THE KOKNTKTG OBEGOOTS", JmrDAr3 JATTABT 11t 1895. referred to by the senator from Missouri, also indorsed the tariff bill for which the senator had labored and voted. Harris, of Tennessee, suggested the withdrawal of the motion, but better objected. The motion to lay on he;tablewas then lost. Hill's amendmentjR-ili-oo'me up tomorrow. Quay gave notice of, the three following amendments, which he intends to offer to the urgent,deficiency bill: To insert a provfcJon repealing the in come tar law, to insert the entire McKin ' ley tariff act, and toTnsert the wool tax. Theurc;eHt deficiency-bill was then laid asiderand the-NIcaraguan canal bill tak en up. "paffery dedared-that while favor Jng the cons tnretfon'-of the canal, he was ppposed to the means proposed in the bill for effecting this purpose. He argued against the constitutionality of the meas ure, and asserted that the United States 5iad no authority to delegate the power to regulate commerce to the maritime canal commission. A commission of engineers, he said, should examine a route. With out completing his remarks, Caffery yield led to a motion to proceed with executive business, and at 5 o'clock the senate went into qjtecutlve session, and at 5:3 ad journed. BCSYJDAY IX THE HOUSE. 3Iore Than the L'snnl Anionnt of Busi ness Wan Disposed of. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. The house made a record In the matter cf the trans action of business that 'compares fa vorably with that of any day for a long time. The Hawaiian correspondence, made public yesterday, was laid before the house and referred to the committee on foreign affairs for a report upon the recommendation of the president, that the request of the Hawaiian government to 3e permitted to lease Neckar island to theBrifish Submarine Cable Company be JavoAbly acted upon by congress; Satur day, February 2. was set apart for de livery of eulogies upon the life and ser vices of the late Senator Colquitt, of Georgia; a resolution was agreed to ask ing the secretary of the Interior to tell pongress why the agreement with the Xlckapoo Indians for the cession of their 3ands in Oklahama, made in 1S9L and ratified "by congress In 1893, had not been carflgl Into .'effect, and the following bills passed: House bill to define crimes of murder in the first degree, and second degree, manslaughter, mutiny and desertion, and Jto abolish the death penalty for certain tother crimes; senate bill to amend the shipping laws sp as to abolish the require ment, "of bonds" for the delivery of the registry of vessels; house bill authorizing collectors of customs to add to their cer tificates of Inspection of American vessels the sross and net tonnage ascertained. In (conformity with the laws and practices of foreign countries with which the ves sels trade. Springer, endeavored to secure passage. by unanimous consent, of the senate bill granting a pension of $100 a month to Major-General John A. McClelland, of Illinois, but Strong objected. Most of the afternoon was passed In consideration of the District of Columbia appropriation bill for the year ending June 30, 1896. This is the last general appropriation bill on the calendar. It finally passed. It car ried a total of $5,190,187, besides $201,919 on account of the water department. It was at 4:15 that the house adjourned until tomorrow. OTHER COXGRESSIOXAL NEWS. Wilson's Committee, AffV in to Meet. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Chairman Wil son ha3 called a meeting of the ways and means committee for tomorrow morning. It will bo the first gathering of the com mittee In many months, and It Is antici pated. Important action may be taken In view of the depleted revenues of the gov ernment. Wilson Intends to call up the resolution Introduced by Pence of Colo rado, regarding a revenue to be raised .bZyfr'Sr ta- an! thef Probability is it will be favorably reported. Wilson's bill for taking off the one-tenth of a cent dif ferential on sugar from countries paying export bounty will also be considered. California's Minernl-Lnnd nil!. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. The perfect ed mlneral-jand bill, prepared by the spe cial committee of the State Miners' Asso-cjation.-.waft forwarded to Washington to day. It so amends Camlnettl's bill that It 1b In effect a new measure. Instead of being confined to the Sacramento and Marysville land districts and the Central Pacific land. grant. It Includes the whole tatCjjtakes In all railroad grants, and aff ecST 21,009,000 acres of unpatented lands. More Land for, the Public Domain. ' WASHINGTON. Jan. IP. Delegate Raw lins, of Utah, 'today Introduced a bill to restore to the public domain the reservoir ttJtcs selected by the United States under the act of 1SS8. SUTRO'S CALL. A Mafcs Meetlnjr to- Consider Frnonclsco Wickedness. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Mayor Sutro today issued the following address tb the citizens of San Francisco: '"Being In receipt of petitions from the Law and Order TTeague, the Union for Practical .Progress, the Civic Federation and a large number of prominent citi zens, protesting against the glaring frauds now coming to light In connection with our recont municipal election and the con sequent attempt to deprive the people of theIrrlght-of franchise, together with the oirtraeerperpetrated upon the public by the appointment of M. A Gunst as police commissioner of this; city, and the alleged refusal of District Attorney Samuel ivnight to perform his duty, in refusing -to, Issue a warrant for-lhe arrest o.f C. i Huntington for alleged violation of the Interstate commercElaTV, I deemlt to beta the present interest" and future wel fare ofthls city that a mass meeting be callcd-io .gire our law-abiding citizens an opportunity to cxpi ess 'their sentiments and enter a. public protest against such notions on the part joC-the public ser vants, and "to adopt -such measures" as may"socm expedient to prevent a repe tition, tf such outrages against the public welfare atiu bring, the offenders to justice. 