M-hJLj- l ' A I uc7- -; n '0 A -UaJ7 Asil R S VOL. XXXIH--SO 11,033. PORTLAND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, PBBET7AKT 13. 1895. PRICE i'lVE CENTS y ycPl "'WiOWfc v Jlwititif fai ?r SI 0 BILLIARD FUIITtt FIXTURES ROTHCHILD BROS. PORWERLY- The A. P. Hotatling Co. 120. 22. 24 and. 20 First St.. First and Taylor Sts. CMSH H&$DWaE GO. TELEPHONES Teleqrapfo Instruments FOOT-POWER MACHINERY Write for Our Catalogue. 5isp 1) ' 7kE VANCOUVER - - CREAMERY ?CSK YOUR GROCER FOR IT EVERY SQUARE IS FULL WEIGHT tP STAMPED e: K6TEL C9LUM8W B8LDIS8, VANCOUVER. WASH. GARDEN GKASS FIELD FLOWER LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CN THE COAST Of our Home-Grown Seed. I sell larcc quantities every year to Lasiern Mouses. "Write for Catalogue. E. J. BOWEN, PORTLAND, OR. . SEHTTLE, 3flZIvSH. ECERE'S OFFICffll NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the only arrangements made by the Receiver of the NorthweBt Fire & Ma rine Insurance Co. for the protection of the policy-holder of that company were made with the LiQoiiiLoLniifl-iUoniQnfip.S-orsinoni!) I sroiisusro s unu m mm mm juin HENRY HBWETT k CO., All advertisements of other parties in conflict with this notice are UNWAR RANTED AND MISLEADING. F. H. ALLISTON, - RECEIVER N. W. F. tP M. ffrS. CO. MOST BE CLEARED OUT W are determined to ctoec out our large Importations at 1000 ptTK aACK AND CIIKKIL.L.K Cl'RTAINS. either Jn c lot or In BlKjrte pairs, at i" per cent Ix-Joh- Import ct. "Ve are the rn!v street Importers In the Xorth- eat. hence buyers can rely on r-tttefC decklea ban-atas. Also i. me mackintoshes at heir value. HONEYMAN & MGBRIDE. ana mm, fcnistaadfti. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF PORTURfiO. Stirk Et'eet, bet. Strecta aid hit The ute or 21,500 volume and the files of over 1'0'J periodicals fer $5.00 a year op $1.50 a quarter. Send tar t&nale oopy o OUT. LIBBA.KT, rn&lhlr givtas Mats of current accessions. lb.!ipGfMsUL SI. OfffMmrr. BwlSwJd Cddsralth GOLDSMITH f LOEWENBBRG Importers and Doelors in W:) and fgaee wires Screen CMk ire rsuM runtus. bitbwekitocs Ar'iits for "Boynton" Kot Air Furnaces STEEL RKILS 3IC LOTS TO SUIT FOE SALE BY 3"utton (5c Beebe 1G FR0KT ST., NORTH Corner Bairns Jd.e Portland Oregon. IS DELICIOUS Trado Mark Registered iESE buid-,- niEia. uscreco: SIFSICO. FKOXACE DE EE1E STtN FRHNClSCa C7tL Mf Agents, Sherlock Bo'ldiog ST. HELEN'S HALL A Board! School English. Art. Music and Languages. College Preparation. Address THE MISSES ItODXET. Portland. Or. OIOJ pERT GO. WtiolES2ls Buteiiers and Pachrs OF THB Braid of Hams, Bacon AND Strictly Pure. Kett!e-Bea-dcred Lard. FOURTH tP GLISAN STREETS NOTICE TO POLICY-HOLDERS OP THE Northwest Fire & Marine INSURANCE CO. Upon application of a number of stockholders, a receiver has been appointed for this company for the settlement of its affairs. Arrangements hae been made to fully, protect the poiicv holders. upon presentation of their policies at the office of the receiver. Chamber of Commerce building- liy crder of the Board of Directors. What is Drudgery? Hoasekeeping without GOLD DUST . Washing Powder, RADWArS PILLS CAUSE perfect digestion; complete absorption and healthful regularity. JKJKiJb). no and Day i for Girls. . A, The Easter term besrins on CJ Tuesday. Feb. 5. BgH C75UTIOM Ibcut ti)t Usq and Sleqtior; of Spqetaelqs TeiToas havlnjr normal vision irHl be able to read this print at a distance o? U laetes Jrcni the eres wilk ease and comfort: also Trill be able to read it with each eye separately. If unable to do so your ejes are defective, and ebeuM have immediate attention. When the eye become tired from readme or sewlnc, or If the letters look blurred aad run to&elhbr. H Is a sure Indication that classes are needed. The lenses sold in the cl-ap roods are of un equal density asd have imperfectly forsxMt sue face. Continued use of these poorer leases nia result in a positive tnjery frasa the ooa Etaat strata upon the muscles of aeoomauxia ttea to supply the defect la the Klaus. J?EED 6i JVIflLtCOLilS Oculist Opticians Oragonian Building IS SIMON'S CHARTER The Senate Passed It Almost Unanimously Yesterday. THE POPULISTS VOTED AGAINST IT The Question of Bridges and Tolls on Them Under Consideration by the Mnltuomah Delegation. SALEir, Feb. 32. The Simon charter bill went through the senate this morning by a vote of 20 to 4. and six absent and not voting. Immediately after the bill was read the third time and placed on passage. Senator Vanderburjr arose and delivered a speech against it. claiming- that the