iyWi e g vol. xhi-:nx 11,001. PORTLA3TD, OKEGCXST 3I03STDAT . JATTAKY 7. 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS it frtilMi rt iC &&JSZZZ5L I JM BILLIARQ FURNITURE ID FIXTURES ROTHCHILD BROS. -PORMBRL.Y- The A. P. Hotaling; Co. MHOL-ESTCI-B LIQUOR DEKLERS SO, 22, 24 and 20 First St., F1?;tSte.cfliSH HaDWfij?E co. JLTFy s5SF 1) ' TELEPHONES Teleqrapfo Irjetnimepts FOOT-POWER MACHINERY Write for Our Catalogue. THEYRNGOUVER fo GREJMERY JO KSK YOUR CROCBR FOR IT EVERY SQUARE IS FULL WEIGHT & STAMPED Dffee: mO. C01UHB1A BWUMSfl, VANCOUVER, WASH. Try Our Fine CHEESE GARDEN GRASS FIELD FLOWER SEEDS LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ON THE COAST Of our Home-Grown Seed I sell larce quantities every year to Eastern Houses. "Write for Catalogue. E. J. BOWEN, 6ERTTLE, 3&THSH. Seasonable Qifts MucUlntoshes, Linen XaiiUinti and Tovrels, LACECHENILLE CURTAINS Can be bought this month bolow sniHOi-rasKL-B cost FKOM- HONEYM AN & McBRIDE Importers, 228 Asb Street Bet. 1st and 2d. ' JSS vr " J 'TVJi.yJM1 1 LIBRARY, ASSOCIATION EUrk Street, lit Strati ui TuX. BalRnlno With the Year 1894, the Prlc of Mem bership Will Bo $S rEKTUE.icitft4tr$. u kcrttorert.. .... 20.000 VOLUMES, lncludlnr. works of Fic tion. Humor. Travel, Biography, History. Philosophy, Kellcion, Sociology. Languacb and literature. Science. Uceful Aru and Fine Arts. Philip Co'dsmith Sol Opptnlirfmcr rcrtlicd. Or. Btrlitold Goldsmith Sen Ktula;tta, T. GOLDSMITH & LOEWENBERG MANUFACTURERS OF Tin and Sheet-Iron l&fork AGENTS FOR Taylor's "Old-Stsle" Hoofing Plates. PORTLAND ACADEMY Winter term opens Jaunary 7, at 9 A. M. Advanced work in Chemistry, English, Frenoh. Latin and Drawing. For catalogue, address PORTLAND ACADEMY. 131 Eleventh street. E. C. GODDARD & CO. BARGAIN SALE OF SHOES. Monday we offer Laird, Schober & Mitchell Ladies' $6.00 French Kid Waukenfast, Button, Hand-Sewed, for $2.85. They will not last long at this price. We have also picked out a lot of Ladies' Shoes, sizes 2K and 3 only, for 99 cents some of them worth $3.50. 129 SIXTH STREET, - - t SCHMIDT & COS "SARSAPARILLA IRON" STOCKTON. Cm-HORNI3k DR. RUSSELL'S "PEPSIN CALISAYA BITTERS" W. J. VAJi SCHU YVES & CO., SOLE AGENTS, -Scs. 105 and 107 Second St.. Corner Bumside Portland Oregon. Ipreawery ' IS DELICIOUS IXZiW r.iiwi KJ Trade Mark Registered BEAIDS: OE1S. USBURSEE sirsico, reeaicE de bus PORTLAND, OR. SKN FRKNClSCa CKL PIANOS MD ORGANS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Territory allotted. Correspondence solic ited. Catalogues mailed tree. Only piano and organ factory having houso on the P a cifio coast. W. W. KWLL CO., BANUFAGTURER3 Ch I en pro, III., 2-KJ-253 Wabash At, Portland, Or. !KK MorriRou St. Cor. Seventh. IJpflOJi PERT CO. WMesale Botchers and Packers OF THE Of iacoi! AND Strictly Pure, Eottlo-Eon-dered Lard. FOURTH cCGUSAN STREETS I id kboji juuns, K.eep -wen; j I xOCinCtlceep tho nerves calm, the J afc 70 wed fed by using Paino'a Cclerv Compound. Tho only preparation of the kind that we recommend. WOODAHD, CLARKE & CO., 1st nnl Alder Streets. STEEL RKIL-S IN LOTS TO STJIX For Sale by Sutton & Beebs 16 FRONT ST.. NORTH "CHICKASAW" E. A new collar. &. W. "CHICKASAW." OREGONIAN BUILDING GKUTIOM Ibout tb Use, aijd Ssjleqtior; of Spetaols "Persons having normal vision trill be abla to read this print at a distance of H lnchos from the eyes with case and comfort; also will be able to read it with each eye separately. If unable to do so your ejes are defective, and should hae immediate attention. When tho eyes oeooaio iirea irozi rescind or sewing, or if the letters look blurred and run together. It is a sure Indication that glasses are need'ed. The lenses sold in the cheap roods are of un equal density and have imperfectly formed sur faces. Continued us-e of these poorer lenses will result in a positive injury from the con stant strain upon the muscles of accommoda tion to supply the defects in the glass." HEED St WRUCOliU . Oculist Optioians Oresjonian Building Portland, Orecon' WROTE