Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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A Trance Medium, a. HacUdriver and.
a I'aro-DeaJer on. the Stand
Agrsinat Him.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 12. The state, in
winding up Us murder case against Harry
Hayward today, delivered a blow -which
staggered the defense. Peter Vallalle, the
hackman, of whom Harry had spoken to
Adry as being willing to assist in the pro
posed crime, said Harry approached him
with questions as to whether he had ever
"done anything," and, if so, whether his
conscience bothered him. Hayward later
asked Yallalie whether he -would drive a
hack into Lake Calhoun and let the occu
pant drown for a sum of money.
Erwln recognized the supreme importance
of this testimony, and tried to have it
stricken out entirely. The court, however,
refused to sustain his objection, and the
evidence -went to the jury- Sir. Erwin's
objection having been overruled, Yallalie
"Harry had a talk Tilth me at the Ozark
about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, in
my carriage. He questioned me as to my
conscience and whether It would follow
me. He asked me about driving into a
lake with some one in the hack and then
Jumping off and letting them go. I told
lilm I was no swimmer. He asked me
what I wanted for the team, and I told
him. He asked me if I cared -what be
came cf the team If he bought it. I told
him I did not. He then asked me if the
team running away would do up the
whole rig. and I said it would."
"What did you understand by this ques
tion?" "Jf my conscience would hurt me? I
understood him to mean If I would kill
somebody, and I told him I would not
have anything to do with anything that
would kill or hurt anybody, if i Knew it."
"Did he mention any place near a lake
to drive off?"
"Yes, he ipoke of the bluff near Lake
Simon Gittleson, a pawnbroker, told of
loaning Harry 5170 on three diamond rings
that have figured In the testimony. "While
the transaction was being concluded,
Harry had "flashed a roll," the amount
of which he could not determine. Harry
often came to lilm for "lucky money" to
use as a stake In gambling.
Mrs. Emma Gocdale, a trance medium,
doing buslnss under the cognomen of
Madame Peterson, was an Interesting wit
ness. Harry had come to her at one time
and asked her to tell Miss GIng, when
that lady shoul 1 call, that she would win
at gambling. She demurred, but he told
her If she would do as he asked her, she
would never lack for money. Against
the advice of her husband, she consented
to do as Harry asked her. Accordingly,
when Miss .Sing came with Harry, she
told her she would be very lucky at
cards for three or four days and then
would lose If she played. The next day
Harry came and told her that on the
strength of her adv'ce. Miss Ging would
lt him have $550 to go to Chicago to
gamble with. Harry had told her of other
amounts he had secured from Miss Ging,
amounting In all to $1375. Mr. Erwln ask
ed her if she knew what she did or said
while In her trances and she replied that
she .did not. He proceeded to ask her
some other questions about clairvoyance,
but they were shut out by the state's
objections. She denied being acquainted
with Adry, but knew the father of the
Patsy Carrity, a well-known faro-dealer,
threw some light on Harry's gambling
operations in Minneapolis, and showed
that November 3 Harry had met hltn on
thc&trctvtand, complaining that the limit
was too low in Minneapolis houses, pro
posed a trip to Chicago, where it was
higher. Carrity agreed to go if Hay
ward would furnish the transportation.
He was given a $20 bill to get his ticket
When they arrived In Chicago they found
everything was phut up. Carrity intended
to return the next day, but missed his
train and came on the second. He found
Harry on the train. They talked of
Monte Carlo and other gambling topics,
and Harry showed him a large package
of money In his coat pocket, just a flash
of it, asking If he would not like some of
it. Carrity admitted that he played and
dealt faro at a local house. Harry w.13
a very lucky player, he said. and some
times the gambling-house had to reduce
his limit. Harry had won as much as
$2CO0 at a sitting. Mr. Erwln asked how
much Harry had won In the past year,
but further evidence in this direction was
shut off by objections. The principal ob
ject of Ca-rlty's testimony was to show
that Hairy returned from Chicago Novem
ber 6, as Adry had testified, and that he
brought back Miss Glng's money with
him, telegraphing her that it had all been
Bllxt was called again for cross-examination.
He admitted that Maggie Wach
ter called at his cell. In company with his
attorney. Mr. Erwin asked him:
"Did you say to your attorney, in her
presence, that you and Adry put up a job
to kill Mlsa Ging. and to blame Harry If
you got caught?"
"Hold on: that was a confidential talk
with the attornoy, and this Is not admis
sible." &aid Nye.
The court thought it was, and then Mr.
Nye asked the court to Instruct the wit
ness not to say what he had told his
attorney unless he chose- Bllxt denied
this, but it is understood that Miss Wach
ter will swear that he did. Continuing
his cross-examination of Bllxt, Erwin's
questions In regard to a plot between
Bllxt and Adry failed to bring out any
admissions. The state then rested Its
case. Harry Hayward gives no sign of
being distm bed. When asked what he
thought of the situation, he said:
"I think that if this was the end of it.
my chances would be one In a thousand,
butitls worth while remembering that only
one side of this story has been heard. We
have a tale of our own to tell, and that
may makr a difference'
The Once Great African Explorer No
Longer Kind n FubllaUer.
