'4? : "VOL. xxxm IsO 11,005. PORTLASTD. OBEGOK FRIDAY JrUAirc 11 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS , 4 i ID IILLH FURNITURE FIXTURES ROTHCHILD BROS. The A. P. Hotaling- Co. MHOLESS LB LIQUOP2 DS75L.EF2S SO, 22, 24: and. 20 First St., First and CASH Hfif?t)WHE CO. xrm TELEPHONES Telegraph? Ipstrumerjts FOOT-POWER MACHINERY Wrlto for THE VANCOUVER CREAMERY SUTTER IS DELICIOUS KSK YOUR GROCER FOR IT EVERY SQUARE 13 FULL WEIGHT tt STAMPED Cffice: HOTEL COLUKSIA BWUHKB, Try VANCOUVER. WASH. jpjjfa GARDEN (1HASS FIELD FLOWER SEEDS LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ON THE COAST Of our Home-Grou;n Seed I sell larcc quanUtica every year to Eastern Houses. "Write for Catalocue. E. J. BOWEN, PORTLAND, OR. SPITTLE. ZrZTZSK. SJW pRKNCISCO, CKI. i . Yes, I d o -(epairir; The cleaning and repairing of Fine Watches, and the resetting of Jewels in to modem mountings is given careful, inteiligent attention by skillful workmen in my store. You will be surprised, to learn how little it will cost to have your Diamonds reset in latest-style designs. -Estimates cheerfully given. T-ftEObtE HRylSE'H &' Gold and Silversmith Seasonable Qifts MneUIn toshes, Linen Nunklns and Towels, LRCEuPCHENILLE CURTAINS Can be bought thU month below 5nHOL-E3S75LE3 COST -FKOM- HONEYMAN & McBRIDE Importers, 223 Ash Street Bet. 1st and id. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION SUrk Street, tet, StrnUi tad tittu (ginning With the Year 1SM, the Prioe of Mem bershlp Will Be $5 TU TUB. Iwtel tf, u btrttofcrc. .... 20.000 VOLUMES, Including -worts of Fic tion. Humor. Travel. Biography. Hlstorr, Philosophy. Kelliclon. Sociology. Laaffuate and Literature. Sclenot. Useful ArU and Fine Arts. PORTLAND ACADEMY Winter term opens Jaunary 7. at 9 A. M. "Advanced work in Chemistry, English. French, Latin and Drawing. For catalogue, address PORTLAND ACADEMT. 191 Eleventh street. DRINK UPTON'S TEA Fcrfiil. KWtnlt nl Eehil, Ij fcafr.fa&Co., 229Yamii St, - Portland LiUSTJD PLASTER Sl.CO PER BARREL EVEBCIlfB & FEM. COL INK AM AIDER STBEHS $EED moS -- s$ (y SCHMIDT & CO.'S "SARSAPARILU IRON" STOCKTON. C35L-I5ORNI7C - DR RUSSELL'S "PEPSIN CALISAYA BITTERS" W. J. MRU SCHUYVEH & CO., SOLE A3ENTS, Kos. 105 ad 107 Second St.. --.," Portland, Oregoi Corner Burnside Popfctand Oregon. Our Catalogue. IgREMERy! Trade Mark Registered BRUDS: CGE1S. UMBC2GEK SlEvlGO. FR0S1SE D B5IE 271 JVToirwson St. Bet. 3d and -9th WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Territory allotted. Correspondence solicited. Catalogues mailed free. Only piano and organ factory having house on the Pacific coast- W. W. KUVISllULi & CO. Manufacturers Chicago, 111., rorllanil, Or. 243-25:1 AVubusb. Av. 335 Morrison St. UHlOH JftERT GO. Molest Butchers 2nd Packers OF THE fell Brand of Hams, Bacon AKD Strictly Pure. Kcttlo-Ken-dertd Lard. FOURTH GLISAN STREETS -ri . To keep youns. keep well; luuuuutep tne nerves cairn, trie J blood ruddy, and tho syttem f ttbII fed bv usln? Palnn's vcwij ionipuuDu. xiio oniy r 70 preparation of the kind that wo rvcuuoicau. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., 1st and Alder Streets. STEEL RKILS ISC LOTS XO SXJIX For Sale by Sutton & Beebe 16 FRONT ST.. NORTH "CH1CKASAW" E. & TV. "CHICKASAW. A.new collar. CKUTIOM Ibout trpq Us aijd SIeqtioij of Spqetaels Tersons harlns normal vision will be able to read this print at a distance of 14 inches from the eves with ease and comfort: also will be able to read It with each eye separately. If unable to do so your eyes are defective, "and ehouM have immediate attention. When the eyes oecome urea irom readies or sewing, or It the letters look blurred and run together. It is a sure Indication that glasses are needed. The lenses sold In the cheap Roods are of un- equal density and have imperfectly formed sur faces. Continued use of these poorer lenses will result In a positive Injurs from the con stant strain upon the muscles of accommoda tion to supply the defects In the glass." St iVEHiicoiiivr Oculist Optioians Oregonian Building' chances for reform How tlie Legislature Can Cut Down Appropriations. WHERE SOME OF THE MONEY GOES Expenditures Undertaken Two Years Ago AVhich Will Not Be Neces sary at This Session. The legislature is the great arbiter of the state finances. It is not only the safety valve, but the whole engine, boiler and steamchest It has always outrun the estimates made by the state officers, and last session went so far as to vote some $S00,000 for buildings, land, repairs and improvements, after receiving esti mates and recommendations from the state officers aggregating something like $275,000 for those purposes. The session laws include the following appropriations, made from the general fund by special and separate acts: Object Appropriation. Soda snrlnr.