10 THE MOnimtQ OBEGOiNIAJT. TSlBSDAX, FEBRVAUT 14, 1895. I0SE -GD3JST TALKS SAN -FRANCISCO'S HEFOIIM 3IOVE ME5T SEVERELY CRITICIZED. He Defend HI Calling and Appoint ment 'as Police Commissioner, Vic Has Created the Storm. Mr. Moses A. Gunst, -whose appointment to the board of police commissioners of San Francisco by the retiring governor, Markham, has created a controversy In that city, is In Portland on a brief busi ness visit. Mr. Gunst's appointment, it might be said, is almost wholly responsible for the recent "reform" movement in that city, 'which seems to be more or less general. Since Us arrival Mr. Gunst has held a sort of levee, receiving numerous calls from his many acquaintances in this city, and also from many people who are per haps attracted by the notoriety which he has attained through the opposition to his appointment as police commissioner. He .as seen yesterday by a representative of this paper, and willingly talked of the political opposition to him in San Francis co, and of the political situation in that city i general. He said that the oppo sition was not nearly so widespread as al leged, that it was purely a matter of persecution by a single San Francisco paper, and that, in fact, his appointment was approved by a majority of the best citizens. He referred to the agitation in San Francisco over the matter of cor ruption in municipal affairs, and said that it would amount to nothing; that it was greatly overestimated, and that the lead ers were chiefly people of no importance. He also referred to the improved business outlook in San Francisco, occasioned by the prosepct of the new railroad, which will be built by popular subscription, and whlc h will run through the San Joaquin valley to the city. Tr appearance Mr. Gunst is between 43 and 50 years of age. He is short of stat ure, with square shoulders, and a large Jioad set very firmly on the same. -He usually stands with his hands thrust deep In his trousers pockets. His face habitu ally wears the expression of much worldly wisdom and he talks little and to the point. "The San Francisco Examiner is re sponsible for the opposition to my ap pointment," said Mr. Gunst. "The other papers had very little or nothing to say against It, and when they saw that I was really being persecuted by the Examiner, they drew away from the subject entirely. The best citizens in San Francisco are on my side, and I have received many ex pressions of sympathy and indignation over the unjustifiable attacks upon me. 2Co one has been able to rake up anything against my character as an honest man and a good citizen. The Examiner had to admit that I was all that, but wound x.p trjing to make m; out something vile; but it's just spite work; that's all It is. Thy say I have no business to be a police commissioner because 1 have something to do with a saloon and with the Califor nia Jockey Club. I don't see why that should disqualify me. I am in the cigar business and I i-aw that it was desirable to have a good saloon connected with it. 1 therefore secured an interest in a re spectable saloon. Had I known that 'the experiment would prove so profitable, I would have bought the saloon instead of securing only an interest in it. I am not connected with any game or gambling out l't. "Part of their howl was on the ground that I owned stock in the association known as the California Jockey Club, which conducts horse races through the winter season on the Bay district track. " ell, I do own stock In that association, but I have no more interest in the receipts from the book privileges than any other member. Of course, those receipts are one of the principal sources of revenue from the track. I Invested in Jockey Club stock, "because I believed the association to be a good thing lor the city, and for me. There is nothing dishonorable In it. It brings a great many people with a lot of money to the city every winter, and it helps "my business. "Then thore has been a whole lot of uncalled-for talk about my place of busi nessstatements Insinuating that I run a gambling joint in the back room of my store or upstairs in the same building. Those statements are untrue. I have a lease on the whole building. Well, I let the second floor to the California Jockey Club, and the third lioor to the Washoe flub. TJpe dubs are good tenants, and I'd lke to make a long lease -nith each of them. What if I do let rooms in my build ing to a club? Why should that be any thing against me? You might as well at tack the Ohamber of Commerce of Port land for lotting rooms to the Commercial Club Now, hero is