Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 10, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Sdltorlal rooms.. .16SJBuslnes ofice 667
Parties desiring offices in The Oregon
Ian building; may Inquire of Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. Ko. 123 First
street, or the superintendent in the build
ing. Majob-Gzxehax. O. O. Howard Is the
last of that brilliant galaxy of command
ers -who fought the great conflict to a fin
ish and demonstrated that our country
was one great nation, from -which no
portion, however small, could be torn.
Himself a prominent actor in the bloody
drama, and well acquainted -with all the
leading parts, the story of "Grant at
Chattanooga," as it will fall from his lips
next Tuesday evening at the White Tem
ple, will possess a fascinating Interest.
Back Fbou the East. Mr. John Brig
ham has returned from a two months
visit to friends In BInghamton. X. Y. He
saw there Sir. Ban Holton, a former
resident of this city, who is living with his
relatives, and is In good health and spir
its and comfortably situated. He also
met Mr. E. C. Leonard, of this city, who is
wintering in New York. Mr. Brigham is
delighted with Bull Run water, which he
pays Is far ahead of that supplied to any
Eastern city. Some one remarked in his
presence that the works had cost a large
sum, to which Mr. Brigham replied that
the water supplied was worth all it cost,
and was something for the city to boast
of, and that the building of these works
was the best thing ever done by the city.
The only persons injured by Bull Bun
water, he said, are the dealers In Alters,
as no filter made can improve this water.
This is evident from the appearance of the
water, and is proven by a bottle of it
brought from Bull Run five years ago.
which stands in the office of the water
committee as clear, bright and sweet as
when just brought In.
Book Compani Wins. A dispatch In
The Oregonian from Salem yesterday
stated that the state board of education
had canvassed the vote of superintendents
and others qualified to vote for new school
text books, and that there were very few
changes. The result is nearly a complete
victory for the American Book Company.
No books whatever of any other company
were adopted. In six Instances there was
no chance, and In one instance only did
another company receive a higher vote
than the American Bcok Company. There
was no choice In this. In five of the six
instances the book company had by far
tho largest vote. Where there has been
no choice, the books receiving the two
highest votes are to bo resubmitted to
the superintendents and another vote
taken. There seems to be no reason to
doubt that the book cempany will be suc
cessful in most, if not all, the remaining
cases. The official vote, canvassed Tues
day, has not been announced.
One More Relic Found. A brass watch
Is among Uie relics dregded up from the
vicinity of the "wreck of the old French
brig Due de Lorges, near the foot of
Burnsldo street. It was discovered and
secured by the engineer of the dredge,
who says the machinery in it Is all right,
but the hull la badly corroded and it has
stopped. This is not to be wondered at,
as the watch has been at the bottom of
the Willamette nearly half a century, and
there were no self-winding watches when
it was made. It is now learned from good
authority that the Due de Lorges was
not laden with liquors, but had a lot of
flour on board when she sank. From the
-difficulty experienced In. securingany cor-
TectMnfofmation in regard to the wrecking
of this ship, which occurred within the
memory of many yet living here, it is
evident that" but little confidence can be
placed In anything written a few hundred
years after the matters narrated oc
curred. Aid to Germans. The German Aid So
ciety held Its annual meeting Tuesday.
The reports of its officers show that the
affairs of the society were well managed.
True to its principal object, which is the
relief of poor Germans, there was spent
during the past year the amount of 5947 23,
principally for groceries, rent and cloth
ing in aid of poor families. During the 24
years of its existence the total amount so
spent was $13,909 41. The present member
ship is 157, and, in view of the large Ger
man population In this city, it is desirable
that the membership should Increase ten
fold, in order to extend the benefits to all
needy Germans. The following officers
were elected for the present year: Presi
dent, Adolph Burkhardt; vice-president,
Peter Wagner; secretary, C. Blrcher;
treasurer, IL Claussenlus; trustees, C. H.
Meussdorffer, Otto Kleemann, John
Matthlesen; school directors, Henry Wag
ner, Dr. A. J. Sporry.