people of Portland are against the proposed charter and staying that he had been importuned to vote against it. This charter, he said, was a political measure and was about to be foisted upon an un willing people. Holt followed in the same strain, savin-; that a great mass meeting had been hld in Portland to protest against the charter. Raley said that if the people of Portland had such an idea they should have expressed it last June; in stead of that, they sent to the legislature the senators now sitting, and the only ac tion the senate could take was to ratify the agreement the Multnomah delegation came to. Bancroft said he had made an effort yesterday to have the charter bill amended in ways he thought right and just. He had failed, and was much disap pointed at the failure. Now, however, the bill as it stood meets his approval with that exception, and he should have to sup port it, believing that it was the best char ter the city ever had and that the people of Portland are sattstied with it. Woodard sDoke briefiv in faor of the bill. The only question about its approval in Port land was with reference to the board of public works. The Committee of One Hundred had at one time declared in fa vor of such a board, and opinion was di vided on the matter. There was no other issue involved, as the salary reductions and other features were substantially the same as in the Committee of One Hun dred's charter. The idea of a board of public works had originated in the Com mittee of One Hundred, and the statement that it was something Mr. Simon desired to foist upon the people was unjust. Af ter the Committee of One Hundred heard Mr. Simon intended to adopt the sugges tion as to a board of public works, it was proposed to favor it, if Mr. Simon would allow the committee to name the members of the board. Mr. Simon then asked the committee to do so, but the committee de clined. The only objection urged now was that the mayor should appoint the board; but it was very doubtful whether a board appointed by the mayor would be any bet ter than the one named in the bill. Brownell said to him' the question was very simple. The people of Multnomah county had sent S to help them carry out the wishes of the people as interpreted by the Multnomah senators. Upon the passage of the bill the vote was as follows: Ayes Alley, Bancroft, Brownell, Butler, Calbreath, Cogswell, Dawson, Gesner, Gowan, Hobsan, Johnson, Maxwell, Mc Clung, McGinn, Patterson, Price, Raley, Steiwer, Woodard, Simon 20. Noes Beckley, Holt, McAlister, Vander burg I. Carter, Denny and Smith of Clatsop were absent. Huston, King and Smith of Sherman refused to vote. Raley's Eastern Oregon insane asylum bill got through the senate this morning, after a spirited but fruitless opposition on the part of Gesner of Marion county. Ra ley brought the bill up and its considera tion was agreed to, under suspension of the rules. Raley briefly outlined the pro visions of the .bill. Gesner submitted amendments cutting down the appropria tion from $140,000 to $90,000, and providing that the brick should be made at the state penitentiary. It was upon these amend ments that the debate between Raley and Gesner took place, Gesner urging econom ical considerations and Raley insisting that an Eastern Oregon insane asylum had been agreed upon, started in good faith by the previous legislature, recommended by two governors, and was desirable from every standpoint. Raley finally said, in answer to one of Gesner's points, that he was becoming tired of the opposition to this project, emanatlrg, as It had, from personal considerations and the desire on the part of Salem to prevent the expendi ture of public money or erection of public buildings at other places. Upon the final passage of the bill Holt and Johnson voted no. Carter and Denny were absent. Ges ner and Huston declined to vote. Two bills of Senator Woodard propose minor changes in the election law. One provides for a ballot square opposite the candidates' names, in which a cross may be mode to indicate the voter's choice, in stead of the present method of scratching out all names except the ones voted for. The other prescribes the method of tally ing votes so as to preclude fraud. The house progressed very slowly today, owing to . scarcity of members. Nearly every vote disclosed the absence of a quorum, and a call of the house had to ha ordered, requiring a search for absent members and corsequent delay. Bills were tediously passxl appropriating 55000 each for normal schools at Ashland and Drain and a graded school