Men who knew Henry IS. Stanley when
he was a newspaper man will not be sur
prised at the early "passing" of the Afri
can explorer, says the Press and Printer,
lie has now almost entirely dropped from
public notice. Among a number of New
Tork's leading publishers who were dis
cussing the matter the other day it was
Mated that Stanley was now living In
a small suburb of London. lie has a
comfortable small house there, but even
the neighbors scarcely know who he I?.
Not long ago one of this book-tslking
RToup said an article from Stanley came
to New York, and It actually went beg
ging for a publisher. This seems very
strange, when one considers that it is only
three years ago when one of the Scribners
hastily packed his valise and went to
Vairo, in Egypt, to head off other publish
ers and secure the American rights to
Stanleys book He received a fabulous
sum for it. sold the English. Indian. Aus
tralian, Canadian, German and French
rights separately, and made a small for
tune out of the book. Then he came here
and lectured and added thousands of dol
lars to his resources. Now those who are
In position to know question whether he
could draw a paying house at moderate
prices. Much of this has undoubtedly
boon due to his desire to be offensive, a
fact which seems very strange to hun
dreds who once knew him. He tried to
hcw that he Uoked cordiality. One never
knew whether he was really gratified by
an honor rfiown him or whether he was
bored by it. It was a very bad cae of
what Boston wants to call "megalo
mania." and may be vulgarly transla
ted "big head." Stanley Imagined that
he had not only hewed out himself a niche
In the temple of time, bet that he had
ascended the pedestal and that the season
of obeisance and pilgrimage had begun for
him. Now, irltb much of his work dis
credited, and his name besmirched Tilth
stories of cannibalism and other horrors,
he begins to find that even a Stanley in all
his panoply rills but a small space in this
blgr, bustling and ever-Investigating uni
Movement in. 3Inacncb.naett to He
peal Thin Particular Act.
Troy Times.
There is a movement in Massachusetts
looking to the repeal of the habitual
criminal act, which permits the arrest
and imprisonment of persons whose con
duct is suspicious when It is shown that
they are habitual violators of the law.
The Boston Herald evidently regards the
effort as inspired more by sentiment than
by regard for the general safety, and
says those engaged In it "do not take Into
account the underlying and fundamental
principles on which modern society is
based. It adds:
"The principal advocate of this repeal
takes the ground .that if a man commits
a crime and then serves his sentence, that
is the end of the matter. He has, so to
speak, purchased his goods and paid his
price, and the bargain is a completed one,
so that, as far as society Is concerned,
he stands, on emerging from his confine
ment. In precisely the same position that
he did before he was convicted, or In fact,
before he committed a criminal offense.
If he wishes to indulge in a fresh rob
ber' and is go maladroit In his operations
as to be again arrested, convicted and
sentenced, the same proceeding is gone
through with again he pays the penalty
and once more emerges with a clear rec
ord." No doubt a great many very excellent
and law-abiding, well-meaning and in
telligent persons hold similar views. But
the fallacy of the idea is thus set forth
by the Herald:
"This notion of crime and punishment
Is, however, one which connot be made
to harmonize with modern ideas of crime
or modern theories of the organization of
society. Experience proves conclusively
that certain individuals are habitual crim
inals; they arc so constiuted mentally,
morally and physically that there is ab
solutely no hope of reformation. If, after
several trials, it Is shown conclusively
that a man, if he has his liberty, will
rob, or. If need be, kill his fellow-man,
then, for the defense of society, there is
nothing to be done but to place such
an individual under such form of confine?
ment as will prevent him from again hav
ing the opportunity accorded to him to
prey upon society. He Is no more to be
trusted to go out into the world than a
maniac would be, as he absolutely cannot
control himself. In former times individ
uals of this class were iung. and there
the matter ended; but society, as it
advanced has grown more humane, and
prefers what is the expense to it of re
straint by Imprisonment rather than the
cheap and short cut of execution. But
if a man Is a confirmed and habitual crim
inal, he is as much a peril to his fellow
men as a wild beast, and until his days
of physical activity is over there is noth
ing to do but to keep him in close con
finement." The sturdy common sense of this argu
ment Is not to be refuted. A man who
is Incorrigibly and Irretrievably bad Is
dangerous to any community, and so
ciety is as much justified In dealing with
him in a way to protect itself as it is in
employing means to eradicate contagious
and deadly disease or dispose of any other
evil. There has been of late too much
maudllnlsm and too little firmness in the
treatment of criminals. A reaction has
apparently set In, for the world Is dis
covering that there is a point in coddling
the vicious beyond which it is most un
safe to go. No right-thinking person
favors undne severity toward criminals.
But in the great majority of cases, ex
treme leniency is misplaced and only en
courage evil-doers to worse acts of
wickedness, thus defeating the very ob
ject of the law. As regards most habitual
criminals it is far safer and In the long
run less costly to keep them locked up
than to slve them liberty.
The Puyallups Clean Ont the Xlsqnnl
ly I nil inns.