A Doa Too Intelligent. A gentleman
who has an Insurance office on Washing
ton street, and who Is the owner of a
very Intelligent dog, has spent consider
able time In training the animal, which
has now acquired such sagacity that
when he goes Into a store ind his owner
calls his attention to any poi table article
the dog "catches on." When, after they
have gono some distance away from the
fetore. the Jog's owner tells him to go
back and fetch It, the dog goes back and
fetches tho article pointed out to him.
This trick shows oil the intelligence and
training of the dog admirably, but the
friends of the owner of that dog fear that
it may result in the dog being arrested
and his master Involved as particeps crim
Inis. Brown Acquitted. Mr. R. Brown, who
was employed in decorating the Exposi
tion building for the late universal ex
position, was honorably acquitted In the
municipal court yesterday. He was
charged with stealing a lot of glasses
used In Illusions by W. W. Brackett, but
when the trial came off there was not a
particle of evidence to Implicate him in
tho crime, while the testimony of wit
nesses showed that the property had
never been stolen. It was so evidently a
piece of spltework that Judge Smith
taxed the costs-$12 CO-to Brackett. Mr.
Brown was defended by Mr. E. Roy Allen,
recently admitted to the bar.
Tun Wrong Portland. Those who
imagine that nothing is known of this city
In the East are evidently mistaken. A
bill from an Eastern publishing firm for
$60 was recently sent out to the school
board here for payment. School Clerk
Allen refused to pay It, and, upon ex
amination. 5s was found that the bill was
owed by the school board of Portland,
Conn. The publishing firm in question
lias possibly heard of the reckless lavish
ness, in regard to paying bills, displayed
by tho school board of this city, and
thought It would make no objections to a
bill for $99.
Gospel Meetings. A very interesting
series of meetings began in the new
house of worship of the First Congrega
tional ohurch, corner of Park and Madl
bon streets, last Monday evening, and are
constantly Increasing in interest. The at
tendance last evening was the largest of
the week so far. Excellent music is pro
vided, and tho talks by Dr. Wallace, Gen
eral Howard and others are of a prac
tical character. A cordial Invitation is
extended to everybody to be present to
night and tomorrow night.
Saloon Mbn Slow. The saloon men
have been coming to the front rather
slowly to pay their licenses. It Is sup
posed that there t 111 be 303 licenses taken
out. but. although this is the last day of
grace allow od. only 134 have been Issued.
There will probably be a rash to eecure
licenses today, but It Is likely that some
The Pi.uunn.-G Perfect. The plumbing
In the new city hall was tested yesterday
under the personal supervision of Plumb-"
ing Inspector E. J. Floyd, to ascertain if
there were any leaks or defects in the
pipes or traps, by means of which sewer,
gas might be Introduced Into the building.
The peppermint test was applied. It was
the first instance of the kind in the city.
All know what a powerful and penetrat
ing odor essence of peppermint possesses,
the least drop in or about a room being
at once perceptible. All the traps In the
building having been sealed, Mr. Floyd
mounted to the roof, armed with 80
ounces of peppermint, and down each of
the eight stacks of vent and soil pipes he
poured 10 ounces of the subtle essence.
After each dose followed a bucket of hot
water. Then an inspection of every room
In the building was made by Architect
Whidden, and not a trace of the smell of
peppermint was found in any of them.
The plumbing was therefore pronounced
perfect, to the great satisfaction of Con
tractor Church, as well as Mayor Frank
and the various city officials who will
have offices in the building.
Third-Street Business Property is
better situated for investment than any
other In the city, provided the location Is
above the recent flood and in the direction
the retail business is extending. Such
property will pay well to Improve, as
money can be borrowed on it at the low
est rate of Interest The rents obtainable
are the highest paid. Particular attention
should therefore be given to very cheap
property situated on the southeast cor
ner of Third and Salmon streets, being lot
8, in block 24, 50x100 feet, which F. V. An
drews & Co. will sell for not less than
$25,000. by public auction at the court
house door at 2 P. M. on Friday next, the
11th day of January, 1S93, by order of the
county court, on behalf of Mr. A. McKin
nie, aa executor of the -will of Ida M. Mc
Klnnie, deceased. Fifteen thousand dol
lars of the purchase money can remain as
mortgage, and very easy terms can be ar
ranged for the payment of the balance.
