53338 JtOESfTSTGh OBEGOlOJOr, THT7BSDAY, FIEBRTTABT 14, 1895. Looking? Bnclrrrard. The superstition of the ill-luck of looli igr backward, or returning, is a very ncient one, originating doubtless from ot's "wife, who "looked back from be ind hlra," when he was led by an angel utside the doomed City jof the Plain. In tobert's "Oriental Illustrations" it is tated to be "considered exceedingly un jrtunate in Hindostan for men or women j look back when they leave their house. ccordingly, if a man gees out and leaves jmething behind him, which his wife nows he will want, she does not call hira turn or look back, but takes or send3 after him; and If some great emergency bliges him to look back, he will not then roceed on the business he was about to -ansact." TO THE PUBLIC ''The Oresronlnn" rhsrsres for till mpetlne -notices ol whatever description. Call lor meetings, seneral inT-itniion to bile pratbcrlntrn. etc.. come under his Lead. Special rates, however, . III be Riven on mectinc notices ol ertaln character when -it 1 an. nounced that no orlce ol admission, irill be cliarcci. AUCTION SALE TODAY At Central Auction Rooms, cor. Park and AMer Eta. The elegant household furniture and car pets, removed from private residence, cor. Third end Jefferson ?ts. Sale at 10 o'clock A. 21. &w. Baker & Co.. auctioneers. EDWAUD HOLMAX, -rindertnlcer and cmbalmer, -1th and YambiU. Tel. 507. KIXLEY REIGER, Undertaker and KuiUalmern. 145 Fifth. Tel. O. KEW TODAT. WAIL PAPER. 10c PER DOUBLE ROLL. AT Echofield & Morgan's. 132 Third St. f 30 bHARES COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK I sock for sale. Inquire at room 10 Worcester block. KAY STATE COAL CO., OFFICE 82 THIRD tt., offer all kinds coal at less prices than others. Investigate and save money. EMALLFARM FOR $600 25 ACRES. 22 miles from Portland and 5 miles from railroad station; house, shed, and 3 acres in cultiva tion; balance easily cleared: horse, wagon, -cows, 2 hellers and plow. DeLashmutt & Son, 209 Stark St. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN FIRST mortgages on Eastern Oregon farms, to trads for Portland property. They range all the way from $500 vp. are drawing Interest, and are all well secured. For particulars call on or address DeLashmutt & Son. 200 Stark st. WE HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE RESI dence lots on Vaughn, between 21st and 23d. belonging to Johnson estate, which we will ell for one-half what Is asked fcr lots around them, street Improvements made; lots lay two to three feet above grade. Will be sold on easy terms. No one offering nicer quarter blocks for 52500. DeLashmutt & Son. 203 Stark st. DON'T TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR WE ARE selling- all best makes of full-weight Oregon creamery butter at 50c. roll or square. See our gilt-edge creamery, at 40c; new grass California butter, at 35c roll: dairy but ter. 20c and 25c; cheese. 5c. 8c 10c 12&c; new mild full-cream cheese, 2 lbs., 25c; Oregon ranch eggs; pure leaf lard, 10c: hams, 10c "Ve retail all goods at wholesale prices. La Grande Creamery Co., 264 Yamhill, near Third ftreet. SACRIFICE OF BUSINESS PROPERTY WE have for sale three pieces of business proper ty, located In center of the city and on the very best streets, that belongs to a party whose health demands an Immediate change. It Is no longer a question of making money, or of getting what the property Is worth, but it is a question of health, and hence we will eell It at a great sacrifice. But very little money is required down. The property Is rented, and will be sold eeparately or as a whole. For one piece we ask $9000 $3000 cash, balance In August. 1803. For an other we ask $10,00050000 cash, balance In 1SJ0. For another we ask $35.000 $10,000 cash, balance In 1898. One of Portland's lead ing brokers valued the latter at $00,000. when the present loan of $25,000 was obtained upon It. a year or two since. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark st. CT A T AIfD WOOD DRY VERY BEST IN I ) i J J town, guaranteed. Brown & Hicks, foot of Yamhill at. Phone 715. MORTGAGE LOANS jTn wll-loprored property. -W. H. Fear. 403 Chamber 61 Commerce. MORTGAGE LOAN. On city property: very reasonable rates for first class security. Address P. O. box 234. S20.00') TO LOAN In large or small sums, at low rate of interest; j rlncipals only need apply, to P. O. box GIG. GREAT BARGAIN. 30 acres, all clear, within 15 minutes' walk if motor, $100 per acre. E. R. Hickson, Sber loi k building. LOANS ON LOWEST TERMS Ample funds to loan at 0 to 10 per cent, on choice and unimproved property and on first class notea. F. V. Andrews Sc Co.. 131 3d st. R. SinlTIN. D. D. S. Graduate of Penn. college, makes and fills teeth, most approved systems: first-class ma terials: will contract to make perfectly satisfac tory work, or no charge; competitive prices. Free consultations. First and Morrison, over SU'inbach's. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AH parties contemplating building, or who de fire plans or estimates, will find it to their ad tanuge to call on or address BRICKLAYERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION. NO. 1. OF ORE JON, room 14. Union block, between 10 and 12 A.. M. Per order president and boafd of direc ts. LOG! LOGS!! Proposals will be received until the 1st day of 'March for the following logs: 1.500.000 feet of pruce log, known as mountain spruce, to be cut slnco January L 1894; good sound, mer chantable logs, free from decay end coarse, rough knots. Also 500.000 feet of hemlock logs. .f the xame character, to be barked. Delivery of the above must be made before June 1, 1S05. at Portland. Oregon. Terms. 