The Puyallup Indian3 are now the cham
pion sing gamblers of the state, they hav
ing previously defeated both the Black
river tribes, and Monday they broke the
"bank" of the Nlsqually Indians, winning
among other thing 20 ponies, three cows,
seven Winchester rifles, two gold watches,
two saddles, $100 in cash and most of t.he
clothes, including many dresses of the
wives of the Nlsqually braves. It took
the Puyallups four weeks to break the
Black river bank, but they froze out the
NIsqualiys In 48 hours of continuous play
ing. Two of the Black river Indians who
lost everything to the Puyallups won two
ponies from the NIsqualiys. and will not
have to walk home, as they expected to
The pretty Black river Indian girl, who
was offered in trade, wager, or for sale,
during the Black rlver-Puyallup sing
gamble, is still on the Puyallup reserva
tion, yind it is understood among the
Indiai9'that she was lost to the Puyallups
in a bet, and will remain among the Puy
allups until the wager is paid or she is
married into their people.
At times the betting by the Nisqually
Indians was very exciting. They were
losing very rapidly, and, in the hope of
staving off defeat until they had a change
In luck, the women did not hesitate to bet
their wearing apparel on the result. In
this manner a large number of dresses,
shawls, blankets and other articles belong
ing to the NIsqualiys fell Into the hands
of the Puyallup sing gamblers, who are
made approximately $1000 better oft as a
result of the Black river and Xisqually
vtctorles. About 20 families from each
tribe took part in the Nlsqually-Puyallup
game, and 120 points were played, al
though only 0 points were played in the
Black river-Puyallup game. The ox
chlefs in charge of the game were: Puy
allups Tommy Lane, James Coats, John
McCloud. NIsqualiys Jack Beaur, Jack
Katusch. Charles Pclola.
Played "Wit It n, Dynamite Cartridge.
A nitro-glycerlne cartridge was found in
the grass near the Skinner residence or.
Washington street, Olympla, Monday, by
Rupert Wentz, the 10-year-old son of Sllaa
Went, while playing in that vicinity.
With the spirit of a true Yankee, he pro
ceeded to realize on his find, and traded It
off to a companion for a shoestring. His
companion, who was of an inquisitive na
ture, desired to find out what was inside
the thing, and invited little Rupert to be
present at the investigation. Rupert took
a small rock and jolted the cartridge
slightly, loosening the wadding but not ex
ploding it. They then poured the explosive
out of the cap and onto a rock and then
something happened. Xo one was hurt
except Rupert, but he lost the first Joint of
his right thumb and forefinger, had hln
hand badly mangled and his face scratched
up. He was taken to St. Peter's hospital,
and underwent an operation bravely, and
Is now doing well. c
The Rev. Dr. Clinton Locke, who for
3$ years has been rector of Grace Epis
copal church. Chicago, has been com
pelled to tender his resignation, owing
to an affection of the throat, from which
ho has suffered for many years. When he
announced the fact in his church last
Sunday nearly the whole congregation
Miss Jennie "Wilde is responsible for a
great deal of Innocent pleasure enjoyed
by the Inhabitants of Xew Orleans. She
designs the floats, costumes, invitations,
tableaux, souvenir piss, and dance pro
grammes for the Mardl Gras festival.
Her work for the carnival of each year
begins Immediately upon the close of that
of the preceding year
The Present Inhabitants Conld Stand
on a- Tract of Land Tvrenty-
ttvo Miles Square.
The population of the world has been
given by various statisticians as follows:
In 1S74. according to Behm and "Wagner,
In 1S78, according to Levasseur, 1,459,000,
009. In 18S3, according to Behm and "Wagner,
In 1SS6, according to Levasseur, 1,4S3,005.-
In 1891. according to "Wagner and Supan,
1, 80.000,000.
The last estimate may be regarded as
sufficiently trustworthy as a working
basis. Messrs. Wagner and Supan have
earned a just .reputation for painstaking
and thorough work, and, moreover, this
estimate of the German savants has been
established to more than one-halt Its bulk
(i. e., to 57 per cent of the 1,480.000,000) upon
the actual result of recent censuses.
AFia S25.954.000
Europe S7.373.00C
Africa , 103,953.000
America 121,713,000
In Oceanic Islands and Polar
regions 7,500.400
Australia 3,230.000
The world 1,473.729,400
Here is another way to obtain a clear
Idea of how the world's population is split
up. Thus, for every 1000 persons in the
world there are:
In Asia 55S
In Europe 242
In Africa Ill
In America 82
In Oceanic islands and Polar regions.. 5
In Australia 2
The world 1003
If asked to guess at the distribution of
the world's population, nine people out
of ten would probably place Asia first,
Eurppe second, America third. But we
see that Africa takes the third place in
stead of it being occupied by America.
This Is mainly due to the north tropical
zone of Africa, which Is larger than the
whole of the United States, contains 42,-
003,000 more people, and which Is also
more densely populated To this popula
tion of the north tropical zone of Africa,
60.000,000 are contributed by the Soudan
and Upper Guinea only a number which
nearly equals the 63,000,000 of the United
States of America enumerated at their
census of 1SS0.
It is also somewhat of a surprise to find
Australia coming below the Oceanic is
lands. These islands contain the New
Guinea group. New Zealand, the Sand
wich islands, etc Only 80,000 persons live
in the. Polar regions, and of these, Iceland
claims 69.000. The population of Australia
Is considerably less than that of London,
and is not quite equal to the combined
population of Paris and St. Petersburg.