For further Information apply to the
agents at 131 Third street.
Bowker Is at Lieertt. Charles A.
Bowker was yesterday released on ball In
the sum of ?500. A statement yesterday
that Bowker was In the penitentiary was
an error. His imprisonment has extended
over a period of 23 months, and has all
been served In the county jail. Bowker
was sentenced, after his conviction, to 10
years In the penitentiary, but was not
sent there, as his case was appealed to
the supreme court for a new trial, and
pending this decision Bowker expressed
as his preference that he be permitted to
remain In the county jail, and it was so
ordered. It was once the rule to keep all
persons convicted and sentenced to the
penitentiary in the county jail, until a
decision from the supreme court was
reached, where appeal was made. Now
they are frequently sent to the peniten
tiary, and brought back If a new trial is
ordered. Where bonds are allowable and
can be provided, exceptions are made.
Want to Be Repaid. Mr. A. S. McAl
lister and Hugh Glen, of The Dalles,
Portland & Astoria Navigation Company,
are in the city. The gentlemen are en
gaged In settling up the business of the
company for the past year, and will go to
Salem today to Interview the state board
on company affairs. Owing to the high
water last summer, a portion of the state
portage road was washed out, and the
navigation company, at its own expense,
rebuilt the road, and also constructed an
entirely new landing at the west ap
proach. They will ask the state board to
recommend that their company be reim
bursed for the outlay of money expended,
as all the work was done for the benefit
of the state road.
Last op the Old Cathedral. The old
Cathedral building at Third and Stark
streets is in process of rapid demolition.
The interior is pretty well torn out, and
yesterday the stone steps at the entrance
were "being removed, and at the same
time a gang of workmen commenced tear
ing off the ornamental -work about the
tower. Messrs. WIn&low & Stewart have
the contract for tearing out the carpen
ter work, and also for doing the carpen
ter work on the building to be erected In
Its place. Messrs. Brigham & Seed have
a contract to tear the old building down
and to build a two-story office-building
with the material. It will take about a
month to tear down the present struc
ture. Where Is Nat Blum? Nothing is heard
nowadays in regard to further action in
the great opium-smuggling cases, and no
one seems to know what has become of
Nat Blum. It is likely nothing more will
be heard of the smuggling cases until
the United States supreme court has de
cided on matters arising out of them
which have been referred to It. As Mr.
William Dunbar is interested in some of
these decisions, it Is hardly probable that
he will be able to get his business in the
Orient fixed up so as to allow of his re
turning1 here until he has learned what the
decision in his case is.
Odd Fellows Installation. On Tues
day evening, January 8, Horace Smith,
D. D. G. P., installed the officers of El
lison encampment. No. 1, I. O. O. F., as
follows: E. B. Crosby, C. P.; F. Cousins,
H. P.; H. M. Beckwlth, S. W.; S. Gouty,
scribe; A. G. Walling, treasurer; P. W.
Stewart, J. W.; George Henry. O. S.;
Thomas Hodlnson, I. S.; Alex Harper,
guide; O. C. Blaney, first watchman; J.
Raybor, second watchman; C. Wlllets,
third watchman: H. M. Wilson, fourth
watchman. The encampment expects to
give an entertainment In the near future.
More Bank Officers. The board of di
rectors of the Alnsworth National bank
met yesterday and organized by electing
the following officers: L. .L. Hawkins,
president; W. K. Smith, vice-president;
J. P. Marshall, cashier. The stockholders
of the Merchants National bank held an
adjourned meeting yesterday and elected
the following board of directors: J. Frank
Watson, C M. Wlberg, W. C. Johnson,
George W. Hoyt, James Steel, H. F. Mc
Elroy, Ralph W. Hoyt.
