Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 08, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Editorial rooms.. .1661Buslness otBce...6S7
Patties desiring offices In The Oregon
Ian building, may Inquire of Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. No. 129 First
street, or the superintendent In the build
lcc Cash From the Boxes. The elevator
cash-box committee met at the residence
of Rev. A. J. Brown yesterday afternoon.
It Tas found the boxes had collected
545 56 the past two weeks. This sum will
be divided as follows: Children's Home,
?18; Baby Home. 518; Boys' and Girhi'
Aid Society, 510 56. Needy women apply
ing to the city board of charities for
work will be sent to these institutions and
jjaid from this money. Thus 46'. days'
work will be given from this opening of
the boxes. It is a goodly sum composed
as It is chiefly of small coins, and the com
mittee present their thanks to the partonfc
cf the cash boxes. The next proceeds of
the boxes will be divided among the three
hospitals. The amounts found in boxes
are as follows: United States bank, 53 76;
The Portland, 54 31; Oregonlan, ?4 CO; Ar
lington Club, 53 0; Chamber of Commerce,
west, 531": Dekum, 52 47; The Famous,
52 40; Marquam building, 52 22; the Per
kins hotel. 52 09; Chamber of Commerce,
east, 51 79; Meier & -Frank, 51 83; Port
land Savings Bank building, $1 70; Collec
tor of Customs, 51 53; Worcester building,
5130; Baum & Brandes. 5118; Postoflice,
51 12; Multnomah Athletic Club. 51 01; Lip
man, Wolfe & Co., 91 cents: Olds &. Kinsr,
89 cents; Franklin market, S7 cents; Port
nand Athletic Club. 71 cents; First Nation
al bank, 70 cents: Ehrman, Mason & Co.,
G5 cents; Union depot. CO cents; Eugene
D. White &. Co.. 40 cents.
Sai-nders Former Wife. W. W. Saun
ders, who was sentenced to the peniten
tiary for life in 1887 for the killing of
Charles Campbell In Albany, and who was
pardoned by Governor Pennoyer, Dec. 31,
on condition that he leave the state and
neer return, appears to have taken up
his residence at Spokane. Humors having
been in circulation to the effect that he
was to be married, he has written tc the
Salem Statesman, stating that he has no
intention of doing so. At the time he
shot Campbell, it was understood that
he was engaged to be married to a tister
of Miss Mattle Allison, in the alleged de
fense of whom from insult the murder
was committed. There were rumors in
circulation at that time that he had a
wife in Texas, and this appears to have
been the case; but whether divorced or
not is not known here. A short time be
fore Saunders was pardoned, Judge .Bel
linger received a letter from a lawyer in
ijonuam, Tex., who had once resided here,
asking for information In regard to Saun
ders prospects for securing a pardon, and
expressing a hope that Judge Bellinger
would use any influence he might pos
sess toward securing Saunders' pardon. It
was added that Saunders had a wife, a
very worthy lady, and a 16-year-old
daughter. As to whether there has been
any legal separation between Saunders
and his wife is probably known to Saun
ders. Six Feet of Snow. One of the men em
ployed in J.' Buckleys' logging camp,
3 miles up the Washougal river, and 1230
feet above sea level, came to Portland
yesterday, and reports six feet of snow
on a level at that point. There has been
no rain this fall, but there was about
two feet of snow when the late storm
commenced. Mr. Buckley has about 1.000.
000 feet of logs In the stream, but there
has not been water enough to bring them
down. He has a dam 23 feet in height,
across the river, which, owing to the
rapid fall, backs the water up for only a
quarter of a mile. The-logs are out on a
bench, some 500 feet above the river, and
are sent half a mile devil a chute, making
the trip In about 20 seconds. They strike
the vater with such force that, if there
Is any check or craclMn them, "they are
split In two In a moment, and quite a.
number are spoiled 1n this manner. Mr.
Buckley intends to bullcr another dam,
and collect enough Water to enable him
to flush the logs out of the river. He has
several million feet of logs in the pond,
and the river below waiting to "come
down on the rise."