And now let us compare the sizes of
these continents, etc., whose populations
we have briefly glanced at. No. shows
the area in square miles of each of the
six divisions of the earth already named
in No. 1. The actual figures are:
Square Miles
Asia 17.014.000
America , 14,801,00
Africa It.277,0u0
Europe 3,757,000
Australia 2,972,000
Oceanic Islands and Polar re
gions 2,454,000
The world 32,313,000
The following figures help us to ap
preciate the, sizes of the six divisions of
the world- For every 1000 square miles of
land area In the world, there are:
In Asia 326 sq. miles
In America 2SU sq. miles
In Europe 72 sq. miles
In Australia 37 sq. miles
Oceanic Islands and Polar re
gions 47 sq. miles
The world 1,000 sq. miles
Thus, nearly one-third of the earth is in
Asia, which also possesses more than one
half the population; more than one-quarter
of the earth went to make America, and
over one-fifth for Africa. Europe contains
only one-fourteenth part of the world's
area, although she has nearly one-quarter
of the population, and Australia contains
one-eighteenth part.
Having now a fairly definite mental con
ception of the distribution of the world's
population and of its area, we may turn
to the Interesting feature of density of
population In various parts of the world.
The space for each person
lit Europe is 7 acres
In Asia is IS acres
In Africa is 44 acres
In America Is 78 acres
In Oceanic Islands and Polar re
gions T 210 acrss
In Australia is S9 acres
In the world is 23 acres
This way of looking at the facts concern
ing density of population shows us that
there is still ample room in the world for
all of us, wherever we may chance to be
located. The over-crowding of which we
hear so much disappears when we take an
extended view of the facts, which seem to
Invite us to spread oureslves out more
than wc do.
And now may come In the results of
some calculations I have very carefully
made as regards the future growth of the
population of the world, and as to the year
A. D.. when our descendants will have so
increased in number that there will then
be only one acre for each person in the
world, instead of the 23 acres mentioned
n above.
As a preliminary I went into all the
available facts upon which to compute the
annual rate of increase in the world's
population, and finally I determined that
the rate of increase might be taken at 3
per 1000 persons per annum; this means
that for every 1,000,000 persons living in
1S91 there were:
In 18S2 1,005.000
In 1893 1.010,023
In 1K94 1,015,075
In 1833 1.020.150
And thjs results for the future popula
tion of the world work out thus:
In 1SSI ...." : 1.4S0.O0O.0OO
In 1900 1.54S.C0O.O0O
In 1550 1.985.000,000
In 2000 . 2.54S.0O0.O00
In 2039 2.960.frVl,000
In 2100 4.197,0OD.Oi
In 2200 C.S10.WW.OOO
In 2300 ,, 11.373.000.0'jO
In 2400 18,73S,00Q.W)
In 2S1C 33,415,000.003
In 2517 33.3So.000
These figures show us, for example,
that In A. D. 2030, the 1S91 population will
have doubled Itself and will have taken
130 years to do it in. The population of
the United Kingdom has doubled itself in
SO years; and the population of England
and Wales in 37 years; but we should be
quite wide of the mark if we applied our
own rate of annual Increase to the popu
lation of the world for our rate of In
crease is above the average. In France,
for example, the increase of population Is
very slow; in fact, but for the attractions
it offers foreigners as a residence, its popu
lation would of late years have shown a
falling off. because, while the births de
crease, the deaths increase.
I may also point out that the above
figures show us that between A. D. 2316
and A. D. 2517621 years later than this
present year, 1S93 there will be in the
world as many people as there are acres,
there being 33.4S2.O0O.OOO acres of land.
Long before- this latter date our descend
ants will probably be living In the air, cr
perhaps in the sea for a change, so that
the lessening of space will not cause real
As regards this, diving Into the future
hy aid of logarithms, I may say that my
estimate of the annual growth of the
world's population (5 per 10QO) is probably
somewhat lower than the actual rate
I, have preferred to err on the side of
moderation. If my estimate be approxi
mately correct, and I venture to think
It will be fo considered by statisticians,
then the-result3 Phave deducted from it
follow as a mathematical necessity
startling as sorae of them may appear.
Astronomers, who have the advantage of
dealing with facts less complex than are
social facts, predict to a second, many
years prior to the occurrence of an event,
when this or that transit or eclipse will
take place. It is no unusual thing to pre
dict the results of this or that census,
and to find the prediction closely akin to
the ascertained results; and similarly with
many other matterst life assurance, for
example in which a mathematical fore
cast Is often ultimately proved by ascer
tained facts to have been expressed with
in relatively close limits of error.
For every 10C0 persons in Europe there
In European Russia 262
In the German empire 133
In Austria-Hungary 116
In France 107
In Great Britain and Ireland 10i
In Italy R4
In Spain vS
In Belgium 17
In other parts of Europe 121
Europe 10CO
As to the density of population in the
various European countries, Belgium
heads the list with 536 persons supported
upon every square mile of the country.
