Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 08, 1895, Image 1

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vol.. xm-o 11,002.
Kever rust, nor tarnish; nritfeer affected by heat or
acids, and never impart a burnt taste to food.
1al I Mens Winter Footwear f f
SALE 248 Washington St. See Show "Window ' SALE
Monday we offer Laird, Schober & Mitchell Ladies' $6.00 French
Kid Waukenfast, Button, Hand-Sewed, for $2.85. They will not
last long at this price.
We have also picked out a lot of Ladies' Shoes, sizes 2K and
3 only, for 99 cents some of them worth $3.50.
ynz -
A. 'm
Of V en s Shoes is now on. Soo
prices bo littol save
money and bo happy.
LT'rnTrn" iTrtgiKr !-
Free Shine or Grease Coupons with $3.00
Shori and up. 270 Washington St.. between
Tk.rd und Fourth.
Age-its to sell our new book. DICTIONARY
J. tYanklin Jameson. Xeedl by every' teacher,
j ji 1 and famil . inaond by press and public
Agents wiling rtfty books per week. Successful
agents mil be made ireneral agents. BIG PAY.
Winter term opens Jaunary 7, at 9 A. II.
Advanced work In Chemistry, English,
lTrench, Latin and Drawing-.
For catalogue, address
191 Eleventh street.
For Sale by Sutton & Beebe
ilHil & PHKlRiri'S SRUCE
II2.S been the favorite throughout the world for
o er flftv ears.
A new collar.
SL k&EZej
' i iri in m
got Infants and Children.
'CASTORIA la co well adapted to children CASTORIA cures Colic. Constipation,
that 1 reeemraead It as superior to any pre- Four Stomach. Diarrhoea. Eructation.
cr ition Raewa to me." i Kills worms, elves sleep, and promotes dice-
1L A. ARCHER. M. IX. Uon.
Ill Sa. Oxford SL. Brooklyn. . l.
Tie use f CASTORIA Is so universal and
13 merits so veil known that tt seems a work
cf supererKattoa te ladorse It. Few are tha
1 itc iiicBt SaaafUeei who do not keep Castorla
vltain easy roach."
New Yerk City.
Ite Pastor Bleemiasdale Rvraed Church.
ibout tb Us aijd SIetior; of Spetaels
"Persons havlns normal vision Trill be abls
to read this print at a distance of 14 Inches
from the eyes with ease and comfort: also will
be able to read It with each eye separately. If
unable to do so your eyes are defective, and
bhould have Immediate attention. When the
eyes become tired from reading or sewing, or
It the letters look blurred and run together, it
Is a sure Indication that glasses are needed.
The lenses sold in the cheap goods are of un
equal density and have Imperfectly formed sur
faces. Continued use of these poorer lenses
will result In a positive Injury from the con
stant strain upon the muscles of accommoda
tion to supply the defects in the class."
Oculist Opticians
Oregon ian Building1
Territory allotted. Correspondence solicited.
Catalogues mailed free. Only piano and organ
factory having house on the Pacific coast.
W. Itf. KlUBRJiU St CO.
Maimtactuttira ' ""'
Chicago, 111.. Portland, Or.
24S-"5:i WaliaNh A v. 3B Morrison St.
UliQlesalB Bulchsrs snd Pacteis
Shield Brand of Hams, Bacon
Strictly Pure. Kettle-Ken-dcred
To keep young-, keop well;
xOtlQQlceop tho neres calm, the
' blood ruddy, and tha system
gf well fed by using- Poine's
Celery Compound. Tho only
jr preparation of tho kind that
we recommend.
1st and Alder Streets.
Has no superior.
IT'S a j
FcrSsl. M.lesile :d Ettui, Ij
Seaff, tan & Co., 229 Yamhill St.
,wat;s ready relief for pain.
sesi ana cneapest medicine in the world.
I Without Injurious medication.
"For several years I hare recommended
your "CASTORIA and shall always continue
to do se. as It has invariably produced bea
ericlai results."
"The Wlntarop." 12th Street and 7th Ave..