'lYnereTore. "request that the petitioners coll said meeting, to be held in the Metro politan hall, Saturday evening, Janu ary i" . ,'OTV Before ther Grand Jury. NBVfi- YORK.' Jon. 10. Captain Max Sbhmlttberger. whose confessions were one of the sensations of the Lexow ses Flon. has been before the grand jury the last two days. His counsel, William F. Howe; Js quoted as saying: "Schmlttberger is telling the grand jury air he knows. That means far more than he told.Sonatqr Lexow and his associates. It lsvneedles to say his evidence is most important." It vwas.said that the captain's state- menls Implicate may captains and many ' high -ofitelals whose names hitherto he has not mentioned. Driven Front Their Beds. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Over 100 girls were driven from their beds at 6 A. M. today by- Are. which slightly damaged the upper story of the Chicago industrial school for t girls. The measles have been epidemic In the school, and about 35 pupils were ill. They, with other?, were compelled to "rush Into the street In scant attire, and thcqpnscQucnt exposure is deemed ex tremely dangerous. Curtis Looking for n-Xew Play. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. Ml The wife of M. B. Curtis (Sam'l of Posen). the actor, has arrived In this city from the East. Shestatea that Curtis Is now In London and is endeavoring to secure a new play Ja his line. He will probably return to California in the summer and reside in "Berkeley, where Mrs. Curtis is now nego tiating for the purchase of a residence. pirTI'T,C" CAD CT?T I fPADO I rluillO i?Uli OJin AlUllU FERKIXS MEX HATE A CAUCUS OF 1 THEIR OWX IX SACRAMENTO. The Present Incumbent, However, Still Seeds Sixteen Votes to Ensure His Re-election to the Senate. SACRAMENTO, Jan. ML Perkins cap tured the republican senatorial caucus that was held here tonight. It was a close rub, and thecaucus nomination by no means insures his election. However, it cannot be denied that the friends of Senator Perkins have won an important victory. Forty-seven out of the 87 re publican, members of the legislature, two more than a bare majority, were present when the caucus was called to order at 8 o'clock. It was immediately proposed that a ballot be taken to ascertain the choice of the caucus for United States senator. The motion for a roll-call seemed to have an .electric effect upon four of the legislators who had entered the caucus. They grabbed their hats and bolted for the door. As they left the hall one of the bolters complained of a pain in his stomach. The others said they would be back soon. None of them was again seen in the caucus. The Perkins men for a roll-call showed that all those remaining were Perkins men found themselves with two less than a majority of the republican members. Then began a lively skirmish for missing Perkins men. When the two required for a majority were found and dragged in. there was a great cheer for Perkins. A resolution was then adopted declaring Senator Perkins the nominee of the republican members of the legislature for serator, and the cau cus was adjourned. It now remains to be seen whether Perkins can secure the IS votes still needed to give him a majority of the legislature and the senatorshlp. Sixty-one votes are required to elect. While Perkins and De Young are the most prominent candidates, Irving M. Scott is very generally talked of as a compromise candidate. It Is now asserted that Assemblyman Thomas, of Nevada, county, will vote for Governor Markham, and Assemblyman Dale, of Kern county, has announced bis Intention to vote for Congressman Bowers. Senator Perkins, however. Is exhibiting a telegram in which Bowers declares that the use of his name Is unauthorized. The American Protective Association appeared as a factor in the senatorial fight today. Every member of the legis lature received a circular letter from a committee of the American Protective As sociation. In which it was stated that the organization had come to California to stay and would be a factor in all future political campaigns. The circular as serted that M. H. De Young, a reputed Romanist, was a prominent candidate for the United States senate, and that while the American Protective Association was not opposed to Mr. De Young, personally. It is decidedly opposed to the election of all men of similar convictions to that high office. In conclusion, the circular cautions the legislators to heed the warn ing. The Contest at St. Pnul. ST PAUL Jan. 10. In the senatorial contest the friends of Senator Washburn today placed his strength at 63 votes pledged. Seventy-two isSi majority in the caucus. They also claim a nomination on the first ballot In caucus and concede only 23 votes to Governor Nelson. On the other hand, the Nelson men are very confident and will not admit the accuracy of. the claims or the concessions of the Washburn men. Congressman McCleary and ex-Congressman Comstock are stiil active in the fight, although their strength is uncertain. - . -. -,. Montana Republicans Balloting?. HELENA. Mont., Jan. 10. The repub lican senatorial caucus took five ballots tonight and adjourned. The last ballot stood: Carter 2SjWeed 2 Power lSIStory 2 Sanders ...15 Chandler Renominated. CONCORD, N. IL, Jan. 10. The Hon. W. E. Chandler was nominated by the republican caucus to succeed himself as United States senator. He received 224 votes to 56 for Henry W. Blair. BUDD AXD MILLARD. Formally Declared Elected and Will Be Innuenruted Today. SACRAMENTO, Jan. 10. The canvass of the vote for governor and lieutenant governor was concluded In joint assembly without a hitch. When Speaker Lynch announced Millard's plurality as 21,678. and he was declared elected, the applause that followed was deafening, the uproar being greater than that which followed the an nouncement of Budd's election. A com mittee was appointed to Inform the governor-elect and the lieutenant-governor-elect that 12 o'clock noon, tomorrow, had been set as the hour for their Inaugura tion, and the joint assembly then dis solved. The next legal tangle to be settled by the legislature Is that which results from the. Illness of Mr. Millard, and involves the lieutenant-governorship. An attempt will be made tomorrow to Inaugurate the sick. man into the office to which he was today declared elected. This will prob ably not be done without some opposition. The special committee appointed this af ternoon In joint assembly this