!EHS MOUSING OREGrCXNIAJr, WPXESBAY. Jf.EBBTJ.AItY 13, 1895. H REAL ESTATE TBANSFERS Fix deeds. aggregating 705. were filed for rec ord yesterday with the county recorder, as fol lows J P Menefee et at to T. C Tenneson. E. lots IT. 18. MkSI. Alblna 5 2 J. D. Hart and wife to Title Guar. & Trust ij.. J.m 3, 4. . C. 7, b!k 3; blks 4. 3. 0, X lit Tabor 1 It Hart to J. D. Hart, lots 3, 4, Meadow land 1 Rcr Sa. & Trust Co. to J. D. Hart, blks 3, 4, 5. C. lots 4, ft. btk 10. X. Mt. Tabar 1 31 nintnn to J. Kehnke. "lot 2t. S. ii lot 30. bik 2. Tabaseo add 300 IVrlland Trust Co. to M. Maootnber, lots 23, iU Hk 2. Tremont Place 400 Total $703 Title Esamlned and Insured. Honey to lend on improved city property. The Title -Guarantee & Trust Company. Chamber of Commerce. A Great Pantonilmlst Gone. Madame An&elique Ravel, the last of the famous Ravel family, who died a few days ago In New York, was S2 years old suid first came to this country nearly 50 year ago, and appeared In pantomimes like "The Niffht Owl," "The Magic Trum pet," "Vol au Vent" and "The Green Mon ster," at Xiblo's Garden, with her four brothers Gabriel, Gerome. Antolne and PYanuIs. Her husband. M. Cugene Pene lon. v.as the musical director of. the corn pan, of which Blondin. the rope-walker, v.as also a member. The RavelB became great favorite?. They paid several visits here afterward, and two of the brothers made a tour of America as late as 1663. The brothers all died in Toulouse, France, their native town. TO THE PUBLIC "The. Oreeontan rhnrsei for all meeting; notice ot whnteTcr description. Calls for sneetlngs. cencrol tuvltatlons to ytultllo Catherines, etc., come nnder bl head. Special rates, however, will he clven on meetlns notices of ertaln character when It Is an li o a need that no price of admission will be clmrced. MEETING NOTICES. A. O. N. OF Tim M. S. Dirpensation has been granted by Noble Wm. R Melislj. Im perial Potentate, to receive, elect and initiate candidates on Saturday evening, IGth lnsu Govern yourBolvcs accordingly. AL KADER OREGON- COMMAND ERY. NO. 3. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. A stated conclave will be held in their asylum, at Ma sonic Temple, on this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Sir Knlgiits are courteously invited to be present. THOS. GRAY. Rec WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18. It. A. M. Stated convocation this Wednesday) evening at 7:50. at 24fc I'nlon ae. lEax! Side). Work in Royal Arch degree. Visiting com panions cordially lnvitel. Ill order of the High Priest. F. I. KEENAN. Sec. IVNHOE LODOE. NO. 10. IC or P. Resit-la.- . aventlon this Wednesday) evening at 7:30 1 k. in Marquam building. Work In the Inquire rank. Visiting Knights welcomed. L. CARST15NSEN. K. R. S. DIED. ?MITH-Feb. 11. Samuel I). Smith. Funeral -jin residence, 181 nth U, Thursday at - P. M Ser ices at the Brave private. Fl XEItAIj XOTICE. AMERICAN COUNCIL. NO. 3. J. O. XI. A. M. Members are requested to meet at Lotus' hall Wednesday. Feb. 13. at 12:30 P. M. sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, W. H. Ixland. By order of the council. O. F. DAVISON, R S. LIENNAHAN The funeral services of Mr?. Sarah Llennahan trill take place from her ate residence. East -Cth and Franklin sts.. at 9JtO this morning. Mass will be xald at lie Church of the Sacred Heart, S32 Milwau kee ac. at 10 o'clock. JOWAItD'lfaiaAunur4aker and 4iubaJmor, 4tl and Ynmliill. Tel. SOT. riNLEY Jc REIGER, Undertakers and Euilialiucrn. 145 Fifth. Tel. 0. XEWTODAY. WALL PAPER. 100 PER DOUBLE ROLL. AT Schoneld & Morgan's. 192 Third St. SMALL FARM FOR $000 25 ACRES. 22 miles from Portland and 3 miles from railroad station; house, shed, and S acres in cultiva tion; balance easily cleared; horse, wagon. 2 cows. 2 heifers and plow. DcLashmutt & Son. 200 Stark st. 7yA T and WOOD-DRY VERY BEST IN V wrxUtown, KtiarnnteeiL Brown & Hicks, foot of Yamhill U Phone 715. MORTGAGE LOANS On trell-lmproved property. W. H. Fear, 405 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. On city property: very reasonable rates for flrst .,as recuritj. Address P. O. box 234. MORTGAGE LOANS U to a per cent. C. E. RE.N'X & CO.. Concord Bide- greatTarcuin! 30 SH RKS COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BAN1C st k for pale. Inquire at room 10 Worcester bl.xk. GILMAN COAL It is the best and cleanest for domestic use. S .Id by all flrst-ciass city coal dealers. Ask tor it. LOANS ON LOWEST TERMS Ample funds to low at C to 10 per cent, oa cioice and unimproved property and on flret class notes. F. V. Andrews & Co.. 131 3d st. TO WHOM Tl M YC0NCERN "1 i-ties contcmplatinpr hulMins, or who de li r" plans or cut I mates, will find It to their ad artac to call ok or addrens BRICKIAYERS" INTERNATIONAL UNION. NO. 1. OF ORE GON, room 14. Vnlon block, between 10 and 12 A M. Per order president and board of dlrec- RECEIVER'S AUCTION SALE The stock of goods which formerly belonged to the Eastern Clothing House will be pold at su-" n at 205 First st. Stock conslls of dry t'lF. .kthin?. boots and slioes. ladies' and cnttlemen'R furnishing; soods, hats and can. t inks And Mlte, tc. "ale commetKcii tofti" at 2 o'clock, and will , i ''"lie until all goods are sold. By order of reic er LOGS! LOGS!!. "ronosals will be received until the 1st dav of llir'b for the followifii: loss: 1.