OPT HIS REPLY What Cleveland Conveyed to the Hawaiian Commissioners. ANOTHER STATEMENT BY GROVER This One Brought Out ljy What "IVas Said ia the Senate Debate Upon. the Lodge Resolution. WASHINGTON, Jan. C The senate de bate on Senator Lodge's resolution in re sard to Hawaiian matters has elicited a pointed statement from the president, as follows: "The attention of the president has been called to a hint thrown out in the senate discussion of Friday, that the visit of a certain committee of royalists from the Hawaiian islands was connected in some way with the departure of the American ships from that locality. Of course, such an Insinuation is very absurd. Its pro priety and the motive behind It. I am sure, can safely be left to the judgment of fair and rlght-tlr nking Americans. I am entirely willing that all our people should know everything I know concern ing the -visit of the so-called committee of royalists. "Last year, in the latter part of July, or early in August, three gentlemen from Hawaii arrived here and asked, through the secretary of state, a designation of a time when they would have an inter view with me ancLpresent a message from the deposed Hawaiian queen. Though I could not, with propriety, recognize them oflicially, I was not disposed to refuse them, personally, the courtesy of an audi epce. Therefore, a future day and hour were fixed for the interview. In the meantime, at my request, transmitted through the secretary of state, these gen tlemen made known the precise purpose of their visit In the following note, dated August 18, and addressed to the secre tary of state: " We, the undersigned commissioners sent by her majesty, Queen Liliuokal-uil, request an audience of the president of the United States. We desire to ask his excellency whether there is any hope for his doing anything for the restoration of the constitutional government of the Ha waiian islands. "This note bore the signature of Cum mings, H. A. Widemann and Samuel Parker. After it had been submitted to me I prepared in writing, with some care, a reply to the question it contained, to bc read by me to the commissioners at our meeting. T intended to avoid all mis understanding and misconception by ab solutely confining myself to such written reply, of which the following is a copy: " 'Gentlemen: Tou must permit me to remind you that this Interview is not an official one, and that instead of receiving you In any representative capacity I meet you as individuals, who have traveled a long distance for the purpose of laying a certain matter before me. You ask me if -thcrels any hope or my doing anything for the restoration of the constitutional government of the Hawaiian islands. I suppose that this question is largely prompted by the fact that soon after the overturning of the late government of the queen I investigated that transaction and was satisfied there had been such an un justifiable Interference in aid of that movement on the part of the represen tatives of the government of the "United States, in its diplomatic and naval serv ice, as to call for a correction, not only to rectify what seemed to be a wrong done to others, but also through the rec tification to ward oft what appeared to be a danger to American honor and prop erty. Fully appreciating the constitu tional limitations of my executive power and by no means unmindful of the hin drances that might arise, I undertook the task. Having failed in my plans, I com mitted the entire subject to the congress of the United States, which had abundant power and authority in the premises. The executive branch of the government was thoroughly discharged from further duty and responsibility in the matter, unless moved thereto by congressional com mand. The congress has, both by Its action and Its omission to act, signified that nothing need, be done touching American interference with the over throw of the queen. Quite lately a gov ernment has been established in Ha waii, and which is in full force and operation in all parts