Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 10, 1895, Image 1

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    VOL. xxxm-ifo 11,004.
11 U
XULi w XI b. B
Never rust, nor tarnish; neither affected by heat or
acids, and never impart a bur nt taste to food.
-3fl. J. "RUUWPLm-
Today we offer Laird, Schober & Mitchell Ladies' $6.00 French
Kid Waukenfast, Button, Hand-Sewed, for $2.85. They will not
last long at this price.
We have also picked out a lot of Ladies' Shoes, sizes 2K and
3 only, for 99 cents some of them worth $3.50.
Cf Men s Shoes is now on. Seo
prices bo fitted, save
mouoy and be happy.
Free Shine or Grease Coupons with $3.00
Fi.jes and up. 270 Washington st. between
Third and Fourth.
-ytft-9cjta-g ,
KeuUtethe Stomach, liver and bowels
aad purity iti blood.
lllpam Tubules are the best medicine
kcon for Indigestion, blllomnega. bead
rcbr, constipation, dyspepsia, chronic llrer
troubles, dlczinoss, bn-1 complexion, dys
entery, offensive brrato. and all disorders
tf the stomach, liver and bewels.
Ktpans Tubules contn.u notblnc Injurious
to the mast delicate constitution. Are
pitac&nt to take, sale, effectual, and clTe
imniedlate relief.
Price, 60c per bos. Slay be ordered
through nearest druggist, or by mall.
but-11, Hritshu A Woodard Co., Portland,
Or., ceeeral agents.
"kkir&rk Aftft "ick-lricik cckfkkk)Lif
"ti&awi; -" r5rr:
going to hare
sure to sake
tccalelth Baking Pocader.
What is Drudgery?
Howitoeufg GOLD DUST
Washing Powder.
LJLjSTD plaster
tot Infants
CASTORIA Is so well adapted ta chllarea
that I recommend It as superior to any pre
scription fcsowa to me."
H. A. ARCHER. 1L D..
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn. If. T
The ose of "CASTORIA. Is o unlTersal ana
its merits so well known that It seems a work
of sttpercrecatten to Indorse It. Few are the
lnteJHgent JamlMes who do not Veep Casteria
within easy reach."
ICcw York Citr.
Late Pastor Sloonilncdale Reformed Church.
cooing tfTEftsms
24:8 'Wasliiiigrtoii Street
Ibout tl?s Us aijd SIetioo of Spetaels
"Persons having normal vision -will be ahl
to read this print at a distance of 14 Inches
from the eyes with ease and comfort; also trill
be able to read It with each eye separately. If
unable to do so your eyes are defective, and
should have Immediate attention. When the
' eyes become tired from reading or sewing, or
if the letters look blurred anf ran together. It
is a sure indication that sUsses are needed.
The lenses sold in the cheap goods are of un
equal density and have Imperfectly formed sur
faces. Continued use of these poorer lenses
will result in a positive Injury from the con
stant strain upon the muscles of accommoda
tion to supply the defects in the glass."
Oculist Opticians
Oregonian Building
Territory allotted. Correspondence solicited.
Catalogues Jnalled-Jrea. -Onlyplino-and-orgau
factory having house on the Pacific coast.
W. W. HftSflLIiIi & CO.
Chicago, 111., Portland, Or.
S43-S5U Wabash Av. 335 Morrison St.
UfilOn J1EAY CO.
IVIalEsale Butchers and Pafara
of Hams, Bacon
Strictly Pure. Kettle-Ren-dered
Winter term opens Jaunary 7, at 9 A. M.
Advanced work in Chemistry, English,
French, Latin and Drawing.
For catalogue, address
131 Eleventh street,
. To keep young; keep well;
xOdOQkeop tho nerves calm, the
tJ blood ruddy, and the system
q well fed by uslns Pclne's
Colery Compound. The only
preparation of the kind that
we recommend.
1st and Alder Streets.
For Sale by Sutton & Beebe
lor Silt, TVMeale asi Etij3. Ij
fcal.Mfison&Co., 229 Yamhill St, - Portland
and Children.