New York City.
Pending Carlisle - Currency
Has Been Indorsed.
The Action of the Caucus Not Binding-,
However, and Member May
Vote as They Sec Fit.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. By a vote of
SI to 59, the democratic house caucus
today indorsed the Carlisle substi
tute currency bill now before the house.
Speaker Crisp took the lead in presenting
the resolution, and vigorously urged the
necessity of its adoption. The commit
tee on rules was instructed to bring in
a rule tomororw tS close the debate. Ef
forts to amend Mr. Crisp's resolution were
voted down, one of the adverse votes
showing only 13 members of the caucus
favorable to an issue of bonds to retire
the greenbacks. The result of the caucus
Is accepted with considerable apprehen
sion by friends of the bill, notwithstand
ing the passage of the resolution of in
dorsement. The SI votes which the meas
ure commanded in caucus is far short
of the number necessary to pass it in the
house. It is the belief, however, that
many of the 59 votes recorded against the
resolution will be changed, now that the
Carlisle bill has the prestige of the caucus
indorsement. But there were several
prominent leaders who asserted at the
close of the caucus that the vote showed
conclusively that the bill could not pass.
The caucus was called together at 2
o'clock, with Mr. Holman in the chair.
All of the party leaders of the house, in
cluding Speaker Crisp, Catchings, Outh
waite. Springer, "Wilson, Tracy and Bland,
and the democratic members of the bank
ing and currency committee, were on
hand. Cockran stated early in the day
that if the caucus was to be binding he
would not enter it, and it was understood
that others would pursue the same course.
Assurances were given that the caucus
would be advisorj' rather than binding,
and Cockran and his associates concluded
to attend. The issue of the caucus was
presented by the following resolution, pre
pared by Springer and introduced by
Speaker Crisp:
"Resolved, That it is the sense of this
caucus that the Carlisle currency bill
should be passed by the house of repre
sentatives substantially as presented in
the substitute, which has been printed in
the Record, and which will be offered at
the proper time by the chairman of
banking and currency, and that the com
mittee on rules be requested to report an
order tomorrow, after the reading of the
journal, which shall provide for its con
sideration one more- day in general debate
and thereafter under the flve-mlnute rule,
and for a final vote thereon at the near
est time practicable during the week."
Livingston, of Georgia, started the
caucus at a lively rate by moving that
all who were in attendance should be
bound by the action of the caucus. From
varipus parts-of the halLcame cries-of
"point of order," and for a time there
was considerable confusion. Chairman
Holman finally sustained the point of
order. He said:
"For CO years it has been the unbroken
rule In the house of representatives to
consider the action of a caucus as ad
visory and not as binding. It leaves mem
bers entirely free to act according to their
own judgment."
It was agreed that all speeches should
be limited to five minutes, and Crisp then
spoke in support of the resolution he had
offered. He spoke of the profound im
portance of the situation in which the
majority of the house found itself. It
called for conservative and careful ac
tion and a united party. The resolution
was designed to test the sentiment of the
caucus on the vital .point involved,
whether the currency bill now before the
house should pass or not. Bland followed
in opposition to the resolution, saying:
"We have now reached the point when
the democratic party, for the first time
In its history, is asked to become the ad
vocate of national banks."
He then urged his specific objections to
the bill, being frequently interrupted by
calls of "Vote, vote." Springer then spoke
in support of the resolution. He spoke
mainly of the importance of a caucus in
securing the adhesion of members. While
caucus action was not binding. It was
nevertheless regarded as very persuasive
on the judgment of members when party
action was involved. He continued:
"The present emergency must be met
by the democratic party as a whole. The
responsibility is on the party, and the
people will hold the party accountable for
Its action. In such an emergency caucus
action has been very effective In bringing
members o the party together and over
coming minor objections."
Springer's time was extended to 10 min
utes, in view of his being in charge of the
bill. There was a lively interchange of
questions and answers between Cockran
and Springer before the latter closed.