an example of the .ort of & deal I am getting from time to turns-' - Mr Piinst hre read a paragraph from the SatiFrancisco Examiner of February 11, It Avai Jrom the report of a speech by ".he Rev. Thomas Filben, who spoke at the First Methodist church in San Francisco !.m Sunday evening on "Politicians or People; a Lexow Meditation." "Mose Gunst's cigar store is on Sutter and Kearney streets. Back of the store is a poker room; above that is a faro game, and above that Is a jockey club. Yet they wondered that we didn't want Mose Gunst for a police commissioner." I have stood that sort of thing about long enough." sAid Mr. Gunst, and he ex hibited a copy of a telegram which he said he had sent to the Examiner that day. The telegram demanded to know If the preacher's remarks had been correctly quoted, and. if not. that it be so stated, and a retraction published. "This opposition to me is only a bluff, anvway," continued Mr. Gunst. "They won't make anything eat of it. Governor T?i:dd himself said it was a Muff, when he a r pomted MeMsies over Governor Mark !um's appointment of myself. Bttdd's words were: " 'It is a bluff, but we'll see if it will v ork- "Judge Sanderson, of the superior court, in San Frandseo, now has the case in .' and, and & decision will doubtless be ren dered within the next M days." Mr. Gunst was asked his opinion of the so-called reform movement on foot in San Francisco. It won't amount to anything." said he. The host citisens are not in it. No such agitation is necessary, aad it is damag ing to the city. The leaders of it are a lot of third-rate, sand-lot preachers, who are the laughing stock of the best citi rcis. Their citizt-r.s" mass meetings, of whl h suih lergthj reports are published, arc not attended by any such ecormous BIoKe A. Gnnst crowds as the press states. "Why, at the last meeting only about 303 were present. Mayor Sutro wasn't there, nobody of any Importance was there. The only man at all well known was Judge Heightoa, a lawyer. "Well, I have said enough on that subject. "The business outlook in San Francisco is growing brighter since a competing railroad from the San Joaquin has be come an assured fact. There will be no debt on that road; $2,000,609 has already been subscribed, and it will run up to 56,000,GOO. San Francisco alone will doubt less subscribe $4,000,000. Another thing which will prove a strong factor in mak ing gocd times in San Francisco is the completion of the marine cable from Honolulu to San Francisco, which is In prospect." One of the last acts of Governor Mark ham before retiring from office was the appointment of Mr. Gunst to the place on the San Francisco board of fire com missioners made vacant by the resigna tion of Mr. Dan Burns. Mr. Burns was regarded as a prominent political boss in the recent California elections, and was alleged to be the right-hand man of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Peo ple said that Gunst's appointment was by request of Burns; but the chief ob jection raised against Mr. Gunst was ow ing to the fact that some of his business interests were in lines which, in a meas ure, come under the supervision of the police; that he was a sporting man, and that his appointment would be a step in opposition to the proposed movement in the direction of muncipal reform which has apparently become the popular cry in San Francisco. Mr. Gunst's arrival has afforded an opportunity to some dozens of people to repeat the justly celebrated. "Mose Gunst has came" joke. When Mr. Gunst has gone, the same persons will doubtless gleefully remark: "Mose Gunst has went." It is a coincidence that Henry Hausman, Mr. Gunst's local business parner, is a Portland police commissioner, while Mr. Gunst occupies a similar position in San Francisco. MAINS TO BE CLEANED. Sediment AV1I1 lie Removed, So "Water "Will Be Kept Clear. The water committee, after considerable delay, which could not well be avoided, has decided to commence a systematic blowing off of all water mains, in order to clear them, as far as possible, of the sediment which has accumulated in them. As there are about 75 miles of mains in the city, on the West Side, the task will require some time. The work will be done at night, so as to inconvenience water consumers as little as possible. There have been occasional complaints about muddy water in the pipes since Bull Run water was turned on. These, however, have been merely local, and the trouble was caused by sudden opening and clos ing of tha fire hydrants, or something of the sort. Probably but few people have any idea of the amount