CASTORIA cures Colic. Constipation.
Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation.
Kills worms, slves sleep, and promotes discs
Without Injurious medication.
Tcr several years I have recommended
your CASTORIA and shall always continue
to do eo. aa it has Invariably produced bea
endal results."
"The Wlnthrop," 123th Street and "th Ato
2Cew York City.
Nearly Half a Million of Appro
priations Unexpended.
Froposalto Save 3Ioney in. Transport
ing; Insane Patients Railroad
Commission's Defense.
SALEM, Jan. 9. Tomorrow or the next
day the state tax levy, which was 4 3-10
mills in 1SD4, will be fixed for the ensuing
year. Secretary of State McBride Is back
at his desk and digging away at the esti
mates. From an interview with him to
day some comparisons were arrived at
which will be of Interest to every taxpayer.
The general appropriation bill of 1S91, pro
viding for the expenses of 1891 and 1S92,
exclusive of trust funds, amounted, in
round numbers, to $1,014,000. Appropria
tions made by special acts for the same
years amounted to about $186,000. The
actual expenses of the state for all pur
poses, exclusive of the cost of the man
agement of the trust funds, and Including
the expenses of the militia and the state
university, for the years 1S31 and 1S92,
amounted to about $1,270,000. This sum in
cludes expenses for buildings, repairs and
Improvements, the cost of the portage
railway and other items of that kind
amounting in all to about $290,000.
The general appropriation bill of 1S93,
providing for the expenses of 1S93 and 1S91,
amounted to ibout $1,447,000. Appropria
tions were carried In other acts passed
in 1893 aggregating in the neighborhood
of $710,000. These amounts include the ap
propriations for the support of the state
university and the militia for the year 1S94,
Items of expense which had previously
always been provided for by taxes levied
specially for those purposes, and also the
expenses of the legislative sessions of
1S93. The general, appropriation "bill for
1S93 and 1894 included considerable sums
for new buildings, repairs and improve
ments, as well as the appropriation for
purchasing the stove foundry ($65,000) and
provisions for the deficiencies of 1891 and
1892 (about $138,000). It is impossible now
to give an exact statement of the actual
disbursements from these appropriations
during the last two years, but it is thought
they will approximate $1,625,000. This in
cludes the cost of new buildings, land and
Improvements for the several state insti
tutions, the Soldiers' Home, the world's
fair exhibit, other new or unusual special
appropriations provided for in the gen
eral fund, and the expenses on account of
the support of the state university and
militia all these items aggregating about
It will be seen from these figures that
upwards of $450,000 of the appropriations
of 1S93 will probably be unexpended. And
in mis waj , j
special approppnauons, isjj uu.uuu
Special taxes, 1833 35,000
Total, exclusive of trust funds,
appropriated by all laws for
1833-4 $2,212,000
Less deficiencies of lS91-2$ 138,000
Less disbursements as
estimated 1,625.000-1,763,000
Indicating a probable saving out
of some of these funds of about? 449,000
To offset this there will be small de
ficiencies in some of the funds, the total
of which cannot be accurately stated un
til the accounts for the last quarter shall
have been filed.
Mr. McBride points out that while the
appropriations of 1893 for the maintenance
of the state institutions were somewhat
larger than for the preceding biennial
term, they were based upon a lower per
capita cost of the estimated number of
inmates of those institutions than the
lowest per capita ever reached in the
state. Notwithstanding this low estimate,
there has been an actual saving out of
the appropriation for the insane asylum
of about $25,000, .and a like saving out of
the appropriation for the penitentiary of
about $5000.
The last legislature appropriated $31,000
($3000 of it being deficiency), for trans
porting patients to the Insane asylum.