30 and 60 days. cr 2 per csnt off for cash. Address Julius Oru vva, 710 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. OUR WANTS BOILED DOWN. A purchaser for a drug store In northern end cf the city, doing a good business. A purchaser for that dairy farm near Port land, on the Columbia river. purchaser for a piece of business property vntntlly located that to mention its locality ild set tiie real estate men all ages to know v. )iat was up with the owner. A few purchasers fer thote hundred-dollar 1 ;s in City View Park addition, away this side t Sellwood, on the Orvgon City electric line. purchaser for that live-acre tract four miles m. -thrust of the city, for $650. at $180 ier acre. V purchaser for those small tracts of ours in Re&verton. at $100 per acre. V purchaser for a few of those five-acre tracts bt longing to the Johnson estate, near Reedville, la Washington county DeLASHMUTT & SON. 207-209 Stark st. AUCTION SALE OF Elegantly designed and well-manufactured fur niture, tc (Eartern make), MONDAY NEXT, FEB. IS. at 791 Kearney st. (near 23d -street oar ltoe, the handsome furnlfhiags of private resi lience. iMclttding: Two pairs Turkish portieres, 'k and htee curtate. C pairs of stvhsh silk sn-i chenille portieres, very choice pieces of par-- furniture. In ckerry; wood chairs, sofa rock cr. in brocateile silk coverings: eeatr tables, v palatini mad pastel picture, in suitable fitme. fancy mantel draperies, eight-day man tel clock, a one bast of Goethe, oak roll-top tivrk. rrvolxtag chair. Iwokcaf-e, new "Eneycio pedi ltntanulca.' complete: letter press and Msnd. Century. Harper's d Soribners mam yincs. chundeitertt. pendants and gas brackets throughout the houwe. elegant colored - gtaea panU dwVed lth jewels; dots We partor Bruc wU carpets, ruas. art quars. nail and stair tarpets. S mantel cabinets, very Sac hail rack, v ith laree French pUt mirror; ptano lamp, ar tisticalljr deigned and finely oarved halt chair, . k iidehnard. s-foot extension table and che n 1 cover. t hiph-back dlnmg chairs and or tr s arm chair, all m Ith feather seats; 7 import ed mugs. richt molded, with metal covers, and larpe pitcher to match: rtiverware. prettv silver taster, soflse choice foreian china tea oups. etc.; urUss and cblnaware. china cupboard, 5 Roches ter - burner lamp. Roxbury rue. about 6x3 sards; quick - meal gas range, gas hot water Jter. pa hearing neve, kitchen si f. with water back: linoleum, an at ti -:ive and cbanainr hedrsem suit, in choice v Hlnut. with betel-plate mirrors to washstand a J dresser; hndt-ofe set of toiletware. aprtaRS. ' ..ittrsrfsa. nlUews nnd beddins; child's crib l- complete; eMenkvwn quilt, eak chtfTonMr. igte-baek wisher ara-ehair. Wjth-arja Demes i. sewing macbiae. dmwm: table, all window ar.l Jresoer; handsome set of toOetware. springs, uiensita. ice box. step ladder, baby bagy. lawn 2 feet new heee. and other effaete. l:cy lot ia tfeis sale is aimot new. Sale Mondav next at 10 o clock gtmtv. OEO BAKER & CO. Aueucoccrs. AOYEHIISiNB RATES INCUSSilP COLUMN Tar Rent noomi" nnd "EmploT" ctent Wanted, X cent a. "word each insertions under all other headings. - ccsta a -word first Insertion and 1 cent a. vrortt each, subsequent inser tion. All -TnIfira adT-ertisrraenta o less than fifteen Yrords counted and cuargred as fifteen Trordst over fif teen -words. aayUilng less than five words co anted and caarced as lire vrords. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 0G00 ACRES TIMBER LAND THIS LAND lies either close to or within two miles of leg ging streams, that run into the Columbia river or Puget sound, state of Washington, about two-thirds into Columbia: carefully cruised and purchased 10 years ago; has 500. 000,000 of merchantable FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE; about i per cent FIR. For sale very cheap; need money. Write to P. O. box 059. Portland. THIRTEEN ACRES. 11 MILES EAST OF Portland, on Base Line road: 3 acres In cul tivation; house and barn; price $850: must ba cold to settle up aa estate. DeLashmutt & Son, 09 Stark et. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE FARM 1C0 ACRES (Improved), only 1 miles from station; small payment down, easy terms for balance. Charles Alien. 243 Washington st. ABOUT 25 FARMS IN YAMHILL COUNTY, the garden spot of Oregon: ail alzes. shapes and prices. Come and take your pick. De Lashmutt & Son, 209 Stark st. WEST IRVINGTON LOTS AND BLOCKS FOR sale, in delightful tract; for sale on easy terms. For particulars apply to A. G. Ryan, 395 Larrabee et.. city. PARTIES DESmiNG TO BUY.. SELL OR trade real estate, read -our large list of bar gains in Daily Sun. Clinton & McCoy Co., Zb4 .Morrison st. CORNER LOT, IN LINCOLN PARK, WITH good 4-room house: will be sold at half value. Eckcrson, 10 Washington building. BARGAIN QUARTER BLOCK. 3 COTTAGES, East 11th at.; car line. Call 203 Portland Say ings bank. FIVE ACRES. NEAR MOUNT TABOR. AT A bargain. S. B. lilggcn & Co.. S3 Third St., room C GENUINE BARGAINS IN LOTS. ACREAGE, farms; 5c fare. O. R. Additon. Lent's, Or. TO EXCHANGE. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXCHANGE A FARM cf 1G2 acres, on the East Umpqua river. Douglas county. Oregon, for a house and lot en the East Side. This farm has 35 acres, in a high state of cultivation, and good build ings; Is unencumbered, and valued at $2500. Any offer must be free from encumbrance. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark st. WE HAVE A PARTY WHO WISHES TO Ex change a nice cottage and 100 feet squaro, valued at $1500, located In Toledo. Wash., for a home on East Side, or for vacant lots, and will assume small encumbrance, or pay cash difference if necessary. For particulars see DeLashmurt & Son. 209 Stark st. TYPEWRITER HAVE A NEW STANDARD machine; never used; will exchange for board and lodging. Y 10, care Oregoalan. weekly ads ne Los Angeles and Southern California property for Oregon or Portland property. John Camp bell, P. O. box 430. Los Angeles. Cat WANTED TO TRADE A T-ROOM HOUSE for cordwood. to be delivered next August. G. W. Allen. 