As there are 640 acres In a square mile, we
see that the Inhabitants of Belgium have
each of them, upon the average, very lit
tle more than one acre of space. "We are
not surprised that Belgium is essentially
a manufacturing country It simply has
not the room for extensive agricultural
industries. In every available hole and
corner the Belgians busy themselves, with
agriculture tney aon t waste space as we
do in England and although agriculture
is carried on with much industry, the Bel
gianslike ourselves are largely depend
ent upon foreign supplies for their food.
After Europe comes Asia In point of in
terestold Asia, older even than Europe
in its quaint manners and fashions of
men and things. But how incomparable
with western Europe is Asia of the 13th
century! Asia is for the main part(Chlna)
hopelessly conservative, and we have had
a recent illustration of how modern prog
ress may enable a little nation like the
Japanese empire to get the better of an
old nation nearly nine times as populous.
The Chinaman shows to us the abuse of
conservatism In the East, as plainly as
we have seen the abuse of liberalism in
the West.
"We see the distribution of Asia's popu
lation rather significantly in the following
figures. For every thousand persons in
Asia there are:
In China proper 421
In British India 337
In the Japanese empire 4S
In the East Indian Islands...
In French India
In Corca
In Slam
In British Burmah
In Persia
In Russian Central Asia and Turkes
tan In Siberia
In Afghanistan
In Ceylon
In Arabia
In other parts of Asia
Asia 1000
And now let us see what a really in
significant body is this population of the
world. For example, every living person
could be contained in a square common
less than 22 miles each way; each person
of the 1,480,000,000 could have a square yard
to stand on; and A. A. Chase or some other
expert 'cyclist could be left outside with
his machine, and rjde round the square
containing the world'? population in about
3Ji hours for the S7',2 miles of the boundary
fence. Or the 1,450.000,000 persons could
each occupy a square yard, standing room
in Bedfordshire and. then fill up only two
thirds of that country. They could be
tucked away down "in Radnorshire by a
little squeezing, aneave all the rest of
the world empty.' Eyen the Isle of Man
would hold nearly one-half of the world's
population at one person to the square
Tills fighting, struggling, white, black
and tan, good and bad, very much mixed
population of 1,480,000,000 could be packed
in a cubic box measuring only 1140 yards
in width, 1140 yards in depth and 1140 yards
in height. Each person could be allowed
27 cubic feet of room inside such a box,
and the box itself could be deposited when
full in Battersea Park and not occupy
much more than one-third of the ground
space of that park and Mr. Chase, the
'cyclist, again could if left outside run
around the box containing the world's
population in about six minutes for the 2l j
miles; or a person accidentally left un
packed could stroll round the box and in
spect It In one hour easily.
A fact like this serves to illustrate the
really trifling Importance of -the world's
population en masse, and, incidentally,
the utter Insignificance of the individuals
who compose it.
AVolf and. Raccoon for Robes and
"Buffalo robes?" said a clerk at a fur
store, In answer to an Inquiry by a New
York Sun reporter. "They are practically
out of the market. JCo new ones come in
now, and the few that we have on hand
are old ones that find their way to the fur
rier's. The price of a good buffalo skin is
from 130 to 550. They used to be made ex
tensively into fur coats for driving and
rough winter traveling, but such a coat is
now rarely seen, except in out-of-the-way
Northern localities, where many old ones
are still in use. .Raccoon skins have taken
the place of buffalo skins in the making
of overcoats, but the fur coat is not much
used now anywhere except in Minnesota
and the British dominions. There is some
demand for fur linings, for which mink
and Persian lamb are used, and sometimes
Hudson bay sable, which costs "from $109
to $1000 for a coat. As you will readily
infer, the buffalo driving-robe has become
scarce and valuable. The gray wolf skins
are more abundant.
"For robes and ladies' furs the skin of
the wolverine, of foxes of all kinds, rac
coons, the Australian opossum of a
smooth mouse-gray tint, and the young
kangaroo, all furnish material. Almost
everything in the way of fur may be used
for boas and muffs. Here are some odd
skins from the czar's dominions, used in
trimmings and linings, the Russian ham
ster, a kind of marmot, yellowish-brown
of color, with the under part black, and
the Siberian squirrel, gray, with a white
belly. These are tome furs used In trim
ming." and he pointed out. In an array of
samples hanging against the wall, the
skins of the wolverine, of a rich brown;
the stone marten, bluish-brown; the Per
sian lamb, of a natural black; the as
trakhans, krlmmer and plnhead; the
bedger. a beautiful silver-gray with black
dashes, and the fisher, a rare fur, a little
darker than same.
Photogmiu Photograph.
The gradual adoption of "photogram" to
signify a picture made by light has been
proceeding for many years, and, though
it has recently received a spurt in Eng
land, the attempt Is not new. In Decem
ber, 1S65, In the Scientific American, the
use of the word was strongly advocated
by the Rev. A. C. Kimber, and a discus
sion arose In which several journals, in
cluding the New York Times, took part.
Some years later the word was given in
a supplement to Webster's dictionary,
and more recently the American New In
ternational dictionary gives it as a stand
ard word. Some two years ago the Cana
dian Photographic Journal commenced to
consistently use the ord "photogram,"
and a year ago an Knglish journal called
the Photogram made a point of using it.
One of the most important firms of
photographic book publishers also uses It
in all Its publications. Several photog
raphers and photographic material deal
ers In England use it either occasionally
or regularly, andsuch journals ag The
Sketch. The Optician, and others use It
occasionally as an alternative for the
older form, "photograph."