&00.000 feet of -rue Jopt. knott-n as mountain spruce, to be elncv JaRUarv 1. lSi)4. gwd tKHind. mer chantable IE. free from decay and coare. rsush knotc. Also 50.ti0i feet of hemlock toe, cf the same i-hiiacter. to le bnrked. Deilerv of the above must be made before jHne 1. lKCs at IVrtlsnd. OreROB. Terms, no and (30 days, or 2 per cent on" for rash. Addreti Julius Ord v aj , 710 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. OUR WANTS BOILED DOWN? purchaser for a drat; store In northern end cf t'.e city, doing a jwod business. K purchaser for that dairy farm near Port la" 1 i-n the Ootumbta river. V purchaser for a piece of business praporty 1 ortrally located that to mention its locality wt id yt the real estate men alt agos to knew r; at whs up with the owner. few purrfcasets for thve httndred-doHar : s "n Citv view Park addition, away this side cT ;- !ood. the Oregon .1ty eleetrie line. A puivhaner te that Hve-acre trset four miles c neurl of the ,4ty. for ?. at $130 per acre. V purchaser oc thoee small tracts of ours in la "-t.Mi. a flW per acr Tun-hai-er for a few of tnoee five-acre tracts Iviir.Rvnr t th Johnson estate, near Reedvilte. in WashinctAM eoRty. DcLASUMCTT & SON, 207-203 Stark at. AUCTION SALE ON THURSDSY NEXT At Central Auetloa Rooras. cor. Akler and Park sts The excellent furniture, carpets, etc. of jr..a'e residence, cor. Jefferson and Third, re t . . 5 on aorotmt of landlord objecting to auc- a t the bouse: handsome parlor suit of siod rr s'le. oak frame -cad silk tapestry eover- r enter taWe. coVWer-seat rockers, rtne bed Ke oxk halt tree, pretty hanmrnt lamps. i ' m white enameled easels, pictures, poc-T!-rei. luce curtains, art square carpets, raps. rria'i tyokrae. oak extension tabic. Mt of hieh- a . hMir. Iusseis carpets, rockers, eotnbt ra 01 'oldlnir bed. four oak and antique be4 setr pnnw. ntattrosses. pillows. Iiat; and Malr '-;eiF of best bdy Brussels: co and heat er sve. Tirkeo'. glassware. Mlver caster. I r-vlj', kitten requisites, and other cffets, aJ .n Usw oMiditiud S.ile ax 10 o'ciodc UUO XJAKn & CO . Aucuvmecrs. XEW TODAT. SACRIFICE OP JUSTNESS FBOPERTT WE hare for sale three pieces of business proper ty, located In center of the city and en the very best streets, that belcngs to a party whose health demands an Immediate chance. It is so longer a question ot making money. or cf getting what the property is worth, bat it Is a question ct health, and hence we will eelt It at a great sacrifice. But very little money is required down. The property la rented, and will be sold separately or as a whoia, Tor one piece we ask 59000 $3000 cash, balance In August. 1B0S. For an other we ask $16,000 $0QU0 cash, balance In 1S98. For another we ask S35.00O-$10.O0J cash, balance la 1895. One of Portland's lead Ire brokers valued the latter at iCO.000. when the present loan of $25,000 was obtained upon It. a year or two since. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark at. TTE HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE RESI deace lots en VauKhn. between 21st and 23J. belonKiog to Johnson estate, shtch we will tell for one-half what is asked fcr lots around them; street Improvements made; lota lay two to three feet above erads. "vTlll be sold on easy terms. No one efferice nicer quarter blocks for S2S00. DeLaxhmutt & Son. 203 Stark st. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN FIRST mortKages on Eastern Oreson farms, to trade fcr Portland property. They range all the way from $500 up, are drawing interest, and are all well secured. For particulars call on or address DeLashmutt & Son. 03 Stark st. BAY STATE COAL CO.. OFriCE S24 THIRD St.. offer all kinds coal at less priced than others. Incstlgate and sa-e money. 30 acres, all clear, within 13 minutes" walk of motor, $100 per acre. E. R. Hickson, Sher lock buJIdlnc- ADVERTISING RATES IN CLASSIRED COLUMN Tor Rent Tloom" nnd "Employ ment Wanted." X cent a. word each Insertion; tinder all other beatlinzcK, 2 cents a. word flrat Insertion and 1 cent a. -irord. each anbacuueux inser tion. All elfiaaffled advertl.iemeats ot less than fifteen, words eonntcd nnd charred na fifteen words: over fif teen words, nnj-thinc leas than five words counted duU chnrsed as live words. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOW ACRES TIMBER LAND THIS LAND lies either close to or withjn two miles of los Einjr stream, that run Into the Columbia river or Puget sound, state of Washington, about two thirds into Columbia; carefully cruised and purchased 15cars ago; ha. 5(', 000.000 of merchantable FIR. CEDAR AND SPRl'CE. ubout HO pr cent FIR. For sale very cheap; need money. Write to P. O. bos Iwtt, Portland. BEAUTIFUL 11ESIDENCE LOTS IN RIVER Elde. Highland Park. Rosodule and vicinity, at half price and easy terms. Call and inves tigate. S. E. lUgj-n Si Co.. S3H, Third su. room 6. THIRTEEN ACRES. 11 MILES EAST OF Portland, on Base Line road; 3 acres in cul tivation; house and barn; price &&0; must be sold to settle up an estate. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark it. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE FARM 160 ACRES (Improved), only Hi mil from station; small payment down, easy terms for balance. Charles Allen, '243 Washington st. ABOUT 23 FARMS IN YAMHILL COUNTY, the garden spot of Oregon; all sizes, 'shapes nnd prices. Come and take your pick. De Lashmutt & Son. 200 Stark si. WEST 1RVINOTON LOTS AND BLOCKS FOR sale, in delightful tract; for sale on easy terms. For particulars apply to A. G. Ryan, IK5 Larrabee st., city. PARTIES DESIRING TO BUY. SELL OR trade real estate, read our large list of bar gains In Dally Sun. Clinton & McCoy Co., 281 Morrison st. CORNER LOT. IN LINCOLN PARK. WITH good 4-room house; will be sold nt half value. Eckereon, 10 Washington building. CHEAP ON BURNSIDE ST. VERY NICE house; easy terms; low price. 03 Marquam building. GENUINE BARGAINS IN LOTS. ACREAGE, farms; 5o fare. O. R. Addlton, Lent's. Or. TO EXCHANGE. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXCHANGE A FARM of 1C2V5 acres, oa the East Umpqua river, Douglas county. Oregon, for a house and lot en the East Side. This farm has 55 acres, in & high state of cultivation, and good build ings; is unencumbered, and valued at $2300. . Any offer must be free from encumbrance, DeLashmutt &. Son. 209-Stark t. WE HAVE A PARTY WHO WISHES TO JTC change a nice cottage and 100 feet square, valued at $1500. located In Toledo. Wash., for a home on East Side, or for vacant lots, and will assume small encumbrance, or pay cash difference If necessary. For particulars see DeLashmutt & Son, 209 Stark st. LAND FOR LAW-A VALUABLE TIMBER claim in Chehalls county. Wash., for a good law library. Address U 49, care Oregonlan. Los Angeles and Southern California property for Oregon or Portland property. John Camp bell. P. O. box 430. Los Angeles. Cal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR FULLLOODmoCEXSXNDEGG3 of all popular varieties, write or see John Vlnce & Son. at Vancouver Commision House, 131 Front st. We buy. sell on commission, or trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. BARGAINS IN FIRE-PROOF SECOND-HAND pafes; a good selection and in good condition; not water-soaked. Agency for Mosler Screv. Door Safe. J. E. Davis. 171 Fourth. Portland. $2300 WILL BUY A WELL - EQUIPPPED lodging-house or 30 rooms, on Third St., doing n good business. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark bt. NEARLY" NEW UPRIGHT PIANO. VERA cheap. See it at 34 East 13th, cor. East Couch. Ankeny cars to 13th. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY;. DANA. AL bee & Walker now occupy their new premises. East Water st., cor. Taylor. FOR SALE HORSE, HARNESS AND ROAD cart, good as new; only $30. Address J 1, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO. AT a bargain; nearly new. Address C 10, care Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF A 13 -ROOM FLAT FOR sale. Inquire Mrs. M. Lemley, 209 Salmon st. FOR SALE A FINE FRESH COW. HENRY Backer, on Kelly place. Take Woodstock cars. FISCIIKR.PIANO.IN FINE CONDITION: must be sold: $133 cash. Foss music store. FOR REST FARMS. FOR RENT A FARM OF 20 ACRES. 3 miles from courthouse: 10 acres in cultivation; good water and two houses and two barns: price $20 per month. DeLashmutt & Son. -VJ Stark st. FOR RENT 120 ACRES. 3 MILES FROM Portland; all in cultivation; good buildings: would make a good dairy. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED ABLE-BODIED MEN: OF GOOD character, between 21 and 30 years of age. for Fourteenth I. S. Infantry. For Information apply at recruiting office. Third and Stark sts. BOOKKEEPING AHOROUc7iFaNd"FiIAC tical course taught afternoons and ornmgs by an experienced accountant. A. O. U. W. temple. WANTED 200 MEN TO UNLOAD srilOON ers; best beer on the coast: 2lfC per schooner; New York Barrel Houfc. 25 North Third st. YOUNG MAN HONEST. WITH SMALL cash; $10 a week: steadj ilace; lio cxjerience required. 2SlVa 1st St.. office S. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPETENT LIUE-INS.URAXCK man. for important position with a leading company; reorganization f territory; Nurtty requlred. K 10. care OregoBlan. GIRLS TO INTRODUCE A NEW ARTICLE: good wages and jiart of prontK to the right ones. Call at Dunbar's grocery, 313 Washlng- 1 ton tt.. at 11 A. M. HOUSEWORK A COMPETENT GIRL "FOR general work. Apply betweenil) and 2 Wednes day and Thursday, at 237 22d St.. city. WAITRESS GOOD GIRL. FOR PRIVATE boarding-house. German or Norwegian pre ferred. 144 Sixth st. HOUSEWORK WOMAN FOR GENERAL work. Inquire room Vt Hamilton, 131 Third street. HOUSKWCOT KGIRL rOR GENERAL AVORK in ?mall family; small wages. VSa Grant. SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED groeeryman: work of any kind, city or coun try. Address Y 4, care Oregonlan. Mlncellttncouii. SITUATION WANTED AS JANTTOK. BY A reliable married man (a children). Address T 3. care Oregonlan. STTfATION WANTED -BY A JAPANESE; good rook aad bouseworker. Apply 333 Flan- Uirs st. SITCATIOXS WASTED-FEMALE. D rea maUr ra . WANTED DRESSMAKING AND PLATN sewing, by the day; lit guaranteed. 10 Flan ders st. Doracstlcs. SITUATION WANTED BY SCANDINAVIAN girt, good coolc to do general housework or second work and sewing. 311 Marshall sL SITUATION WANTED BY ASWISS GlRlZ to do general housework. Call at 543 Hood st. SITUATION WANTED TO DO GENERAL liouscwork. Inquire parlor St. Charles hotel. SITUATION-WANTED BY A GOOD GER man girl; wages $15. O 10. care Oregonlan. TUATIONWANTED By'gIRlT TO DO housework. Call room C3, National hotel. SITUATION WANTEDTO DOHOUSBWORK or nursing. Room Hi, Gilman hotel. SITUATION WANTED WORK BY THE DAY or washing at home. 290 North 19th. SITUATION WANTED BY SWISS GIRL. TO do general housework. 1SS Clay st. Miscellaneous. FAMILY SEWING DONE, 75s A DAY. AD dress P. O. box 49G. WANTED AG ENT5. WANTED AGENT TO TAKE ORDERS FOR Chicago and San Francisco; grain: $.100 per month in commissions should be made Ad dress De Van & Rutiedge. grain and stock brokers. Los Angsles, CaL WANTED-MEN TO JOIN THE FHOENU-: Co-Opcrati-e Association: no Idle time. Ad dress, with stamps, box 300, Petaiuma, Cal. LADY AGENTS RUBBER UNDERGAR ment: quick sales; big profits; catalogue free. Mrs. N. B. Little Mfg. Co.. Chicago, I1L Agents In every state, on salary and cotnmis irion; agents making $23 to $50 weekly. Eu reka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AVANTED-LOAN rOF "?60W) FOR Y'EARS. on property worth $20,000, bringing $175 rent per month; Insured for $10,000; willing to pay good Interest. Address S 1, care Oregonlan. THE GIIALKNUCTION-AND COMMISSION Company. No. 40 First St., between Ash and Pine, will pay cash for the furniture of resi dences. TQ BORROW &2500. FOR 3 YEARS. ON GOOD farm, worth $11,000; principals only need ap ply. DeLashmutt &. Son, CM) Stark st. WANTED FOR CASH HOUSEHOLD FUR nlture. carpets, etc. ta any amount. Apply S34 Alder st. Geo. Baker &. Co. WANTED PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK certificates; state lowest cash price. Address O 1, care Oregonlan. Highest price paid for household goods, carpets, stoves, etc. Loefller & Cohn, 203 Front st. FOR RENT. Rooms. AT THE NEWCASTLE, COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; steam, gas. hot baths, free telephone, dining-room; references. J. D. Hart and C C. Newcastle, owners. Mrs. Coovert, manager. AT THE PORTSMOUTH. COR. PARK AND Alder: verv central NIceH- furnished, clean. homelike rooms; baths, parlor, office, tele phone; furnished housekeeping rooms. NEW ARLINGTON. 