at Lakeview. A fea ture of the jess ion was Hofer's ever-recurring diatribe that he was elected on a platform demanding economy, but until Mine effort was made to abolish boards and commissions, he should favor liberal appropriations for educational institu tions. A mo Ion was finally made that Hofer be given leave to print this speech and have it -ead from the clerk's desk on everv bill. Site&ker Moores nut the mo tion and it was carried by a storm of j yes and amid much laughter. In the senate this atternoon a number of bills reimbursing counties for claims for taxes paid were "all away to rest. Interment was had in Senator McGinn's committee on revision of laws. Just before roll-call. Senator Huston arose and said he had made his light against the bill yesterday. He would now merely say that he thought every democrat who voted for the bill voted to put chains around his neck, politically Highest of all in Leavening Power. these senatonyhere io jm tnejiLJina countyjramsioaiDUiawfttcatel Sfiarter.and lewis the duty5of'thev8enate j ai antT-DolpW-TOte'torcUtepurposeoC ob ABSOLUTEDf PRE speaking, in this state from this time on, and that every friend of John H. Mitchell who voted for it would -act In direct op position to that gentleman's Interests. Senator McGinn was up like a flash. "Since when." he asked, "has the sen ator from Washington county become sponsor for John H. Mitchell, or by what authority is he so solicitous for his wel fare?" Huston mildly denied that they were now or ever friends politically, and McGinn said: "I support this bill, and no man can question my friendship for John H. Mitchell. He is a personal friend of mine and has been for SO years." The most interesting contest of this ses sion was the fight today over Templeton's bill creating Calapooia county. The de bate was very spirited, being led by Pax ton and Templeton for the bill and Smith of Linn, Scott and Gates against it. Paxton opened the debate by paying a fine tribute to Linn county, which he said was the county of his birth and In which the years of his boyhood had been spent; that he was born in Albany, but had lived during his boyhood in that por tion of the county which it was proposed to cut off, and that he knew the circum stances and conditions surrounding the petitioners for a new county, and thought their demands just; and he felt impelled to support the bill, notwithstanding the fact that many of his relatives and friends residing in the .northern half of the county had urged Tilm to the con trary; that the territorial extent of Linn county was about 2500 square miles; that the bill left 1400 square miles In Linn county and cut off but UOO for the new county, leaving 3200 voters in the old county and 1500 In the new one; that of these 1500 in the new county, over 1300 had signed the petition for the bill; that the taxable value of Linn county was nearly $9,000,000, of which about $3,500,000 was left with the old county and $3,va000 set off for the new, and that all of the county buildings and property were left In Linn county; that the new county would equal in territorial extent Benton and Polk, or Yamhill and Washington, or Marlon and Multnomah, and that it would exceed in population and wealth 14 other counties of the state., Gates laid par ticular stress upon the fact that two of the three representatives and the two senators from Linn county were opposed to the bill. He also sought to ridicule the name, Calapooia, proposed for the new county. Paxton, in reply, referred to Gates resolution offered a few days ago inquiring into the manner the sen ate was doing business, and said that the gentleman from Washington was In a poor position to call senators to his aid. He, also, ardently defended the retention of the Indian name "Calapooia," growing eloquent in defense of the euphony and beauty of many of the Indian names, a number of which he mentioned, urg ing the policy of their retention wherever possible. Templeton's victory was short-lived. however, for the bill, upon reaching the senate a few minutes later, was promptly shelved by a motion to indefinitely post pone, neither of the senators from Linn county being interested in Its passage. The vote this afternoontekuthevnormal school .bills, andtasomgcxJehtSffie vote structlng legislation. The special commission finally agreed upon In the bill for the acquisition of the Morrison-street bridge and Stark-street ferry, was composed of Sol Hirsch, N. K. West and J. V. Beach, formerly city attorney. The ways and means committee of both houses had a