-s. at Sodavillp s avi Electric lignt plant 10,000 Fish way, Oregon City 10,000 Lakeview graded school 5,000 National Guard (uniform and equip ment) 40,000 Maxwell relief 833 J. J. Hembrie, relief 478 World's fair exhibit 60,000 Agricultural college, improvement Z0.22& weston normal school 24,000 Soldiers' Home 39,000 Jute mill 190,030 Eastern Oregon insane asylum.. 1(5,000 Deaf mute school, land and build ings 23,000 Total $600,093 Items of an unusual nature were also carried in the general appropriation bill, as follows: Object Appropriation. Blind school, building, etc $ 12,000 Purchase of stove foundry 65,000 Waterworks, fair grounds 11,415 Rewiring capitol 2,000 Electric wiring asylum, peniten tiary, etc 7,500 Improving main building, asylum.. 32,600 Cottages, asylum farm 41,700 Fencing, asylum farm 1,300 Fencing, asylum farm lands 11,000 Capitol improvements and repairs.. 6,000 Drainage, capitol grounds 3,600 New roof and painting, capitol.... 7,000 Portage railway 1,000 Penitentiary, improvements 52,509 Improving Mill creek 5,000 Lands, penitentiary 2,500 Dormitories, university 25,000 Reform school buildings 78,000 Penitentiary, fencing, etc 4,150 Total J369.265 Here is a total of $969,000, without any reference to maintenance of the state in stitutions or commissions. The bill car ried for commissions and societies the following amounts: Object. Appropriation. Pilot commission $ 2,400 Health officer 4,400 Board of agriculture .". .10,009 Food-commission .T.r. 3,500 Railroad commission '.... : "20,000 Fish commission 8,000 Portland exposition 1,000 Eastern Oregon fairs 6,000 Southern Oregon fairs 3,000 Board of horticulture 7,000 Domestic animal commission 12,000 Board of equalization 8,000 Oregon Pioneers 500 Weather bureau 1,000 Total $SC,S00 The legislature also appropriated for its own expenses $55,000, half of which has been estimated to have gone for clerk hire. Reverting now to the appropriations of an unusual character for buildings, etc., some appropriations will be needed of this kind at this session, but of course as buildings are put up and completed, such items fade from the succeeding bud gets. The $10,000 for the electric light plant will probably need to be renewed. The Weston normal school will want about the same amount, $24,000. The Sol diers' Home will be asking for $24,000 this time, instead of $39,000. Of the Eastern Oregon Insane asylum appropriation of $163,000, some $26,000 has been expended. The remainder, for prosecuting the enter prise, will have to be appropriated, and probably will be. The asylum's needs for new things will be about $23,000; those of the capitol, probably $1000 or $2000; of the penitentiary, $8000 to $10,000, chiefly for steel cells. The reform school, which had $78,000 for buildings and improvements, will want something for its farm and shops. The superintendent will recom mend $25,000; but this may be cut down to $15,000 or $20,000. This comprises the needs of those objects durlns the ensuing two years, for which the last session appropri ated $969,000. If the legislature does more, the responsibility will be its own. A movement has been started looking toward the substitution of a state or phan's home, to be located at one place, and under state management, for the present system of extending aid to the various charitable institutions scattered about tho state. Quite a lot of money is now spent in this way. Thus, the last general appropriation bill shows: Institution. Appropriation. "The Home," Portland $5 000 Orphans' Home, Salem 5000 Orphans' Home, Albany 5000 Refuge Home. Portland 5000 Baby Home, Portland 4)000 Magdalen Home. Portland 4,ooo St Mary's Home, Beaverton 2000 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, Port- ' land 2500 Patton Home, Portland 2,000 Total $34,500 Of course, not quite all of this is for orphans; yet most of it is for eleemos ynary work now carried on with very lit tle, if any, state supervision. The move ment for the concentration of this char itable work in state hands would and