2CS STARK ST.. OPPO slte Chamber of Commerce Fine large suites. $4; single, $1 50 and upward; hot baths, gas. NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE RE furcd for either single, suites or housekeeping rooms, at the New Plaza. 207 Third st. AT THE GOODNOUGH BUILDING. FIFTH and Yamhill, fifth floor Furnished rooms, en suite or single; modern Improvements. THE RICHMOND, YAMHILL. COR. rARIC Rooms from ?G up; transients a specialty; free baths and all modem conveniences. SIXTH ST.. 193 NEW. FURNISHED ROOMS, only one block from Hotel Portland, with gas and use of bath; rates reasonable. TENTH ST.. NEAR MORRISON FURNISH ed rooms, with heat, hot and cold water and bath. Call at 327 Morrison. TWELFTH ST.. 1S7 VERY DESIRABLE rooms, for housekeeping; also one single room, suitable for one gentleman. MAIN ST., 28. OPPOSITE PARK-HAND-somely furnished .parlors, single' or en sultej ' UOnny and" clieertul.. . '? '-'."- . SIXTH ST.. 73 NICELY" FURNISHED ROOM, with use ot parlor, piano and bath; rent rea sonable. SUITES AND SINGLE ROOMS, reasonable; housekeeping. 20G4 First, Fanners' & Median. WASHINGTON ST.. 31314, THE LAFAY-ETTE Rooms, $1.50 per week and up. YAMHILL ST.. 2S1. ABOVE HAT STORE Neat, quiet, furnished rooms. YAMHILL ST.. 281. ABOVE HAT STORE Neat, quiet turinshed rooms. Rooin With Board. COLUMBIA ST.. 392 FINELY FURNISHED suite of rooms, suitable for two or four. In Srivate family: house all modern; a nice, quiet ome, with all Its privileges; references ex changed. "THE HESPERIAN" WILL BE THOROUGH ly renovated and prices reduced to suit the times; excellent white cook; suites. $55 to $05, for two people; single rooms, $25 to $40. FLANDERS ST., 3l6 -PORTLAND WOMEN'S Union boarding - house, for young women: terms. Including 10 pieces of washing, $3 to $7 per week, according to room. MORRISON ST.. 471 ROOM WITH BOARD: private family; two wishing to occupy same room preferred; modern, refined home; refer ences required. the Mckenzie. :ci yamhill st.. cor. Seventh Nicely furnished rooms, with or with out board. TAYLOR ST.. SS9 FURNISHED ROOMS, with board; furnace heat, gas, bath and tele phone. ELEVENTH ST.. 163, COR MORRISON DE eirable rooms, with board; references required. FOURTEENTH ST.. 2a, COR. JEFFERSON Newly and comfortably furnished, with board. TWELFTH ST.. 211 TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, with board. RonRekecplnc Rooms. FIRST, 372-NEWLY- FURNISHED OR UN furnlshed rooms, for housekeeping; also rooms. MILL ST.71t29UNFURNISIIED ROOMS, for housekeeping, $4 per month. YAMHILL ST., 413-3 FURNISHED House keeping rooms; reference. TWO COSY HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, REA sonablc. 20u4 First st. MORRISON ST.. 403 FURNISHED ROOMS, for housekeeping. House. FOR RENT A GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. ON North 17th. near Johnson; furnace and mod em conveniences; large attic and brick base ment; cheap rent to desirable tenant. G. W. Miner. 148 Fifth st. WANTED CHRISTIAN FAMILY. WITHOUT children, to occupy furnlslied 5-room house. In suburb?, and board two children In ex change; reference required. 34S Fourth st. FOR RENT I WILL RENT MY HOUSeTnO. 21 Johnson st.. furntelied. for G or 7 month?, from about April 1 . no small children. E. I Palmer. 3Tti Washington st. TOR RENT A S-ROOM COTTAGE. ALMOST new; full basement; very cheap; South Port land. Call ut rooms 10 and 11 Hamilton build ing. THIRD ST. FLATS OF 4. 8. 7 OR 13 ROOMS; opposite plaza. M. C Lyon. 121 First, or H. Ackcrman. 219 Washington st. TOR RENT-3-ROOM HOUSE. 571 SEVENTH: ft-room hens-, 354 Lincoln; 5-roem houee, 35b" Lincoln. Inquire 360 Grant. FOR RENT A PLEASANT. NEW HOUSE, cor. 24th and Marshall, on 100x100; rest $45. Apply 535 Irving st. FOR RENT HOUSE 3 ROOMS. CLOSET and paniry; water free; $3. Clinton & Mc Coy, 2S4 Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSES AND STORES IN ALL parts of city. Henry Ackerraan, 219 Wash ington st. FOR RENT HOUSE. 447 SEVENTH ST. IN quire Woodard. Clarke &. Co., First and Al der sts. Stores. FIRST ST.. NEXT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. and Salmon, near Third. Inquire M. C. Lyon. 124 First, or H. Ackerman, 2tU Washingtou st. FOR RENT STORES 47 FIRSTSt7 AND0 Second St.; 23x200. R L. Gltean. 420 Cham ber of Commerce. Houses For Rent, Fnrnlture For Sale). $175 FOR THE NEW FURNITUREOF FTVK room cottage. Call 423 First st. WHOLESALE GROCERS. ALLEN& LEWIS.' WHOLESALE GROCERS cor. North Front and D ats., Portland, Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. llrassworfcs. Francis Bro3. Brass castings and finished work made to order: blacksmithing, and machinery repaired. 2SS East Water st. Telephone 5003. Coal and Wood Yards. COOS BAT COAL CO DEALERS IN COAL and wood; coal from $5 60 to $13 50 per ton. Office. 