Papa's Pants
pop Willie
If they -were made over and dyed with
Diamond dyes, the great home money
saver. The children's ctothes the
faded cloak, wrapper or dress can be
made to look like new, at a cost of only
1C cts, and no experience is needed,
come in more than 40 shades, and the
Fast Blacks are iast.
Direction Book and 40 samples of colored cloth,
free. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlinston.Vt.
have by early habits and rr.istaUes and the later
excesses and dissipations weakened the founda
tions of sexual and mental visor, and who are.
while still young In years, wasted In the vital
foroes. short in memory and dull In Intellect,
with the physical being ehaUy and devoid of en
durAnce. To such men electricity as applied by
ful in the immediate effect it produces. Tne
slow, continuous infusion of the current grad
ually sets all the weak functions in action,
stores new power in them, and in a few days
manhood begins to return and sexual forces de
velop, the memorv becomes clearer and the in
tellect sharper. Manhood in all its elements fol
lows the application of this wonderful belt.
DEER PARK. Wash.. Jan. 19, 1S1K.
Dr. A. T. Sanden Dear Sir: I will now let
you know what effect your belt had on my case
of impotency. I was, you misht say, completely
impotent when 1 started to wear the belt. I
felt its good effects the first week, and in three
weeks my powera vtere almost perfect. I wore
the belt seven weeks, and it has restored my
sexual fctrength completely, and from that time
(a. year and a half ago it has remained perfect.
I have been recommending: your belt wherever I
set a chance, and you will receive many orders
from here. I remain yours respectfully.
A pocket edition of the celebrated electro
medical work, "Three Classes of Man." illus
trated, is sent fre. sealed, by mail, upon appli
cation. Every youns. niidille-ased or old man
suffering the slightest weakness should read it.
It will point out an easy, sure and speedy way
how to regain strength and health when every
thing else has failed. Address
53 TVnshlncrton St.. Cor. Third,
rOUTLAM), on.
The new vegetable shortening.
Wherever introduced, it drives
lard from the kitchen, and indi
gestion from the household.
It has been tried by every test,
and has met every requirement.
It isas much superior to lard as the
electric light is to the tallow-dip.
The only question now is, will
you give your family the benefits
which its use besto ws ?
In composition, in healthfiilness,
in flavor, or in economy.
Its success has called out a lot of
imitations and counterfeits made
for the sole purpose of selling
in the place and on the merits of
Avoid them all. They are made
to sell and they are a sell.
Get the genuine Cottolene.
Sold la 3 snd 5 pound pal!3. ,
Hade only by
Tho N. K. Fairbank
hiexgo, KewTcrk, Boston.
4 LiiMiHi
VlKE any OTijjj.
Dropped oa suar suffering children love to
take it. Every Mother fchould have it iu the
house, it quickly relieves and cures all aches
and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs,
catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera
morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough,
inflammation, la grippe, lamenos, mumps,
muscular soreness, neuralgia, nervous head
ache, rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains,
sprains, stings, swellings, stiff Joints, sore throat,
sore luags, toothache, tonsihti and wind colic.
Originated in iSio by the late Dr. A. Johnson,
Family Physician. Us merit and excellence
have satisfied everybodv for nearly a century.
All who use it are amazed at its wonder lul power.
It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so say sick,
sensitive sufferers rcd Internal and External.
The Poetort rijpmSiro and alrcctlon cn"every bonis.
lU'jt'd P&raphtei free. Sold everywhere. Price, SS da.
SixSotUes, iOO. I. S. JOUSO:. & COBuXon, SUsS.
Mrs BroiMig.
Splendid cursors czsst for Uerratra or 6!eh
HVuisehs. Brain Eihajsttan. SIeDli3is.
.special or genera) Netirclgia-, also for Eb-n-
mum, uont. iuansy Jnsoraera, jicia ur
pepsia. Ansjnit. .Antidoto for Alcoholic
snd other ezceexs. Price, 10,23 and M coats.
1 51 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO.
Sola br All Dracclits.
PV ' ER Sandens ' VjSh
Men who have SyvJ- wasted the
sprlsntly energy or C. youth In excesses
and fast llvlnK vfciV. men who hae lost
that mental ambi-23R: iiwtlon which belongs
to vigorous andvvSwell-kept manhood
at any ace: in -:- short, men viho
H SGI Mia Oi icl mM&&
Nervous Qebiiity. Vital Weakness,
t; rntrtviu.fri rr-wcrk or filbf r rtsin. 31pr
Ul,ri !: DllrC TUlpOTTd.7. flTfl.
SoM by Pmyett cr tat postpaid oa rttlft of price.
Farms for. the
Following Is a list of our city property
whlch Is also to be Included in our new
circular, which we are dally publishing
and which Is to be republished for East
ern circulation:
Quiraby house. Fourth street, corner of
Couch, Portland, Or. Centrally located,
being within five minutes' walk of post-
U V',- .c ., UUUUUia, V.J 141 m WMi 1
house, and within five blocks of Union de- I
pot. Cable line passes the house, and elec- I
trie lines one and two blocks distant.