Cockran asked if Springer did not regard
the currency situation as an economic
rather than a party question, a question
which never should be submitted to party
caucus action. Springer replied that the
question was both a party and an econom
ic question, but in the present case the
party would be held responsible for the
execution of economic principles. There
was much confusion as the cross-fire be
tween the two gentlemen proceeded, and
Chairman Holman tried vainly to preserve
order and quiet.
Brief speeches were made by Cox of Ten
nessee. Coombs of New York, Bailey of
Texas, Swansea of New York, Bailey of
Wyoming, McRae of Arkansas, Washing
ton of Tennessee, Bryan of Nebraska, and
Sperry of Connecticut. They showed a very
wide divergence of individual views. Sper
ry closed his remarks by offering an
amendment to the pending resolution, by
which the Sperry bill for an issue of bonds
to refund the greenbacks was to be sub
stituted as the one on which the caucus
was to express its approval. Johnson of
Ohio, a member of the banking and cur
rency committee, followed in opposition to
the resolution. Berry of Arkansas also
submitted an amendmesit proposing as
the sense of the caucus a bill authorizing
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
RHVkl B&Ri
S m iro
each state to buy silver bullion to the
amount of $1 for 'each inhabitant, and
send the same to Uie-TJnlted States treas
ury, to be coined and returned to the sev
eral states. This closed the speech-making
and th admission of amendments,
and voting began.
The Berry amendment was voted on
first, and was defeated 54 to W. The
Sperry amendment 'was also defeated 13
to 70. The last vote was regarded as sig
nificant as showing the limited strength
of the plan to issue bonds to retire green
backs. The 13 voting lor the amendment
Sperry and Be Forrest of Connecticut,
Harter and Pearson of Ohio, Strauss,
Coombs, Lockwood, Tracey and Hen
dricks of New York, Brickner and Wells
of Wisconsin. Fielder of New Jersey, and
McAleer of Pennsylvania.
The question then recurred on the orig
inal resolution to indorse the Carlisle sub
stitute bill. It was decided to divide the
resolution, so as to have separate votes
on the Indorsement of the bill and on the
instructions to the committee on rules.
The first part. Indorsing the bill, was car
ried by a vote of SI to 59. The second part,
directing the rules committee to bring In
a rule tomorrow, was adopted without di
vision, and the caucus adjourned.
Those interested in the bill expressed
satisfaction in the result, as it gave the
prestige of caucus indorsement to the Car
lisle bill.
Indictments Will Stand nnd Applica
tion for Habeas Corpus Denied.
CHICAGO, Jan. 7.-Judge Grosscup this
morning announced that he would render
his decision In the proceedings to quash
the indictments for conspiracy against
ueDS ana oiners tomorrow axiernoon. ne
indicated that he would deny the motion
to quash, and told th counsel to be ready
to go to trial. The several motions for sep
arate trials were all denied.
After the adjournment today of the
court of appeals. Judge Woods, sitting as
a circuit judge, informed the attorneys
for Debs and others and for the govern
ment, that he wouia overrule tne applica
tion for a writ of habeas corpus, as he
could not review his own decision, and
would allow the appeal direct to the su
preme court. Judge Woods added that he
was not disposed to enforce the imprison
ment of the defendants, but would re
mand them to the cusEody of the marshal,
when the stay of execution expired tomor
row, and that the ofllcer would undoubt
edly use his own discretion.
No Change in llottle-Blowers' Wnsres.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. ".No change
will be made in the wage scale of the
green-glass bottle-blowers until next sum
mer, at least. So decided the executive
board of the Glass Bottle-Blowers As
sociation of the United States and Can
ada at the first meeting of a four days
session held here t6day. The decision af
fects 3000 men, who are members of the
association, which Is an Independent or
ganization from the two other glass blow
ers' unions. At today's session the board
organized and filed appeals and grievances
from local unions, which will be up for
discussion later.
Aiipleman'u Case Drasrsingr.
WOODLAND, Cal., Jan. 7. There was
nothing new in the Appleman case today.
