the new czar will not prove such a bigot, and that he will be more plastic, more susceptible to the influence of his mother and the court advisors. If his mother is able to Influ ence him at all. It will undoubtedly be in the direction of tolerence, humanity and better government. She Is a woman of noble character, and has lost none of the influences of her education and the 'civili zation of Western Europe. I know it to be a fact that on more than one occasion she attempted to persuade her husband from his inhumanity and intolerance in the persecution of religious dissenters and others. The persecution of the Jews was nothing more nor less than a religious persecution. At the height of the czar's bitter persecution of that race, the Prin cess of Wales sent a letter to her sister, the czarina, begging her to plead with the czar that the injustice should cease. The czarina did so and brought upon her self an exceedingly stern, almost violent rebuke. I know of this matter,, having talked in London with the gentleman who carried the letter from the princess to the czarina. . "If the young czar accomplishes nothing more in his reign than putting an end to religious persecution, he will have done much. No one living outside of Russia can realize the extent torwhich religious intolerance is carried there. It is a penal offense, punishment by banishment to Siberia, for anyone to attempt to persuade another to dissent from the orthodox church, and, if he should, In making such an attempt, say anything which could be construed as disrespectful of any of the saints, holy pictures, relics and other paraphernallaof the church, he can be sent to hard labor in the mines. In order to understand the reason for the bitterness of this persecution, it is not only neces sary to understand the relations between the church and state. They are simply joined together by the strongest of bonds, the knowledge that If one loses power the other must likewise become weaker. By the average Russian the czar Is reverenced as akin to a God. Whatever he does must be right. The church helps to keep this belief established. If a Russian becomes so advanced as to begin to doubt some of the extreme doctrines of the church he Is likely to end by doubting the position assumed by the czar and to become dis contented under his tyrannical rule. The government feels that Its strength lies in the absolute subjection of the subject. "There are many dissenting sects in Russia. They arc not all persecuted with equal relentlessness, but the sect toward which the government has been particu larly bitter Is the Stundlst denomination. The Stundists are considered very dan gerous to the state. This would seem strange on the surface, as they are re markable for their piety and noble vir tues. They are a type of primitive Chris tians. They reject the teaching of the church, which Is to the effect that abso lution from sins may be purchased by pilgrimages to the shrine. of some saint, or the payment of money for masses, ceremonies or relics. They take the new Testament and observe that no such doc trines are taught therein. They m'eet at each other's houses, pray and read chap ters from the Testament. That is all. Tolstoi sympathizes with them; all who are not bigots sympathize with them. Thousands of religious dissenters have been sent to Siberia. There they are con splcuous by their virtue and the patience with which they endure their suffering. The governor of Siberia told mc that If there were no other criminals than dis senters in Siberia, the region could be left to govern Itself. "But the Russian church is not in har mony with the Russian peasant. The peasant is by nature a truth seeker and an honest thinker, and If he thinks for himself in religious matters, he will be a dissenter. The church is all form and ritual, very impressive, but it does not satisfy the peasant nature. The common Russian is not such a clod as he seems in l his rough and hairy exterior. He pos sesses a vivid imagination, and Is as brave as a Hon in battle. He has a wealth of folk lore. Hardly any other land Is so rich in folk lore as Russia. Volumes of It might be written sufficient to stock a library. "No missionary may enter Russia, whether for the purpose of making con verts or merely to pass through without desiring to stop. The law is very strict on