House contains 140 bedrooms and parlors,
all well' lighted; electric bells, hydraulic
elevator, etc.; bathroom and bar connected
with the house. Built in 18S1. and furnish
ed at an expense of 520.000. Rooms carpeted
throughout with Roxbury Brussels, and
about half the house refurnished within
the past three years. Bar and fixtures,
fine span of horses (valued at J3C0), first
class omnibus and harness go with the
house. Lease runs for four years, and an
extension can be secured. Rental $300.
The stores and barber shop on first floor
reduce the rent to 1G0 per month, amount
ing to- little more than $1 per room per
month. The bar, which Is run In connec
tion with the house, does a good business.
The house is doing more business than
any two other hotels of its class
in the city. Present proprietor has
been in this house ever since its
erection, with but one brief inter
val. Ho will soon be too old to devote his
entire attention to the business, and de
sires to exchange for a small tract of fruit
land near Los Angeles, with buildings,
water rights, etc. An excellent opportu
nity for an energetic person. No incum
brance on the property.
"We know of a splendid opening for a
banker with some small capital In a good
thriving town, a county seat, and the only
bank in the county. There was a bank
at the place one lime, but when the pres
ent crisis came on the parties paid off
their depositors and closed up. They nov.
have the fixtures, furniture, stationery.
safe, etc., which they will sell for 51300.
It is really a splendid opening, and a place
where a man can make good interest
and do it with small capital. The dis
trict is one of the best in the state, as
all the business in the region is done on
a cash basis, and there Is no scarcity of
monej- in that district.
We have a good hotel, in a busy little
town up the valley, of Si rooms, dinlng
toom, etc., and doing a good transient bus
iness. We are not at liberty to advertise
the location, but will say It is in a well
settled agricultural district, railroads
handy and numerous, and a splendid site
for such a ousiness. 'The rent is easy
$G0 per month and the price, $1500. is
certainly most reasonable. Terms could
undoubtedly be arranged so that it would
be an easy thing for a purchaser to pay
for it out of the business.
5C00 will buy a good photograph gallery,
well located, on a prominent corner, on the
East Side. This includes the building,
which is movable, and all fixtures, for a
complete gallery. The building itself cost
5200. The ground rent Is $12 per month.
If so desired, the present owner would
teach the trade to a novice.
Furniture In an 8-room dwelling-house.
Cost $1200 new, two months ago. The
owner started to fj. it up for a private
rooming-house, but has changed her mird
(a woman's privilege), and now wishes
to go into something else. She will ac
cordingly sell the furniture for $700. Here
is a chance to get some cheap furniture.
One of the most select private rooming
houses In the city. This place is well
located, and has always been run as a
private boarding-house, and as such pays
big money. The present owner, who got
the furniture on her hands, and has had
no experience in such business, has been
running it as a rooming-house only. The
furniture Is all vers' line, and just what is
wanted for such a business. There are
23 rooms in the house, and the rent is
only $60 per month. Just the thing for
a fashionable boarding-house. Price, for
cash, $2500. and easy terms. The owner
would trade for good property. This is
strictly Al.
Another rooming-house, in Astoria this
time, consisting of 27 rooms, nil furnished,
well situated near the boat landings, and
on the best business .street in the place.
Pays $30 per month, and doing a good'
business. Astoria Is on the verge of a
boom, and we can safely predict that
there is money in this propositon for the
party who will take hold of it. Price,
Good steam dyeing and cleaning estab
lishment: well situated, and netting prob
ably $100 per month. Hat lenovatlng, etc.
This business keeps from three to five
hands busy all the time, and as the rent
is only $13 per month, the expenses are
very light. It is a business requiring
some technical knowledge, bu,t the own
ers are willing to stay and teach It thor
oughly. Their only reason for selling is
a desire to leave the city. Price $750.
House for sale Good house of 6 rooms
and basement, Vs story; cost probably $300.
It stands on leased ground, with a ground
rent of $3 per month, and lease running 3
years yet. House is now rented for $6 per
month. Will sell this house for $175. It
now stands at 500 East Ellsworth.
Good corner lot and two houses on Elev
enth and East Ash streets. This lot is a
choice one: streets all improved, etc It is
one block from the East Ankeny street-
line, and tv.o blocks from Burnslde
street, which is the main thoroughfare on
the East Side, leading to a free bridge.
Property in this neighborhood Is held very
firm, and it 13 directly in line with the fu
ture growth of the East Side. This prop
erty belongs to an estate, and must be
sold In order to settle It up; hence we have
put the price down to a figure that will In
sure a speedy sale viz.: $3000.
Corner lot. KxllO. and a 5-room house, in
University Park. This house has city wat
er, bath and streets improved, and we will
sacrifice the property for $1500. The house
Itself cost $1300. Thl3 Is one of the best
suburbs of Portland, located four or five
miles down the river, on a high, sightly
table-land, overlooking the harbor and city.
j J -x -(, ' . ( "
r. -,
por'ade; V
- I .
It Is connected with the city bj th.e St
John's motor, and is the site Qf, the Port
land university, the teaqhers ansi pupljs of
which make an extensive city themselves.
In fact, it is a college town In the city
limits, Property in this vicinity commanas
a good price and ready sale.