will, probably, arouse energetic opposi tion from the beneficiary institutions. It might result In the defeat of all such ap propriationswhich would not be an un mixed cvIL THE STATE FIXAXCES. Showing; Made hy Treasurer 3Iet sdinu'.H Report. SALEM, Jan. 10. From advance sheets of the biennial report of State Treasurer Metschan, the following statement of re ceipts and disbursements appears, being Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTSC PURE for the two years ending: December 3L 1S94. The receipts, including balances standing at the beginning of the two years, aggregate $3,003,143 94, and are credited to the followingjfunds: Fund. '" Amount. General r- $1,S0S,934 43 Common school, principal 55S,5S8 64 Common school, interest'.: 340,118 42 Agricultural college, principal.. 22.57S 6S Agricultural college, interest... 16,295 93 University, principal.... fj. 2409 44 University, interest iT. 13.6SS 94 Swamp land Zf-s. 12,710 03 Tide land XiU 14,607 45 United States 5 per cents.."..... 99,163 92 University tax i5 2G.8S3 64 Military tax J. 32,673 71 Direct tax .". 29,869 57 Thurston monument ..:.".... 7 22 Salmon Industry :7f..-JU.... 3,106 85 Total .Hr..... $3,003,448 94 The disbursements .aggregated $2,763, 049 85, and were made "fcf the various funds, as follows: -jHp; Fund. 3BL Amount General .ttt; ;?.....$ S20.006 49 Penitentiary flFTv.... 84,640 18 Incidental "aS"' 26,507 OS Insane and Idiotic ....fKSn 24S.744 95 Executive ttiA 33;560 50 Judicial JrT.?; 112,714 52 Legislative .3V. 55,059 SS Printing ?&??. 60,674 87 Convict .tSPK'-..... 23.351 71 Fugitive .?;Vi" 9,13195 Indigent "TO??..... 2,789 22 Public building Z2K.'...... 45,501 28 Insane t;f... 27,832 50 Soldiers' Home JS'.S 29.339 62 Reform school :XIA U2.S06 67 Jute mill S-.T. 2,470 SO Eastern Oregon insane asylum 3S1 03 Deaf mute school m 25.0S1 25 Common school, principal 499,001 3S Common school. Interest";.. 2S9.555 42 Agricultural college, principal.. 19,900 00 Agricultural college, interest.. 13,935 44 University, principal ...I....... 3,400 00 University, interest ,: 12,633 00 Swamp land -. 12,70133 Five per cent U. S. landisale.. 81,707 19 Military tax 32,302 02 University tax .'. 24,500 00 Direct tax 29.S69 57 Thurston monument ..... 7 22 Salmon industry ,' 1,936 83 Total :.:- $2,763,019 S3 It has been another hard year for the trust funds. People who used to be very prompt in payment have not had the money and have been compelled to ask for leniency. This the board has accorded as far as possible. The constant aim has been to be just to the state and to the debtors upon whom the financial depres sion has been severe. These facts account for the small amounts on hand. These amounts are: Common school fund (principal). Notes represantlng loans 'from the fund $2,068,281 26 Land notes as repotted by the clerk of the board 382,239 93 Loan notes in course of fore closure 17,950 00 Jotes transferred from the es- Cash on handDecembeK3i",is94" 591.587 26 Total amount of the fund De cember 31, 1894 $2,532.02178 Agricultural College fund (principal.) Notes representing leans from the fund $ 114,765 00 .Land notes as reported by the clerk of tho board , 14.9S7 12 Cash on Iiand December 31, 1894. 2,678 63 Total amount of the fund De- cember 31, 1894 ?.....$ 132,430 70 University fund. $ iJBhk v Notes representing loans 4r5;ni " " the fundi $ 97,990 50 .Liana notes as reported. -by the clerk of the board 3,335 30 Cash on hand December 31, 1S94- S09 44 Total amount of the fund De cember 31. 1894 $ 102,155 24 The state of Oregon has no liabilities, There are funds on hand to pay all out standing obligations. It owes nothing and it owns its public buildings. There Is no bonded indebtedness and only a few out standing military warrants. A resume of the state's financial con dition would be Incomplete without ref erence to the faithful and efficient work of State Treasurer Metschan, his assist ant. Major Frank E. Hodgkins and Clerk J. D. Sutherland. Very few have any Idea of the enormous burden Mr. Metschan has sustained in the past two years in the care of the public funds Through the tardiness of distressed tax payers and the dangers of imperilled banks, he has cautiously and safely pilot ed the treasury's sorely threatened craft The legislature will be asked to create a bank commission, a board to examine arid lands with a view to the Carey law's offer, and an inspector of steam boilers and