of sand and mud, which has been deposited in the water mains during the time water was pumped from the Willamette; but any one who has seen the water furnished during times of fiood in the river must be aware that it Is considerable. When it has been neces Kiry to cut mains to put in new connec tions. It has frequently been found that 10 or 12-Inch mains were from a half to two-thirds filled with sediment; so it is no wonder that some people have seen muddy water since Bull Run was brought in. The plan for cleaning the sediment out of the mains is to close the gates In the higher parts of the city and then open the blow-off gates In the lower part, connecting with the sewers and the river, and draw off all the water. Then the gates on the high ground will be opened, and the water let in with a rush, which, it is expected, will stir up and carry away the greater portion of the deposits In the mains. While this Is gcing on, it is prob able that many persons will find the water muddy occasionally for a time, but they must not Imagine that Bull Run has become muddy, which it never does; nor that a reservoir has broken or any acci dent happened; and when the mains are once cleaned out, they will have no more muddy water, winter or summer. It may be said here that Bull Run, at the present time, after five weeks without rain, and cold weather in the mountains, Is lower than it has ever before been known to be since it was talked of as a source of water supply for this city; but, after the supply for this city is furnished, there is still water to a depth of about five inches running over the wing dam, or waste way, for a distance of. 400 feet, which would supply several cities the size of Portland, and there is plenty more run ning down the channel of the stream. So there r.ted be no fear of the supply from Bull Run falling short until Portland ap proaches New York or London In size. o A TRIP TO SALEM. Portland ltaKincss Men Want the State to Iluild a Portage Road. Portland will be well represented at the state capitol today. A special train will leave at 9:13 this morning, carrying to Salem not only a large committee from the Chamber of Commerce and the direc tors of the Portland bureau of transpor tation, but also many others of the bus iness men of the city. The main object of the trip will be to urge upon members of the legislature the necessity of construct ing a portage road around the obstructions In the Columbia river in Wasco county, known as the dalles. Representative Boothby. of Morrow county, has a bill before the legislature providing for the immediate building of a state portage road between The Dalles and Celilo. and this bill is indorsed by Portland business men. The following letter will furnish the necessary information to all who de sire to accompany the party to Salem: "In order that as many of our citizens as can be Induced to go may take ad vantage of the opportunity to visit Salem this Thursday, the 14th Inst., kindly pub lish this as an invitation to merchants, taxpayers and all interested in legislation bearing upon the interests of this city, to accompany the Chamber of Commerce special committee and the board of di rectors of the transportation bureau on the excursion to Salem, leaving Central station at 9:15 this morning. The expense of the trip will be nominal, and the train will return, arriving in Portland at prob ably 11 P. M. "Only a few days remain of the session of the legislature, and whatever is to be done must be done at once, and it makes it doubly important that whatever ef forts are put forth to secure legislation should be made at this time. D. D. OLIPHANT. President" Xctv "Wheelmen's CInb. The preliminary steps i ere taken yester day for the organisation of a new cycle dub In connection with the East Side department of the Y. M. C A. It was de cided by Secretary Johnson that it would be an excellent thing for the association. He examined the membership roll of the association, and found the following names who are wheelmen, and who will take part In the organisation: C. A. An son. J. A. Bamford. W. G. Brown. George Boynton, L.eo S. Ball, Thomas Bloomer, William J. Clemens. H. E. Clemens, Earl Couson, William Dunning, Frank C. Forbes, John W. Gwilt, Rob ert Hofer. Levi Johnson. A. I Keenan, George J. Kadderly, 12. J. Lampshire, W. J. Lyons. W. H. Markell, John McMonles, Etsol Markcll, W. M. Owen, Guy Posson. Robert Powell, Horward M- Pierce. F. A. Routledge. Fred Shogren, E. J. Stannard, Fred Wood. I H. Wells.. Secretary John son decided to call a meeting in the par lors of the new