Snow Good for Wheat. Mr. C. W.
Tracy, general manager of the Pacific
Coast Elevator Company, returned yes
terday from a business trip to Walla
Walla. He says the energy and activity
displayed In opening up the O. II. & N.
road after the storm was remarkable. He
lund some eight Inches of snow on the
ground at Walla Walla, which farmers
pay will be a good thing for the wheat
crop, if It does not go olt till the frost
it out of the ground; but If it disappears,
lining the ground frozen, the wheat will
not be benefited. Mr. Tracy says about
2a per cent of the wheat crop of that sec
tion is still in the hands of the farmers.
The appearand of the trees along the
railroad west of the Cascades, stripped of
their branches by the sleet, Mr. Tracy
rayr, is pitiable, and reminds him of the
blizzards of -Minnesota.
Not Yet Jjeterminhd. Mr. John L.
Ilartman. receiver of the Northwest
I.ran & TriiKt Company, was asked yes
terday what course would be adopted by
the company since it had won the suit
hrought against it by Multnomah coun
ty, and particularly if the company woull
declare a dividend in favor of depos
itors, as had been promised In the event
of its 'V ictory in the suit. He replied that
he could say nothing until he learned
what the county commissioners were go
ing to do. It was quite likely that the
commissioners woiild appeal the case, in
which event nothing could be done un
til the appeal had Veen decided. The com
missioners have t, meeting tomorrow,
when they will dtclde what course to
Portia.niV8 First Fire Bbuu Chief
Buchtel tells an interesting story regard
irg the first bell f(f Portland's fire de
partment. Coming to town one day, he
learned that there had been a fire, of
which he knew nothing, and he remarked
tl-at a pressing tecessity of the depart
ment was an alarm bell. He at once
went to work. arl in a few hours had a
Buiucient fund raised to purchase a bell,
which was bought and located on the
levee. The bell was afterward given to
hose company No. 1. and broken while be
ing rung at a Fourth of July celebration.
Chief Buchtel ab-o procured the donation
cf the beautiful plat or ground in Lone
lr cemetery for a firemen's burial
ground, and the ground yet stands in his
Pure, strong and quick In action is
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
Wilson Wanted at w. B.
A ilscn, who stole all of the chickens from
SeUwood to St. John's, excepting a few
that escaped his vigilance, has just fin
ished his sentences in the county jail, for
Ms numerous larcenies, and now is to be
taken to Salem. Yesterday Sheriff Sears
received word from Chief of Police Dillev,
at the capital city, that he wanted Wilson
for crimes committed there, and would
be down after him today, armed with
the required warrant.
L'Nes in Good Shape. The Oregon Tel
ephone & Telegraph Company's long line
to Spokane, also its long lines up the
Willamette valley, on both sides of the
river, are again in working order. It has
also restored connection between Port
land. Kast Portland, and Alblna. and ex
pects, to have round connection completed
within a few days.
Pt blic iNPTAUUkTKJN. The public is in
vited to be present at the public Instal
lation of ofilcers of Court Pacific, Inde
pendent Order of Foresters, tonight, at
IZlks' hall. A good programme has been
prepared. Exercises commence at SM.
Ti'E Messiah. Armory hall. January lt.
Tickets. 51.- Sale commences Friday, Jan
t:arj 11, M A. M. Stork Pharmacy Third
and stark streets.
Out Annual Sale Is now proceeding,
oliu Cran & Co.,"Slxtb and Washlnrwn.
Fcxebal or James Tcrk. The remains
of James Turk, who died at Tacoma a.
few days since, were brought to this city
Sunday, and yesterday afternoon were in
terred in the Lone Fir cemetery on the
East Side, where his wife and mother
are buried. Turk was an Englishman by
birth, but came to America, many years
ago, and served in the American army
during the Mexican war. After the cap
ture of the City of Mexico, he went to
San Francisco, where he engaged In the
sailor boarding-house business, and some
22 years since removed to Portland, where
he followed the same business until he
moved to Tacoma, a year or two ago. He
was G3 years of age, and leaves two sons,
Charles and Frank. He accumu
lated considerable property In nis
buisness. Like others, he bad his
faults, but he had many good
traits of character. He paid his debts,
and his word in a business transaction
could be depended upon. The funeral of
Turk was attended by his two sons with
his second wife, and nearly all the sailor
boarding-house fraternity in the city. No
eulogy was delivered by Pastor Rasmus,
of Grace church, who officiated, but a
chapter from scripture was read, a pray?r
was offered and then a song was sung.