120 Third st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR FULL-BLOOD CHICKENS AND EGGS of all popular varieties, write or see John VInce &. Son. at Vancouver Commission House, 131 Front at. We buy, sell on commission, or trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. BARGAINS IN FIRE-PROOF SECOND-HAND safes; a good selection and in good condition; not water-soaked. Agency for Mosler Screw Door Safe. J, E. Davis, 171 Fourth, Portland. $2500" WILL-BUYA WELlT- EQUIPPPED lodging-house of SO rooms, on Third st,, doing a good business. DeLashmutt & Son, 209 Stark st. NEARLY NEW UPRIGHT PIANO. VERY cheap. See it at 34 East 13th, cor. East Couch, Ankeny cars to 13th. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY; DANA. AL bee & Walker now occupy their new premises. East Water St., cor. Taylor. FOR SALE GERMAN CANARIES. OF Ex quisite, fine song, at C F. Pfluser"s, 14SJSec ond St., Portland Or. FOR SALE HORSE. HARNESS AND ROAD cart, good as new; only $30, Address J 1, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO. AT a bargain, nearly new. Address C 10, care Orugonlan. FURNITURE OF A 15 -ROOM FLAT FOR bale. Inquire Mrs. M. Lemley, 2G9 Salmon st. SEEDLINGS. PEAR AND APPLE. FOR SALE. Address Thos. J. Davis. Portland. Or. FISCHER PIANO. INFINE CONDITION; must be sold: $135 cash, Foss music store. FOR ItEVT FARMS. FOR RENT A FARM OF 20 ACRES. 3 miles from courthouse; 10 acres In cultivation: good water and two houses and two barns: price $20 per month. DeLashmutt & Son, 209 Stark st. FOR RENT 120 ACRES. 3 MILES FROM Portland: all in cultivation: scod buildings; would make a good dairy. DeLashmutt A Eon. 209 Stark st. IIELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 200 MEN TO UNLOAD SCHOON ers: best beer on the coast; 2c per schooner; New York Barrel House. 25 North Third st. KELP WANTED- FEMALE. GIRLS TO INTRODUCE A NEW ARTICLE: good wages and part of profits to the right ones. Call at Dunbar's grocery. 313 Washing ton st, at 11 A. M. HOUSEWORK SWEDISH OR GERMAN GIRL for work In the country; only two in family. Address IC 1. care Oregonian. HOUSEWORK STRONG GERMAN GIRL IN -small family, for general work; light wash ing. 2S3 11th st. HOUSEWORK GERMAN, SWEDE OR NOR weglnn girl, for general work. 34 East 13th, cor. East Couch. LADY INTELLIGENT. TO HANDLE A light work In town. Address X 0, care Ore gonian. HOUSEWORK WOMAN FOR GENERAL work. Inquire room 19 Hamilton, 131 Third street. HOUSEWORK WOMAN FOR GENERAL work. Inquire room 19 Hamilton, 131 Third street. HOUSEWORK YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT work: must sleep al home. 270 Columbia st. SITUATIONS AVANTED MALE. UooUkceners nnd Clerks. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED groceryman; work of any kind, city or coun try . Address Y 4, cara Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY CREAMERY MAN Honest and reliable, with several years' ex perience in the oW country and few years In this country; used to run De Laval's separator; guarantees to make first-class butter and skim-milk cheese. X 50, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD. PLAIN Japanese cook, in city or country. Address W 10, care Oresonlan. SITUATION WANTED AS JANITOR. BY A reliable married man (no children). Address T 3. care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY A JAPANESE; good cook and houseworker. Apply 353 Flan ders sCT SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN, as housekeeper for one or two peeple, or take eare of children; object, a good home; small wages. Room 4. 153 Fifth, Bookkeepers nnd Clerks. SITUATION WANTED BY A RBSPECTA bie young woman of ability and experience, as saleslady. Address P 1. care Oregontan. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED TO DO SECOND work In alee private family. Address T 10, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED IN A SMALL FAM 11. to ao general housework. 748 Savier st. SITUATION WANTED TO DO GENERAL housework and cooking. 2S7 North 17th at. Dressmakers. A FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, WITH GOOD ntfereaea, desires work in Cam tiles; fl per day. Address E S. care Oregoalaa. WANTED DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN sewiac. by the da-, fit iiaranievd, CIO Flan ders st. WASTED-AGESTS. AGENTS WANTED in every county in the U. S. to sell Transparent-Handle PocKetknlfe; good commission paid; from $75 to $300 a month can be made; write for terms. Novelty Cutlery Co., Canton, O. Box 197. WANTED AGENT TO TAKE ORDERS FOR Chicago and San Francisco: grain; $500 per month la commissions should be made. Ad dress DeVan & Rutledge, grata and stock brokers,. Los Angeles. Cat. WANTED MEN TO JOIN THE PHOENIX Co-Operatlve Association: no idle time. Ad dress, with stamps, box -20C, Fetaluma, CaL Agents la every state, on salary and commis sion; agents making $25 to $50 weekly. Eu reka Chemical & Mfg. Co.. La Crosse, Wis. WASTED TO REXT. REFINED FAMILY OF THREE ADULTS want unfurnished rooms (four), with bath, oa West Side; must be sunny and ia good local it j-. Address, with price, X 10, care Oreso nian. WANTED HOUSE OF 10 TO 12 ROOMS, BE tween Washington, Taylor, Fifth ana 11th. V 10, care Oregonlnn. F.ESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES TO RENT or buy some fresh cows, K 50, care Orego nian. WASTED aTISCELLAJTEOtTS. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER-OF good commercial training: give references; state age and salary expected first year. Z 10, care Oregontan. THE GILMAN AUCTION AND COMMISSION Company. No. 4C First St.. between Ash and Pine, will pay cash fcr th furniture of resi dences. TO BORROW $2500. FOR 3 YEARS. ON GOOD farm, worth $11,000; principals only need ap ply. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark st. WANTED FOR CASH HOUSEHOLD FUR nlture. carpets, etc.. to any amount. Apply 54 Alder st, Geo. Baker & Co. Highest price paid for household goods, carpets, stoves, etc Loefller & Conn, 203 Front St. FOR nENT. Rooms. AT THE NEWCASTLE, COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; steam, gas. hot baths, free telephone, dining-room; references. J. D. Hart and C C Newcastle, owners. Mm, Ccovert, manager. AT THE PORTSMOUTH. COR. PARK AND Alder; very central Nicely furnished, clean, homelike rooms; baths, parlor, office, tele phone; furnished housekeeping rooms. NEW ARLINGTON. 