evening no tified Mr. Millard by telegraph that his election had been declared and the hour for his inauguration set. It is stated to night that the lieutenant-governor-elect will again go through the formality of taking the oath of office before a judge at Los Angeles. If this plan shall be satisfactory to a majority of the legisla ture the matter will end there. If not, it will be asked that a joint committee from the house and assembly be delegat ed to go to Los Angeles to witness the taking of the official oath. But should a majority of the legislature vote against accepting either of these plans and insist, on carrying out the provision of the po litical code, which specifies that the oath must be taken before the legislature in Joint assembly, the Inauguration must be deferred, and Lieutenant-Governor Red- dick will continue in office until Millard shall arrive here. He has consented to carry out Millard's intentions as to the committees. He also states that he has no desire to hold the office, and that any plan agreed upon by the legislature will meet with his approval. Lee Fairchlld, of Seattle, who stumped the state with Estee for governor in the recent campaign, was elected assistant clerk of the enrolling department, at a salary of $3 a day. Millard Sworn In nt His Home. LOS ANGELES. Jan. 18. Llcutenant-Governor-elect Millard was informed by telegraph this evening that the vote for lieutenant-governor had been canvassed at Sacramento and that he was declared elected lieutenant-governor. Congress man James McLachlan and Judge Clark! of the superior court, were at once in formed of the fact and they called upon Mr. Millard at his home and admins tered the oath of office. Mr. Millard is somewhat improved today. OTHER LEGISLATURES. A Sensation nt Bismarck. BISMARCK. N. D.. Jan. M. Senator Haggart created a sensation In the legis lature by introducing a resolution for the investigation of charges of fraud in the shape of padded vouchers, etc., made against the penitentiary management by Governor Shortrldge. The expense bills fnr th mnitmtlarv havp not bon nnlA I since AprtL The discussion of the matter Tras vey 'warm. Haggart also introduced a Ml to do away with prohibition. A Contest in Tennessee. NASHVILLE, Jan. 10. Governor Turney today sent to the senate and house an ad dress and petition, in which he says he has received the highest number of legal votes for governor. He says he is informed on the face of the returns that Evans has a plurality, and gross frauds were perpe trated. He therefore asks the legislature to permit him to appear in joint session to contest the returns. Idaho's Mormon Test Oath. BOISE, Idaho. Jan. 10. In the legisla ture today a bill was introduced absolute ly repealing the Mormon test oath. Two years ago that part of the oath was re pealed which made It retroactive in form. Previously no one could vote who belonged to any organization that ever taugh poly gamy. It is nor.' proposed to wipe out all reference to the subject. APPLEMAN ACQUITTED. The Jury Was Ont Only Kive Minutes. Twenty- WOODLAND. Cal., Jan. 10. Jame3 Ap pelman, on trial for complicity in the wrecking of a Southern Pacific train near Sacramento July u last, during the rail road strike, was tonight acquitted, after a long and bitter trial. One of the train wreckers, Samuel Worden, is under sen tence of death for the same offense. The jury was out only 23 minutes, and It is understood but one ballot was taken. The verdict is somewhat of a surprise, as it was thought the jury would dis agree. The charge to the jury was fin ished at 20 minutes past S o'clock, and they retired. A large crowd waited In the courtroom, among them the father and mother of the defendant. Mrs. Appelman gave way when the verdict was given. Appelman was pale and anxious, and watched the jurors closely. When the verdict was announced, the judge dis charged Appelman from custody, and there was a fervcrent embrace tetween Mrs. Appelman and her son. Outside of the courtroom friends of the defendant cheered lustily. EXGIXEERS GATHERIXG. Grievance Committee to Meet Soon in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Some of the members of the grievance committee of the Brotherhood cf Engineers, which is to meet in this city January 13, have ar rived. There Is a rumcr that the orders of trainmen and telegraphers will also send committees here to interview the railroad authorities with a view to ob taining a compromise in the cut recently made In the engineers' wages. Those on the inside do not think that the en gineers' committee will demand a restora tion of the old rate, but will be satisfied with a modification of the cut. The en gineers are still trying to placate the American Railway Union men, and ha'3 already r3moed much of the opposition that the union men manifested when the cut went into effect. OTHER LABOR XEWS. Rcfnsed to Accept the Rcdnctlon. SALEM, O., Jan. 10. For refusing to accept a 20 per cent reduction of wages, the wlredrawers of the Salem Wire Nail Company were ordered by Superintendent Baackes today to take their tools from the mill, and were locked out. The men in sist upon the company paying the scale which, they say, was agreed upon. It Is stated the company will bring In new men to fill the places of the local employes. Redactions on the Canadian Pacific. VANCOUVER, B. C, Jan. 10. In con sequence of the depression In trade, a reduction is being made in the Canadian Pacific's staff here, as on the Eastern di visions. A "number of men have'beeri laid off in different 'departments, while- the repair shops now run only every alternate week. Competition Too Great. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. The Pa cific Coast Steamship Company has re duced the wages of sailors from $15 to $40 a month, because of competition. The sailors have accepted the reduction. THE ACCIDENTS OF A DAY The Fireman Fatally Hurt. BROOKLYN, N. Y., Jan. 10. An engine and a train of empty cars on the kings County elevated road, while switching at the terminus today, crushed through the bulkhead, the switch having been left open. The engine and one car fell to the street, while the second car hung half way over, but did not fall. The engineer and fireman fell with the engine. Fireman Frank Bauman lay under the engine and was not released for a full hour. He Is supposed to be fatally injured. Engineer Frank Fisher Is not so seriously hurt. Asphyxiated, Probably. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 10. At" 610 Emerson avenue, North, the dead bodies of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rollings were found this morning. They had not been seen since Monday, and the discovery was made by neighbors who broke into the house today to investigate. There were no marks of violence on the bodies. The cause of death will not be known until the coroner completes his Inquest, but It Is thought they were asphyxiated by coal gas from a stove. The Chief Seriously Braised. ERIE, Pa., Jan. 10. Union City, near here, suffered from a disastrous fire last night. The fire started In a bllllard-room over Hayes & Sons' store, and spread rap Idly north and south. Several business blocks were destroyed. Fire Marshal Wagner was thrown from the third floor and seriously bruised. Firemen Norman Anderson, Daniel Conway and William Rappolds were buried under a falling wall and had a miraculous escape. Total loss, $50,000. The Guy Ropes Were Rotten. VICTORIA. B. C, Jan. 10. Alfred Du gay, a tight-rope walker, attempted to walk from topmast to topmast on the steamer Islander this afternoon In the presence of several thousand people. The cuy rones were rotten, gave way, and Dugay pitched headlong to the deck, 40 feet below. He is still unconscious, and may die. He is perhaps 26 years old, and was at the midwinter and Tacoma fairs. Mrs. Qnlnn's Quest. VANCOUVER, B. C, Jan. 10. Mrs. Mel issa Quinn, of Portland, is inquiring for particulars concerning the death of John Quinn, who was run over by a yard engine and killed on New Year's eve. It is thought the deceased was her relative. Thnwinp: Froscn Xltro-GIycerinc. TOLEDO, O.. Jan. 10. On the Prisser oil farm today Frank Logan, John Pet tlgrew and W. J. McNally endeavored to thaw out 100 quarts of frozen nltro-glycer-ine with hot water. It exploded, tearing them into fragments. His Wife rcrlshcd. OMAHA. Jan. 10. The residence of ex Councllman Charles A. Thieman was burned this morning, and Mrs. Thieman perished. Thieman jumped from a win dow and saved his life, but sustained a broken leg and was otherwise injured. Three- Soldiers Drowned. NIAGARA. Ont., Jan. 10. Three Amer ican soldiers from Fort Niagara, were drowned here this evening, while attempt ing to cross the river in a boat. Twenty-Seven Persons Are Sick. BRADFORD. Pa., Jan. 10. As a result of eating poisoned cheese, 27 people in East Bradford are sick this morning. Some are in a serious condition. Eisht Persons Killed in n Storm ROME, Jan. 10. A terrific snow storm swept over the town of Calensay yester- dav. demolishing a number of houses and ! killing eight persons, CRITICISE OF CRITICS ALLEGED ABUSE OF PIUVILEGES . BY. WAR CORRESPOXDEXTS. They Used the Advantages Granted Them By Japan to Place Hc in a, False Light. VICTORIA, B. C.. Jan. 10. The steamer Tacoma. which arrived here today brought news from the "Orient, under Toklo date of December 23, as follows: The absorbing subject of discussion in Japan is the disclosure of the Port Arthur scandals. Very deep feeling has been ex cited In all classes by the manner in which the excesses of the Japanese troop3 were first made public In this country, and the feeling promises to grow stronger when the circumstances are more widely understood. The actual occurrences at Port Arthur are profoundly lamented. It i3 admitted that the good name of the country has been disgraced, and the knowledge that the blow was self-inflicted makes It none the easier to bear. The hope is universally expressed that the momentary lapse from the high standard which the people were so proud of, and which they believed would be maintained in spite of every temptation, will be re deemed by future actions, and in this hope they are willing to wait and work without indulging in needless promises and protestations. The foreigners in Japan have united to set forth the dis tressing facts in the worst aspect. In view of the boisterous exultation of the Japanese, they have been taunted with false pretenses of civilization ana a re turn to barbarism, until popular indigna tion has been goaded almost to the limit or endurance. As an Illustration of the methods by which the bitterest antagonism of the Japanese Is sometimes kindled against foreigners, It majv not be amiss to tell precisely how th'e story of the Port Ar thur misdeeds originally became known here. The earliest detailed accounts were brought from, the seat of war by four foreign newspaper correspondents, who, desiring to send dispatches at the earliest moment, were given transportation as soon as a steamer could be spared for this and other purposes. One of these correspondents, Thomas Cowan, repre senting the London Times and China Mall, stopped at Hiroshima, where sev eral cabinet ministers were In attendance upon the emperor. To Viscount Mutsu he related everything he had witnessed in connection with the excesses of Chinese and Japanese troops, and straightway proceeded to telegraph the same news to the journals for which he acted. Viscount Mutsu expressed intense surprise and grief, and was 'unwilling to believe what he heard, hoping that later advices would give a different turn to the affair. He announced that an Investigation would be made. He showed no disposition to in terfere with the free discharge of the cor respondent's duty, and the reports were telegraphed to their destination from headquarters, December 1. The representative of the London Stand ard, Villlers, and the New York World, Creelman, came to Yokohama without Interruption, arriving at the end of No vember. Creelman was desirous to send his news without delay, and believed that he would not be permitted to use the telegraph from Hiroshima. He forwarded his dispatches by mail to Hong Kong, from which place It was wired December 11, although retransmitted to Japan with in a. day or two for the information of the government. It has not yet been pub lished, as the. authorities felt assured that the appearance of such a statement, while their own investigation is in progress, w.ould. seriousiyretard