building Tuesday evening for the purpose of effecting an organiza tion. The membership will not be confined to the East Side department, but any of the wheelmen of the head association on i the " est Side will be v elcomed. SEARS AM) HIS FEES TWO MONTHS' SALARY HELD OUT OX THE SHERIFF. The County Authorities Are Waiting Patiently for Him to Settle That Little Balance. Sheriff Sears has not yet settled with the county court the commissions collected and charged up against him by County Accountant Pope, amounting to ?1200. As a consequence, Sheriff Sears has drawn no salary for the months-of December and January, his warrants being withheld. Of the amount claimed to be due. Sheriff Sears has been endeavoring to induce the county judge and commissioners to permit him to retain 5140, which he claims he col lected as mileage, but this has not been agreed upon. Under the present law the sheriff is not entitled to retain any fees whatever, nor mileage. Everything must be turned over into the county treasury. The sheriff gets his salary and the profit of boarding prisoners, if there is any profit. Sheriff Sears says there is no profit in boarding prisoners. He gets $3 a week for each prisoner and gives them two meals a day. Out of this he pays his jailer and one cook, a colored woman. Assistance In the cooking line Is given by prisoners. The bill for boarding prisoners during the present Incumbency of Mr. Sears, has averaged over $1000 per month. He states that there is no profit in it, and he doubtless knows. He receives be sides H 50 per week for boarding United States prisoners. There are a few of these. For taking prisoners and insane persons to Salem, he is paid mileage by the state. The money which Accountant Pope clams is due from Sheriff Sears is almost wholly from commissions collected on ex ecutions where the sheriff sells property. When property Is sold by the sheriff upon execution, the sheriff collects the amount of the bid, the costs, advertising bill, and a commission which Is for the work of making the sale of the real estate, and the amount of the commission is accord ing to the amount realized from the sale a per cent being charged. After the property is sold, the sheriff makes a return to the state circuit court of the amount received for the sale of the property, the amount of the costs, adver tising and commissions, and the judge of the state circuit court looks it all over, and, if satisfied, within a certain length of time confirms the sale and orders the deed made by the sheriff to the purchaser. Sheriff Sears says the plaintiffs in these suits buy in the property themselves In most of the instances, and that, where the plaintiffs bid in the property, no money passes from which he can secure the commission. He declares that a de cision of the supreme court, quoted in 14th Oregon, says that where plaintiffs bid in property upon execution, they need not pay commission on the sale; so, If they won't pay, he has no means of col lecting. Sheriff Sears states, further, in ,this connection, that lawyers have said to him, in many instances: "If the sher iff gets the commission, I'll pay it. You are the best sheriff Multnomah county ever had. You get up in the middle of the night and serve our papers, and you accommqdate us in every manner possi ble. I do not have to pay this commis sion, but, if the sheriff gets it, I am will ing to pay It." The sheriff interpretes such remarks of attorneys as equivalent to this: "Here, Sheriff Sears, the law, according to that 14th Oregon decision, does not compel me to pay this commis sion; but you are a first-class sheriff, ever ready to oblige, so here is the commis sion as a present." So Sheriff Sears has retained the com missions for himself. Accountant Pope states that the returns of Sheriff Sears show commissions collected amounting to several months salary, besides the mileage here mentioned, and that County Judge Northup and the cornty commissioners are unanimous in saying, that if Sheriff Sears has collected this money, he "must" pay it Into the county treasury. There the case stands. Mr. Sears has not paid In any money, and for two months his salary warrant has not been ordered drawn for him by the county court. The law says If the sheriff "fails" to collect, or does not pay over costs, his salary shall be withheld. . The sheriffs of all the counties paying the sheriffs salaries, including Sheriff Sears, are endeavoring to have the present legislature pass a bill allowing them to collect and retain mileage for service of papers beyond a reasonable distance from the