Mr. McBride will, in his report to the
legislature, earnestly advocate that thi3
work, now done by sheriffs and other
deputies, be made the duty of attend
ants at the asylum, skilled and trained
for the purpose. This he urges on hu
mane grounds, and he will also say: "I
estimate that six attendants, employed
at the insane asylum for that purpose,
at a total cost to the state of $30 each per
month, and being employed in traveling
for the purpose of conveying insane per
sons an average of two-thirds of their
time, could have performed that work dur
ing the last biennial term. The total
wages to be paid such number of at
tendants of such term would be $7200, and
estimating that one-third of their time
could be given to other service about the
asylum, the net cost for the services of
persons in conveying insane for th'e bien
nial term would be $4S00, a saving of
$1600 on the cost of the present system
in per diem alone. A further saving could
probably be effected in the traveling ex
penses of persons who convey the in
sane to the asylum, if the arrangements
for such expenses were made by one of
ficer, as, for instance, the superintendent
of the asylum, whose duty it should be
specially to attend to that business."
Some chivalrous member may be ex
pected to ask for a constitutional amend
ment which will allow women to hold the
county school superintendency. That Is; if
Judge Clifford's decision in the Union
county case Is overturned. This, of course,
is the only way to reach the case. Many
voted for the law passed last session, de
claring women eligible to educational
offices, rather expecting it would be de
clared unconstitutional. The matter is of
more than ordinary interest this session,
by reason of the Union county case of
Miss Stevens versus Carter. This cause
is now before thesupreme court here, hav
ing been transferred from Pendleton. The
supreme court will likely get at it early
next month. Attorney-General Chamber
lain has always been of the opinion that
women could not hold the office, though,
EEgbest of all in Leavening Power.
j&m S
of course. In the UnionTJoupty matter be
fore the state board of education, the act
of a woman when in possession of the
office is legal and will stand. The fact of
the matter is, that while lawyers have
generally agreed that women are not
eligible to the office, there has been a
general disposition to ignore the consti
tution in the line of public policy when a
woman has been elected; Judge Burnett's
decision in the Tillamook, case, though
never reported, is understood to have been
simply an enunciation following the ap
parent construction of the constitution to
the effect that officials tmust be electors.
Judge Clifford's ruling , is Ho all intents
and purposes the direct contradiction of
this, though it is thought -the issue was
not squarely brought. The .supreme court
will likely setle the question once for all.
It would not follow, however, that a de
cision inimical to the women would put
an end to their ambitions in the school
superintendent line. Tliey could go on
running and being elected and then serv
ing legally just as they hae before. The
only new element would ba that their de
feated male opponents. would be more
ready to contest their tenure.
There will be a great scramble, of
course, to get in bills abolishing the rail
road commission. Yet it will not want
for defense, either as to its theory or Ore
gon practice. It is doubtful whether the
legislature will be In the mood to argue
the question at all. Nobody has ever yet
offered any argument on the subject, pro
or con. One reads and hears on every
side the sentiment: "The railroad com
mission costs the state so-and-so, and has
never accomplished anything. Let it be
forthwith abolished." This is the only
argument yet offered, and, of course, it Is
no argument at all. If the members can
be cajoled into a consideration of the
question. Colonel Eddy, the statistician of
the commission, has a large supply of
food for thought he has been preparing
with considerable pains. He finds that
the commission, since its creation, has
cost the state $73,000, and that by reduc
tions in railroad tariffs, brought about by
its efforts, some $600,000 has been saved
to the state trade. Besides this, of course,
he will offer some Interesting data as to
station-houses, sidings, etc., ordered In
prosecution of claims for stock killed,
services to jobbers, etc. Thirty-one states
have found railroad commissions the most
practical thing to stand between the rail
roads and the people, and, what is quite
as badly needed, between the people and
tho railroads. The Oregon railroad com
mission was created in 1887. Two com
missioners of differing political faith were
to act with the governor. These were
George "Waggoner and ex-Senator Slater.