The pall-bearers were Jack Grant, Paddy
Lynch, Larry Sullivan, Dick McKerron,
Frank Turk and George Powers.
Examination, Janvart SO. Secretary
W. E. Pulllam, of the board of examiners,
recently appointed to examine applicants
under the civil service rules for positions
in the custom-house, yesterday received
a letter from President John R. Proctor,
of the civil service commission, directing
that an examination be held here Janu
ary 30. Applicants for positions in the
customs service must have their applica
tions in by January 22. The examination
will be held at the custom-house- The
age limits for this examination are as fol
lows: For clerk or messenger, not under
20 years of age, and for all other posi
tions, not under 21 years of age. None but
native-born or duly naturalized citizens
of the United States will be permitted to
make applications or take the examina
tion. The question of political complex
Ion cuts no figure in regard to applicants.
The person or persons passing the best
compecitive examination will stand the
first chances of appointment when va
cancies occur.
Sluicing Out Snow. A party of a half
dozen men.with a fire-hose attached to a
hydrant, was at work, yesterday, endeav
oring to clear away the snow from the
west side of the block on Third street,
between Washington and Alder streets.
The water did not have much
effect in melting the snow, but
when it was turned over and
pounded out fiat the stream sluiced
it down the catch basin. The men were
at work all the afternoon, and by the use
of a large amount of water succeeded in
getting one side of the block cleared. To
clear the streets generally In this manner
would prove a tediuos operation.
Port Townsend Appreciative. Presi
dent W. J. Walker, of the Port Townsend
Athletic Club, has written a letter to
the Portland Amateur Athletic Club, ex
tending thanks for the welcome and en
tertainment tendered their football team,
while on their isit to this city. He says:
"Every member of the team has words
of praise for the treatment they received,
and our only regret is that we will be
unable to appropriately reciprocate when
your team visits this city." The letter
concludes with many pleasant recollec
tions, "and with but one regret, that we
did not win."
Arrested for Larceny. On complaint
of W. W. Brackett, two young men named
R. Brown and G. L. Clayton, who had
been employed about the Exposition build
ing, were yesterday arrested on a charge
of larceny. They were accused of stealing
some glasses used in effecting illusions
at some of the fake shows given there,
but both men deny any knowledge of the
matter. After being in jail a few hours,
the charge against Clayton was with
drawn, but Brown was held in 5300 bail
for examination today in tho municipal
Entitled to Land. The two Chinese
arrested Sunday evening by Customs In
spector Logan for not having the proper
registration cixtlficates are at liberty.
They were passengers on the steamship
Columbia, and were just leaving the ves
sel when taken in custody. As soon as
they had a chance to secure their bag
gage, both men produced the regulation
certificates, issued in California, and,
there being no cause for their detention,
they were allowed to go.
To Collect Income Tax. Mr. Henry
Blackman, collector of internal reve
nue, has received a copy of the
rules and regulations in regard to
assessing and collecting the income
lax. This indicates that the law
will be enforced, and It is ex
pected that the necessary forms, blanks,
and other stationery will soon come to
hand. The regulations are quite volum
inous, covering 41 pages, while the law
only occupies 13 pages.
Five Japanese Baptized. Interesting
services at the Japanese Methodist Epis
copal mission, 101 North Ninth, were held
Sunday night. Five young men were bap
tized by Pastor K. Ishijoka. After a ser
mon by Rev. M. C Harris, presiding elder
of San Francisco, the Lord's supper was
observed. The chapel was filled. The total
membership is 10S, Work among the Jap
anese in Idaho and Oregon is carried on
by this mission.