court house. A BIG REALTY DEAL. The Entire Brooklyn, "Water Front Under One Ownership. A great amount of interest is shown in Portland over the recent gigantic real estate deal made in New York, particu larly as It was successfully carried out on an entirely new and novel plan. It was the largest private real estate trans action in the history of the world. It exceeds in amount the money involved in the combined purchases by the United States of Louisiana from the French in 1S03 and of Alaska from Russia in 1SG7. It was the practical consummation of a funding scheme in real estate on a gi gantic scale. Two and one-half miles of water-front property in Brooklyn, ex tending from the big bridge across East river to the Erie basin, have been pur chased by one man, and the magnitude of the enterprise is best conceived when it is stated that one feature of It was the drawing of a single check for $12,273,750. This check is probably the largest ever drawn, and was signed by G. W. Young, president of the United States Mortgage Company, of New York, a gentleman who has visited Portland in the past and is well known to some of the financiers of this city. The United States Mortgage Company had Its services enlisted in the great en terprise when it was found that the pur chase would involve the investment of some $30,000,000. The property purchased consists of wharves and bonded warehouses of the Brooklyn water front, the most exten sive In the United States. They were owned by numerous parties, between whom there was keen rivalry for the patronage of importers, shippers and for warders of merchandise of the kind which forms the great bulk of American com mence. Each had a small army of em ployes, and Its own scheduled fees. Econ omy could easily be seen in the reorgan ization of the clerical forces, for any one of them was able to do the work of a dozen companies, and under a single pro prietary corporation there could be no competition for business, and the services of solicitors and drummers could be dis pensed with. Mr. Thomas A. Mclntyre is the origi nator of the enterprise, and it took him two years of quiet, persistent investiga tion before he determined to purchase the properties outright. Then he enlisted the services of the United States Mortgage Company. Arrangements were made to borrow $17,500,000 of the required sum on mortgage, the investment of the organ izers being represented by a stock issue of $12,500,000. Leading trust and insurance companies of New York underwrote large quantities of the bonds, and a title guar antee company, after searching over 3000 conveyances, made a favorable report. It was a memorable day on January 23 when the survivors of the old families of Brooklyn and their representatives, the owners of the historic warehouses and water front of Brooklyn, met in the of fice of the United States Mortgage Com pany and transferred their property to a new corporation organized to own and manage it. When all the title papers were stacked up on the table they made an Imposing pile. The biggest transac tion of the kind on record was quietly completed, with less trouble than is often involved in closing an ordinary trade. The scheme of funding rel estate will EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY -Even loss, to the mat tar of clearing our tables. If price will prevent, we will not carry ono garment from this Eeason-into next. Today, tomorrow and Saturday wo will offer All onr W1XTEB. JACKETS Including latest Sample style jackets, Values up to 25.00 for $6.00 EACH $3.00 EACH $1.00 EACH $3.00 EACH SPEINGr WEIGHT JACKETS Values up to 512.50 for S4.50 and S5.00 ' All-wool Henrietta WAISTS at LADIES' SUITS, Xoiie less than S6.50 and up toS12.50 Eegulavly, all at OLDS 5ide and Jiiejl? ?ombs $rou into greater uo$ue daily, lijotrpsr ship ment reeeiued yesterday. Tarel? 5tai?dard patterns and 5tandard Ia$azine are rjou; f?ere. OUR CUTLERY SALE 6 Plated knives 5 .00 C Roger Bros. plated knives -... 1.73 G Ivory-handle and fine steel blades 1.00 G Celluloid-handle and fine steel blades '. 2.25 C RuLber-handle and fine steel blades 1.30 6 White bone handles and fine steel blades 1.50 G Iron-handle knives and 6 forks 43 6 Wood-handle knives and 6 forks 85 G Bone-handle knives and 6 forks 1.23 G Bone-handle knives and G forks, extra good 2.00 Tea spoons, 15 cents dozen; table spoons, SO cents dozen. Extra reductions in granite ironware, also woodenware. Fine line of new and useful household novelties arriving daily. Our line is now complete, and one of the largest to select from on this coast A few specialties left In Onyx Table, Piano and Banquet lamps. OLDS & SUMMERS. 