The evidence will all be in tomorrow. The
case will probablyigo'othejuriratur
diation committee, appeared in court to
day to have the time for their trial set.
The defendants consenting, it was set for
February 4, at 1:30 P. M.
Ajrain Worlsinjr at Homestead.
PITTSBURG, Jan. 7. The 119-inch mill
at the Homestead works is working today
and the strike at that place is broken.
All the furnaces at the Edgar Thompson
works, at Braddock, are also working,
and the steel mill will resume tomorrow.
An Allescd Counterfeiter Caught in
CARTHAGE, Mo., Jan. 7. Woolford
Reed, who was under a $5000 bond in
Porland, Or., charged with counterfeiting
gold coin, and who disappeared from that
city some time ago, was arrested here
today. He will be taken back to Port
land. (United States Marshal Grady, when
shown the above dispatch last night,
stated that he had already received word
of Reed's arrest, but despaired of being
able to bring him back to Portland, as
he had been apprehended by the Missouri
authorities on a similar charge to the one
against him here, and they intended to
keep him there, if possible. Reed was ar
rested at Oregon City about two months
ago, with nearly GO0 worth of very cleverly-made
"gold" coin in his possession.
He had jqst made the counterfeits, and
was preparing to "shove" them. He was
brought to this city, and, waiving exam
ination, was released on $5000 bonds, pro
duced by a brother living near Roseburg
and a friend in the same locality. When
wanted he did not appear, and a bench
warrant was issued for his arrest. Reed
is a rough, uncouth-looking fellow, and
might pass anywhere for a farmer or a
woodman: but he is said to be a skill
ful counterfeiter.)
Suicide of n Prominent West Vir
ginia Democrat.
CHARLESTON, W. Va., Jan. 7. James
A. Williamson, ex-sheriff of Barbour
county, committed suicide yesterday at
his home near Philippi. After his first
term as sheriff, in the 'SOs, he served as
deputy sheriff until 1S92. Then he was re
elected and sworn In. His bondsmen gave
him up at the end of three months and
he was unable to procure new sureties.
Investigation showed that he was short
in his accounts, and the state had Insti
tuted suit against him for 20,000. His
property was to have been sold today,
but, owing to the suicide, the sale has
been postponed a week. Williamson was
one of the most prominent democrats in
the state.
A Hospital's Strong Box Stolen.
OMAHA, Neb.. Jan. S. The strong box
of St. Joseph's hospital, containing over
J6C0 in checks and cash, was stolen yes
terday. It is alleged that the employes
of a " gas company, who examined the
meters, are suspected and that the police
expect to capture thern
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report
Attorney-General Hart Says There
Can Be No Contest.
There Are Rnmors That the Repub
lican leaders Are Determined to
Prevent Mudd's Inauguration.
SACRAMENTO, Jan. 7. Attorney-General
Hart has given an opinion that there
can be no gubernatorial contest before
the present legislature, because the law
which provides for the contest is uncon
stitutional In conferring on the legislature
judicial powers. He says Budd must be
sworn in as governor. It is stated, how
ever, that the republicans are going to
press the gubernatorial contest in the
legislature. This morning the members
of the contest committee of the state
central committee arrived and com
menced to work among the legislators.
The democrats are arranging to have
Mr. Budd sworn in tomorrow at a joint
session of both houses. Before the two
houses join, however, they will hold sep
arate sessions, and then the first gun of
the contest will be fired In the shape of a
concurrent resolution to be introduced
in the assembly by Timothy Guy Phelps,
and in the senate by Ell Dennlson. It
will recite the charges of fraud in con
nection with the late election and ask
for the immediate appointment of a joint
nonpartisan committee of five from each
house, whose duty it will be to Investi
gate the charges of fraud and re
port as soon as possible with recom
mendations as to the best method to
be pursued in having a recount of the
votes for governor, so that the will of the
people will not be defeated. The resolu
tion will also provide for the postponing
of the inauguration of the governor until
after the report of the committee.