engines. THE STATE TAX LEVY. It is Three Mills Upon the Total Tax able Property of the State. SALEM. Jan. 10. The state board, con sisting of the governor, the secretary and the treasurer, met today and practically agreed upon the tax levy for the expenses of the state for 1895. Their estimate of state expenses, including de ficiencies of 1S94, is $694,524. This includes $30,000 for current expenses of the state militia, and $30,000 for the support of the state university, which, prior to 1894, was raised by special taxes for these purposes. These sums are fixed In the laws of 1893, repealing the special tax law aforesaid. It also Includes deficiencies of certain funds of 1891, estimated at about $61,000. To meet these expenses the board has set apart a balance of $217,842, saved out of funds heretofore levied for the expenses of 1893 and 1894, and the miscellaneous re ceipts of 1894 and the estimated miscel laneous receipts of 3895, amounting to $25,4S6, making a total surplus of $243,326, applicable to the payment of the Items set forth in this levy. This leaves a balance of $451,19S, which will be raised by a tax of three mills on total taxable property of the state, as equalized by the state board of equalization. The levy this year is lower than for many years. Upon the valuation of a year ago the levy, for the amount necessary to be raised this year, would be only two and two-third mills as against a levy of four and three-tenth mills a year ago. Notwithstanding the low rate of levy, the board has, in this estimate, made economical but sufficient provision for the maintenance of all pub lic institutions, for current expenses and for such additional public buildings as may be required. The estimate of the board will show unused balances of ap propriations for 1893 and 1894, of about $471,000, divided among the several funds, while the total deficiencies of the same biennial term are but $61,000, being the smallest amount of deficiencies facing the legislature in several years, while the surpluse is by far the largest Latest U. S. Gov't Food Repcrt SAID BY GOVERNORS Altgeld's Last Message to the As - sembly of Illinois. THE DOCUMENT A LENGTHY ONE "What He Says of the Usurpation of Power on the Part of the Federal Judiciary. SPRINGFIELD. Jan. 10. The 39th as sembly of Illinois convened here today. The most important business of the day was the reading of the biennial mes sage of Governor Altgeld. It was a very lengthy document In the. begin ning the governor devotes space to a re view of the condition of the various state institutions, and makes numerous recom mendations. Among other things, he takes up the question of capital punishment, and asks whether the death penalty does any substantial good: "Whether we are any better off than they are in tho.'.e states where it was long ago abolished; whetherit is not barbarous and degrading in its effects, and whether it would not be better to have a more rational system of man aging our prisons and abolishing capital punishment entirely." On the question of civil service, the gov ernor says there is urgent need of legis lation that will relieve executive officers, both state and municipal, of the constant and overwhelming importunity for place. He doubts the wisdom of a system that forever keeps the same men on the pay rolls, for it is not calculated to produce the highest degree of proficiency. A mean should be struck between the retention of incompetents and the distribution of spoils. The governor, speaking of the ad ministration of justice In large cities, says the business in the courts of Chicago al most amounts to a denial of justice. The whole system should be revised and sim plified at once. The governor also calls attention to the conditions surrounding the police and justice courts in Chicago, which he declares a disgrace. The reve nue system in this state Is declared, in its practical workings, to be a giant of injustice. The governor speaks at length of the manner in which the rich escape proper taxation, and urges legislation es pecially looking to the proper taxation of corporations. He says the state board of equalization is a failure, and should be abolished. The governor calls attention to the act providing that companies formed for the publication of newspapers shall be assessed as the property of pri vate individuals is assessed. When care fully examined It is found that only the tangible