2C8V4 STARJC ST.. OPPO slte Chamber of Commerce Fino large suites, $4; single, $1 50 and upward; hot baths, gas. AT THE GOODNOUGH BUILDINGrFOURTH floor Furnished rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, gas, bath and elevator service. NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE Re fused for either single, suites or housekeeping rooms, at the New Plaza, 207 Third st. AT THE GOODNOUGH-BUILDING. FIFTH and Yamhill, fifth floor Furnished rooms, en suite or single: modern improvements. THE RICHMOND. YAMHILL. COR. PARK Rooms from $0 up; transients a specialty; free baths and all modern conveniences. SIXTH ST., 105 NEVA FURNISHED ROOMS, only one block from Hotel Portland, with gas and use of bath; rates reasonable. TENTH ST., NEAR MORRISON FURNISH ed rooms, with heat, hot and cold water and bath. Call at 327 Morrison. MAIN ST.. 2S4. OPPOSITE PARK HAND somely furnished parlors, single or en suite; sunny and cheerful. 133 SEVENTH ST.. COR. ALDER NICELY furnished rooms, with bath and fire; prices very moderate. SIXTH ST.. 73 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, with use of parlor, piano and bath; rent rea sonable. ELEVENTH ST.. 33 NORTH NICE. SUNNY. unfurnished rooms, with bath, in a private family. SUITES AND SINGLE BOOMS, reasonable; housekeeping. 200& First, Farmers' & Mechao. ELBVENTHST., 255 DESIRABLE ROOMS, for gentlemen; references required. WASHINGTON ST., 3134. THE LAFAYETTE Rooms, $1.50 per week and up. NINTH ST.. 134. COR. HOYT FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms; bath. YAMHILL ST.,.,2aiK. ABOVE HAT STORE Neat, quiet, furnished rooms. J YAMHILL ST., 231. ABOVE HAT STORE Neat, quiet furinshed rooms. Rooms With Board. COLUMBIA ST.. 392 FINELY FURNISHED suite of rooms, suitable for two or four. In private family: house all modern; a nice, quiet home, with all its privileges; references ex changed. THE HESPERIAN" WILL BE THOROUGH ly renovated and prices reduced to suit tha times; excellent white cook; suites. $55 to $05, for two people; single rooms, $25 to $10. FLANDERS STE10-PORTLAND WOMEN'S Union boarding-house, for oung women: terms, Including 10 pieces of washing, $3 to $7 per week, according to room. MORRISON ST.. 471 ROOM WITH BOARD: private family; two wishing to occupy samrt room preferred; modern, refined home; refer ences required. THIRTEENTH ST., 261 A VERY DESIRA blc suite of rooms, unfurnished, or will fur nish to suit; excellent table. the Mckenzie. 334 yamhill st.. cor. Seventh Nicely furnished rooms, with or with out board. TAYLOR ST.. 389 FURNISHED ROOMS, with board; furnace heat, gas, bath and tele phone. FOURTEENTH ST.. 209, COR. JEFFERSON Newly and comfortably furnished, with board. TWELFTHST.. 211 TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, with board. Bonsekecplng Rooms. TWELFTH ST.. 1S7 VERY DESIRABLE rooms, furnished complets fcr housekeeping; clso one single room, suitable for one gentle man. ELEVENTH ST., 32, COR. COUCH HOUSE keeplng rooms; also other rooms; rent very reasonable; furnished. SALMON ST., 330 TWO OR THREE ROOOMS upstairs, furnjshed, for housekeeping; very pleasant; no children. . TENTH ST.7 215 FURNISHED AND UNFUR nished rooms, for housekeeping; on first or second floor. FIRST. 372UNEWLY FURNISHED OR UN furalshed rooms, for housekeeping; also rooms. HALL ST317 3 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable. MILL ST.. 329-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, for housekeeping, $4 per month. YAMHILL ST415-3 FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; reference. TWO COSY HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, REA honable. 206 First st. MORRISON ST., 405 FURNISHED ROOMS, for housekeeping. Houses. FOR "RENT I WILL RENT MY HOUSE, NO. S21 Johnson sL. furnished, for C or 7 months, from about April 1; no small children. E. F. Palmer. 305tJ Washington st. FOR RENT A 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ALMOST new: full basement: very cheap; South Port land. Call at rooms 10 aad 11 Hamilton build ing. . FOR RENT NICE COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS; all modern improvements; large yard;, rent $10. S90 North 10th. Apply next door. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BASE roent. furnace and all modern Improvements. 426 Burnslde st. Inquire next door. THIRDST. FLATS OF 4. 8. 7 OR 13 ROOMS; epposite plara. M. C Lyon. 124 First, or H. Ackerman. 24& Washington it. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE 571 SEVENTH: 5-room house. 354 Lincoln; 5-room house. 353 Lincoln. Inquire SCO Grant. FOR RENT A rLEASANT. NEW HOUSE, cor. 24th and Marshall, on 100x100; rent $45. Apply 655 Irving st. FOR RENT HOUSE 3 ROOMS, CLOSET and pantry; water .free; $5. Clinton & Mc Coy, 254 Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSES AND STORES IN ALL parts of city. Henry Ackerman, 219 Wash ington st. FORRENT HOUSE. 447 SEVENTH ST. eZ quire Woodard, Clarke & Co., First and Al der sts. $5 A MONTH WILL RENT A FIVE-ROOM cottage. Bast 15th and Taylor. 500 Washing ton st. Stores. FIRST ST.. NEXT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. and Salmon, near Third. Inquire M. C Lyon. 124 First, or H. Ackermaa. 249 Washington st. FbRRENT STORES 47 FIRSTSt7aND40 Second St.: 25x200. R. L. Gllsan. 420 rh;-n. bcr cf Commerce. F8K REXT. Houses For Reat, Frnltmr For Sale. IT BARGAIN-FOK SALE, $250-FURNITURE of 5-room cottage, complete; house for rent. Call mornings. 44 East Eighth and Couch sta. $175 FOR THb"nEW FIIKNITURe"oFFIVE room cottage. Call 435 First st. SFECIAI XOTICES BrassfTorks. Francis Bros. Brass castings and finished work made to order; blacksmlthicg, and machinery repaired. 