this point, end Is rigidly enforced. "The literature of Russia Is crushed. No other word can so fully express It. It is crushed because 'it is dangerous to the state.' You se. It Is this way: When you write a novel, a story, a poem or a play, If you would vmtc of what you know you must take your characters and plot from the people and conditions surrounding you. In Russia the power of the govern ment is manifest in all surroundings. The characters of the pecple are formed by their relations to the government, and the dramatic incidents grow out of the government's manifestation. Consequent ly, very little can be truthfully written without bringing out these things, and the censor promptly gags the author. Twenty years ago Russia had one of the most promising literatures of any language in embryo. Such a galaxy of writers was then becoming known to fame in Russia as any land might be proud to boast of. But they were discouraged, suppressed and gagged." Mr. Kennin was asked for an opinion regarding the attitude of Russia in the Orient, He said: "Vladivostock Is the port of Russia on the Pacific, but it is so far north that it Is frozen for three months of the year. The czar undoubtedly has his eye on a port further south, and when he can get It without fear of a rupture "with England or some other powerful nation, he will un doubtedly take it. Russia took the Amoor from the Chinese, and she will doubtless take more when a good opportunity offers." "What of Russia's future, Mr. Ken nan?" "That Is difficult to forecast. The pres ent condition of things in Russia is the result of the conditions of centuries. The Russian has become so Inured to despot ism that he bears, without a thought of murmuring, oppression which "Englishmen or Americans would not endure for an In stant. A change must come some time, of course. Whether it will be brought about by a bloody revolution or by some monarch great enough and wise enough to see the necessity of granting a more liberal form of government, remains to be seen. The only revolution which could be started with any hope of success at the present time would be a revolt of the army. The army, by the way, Is In ferior In organization. In transportation facilities, commissariat and other features to the other great governments. Corrup tion is notorious in all Its branches. In this respect It Is like the army of China In its present war with Japan, and per haps the only thins that would prevent its defeat in a parallel case, as a war with Germany, for example, would be the splendid bravery and patriotism of the Rusisan soldier. "Probably no other man In all the world has such an opportunity to distinguish himself as the czar of Russia. No other man has the power of o'oing so much good to so many millions of people by merely raising a finger. Here is a chance for him to make himself a world's hero, to out shine in history thousands of years hence the name of Peter the Great; to go down through the ages as one of the very great est and noblest men that ever lived." THE WOMEN'S MEETING. Opening: Session of the National Conncll at "Washington. WASHINGTON, dT C, Feb. IS. The second triennial of the National Council of Women of the United States began to day. President Mrs. Sewell, of Indianap olis, called the convention to order at 10 o'clock. The gathering was a representative one. Dress reformers and women In gowns ot the latest mode sat side by shle, while here and there could be seen the bonnet of a Quakeress. Conspicuous in the gathering were: Countess of Aberdeen, president of the International Council of Women; Lady Somerset, Miss Willard. of Illinois, presi dent of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union ; Mrs. Russell Sage, of New York; Mrs. Grannis. of New York, president of the National Christian League for the , Promotion of Social Purity; Mrs. Foster, of Washington, D. C, president of the Woman's Republican Association of the United States; Mrs. Solomon, of Illi nois, president of the National Council of Jewish Women; Mrs. Annie Jenness Miller, dress reformer. Among the fraternal organizations repre sented were: The Woman's National In dian Association, the National Women's Auxiliary of the Keeley League, Working Women's Society and International Orders of King's Daughters and Sons. The opening session began with prayer. The presentation of greetings from the National Council of Women of Canada and other organizations followed, and the ses sion concluded with an address by Presi dent May Wright Sewall. DEATH WAS PREFERRED. A Sea Captain "Who- Committed Sni clde Rather Than. Go to Prison. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 18. The Ger man bark Paul Isenberg has arrived from Honolulu with the first mate in command. The bark left San Francisco about a year ago with Captain Biet in command for Hamburg. On the voyage one of the sail ors was so maltreated by the captain and mate that he died. Both men were ar rested in Germany and charged with manslaughter. The captain, after a pre liminary examination, was allowed his liberty on bonds and permitted to make a voyage to Honolulu with his ship on the condition that he would, take the same punishment giv,en the mate, who would remain and stand trial. When the bark reached Honolulu a letter was handed him by the German consul informing him that his partner in the "crime had been sentenced to eight years' imprisonment, and he should consider himself a convict. Rather than serve a sentence on his re turn to Germany, he committed suicide, and the first mate took command of the bark on her voyage to San Francisco. The Seventh, in the Family. PORT JERVIS, N. Y., Feb. 18. Mrs. Jane Courtright died here suddenly last week. This makes seven unexpected deaths m this family. Her husband, John White, while drawing hay in 1S72, ell in sensible from the load, and before neigh bors could get him to a house, lie was dead. A sister, while on her way home from a neighbor's, fell dead, and a brother and three other sisters were found dead In their beds at various times. Jnry Disagreed in. Secor's Case. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 18. The jury in the case of the People vs. Ralph Secor, charged with having murdered James Huston, reported a disagreement this morning and was discharged by the court. It was out since Saturday evening, and stood six to six for acquittal. Secor killed Huston by shooting him with a shotgun, because, iti s said, Huston in terfered with his domestic affairs. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PORTLAND. C A Richardson, StjT McCoy, Chicago Louis 'F J Gelsler and wife, J W Hewitt, Omahal City R Smith, Perry. OrlMrs A Holbrook. Cty H S Greene. Chi (Mrs H S Gile. Clty A C Kennedy, N Y Miss E Gile. City R Dickson, S F Mr A L Gile, City E B Dana, NY A R Whitney, jr. F B Sadler. N Y Everett J Li Lawrence, S F C B Hopkins, Spo kane S J Couger, S F G Jones, S F E D Hall, City F Ritchet. Si Paul Thos Doyle, Clty W E Clark, Phlla A F Burleigh, Seat tle E B Lyon. Mnpls H G Strove, Seattle N Phillips, S F H Jacohy. jv x W H Leeds, Salem W B Daniels, Van couver J L Pendleton, Sara toga, cai B F Shaw, Olympla C W Dorr, What-: com C C Dalton. Ilwaco S Long, Chicago G F Brophy, Winni-i peg C H Herbert and A Heilbruner, jr., N x wife, Grand Rapids Occidental Hotel. Seattle. Rates reduced from S3 50 to $2 perday. . In every receipt requiring a 3 r& leaveninar agent use " IkfingPostfeF J It does tne most work and the best work and is perfectly, wholesome. s 4f jti Our cook book mailed free on rtcript t T, of Jump and address. jf Cleveland Bakini: Powder Co., EiFullcnSt.,NewYor!c V - THE FZL?r.TmL. !iEGDH. BUILDING i$yl n&k tLJlh mm DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS. ARISTOS SOCIAL CLUB 211, 212. 213??H ASSOCIATED PRESS. E. L. Powell. Man ager ..T soa BARBER. DR. S. J.. Dentist C0S-603 BECKWITH. H.. Route Agent Pacific Ex press Company sol DELL. DR. J. P.. Physician and Surgeon." 711-713 BIXSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Physlcaa and Surgeon . 411-413 BROWN BROS. CO., "Continental Nurser ies" 612-M3-614 BLAXDFORD. S. II.. U. S. Weather Bu. reau 903 BUILDERS' EXCHANGE S0O CATLIN. W. "IV.. Receiver Oregon National Bank 305-30G CAUKIN. G. E., District Agent Travelers' Insurance Co 705 CARD-WELL. DR. HERBERT W.. Physi cian 703 CAKDWBLL. DR. J. R,. Dentist.. .SOS-SosiO CHAPPELL BROWNE. P.. Architect 700 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO COO CUMMING. DR. AVil.. Dentist 408-400 DICKSON, DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714 DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Physician 512-513-5H EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY, J. B. Wrangham. Cashier... .509-510-511 EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder St. FENTON. DR. J. D.. Physician and Sur geon FENTON. DR. HICKS C. Physlcan and Surgeon 303 FENTON & FENTON. DRS.. Surgeons.303-31D FENTON, DR. MATTHEW F.. Dentist... .3302 FERRIS. DR. FRANK E Dentist 311-312 GIESY. DR. A. J.. Physician- 710 GIESY & CARDWELL. Drs.. Physicians...70J GODDARD, E. C. & CO., footwear, ground floor .. 