joint session this evening and went over the estimates of the gen eral appropriation bill. Few figures ara yet at hand, but the total will be sub stantially less than two years ago. Owing to the tardiness of legislation this ses sion, the ways and means committee in the house had today to ask for more time than was allowed by the house resolution at the opening of the legislature. No gen eral bills carrying or contemplating ap propriations have as yet passed both houses, so no estimates can be made on J such items. The joint committee will meet again Thursday night. McClungs memorial to congress, passed by the senate today, calls upon the Oregon delegation in congress to see the Indian bureau and urge it to do what can be done to restrain Indians from killing deer out of season. SALEM", Feb. 12. A meeting of the sen ators from Multnomah county was held this afternoon to examine the bridge bills passed by the house last night. Owing to the absence of Senator Denny, who is sick and has a bridge bill of his own, no action was taken. It seems probable that the two measures from the house will at any rate be consolidated into one bill. Quite a number of questions are to be considered also. Sentiment appears to be growing in favor of putting the bridges in control of the county court. It may be decided also to let taxpayers vote on the acquisition of Morrison-street bridge and feriy, as well as the question of tolls. The house bills bear evidence of the haste with which they were drawn, and will neeI considerable perfecting in minor mat ters. Senator Demy is better tonight and will probably be in attendance upon to morrow's sessions. A Probable Fljrht Over Water. NASHUA, N. H., Feb. 12. The proposal to tap the Nashua river to increase Bos ton's water supply has aroused great in dignation nere and the project will be fought to the bitter end. It would, it Is said, destroy the water power of this city, on vthlch the industries of 50,000 persons depend, and would also endanger the pub lic health by impairing the sewerage out let. The large mill corporations have determined to carry legal resistance to the United States supreme court if nec essary. If they are finally beaten they will move their factories to the South. Son Francisco "Weather Predictions. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. The weather bureau announces this morning that information signals are displayed on the Californli coast for a storm central on the Oregon coast and moving north east. High southerly gales on the Oregon and Washington coast are anticipated. A Timlier-Lnnd Deal. OTTAWA, Ont., Feb. 12. The valuable property known as Ward's timber limits, on the Rouge river, comprising 550 square miles, has been sold to E. J. Swan, of New York, for S100.000. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Rcpcr THE COMMON GROUND Partisan Differences Dropped by Ways and Means Committee. CONSIDERING THE BOND ISSUE Secretary Carlisle "Was In. Conference "With, the Committee and Pre sented the Syndicate's Contrnct. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The house committee on ways and means consumed the day, one more of the 10 days within which the treasury has an opportuntty to make the new bonds payable in gold, and made decided progress toward an agreement on a plan to be reported to the house. Secretaiy Carlisle came before the .committee shortly after 1 o'clock. He presented a copy of the contract which had been called for. It was drawn in legal form, and bore the signatures of John G. Carlisle, secretary of the treas ury; J. Plerpont Morgan, for J. S. Mor gan, of London; August Belmont, for N. M. Rothschild, and was witnessed by Francis Lynde-Stetson, of New York, for merly President Cleveland's law partner. The principal feature of the contract was made known in the president's message. On one point the secretary particularly enjoined the committee to maintain se crecy, and that was regarding dates for making the payments for the bonds. He asked for secrecy, he said, at the request of the financiers who have agreed to take the bonds, because they feared the bank ers would corner the gold of the world against them if the time it would be needed was known, and the methods by which it was to be obtained. Accordingly he presented a resolution pledging its members not to reveal the terms of the document so far as it concerned the pay ment. Many questions were asked the secretary, which he answered in order. In answer to their questions, he assured the committee of his belief that a plan could be devised