Two Clnslien in San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7. The newly
elected officials of the city took possession
of their offices today. In only two in
tances was there any clash. County Clerk
Haley and Surveyor Fitzhugh refused to
recognize Clerk-elect Curry and Surveyor
Tllton. Haley contends that Curry was
elected by fraud, and Fitzhugh says that
Tilton spent $4000 to secure his election
and thus violated the purity of elections
law. Haley entrenched himself in his of
fice and Curry has established his head
quarters in a cigar store across the street.
The superior judges held a meeting to
see which clerk they should recognize,
but came to no general understanding.
All, except Judges Bahrs and Murphy,
decided to recognize Haley until the ques
tion was settled. Bahrs recognized Curry
and Judge Murphy could not make up his
mind. Judge Bahrs has ordered Curry to
impanel a jury, but he cannot do it until
he secures the box used for that purpose,
which is in Haley's possession. There is
a probability that Haley will be cited for
contempt of court if he refuses to give
.unthebox. In thecpntesL for JLhe .surv
veybrship things were a Iittlemore""war- I
like. Surveyor-elect Tllton forced his- way
into Fitzhugh's office and after the two
had squabbled for several hours, Tllton
put Fitzhugh out and is now in trium
phant possession of the office. Fitzhugh
says that he can prove that Tilton vio
lated the law and therefore is disqualified.
In the recount for county clerk, Curry
gained 19 votes today.
All in but the Sheriff.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 7. The newly
elected county officers, with one exception,
were formally Inducted into office today
at noon. The exception was the office of
sheriff, which is still held by' J. C. Cline.
Cline refused to vacate until it had been
demonstrated to his satisfaction that
Sheriff-elect John Burr is entitled to the
office according to law. The hitch is not
caused by the question of the legality of
his telephonic oath of office, but from the
fact that Burr failed to qualify within the
time prescribed by law. The supervisors
will decide the question tomorrow.
Richards Now Governor of Wyoming.
CHEYENNE, WYO., Jan. 7. Governor
elect Richards was inaugurated at noon
today, with imposing ceremonies. The
Eighth and Seventeenth United States
infantry and state militia and civil so
cieties participated. Retiring Governor
Osborne, in welcoming his successor,
made an eloquent speech, predicting a
prosperous and successful administration.
The ceremonies closed with an inaugru-
-al ball.
Xo Ceremony at Boise.
BOISE, Jan. 7. The new state officers
were sworn in just before noon today,
without ceremony.
State Legislaturex Which. Began
Their Sessions Yesterday.
SACRAMENTO, Jan. 7. The legislature
met In regular session today. The senate
was called to order by Lieutenant-Governor
Reddick, and the oath of office ad
ministered to the new members, after
which an adjournment till tomorrow was
taken. The house organized by electing
John C. Lynch, of San Francisco, speak
er. No mention was made in the senate
of Mr. Millard's absence. After the ad
journment Lieutenant-Governor Reddick
"I shall hold over until Mr. Millard
come3 from Los Angeles and is quali
fied by taking the oath before the houses
of the legislature in joint session. That is
the law."
"But suppose Mr. Millard should take
the oath in Los Angeles?"
"Can he do it? The statutes provide
that he must appear and take the oath
before both houses of the legislature."
Senator Bert, of San Francisco, ex
pressed himself most clearly. He said
Millard would take the oath of office in
Los Angeles. The constitution provides
that the lieutenant-governor should hold
office until his successor was elected, and
qualified. He held that the provision in
the statute that he should qualify by
taking the oath before the two houses
of the legislature was nugatory and un
constitutional. The claim of Lieutenant
Governor Reddick, therefore, is just as
absurd, he added, as the proposition would
be that in the case of the death of
Millard, Reddick would hold office until
his successor is elected and qualified that
is, for two years more.
An Organization in Montana.
HELENA, Mont, Jan. 7. The fourth
legislative assembly met at noon today.
The republicans have a majority In both
houses, and named all the officers. Sena
tor Folsom was elected president pro tern.,
and W. H. Sweet speaker of the house.