the steps they have set on fooL ,)jpersls.tent repetition of .these stories madet-necessary to ask for full Information 'from the " government. An answer "was received to the effect that the facts were at the disposal of the American press whenever applied for, but with the understanding that, until the official court of Inquiry should be con cluded, no premature betrayal of the facts should be made In Japan. At this junc ture came the first intimation that the subject was attracting attention in America. The New York World took measures to obtain from the Japanese gov ernment an explanation of the alleged massacre. In compliance with the World's request, a declaration of the government's position was telegraphed, the sender be ing entirely ignorant that any previous statement had been forwarded. By this time much agitation had been created in Japan. Japanese newspapers and one foreign paper, not hostile to Japan, had expressed strong disbelief in the publications that Japanese soldiers should have disgraced themselves, upon which the direct testimony of Messrs. Creelman and Villlers was brought for ward. The former authorized a series of very damaging accusatlors, repeated through several issues of Yokohama newspapers and alleging an uninterrupted succession of butcheries and unspeakable atrocities for three days after the fall of Port Arthur, accompanied by equally positive, though, perhaps, less vehement, assertions from Villlers, who declared, emphatically, though with some appear ance of reluctance, that he "indorsed Creelman's accounts." For additional confirmation, M. De Laguerle, correspon dent of the Paris Temps, volunteered evi dence in support of all the facts presented by the American and English correspon dents. Turing to the other side, it is proper to say that no denial has been attempted by any person In authority, or from any official source. The only statements, from which the opinion and feeling of the government can be fairly estimated, are those given to the Associated Press, and to the World, and they tell their own story. It has been several times averred by newspapers in Yokohama that the ministers of state are endeavoring to Jus tify the misconduct of those who took part in the slaughter, on the strength of the frightful provocation given, and to mitigate censure by producing evidence of similar excesses In European armies. Not a word of attempted extenuation has been discovered. The only voices con tinuously heard are those of the foreign correspondents. Upon the question of the actual occurrences, these gentlemen are undivided. In the conclusions drawn they are less united. The American writer ar laigns the entire Japanese race. He does this with every appearance of sincerity. His companions are not so unreserved In their condemnation. It has been men tioned that statements sent forth to America from the ministry of foreign af fairs were given before the worst of the charges brought by the war correspon dents had been made public here. Deem ing It possible that these detailed indict ments might suggest new considerations to the authorities, especially in view of the popular indignation they have aroused, the agent of the Associated Press asked at a proper quarter if it were de sired that any further message be con- veved, and was Informed that so far as the government was concerned, the sub ject was closed for the present. It is not expected that any formal ex pression of the government's opinion as to methods here employed by foreign jour nalists will be heard. Informal and un official opinions are beard loudly enough, on all sides. They are. Indeed, so vig orously proclaimed in clubs, in commit tee rooms of houses of parliament, in sanctuaries of departments, and in lead ing literary circles, that no suppression of them would be possible. Correspond ents are condemned, not for telling everything that they saw, however ap palling, nor for performing their duties with scrupulgis fidelity, but for alleged abuse of prilege. such as would not be practiced m any Western country; for carelessness Jpsultlng in the diffusion of gross exaggelitions. and for perversions of truths callulated to bring unmerited shame upon the entire Japanese nation. The abuse of privilege is held to be that these visitors sought and received per mission to follow the army for one dis tinct purpose that of supplying their jour nals at home with authentic war news and. although knowing that a certain newspaper, published in Yokohama, under extra-territorial protection, is unfriendly to this country, they have nevertheless hastened to supply It with material for working harm in its own peculiar way. It was not as critics, to afford assist ance and encouragement to an enemy of Japan on her own soil, that these stran gers were given an opportunity to pursue their avocation advantageously. The question Is asked: "What would be thought in the United States of persons, who, after accepting the position of fa vored guests In war time, should gratui tously put weapons of offense Into the hands of an enemy?" The carelessness alleged is found In such assertions as that an entire peaceful population was massacred, when it is now indisputably proved that the peaceful population fled before the attack, and has since largely returned to its habitations, persons slaughtered having been mainly Chinese soldiers in disguise. Perversion of truth is said to lie in statements like that which represents correspondents as de serting the army "in a body," because they were horrified by spectacles of blood shed; as compelled to leave the field of their duty, because they could not coun tenance with their presence the wicked ness of Japan embodied in the crimes of her army; when, in fact, they came away by prearrangement to post their letters, having announced their intention many days before to start as soon as Port Ar thur was taken. The Japanese believe that they have been treated ungenerously and with wan ton indifference to their keenest sensi blltles; not from love of truth, but from reckless ambition to achieve sensational triumphs; and they mean to ventilate their grievance broadly and sturdily In their own land, if they cannot make themselves heard elsewhere. They