120 Sixth st. GRAVES. DR. J. L., Dentist S04-803 HELMBOLD. R. P., Special Agent Manhat tan Life - 203 MACKAY, DR. A. E., Physician and Sur- geon ..........-. 704-703 MAXWELL, DR. W. E., Physician and Sur geon 701-702-703 MORRIS, E. C. Secretary and Manager Brown Bros. Co ... . 614 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 512-513-514 MANHATTAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. of New York, S. E. Mulford. Manager.20S-209-210 McELROY, DR. J. G., Physician and Sur geon - .701-702-703 McMILLAN. N.. Real Estate Loans S01 McGUIRE. H. D., State Fish and Game Pro tector 811 MILLER. DR. H. C. Dentist .... 403-403 MULFORD, S. E., Manager Manhattan Life -. 208-209-218 McFADEN, MISS IDA E Stenographer and Typewriter 208 OREGON NATIONAL BANK. W. W. Cat- Iln. Receiver .. . 305-303 PACIFIC BANKER AND INVESTOR. L. Stagge. Editor , . ...... .803 PAGUE & BLANDFORD, Attorneys - at - Law 71) REED & MALCOLM, Opticians, ground floor - 133 Sixth st. RIGGS. DR. J. O.. Dentist 603 ROBERTS, A., Merchant Tailor 131 Sixth 3t. REID. JR.. R. R.. Special Agent Equitable Life - 511 SAMUEL. L.. Special Agent Equitable Life.511 SCHMIDT & ROBLIN. General Agency. 303 STOLTE. CHARLES EDWARD 803 STUART, DELL. Attorney-at-Law..61G-617-G13 STUART & YOUNG. Attorneys-at-Law 616-617-613 STEVENSON. W. XL, and HELMBOLD. R. P., State Agents Manhattan Life...208-209-210 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 20G THE FAIRFAX-GREENE PIANO STUDIO 203 TIMMS. MISS EDNA D.. Portrait Artlst....S02 TUCKER, DR. GEO. F., Dentist 610-C11 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 307-90S-003 WILSON, DR. EDWARD N.. Physician and Surgeon 304-303 WILSON, DR HOLT C, Physician 507-508 WRANGHAM. J. B.. Cashier Equitable 503 WHITING. DR. S., Physician and Surgeon 501-503 WOOD. DR. JAMES B.. Physician and Sur geon 312-313 WOOD, DR. W. L.. Physician 413-414 YOUNG, GEO. D.. Attorney-at-Law.616-617-G18 A few more elesrant olliccs may be bad ly applying to Portland Trust Company, of Portland, Orcgun, l'JJ) First street, or to the rent cleric in tlil liuilillnjc- AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND OPERA-HOUSE Heillg & Lesster ...Lessees and Managers FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Feb. 22 and 23. GEORGE KENNAN. The Distinguished Russian and Siberian Trav eler and Lecturer. FRIDAY "Sketches of Personal Adventures In Siberia." SATURDAY "Russion Political Exiles" (il lustrated). Sale opens Wednesday at 9 A. M. Prices Lower floor, 50c and 75c: dres3 circle, 25c and 50c; gallery, 25c; boxes, ?5. MARQUAM GRAND OPERA-HOUSE Hellig & Lefister .......Lessees and Manager3 Three Nights Commencing Feb. 18, RICKETTS' TROUBADORS. Mr. Tom Ricketts and his Company of Come dians, in the Latest Farcical Comedy, "COLONEL JACK." Sale opens Friday. Feb. 13. at 9 o'clock. Prices Lower floor. 75c and SI; balcony. 33a and 50c: gallery, 25c; boxes, $7.50. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S C0CA BREAKFAST SUPPER. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa. Mr. Epp3 has provided for our breakfast and sup per a. delicately fia.-ored beverage which may tu.w us many doctors' bills. It Is by the Judi cious use of such articles of diet that a consti tution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us readv to attack us wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft bv keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." Civil Servica Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labeled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Homeopathic Cheia-, lsts, London. England. IvfiDXES DO TOU KNOW DR FELIX ItH SROfl'S STEEL AND PENNYROYAL PILLS are the original and only FRENCH, safe ana reliable cure on the market. Price ill sent by mail. Genuine sold only by "Wisdom DniK Co.. Sole Agents, Port land, Oregoa. E. R. P- RADWAY'S READY RELIEF stops pain, cures congestion and allays inflammation