2S3 East Water st. Telephone 5005. Coal and "Wood Tarda. COOS BAY -COAL CO., DEALERS IN COAL and wood: coal from $5 50 to $13.50 per ton. Office. SO Second st. Telephone OIL Iron Works. PACIFIC IRON WORKS HEINTZ & CO.. cor. 2d and D sts., manufacturers' machines, blacksmith and foundry wks, building fronts. Proposals "Wanted. OFFICE OF THE CITY WATER WORKS Portland, Or.. Feb. 11. 1S95 Sealed proposals. Indorsed on the outside of the envelope "Pro posals ror the purchase or steel plates,- ana addressed to Frank T. Dodge, clerk of the water committee, will be received at this of fice until 3 P. M., February 15, for the pur chase of steel plates, left over from the con struction of the Bull Run pipe line. There arc 13S.000 pounds of steel plates and 17.422 pounds of scraps, all stored In the machine shops of Wolff. Zwlcker & Buchner, on the cast side of Madison-street bridge. The list of plates may ba seen in the office of the chief engineer of the city water works. Bidders will state the price per pound which they will pay for the plates and fcr the scraps. By or der of the Water Committee. ISAAC W. SMITH. Chief Engineer. BIDS FOR WORK SEALED BIDSWILL BE received at the office of the county clerk until Tuesday, the 19th day of February. Ils95, for certain carpenter work, to be done at the Armory. Specifications can be seen at the of fice of said clerk. H. H. NORTHUP, Feb. 14, 1S95. County Judge. Stockholders' Meeting; STOCKHOLDERS' MEETECG THE ANNUAL meeting bf stockholders of the Baby Home will be held in room 207 Worcester block. In this city, on Tuesday, March 12, 1895, at 3 o'clock P. M., for the election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year. F. S. AKIN, Secretary. Storage. STORAGE OF ANY DESCRIPTION CAN BE had reasonably at Pacific dock. Nos. 228 and 22S Front st. Advances made If desired. Miscellaneous. EXECUTRDC' NOTICE IN THE COUNTY Court for tha county of Multnomah, state of Oregon Notice Is hereby glen that In the matter of the estate of Levi White, deceased, letters testamentary have been issued, out of the hbove-entitled court, to the undersigned, as executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased, and that she has qualified and entered upon the discharge of her duties as such. Therefore, all persons having claims against the said estate are requested to pre sent the same to me, propery verified, as by law required, at the office of Messrs. Bro naugh. McArthur, Fenton & Bronaugh. attor-neysat-!aw. rooms Nos. 631, 632, 634. G30 and 638 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 2d day of February. 1893. ZIPPORAH WHITE. Executrix cf tho last will and testament of Levi White, deceased. Messrs. Bronaugh. Mcrthur. Fenton & Bronausth, nnd Messrs. Dolph. Mallory, Simon & Strahan, Attorneys for Exe cutrix. THE FIRM OF LASSEN & KIRKLEY IS hereby dissolved. All bills are payable to L. M. Lassen, at Pacific Market, cor. Fourth and Alder sts., and debts of the late firm are as sumed by the undersigned. L. M. LASSEN. UMBRELLAS MADE, repaired and recovered. Meredith. 163 3d, nar Morrison. No agents. FINANCIAL, Money to Loan. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, salaries, real estate, or any good securities; warrants or time-checks bought: easy terms. F. W. Graves, 614-15-16 Chamber Commerce. TO LOAN WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN IN small sums on real estate security, city or suburban. DeLashmutt & Son, 207-200 Stark street. Money to loan -oil accepable "security;- moderate sums. 0 to 1" mn.. Hi snsclaltv: mortgages " bought. M. Waltfri.7?9. Chamber qf Com? BONDS AND WARRANTS OF OREGON. Washington and Idaho bought and sold. Cruthers & Morris. 308' Chamber of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ?2500 ON CITY PROP erty. West Side, for two or three years. De Lashmutt & Son, 207-209 Stark st. ABUNDANT MONEY TO LOAN, tsame day ap plied for; all kinds securities. D. A. Epsteyn, 614 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN LONG OR SHORT-TIME persona! security: also mortgages. JJavlU a. Stearns. 24G Washington et. MONEY "TO JX)N ON ALL CLASSES OF SE curity. Pacific Loan & Trust Co., rooms 30 and 37 Sherlock building. MONnVfTO LOAN ON IMPROVED AND UN lmprovcd city real estate. E. R. Hickson, Sherlock building. $20 TO $500 TO LOAN ON FURNITURE OR good collateral. H. Mann & Co., room 66 The Dekum. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT: NOTES and mortgages bought. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 10, Washington building. $3000 TO LOAN ON WEST SIDE CENTRAL property, for from one to five years. DeLash mutt & Son. 207-209 Stark st. THIRTY AND NINETY-DAY LOANS: SUMS to suit, W. IL Nunn. 11 Washington block. Money to loan on chattels or any satisfactory security. C. W. Pallett, 45 McKay building. money'to LOAN ONHOUSEHOLD GOODS, personal security or good collaterals. S. W. KING, formerly of Olds & King, room 45 Washington building. S. E. cor. 4th and Wash. co3jmissi0x merchants. Herman" metzger, purchaser of hides, pelts, furs, wool and tallow, and general commission merchant. Front St.. near Main, Portland, Or. Liberal cash advances on con signments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Overland Ware house, cor. Fourth and D sts. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or. Sutton & Bccbe, commission. Insurance, clipper ships from New York; steel rails, pig Iron. H. E. BATTIN & CO.. COMMISSION MER chants and produce dealers, 134 Front st. jT'connorTIsroceries AND COMMIS- sion. cor. Front and Alder sts. LOST AND FOUND. $10 REWARD I WILL GrVE A REWARD of $10 ror tsc arrest ana conviction or any person caught stealing the Dally or Sunday Oregonian south cf Alder st. South Jtouu Agent. LOST ON MONDAY EVENING A BLACK purse, containing $40 In gold and a few dol lars in silver, on Third or Morrison st. Re turn to this office, and receive reward. LOST SMALL GOLD SOCIETY PIN; EN graved on back. "R. T. Piatt. Y. L. S.. '92." Reward for return to room 312 Portland Sav ings bonk building. INSURANCE. THAMES AND MERSEY MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY- OF LIVERPOOL. Agency in Portland at No. 233 Washington st. G. ROSENBLATT, Agent. Capital 2,000,000 Deposit in Oregon $ 50.000 Reserve fund (In addition) 425,000 PERSONAL. "CULBERTSON'S" HAIR RESTORATIVE cures and prevents baldness. Mrs. E. Stan ley, agent, 125 Sixth st., room 4. GENTLEMEN HAVIXG CAST-OFF CLOTH ing to dispose of. address 231 Burnslde st, THEY WILlTsURELY AND POSITIVELY cure yon Carter's Little Liver Pills. APCTIQy AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON AUCTIONEER Office, 246 Washington st., bet. 2d and 3d. Residence at the cor, of Fifth and College sts. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. BLUMAUERFBANK DRUcTcO,, CORNER Fourth and Morrison sts., Portland, Or. SNELL. HEITSHU & WOODARD CO.. Es tablished ia 1S5L Portland. Or. WHOLESALE GROCERS. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCREsT ccr. North Frost a&d P cu.. Portl&ad, Or, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorneys GEORGE, GREGORY & DONIWAi.- K. a George, W. M. Gregory. R. R- Duniway. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Chamber cf Commerce. Portland. Or. J. S. WINCHESTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 44 Sherlock bldg. Portland,. Or. Notary Public EMMONS & EMMONS. ATTORNEYS - AT -law, 609 to 613 Chamber of Commerce. Chiropodists and Manicures. MRS. DR. ADAMS. CHIROPODIST. MANI cure and pedicure parlors, Raleigh feullalss, Sixth and Washington sts. Dressmakers. MRS. M. E. HAWKS AND MISS HATTIE B. Smith have moved their dressmaking parlors to 335 Burnslde st-, near Eighth. Educational. PRACTICAL ENGINEERING SCHOOL. 205 Goodnough bldg., Portland. Or.: day. evening. THE STUDIO OF FINE ARTS. 4G Washington blk. Drawing, painting, elocution, "music Fine Arts. THE STUDIO OF FEfE ARTS. 46 WASH lngton block. Blassasc. ESPECLVL-SOUTHERN LADY GIVES MAG netlc massage, with hot and cold baths; re freshing and restful; gentlemen's patronage requested. Room 81 new Dekum building, cor. Third and Washington. MASSAGE GIVEN BY A SPANISH LADY. Mrs. Miranda, 124 Seventh St., room 1. Mediums nnd Clairvoyants. MRS. WALLACE. THE WONDERFUL clairvoyant and life-reader: consult her on all business affairs, love troubles, absent friends; she has no equal: restores lost love by sympathy. 167 First st, parlors 4 and j. MRS. A. J. SMITH, MEDniM AND MAG netlc healer; vapor baths. 225& First st. GYPSY QUEEN FORTUNE - TELLER LA dies, 50c; gentlemen, $1. 267 Salmon st. Music. MRS. FRANK WEBSTER HINSDALE VfZLU open the term for vocal Instructions Jan. 1. For information call or add. The Hill, morn's. FANCY-SVAGE DANCING OF ALL KINDS taught. Room 5 Dekum buUding. Professor Pinaud. S. L Cruvelll. teacher of vocal technique and singing, opera and concert. 407 Marquara bldg. STUDIO OF FINE ARTS. 46 Washington blk. Private entertainments supplied with talent. .ZITHER, guitar and flute Instruction given. Prof. Konrad's studio, 330 Washington st. COOK'S MUSICAL INSTITUTE. The Ablngton. Spiritualists. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH, TEST MEDIUM. 181 First st,. parlors 2i and 23. BUSINESS CUANCES. OLDEST AND BEST HOTEL IN PORTLAND for sale on easy terms; or will trade for other property; owner has grown old und rich In the business, and wishes to retire and take thing3 easy. This Is a splendid chance for a young man. DeLashmutt & Bon, 207-209 Stark street. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS FOR sale; about $2000; good business: good Valley town. Address D 10, care Oresonlan. FOR SALE A SMALL STOCK OF GROCER Jes. to party who would rent store and fix tures. Apply 095 East 21st St. WANTED TO. TRADE A NICE HOUSE IN University Park for billiard cr pool tables. G. W. Allen, 120 Third st. BAKERY ONE-HALF INTEREST OF ONE of the best In city. Address M 10, care Ore gonian. BAKERY FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH; good location. Address Y 9, care Oregonian. LEATHER FINDINGS. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE xale saddlers and harness manufacturers. Leather and saddlery hardware. 74 Front st. HERBERT BRADLEY & CO., 73 FRONT ST., importers of shoe manufacturers' goods, shoe store supplies, blacking, dressings, etc , t BANKS. SAVEs'GS BANK- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 129 First Street. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS. $303,000 A general trust company and banking busi ness transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK. L. G. CLARICE... ..Vlce-Pres. E. J, ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA-.,Secretaria COMMERCIAL NATIONAL T1ANK- OF PORTLAND. PAID UP CAPITAL. $500,000 00. President ., JOHN J. VALENTINE Vice-President R. L. DURHAM Cashier EDWARD COOKINGHAM Assistant Cashier U. M. DOOLY TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS, Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold en New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, St. Paul. Bt. Louis. Kansas City, Denver and San Francisco. Exchanges sold on principal cities in Eu rope; and on Hong Kong. Collections a spe cialty. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Incorporated by Royal Charter 1SC2. PAID-UP CAPITAL $3,000,000 RESERVE 1.375,009 Head office. 60 Lombard street. London. Branches Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Tacoma. and in British Columbia. Victoria, Vancouver. New Westminster, Naaalmo, Kam- loops. Nelson. A General Banking and Exchange Business transacted, Loana made. Bills discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposits received on current account, subject to check. Interest paid on time deposits J. W. CURTIS. Acting Manager. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS Established in 1S59. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all poiuts on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. .Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco, and various points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President W. C JOHNSON.. ....,..... Vice-President H. F. McELROY. .... .. Cashier R. W. HOYT . Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available In all parts 08 the world. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent cf of the United States. President HENRY FAILINO Vice-President H. W. CORBETT Cashier O. E WITHINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New Tork, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn ia sums to suit on London. Paris, Eerlln, Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Collections made oa favorable terms at all accessible points. LONDON AND SAJT FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Anthorlzed Capital $3,500,000 Paid up - 2,450,000 Reserve fund 500,000 Head office. 73 Lombard street London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business, makes loans, discounts bills and issues commercial and travelers' credits. available la any city in the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities of the United States and Europe. President DONALD MACLEAY First Vice-President, TYLER WOODWARD secsnd VioerPresident .....JACOB KAHil 1 Cashier FRANK C. MILLER TRAVELER'S GUIDE. Rail roads. EAST AHD VIA SOUTH Trains leava and ate due to arrive a Portland: LEAVE FROM JAN. L 1831. ARRIV1S f OVERLAND Express assl n.J i e&iem. .uoseonr. vsn- 6:13 PM! i iaud,Sacramento.Oga'n, I Saa Francisco, Mcjave, f j Los Angelas, El Paso. J I .New Urlesas and Ks: I 8:30 All 8:30 AM Itosebcrz and way stations fVla Vroodburn lor Mtl :4:33 Pit' Dally except Sunday. jacgei, Buverton, wesii jfedo, B rowasvt lie, f ISDrinsdeld and Natron I Dally except bundar. t 6:35PM tsrJJAM 1 7:30 AM CotTslUsatid way stations McMlnnvliIe. way stations 4i40 PM Daily. Dally except Sunday. DEONG CARS ON OGDKN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLAS3 SLEEPING CARS ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH TRAINS. Through Ticket Office. 134 First street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KHUCLAND. TICKET AGENT. All the above trains arrive and depart from Grand Central Station, Fifth and I streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave for OSWEGO (week days) at 6:00. 7:20. 10:15 A. M.. 12:15, 1:55, 5:13, 6:30, S P. M., and at 11:30 P. M. (oa Saturday only). Arrive at Portland 7:10, 8:30; 11:23 A, M.. 1:30, 4:15. 6:20. 7:40. 9:05 P, M. Leave for SHERIDAN (week days) at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland 0:30 A. M. Leave for AntLIE Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:40 A- 11. Arrive at Portland Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 P. M. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30, 0:00, 11:00 A, M.. 12:40, 2:00, 3:30, 5:00. 0:50 P. M. Arrive at Portland at S:40, 10:30 A. M., 12:15, 1:50, 3:15, 4:45, 6:30, 7:55 P. M. Ferry connects with all trains for Sellwood. R. KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS. Asst Gen. F. & P. Agt. FOR ALL POINTS EAST. uavK nsroT fiith uu i sts. ( inwrs Th.8 Fart Mall, via) Hnntinsrton, bait Lake.0m3.ha orKan sas City, or via ipo knne. Minneapolis and St. Paul, with thron-h vervlco to 70 p.m. Daily 3t0OA.L Daily 1 Snstorn citim. f I For Pond oton. Lai I uraiiue,iittker City. I Wnlla Wnll t Tv. 7:00P.M. Daily 3:00A.T ton. Colfax. Pull- f I man, Moscow nnd Udahomining' points. I I Lonal Mixl Train 1 Daily F:00A.M IX Simla; J for Hood Hirer. The- l Dalies and interme- j I ulinto station. j 7:00 P. U. tx Sail j j Through Pullman Sleepers, Tourist Sleepers and Reclining - Chair Cara are attached to through trains. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULES Columbia. River Ronte. Two-boat daily service for Astoria and way points. T. J. Potter leaves Portland 7 A. M except Sunday; leaves Astoria 7 P. M., except Sunday. R. R, Thompson leaves Portland 8 P. M., ex cept Sunday; leaves Astoria C:15 A. M., except Sunday. On Saturday nights the R. R, Thompson will leave Portland at 10 o'clock. Wlllnmette River Rente. Steamers Modoc and Hoag, for Oregon City, Salem. Corvallis and way points, Sundays, Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 A. M. Re turn from Corvallis following day at 8:30 A. M.. lying In Salem all night, leaving for Portland at 0 A. M., Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ynmliill River Ronte. Steamer Salem, for Oregon City, Dayton. Mc MlnnvliIe and way stations, Mondays, Wednoa days and Fridays at 7 A. M. Return the follow ing days. Snake River Ronte. Leave Rlparia 10:30 A. M., Mondays and Fri days. Leave Levieton 10 A. M., Sundays and Wednesdays. Ocean Route. Steamship State of California, for San Fran cisco, at 8 P. M January 23, February 2, IS, Steamship Columbia, for San Francisco, at S P. M., January 28: February 7, 17j 27. Steamships sill from San Francisco at 10 A. M. the day following departure from Portland. Ocean steamers sail from Ainsworth dock. All river steamers depart from Ash - street dock. For all Information, rates, etc., call at city office, corner Washington and Third sts., or ad dress W, H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent. E. McNEILL. Receiver and General Man., Portland, Or. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY- ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE TO JAPAN AND CHINA. These twin - screw steamers are In every re spect superior to any ships that have yet sailed the Pacific ocean. This route is 300 miles shorter than via any other trans-Pacific passen ger line. SAILING DATES FROM VANCOUVER, B. C. Empress of Japan, Feb. 4; April 22. EmpreEs of China, March 4; May 13. Empress of India, April 1; June 3. And every four weeks thereafter. , CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIP LINE TO HONOLULU, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Rates, accommodations and any Information for passengera offered by any line. SAILING DATES FROM VANCOUVER, B. C. Warrlmo, Feb. 16; April 1. Mlowera, March 18; May 10. j Rates, accommodations and any Information concerning these lines cheerfully furnished by calling en or addressing ALLAN CAMERON, General Agent, 140 First St., Portland. Steamers. STMR. TELEPHONE FOR ASTORIA. Columbia River & Puget Sound Navigation Co. Alder-street Dock. Telephone No. 551. S.j -. v- J Leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, 7. A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, 7 P. SL OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Coolgardle Gold Fields (Frcemantle) Australia, $230. first-class: $125. steerage. Round the world. $010, 1st: $350. 