In 1889 the law was amended, making the
commission three, and electing them by
the legislature. J. P. Eaull, of Baker
City, since deceased, George W. Colvlg
and Robert Clow were chosen. Clow and
Colvlg held over In 1891, A. N. Hamilton,
of Union, taking Faull's place. A bill
will bo offered, continuing the commis
sion, but providing for Its election by the
people, one comissioner to go out every
two years. Apparently the only way this
could be brought about would be by the
.election in 1896 ofthreejcommissioners, one
Tortwoi- oneSWf otxrgSfonef drv six
years. The Interim would' liave to be pro
vided for as now. The. legislature cannot
elect for a longer term than four years.
As a matter of history It Is Interesting to
note that our present railroad commis
sion was tho result of a compromise with
a maximum freight measure, known as
the Biggs bill. A measure of this kind is
introduced at every session, and a good
share of the cry for the abolishment of the
commission is coupled with a demand for
a maximum rate bill.
Librarian Putnam, of the state library,
says the session laws prior to and includ
ing 1878, should be reprinted. They are
practically out of print, though a good
many copies must be scattered around
among the old members of the legisla
ture, and accumulating dust jon forgotten
shelves. The legislature always appropri
ates Itself more copies than there are In
existence. There Is a steady demand for
such publications from other state libra
ries, law and corporation libraries. Once
in type they could be stereotyped or elec
trotyped for future use. The older states
are reprinting their old session laws from,
time to time.
Members, Applicants and Senatorial
Aspirants Gathering.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Jan. 9. Today sig
naled the advent of additional legislators,
accompanied by an equal number of as
pirants for places. The lobby begins to
assume Its usual lively appearance during
the session, but the legislators, in con
versation, prefer to indulge in generali
ties or talk of their pet measures for leg
islative 'action, rather than express prefer
ences for candidates. John L. Wilson ar
rived today, and is quartered at the
Olympia, as are also Lieutenant-Governor
Luce, Ellis Morrison and Senator Gilbert.
Nothing will probably develop in the
speakership contest until the full mem
bership of the house Is on the grounds, by
the end of the week. The members here
have visited the capitol and selected seats,
which they expect to occupy during the
session. Fred T. Taylor has decorated his
chair with the national colors and affixed
thereon an emphatic announcement of
his American Protective Association pro
clivities. Applicants for clerkships are
beginning to arrive at the conclusion that
there is no room this year at the capitol
for strictly ornamental people, as the
members are fully in accord with their
constituency in the demand for economy,
and realize this must commence in con
duct of their own affairs.
The Marrijrae of Editor Halstead's
Daughter a Brilliant Affair.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 9. The marriage
this evening of Miss 3Iary Halstead,
daughter of Murat Halstead, to Arthur
Stem, of this city, was a brilliant affair.
The wedding took place at 8 o'clock at the
home of the bride's parents, 361 West
Fourth street, the Rev. Bishop Vincent
officiating. Mi. Stem was attended by
Harry Roolker, as best man. Miss Clar
issa Halstead, sister of. the bride, was
maid of honor. Following the ceremony,
the reception and a wedding supper, the
bride and groom left for the East. It is
their Intention to sail for -Egypt January
10. On their return theyrwlll make their
home In this city.
Latest U. S. Gov't FooStRepartr
Public Should Know Who Are in
Pay of Corporations.
It Will Have a. Tendency to Prevent
Public Men. From Drawing Pay
From Private Concerns.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. When the sen
ate met today, Cockrell, from the appro
priations committee, reported the urgency
deficiency bill, and It was placed on the
calendar. Cockrell gave notice that he
would call It up tomorrow. Replying to
Quay, Cockrell said there had been no
amendments by the committee to any por
tion of the bill relating to the Income tax.
Quay then gave notice of this amendment
to the bill, which he proposed to offer:
"Nothing in the law to the contrary
shall preclude any court of the United
States, having jurisdiction of the parties,
from considering and determlnng as to
the constitutionality of the validity of
said act or any part thereof, as relates to
the taxes upon profits and incomes there
in mentioned whenever, by any proceeding
which shall have been commenced or be
pending In such court, such instructions
shall be presented."