For a New Fence. The council com
mittee on parks has decided to recommend
to the council that a row of iron posts, con
nected by chains, be placed around the
plaza blocks. This Improvement, while
not Interfering with the view of anything
which may be worth looking at on the
property, will have a tendency to check
the pasturing of horses there, and In some
slight degree protect the plazas from being
overrun by cattle, as In the past.
A Delicate Operation. Yesterday fore
noon Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, assisted by
Dr. H. E. Jones, performed an operation
on John M. Henderson, an O. R. &. N. Co.
engineer, and removed his vermiform ap
pendix. Mr. Henderson was under the in
fluence of chloroform for an hour while
the operation was being performed. He
has been suffering much of late, and the
appendix was found to be badly Inflamed
and matterated.
More Plumbers Examined. The time
of the board of examination for plumbers
was fully aken up In examining five ap
plicants yesterday. Some of them were
not very well Informed, and were not able
to readily tell what they knew, and so
had to go through a lengthy and vigorous
course of questioning. Results will be
made known later.
Roofs. Property-owners who will find
It necessary to repair or reroof their
buildings after this storm, will save
money and future trouble and annoyance
by having J. C. Bayer and the Portland
Ashphaltum Company do their work, tha
oldest established and most reliable metal
and composition roofers In the city. Tele
phone, 4SL
Paid to the State. The 5148,000 in
debtedness due to the state by the county
was reduced during the month of No
vember by the payment of $15,000 taken
from the counts fund. Last month a pay
ment to the state from the county fund of
J50W was made.
Going to Astoria. The boats going to
Astoria -forTthe past three days have been
crowded with capitalists and contractors,
and tha hotels in that city are now said to
be filled to overflowing. The cause of all
this rush of representatives of capital and
labor to Astoria is that the city Is to sell
a lot of water) bonds and let a contract for
excavating for a reservoir and pipe line
today. The number of persons from this
city who went down to bid on the reser
voir contract is very large, and includes
many who have never bid on such con
tracts before. The amount of excavation
to be let is about 150,000 cubic yards.
Where Is Fred B. Moore? The car
riers in the postoffice at Peabody, Mass.,
have written to the carriers in the Port
land postoffice to ascertain the address of
Fred B. Moore, whose mother Is very
anxious about him. Moore Is supposed to
have left Hood River for Portland about
December 1, and to have been looking for
a job at shipcarpenterlng here. Any one
knowing anything of Mr. Moore cr his
whereabouts will please Inform any car
rier in the postoffice here and confer a
favor on the anxious mother, who is in
doubt as to the fate of her son.
Roads in Good Shape. Yesterday the
county commissioners met In regular ses
sion and transacted routine business. To
day bills will be audited. The commis
sioners state that the late storm has not
damaged the county roads or bridges to
any extent. A few trees came down, but
nothing has happened more serious.
Week op Prater Services. The week
of prayer services at the First Presby
terian church are developing much Inter
est. The large chapel is crowded every
night. This evening Dr. Brown will
preach. There will also be a service to
morrow evening. Everybody invited.
The Messiah. Armory hall, January 16.
Tickets, $1. Sale commences Friday, Jan
uary 11, 10 A. M. Stork Pharmacy, Third
and Stark streets.
Amatsup. Photographers meet In room
200, Oregonian building, next Monday, 8
P. M.
saloons will be closed before their licenses
are taken out.
Condition o Fruit Trees The Free
Ferry in Good Shape.
While there has been considerable dam
age done to fruit trees east of the city.
It is not so bad nor as widespread as re
ported. Mr. A. H. McCulloch was in from
Gresham yesterday, and he stated, quite
positively, that fruit trees in that neigh
borhood are not damaged to any great
extent. Mr. McCulloch has a large or
chard of prune trees, and he made a care
ful examination, and, outside of a few
broken limbs, they are In the best of
condition. Other growers, he said, make
the same report, and as far as he has been
ablo to escertaln, the trees in that sec
tion escaped serious injury. It sgems that
the damage has been confined to locali
ties on the north of Mount Tabor, and
to the eastward on the Base Line, for a
few miles. Chauncey Ball's fine prune
orchard, on the north side of Mount Ta
bor, Is badly damaged, 25 per cent of the
entire orchard being destroyed. Mr. L. H.