2d. Lowest rates to Cape Town. Steamship Australia sails, via Hono lulu only, Feb. 12, 10 A. M.; steamer Mariposa, via Honolulu and Auckland. 2 P. M. March 7. Cook's parties to Honolulu, Feb. 16. April 4; re duced excursion rates. Ticket office. 134 First St., "Portland, Or. J. B. Kirkland, Ticket Agent. J. D. Spreckela fr Bros. Co., General Agents. 13S Montgomery st.. Saa Francisco. Send for Round the World folder. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER UNDINE, Captain Charles T. Kamm. leaves Vancouver at 8:20 A. M. and 1 P. M. Leaves Portland at 10:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. M., Sundays excepted. Por freight or passage appiy on board at foot of Taylor street. Fare, 25c, round triy. sV. it S ,f f IV5- f V1A34 TRAVELER'S GUIDE. Railroads. TCcrU's rorhl Use. THROUGH TICKETS THROUGH TICKETS TO THE TO THE EAST AND SOUTHEAST. EAST AND SOUTHEAST. . VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. VLV THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers, Tourist Sites era and Free Reclining Chair Cars. DAILY TO CHICAGO. DAILY TO CHICAGO. CITY TICKET OFFICE,. 135 THIRD ST., COR ALDER, PORTLAND. R. W. BAXTER, E. 8. VAN KtJRAN. Gen. Agent. City Pass. fiiT, Agt. ROCK-SrlLASr TRACK NO OUST SHQRT.LfilEiAST The Great Northern owns and operates tta en tire equipment. Its Palace Sleeping- Cars, at tached to O. R & N. trains, leava 'Portland every evening at 7 o'clock. Direct route to Spokane, Kootenai country. Flathead aValley, Montana points, St. Paul Minneapolis. Chicago and East. For tickets, printed matter and other infor mation, apply to C. C Donavan, General Agent. 111 Third st. Portland, or address F. L Whit ney, G. P. & T. A.. St. Paul. Minn. THJ3 F7SIrT.TT?SL DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS Rooms. ARIST0S SOCIAL CLUB 211. 212, 213. 214 ASSOCIATED PRESS. E. L. Powell, Man ager .,...800 BARBER, DR. S. J Dentist., ....... ....G0S-C09 BECKWITH, H., Route Agent Pacific Ex press. Company , , 2M BELL, DR. J. F., Physician and Surgeon. ,....711-712 BINSWANGER. DR. O. S., Physlcan and Surgeon - 411-412 BROWN BROS. CO., "Continental Nurser ies" 612-013-614 BLANDFORD, S. M., U. S. Weather Bu reau - 009 BUILDERS EXCHANGE ..SOO CATLIN, W. W Receiver Oregon National Bank 305-308 CAUKIN. G. E, District Agent Travelers' Insurance Co..... -..-.70(5 CARDWELL, DR. HERBERT W.. Pnysi- clan ,. 70S CARDWELL. DR. J. R.. Dentist.. .803-509-810 CHAPPELL BROWNE. P.. Architect.... 4. .700 COLUMBLV TELEPHONE CO 600 CUMMING, DR. WM., Dentist 40S-409 DICKSON, DR. J. F., Physician 7J3-7H DRAKE, DR. H. B., Physician 512-513-314 EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY, J. B. Wrangham, Cashier... .509-510-511 EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder st- FENTON, DR. J. D., Physician aud Sur geon 303 FENTON, DR. HICKS C. Physlcan and Surgeon 303 FENTON & FENTON. DRS.. Surgeons.303-310 FENTON, DR. MATTHEW F Dentist... .3302 FERRIS, DR. FRANK E., Dentist 311-312 GIESY. DR. A. J., Physician ,.,...710 GIESY & CARDWELL, Drs. Physicians...70il GODDARD, E. C &. CO.. footwear, ground floor 129 Sixth st. GRAVES. DR. J. L., Dentjst ........804-303 HELMBOLD. R. P.. Special Agent Manhat tan Llfo .....,..,,.203 MACKAY, DR. A. E., Physician and Sur geon - 704-705 MAXWELL, DR. W. E.. Physician and Sur geon 70V702-703 MORRIS, E. C. Secretary and Mahager Brown Bros. Co 614 MOSSMAN. DR E. P.. Dentist 512-513-514 MANHATTAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., of New York, S. E. Mulfonl. Mar.ager.208-209.210 MeELROY, DR. J. G., Physician anl Sur geon 701.702-703 McMILLAN, N Real Estate-Loans.,.... ,801 McGUIRE, H. D., State rish and Game Pro tector - ..,.Sll MILLER. DR. H. C. Dentist..., 403-109 MULFORD, S. E., Manager Manhattan Life 20S-209-210 McFADEN, MISfe IDA K.. Stenographer and Typewriter .- w J. .. .,205$ OREGON NATIONAL BANK. W, W- Cat- Hn. Rocelver .305-303 PACIFIC BANKER AND INVESTOR L. Stagge, Editor ............803 PAGUE & BLANDFORD, Attorneys - at - Law -TIT REED & MALCOLM, Opticians, ground floor 133 Sixth st. RIGGS, DR. J. O.. Dentist COS ROBERTS, A.. Merchant Tailor 131 Sixth st. REID, JR, R R. Special Agent Equitable Life 511 SAMUEL. L., Special Agent Equitab'e Life.51l SCHMIDT & ROBLIN, General Agency... 303 STOLTE. CHARLES EDWARD 803 STUART, DELL, Attorney-at-Law..C10-C17-eiS STUART & YOUNG, Attorney3-at-Law. . . . C1C-C17-C1S STEVENSON. W. R, and HELMBOLD, R. P.. State Agents Manhattan Life...20S-209-219 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 200 THE FAIRFAX-GREENE PIANO STUDIO 205 TIMMS. MISS EDNA D., Portrait Artist 802 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F., Dentist C10-C11 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 907-903-909 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Physician and Surgeon ............................. .304-305 WILSON, DR HOLT C. Physician 507-503 WRANGHAM. J. B.. Cashier Equitable. ...503 WHITING, DR. S., Physician and Surgeon 501-503 WOOD, DR. JAMES E., Physician and Sur geon ...........-.--... ......312-313 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 413-414 YOUNG. GEO. D., Attorney-at-Law.61C-C17-013 A few more clcjrnnt offices nitty lie liud ly applying; to Portland Trat Company, of Portland, Oregon, 1'l First street, or to tUr rent clerk lu tills buildlne. unTon pAcmcf' i&- ORH BUI