look upon the foreign press and Its representa tives as their active foes. They see enly What has happened here, and they judge accordingly. Their resentment will pass in- time, but not too soon. The war cor respondents do not consider that they were bound to withhold their unpleasant new3 from the Yokohama press, and the newspaper that published the tidings had no purpose of overstepping what it conceived to be the proper boundaries of journalism; but a great flame of na tional wrath has been kindled, and it is desirable that American readers should learn precisely how it originated. With respect to the underlying fact of the dis orders at Port Arthur, public sentiment is sound and wholesome. Whether It will declare Itself as promptly and energetic ally as it might have done, but for the angry channel into which, the feeling of the community has been directed, is a question just now coming to the surface. The latest news from General Oyama's army Is that Kai Ping was taken Decem ber 18, without resistance, the Chinese under General Sung retiring precipitately to Ying Kow. The First army, under Lieutenant-General Nodzu, holds posses sion of the high road from New Chwang to Moukden. The two armies are now co operating, and an advance upon New Chwang is expected immediately. The Tartar force of General Yei shows no sign of renewed activity. The Japanese parliament met December 21. The only business of the opening day was the organization of both houses. The Corean government proposes to sig nify its Independence of Chinese traditions by discarding the ancient calendar at the beginning of the next year and adopting the same monthly divisions as those rec ognized by Western countries and Japan. jFROM THE SlJtOXT. Severe FlKbtinf? Has Taken' Place Xenr Gehol. LONDON, Jan. 10. A dispatch from Shanghai says severe fighting has taken place near Gehol, Mongolia, 120 miles northeast of Peking. Hundreds of wound ed Chinese are reported arriving at Tlen Tsin daily. General Medaz telegraphs from Shu gan, under date of January 8, that the enemy facing the third division of the Japanese army to the west, has retreated on Kokab. The advance guard of the enemy near Laiu Yan has advanced to Kanzenho with two pieces of artillery. The remainder of the Chinese force is quartered a few miles northeast of Ha Chlng. CIioxkcs Acroinst Wei Jnk Wei. LONDON, Jan. 10. A Peking dispatch says that General Wei Juk Wei, arrested by order of Li Hung Chang, Is charged with retreating in the face of the enemy, and with cowardice, extortion and plun dering. FREMAXTLE'S ORDERS. To Prevent the Japanese From As cendinj? the Yang-te-lvlanp:. LONDON, Jan. 10. A dispatch from Shanghai says the government has wired Instructions to Admiral Fremantle, com manding the British fleet In Chinese waters, to prevent by force, if neces sary, the Japanese squadron from ascend ing the Yang-tse-Kiang. The dispatch further states that the Americans, Wild and Bowie, have arrived at Wei-Hal-Wei, and are engaged in pre paring explosives for use in carrying out their scheme of destroying the Japanese fleet. OTHER AVAR XEWS. Dead or In a Fit. TOKIO, Jan. 10. A news agent reports that the king of Corea has been assassi nated. YOKOHAMA, Jan. 10. A rumor' Is in circulation here that the king of Corea ha3 been prostrated by epileptic fits. The Proposed Corenn Loan. YOKOHAMA. Jan. 10. Native capital ists decline to float the proposed Corean loan. It is rumored here 1000 men belong ing to the first army of Japan, operating in China, have been invalided by cold weather. TIRED OF LIFE. Three Desperate Attempts nt Suicide By a Youngr Californian. SANTA ROSA, Cal., Jan. lO.-James Newman, a young man of this city, made a desperate attempt this afternoon to commit suicide, while wandering In the country near Mellta. He took a big pock etknlfe and plunged the blade into his left breast just below the nipple. He then inflicted a deep cut in the left wrist, trying to open an artery. Failing to ac complish his purpose, he ran and jumped into a stream, and was trying to keep his head under water when the officers res cued him. He was brought to this city, and is now under the care of physicians, who think he may recover. Newman was an unusually bright young man, and when attending school here always stood at the head of his class. Sniclde by Strangulation. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 10. Miss Delia R. Hayncs, a sister of Professor F. E. Haynes,of the University of Minnesota, v.asfound dead in her room today, having committed suicide by strangulation. No cause is known. To Inquire Into Boosar's Death. OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 10. Coroner Bald wln has Impaneled a jury and will inquire Into the death of Philip Boogar, who was shot by his father-in-law, Michael Col lins, Tuesday night. Quite a Blnxc In St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 10. The horse-collar factory of the Weuth Hardware & Man ufacturing Company burned this morning. Loss, $150,000; fully Insured. EDR0PE DNDER SNOW MAW DEATHS ARE REPORTED IX COXSEQUEXCE. Vienna Is Burled Deep and Even, Sunny Italy Has Suffered Se verely From the Cold. LONDON, Jan. 10. The weather in Eng land Is intensely cold. There is skating in Regents' Park and on all the ponds about London. The Rev. Thomas Pod more, vicar of Ashton-Lee-Willows, was found dead in the snow. On the Conti nent, rivers and lakes are frozen, and many deaths are reported in consequence of the snow storms, which seem to have prevailed in many parts. VIENNA, Jan. 10. A terrific snow storm has swept over Vienna, leaving the city almost isolated. Railroad and vehicle traffic is reduced to a minimum. Over S500 men are at work clearing the streets. The supplies of vegetables, meat and milk have almost failed. There are seven feet of snow in the suburbs. ROME, Jan. 10. A snow stdrm, accom panied by heavy wind, destroyed four houses in Celena, in the province of Reg gla. Sixteen persons were burled in the ruins of the houses. Eight of them were dead when extricated. Snow storms on Lake Maggiore, Ravenna and elsewhere have caused great damage. MADRID, Jan. 10. The telegraph to France has not been working for nine days, owing to gales and snow storms. The severity