Lewis and Mr. Sullivan, who have or
chards on the Base Line, report great
damage to them. Mr. B. H. Bowman has
10 acres of prune trees, seven years old,
12 miles from the Stark-street ferry, and
he was very anxious about them, but he
received word yesterday that the trees
are In perfect condition. Mr. Bowman has
also 15 acres of young trees In the same
locality, which are all right. He thinks
there Is very little actual damage, and
what has occurred will be found in ex
posed places where the cold wind had
full sweep. His trees on the Base Line
are protected by the rise In the land south
of Troutdale. His theory seems to be
borne out by reports from fruitgrowers.
Committees Elected. ,
At a meeting of the East Side Athletic
and Social Club, last evening, the working
committees of the organization were
elected, as follows: Committee on ath
letics, J. W. Altstock, chairman; J. Fay
and A. J. Powell. This comm.lttee will
have charge of all the athletic games In
which the club may take part, and ar
range for the dates. Auditing committee,
H. G. Knott, chairman; D. Parellus and
J. S. McCord. This committee will exam
ine and audit all bills before being acted
on by the board of directors. House com
mittee, R. Carse, chairman; W. Adams
and G. J. Smith. Members of these im
portant committees were selected with
regard to special fitness for the duties.
Several typewritten copies of the new by
laws have been secured, and the club
Is fairly launched on the new term.
Bis Ferry This Morning.
The big boat of the Stark-street ferry
will be started up this morning in place
of the small John L. Stephens. The
change is made, Mr. Knott stated yes
terday evening, for the reason It will
carry more people, and can be operated
much cheaper than the Stephens. It has
been reported the small boat was run be
cause It was more cheaply operated than
the big one. The East Side pontoon Is
not ready yet, and teams will not be able
to cross the ferry until it is repaired.
It Is expected that It will be In shape so
that vehicles can be crossed on the ferry
tomorrow. A tally of the number of pas
sengers carried on the Stephens was kept
yesterday till 6:30. and the number was
3000. The boat made trips every six min
utes. He May Recover.
There are prospects that J. D. West, of
Stephens' addition, who was so terribly
Injured by an explosion of powder at the
government works at Marshfield, Coos
county, several months ago, will recover.
An account of the accident appeared In
The Oregonian at the time. Mr. West Is
a member of Fealty lodge No. 109, I. O. O.
F., and has been under the care of the
lodge ever since the accident occurred,
although still at Marshfield. Information
was received yesterday that the outlook
for his recoverj' Is regarded as favorable,
although he Is still very feeble and has not
fully recovered his senses. It will be
remembered that Mr. West was employed
In the stone works south of East Clay
They Were Probably Amateurs.
The two would-be burglars, who at
tempted to hold up F. C. Werfe, at his
store on East Grant and East Eighth
street, Tuesday evening, were evidently
amateurs In the business. Mr. Lester, of
the firm, stated, yesterday, that several
days ago a stranger called at the store
and wanted to sell some potatoes, but
the man evidently had nothing to sell and
was probably there to examine the prem
ises. Mr. Lester thinks they must have
been green hands In such work. Yester
day morning a mask and a light overcoat
were found In W. W. Terry's yard on
East Eighth street, where they had been
thrown by one of the burglars, as he ran
that way In his effort to make his escape.
Postal Station C.
Station-master Patterson, of Sunnyslde's
new postal delivery station C, Is strug
gling energetically with the difficulties in
cident to inaugurating the new work in
that section. The storm made the initial
work specially difficult for the carrier,
but he managed to get around at least
once a day with the mail. People without
numbers on their houses are supplying
the deficiency as fast as possible. The
work of locating everybody in the district
is necessarily slow, but In a short time
everything In connection with the new sta
tion will be working smoothly and har
moniously. Telephones and Alarms Reitoretl.