to stop the outflow of gold, and of his strong hope that the forthcoming bond Issue would maintain the gold reserve at its high-water mark for several months. After the secretary had departed, Mr. Cockran announced that he could not support Chairman Wilson's resolution, be cause it was simply a makeshift to meet a present emergency, and offered no help to the treasury 4n the event of similar exigencies before the next session of con gress. Thereupon Mr. Tarsney offered a resolution to empower the secretary to issue 3 per cent gold bonds whenever the needs of the treasury might require them, with the proviso that the proceeds were not to be used to pay current expenses. Then a subcommittee was appointed to draft a plan with Messrs. Wilson, Turner, and McMillin, democrats, and- the repub- JlcansAchoseMessrs;jRe.ed,andopkiriStfo ffepren?ftne5nnaOPbonmiltteekl a rec&ss iq -enaDie -uie suDcommiu.ee iu meet - -- - - - - Late In the afternoon, the committee learned that its subcommittee had dropped partisan differences and found a common ground. The resolution reported by the quintet at the last meeting was one authorizing the secretary of the treasury to issue $63, 000,000 in 3 per cent bonds payable in gold with the proviso that none of the proceeds shall be used for current expenses, and a further provision repealing the law which requires the government to redeem na tional bank notes, and requiring banks to redeem their notes in the first instance. Inquiry was made if there was a minor ity report, and Mr. Reed said there was none. Mr. Bryan, of Nebraska, offered a resolution recommending that the secre tary of the treasury should pay all obliga tions of the government in either gold or silver, whichever it was most convenient to use. After a brief discussion, the com mittee adjourned until 1 o'clock tomor row. SENATOR JOXES' BILL. Financial Committee Reports a. Meas ure Based on Its Ninth Section. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The meeting of the senate committee on finance today resulted In a decision, by a vote of G to 5, to report a measure for the unrestricted coinage of silver on the basis of the pro visions of the ninth section of the finan cial bill Introduced by Senator Jones of Arkansas. This section was amended in several particulars, and as agreed to is as follows: "That from and after the pas?ige of' this act the secretary of the treasury is authorized and directed to receive at any United States mint, from any citizen of the United States, silver bullion of standard fineness and coin the same into silver dollars of 412. grains each. The seigniorage of said bullion shall belong to the United States, and shall be the difference between the coining value thereof and the market price of the full coin in New York on the date the presen tation is made, and all expenditures for coining done under the provisions of this act shall be paid out of the seigniorage, and the secretary of the treasury shall deliver to depositors of such bullion stand ard silver dollars equal in amount to the price thereof as aforesaid, and whenever the said coin herein provided shall be re ceived into the treasury, certificates may be issued thereon in the manner now pro vided by law." The vote on the motion to report this section as amended was as follows: Ayes Voorhees, Harris, Vest, Jones of Arkansas, Jones of Nevada, White. Noes McPherson, Morrill, Sherman, Al lison, Aldrich. There was comparatively little discus sion of the question after the suggestion for such a report was made, and it soon became apparent that there was an un derstanding among the members of the majority of the committee as to the line of action to be pursued, and they after ward stated that they had held a con ference and agreed upon the course The republican members offered no substitute and no obstructions In the way of secur ing a vote. It was also agreed to hold a special meeting next Friday for the con sideration of the bill removing the differ ential duty of one-tenth of a cent on sugar imported from bounty-paying countries. GOLD O.V DEPOSIT. Aiuonnt Xow in the Hands of the Bond Syndicate. NEW YORK, Feb. 12. The official fig ures of the gold deposits on account of the Belmont-Morgan bond syndicate show that $3,340,000 has been deposited, and $1,050,000 was received after hours on storage, mak ing a total of $4,390,000, The depositors are the Chase National bank, $500,000; Park National, $100,000; Harvey Flsk & Sons, $1,640,000; Morton, Bliss & Co., $550,000; Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Co., $300,000; C. E. Gregory. $505,000. The assay office has weighed $2,550,000 coin, which produces an actual weight of 155,221.19 ounces, a loss of 115.81 ounces, or $2154 to the syndicate, causedtby abrasion of the coin. At thlo rate, the government will make about $50, 000 on the transaction, as the coin can be I paid out at its face value, although re- ceived from the syndicate at its bullion valuation. The subtreasury has issued cer tificates for $2,044,000 gold, -weighed and ac cepted at the assay office at the syndicate price of $li S04 per ounce. These certifi cates are convertible into 4 per cent bonds at their face value. Snn Francisco's Gold "Withdrawals. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. The offer ings of exchange on New York, both tele graphic and regular, have been unusually large for the past two days. Regular ex change has dropped 1011 cents, and tele graphic has fallen 15 cents, due to the ne gotiations in New York for the placing of a new issue of United States bonds. The withdrawals of gold coin from the banks and the United States subtreasury in this city within the past few days amount, to $2,000,000. Gold from California mines is coming into the branch mint in this city for coinage at the rate of $1,000,000 a frionth. and all the leading banks have in their vaults from one-third to one-half more gold coin than the law requires as a reserve, and they are depositing large amounts of gold with their New York cor respondents. "Will Not Prevent Its Paisnpre. "WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Representa tive republican senators generally are not disposed at this time to prevent the pas sage of the unrestricted coinage bill re ported from the finance committee today. When asked what policy they would pur sue. Senator Aldrich said: "Wo would probably not oppose the bill to the extent of trying to consume time to prevent its passage, though we should, of course, want to debate it at some length for the purpose of placing the matter be fore the country intelligently." The democratic leaders have not yet de cided whether they -will press the bill this; session. Drawing: on England. LONDON, Feb. 12. The Times will say tomorrow: More than 1,000,000 in gold has already been provided for export to the United States. About 300.000 will be shipped today, and a larger amount on tho 16th. Doubtless, some of the gold required for the next few months will be taken from the Bank of England, but the whole operation will be managed so as not to dis turb European markets. Treasnry Loiv-"Water Mnrlc. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The treasury gold reserve stands today at $41,215,181, probably the lowest point it will reach, as the gold of the Belmont-Morgan syndicate will soon be available.' A Shipment From London. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. The treasury department has been advised of the ship ment from London of about $2,000,000 in gold under the bond agreement. EPISCOPAL CONSTITUTION A Commission Xotv Considering Its Revision. NEW YORK", Feb. 12. The commission of 21 members seven bishops, seven priests and seven laymen appointed at tho last general convention of the Protest ant Episcopal church to consider the re- islon4.oCtb constitution . and canons pt, UTeTEhurshKandreport lwjatKHhe5IFffeemV 'necessary; or advisable" to- be Done" in that direction, held the-. flrsttsession. of. their final meeting in the See house of the -diocese of New York today. The session, which was secret, began at 10 A. M. and lasted till about 6 P. M. It is proposed to continue the meeting'untll next Thursday night, when such part of the commis sion's proceedings as It is deemed advisa ble should be made public will be given out. A Guy In the Pulpit. OAKLAND, Feb. 12. Rev. Edwards Davis, pastor of the Christian church, a young preacher whose bizarre methods attract immense crcwds, preached on dancing Sunday night, defending waltz ing, and illustrating its grace by dancing waltz steps in the pulpit, with an imag inary partner. On former Sundays he re cited Shakespaarc in defense of the drama and said poker was a more commendable game than tiddle-de-winks. Next Sunday night he will wear evening dress. SURVIVORS OF THE ELBE Miss Bnecker Commanded to Visit the Queen. LONDON, Feb. 12. Messrs. Keller, Wal lls & Co., agents for the North German Lloyds Steamship Company, state that the body landed at Harwich yesterday is unquestionably that of Herman Geh rets, the doctor of the Elbe. Miss Annie Buecker, the only woman on the Elbe who