property can be assessed, and many newspaper corporations which have not much tangible property, but do have a large business that would sell for cash in the market and which makes enormous profits, practically escape taxation. CominK down to the-settlement of labor of dealing with them Is a difficult one. No practical method of enforcing a decree of compulsory arbitration has been found, but there Is no difficulty in the way of making a compulsory investigation in every case, and this alone would be a great preventive as well as corrective. Promptly ascertaining and making public the actual conditions in each case arouses a moral sentiment that often forces a set tlement The governor strongly urged legislation on this subject, and also to prevent laborers being brought into the state by squads, as they generally have, to displace an equal number, who being suddenly thrown out, become a public charge. Governor Altgeld speaks in terms of the highest commendation of the work of the Illinois National Guard during the troubles of the past year. Taking up the ques tion of the great strikes, he reviews the many reports which have been made, and says the placing of the United States troops on duty in Chicago under the con ditions that existed presents a question of the most far-reaching importance. "The old doctrineof staterights,"saysthe governor, "is in no way involved. Nobody for a mo ment questions the supremacy of the Union. The great civil war settled that we should not have anarchy. It remains to be settled whether we shall be destroyed by despotism. If the president can, at his pleasure, in the first instance, send troops into our city, town or hamlet under pre tense of enforcing seme law, his judg ment being the sole criterion, there can be no difference in this respect between the powers of the president and those of Emperor William or the czar of Russia. If the acts of the president are to stand unchallenged and form a precedent, then we have undergone a complete change in our form of government, and, whatever semblance we may keep up in the future, our career as a republic Is over. We have a rapidly increasing central power con trolled and dominated by class and corpor ate interests. It is a matter of special re gret to many of our patriotic citizens that this blow at free institutions should have been struck by a presldentwho was placed in power by a party that has made local self-government a cardinal principle for moro than a century." Government by injunctions Is dealt with severely by the governor, who says the usurpation of power on the part of the federal judiciary has assumed a form where it is destroying the very foundations of republican gov ernment These injunctions, he said, are a very great convenience to corporations, when they can be had for the asking by a corporation lawyer, and these were the processes of court to enforce which the president sent federal troops to Chicago. Governor Altgeld speaks of the numerous arrests for "contempt of court" made un der these injunctions, and of the fact that the federal government, In spite of hav ing at hand in Chicago the complete ma chine of justice, found it necessary to re tain another attorney and he an employe of one of the railread3 involved in the strike, and adds: "Never before were the United States government and corpora tions of the country so completely blended and never before was the goddess of jus tice made a mere handmaid for one of the combatants. It is evident that if the attorney-general of the United States did not outline and advise the policy that was pursued, it 'eceived his approval, and was carried out through his assistance. When the interstate commerce law was taken Into court by the railroads a few days ago, these same federal judges pro ceeded to hold section after section to be unconstitutional until they had made the lav as harmless as a dead rabbit Then, after having nullified an act of congress Intended for the protection of the people, they turned around and made of it a club with which to break the backs of the man who tolls with his hands. If both the con stitution and our past experience are to be disregarded and the federal courts per mitted to set up and form a new govern ment it would be equally proper for the state courts to do so, and we shall soon have government by injunction from head to toe. All affairs will be regulated, not by law, but by the