of the weather Is unprece dented. The Weather In Scotland. EDINBURGH, Jan. 10. The cold weath er now prevailing In Scotland Is the most severe experienced in many years, 32 deg. below zero having been registered. Loch Lomond is frozen over In several parts of the country railroad traffic has been stopped by snow. Some drifts are 20 feet high. LOXDOX FIXAXCES. American Secnrities Firmer on Hopes of an Extra Session. NEW YORK. Jan. 10. The Evening Post's London cable says: The markets were strong today. Consols have broken all records by government purchases for the sinking funds. South Americans were strong. Americans were firmer on ru mors that President Cleveland will call a special session of congress after March 4, to attend to the currency. Of the in crease of 500,000 In the Bank of England's coin and bullion this week, X9S.000 were imported, and the rest came from home circulation. The increase of nearly 2,000,- 000 in government securities was due to the borrowing by the government, not to the purchase of consols by the bank. OTHER FOREIGN' XEAVS. Differences in the British Cabinet. LONDON, Jan. 10. Rumored dissensions in the British cabinet attracted the great est interest to today's council, which met at noon with all the ministers present. Sir William Harcourt, chancellor of the exchequer, and John Morley, chief secre tary for Ireland, are understood to have been of the opinion that the Irish must be satisfied at all costs during the coming session of parliament. With this view, It is added Premier Rosebery and Home Sec retary Asqulth and other members of the cabinet do not agree. It is said that the misunderstanding as to the disposition of the surplus for 1S93 is much more serious than was at first believed, the main point at issue being a claim raised by the cabi net ministers and others that the surplus should be devoted to the use Of the navy. Victoria's Premier Will Xot Rcsiprn. MELBOURNE. Victoria,, Jap. 10. Hon. George E. Turner, premier of Victoria, after consulting with his colleagues, has rtpnfdwl not to reslen. as a result of the defeat of the government on the propo sition to reduce the salaries of members of the legislature and public officials. German j 's Antl-Revolutlonnry Bill. BERLIN, Jan. 10. In the reichstag to day debate on the anti-revolutionary bill was taken up. Count von Limberg Stir rum, conservative, declared his party hailed the bill with satisfaction. The so cialists, he added, were not justified in claiming to be the sole labor party. Chitral Has a. Xew Mahter. CALCUTTA, Jan. 10. Nizam Ulmulk, mahtar of Chitral. has been murdered by his young brother. Amir Ulmulk, who has declared himself mahtar of Chitral. Chitral, or Little Cashgar, is a country in Asia consisting of Lioner valley, on the south slope of Hindoo-Koosh. Joined the Antl-Gamhllncr LcaRue. LONDON, Jan. 10. Judge Thomas Hughes, Q. C, the author of "Tom Brown's School Days," etc., has joined the anti-gambling league, and has sent that organization a check to assist in furthering its work. United States and Calm. MADRID, Jan. 10. A modus vivendi be tween the United States and Cuba has been agreed upon by which Cuba concedes the second column of the tariff in return for "most favored nation" treatment. PECULIAR WILL CONTEST It Grows Ont of Two New Yorkers Tradlnj? Wives. BATH. N. Y., Jan. 10. Forty years ago J. G. Neely, a wealthy citizen of Alle gheny county, fell In love with the wife of a neighbor. It seems that she must have approved of the suit, and that there must have been a similar attachment between Mrs. Neely and her neighbor's husband, for she left her own husband and took up with the former, and the neighbor's wife abandoned her husband for Neely. The prominence of the two families and the high character they had always borne in the community made this trading of wives and husbands fall like a thunderbolt among the reputable dwellers in that lo cality, but the changed relations of the two families were boldly and openly main tained. Neely's son James, overcome with the shame of the transaction, left home, and up to a short time ago nothing had ever been heard from him. Some time after the exchange of wives, Neely ob tained a divorce from his former legal wife. As years passed, the families, sin gularly enough, regained somewhat of their former standing in society. Chil dren were born to Neely by his neighbor's wife, and they are among the most re spected and reputable people in the coun ty, and are married and have families of their own. Neely died three months ago, rich and lamented. He had during his lifetime given by deed or nominal price the greater part of his property to his children, who live in this vicinity. The property of which he died possessed, amounting to about $9000, he disposed of by will to the same children. About a month ago the surrogate of Allegheny county was surprised to receive a letter from James Neely, the long-missing son of the old farmer, requesting a copy of his father's will. The letter was from a town In Nebraska. The copy was for warded, and now the son has engaged lawyers to contest the will, founding his claim to its bequests on the question of the validity of the divorce his father ob tained from his mother many years ago. Collins" Charged AVith Murder. OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 10. The coroner'3 jury in the Boogar inquest tonight ren dered a verdict charging Michael Collins with murder. He will be arraigned in the morning, and a date set for preliminary examination. Last night Louise Whitte more, a niece of a former wife, arrived from Napa. The undertaker has an order for her uncle's remains. In the meantimeyj Mrs. Boogar was going to have anothej I undertaker. While the coroner was decid- ' Ing who should have the body, Dr. Pat terson, an executor of the will, notified the coroner to hold the remains until the will was examined to see if Boogar had made any provisions. The coroner will ask the district attorney to decide tha matter. BADLY IN DEBT. Receiver for a, Sioux City Loan amdf Trust Company. SIOUX CITY, la.. Jan. 10. The Fidel ity Loan &. Trust Company passed into the hands of a receiver today. P. A. Saw yer, as president of the company, filed the application for the