Why does the new president of France
resemble Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow
der? Because he Is noted for his strength.
The Vegetarians. The Oregon Vege
tarian Society meets in the parlors of
the World's Advance Thought, 193 Sixth
street, this evening at 7:43. With this
meeting the society enters its fourth
year of activity, and it is the prevailing
belief among the members that they
have accomplished much good. An invi
tation is extended to all interested in the
Railroad Trains on Time. All over
land railroad trains are running in and
out bf Portland on schedule time again,
and the big storm is a thing of the past,
so far as the railroad world is concerned.
The tracks in the mountain districts,
having been once cleaned of snow, can
be easily kept open, unless the country Is
visited by another unusual storm.
Unitarian Annual Meeting. The an
nual meeting of the First Unitarian Soci
ety will be held In their chapel this even
ing at 8 o'clock, to elect trustees and hear
reports of the year's work. The Women's
Auxiliary will provide refreshments and
sociability after the business meeting. All
members and others interested in the
church are cordially invited.
To Undergo some needed repairs the
steamer Lurline will this day be with
drawn from the Astoria route, but will
be placed on again in the near future.
During the time of her withdrawal the
company will place one of their boats on
every Saturday night for Astoria and
way landings, leaving Taylor-street dock
at 10 P. M.
Roofs. Property-owners who will find
it necessary to repair or reroof their
buildings after this storm, will save
money and future trouble and annoyance
by having J. C Bayer and the Portland
Ashphaltum Company do their work, the
oldest established and most reliable metal
and composition roofers in the city. Tele
phone. 46L
A Mission Meeting. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all who are interested
to be present at the quarterly meeting
of Columbia river branch. Woman's For
eign Missionary Society of the Methodist
Episcopal church, to be held this after
noon, at 2 o'clock. In Clarke church, cor
ner of Eighteenth and Releigh streets.
Roof Repairing of all kinds, especially
of tin roofs, gutters, and walls, done In
best manner, by the Oregon Refining &
Rootling Co.. 605-620 Hood street, telephone
1042. Their plastic slate Is not a paint,
but a heavy cement coating which effec
tually fills all crevices and stops leaks.
Buried at the Cascades. Little Emma
Martmeau. the daughter of Captain Mar
tineau. the well-konwn river captain of
the O. R. & N., died last Sunday. Her
body was taken from this city yesterday
by the sorrowing father for burial at
Cascade Leeks.
Meetisg or Ministers. The Portland
Ministerial Association held its regular
bi-monthly meeting In the parlors of the
Young Men's Christian Association yes
terday morning. After prayer by Rev.
Sandersen and reading of the minutes
the paper for the day was presented by
Rev. W. O. Forbes, on the subject, "The
Most Effective Preaching." After the
reading of the paper a consideration of
the theme was participated in by all the
pastors presenL The paper itself was
commended and called forth very pleas
ant remarks. Rev. Mr. Gwynn, of Salem,
was present, and was invited to sit as a
corresponding member, and Rev. Mr.
Manshardt was elected as a member.
The Papers Destroyed. Messrs. Will
iam McGuire & Co., whose safe at their
coalyard in the old Southern Pacific
roundhouse, on North Front street, was
robbed a short time since, have about
given up hope of the papers taken being
restored. They have found where some
of the papers were destroyed, and Imag
ine that the burglar, after breaking into
the safe and carrying off and smashing
the steel box It contained, and finding
nothing but papers in it, was so mad that
he destroyed the papers. The burglar
must have had a poor idea of the intel
ligence of the firm to think they would
leave money in such a safe in such a
Ex-Convict Arreeied. George Davis,
an ex-convict recently out of the peniten
tiary, was arrested yesterday by Officer
W. B. Johnson for larceny. While in a
saloon at Second and Burnside streets
Sunday night he stole a watch from Ben
jamin Smith, a contractor, living at Sell
wood, and afterward tried to sell it for
52 50. There seems to be a clear case
against him, and Davis has a good chance
of going back to the penitentiary.