personal pleasure, prejudice or caprice of the multitude of judges." "The marked feature of the age," says the governor, "has been consolidation. As they grow more powerful these trusts get beyond the control of the government Prompted by the instinct of self-preservation, the laborers of the country are try ing to form combinations. Trust mag nates are opposed to this, and the federal courts that have been the special guardi ans of corporations and combinations seem determined to crush labor organiza tions. In recent years the constitution seems to have become an Insurmountable barrier to every measure intended for the protection of the public, while Its most plainly expressed provisions for the pro tection of the liberty and the personal rights of the citizens are blown away with a breath. This subserviency on the part of the federal judiciary when dealing- with men who have to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow Is not calculated to produce respact for the law or its machinery- If these conditions are continued the fate of the American laborer is sealed. He mifst be reduced to the lowest condi tions of existence, and this must destroy that very capital which Is now pushing him down, for with the destruction of the purchasing power of the American laborer will disappear our great American mar ket Further, this process must produce discontent, disturbance and hatred, and will greatly increase the expense of the government and consequently taxes. Rus sianizing a government is an expensive business, and has never yet succeeded not even In Russia. Our government is not In the slightest danger from the an archy of a mob. Our danger comes from that corruption, usurpation, insolvence and oppression that go hand in hand with a vast concentration of wealth wielded by unscrupulous men, and It behooves every friend of republican institutions to give these things mose serious consideration." Wisconsin's 3"ew Governor. MADISON, Wis., Jan. 10. Governor Upham's message deals with the use of the blacklist by large corporations at great length. The governor says: "I cannot but regard the arrangement among a large number of employers not to em ploy or permit to be employed, if they can prevent it competent and faithful men, simply because they quit the service of some other employer, as a conspiracy, which should not be tolerated by law. The employer has no more right to be protected by law against a conspiracy of employes than the employes have to be protected by law against a conspiracy on the part of the employers." THE ATLANTA IN DANGER A Valve Broke and the Engines Had to Stoj.) for Fepairs. BOSTON, Jan. 10 Word comes to Bos ton through a private letter to the effect that the United States cruiser, Atlanta, while on her way to Bluefields, Nicar agua, at 10 o'clock, on the night of De cember 13, was in a gale north of Cape Hatteras, when suddenly the thump of the screw, ceased, and. a loud hissing of steam from "the engine-room told that "something ha'd happened to the engines. On exmalning: them it was found that one of the valves had burst, and the en gines, could not be run until it was re paired. The situation was a bad one. The vessel was only a little more than seven miles from the lee shore, and that one of the most dangerous coasts in the country, if not in the world. The wind and sea were taking her toward the shore at the rate of about four knots an hour, and it was uncertain just how much time was needed to repair the damage. For tunately it did not take long, for in lit tle more than an hour things were straightened out sufficiently to allow of starting the engines, and the ship was run out of her dangerous position. The Mohican Coming; XortH. VALLEJO, Cal., Jan. 10. The Mohican will leave the navy yard, Mare island, Friday morning, and proceed directly to sea. She will go up to Port Townsend or Seattle for the purpose of testing coal. Snn Francisco Gone to Gibraltar. NEWPORT, R. I., Jan. 10. The cruiser San Francisco sailed for Gibraltar today, where she relieves the Chicago as flag ship of the European station. EQUAL TO VACCINATION. The Hip-liefet Possible Praise for the Anti-Toxine Treatment. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Surgeon Kin yon, of the United States marine hospital service, who has made a thorough study abroad of the anti-toxlne treatment, in an address before the medical fraternity of Washington last night, said: "The effects of anti-toxine in diphtheria cases were little short of marvelous. Since the dis covery of diphtheria bacillus, the absolute diagnosis of the disease by microscope was possible, the germ being as distinc tive as that of tuberculosis." The speaker said 89 per cent of so-called membraneous croup were really diphtheria. With the serum treatment, he said, there was no reason why the disease should not be stamped out entirely. There was no ques tion that the discovery of the anti-toxine treatment was on par with that of small pox vaccination. He favored govern mental or municipal control, or at least a supervision of the manufacture of anti toxine to insure its being of standard quality. OTHER NATIONAL NEWS. Opened for Settlement. MARQUETTE, Mich., Jan. 10. When Register Premeau opened the government land office at 9 A. M. today a long file of prospective homesteaders blockaded the corridors and extended outside. The first man presenting an application had re mained In front of the building since Mon day noon, experiencing very severe weather. A portion of the forfeited rail road land grant in Ontonagon county, con taining 8338 acres, was opened for settle ment today. He Is Now a. General. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The senate confirmed the nomination of Colonel G. Norman Lieber, assistant judge-advocate-general, to be judge-advocate-general with the rank of brigadier-general. A MILLION-DOLLAR FIRE. Toronto's Second Bir Blaze This WceU. TORONTO, Ont, Jan. 10. Fire started at 7 o'clock this evening in the Osgoode building, on Melinde street, in close prox imity to the ruins of the fire of last Sunday. The Osgoode building was soon destroyed. The flames spread west and southwest to Wellington street, and in less than an hour burned out the follow ing places: R. H. Gray & Co., furs; E. Boysseau & Co., clothing; Robert Darlington & Co., wholesale woollens. The fire then crossed Wellington street to Hunter, Rose & Co., printers and wholesale booksellers; Hart & Riddell. wholesale stationers, and Buntin, Read & Co., paper manufacturers, where it was brought under control. The loss is esti mated at $1,000,000. All (MEM BE No Abatement of the Effort to Se cure Such Legislation. TO BE URGED ALONG NEW LINES Seunrateil as Far as Possible Front Any Loss of Position Attached to the Old. Measure. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Notwithstand ing the reverses suffered by the Carlisle currency bill inf the house of representa tlves yesterday, there is to be no abater ment in the effort to secure currency" legis lation. It is said by a gentleman con versant with the facts that a new meas ure having executive approval will be in troduced in the house In about two weeks. It Is probable that Springer will not di rect the course of the new measure, for the desire will be to urge it alon;; new lines and with new leaders, with a view to separating it as far as possible from any loss of position attaching to the old measure. The lines en which the new measure will he framed are not definitely known. To some extent it will follow the old bill, with such changes as the experi ence of the recent debate 'shows to be de sirable. It is pointed out that tho vote of 12 J to 123 is an adverse majority of bnly five, so that the change of three votes would show a majority supporting the bill. Under these circumstances, it is felt that concessions can be made securing the adhesion of a number of members whose opposition has been based on speci fic objections. It is said, however, that there will be no concessions in the na ture of a surrender to the silver element, if they push their demands to the point of remonetizing sliver at a ratio of 16 to 1. It is held that the conciliation of this radi cal element is not deemed necessary, al though thero will be every desire to ac cept the assistance of those sliver men who will aid in meeting the emergency, even though the result is not a full real ization of their theories. While this gen eral plan is well defined, it has not yet been communicated to the house leaders, and is not, therefore, a subject of com ment among them. Other subjects have been taken up, and there is apparently a unanimity of opinion that the currency, question is not lost Morrill, Sherman, Allison, and Ald rich, republican members of the sen ate finance committee, had a con ference today for the purpose of