The governor's message will be read to
morrow. Balloting for United States sena
tor will begin a week from tomorrow.
The Republican Seated.
SANTA FE, :N. M., Jan. 7. The upper
branch of the legislative assembly seated
J. A. Ancheta, rep., In place of G. W.
Miles, dem.. making the council seven
democrats to five republicans. Governor
Thornton sent in nominations for solicitor
general and seven district attorneys, all of
whom have been confirmed.
The Xortli Dakota Organization.
BISMARCK, N. D.. Jan. 7. Both houses
of the legislature were organized by the
republicans today, the democrats and pop
ulists cutting no figure In the contest.
Idaho Republicans in Control.
BOISE, Jan. 7. Exactly at noon the leg
islature met and organized by the election
of the republican caucus nominees.
In Minnesota It May Be Neither Wash
burn Xur Nelson.
ST. PAUL. Jan. 7. All but three or four
members of the two houses are now here,
and 120 members have stated for whom
they intend to vote for senator. Fifty
two have declared for Washburn and 47
for Nelson. The others are for McCleary
and Comstock as a rule, although about a
dozen are noncommittal. The Impression
is growing that neither Washburn or Nel
son can secure the 72 votes necessary to
carry the caucus, and it will be necessary
to name a new man. A good many mem
bers are tonight commenting favorably
upon the record of Gideon S. Ives, of St.
Peter, who was four years lieutenant-governor,
and who is not identified with either
of the factions. Representatives Tawney
of Winona and Otis D. Kinney of Duluth
are also favorably spoken of. Late to
night it is said Governor Nelson's friends
are trying to prevent the holding of any
caucus, which would throw the contest
directly into the joint legislative body.
Wurren and Clark.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 7. J. C. Davis
and J. L. Torrey, prominent candidates
for the Wyoming senatorship, withdrew
from the contest today, making the elec
tion of ex-Senator F. E. Warren and ex
Congressman C. D. Clark almost assured.
Solid Caucus for Pettigreiv.
PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 7. In the republi
can caucus today. Senator Pettigrew was
unanimously selected to succeed himself
as United States senator. The vote was
91 solid. '
Harris Is Renominated.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 7. The demo
cratic caucus today renominated United
States Senator Harris, State Treasurer
Craig and Comptroller Harris.
Power and Carter.
HELENA, Mont., Jan. 7. The leading
candidates for the senatorship are T. H.
Carter and Senator Power. Balloting will
begin a week from tomorrow.
Election Returns Tampered With.
SALT LAKE, Jan. 7. Today sensational
evidence was given in the mandamus elec
tion case against the Utah commission.
The petitioners for the writ prohibiting
the commission from counting the ballots
to settle discrepancies in the returns seek
to show that the returns have been tam
pered -with since they were received by the
commission. Several judges of election
testified that names had been added to the
poll lists since they were left In their
hands. Today Judge Tatlock, one of the
republicans members of the commission,
testified that he believed names had been
added and alterations made in the poll
lists by the democratic clerk of the com
mission, alleging the handwriting in the
listwas, ln-tdspjtfbr&at of the clerk.
Goff "Now a. Judge-
NEW YORK, Jan. 7. John William
Goff, the new recorder, took his seat
today on the bench as the presiding judge
of the court of general sessions for the
city and county of New York. A vast
multitude thronged the corridors and gal
leries of the building. Before Mr. Goff en
tered the judge's desk was protusely deco
rated with flowers. The new recorder was
introduced by Judge Coviing and his re
marks were greeted with prolonged ap
plause. He charged the grand jury with
the duty of investigating charges or op
pression and persecution against public
To Meet nt Topckn Today.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 7. Tomorrow at
noon the legislature of Kansas will con
vene and continue in sesion 50 days. At
the caucus held today the speakership
contest was settled by the unanimous
election of C. E. Lobdell. Great interest
centers in the senatorial contest, height
ened by the work of the Ingalls element,
which desires that he be returned to
An Old Man Challenged the Pastor
to a Duel.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 7. A row in the
Carondalet Baptist church has been made
sensational by the statement of Dr. Caleb
S. Purket, one of the trustees, that he
challenged the Rev. Dr. W. W. Boyd, of
the Second Baptist church, to fight a duel
with pistols for browbeating him and
cross-examining him before the executive
committee of the Baptist board of missions.