The East Side Skating Rink is open
again. A large force of carpenters hav
ing been engaged to repair the damage
done by the snow, the building is now per
fectly safe, and in good condition.
The Kelly Jury to Appear Tuurndny
Ilefore Judcre Stephen.
There were no developments in the
Steevjs case yesterday. Steeves is still
in jail, in his usual quarters. A mo
tion that he be admitted to bail was not
argued yesterday, for several reasons.
District Attorney Hume was called to
Oregon City in the Garthorne bogus opium
case, and Judge Stephens, Rufus Mallory
and Judge Caples were all busily engaged
otherwise. Mr. Mallory stated that he
would take the subject up as soon as pos
sible, and so did Judge Caples. The law,
since the right to accept bail in such a
case has been made an issue, will hae
to be argued to the court.
Some lawyers state that Steeves can
properly be released upon bonds, even
under the statute quoted to the contrary.
According to this section, murder in any
degree is not bailable. These lawyers
contend that Steeves Is not now charged
with murder in any degree, and that
manslaughter is not murder, there be
ing only two degrees of murder, first and
second. They further argue thai. Steeves
is not now held on the Indictment which
charges him with murder, but is now held
by the verdict of the jury, which was,
"guilty of manslaughter." If he is going
to move further in his case for a new
trial and carry it to the supreme court,
they say that during the pendency of
these proceedings he Is entitled to his
liberty upon filing a good and sufficient
bond. The arguments will be made some
day during the week convenient to the
counsel and court.
Yesterday Judge Stephens' made an or
der requiring the jury in the "Bunco"
Kelly case to appear before him next
Thursday for examination. -This jur
consisted of Thomas Huntington, Albert
Tozi-r. J. B. Kellogg, B. S. Rellly, A. W.
Powers, A. C. Edmunds, James Menzies,
W. F. Hummel, A. Goodnough, Charles
Rivers, Mert L. Dimlck and John McKer
nan. The jurors are to be interrogated
by the court concerning their discussion
of the case during the trial, contrary to
the orders of the court, the bribery inci
dent of George W. Josephs, John B. Carr
and Juror Huntington, and as to their
conduct in general, during the whole of
the trial.
After this order was made by Judge
Stephens, a report gained credence
throughout the courthouse, that Judge
Stephens had discharged his crier and
bailiff, Joseph Marks and Asa N. Church.
When interviewed concerning the truth of
these statements. Judge Stephens said he
had not discharged the men, and doubt
less that his order summoning the Kelly
jurors before him, Thursday, was the
cause of the commotion and talk.
From another source it was stated that
Judge Stephens disclaimer that he had
"discharged" anyone was a polite dis
tinction without a difference. The resig
nation of Joseph Marks was positively
said to have been requested, to take
effect the first of the new term, which Is
in about 10 days. From the same source
Mr. Church was also said to have been
requested to proffer his resignation. It
was agreed, however, that the removal of
Church was not expected, as he was an
Intelligent and faithful officer, and that
doubtless there was some mistake about
his reported resignation.
Governor McKinley has strong expecta
tions of "rising." There Is never a doubt
of "rising" results where Dr. Price's
Baking Powder is tried.
The Prosccntlnjr Attorney ThlnU He
Hok Unearthed n Combination.
VANCOUVER, Wash, Jan. 7. Prosecut
ing Attorney C. D. Bowles is engaged in
unearthing what lie believes to be a good
sized job on the part of the publishers
of three of the weekly newspapers of this
city, to "bleed" the taxpayers of the
county In the matter of county printing
and advertising. The contract for this
work was awarded last April to the
Vancouver Columbian, on its bid of 51 per
square of, 10 lines for first Insertion, and
50 cents for each subsequent insertion,
the maximum price allowed by law. The
contract also provides that the bidder
shall receive for table-work, consisting
of three columns or more, double the
rates allowed for ordinary matter. The
bid of the Vancouver Register was SI
first insertion and 75 cents subsequent.
The bid of the Independent was not con
sidered, as it was not presented within
the time required. Hence In reality the
bid of the Columbian was the only one
which the commissioners could act upon.