was saved, yesterJay received a command from the queen to visit her at Os borne house, the royal residence on the Isle of Wight. The royal yacht has been placed at her disposal for the pur pose of the visit. Empress Frederick, of Germany, the queen's eldest daughter, is visiting her mother at Osborne house, and Miss Buecker will be given an audience by both the queen and Empress Fred erick. Has Hud Enough of the Sen. CLEVELAND, Feb. 12. County Com missioner John Vevera, one of the few survivors of the Elbe disaster, arrived here yesterday. The meeting between Ve vera and his family was most pathetic. "America is the greatest country on earth, ' said Vevera, "and I do not want to leave it again. I would not take an other trip across the Atlantic for all the money in the world." o In Frozen Colorado. DENVER, Feb. 12. In Pueblo, at 6 A. M., the weather bureau's thermometer re corded 24 below zero, the coldest since the bureau was established. At Greeley, it "was 16 below zero, and at Dillon 40 below. Many points along the Denver & Rio Grande reported the temperature from 20 to 25 below. The cold wave is chiefly con fined to the mountain districts, and is caused by a lack of pressure in Arizona and an indraft of cold air from the north, both of which elements together affect cold. TVorthera Pacific Earning:. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Feb. 12. The re ceivers of the Northern Pacific railroad filed their report of receipts and disburse ments for December, 1S34, today. It shows total receipts for the month from all sources of $3,736,CS7, with a balance brought forward from November of $1,735,760, mak ing a total of available funds of $5,472,563. The total disbursements amounted to $2.770,21S, leaving a net balance carried for ward to the January account of $2,702,315. m A Million-Acre Land Grant. CHEYENNE. Feb. 12. The bill accept ing the million-acre grant of land of the state under the Carey act and providing the methods by which the land may be reclaimed and sold to settlers passed the senate in the Wyoming legislature today without amendment, and only awaits the governor's signature to become a law. Treasurer "Wnlff Hns Little to Say. SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. 12. Treasurer Wulff was seen today and had a little to say when confronted with the develop ments at Carlisle. He said Ramsay's son had accounted to him for everything. If there was a shortage. Ramsay's bonds men made it good before he took office. THE PACIFIC ROADS The Reilly Bill Will Be Reported Back to the House FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION The Committee Decide! That Thcro Should lie Another- Opportunity. to Vote for the Mill. WASHINGTON, Feb. ft. The house committee on Pacific railroads decided to day to report the Reilly Pacific railroad bill back to the house for further consid eration. The committee decided that the house should have another opportunity to vote for the bill, in A-iew of the fact that the resolution recommitting the bill to the committee stated that sufficient time had not been allowed for its consideration. In reporting the bill, the committee will also submit, without recommendation, the proposition made by the railroads to pay the principal of the debt without in terest. Tills action is to enable the house to vote upon the proposition If it so de sires. A motion to report a foreclosure bill re ceived only one vote in committee. Tho proposition for payment of the principal of the debt, as submitted by the reorgan ization committee, and which will be of fered as an additional section of the bill, is as follows: "Section 10. If the said Union Pacific Railway Company, or the committee formed for the reorganization of said com pany, or the appointees of said commit tee, or the Central Pacific Railroad Com pany, or any trustees approved by it, within 12 months from the day of tho passage of this act, shall pay or procure to be paid to the secretary of the treas ury an amount in cash equal to the par or face value of the subsidy bonds of the United Staets, issued to aid in the con struction of the railroad of such company, the secretary of the treasury shall accept said sum and cover the same into the treasury, and thereupon all claims of the United States against such company, to gether with' all liens securing the same, shall be assigned (but without recourse to the United States in any event), by in strument executed by the secretary of the treasury in its behalf of said company, or said committee, or it-g appointees, or said trustees, purchasing the, same, and all money and securities in the sinking fund of said company in the treasury of the United States shall be thereupon paid and delivered over to the said committee, company or trustee." THE SEN'ATE AXD HOUSE. Business Transacted by the IIlKhcx Body Yesterday. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. There was a sparse attendance in the searlyatprpcctd- rfnsso"fthenattoyprjW!ulj5tnfeuTe; -sen ted a memorial fromKScausSdind transportation associations 'ofCh!cao asking legislation to protect express-com-panies from trainrobbers, and railroaJ trains from train wrecking. Mr. Gray reported adversely from the committee or privileges and elections the resolution providing for the election of senators by direct vote of the people. Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, reported the bill adopted by the finance committee for the unlimited coinage of silver. Mr. Aldrich and Mr. Hill asked for the reading of the bill, and Mr. Aldrich then explained that he had made the request to show that all of what he considered the meri torious features of the bill had been stricken out and the objectionable part retained. Sherman said the minority had done what it could to prevent the re porting of this bill, and he wa3 very emphatic against it. Jones explained that the majority for the bill was a decided one. Jones asked for immediate consid eration. Aldrich suggested that It might take the place of the bankruptcy bill. "I object to that," exclaimed George. Call also objected to the consideration of the bill. Harris said the objection would be withdrawn if the bill could be passed without debate. Aldrich said that was hardly possible, and me bill went to the calendar. Hill secured unanimous consent for the consideration of a resolution which he in troduced asking for information concern ing the appointment and removal of post masters in New York. The resolution was agreed to. Mest, from the finance committee, re ported a joint resolution extending the time for the collection of the income tax, and asked for its immediate considera tion, but the resolution went over. Peffer called up his resolution request ing the judiciary committee to report his resolution inquiring into the legality of the recent bond issues. Hill suggested the committee might wish to wait for an opin ion of the attorney-general. Peffer said he did not want the opinion of the attorney-general; that he himself knew more about the matter than the attorney-general. Allen took the floor, but yielded to Stew art to discuss the last message of the president on the currency question. Stew art closed with the warning that if pres ent conditions continued, the end would be revolution. Allen then resumed his speech on the alleged election frauds in Alabama. At the conclusion of Allen's remarks, Mor gan read a protest against the proceed ings in the senate by himself and col league, Pugh, characterizing the speech as "a clear abuse of the parliamentary law in disregard of the urgent necessities of the public, and an assault upon the rights of Alabama as a state of the Union, and upon the character of our government and people." Discussion of the postoffice appropri ation bill was resumed. Chandler op posed taking away the limit fixed by law upon the amount that can be paid rail way corporations, and allowing the postmaster-general to do as he pleased. It had been agreed to consider the pension bills at 5 o'clock, and the hour having ar rived, that order was taken up and sev eral pension bills passed. After an executive session, the senate, at 6:0S, adjourned. The House- Proceedings. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Members crowded before the speaker's desk in the house today to secure consideration of many local measures, which are being en- dangered by the near approach of the close of the session. hue the house was proceeding with routine business, there was a round of applause from the repub lican side, and then from the whole house, as Mr. Wilson of Washington, long a popular and witty member of the house, and recently elected to the senate, came on the floor. He was surrounded by his old associates, and house business was temporarily suspended by the heartiness of the reception accorded him. The house then resumed consideration of the legislative, judicial and executive appropriation bill. Pickler offered a sub stitute for the provision of the bill relat ing to the working force of the pension office. The substitute proposed the same j force of officers and clerks as at present.