230 Second st. Telephone OIL Iron Worlia. PACIFIC IRON WORKS HEINT2 & CO.. cor. 2d and D sts., manufacturers machines, blacksmith and foundry wks, building fronts. Masters' Notice. BRITISH BARIC LOUDON HILL. CAPTAIN Falconer, from Newcastle. N. S. W. Neither the master nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. James Laldlaw & Co., consignees. Proposals "Wanted. OFFICE OF THE CITY WATER WORKS Portland, Or.. Feb. 11, 1S95 Sealed proposals, Indorsed on the outside of the envelope "Pro posals for the purchase of steel plates." and addressed to Frank T. Dodge, clerk of the water committee, will be received at this of lice until 3 P. M., February 13. for the pur chase of steel plates, left over from the con struction of the Bull Run pipe line. There are 13S.OO0 pounds of steel plates and 17.422 pounds of scraps, all stored In the machine hhops of Wolff. Zwlcker & Buchner. on the cast side or Madison-street bridge. The list of plates may be seen In the ofHce of the chief engineer of the citv water works. Bidders will state the price per pound which they will pay for the plates and for the scraps. US or der Of the Water Committee. ISAAC W. SMITH, Chief Engineer. Stockholders" "Mectlnc; STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE ANNUAL mcetingNof stockholders of the Baby Home will be held In room 207 Worcester block. In this city, on Tuesdav. March 12, 1S95. at 3 o'clock P. M., for ths election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year. F. S. AKIN, Secretary. Storage. STORAGE OF ANY" DESCRIPTION CAN BE had reasonably at Pacific dock. Nos. 226 and 22S Front st. Advances made It desired. MIscellu neons. EXECUTRIX NOTICE IN THE COUNTY Court for the county of Mu'tnomah. state of Oregon Notice is hereby given that in the matter ot the estate of Levi White, deceased, letters testamentary have been Issued, out of the ubove-cntitled court, to the undersigned. as executrix of the last will and testament Of said deceased, and that she has qualified and entered upon the discharge of her duties as such. Therefore, all persons having claims against the said estate are requested to pre sent the same to me. propery verified, as by law required, at the office of Messrs. Bro naugh, McArthur. Fenton & Bronaugh, attor-ne-s-at-law, rooms Nos. 631. 632. (K54. 63G and 638 Chamber of Commerce building. Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date herebf. Dated this 2d day of February. 1SU5. ZIPPORAH WHITE. Executrix of Uie last will and testament ot Levi White, deceased. Messrs. Bronaugh. McArthur. Fenton & Bronaugh, and Messrs. Dolph, Mallory. Simon & Strahan. Attorneys for Exe cutrix. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed executor of the last will and testa ment and codicil of Clemens Slegmund Fried rich Caesar, deceased, by order of the county court of Multnomah county, Oregon. There fore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, wtth proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at my OHiee. at No. 100 North Front st.. city of Portland, in said county and state, within six months from this date. R. KOEHLER, As Executor ot the last will and testa ment and codicil of Clemens Siegmund Frledrich Caesar, deceased. Dated January 10, 1SU3. THE FIRM OF LASSEN & KIRKLEY IS hereby dissolved. All bills are payable to L. M. Lassen, at Pacific Market, cor. Fourth and Alder sts.. and debts of the late firm are as sumed by the undersigned. L. M. LASSEN. UMBRELLAS MADS, repaired and recovered. Meredith. 1CS Ed. near Morrison. No agents. FINANCIAL. Moucy to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, personal security or goal collaterals. S. W. KINO, formerly ofOldii&iKIn?. room 45 Washington" building. Kcor.th andjWasti. JONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE.' PIANOS, MONEY alarles. real estate, or any good securities; warrants or time-checks bought; easy terms. F. W. Graves. S14-13-1G Chamber Commerce TO LOAN WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN IN small sums on real estate security, city or suburban. DeLashmutt & Son, 207-209 Stark street- Money to loan on acceptable security: moderate sums, C to 12 mo3.. a specialty; mortgages bought. M. Walton. 714 Chamber cf Corn BONDS AND WARRANTS OF OREGON. Washington and Idaho bought and sold. Cruthcrs & Morris, 30S Chamber of Com. MONEY TO LOAN $2500 ON CITY" PROP erty. West Side, for two or three years. De Lashmutt & Son, 207-209 Stark st. ABUNDANT MONEY TO LOAN, same day ap plied for; all kinds securities. D. A. Epsteyn, C14 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN LONG OR SHORT-TIME personal security: also mortgages. David S. Stearns, 24G Washington st. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL CLASSES OF 5E curlty. Pacific Loan & Trust Co., rooms SG and 37 Sherlock building. MONEYTO LOANON IMPROVED AND UN lmprovcd city real estate. E. R. Hickson, Sherlock building. $20 TO $500 TO LOAN ON FURNITURE OR good collateral. H. Mann & Co., room 60 The Dekum. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT; NOTES and mortgages bought. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 10, Washington building. $3000 TO LOAN ON WEST SIDE CENTRAL property, for from one to five years. DeLash mutt & Son. 207-209 Stark st. THIRTY AND NINETY-DAY LOANS; SUMS to suit. W. IL Nunn. 11 Washington block. Money to loan on chattels or any satisfactory security. C. W. Pallett. 45 McKay building. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HERMAN METZGER. " PURCHASEROK hides, pelts, furs, wool and tallow, and general commission merchant. Front st., near Main. Portland, Or. Liberal cash advances on con signments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Overland Ware house, cor. Fourth and D sts. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts., Portland, Or. Sutton & Eeebe. commission, insurance, clipper ships from New York; steel rails, pig Iron. H. E. BATTIN & CO.. COMMISSION MER chants and produce dealers. 