The Register's bid. being higher than the
maximum rate prescribed by law, the
contract was awarded at the maximum
rate. It was rumored, about the time the
contract was let. that the publishers of
these newspapers had entered into a com
bination to keep up the rates for public
printing and that each might receive its
proportionate share of the profits. Noth
ing definite could be learned, however,
at that time, and it was generally sup
posed the matter had been dropped and
forgotten. This morning the editors and
publishers of the newspapers named, ex
cept Editor Dennis, of the Columbian,
were summoned to appear before the
county commissioners, where they were
confronted by Mr. Bowles and each asked
to explain to the commissioners his in
terest in the Columbian's contract for
printing. Those who appeared today
were: E. M. Rands and Lloyd Dubois, the
present proprietors and publishers of the
Vancouver Independent, J. J. Beeson, who
was the editor and proprietor of that
paper at the time the contract was let,
and Editor Daniels, of the Register.
Each gentleman declined to answer the
question concerning the nature of the
agreement and were granted permission
to appear with counsel tomorrow morn
ing at 9 o'clock. Some Interesting de
velopments are expected at that time.
Mr. Bowles claims to be in possession of
4 lnfermaUea sufficient to at least warrant
the commissioners commencing an action
to annul the Columbian's contract. Three
bills of 5150 each, presented by the three
papers, for publishing the names on the
official ballot in November were allowed
at the recent session by the commission
ers, but were revoked today, pending the
A tramp was arrested last Saturday
for attempting to steal a watch from Miss
Beard, clerk in the Commercial bank of
this city. The fellow entered the bank
during the afternoon. He asked Miss
Beard, who was alone in the bank, for
money. Just as the young lady stepped up
to the counter to comply with his request,
the fellow made a sudden grab across the
counter for her watch and chain. He
would probably have been successful had
not Miss Beard stepped back In time to
elude him. He was taken before Justice
Caples and Is now serving out his sen
lence of 20 days in the city jaiL
The Portland Universal Exposition
I Aow a. Mournful Memory.
The Portland exposition is a thing of the
past. The big storm last week was its
Waterloo, and the management, after ex
periencing so many vicissitudes, decided
to throw up the sponge. Exhibitors com
menced moving out their displays about
the middle of last week and kept It up
until last evening, by which time every
exhibit was out of the building. The
property of all the concessions had also
been removed, except the cyclorama. the
Ferris wheel and an animal show.
Former Manaser Hardt has had some
difficulty with the concessionaires over the
collection of rentals for space from them.
All of them have lost money, some of
them considerable sums, and few felt
themselves in a position to fulfill their
contracts with Manager Hardt, A com
promise was finally effected and the re
maining concessionaires were given 12
hours in which to remove their effects be
fore storage would be charged them.
E. W. McConnell. the owner of the
cyclorama, is also the principal owner of
the Ferris wheel, which, being tucked
away in a remote corner of the building,
was not seen by all the visitors to the ex
position. Mr. McConnell is endeavoring to
effect an arrangement with some of Port
land's charitable organizations, whereby
the latter will take charge of his cyclo
rama, pay the space rental, and pay him
a percentage of the receipts from visitors.
It costs a great deal of money to move
the cyclorama, and, although it was vis
ited by nearly everyone who came to the
exposition, as it was the best thing there,
yet the owner has not been reimbursed
for his outlay.
The management under Mr. DeLash
mutt turned the exposition over to Mr.
Hardt on the first of the year clear of all
indebtedness to employes; so the latter
are practically the only people connected
with the exposition who have lost nothing.