189 now probably be employed in the pur chase of large blocks of properties. There is a very decided tendency for money to seek investment in real estate, either by outright purchase or mortgages. Capital has fared badly In many other directions because of bad judgment and dishonesty of those to whom It was Intrusted. The success of the new Brooklyn corporation will depend upon the judgment and shrewdness of the management. When the funding scheme is generally adopted It will mark a new epoch, in real estate transactions. TO PARADE FEB. 22. First Regriment Ik to Observe AVnsli ingrton'ti Birthday. Headquarters First Regiment Infantry, O. N. G., Portland, Feb. 12, 1S93. Orders No. 18: First Companies A C, E, G-, H, I and K, and the enptnee-and hospital corps of this regiment, and battery A, will parade in fatigue uniform (black belts), with overcoats and .field equipment (cam paign hats, canteens and leggins), on Fri day, February 22, in commemoration of the birth of General'lJeorge Washington, the "Father of His Country." Assembly at 2 o'clock P. M. Field and staff will report mounted to the colonel, and non commissioned staff, band and field music to the adjutant at the same hour and place. Second Company instruction drills will continue until March 16, when drill in the school of the battalion will be taken up and the company drill suspended. Com pany commanders will give close attention to the military appearance of their com mands, enforcing a rigid and unvarying compliance on the part of the men, with every requirement thus involved; absolute steadiness In ranks; bearing erect and conforming strictly and invariably to the position of the soldier; head and eyes straight to the front; distances and in tervals exact; rear ranks always prop erly closed in line, whether marching or at halt; no talking or laughing; atten tion keenly fixed on the drill; prompt and alert execution of every command. The necessity for a closer attention to these Important details is evident, and company commanders are strictly charged with re sponsibility therefor. Third In compliance with S. O. ?o. 11, C. S., headquarters O. N. G., dated February 6, 1S93, designating this armory a military post, all troops quartered there in are for purposes of discipline and service under the command of the senior officer present for duty. Subdivision com manders will be governed accordingly. By order of COLONEL BEEBE. E. P. CROWNE, Adjutant. PERSONAL MENTION. llr. R. A. Alexander, en-mayor of Pen dleton, is at the Gilman. Jlr. M. C. Crosby, mayor of Astoria, is a guest at the Portland. Captain J. W. Lewis, ex-register of The Dalles land of5ce, is at the Imperial. Mrs. J. Heiler, the well-known milliner, left for San Francisco, on a two weeks business trip. Judge Warren Truitt, formerly of Polk county, now United States district judge for Alaska, is in the city. Judge Frank J. Taylor, of Astoria, left for Salem last evening to attend to day's session of the supreme court. Jlr. J. 3r. Wallace, of Salem, was among visitors to Portland yesterday. He Is president of theSalem waterworks. Mr. George Humphrey, of Gardner, Douglas county, where he is engaged in the mercantile business, is at the Per kins. Mr. A. Rlchley, of this city, leaves for Tacoma this morning to superintend the construction of a four-story cold-storage plant. Mr." J. Well Lysons, a Washington news paper man, is in the city, as clerk of the joint legislative committee bound for Vancouver to investigate the school for defective youth. Mr. George H. Saubert, for many years part proprietor of the Salem Statesman, was in Portland yesterday on his way to Spokane, whither he goes to accept a position on the Spokesman-Review. He was accompanied by his family. Mr. A. F. Biles, formerly W. P. Fuller & Co.'s manager at San Diego, Cal., ar rived in the city with his family yester day. He comes to make Portland his home and is to join Mr. Lowengart in the management of W. P. Fuller & Co. Captain Symons, "United States engineers, has returned from a tour of the Sound and an Inspection of seme of the government works in progress there under his charge. He reports everything progressing favor ably. He started out the snag boat to im prove the Skagit river, as the fine weather and the low stage of the rivers at pres ent allow of such work being done to good advantage. Lieutenant Shunk, United States engi neers, has been In bad health for several weeks His physicians say he has been overworked, mentally, and needs complete rest and change