Quay said he desired to know If the
senator from Missouri would permit him
to commend the matter to his attention
and consideration, because It was too late
to introduce an amendment of that char
acter at present In the senate. He asked
the senator whether It would not be well
In the bill, Instead of smothering the
names and salaries of employes in the re
ports made by corporations under the in
come tax, to compel a publication in such
a form that the list of names of employes
shall be accessible to the public. Con
tinuing, he said:
"A circumstance which happened with
in the last 34 hours has called my atten
tion to the probable importance of some
thing of the kind. It happened that a
gentleman who is very high in political
position In Philadelphia, no less a person
age than a republican national commit
teeman, In conversation with a distin
guished member of the upper branch of
the state legislature, a judicial officer of
the city of Philadelphia and probably the
leading member of the Pennsylvania state
senate. In giving a reason why he could
not preserve his plighted faith and could
not do what ought to be done In regard
to an important nomination made there,
stated that he was under a heavy salary
from a great corporation for the last
three years; a salary large enough to
maintain his family, and he was com
pelled to do what the corporation wished
him to, and not what he had desired and
felt he ought to do. The amendment I sug
gest is pertinent simply in this respect,
that mentkln such a position, with high
power "for good or evil ought not to be
: ri li-T ViTlCv
permi Lieu iu masqueraut: its uuiiiib in uic
interest of the public, or in the interest of
any party, when, in reality they are serv
ing these great corporations. They ought
to go about and meet their fellows fair
ly and openly with the dollar-mark of
the corporation upon their heads, and I
think such an amendment as I suggest
should be inserted in the bill before it
Then on motion of Daniels, the senate
proceeded to the consideration of the Sib
ley claim bill, and Daniels advocated the
measure. Piatt opposed the bill. He saw
no reason why the bar of limitations
should be removed in this case. The dis
cussion was continued till the- close of
the morning hour, when it went over
without action. Then the Nicaragua
canal bill was brought forward and Pas
coe made a speech favoring the construc
tion of the canal by the government ex
clusively and consequently opposing the
pending measure. An attempt to have an
agreement for taking the final vote next
Saturday failed, by reason of an objec
tion from Turpie. Just before the close
of the day's session, the question of Amer
ican vessels of war at Honolulu was re
vived In the shape of a resolution offered
by Aldrlch, declaring it as the sense of
the senate that one or more ships of the
American navy should be kept there. The
resolution went over till tomorrow, when
it will come up in the morning hour. The
senate adjourned at 5:30, after an execu
tive session.
Tlie House Dinposes of the Diplo
matic and Postoffice Measures.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. After Outh
walte had withdrawn the special order
with reference to the currency bill, Mc
Creary, chairman of the committee on
foreign affairs, moved to go into commit
tee of the whole for consideration of the
diplomatic appropriation bill, and it was
carried with division. McCreary ex
plained the provisions of the bill briefly,
and then offered an amendment to es
tablish a consulate at Erzeroum, Ar
menia, at a salary of $1100. Hltt moved
that a consulate be established at Har
pool, Turkey. These amendments led to
a reference to the recent slaughter in
Armenia. Hltt, with intense feeling,
urged the necessity for protecting mis
sionaries who were cut down like sheep.
Harpool was the nearest point to the
scene of these slaughters. Both amend
ments were adopted, and then, without
further amendment, the committee rose
and the bill, which carries an appropria
tion of $1,552,118, was passed.
The postoffice appropriation bill was
then taken up. The bill, as explained by
Henderson, chairman of the committee on
postoffices and postroads, carried $89,442,
152, or $1,616,330 less than the estimates,
but $2,206,355 more than the appropriation
for the current year. The estimated re
ceipts for the next year were $2,335,543 less
than the sum carried by the bill. During
the debate, under the five-minute rule,
Quigg offered an amendment to a para
graph included in the last postoffice ap
propriation bill, relating to books, pam
phlets, etc., as follows:
''Provided that associations organized to
secure improvement in the condition of
public roads and highways, consisting of
not less than 1000 members, and maintain
ing a publication published at least once
a month, shall distribute such publications
at second-class rates."