deciding upon a line of policy in case there shall be an effort made to take up the currency question in the senate. The conference was decided upon after Chairman Voor hees issued a call for a meeting of the full committee at 2 o'clock today. They will not suggesta.bilL themselves nor sug gest anything looking to the perfection -oa-r-a bllL Furthermore they will suggest to the democratic members of the committee If called upon for suggestions, that. In view of the report that Secretary Carlisle had been in consultation with the leaders of the house with a view to a revival of the currency bill in the house, in a modi fied form, It will be the better plan to postpone any effort to do anything in the senate until there may be an opportunity, to ascertain what will be the result In the house. The conference developed that the republicans do not consider the treas urysituation so critical as some democrats do, and they think it a question of revenue rather than currency. Springer passed some time this morning with President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle, meeting them separately. When Springer reached the house later he would not go into the details of the private con versations with the president and the sec retary further than to say that there would be no abatement in tho effort to secure currency legislation. It was ac cepted by members as not only voicing Springer'a views, but as definitely deter mining that the administration will go ahead with the policy it has undertaken. Springer says he knows of no new bill, although the present bill will be shaped to meet objections and command support He added: "But no concession will go to the extent of silver coinage at a ratio of 13 to L" The Senate Committee's Meeting. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The senate finance committee met at 2 o'clock today for the purpose of considering the cur rency question. It adjourned after a brief session until Saturday. It is under stood no bill was submitted to the com mittee. URGENT DEFICIENCY BILL. It Continues to Demand the Atten tion of the Senate. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Senator Ran som, elected president pro tem. of the sen ate during the absence of Harris, re signed today. Ransom expressed a deep sensibility of the honor conferred upon him. On motion of Morgan, a resolution was adopted electing Senator Harris presi dent pro tem. Then, in accordance with his announcement made yesterday, Cock rell moved that the senate proceed to consideration of the urgent deficiency bill, which contains an appropriation to carry the income tax law into effect. An aye and no vote was taken on Cockrell's mo tion, and it was agreed to, 43 to 29. Cam eron and Hill voted in the negative. Af ter the vote was announced, the reading of the bill was proceeded with. The ap propriation of $23,000 for the enforcement of the Chinese exclusion act caused some discussion, and the fact was developed that the secretary of the treasury had es timated that $75,000 was actually neces sary for the remainder of the fiscal year, but for the present the committee recom mended the amount In the bill. The remaining committee amendments w8re agreed to without division, and then Hill offered an amendment similar to that offered by Quay yesterday, declaring that nothing shall preclude any court of the United States, having jurisdiction over the parties, considering and determining as to the constitutionality of the income tas law, whenever, by any proceedings which shall have been commenced or be pend ing in such courts, such questions shall be presented. Quay briefly advocated the amendment) and suggested the only thing that now prevented the steps allowed by the amend ment was section 2221 of the revised statutes, which prohibits the maintain ing by any court of a suit to restrain the collection of a tax. Hill asserted that there was a well-founded Judgment on the part of the best legal talent that the law Is unconstitutional, wholly or partly, and the best lawyers had advised their clients that the law was to be resisted. Peffer moved to lay the amendment on the table, and Cockrell suggested that the only convention which had Inserted a plank In its platform against the income tax was that of the state represented by the senator from New York, and that had not been carried by the people. This led, Hill to reply that the same convention