Assistant Chief Donaldson was greatly
relieved yesterday evening when the tele
phone and electric alarm system were
fully restored. It has been a very trying
season for the assistant chief. Both the
telephone and electric alarm systems were
paralyzed by the storm, and he was com
pelled to be exceedingly watchful, and. in.
fact, the whole EastLSldfciTiranch of the
department had to-be- oa-the alert. For
a considerable portion of the nights the
chemical engine was ket moving Jn the
central portion and oratlywatch for fires
It was fortunate ncreg occurred.
Hossalo-Street Oiwreh Meeting-.
The annual meeting Jf the Hassalo
street Congregationar ctturch was held
Tuesday evening inlthe church parlors.
The pastor, Rev. C. ,H. jJGurtis. presided,
with Walter Coot as clerk. The treas
urer reported the sopetyp free from debt,
and a balance In the treasury. The fol
lowing new officers Were elected: Dea
cons, Messrs. McKercher, Plympton,
Boynton, Morrow; trustees, Messrs. Tane,
Whally, McCoy; clerk;' Walter Cook;
treasurer, Joseph Scott: ttsrelcome commit
tee, Edward F. Sherman, chairman.
Miscellaneous" Notes.
Mr. M. Altstock, who received a severe
stroke of paralysis several weeks ago, is
able to be on the street, although he
is still feeble from the attack.
At a meeting of Fidellty lodge No.
4, A. O. U. W., last night, resolutions
in memory of the late, Philip Friedlander
were unanimously adopted, and ordered
spread on the minutek. The charter was
ordered draped for one month out of re
spect for the departed- "brother of the
lodge. !
J. IV. Brown, of That District, Re
ported Killed.
OREGON CITY, Jan. 9. Late this after
noon. Coroner Holman Tecelved a telegram
from Justice J. E. Jack, of Marquam,
saying that J. M. Brown, of that district,
had been murdered, and asking the coro
ner to come there immediately. The coro
ner, accompanied by Sheriff Maddock and
Deputy Prosecutor Campbell, left on this
evening's train for Woodbtirn, and from
there will drive to Marquam tomorrow
morning. None of the particulars of the
murder are obtainable here. The records
show that James M. Brown owns 80,.
acres of land about a mile southeast
ward from Wllnolt springs, and it is sup
posed he is the Brown who is murdered.
He was a quiet. Inoffensive man, about 50
years of age, a Union pensioner, and is
believed to have no family.
The argument of the motion for a new
trial In he Hess-Llebe case was opened
immediately after noon today by H. M.
Cake, who urged, as his principal points,
the Insufficiency of the evidence to sup
port the verdict; excessive damages due to
prejudice and passion on the part of the
jury, and errors of law during the trial.
His argument occupied nearly three
hours. Mr. McGinn opposed the motion,
and Judge McArthur closed for the de
fense about 6:30 o'clock, when Judge Mc
Bride took the matter under advisement.
Theodore Rubens, of Woodburn, set his
satchel down outside the depot and
stepped inside for a few seconds this even
ing, and in those few seconds the satchel
disappeared. Two men, suspected of hav
ing taken it, were arrested and locked in
th3 city jail. The satchel contained val
uable papers and some wearing apparel.
Tonight at this coszy place of amuse
ment, the famous play, "The Clemenceau
Case." will receive its initial production
by The Charles Riggs Company. It is
stated that Mr. Riggs, through the me
dium of his talented company, will pre
sent the original version of this famous
play. He claims that before American
adaptors distorted it to suit the perverted
taste of a certain class of theater-goers,
it contained more comedy and was not
in any way objectionable. That his ver
sion is successful was attested by the
large audiences that assembled In Cor
dray's family theaterat Seattle last
week to, Tho pres'sepmments were
very fine and at length.