Two houses In Sunnyslde one for $13W,
and one for JJOOO. One Is a i5-room, and
the other a i-rooni house. These are cheap
onH nanfMll. Insw n,l
" " ""-" uw,lcu.
6l acres o prune land, being 12 lots In
r'u"c". " anoy, ana looutio mne,s
from Portland. Price 45000. This, is one of
the most favorably located pieces of land
around the country near Oregon City,
from where we get the power which lights
Portland, and from where we. have an elec
eric car line. In an old-settled and wealthy
farming district, handy to the. railroad ami
river, and altogether very desirably lo
cated. 240 acres IS miles from Portland and 10
miles southwest of Hlllsboro, in Washing
ton county; 33 acres in cultivation; 90 acres
slashed and seeded, and balance In light
timber; good orchard, and two acres in
grapes; good house and big barn; all At
good land, and can be cleared for $S per
acre: no rock and no gravel; close to
school; V& miles to postofflce. and lour
miles to railroad. This place lies In some
of the famous foothills, the richness of
which land has made the state noted.
Price $,10 per acre. Terms to suit. The
owner would take a house and lot In pare
160-acre farm in Southern Oregon for
$1800 cash. This plade lies three miles" from
. the town of Grant'3 Pass, in Josephine
county, and right handy to school. There
is a house, a barn, 100 acres level, 60 acres
lolling, 15 acres in cultivation, balance In
timber, spring and well water; orchard of
600 trees apples, peaches, prunes, etc.;
two horses, three cows, wagon, plows, etc.,
etc. In fact, It is a good farm, all stocked
and ready to move onto, and we are sell
ing it for just a little more than $10 per
40 acres at Mllwaukie, six miles from
Portland, on the Oregon City car line anC
the river. This is choice land, and the old
est established nursery district In the
state. It is just a short distance from the
city limits, and well located. Our price
ranges from $250 to $400 per acre, and we
consider it some of the best suburban
property going. ,
420 per acre 240 acres lying-near Ganby,
and on the Molalla road This land is in
Clackamas county, not far from the rail
road and river, and in a good district artd
good location. Price $20 per acre.
320 acres on the XTpper Klamath lake, in
Southern Oregon, four miles from Link
vine. Price ,$720. This beats the govern
ment, and is regular government land.
320 acres on Hood river. This Is in one
of the greatest fruit districts of Oregon.
Price $1200. This is good timber land, and
only 12 miles from Hood River city, on the
O. R. & N. railway.
I3SO0 for 51000 We have C blocks In the
town of Port Discover', near Port Town
send, and also 35- acres of wild land near
Port Angeles, which cost one of the blast
ed banks here in Portland the sum of $3800,
about one-third of its value. The receiver
Sias instructed us to dispose of it, and has
set his price at $1000, which will buy the
whole business. Here is a chance to take
advantage of others' misfortunes and buy
some bankrupt goods, and we know of no
cheaper or better bargain to be had.
In connection with the above we have
147 acres in Clackamas county, which cost
the same institution $1100 and which the
receiver has instructed us to sel for $800.
Don't you think that is cheap enough?
One-half block on Tenth street, In Van
couver, Wash., one of the most desirable
building sites In the town, just two blocks
from the main business street, near ll
Catholic church, the schools, and right
in the heart of the residence part. In
fact, there Is no better residence property
over there. Price, $3200; terms to be ar
ranged. Also two lots and a good two-story
house right in the same vicinity. for$23),
and one lot on Ninth street for $G50. This
property is all choice, and all cheap.
Vancouver is a thriving city, too well
known for eulogies.
4 acres of uncleared land just outslle
the town limits of Vancouver, 1 miles
from the river, and just west of Main
street. W'll sell this land for $490. and con
sidering the location and value of, the
land when cleared, it is certainly a very
cheap piece.
9 houses and lots In Vuncouver In the
most desirable portion of the city, and
all very desirable houses for renting
Naturally enough, the rent of
these houses does not bring in
much of an Income above taxes, insur
ance, etc., In these kind of times, but tnls
Is really some of the. most desirable prop
erty in the place, it is only a question
of time when this will be business prop
erty, and will pay big interest. Price,
$10,000; terms to he arranged.
Good frame house of 6 rooms, hard
finished, stone foundation, with good barn
and four lots, 53x120 feet each. In St. Hel
en's, the county seat of Columbia county.
The property is one of the best residences
In the town, and we will sell the plare
for $3000.
We have one of the best wharf proper
ties on the Columbi. Built in first-class
style all the way through, and the land-
i in P,ace of a11 tne steamers. There Is
a good freight and wood business con
nected with it. The town is one of the
best on the river, and altogether It is a
good proposition. Price, $2330.
Houses and lots in Warrentown. on ll.e
Northern Pacific, In Columbia county.
One is a two-story frame house of eight
rooms, and another Is a one-story cottage
of six rooms. Houses are situated two
blocks from 3chool, church and business
center. The houses are rented for $10 per
month, which shows that they must be
good houses.
Good five-room house with bath, well
water, 20 fruit trees, nice lawn, and 100
feet square in Toledo, Wash., for 'tlOCO.
I Will trade for Portland property and .pay
j some slight difference.