The effect of a walk through the vast,
gloomy building yesterday was somewhat
depressing. The place was deserted, ex
cept for a few expressmen removing the
last of the exhibits, and a half dozen con
cessiaires who stood about with their
hands in their pockets, soberly surveying
the ruins. The flaming placards of all
the concessions still remained mocklngly
conspicuous. The solitary wanderer was
still Invited to inspect tbe Palace of Mys
teries, and at the head of a stairway
large red letters proclaimed the way to
"the gret ferris Wheel." In a far corner,
the sign, "See the big cattle," still re
mains, and an unchallenged entrance
through the doorway disclosed the fact
that the big cattle still remained, one
chewing its cud in peaceful solitude, the
other stuffed and still. Further on,
against the side of the passage, was the
happy family -of polecat, dog, monkeys
and cat asleep in their cage. Anybody
wishing a happy famllycan probably ob
tain one cheap.
Sure sisrns of success" in eonkerv nn
seen wherever Dr. PriBs's Baking Pow-
uer is useu. ,. u . .
Miss Allen mid ihe World's Fnlv.
The mandamus proceedings of Miss
Maude Allen against the executive, com
mittee of the Oregon world's fair com
mission, was heard before Judge Shattuck
yesterday afternoon. Miss Allen acted
assistant superintendent of the woman's
department during the fair at Chicago,
holding her place by appointment by her
mother, Mrs. E. W. Allen, who was the
general superintendent of this department
for the state of Oregon. It is alleged that
tho commission provided for a payment
of not less than $3 per day for such ser
vice as was performed by Miss Allen,
but that a refusal to audit her claim in
a greater sum than $3 per day followed.
Miss Allen seeks to enforce payment of
the balance due, amounting to $1S3. The
counsel for the commission argued a de
murrer, contending that the rate.of pay
was discretionary with the commission
and that Miss Allen had been Informed
during her incumbency what her wages
would be. Judge Shattuck has the matter
under advisement.
An Oregon City Case in Conrt.
An effort was made in Judge Stearns
court yesterday partly to settle up a suit
of the Portland Clay Company vs. Ham
shaw & Benn, the American Bridge &
Contract Company and Oregon City. The
suit is an outcome of the paving of Main
street, in Oregon City. The Portland Clay
Company seeks to recover 55000 for bricks
furnished. Yesterday an effort was made
to have payment of $3677 due Oregon City
people allowed. This could not be agreed
upon, hojJner, as Hamshaw & Benn, who
paved the street, claim a balance due from
Oregon City of 58400, and counsel present
in court yesterday stated that Oregon
City, at this time, had only agreed to pay
In $?200. The case was continued until
Notwithstanding the extra preparations to meet
the anticipated rush of business we were unable to
serve the immense throng of people yesterday with
our usual promptness, and will spare no efforts to
avoid a repetition of the same
When convenient, do your shopping in the morn
Every Article in
Saturday, to give Hamshaw & Bena, and
the common council of Oregon. "City, op
portunity to arrange the difference be
tween them of 57200 and 5S400. The liti
gants present In court yesterday were not
willing to allow the 53S77 due the Oregon
City people taken out of 57200, as they
said it would not leave sufficient balance
for them to go Into court over, but they
would agree to the $3677 payment, provided
the council of Oregon City consents to
pay over 5S400, the sum Hamshaw & Benn
allege Is due.
We .have justrecelved from our mills
in Albany a Use of handsome designs in
pants goods, which we make to measure
for 53. Also new, nobby effects in black,
blue, gray and mixed cheviots. Suits to
order of these. 51S and 520. Our second
special sale since removing to our new
store, southwest corner Third and Oak
streets, has proved that the people ap
preciate our effort to give them good,
honest, reliable goods at reasonable prices.
We still offer men's all-wool suits, frocks
and single and double-breasted sacks, 20
and 22-ounce goods, IS neat patterns. In
cluding blue, black and gray cheviots, at
59 95 per suit. All sizes. We employ 147
hands, and make these goods from Ore
gon wool, and by so doing keep money in
the Northwest, Our all-wool clothing is
made from the celebrated Albany woolen
mills casslmere, cut on latest patterns,
and guaranteed in every particular. We
carry no shoddy or satinets. Our gar
ments (even the lowest priced ones) fit as
well as high-priced goods. Our lines of
seasonable clothing for men, boys and
children in imported fabrics have been
carefully selected, and we offer them at
reasonable prices. They comprise all the
newest effects and latest cuts. We send
samples of these as well as our own make
of goods with plain rules for self-measurement
free on application. Our chil
dren's clothing is acknowledged to be the
best to wear; they have no equal. Our
boys' suits are cut from 14 to 19 years.