Miss Rose Stillman is credited as be
ing very artistic In her rendition of the
difficult role of Iza, and In the famous
model scene was highly complimented on
her beauty and modest and delicate con
ception of the part. The piece will run
throughout the balance of the week, ex
cept at the regular Saturday matinee,
when "That Precious Baby," the comedy
the company has been playing this week
so successfully, will be substituted.
Ten deeds, aggregating $23S3, were filed for
record yesterday with the county recorder, as
H. H. Crosier and wife to C. B. Smith,
lots 7, S. blk 2. Crosler's add $ 1
I. Meyer to F. Van Woshinhof, lot 8. blk
17. North Alblna 13
A. Glese to A. C Giese et a!., lots 5, G, blk
G2. Stephens' add 1
Portland Trust Co. to E. Bilderback, lot
2, blk 5. Tremont Place 200
Same to M. E. McHendry. lot 3. blk 5,
same 200
Same to S. A. Bowers, lots 4, 5. 6, 0, 10,
21. 20. 29. blk 5. same 1,500
A. T. Huggins and wife to C Campbell,
lot 4, blk 3, same 250
I. Meyer to B. DeJanlln. lot 7, blk 17,
North Alblna 13
M. Claflin to S. S. Jolly, lots 28. 29. 30, blk
8, Capltan add 1
W. J. Idleman to C Idleman. lot3 1, 2, 3,
W. ?i lot 6, blk 10, Glenhaven Park.... 400
Total ........,....... ...... ?2,5S3
Titles Examined ana Insnred.
Money to lend on Improved city property.
The Title Guarantee & Trust Company,
Chamber of Commerce.
Those unhappy persons who suffer from
nervousness and dyspepsia should use
Carters Little Nerve Pills, made express
ly for this class.
People who give Hood's Sarsaparllla a
fair trial realize Its great merit.
"Chickerlng" Pianos. Wiley B. Allien Co.
Every Article Reduced.
A Rare Opportunity
Offered but Once
' J
9 i'
a Year.
Agent& Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Underwear.
We have completed our Inventory suuLL
olosed our books for 1SS4. We wish to 4-
thank our friends for their kind patronage,
and take pride in stating that our trade,
since removing to our new store, corner
Third and Oak streets, has been far ahead
of our most sanguine expectations. It
nroves that the nubile annreciates honest
values and fair dealing. Our aim has f
been and will be to trive cood. reUacie
clothing at reasonable prices. We are I
maKing at our mm in AiD&ny uos ui
neat, desirable patterns In cheviots, cassi
raeres and tweeds for spring and summer
trade. We have also placed our advance
orders for the latest effects in imported
fabrics. These, as well as our own make
of goods, will be made In regular, short
and stout, long and slim, and extra sizes,
enabling us to fit any one. Our country
order trade by samples has increased so
that we were obliged to open a separate
department for same, and we send sam
ples and cuts of all lines, with plain rules
for measurement, free to any address.
This coming season we intend to devote
more attention to our boys and children s
department, and shall carry full lines of
novelties and staples. Our uniform de
partment has been a great success. We
equipped the Oregon National Guard, Port
land military band, Oregon Soldiers
Home, American District Telegraph Com
pany, Pacific Postal Telegraph Company,
reform school, Vnlted States llfesavlng
service and many others. We are pre
pared to submit bids lor uniforms for any
organization, as our electric factory Is
complete In every respect. We employ
white labor at both factory and mill, and
the money paid us for clothing remains
on the coast.
To make room for our spring stock, we
have decided to allow a discount of 10 per
cent on every article In our stock, includ
ing four lines of Stein-Bloch Co.'s blue
and black extra.-long kersey overcoats,
which were delayed in transit. As our
prices were reasonable before the cut.
an extraordinary opportunity Is offered
for a short time. For the same reason we
offer In our custom-tailoring department
to make suits to order In cheviots, tweeds
and casslmeres for $18. and pants for $4 CO.
J. M. MOYER & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Clothiers,
Agents Albany Woolen Mills.
Nos. 81 and 83 Third st., Cor. Oak.