Quigg explained that the publication de
signed to be admitted to the malls as
second-class matter was the organ of the
League of American Wheelmen, an or
ganization which had 12,000 members.
Dockery made a point of order against
the amendment, and Hatch, in the chair,'
temporarily reserved his decision.
Caruth took occasion, during the debate.
to expose the alleged scheme to reduce
letter postage from 2 to l cent. 'xheiMa
tional Postage Union, of which Lyman J.
Gage, of Chicago, was the treasurer, he"
said, was pushing the movement. Through
ine agencies oi mat union, ne saia, con
tracts were everywhere made with busi
ness men by which one-half the postage
saved during a year was to be turned over
I to the promoters of the scheme if it car -
ried. Caruth estimated the promoters
would divide '$5,000,000 if the bill were
passed, and that the reduction of postage
from 2 to 1 cent would save letter senders
$25,000,000 annually.
Hatch then sustained the point of or
der made against Quigg's amendment to
allow the publication of the League of
American Wheelmen to go through the
malls at second-class rates, and, without
amendment, the postoffice appropriation
bill was then passed, and at 4:43 P. M. the
house adjourned.
To "Wlioin Quay Referred.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 9. The repub
lican national committeeman to whom
Quay referred in the senate today, "As
not being- able to preserve his plighted
faith in regard to an important nomina
tion," in Philadelphia, because he was
under a salary from a corporation, and
was compelled to do what that corpora
tion wished, was David Martin, the re
publican leader of Philadelphia. Mr. Mar
tin was found sick In bed this evening,
suffering from overwork during the
mayoralty nomination fight, which ended
today. Martin was not inclined to make
any reply to Quay's charges. He refused
to answer any questions as to whether
he was under salary from a corporation,
but he did say:
"The nomination of Mr. Warwick (nom
inated for mayor of Philadelphia), was
not the work of any corporation. No cor
poration ever mentioned Mr. Warwick's
name-to me, and I favored his nomina
tion because I believed that it was for
the best interest of the party to do so."
Final Consideration Postponed.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. The senate
committee on naval affairs today again
postponed final consideration of the reso
lution providing for a ballistic test of
Carnegie armor plates, and also the bill
for the reorganization of the personnel of
the navy. The postponement of the armor-plate
resolution was due to the state
ment that Carnegie had made application
to the secretary of the navy for a settle
ment. This question. Senator McPherson,
as chairman, was authorized to investi
gate, and the matter was left In abeyance
pending his report. It was stated the
Carnegie proposition Is to remove the
armor plates alleged to be defective, sub
ject them to the required test and replace
them, at his own expense.
Tlie Chnrses Agrainat Judg-e RlcUs.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. Consideration
of the charges against Judge Ricks, of
Cleveland, was postponed today by the
house judiciary committee until Monday
next, as the attendance today was one
short of a quorum. The charges pre
ferred by the Cleveland labor union will
be first taken up. The charges Samuel B.
Ritchie, of the Canadian Copper Com
pany, made will not be considered by the
committee until the first case has been
disposed of. Judging by the expressions
of several committeemen there Is doubt
whether Ritchie's case will be deemed
worthy of serious investigation.
3Iay Be Reported Tills "Weelc
WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. The Indian ap
propriation bill is now nearly completed
bythe houstrcommittee on Indian affairs?
and, may be reported thisweek. Sfight re
ductions have been madeMn nearly "alf th'e
Items. The total will be about $200,000 less
than the appropriations last year.
Army Promotions.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. President
Cleveland today sent to the senate the f olr
lowing nominations: Lieutenant-Colonel
George H. Burton, inspector-general, to
be colonel and Inspector-general; Major
Peter D. Vroom, inspector-general, to be
lieutenant-colonel and Inspector-general.
Tlie President Pro Tcm. Back.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Harris, just se
lected for another term of six years In the
senate, has returned to Washington, and
was warmly congratulated by his col
leagues when he appeared in the chamber
today. Ex-Senator Edmunds also visited
the scene of his old duties.