Children's, 4 to 13 years. Children's knee
pants, heavy all-wool tweeds, 4 to 14
years, 51. Men's all-wool pants, from 52 50
upwards-. We are headquarters for mack
intoshes. J. M. Moyer & Co., Wholesale
and Retail Clothiers, 81 and 83 Third
street, corner Oak.
it Baby Is Cuttlnj? Teeth,
Be sure to use that old and well-tried remedy.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens thi
euros, allays all pais, cures wind collo and
To be free from sick headache, biliousness,
constipation, etc.. use Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimu
late the liver and free the stomach from bile.
Custom-hou3e statistics show the Im
portation of G. H. Mumm's EXTRA DRY
from January 1 to December 1, 1S94, to be
73,283 cases or 42,753 cases more than that
of any other bran.l
Those unhappy persons who suffer from
nervousness and dyspepsia should use
Carter's Little Nerve Pills, made express
ly for this class.
Have you tried "Blue Cross" Ceylon
tea yet? Your grocer has it.
When weak, wean and worn out.
Hcod's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine.
An exquisite personal attention, possi
ble only with such dainty neckwear as
we are offering. It includes every class
and style of tie prescribed by fashion for
the current season. We have an eye not
only for the season, but for the occasion,
too, and all occasions, social, business,
and otherwise, are met in our display.
We furnish everything in furnishings,
with equal completeness and fashion
ableness, presenting the latest ideas in
ohirts, collars, cuffs, underwear, gloves,
hose, handkerchiefs, etc. Come and see
our top styles and qualities at bottom
, - NO. 165 THIRD ST
"Wntches, DInmonds, Jfrrelry,
SllveriTare, Noveltlen. Prices
to mult the time. "iTO Morrl-
o& St.. Bet. Third and Fourth
Graduate Philadelphia Dental College.
Vitalized air for painless extracting.
Teeth filled and made at lowest rates. Crown
and bridge work. Teeth extracted positively
without pain. All work warranted.
124 Third St., opposite The Dekum. Flno
watches or every description and make
sold and repaired at reasonable prices.
Watches cleaned, $1. Work warranted.
ized air fcr painless extracting; teeth made at
lowest rates; filllns and extracting by a new
process, painless. CHAS. T. PREHN, Deatlat.
IB Hamilton bids.. No. 1S1 2d L
and car. No. 109 Hint t
the House Reduced
Saturday, Jan. 5, '9S
Our Purpose
To make room for our spring goods; to turn into cash.
goods -which if unsold within the next 30 days wil
have to be carried over till next fall. To gain these
ends, we will make
Suxeepitig Redactions
Not an article in our house (with, the exception of contrac
goods) but -what will be reduced. Our FORMERSA.LES
assures tha legitimacy of this ONE.
L Ujj
Indigo Blue Calico
Outing Flannels
Extra Good Quality
French Flannel
Best Quality,
Linens, Muslin, Sheetings, Flannels and Blankets All at Im
mense Reductions.
m Any Si or Overcoat
This Sale Is for el "Very Stiori;
Time Only.
193-193 Third
1 i i i i i 1 i i
' lltiliilillllra
ing ana scrubbing GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER has ;
never been equaled. Its wonderful success has led many man
ufacturers to try and imitate it. Get only the genuine, which
does better work, does it easier and cheaper than any other.
Made only by
St.Loufs, Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia.
HATTFRS&r.i nnm
Silks Suitable Fot
Ladies' Waists
! Odd Lot of Ladies
: Fine Kid Gloves
Regular $1.50 and $1.75
Ladies Fleece-Lined
Ribbed Vests and
Street, Corner Taylor.
See that the twins,
are on each
For cleaning
floors, windows, glass
ware, dishes, pots, kettles, ,
for all kinds of cleaning, scour-
1 1