receiver's appoint ment in the district court. The petition stated that the company owed $3,200,000 on 6 per cent debenture bonds, on which January interest was defaulted. It stated further that the floating debts of the com pany were $1,000,000, no part of which had, been paid. The only other statement was to the effect that the company was in solent. Judge Wakefield appointed Joseph Samson, of Sioux City, and Gideon Can dee, of New York, receivers. It Is expect ed the business 'of the company will bo continued under the receivership. FROZEX ORAXGES OX SALE. They Are Belnp Rushed From. Florida to ChlcnRO Mnrkcts. CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Tralnloads of frozen oranges, the fruit caught in the recent cold snap in Florida, are being rushed to the Chicago market. Eighteen carloads are said to have been sold yesterday. They are mostly sold in the auction rooms, and on South Water street they are be ing disposed of in barrels, like apples. A barrel of frozen oranges can be bought for $2 50 and upwards. Many of these oranges are already beginning to spoil, and on top of many of the barrels can be found some which have not been spoiled thoroughly, but are soft. The greater part of the fruit being so'd in the com mission houses is still frozen, and there fore not unwholesome. A dealer of South Water street, who supplies the retail trade, has a sign on a box of choice or anges marked, "These are not frozen." When seen by a reporter, he said: "Although the sale of frozen oranges does not compete with my trade, I do not think it ought to be allowed, for the rea son that there are so many bad onea among the rest, which will be eaten, with the others by people who cannot afford to throw the whole lot away, as soon as they thaw and become soft. The sale of these oranges was stopped In New York and Boston. An orange Is all right, if a person wants to eat it frozen, but when thawed, it loses Its flavor, because the juices of seeds and skin are released. They may not be unwholesome, but nine venders out of ten will sell them as good oranges." OTHER FIXAXCIAL XEWS. Its By-Laws Are Valid. CHICAGO. Jan. 10. The Chicago live stock exchange won- a decided victory to day in the suit of the attorney-general to forfeit its charter. It was decided by Judge Clifford, who declared the by-laws of the exchange for the regulation of its business and defining the manner In which members shall solicit business, are valid. An EiRht-Milllon Dollar Salt. COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 10. Judge Pugh overruled the demurrer in the Sterenson Burke $8,000,000 suit. This holds the case in court. Burke wanted to throw it out. The suit is to recover money alleged to have been Improperly taken from the Co lumbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo rail road. Sale of the Bulletin Confirmed. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Circuit Judge McKenna, today, confirmed the re port of Master in Chancery E. H. Hea cock of the sale of the Evening Bulletin to R, A. Crothers. for $35,300. ' More Gold Taken fbr'BxiASt-r. NEW YORK, Jan. 10. One million dol- lars m gold has Deen wnnurawn irom tne sub-treasury for export tomorrow. Bank Fnllarc in Roiuc. ROME, Jan. 10. The Banca Popolare suspended business yesterday evening. THE REASONS GIVEN. Order Aprniust Secret Societies Pro mulgated By Archbishop Elder. CINCINNATI, Jan. 10. Archbishop El der today promulgated the order against the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Sons of Temperance, and accompanied the text of the order with a statement of the reasons why good Catholics should obey. The fact that the reasons for the order are not understood, he says, is no excuse for disobedience, any more than it is for the violation of civil law, when the reason for the enactment is not understood. Just as the state must enforce its laws .for the preservation of order, so must the church enforce such rules as are essential for the welfare of souls. He went on, however, to state some of the reasons in this case. One was that to belong to these orders made Catholics more tol erant of Free Masonry, which had long been declared inimical to the church. An other was, that in the case of the Knights of Pythias, a pagan is selected to be treated as a saint. The Catholic Church In the East. ROME, Jan. 10. At the next consistory the pope Is likely to raise two Oriental patriarchs to the dignity of cardinals. The dignitaries believed to have been se lected for the honor are Monslgnore Aza rian, Armenian patriarch, and Monsignore Yuzeff, patriarch of Antloch. His holi ness attaches the utmost importance to these nominations. He look3 forward to their making a deep impression through out the East and helping on the longed for understanding between the schismat ics and papacy. To Make Columbus a Saint. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. A cablegram from Naples says that the pope Is about to announce the beatification of Christo pher Columbus. The proposition was se riously considered for more than a year previous to the recent anniversary of the discovery of America, but the college of cardinals was against it. Assault AVIth it Deadly AVeapon. OAKLAND, Ca!., Jan., 10. The jury. In the case of the people vs. C. R. Ben nett, brought In a verdict late tonight, find ing him guilty of assault with a deadly weapon. Bennett Is the ex-secretary of the Society for the Prevention of Vice, in San Francisco. The trouble Is one of long-standing between him and George Gray. The assault wras committed May 5, 1SD3, on a local tiain. Vegetable Pills arc pro- S pared to meet a Iegitl- mate demand for a mild, efflelent and reliable family physic. They are purely vegetable, containing no calomel, mercury, or mineral sub stance of any kind. Hood's Tills act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, neadache. Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may be broken up and a fever prevented by promptly taking Hood's Pills. Hood's Pills Arc prepared by C. L Hcod & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masc Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druzpists or sent by mall on receipt of price MOHET HZTO-DED IT COLDEX WEST BAKING x-OWDilll ISS.' 232 POE3