of air. He will go to the Cascades and spend a week or two with 75e 85e AND $1.00 Our new SPRING SILKS Special at -Are attracting As muck attention For their superior wearin? Qualities As for their superb styles. The price never bought Anything equal to these NEW DOMESTIC DRESS GOODS ' Special at 17e A YARD & KING f AND 191 FIRST STREET his friend, Lieutenant Taylor, In charge of the works there, and, If he will leave his mathematical studies alone, he will findjalr enough coming down through the gorge to completely restore him. . o DOGFIGHTS UNDER THEBAN Patrons of the Brutal Sport Are Sc- verely Dealt With. Patrons of the brutal pastime of dog fighting will hardly scon engage In that sport within the limits of Portland, or, in fact, the bondary line of Multnomah county. Certain Japanese apparently are particularly fond of dogfightlng, and those in this city have several bulldogs raised with the special view of being canine scrappers and money-winners for their owners. The result of the dogfight on last Sun day will have a depressing effect on the Japanese participants. They were not only fined ?30 each and sent to jail for GO days, but, after winning the fight, the ref eree and stakeholder, John Mooney, de cided against them. It was a clear case of flim-flam, so far as the Japs are con cerned. Mooney, the xeferee, has fared almost as bad, as he and Frank J. Burk walter, who also had an interest In the dogfight, were also fined and sentenced to 30 days in jail. The only difference in their situation, as compared to the Japs, is that they have appealed from the decis ion of Justice Geisler, and about the time that the Japs have paid the penalty of the law, Mooney and Burkwalter will have to put in their 30 days time, and be losers of the additional costs which their appeal involved. Mconey was formerly employed at the International hotel, and Burkwalter w.as employed In a First-street cigar store for seme time. Both are dog fanciers, but the result of this last fight was not entirely to their fancy. The county and city authorities are de termined to put a stop to the brutal sport of dogfighting, and. If another takes place, participants and spectators will not only be arrested but severely punished. THE POSTOFFICE FOR 1894 Postmaster's Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. The following summary of the receipts and disbursements at the Portland post office for the year ending December 31, ISOi. is compiled from the annual report of Postmaster E. C. Protzman: Receipts Sale ordinary, postage due. and special delivery stamps and pos tal cards $113,434 24 Sale newspaper and postage stamps 3,678 91 Sale stamped envelopes 20,333 20 Rent of boxes 3.P6S 70 Remittances from other postoffices. 12,063 31 Drafts collected from postmast ers 130 95 Total $101,214 31 Disbursements Salaries paid postmaster and clerks 34.310 00 Salaries paid carriers 33,745 71 Salaries paid railway postal clerks 35,936 33 Paid for special delivery K52 00 Paid for weighing mail 2.01G 00 Paid for redeemed envelopes, etc. 234 10 Sundry expenses 2,247 45 Remittances to assistant treas urer, San Francisco 83,132 S!) Total .194,214 51 In. the Municipal Court. Frank Drucks, engaged in business at Seventh and Mill streets, as a grocer, was yesterday fined $100 in the municipal court for selling liquor without a license. "Fiddler" Williams is back in jail, after an absence of several months. While drunk on Tuesday, he accosted several la dies on the street, and a policeman run him in. He was fined $25, and he will put in his time on the rock-pile. George C. Leland, a printer, arrested for Etealing a suit of clothes, will have an ex amination today. BUSIXESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cuttlnpr Teeth, Be sure to use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Vlnsiows Soothing Syrup, for children teethlcs- It soothes the child, softena the pirns, allays all pain, cure3 wind colic and diarrhoea. Prompt relief in sick headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, guaran teed to those usins Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. RUPTURE REWJiERTLY CURED FOR $25 In from three to six weeks, Trithout operation, knife or detention from business, no matter how lone Htanding or what your age may be. A perfectly painless treatment. The Portland offices now have patients cured who live in or near all of the towns in Ore- Eon. Washington. Montana and Idaho. If you are suffering with a rupture, call or write at once Consultation and examination Free. THE O. E. MILLER COMPANY. Slaf Quam building. Portland, Or. jfcjgff NEW GOODS! -Sxrivinrr Daily IN DRESS GOODS DOMESTICS, Ete. Eest TeIus Ever Offered in Portland. Misses' and Children's Pebble-Grain or Tiger-Kid, spring-heel and Patent-tip SCHOOL SHOES. "Sizes 8 to 10.. 