Post-UIortem Privileges.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. The president
has signed the act to exempt from duty
foreign articles for exhibit at the Portland
Universal exposition, and the act to amend
the act authorizing the construction of a
bridge across the Missouri river, near
Jefferson City, Mo.
Title to North. Brownsville Laud.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. The senate to
day passed the house bill to settle title to
lands in North Brownsville, Linn county,
The Last Jewish Member.
NEW YORK, Jan. 9. At a meeting of
the executive committee of the Union
League, held tonight in the clubhouse,
the resignation of Edward Einstein as a
member of the league, was unanimously
accepted. Mr. Einstein was the last re
maining Jewish member of the club, and
his action In resigning was the outgrowth
of the blackballing of the son of the late
Jesse Seligman some time ago.
Premier Bowell Is Better.
OTTAWA, Ont, Jan. 9. Premier Sir
Mackenzie Bowell Is again able to trans
act privy council business In his apart
ments at the Russell house, but his
physicians Insist that he remain as quiet
as possible in order to allow his throat
to be benefited by treatment.
An. Old Callfornian.
SACRAMENTO, Jan. 9. R. J. Merkley,
an old resident of this section, and widely
and prominently known throughout the
state, died at his home near this city at
10:30 o'clock tonight. He was a native of
North Williamsburg, Canada, and was 58
years of age.
"Dr. Syntax" Is Dead.
NEW YORK, Jan. 9. Archie Gordon,
newspaper writer, and author of a number
of plays, died today. His reports of the
Beecher-Tilton trial over the signature of
"Dr. Syntax," constituted a distinct and
notable feature of that famous litigation.
An American Artist.
LONDON, Jan. 9. The Daily Chronicle
is informed of the death of Charles W.
Morgan, an American artist, during a
voyage from Cyprus to England, In De
cember. A Prominent Mason.
BROOKLYN, Jan. 9. Robert McCott,
tiged SO, grand recorder of the Grand
Commandery, Knights Templar, of the
state of New York, died today.
Died on the Street.
CHICAGO, Jan. 9. P. G. McLaughlin, a
prominent board of trade speculator,
dropped dead In La Salle street today.
Heart disease was the cause.
A Mexican. Soldier.
CITY OF MEXICO, Jan. 9. General
Nicolas de Regales, a. celebrated soldier,
died here today.
Crude Oil at the Even Dollar.
PITTSBURG, Jan. 9. There was a sale
of oil made today on the local exchange
at the even dollar, the first time In al
most five years that a barrel of crude oil
J has sold at that figure in Pittsburg.
The Carlisle Currency Bill Done
For in the First Round.
It Could Not Surmount the First Par
Uanicntary Obstacle Placed
In, Its Path. -
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. The Carlisle
currency bill, which has been under de
bate in the house for two weeks, was
ignomlnlously defeated today. It had
never nerve enough to surmount the first
parliamentary obstacle placed in its path.
The committee on rules, in obedience to
the decree of Monday, brought in an or
der to close general rebate and proceed
under the five-minute rule until Saturday,
when the final vote should be taken; but
the supporters of the bill showed lament
able weakness. They were unable to or
der the previous question, the demand
therefore being refused, first by a rising
vote of 92 to 101, and then on a aye and
no vote, by 124 to 129. The advocates
of the bill were dumbfounded when they
discovered that they had been beaten in
the preliminary skirmish, and the order
was withdrawn. This was the first re
verse the committee on rules had had iu
four years. An analysis of the vote shows
that all of the 124 votes in favor of the
motion were cast by democrats, while Si
republicans, 39 democrats and S popu
lists voted against it. Of the 39 demo
cratic votes against the motion, it was
pointed out that 24 were cast by demo
crats defeated for re-election.