Dr. Boyd was formerly a leading pastor
of Newark. N. J., and was noted for his
sensationalism. Dr. Purket, who is 72
years of age, a charter member of the
church and a trustee of the property, ap
peared before the executive committee
with a protest signed by 42 members of
the church, remonstrating against the
action of the other members, who had
decided to transfer the property to the
mission board and organize a new church,
which would not admit to membership
some. Dr. Boyd admits Purket did actual
ly threaten him with a challenge.
General Cassins Clay's Young Wife
to lie Educated.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Jan. 7. Casslus Mar
cellus Clay, the "Old Lion of Whitehall,"
is carrying out his plan of educating his
young wife to fit her for her new station
in life. A few days ago he engaged a
governess, Miss Josie Martin, of Munford
ville, who has gone to Whitehall to give
Mrs. Clay lessons in deportment, muscle
and the ordinary branches of learning.
Mrs. Clay is only 15 years old, and has
little more than the rudiments of an edu
cation. She has had absolutely no expe
rience In society, and is as ignorant of
the graces of dress and deportment as of
mathematics or the sciences. Miss Mar
tin is expected to make a finished lady of
"Wanted In Boston for Embezzlement.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 7. On a telegram
from Boston the police arrested a man
registered at a hotel here as Henry J.
Leonard. He is said to be Henry B.
Spaulding, who embezzled $15,000 last
spring from a Boston mercantile house.
He Inhaled Gas.
BROOKLYN. Jan. 7. Thomas R. Dev
erell, one of the best-known bandmasters
in the country, committed suicide tonight
in a cheap lodging-house, by inhaling
gas. He was 67 years of age.
Booth Drew Better Than Sullivan.
VANCOUVER, B. C. Jan. 7. General
Booth addressed three packed meetings in
the opera-house yesterday. He drew a
bigger audience than even John L. Sullivan.
People in Pennsylvania, Virginia
and Ohio Alarmed.
At Pittsburg. Wheeling and. Cincin
nati and. Nenr-By River Points
the Water Is Rising Rapidly.
PITTSBURG. Jan. 7. River men are
thoroughly alarmed over the probablllty
of a big Hood at this point. The Monon
gahela came out with a rush this morn
ing, and, with the breaking of the ice in
the upper pools, the damage to the boats
began. Immense coal fleets were threat
ened with destruction. The Allegheny i3
full of ice, and is running like a torrent.
A great ampunt of wreckage is coming
down. Indicating damage at points above.
River men said today that they expected
a stage of SO feet with a prospect of going
still higher. In the great flood of 1SSI
the Allegheny rose to 33 feet, and great
damage was done.
There was great excitement along the
Monongahela wharf today. The channel
was full of Ice and snow and the current
was very swift. The docks at McKees
port and the boat bottoms tied up along
the river gave way early this morning and
went rushing down the river. The ferry
boat Sinclair broke away and floated
down stream, but was caught in the
harbor and towed safely to shore. The
report of 25 feet of water at lock No. 4.
and 25 feet at Morgantown caused a gen
eral panic .among the coal operators, and
most of the clerks and employes were
ordered out and stationed along the river
to look after the craft and make reports.
There were several millions of bushels
of coal on the flatboats in the harbor
here, and an effort was made to keep the
fleets from being wrecked. Several coal
barges, a house-boat and a swinging f erry
boat broke from their moorings and went
down with the current.
The most serious damage along the Al
legheny will be done to the government
work at Harris island, where the new
dam is now in course of construction. The
water is now over the cofferdam, and it
is likely all the work will be destroyed.
The residents of Etna and Sharpsburg are
alarmed. The low ground in both towns
is submerged, and the water is rising.