51.08 Sizes 11 to 2 .. l.34 BABY CARRIAGES We are sole agents for the celebrated Gendron carriage best in the market. A full line now in. See display in Taylor street vindow. fsric r" m i :' MEER&FRANKC0 KArc? -$!rf-$ trMffc ?J VaS LiJL JaJJLJ'&$ Still another big cut in. prices. Entire stock must be sold. Your last chance. Plenty of good, style and sizes to select from MORRIS1iARKS (FOR THE UND5RKH1TERS) 109 First Street, - Between Washington and Stark Streets N. R Watch onr "Ad" next week. It will pay you. REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT G. HE1TKEMPER, The Portland Jeweler Announces to his many friend3 and patrons that he will, in a few days, remove his magnificent stock of goods to 249 Morrison street, which is three doors east of his present store. His new store Is being fitted up In very neat style, and he will be in much better shape to please his old customers and can take care of his ex pectant new ones. Until he moves, he offers his entire stock at the greatest sacrifice prices to save the moving of them. He invites you to call and inspect his goods and to price them. EvaiM at a laip Sacrifice. G! HOOTER, THE PORTLAND JEWELER His present location, Third and Morrison street, will be occupied by the North ern Pacific ticket office. -"-'- ''" t.t-1 L. out AND Ht I tri kidneys and tha urinary organs ox all impurities. CUiPinEXEstrengchensandrestoresamall weak organs. ,..,, im, runcr,n ciitToron. ftro not fn.-ivi hv DoWofs is DecjiQse ninety ner cent are tnrsoipu witp JProsistf tin. CUPIDENEIs the only known remedr to cureirltlioutan operation. 50COtrs:Irnnnl als. A written guarantee given and money returned if she boxe3 dos not cilcct a permanent cure $1.00 a box, six for fiCO, by mail. Send for ntEK circular and testimonials. Address 5AV51i 2IEBICE3TE CO., P. O. Box 2078, San Francisco, Cal, For Sale by For Salo by S. G Sfclflraorn Co.. 151 Tlrct: Sc Portland. Or.. Poi Arrontp "A FAIR FACE MA PROVE A FOUL BARGAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES out this out This for ANY PART, containing 20$ Stage portraits of the Marie Burroughs C e1ntti f-i e . T TIr COVJPCjINI -TVoil r vw x J. n.J.c visw x -pc pietiire$qu9 paeifio Slope COUPON 5r - j' - :jf.fc.S.$orJir-5 CUT THIS OUT The Century War Book. COUPON 7T JHt fcjfcJr-C J5 CUT THIS OUT if. Glimpses Of Amepiea ! COUPON X-3 -k 3Hr4s44Jr CUT THIS OUT Popular JTIelodies- COUPON send REMNANT SALE Our sale of remnants, odds and ends, and broken lines, will end ih a few day3. and as there are still many choice bar- gains left, we would urge upon our pa l trons the advisability of improving tho ( golden moment of opportunity. In tha ( words of an ultra moral senator "Now isle Accepted Tie" TEMPTATIONS OFFERED IN OUR Shoe Department Men's Button, Shoes, worth S3 to $3.$l 30 Ladles' Fina French Kid Shooe, hantl-sewod, sizes 1 to 3, worth $3, at $14S Misses' Heel Rubbers, sizes 1 to 2, per pair So Just as good values to be found in every department. S"! "CJPJDEME- ,1 I t ii ranuuu 6id i unco 3K5Esffs Hon of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all nor roti3 or disfayes of the generative organs, such ss Lest .Manhood, Insomnlajl'ainslntheJlnck.Semlnal iini!sstns,:Nervous Debility, rimplcs, Unfitness to iTarry, Kxh:instln;r Drains, Varicocele aixi Cons'iratlon. It stops all losses by day or uight. Prevents qnlck n of ilisrhanrp. which if not chpcknl leads to Snermi'tniThcsa ami T........ -. ..fTM,nit.Ll?AlA.mii. thntirA. ,V.s coupon and 10c is good$ Art F'ortfolio or Stage Celebrities. PTifB rhpiTVTft for Trc;t.frr rin " nrrlAPa 11 Pxrft Ya Rir " AAftAAAAR :$- BRING TEN CENTS with this Coupon and you will re- ceive either part of The Ore- $ gonian's Picturesque Rocky Mountains and Pacific SloDe. -x FIHEEX CENTS by maiL SeTen puU now reidy. " 4e - fe X- - Send or bring three coupons and lO cents for each part to "The Ore gonian" and get this superb "work the story of the war told by tho leading generals on both oidos First twenty parts now ready. - 5I - H JMt W Bring or send lO cents -with this Coupon and you will receive either Part of GLIMPSES OF AMERICA- If it Is to be mailed to you send 2f 15 cents to cover postage and paekng. Bring or send 23c with this Coupon and you will receive one of The Orecjonian's song books, entitled "Popular Me!o- dies." If itis to be mailed to you X oc extra for postage. x