With the single exception of Chairman
Springer, the members of the committee
on banking and currency stated, after
the defeat of the rule, that the bill was
killed. They also agreed that no further
currency legislation was possible at the
present session. Speaker Crisp and his
democratic associates of the rules com
mittee, have realized for several days
that there was a majority against the
bill, and the result today was accepted
without surprise. Springer, who has been
in charge of the Carlisle bill in the
house, said, after the test vote against
the bill:
"I will make no effort to take up tho
bill again this week. It would be well
for the house to turn its attention to
other business, and then, after a rest
from the financial debate, it may be made
apparent that a majority will support the
bill. I do not think the adverse vote
on the rule put3 an end to all currency
legislation. So far as I am concerned, I
shall continue to press the subject until
something is achieved."
It is understood that the members of
the committee on rules anticipated the
possibility of such, a. vote as the house
Lsave todajvjmd w.ere..ta,citlyagreed to
drop the currency bill If that met with tho
rebuff it has. ,
Carlisle went up to the capitol at 1
o'clock this afternoon and went imme
diately to Speaker Crisp's room. The
speaker notified Springer, Hall and other
friends of the currency bill of the secre
tary's presence, and they met him there
in conference. The secretary remained
nearly an hour. He expressed regret at
the action of the house today, but does
not despair of some financial legislation
still passing the house. He suggested
that it would be better not to move in
the matter again for a few days, but
that the intervening time be occupied by
the friends of the bill in consultation
with the silver and other democrats who
opposed it today with a view of agreeing
to some compromise which will meet, or
partially meet, this objection. Before
leaving the capitol, the secretary secured
several copies of a substitute bill, which,
he carried back to the department, and
which it Is understood he will consider
carefully and endeavor to so amend as to
make it more acceptable to the minority.
Springer said there was no probability
of another caucus being held to consider
the financial question.
Speaker Crisp, although a staunch friend
of the Carlisle bill, takes Its side-tracking
philosophically. He confessod his
surprise, however, that the resolution
from the committee on rules should have
been defeated. He Is the more surprised
Inasmuch as the rule had the unanimous
indorsement of the caucus. The speaker
was told that some of the opponents of
the bill objected to the rule on the ground
that It was so framed as to cut off amend
ments. The speaker replied that this was
a mistake; that It did not differ from
other rules In this particular, and that
it simply limited the time when debate
should close, as Is the purpose of all rules
of a similar character. He regarded It
as unlikely that the committee on rules
would report another order. He thinks
the committee has done all that lies with
in its power to facilitate action on the
measure, and that when next It is brought
to the attention of the house, it will be
upon a motion from Springer to go into
committee of the whole to consider It
Bland, the exponent of the silver ele
ment of the house, who aided In the de
feat of the rule, said:
"The vote undoubtedly means the aban
donment of all hope to pass the Carlisle
bill In Its present form. But It is too
soon to say it ends the possibility of any
legislation by this congress. As long as
the effort is made to give a monopoly to
national banks and exclude silver, no plan
will be found. There may yet be time,
to frame a measure adequate for the
present situation, but it is certain any
such measure must give proper recogni
tion to silver."
The views of Bland and hi3 associates
led many members to believe the reverse
of the day might be turned into victory
by making concessions to the silver men.
Their votes would be much more than
sufficient to carry the rule and the bill.
It would be such a radical step, however,
in bringing silver into the question, that
conservative men did not regard the plan
as feasible. It was, however, the main
topic of prospective action.
On the republican side, the opinion was
general that the defeat of the rule ended
all chance o( currency legislation in con
gress. Reed would not enter into a de
tailed discussion on the turn of affairs.
The republican leaders in the house as
sert they had agreed to offer no parlia
mentary obstruction to a vote, whatever,
If they had been permitted to vote first
on the ninth and tenth sections of the
bill. Reed was on his feet for recognition
with a draft of a rule in his hand, pro
viding for a vote on the bill according
to this plan, that Is: Voting for the ninth
and tenth sections first. The republicans
would have all voted for this rule.
Walker, of Massachusetts, who had led
the republican opposition, had determined
to withdraw his bill, which he had pre
viously notified the house he would offer
as a substitute, and which was the only
plan proposed by a. republican. He says,
also, that no amendments' would have
J been offered to the Carlisle bill by tha
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