The railroads, both east and west, are
being troubled by the high water, although
no serious damage has been done yet. At
McDonald, on the Panhandle, the Union
News Company's stand was washed away
this morning. The building was built on
piles along the river bank, and when. the
ice broke the piles were knocked out from
under it and the building floated down
the stream. A landslide occurred at
Connellsville which completely inter
rupted traffic for several hours.
Forecaster Stewart, of the local signal
service, does not think the stage in the
Allegheny will exceed 23 feet. He says
the only danger now of a flood is to be
apprehend edfrom the Monongahela river.
PITTSBURG, Jan. S. The latest newa
is encouraglngr and indicates-ithathe
flood has done its worst, so"'far as Pilfsr
burg and points abeve on both rivers are
M'KEESPORT, Pa., Jan. S. At mid
night the water is up en Market street,
and all families living along Water street
have moved out.
BEAVER, Pa., Jan. 7. Reports tonight
say that the cofferdam at the new gov
ernment dam below Van Port, has been
swept away with a considerable monoy
damage and the loss of one life.
At the Mercy of the "Waters.
UNIONTOWN, Pa., Jan. 7. The flood
Is sweeping things along the river at a
lively rate tonight, and the situation is
really alarming. Yowlersville, a suburb
of New Haven, Is submerged; two-thirds
of the citizens have already moved out,
and. If the water rises much higher,
their homes will be swept away. Reports
from Dawson, DIckerson's run, Bannings
and other towns down the river show
that they are all at the mercy of the
waters, and great damage is being done.
Still Rising at Wheeling.
WHEELING, W. Va., Jan. 7. The rivers
are still rising, and considerable damage
has already been done. On the Cleveland,
Loraine & Wheeling road, one of the
bridges was washed away at Bruce, and
one at Wheeling creek mines. There have
bean no trains north today, and the train
due at Bridgeport at 10:50 P. M., has been
abandoned at Ulrichsville. The Pan
handle, Baltimore & Ohio and Ohio River
train3 are all right so far.
Forty-Six Hours of Rain.
PARKERSBURG, W. Va., Jan. 7. Rain
has fallen here steadily for 46 hours and
the river is rapidly rising. At Grantsvllle,
up the Kanawha river, the water is 23
feet, and rising. Timbermen predict im
mense damage. The steamer Oneida, a.
river packet, was sunk here at midnight.
The ice knocked a hole in her, and she
will be a total loss.
Rose About Fourteen Keet in
Twenty-four Hours.
CINCINNATI, Ohio. Jan. 7. The river
continues to rise, and at midnight stood
at 21 feet 5 inches. This is a rise cf
about 14 feet in the last 24 hours. The
rain ceased early today, having been a
record-breaker. For the 24 hours ending
at 11 o'clock, the total fall was 3.57 inches.
The reports are against the supposition
that a flood will result, although, in the
low lands, considerable damage has been
done. No great damage has been done
in the Immediate vicinity of Cincinnati.
Several bridges and levees have given
way, but the total loss is less than $25,000.
At Portsmouth a boom of 150 logs broke
and will be a total loss. The worst re
ports come from the Little Kanawha.
The steamer Oneida, which capsized here
Sunday, was righted, but went to the
bottom later, as did the Matamoras, lying
at Newport, W. Va. For a time, logs were
coming out of the Kanawha river at the
rate of 100 a minute. The railroad com
panies are being inconvenienced in that
section, but have lost no track or bridges.
In Southern Indiana.
. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jau. 7. Advices
from southern Indiana to the- News re
port disastrous floods, resulting from tho
heavy rains.
A Serious Accident.
Mr. Joseph Holladay last night met with
an accident which possibly may be at
tended with serious consequences. For
a number of years Mr. Holladay has suf
fered from a kidney ailment. Last night,
while operating upon himself, the instru
ment broke, leaving a portion in his body,
causing most excruciating pain. Dr. Befl,
his attending physician, was speedily sum
attending physician, was speedily sum
moned, and rendered such assistance as
he could, but the result of the accident
can 'hardly be determined before today.