Custom-house statistics show the Im
portation of G. H. Mumm's EXTRA DRY
from January 1 to December 1, 1S94, to be
73.2S3 cases or 42,753 cases more than that
of any other brani
Of the
At 9:15
Full of
By the
To be well-equipped with a warm over
coat. There are several varieties of win
ter weather. This is the season of bliz
zards and the grip, but get a grip on one
of our overcoats and you will stand every
chance of weathering the winter comfort
ably. We supply all varieties of overgar
ments in the correct styles of the cur
rent season, and in qualities unsurpassed
in this country. Whatever be the basis
for money, gold, silver, or both, it's a
wool basis for clothing. That's ours. Get
inside of our wool, like sheep, and you're
suited handsomely for the winter.
- Ho. 165 THIRD ST.
Celluloid and Aluminum Plates for Artificial
Teeth. Call and see sample. Vitalized air and
a new process for painless extracting. AH work
at lowest rates. Dr. Chas. T. Prehn, Dentist,
Hamilton building. 131 Third st.
and ear. No. 169 Slrrt S,
It's a
Our Purpose
To make room for our spring goods; to turn into cash
goods -which if unsold 'within the next 30 days -will
have to be carried over till next fall. To gain these
ends, we "will make
Sxxxeepmg ?edactibs :
Not an. article in our house (with, the exception of contract
goods) but 'what -will be reduced. Our FORMER SALES
assures tho legitimacy of this ONE.
sssgnyg PRICE
u uu
Indigo Blue Calico
Outing: Flannels
Extra Good Quality
French Flannel
Best Quality,
vCrkz v i ( SJ i , n t' w
Linens, Muslin, Sheetings, Flannels and Blankets All at Im
mense Reductions.
From w Suit of Overcoat
Tliis Sale Is for el Very Sliort
Time Only.
193-198 Third
lo More Back Ache
bFWELrcN :
rOMSfTlPATinM ..
r ah KiDNErniSEASESja
& TH1704DAYeURE 4
Ttr CmTr'ae, QlrtU Iotorrttt sai S-wi-Eslorr&cn.
rreraU Strikers loi til SUtX'rt cr Uth ton.
Al Dres;Uti ar test t adtmt, for SI. 00.
'"Itj-ctlsa iitlrior U Trfz BEST of ail itettar
wcsiiM. BU. H2X2r EEiY, BlOdtfcrt, lie.
MaJycJorMfs. Co., Lancaster, O., U.S.A
W? ' 1 m&XZ&2ZZ'
t - ft fca
Jan. 5, '96.
v I."
HKrTFRS&ci arm
Silks Suitable Foe
Ladies' JVaists
Odd Lot of Ladies'
Fine Kid Gloves
Regular $1.50 and $1.75
Ladies' Fleece-Lined
Hlbbed Vest3 and r
Drawers -
it - I
Street, Corner Taylor.
Dyspepsia and Its causes. Experience of a suf
ferer. I4er Complaint and Constipation, twin
disorders. Dyspepsia mistaken for consumption.
A -vegetable diet unfit for djspeptics. The ef
fects of oereatins. The use of liquids at meals.
Tea-drinking the cause of weak digestion. The
effects of beer on the stomach. Good living- for
the cure of dyspepsia. Food to eat. Food, to
aoId. Mailed free. JOHN R. McALVIX.
Lowell, Mass., 14 years City Treas.
WatebeSf UlajuondB, Jewelry,
Silverware, nureiuw. "i"
to anlt the times. 2TO -Morrison.
St., Bet. Third ad FourtI
Graduate Philadelphia Dental College.
Vitalized air for painless extracting.
Teeth filled and made at lowest rates. Crowri
and bridge work. Teeth extracted positively
without pain. All work warranted.
, 124 Third St., opposite The Dekum. Fin
I watches of every description and maka
sold and repaired at reasonable prices.
Watches cleaned, $1. Work warranted.
Has been the favorite- throughout tha -arorl tern
over fiftv vears.
(For comfort for improvement of ths ccm
nothing: equal to it.