131 Front st. J. O'CONNOR GROCERIES AND COMMIS slon. cor. Front and Alder sts. LOST AND FOUND. $10 REWARD I WILL GIVE A REWARD of $10 for the arrest and conviction oi any person caught stealing the Dally or Sunday Oregonlan south of Alder et. South Rout; Agent. LOST SMALLGOLD f 6ciETYPIN ; E graved on back. "R. T. Piatt. Y. I.. S.. '12." Reward for return to room 312 Portland Sav ings bank building. INSURANCE. THAMES AND MERSEY- MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. Agency In Portland at No. 233 Washington st. G. ROSENBLATT, Agent. Capital ..,., 2.000.000 Deposit in Oregon 5 50.000 Reserve fund (in addition) 425,000 PERSONAL. CULBERTSON'S" HAIR RESTORATIVE cures and prevents baldness. Mrs. K. Stan ley, agent, 125 Sixth st.. room 4. GENTLEMEN HAVING CAST-OFF CLOTH lng to dispose of, address 231 Burnside st. THEY WILL SURELY" AND POSITIVELY cure you Carter's Little Liver Pills. LEATHER FIN DINGS. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers. Leather and saddlery hardware. 74 Front st. HERBERT BRADLEY & CO.. 73 FRONT ST.. Importers of shoe manufacturers goods, shoe store supplies, blackings, dressings, etc AUCTION AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON- AUCTIONEER Ofucc, 2-JG Washington st., bet. 2d and 3d. Residence at the cor. cf Fifth and College sts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorneys. GEORGE. GREGORY Jt DCNrVVAT. M. C George. W. M. Gregory. R. R. Duniway. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. J. S. WINCHESTER. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. 41 Sherlock bldg. Portland. Or. Notary Paallc EMMONS & EMMONS. ATTORNEYS - AT -law, 609 to G13 Chamber ot Commerce. Chiropodists and Manionrcs. MRS. DR. ADAMS. CH1RCPODIST. MANI- cure and pedicure parlors. Raleigh building. Sixth and Washington sts. Educational. WANTED BY PRIVATE TEACKER-PUPILS in German and French. Address M 4S, care Oregonlan. PRACTICAL ENGINEERING SCHOOL. 203 Ooodnugh tldg.. Portland. Or.: day. evening. THE STUDIO OF FINE ARTS. 43 Washington btk. Drawing, painting, elocution, music. Fine Arts. THE STUDIO OF FINS ARTS. 43 WASH ington block. Mnxsasc. ESPECIAL-SOUTHERN LADY GIVES MAG tietlc massage, with hot and cold baths; re freshing and restful: gentlemen's patronage requested. Room SI new Dekum building, cor. Third and Washington. MASSAGE GIVEN BY A SPANISH LADY. Mrs. Miranda, 121 Seventh st.. room 1. Mediums and Clairvoyants. MRS. WALLACE. THE WONDERFUL clairvoyant and life-reader; consult her oa all business affairs, love troubles, absent friends; she has no equal: restores lost love by rympathy. 167& First St., parlors 4 and 5. MRS. A. J. SMITH, MEDIUM AND MAQ netic healer: vapor baths. 2254 First St. GYPSY QUEEN FORTUNE - TELLER LA dles. 50c; gentlemen. $1. 2(57 Salmon st. Music. FANCY-STAGE DANCING OF ALL KINDS taught. Room 5 Dekum building. Professor Pinaud. S. I. Cruvelll. teacher of vocal technique and staging, opera and concert. 407 Marquam bldg. STUDIO OF FINE ARTS, 4G Washington Hi. Private entertainments supplied with taler.t. ZITHER guitar and flute Instruction given. Prof. Konrad'a studio, S60V5 Washington st. COOK'S MUSICAL INSTITUTE. The Abingtoa. Spiritualists. MRS. L. F. PRIOR. TRANCE AND Busi ness medium, of San Francisco; consultations dally: fee $1; circles Tuesday evenings; hours. 0 A. M to 5 P. M. Parlor IS. No. 211" 1st st. MRS. ADDIE R SMITH. TEST MEDIUM. 181 First St.. parlors 22 and 23. BUSINESS CHANCES. OLDEST AND BEST HOTEL IN PORTLAND for sale on easy terms; or will trade for other property; owner has grown old and rich in the business, and wishes to retire and take things easy. This is a splendid chance for a young man. DeLashmutt & Son. 207-209 Stark street. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS FOR sale; about $2000; good business; good Valley town. Address D 10, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A SMALL STOCK OF GROCER ies, to party who would rent store and fix tures. Apply 595 East 21st St. BAKERY" ONE-HALF INTEREST OF ONE of the best in city. Address M 10, care Ore gonlan. BAKERY" FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH; good location. Address Y' !, eare Oregonlan. SAVINGS BANK- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. OF OREGON. 129 First Street. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $303,000 . A; general trust company and banking -business transacted. -... - BENJ. I. COHEN- ....- President IL L. PITTOCK. L. G. CLARKE... ..Vice-Pres. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA...Secretaries COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. PAID UP CAPITAL. $500,000 CO. President JOHN J. VALENTINE Vice-President R L. DURHAM Cashier EDWARD COOKINGHAM Assistant Cashier R. M. DOOLY TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold en New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver and San Francisco, Exchanges sold on principal cities la Eu rope, and on Hong Kong. Collections a spe cialty. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Incorporated by Royal Charter 1S62. PAID-UP CAPITAL $3,000,000 RESERVE 1,373.000 Head office. CO Lombard street. London. Branches Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Tacoma. and in British Columbia, Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster. Nanalmo, Kam- loops. Nelson. A General Banking and Exchange Business transacted. Loans made. Bills discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposits received on current account, subject to check. Interest paid on time deposits. J. W. CURTIS. Acting Manager. LADD & T1LTON. BANKERS Established in lb59. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mado at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco, and various points in Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President W. C. JOHNSON.. . ....... VIce-PresIdeat IL F. McELROY . Cashier R W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on lime deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. L. L. HAWKINS. President: W. K. SMITH. Vice-President; J. P. MARSHALL. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the princi pal cities in Europe. Also facilities for tele graphic transfers. Collections mado on favor able terms on all accessible points, SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented on easy terms. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR Designated Depository and Financial Agent of of the United States. President HENRY FAILING Vice-President H. W. CORBETT Cashier G. E. WITHINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Letters or credit issued, available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. SL Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal polnu in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Authorised Capital $3,500,000 Paid t:p 2,450,000 Reserve fund 500,000 Head office, 73 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business, makes loans, discounts bills and issues commercial and travelers" credits, available In any city in the world. Chamber 'of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities ot the United States and Europe. President DONALD MACLEAY First Vice-President TYLER V.'OODWARD Second Vice-President JACOB KAMM" Cashier FRANK C. MU-LER TRAVELER'S GUIDE. Railroads. Trains leava and aradueto arrive at Portlaal: LEA.VE FBOM JAN. 1. 187X ARRIVE fOVERLAND Expressl 1 Salem. Roieburt Ash- I B:13 Pm! 1 auu.sacraaienio,uga n. I i,.-n t ILui Ancelea. 'El Paso! i.iew uneans ana .asij 1 Koseburc: aad way stations :S3 Pit 5:30 AM Dally except Snnday. iTWiUUm lUf J1U I T J Augel, Silverton. West I Pally jSclo. Brownsvttle.fi except (.Springfield and Natron J f s-unJay. Corvali.s and way s.ailom 1 6:iiPM McMiiinvtiiu. whv stations!; 4:23 A M 1 ' :30 AM 14:40 PM Dally. (Dally except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH TRAINS. Through Ticket Office. 134 First street, where through tickets to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND. TICKET AGENT. All tho above trains arrive and depart from Grand Central Station. Fifth and I streets. TAMntLL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, root ot Jefferson street. Leave for OSWEGO (week days) at 6:00. 7:20, 10:15 A. M.. J2:l. 1:35. 5:15, 6:30. S P. M.. and at 11:30 P. M. (on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland 7:10. 8:30. 11:23 A. M., 1:30, 4:15. 6:20, 7:40, 9:05 P. M. Leave for SHERIDAN (week days) at 4:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland 0:30 A. M. Leave for AIRLIE Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 9:40 A. M. Arrive at Portland Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 P. M. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 A. M.. 12:40. 2:00. 3:89. 3:00. 0:30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 8:40. 10:30 A. M., 12:15, 1:50, 3:13. 4:45. G:30. 7:53 P. M. Ferry connects with all trains for Sellwood. R KOEHLER. Manager. E. P. ROGERS. Asst. Gen. F. & P. Agt. FOR ALT, rOINTS EAST. LK1FE DEPOT null 15D I STS. 1RK1TH The Fast Mail, via Huntington, Salt', Lako.Omaha orKan-1 sas Citv. or via ;"do- I 7:00-. M. Dally 8-.00A.AL kane. Minneapolis and St Paul with through service to Eastern cities. Dally 1 I For Pendoton. Lai Grande, Baker City. I Walla Walla. Day-1 ton. Colfax. Pull- man, Moscow and ldahomlninjrpoints. ) Local Mixed Train for Hood River. The Dalies and intermo- diato stations. J ':00 P.M. Daily S:00A.L Daily ? :00 A.M. Ei.Sos&ir 7:00P. L LX.3UliJ Through Pullman Sleepers, Tourist Sleepers and Reclining - Chair Cars are attached to through trains. OCEAN AND RUB SCHEDULES Columbia River Route. Two-boat dally service for Astoria and way points. T. J. Potter leaves Portland 7 A. M., except Sunday; leaves Astoria 7 P. M.. except Sunday. R. R. Thompson leaves Portland S P. M., ex cept Sunday; leaves Astoria G:45 A. M., except Sunday. On Saturday nights the R. R. Thompson will leave Portland at 10 o'clock. "Willamette River Route. Steamers Modoc and Hoag. for Oregon City. Salem. Ccrvallls and way points. Sundays. Tues days. Thursdays and Saturdays at G A. M. Re turn from Corvallls following day at 8:30 A. M.. lying in Salem all night, leaving for Portland at (5 A. 31., Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ynmliill itiver Route. Steamer Salem, for Oregon City. Dayton. Mc Minnvllle and way stations, Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at 7 A. M. Return the follow ing days. Snnlcc River Route. Leave Rlparia 10:30 A. M., Mondays and Fri days. Leave Lcwlston 10 A. M., Sundays and Wednesdays. Ocean Route. Steamship State of California, for San Fran cisco, at 8 P. M., January 23, February 2, 12, Steamship Columbia, for San Francisco, at S P. M., January 2S: February 7, 17. 27. Steamships sail from San Francisco at 10 A. M. the day following departure from Portland. Ocean steamers sail from Ainsworth dock. All river steamers depart from Ash - street dock. For all information, rates, etc., call at clty olllce, corner Washington and Third sts., or ad dress W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent. E. McNEILL, Receiver and General Man., Portland, Or. LOW RATES BEST SERVICE TO AND FROM ALL POINTS EAST. GREATLY REDUCED RATES TO AND FROM EUROPE. For information apply to ALLAN CAMERON, 14G First Street, Portland. Or. Steamers. STMR. TELEPHONE FOR ASTORIA. Columbia River & Puget Sound Navigation Co. Aider-street Dock. Telephone No. 331. .:--. . . v- Rb r--uso Leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, 7. A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, 7 P. M. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Coolgardle Gold Fields (Freemantle) Australia, $230. first-class; $123. steerage. Round the world. $010. 1st: $350. 2d. Lowest rates to Cape Town. Steamship Australia shIIp. via Hono lulu only. Feb. 12. 10 A. M.; steamer Mariposa, via Honolulu and Auckland. 2 P. M. March 7. Cook's parties to Honolulu. Feb. 10. April 4: re duced excursion rates. Ticket office. 134 First st., Portland. Or. J. B. Klrkland. Ticket Agent. J. D. Spreckels & Bros. Co., General Agents, 133 Montgomery st.. San Francisco. Send tor Round Oie World folder. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER UNDINE, Captain Charles T. Kamm, leaves Vancouver at S:3U A. M- and 1 P. 31. Leaves Portland at 10:20 A. M. and 4550 P. M.. Sundays excepted. For freight or passage apply en board at foot of Taylor street. Fare. 25c. round trip. east Mm, ,. (rif SUNSET ti AND VIA Q (OSaENftSHMmli 0, li. & 11 In). TRAVELER'S GUIDE. -7 Railroads. yfx VTerH'sKctorislUae. THROUGH TICKETS THROUGH TICKETS TO THE TO THE EAST AND SOUTHEAST. - - EAST AND SOUTHEAST. VLV THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. VLV THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. - Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourist Sleep ers and Free Reclining Chair Cars. DAILY TO CHICAGO. DAILY" TO CHICAGO. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 133 THIRD ST.. COR. ALDER, IORTLANDv R. W. BAXTER. E. S. VAN KURaSv Gen. Agent. City Pass. & T. Agh! ROCfvMlAST TRACK-NO DUST SHORT LINE EAST HUE The Great Northern owns and operates Its en tire equipment. Its Palace Sleeping Cars, at tached to O. R & N. trains, leave Portland every evening at 7 o'clock. Direct route to Spokane. Kootenai country. Flathead Valley, Montana points, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Chicago and East. For tickets, printed matter and other Infor mation, apply to C C Donavan. General Agect. 111 Third st.. Portland, or address F. L Whit ney. G. P. & T. A.. SU Paul. Minn. thb fjL2:tih:l. DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS Rooms. ARISTOS SOCIAL CLUB 211. 212. 213. 214 ASSOCIATED PRESS, E. L. Powell, Man ager v 808 BARBER. DR S. J.. Dentist 60S-600 BECKWITH, II., Route Agent Pacific Er- , press Company ....201 BELL, DR. J. F.. Physician and Surgeon. 711-712 BINSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Physlcan and Surgeon 411-412 BROWN BROS. CO., "Continental Nurser ies" G12-012-G14 BLANDFORD. S. 31., U. S. Weather Bu reau 000 BUILDERS' EXCHANGE S90 CATL1N, W. W.. Receiver Oregon National Bank 305-30S CAUKIN, G. E.. District Agent Travelers' Insurance Co 700" CARDWELL. DR. HERBERT W.. Physi cian 70S CARDWELL, DR. J. R. Dentist. ..S0S-S00-S1O CHAPPELL BROWNE. P., Architect 700 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO 60O CUMMING, DR. Wil.. Dentist 108-4011 DICKSON. DR. J. F., Physician 713-711 DRAKE. DR II. B.. Physician 512-513-514 EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY, J. B. Wrangham, Cashier... .509-510-311 EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder 3U FENTON, DR. J. D., Physician and Sur geon 303 FENTON, DR HICKS C. Physlcan and Surgeon 303 FENTON & FENTON. DRS., Surgeons.308-3lO FENTON, DR. 3IATTHEW F.. Dentist 3202 FERRIS. DR. FRANK E.. Dentist 311-312 GIESY, DR A. J., Physician 71 GIESY' & CARDWELL, Drs.. rhyslcians...7(rj GODDARD, E. C. & CO., footwear, ground floor 120 Sixth st. GRAVES. DR J. L., Dentist S04-S05 HELMBOLD, R P., Special Agent Manhat tan Life 20S 3IACKAY, DR A. E., Physician and Sur geon .701-705 MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Physician and Sur geon 701-702-703 MORRIS. E. C. Secretary and Manager Brown Bros. Co G14 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Denti3t 512-513-314 MANHATTAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. of New York. S. E. Mulfonl. Manager.20S-200-2lU JIcELROY. DR J. G.. Phy3ician and Sur- - geon 701-702-703 McMILLAN. N.. Real Estate Loans S01 McGUIKE, H. D.. State Fish and Game Pro tector '. SU MILLER. DR II. C. Dentist 403-403 MULFORD, S. E Manager Manhattan Life 20S-200-210 McFADEX, MISS IDA E., Stenographer and Type wri ter 20G OREGON NATIONAL BANK. W. W. Cat lip. Receiver 305-SUS PACIFIC BANKER AND INVKSTOR L. Stagge. Editor 803 PA'GUE & BLANDFORD, Attorneys - at - Law 717 REED & MALCOL3I. Opticians, ground floor 133 Sixth st. RIGGS. DR J. O.. Dentist COS ROBERTS. A.. 3lerchant Tailor 131 Sixth st. REID, JR. R R. Special Agent Equitable Life 511 SAMUEL. L-, Special Agent Equitable Life.511 SCHMIDT & ROBLIN, General Agency. 3UJ TOLTE. CHARLES EDWARD "..803 STUART, DELL. Attorncy-at-Law..lG-G17-GI3 STUART & YOUNG. Attorpeys-t-Law 1C-GI7-G13 STEVENSON. W. R.. and HELMBOLD, R P.. State Agents Manhattan Llfe...20S-200-2lO SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 20S THE FAIRFAX-GREENE PIANO STUDIO I TI31MS. 3HSS EDNA D.. Portrait Artist S02 I TUCKER, DR. GEO. F.. Dentist GlO-Gll U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 'MT-MA-W3 WILSON. DR EDWARD N.. Physlelan and 1 Surgeon -- ..304-30.7 I WILSON. DR HOLT C Physician. 507-50S WRANGHASf. J. B.. Cashier Equitable 500 WHITING, DR S., Physician and Surgeon 501-503 WOOD, DR JAMES R, Physician and Sur geon 312-31.1 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physlelan 11.1-4! t YOUNG, GEO. D.. Attorney-at-Law.G16-G17-CI3 A few more elcprant ofliocs rimy, .bo had by ayplyinpr to I'ortlatul 't'ruwt Company, of Portluuil, Oregim,- tJ Klriit Mtrect, or to the rcut clerk In thin bulldlugr. hi eui Mr