of the island. It is maintaining Its authority and discharging all ordinary governmental functions. Upon general principles, and not losing sight of the special circumstances sur rounding this case, the new government is clearly entitled to our recognition with out regard to any of the incidents which accompanied or preceded its inauguration. This recognition and the attitude of the congress concerning Hawaiian affairs, of course, lead to an absolute denial of present or future aid or encouragement on my part to an effort to restore any government heretofore existing in the Ha waiian islands. "When the daj appointed for the meet ing arrived I was confined to my bed by illness and unable to keep my engage ment. I therefore signed the paper I had expected to read, and it was delivered to the commissioners, who, I believe, re turned at once to Hawaii. I never aw any member of thjs commission or com mittee, and have never had any communi cation or transaction with any of them directly or indirectly, except as I have quoted." There was another statement made in the course of the senate debate, Friday, in which it was said that the state de partment will be directly controverted by the correspondence on Hawaiian matters, which has been for some days ready for transmission to congress. The statement in question Is embodied in the following remarks of Senator Lodge: "The sympathy of Great Britain, If nothing more, has certainly been with the royalists In HawalL They have kept their ships there, and if it had not been for the promptness of President Dole and his advisers, they would have taken posses sion of Neckar's island, and thus estab lished a foothold for their cable to the Sandwich islands, and when England es tablishes an interest of that kind, it is her practice to follow it up. The pres- Highest of all in Leavening Power. m S ff S&35 & B ft ff ABSOISJTgDf PURS ence of a British warship, and the -withdrawal of ours would be believed by the supporters of the queen (It matters not whether rightly or wrongly) to mean that the opportunity was favorable for a roy alist uprising. To leave affairs there In such a condition was a direct encourage ment to a counter-revolution, and to the renewal of disaster and possibly of blood shed in HawalL" It Is anticipated that the president's in terview on this matter and the accom panying correspondence, which will be sent In tomorrow, will give considerable pungency to the early morning senate de bate on Hawaiian affairs unless the an nouncement of Representative Post's death should cut the discussion short, HAWAIIAN MAIL ADAT;CES. Last Conspiracy Confined to Sore lieaded Whites anil Half-Whites. HONOLULU, Dec 31. via steamer China, San Francisco, Jan. 6. The pre liminary examination of the alleged con spirators took place last week and three of them have been held for trial without ball. The main witnesses for the prose cution were spies in the employ of the government, who fsorinexl themselves Into the confidence of the conspirators and when the projer time came, gave the whole thing away. According to the testimony of the witnesses for the gov ernment, there was a deliberate plot to obtain possession gf tho government buildings and all thfc -prominent support ers of the republic yere to be surprised and arrested at their, homes by details of the conspirators. The governmeat de tectives even obtair&d complete lists of all those who were i be arrested. Among them were Presldentjllole, his cabinet of ficers, mmbers of tpe executive and ad visory councils, newly-elected members of the legislature, custom-house, army and police officials.. The conspirators claimed to have some 2000 stands of arms and the support of the natives, but the trial developed that the natives took no stock in the affair, and that the con spiracy was simply gotten up by a gang of soreheaded whites and half whites. Two of the three who are held for trial are English, and even the British com missioner refuses to have anything to do with them and tells them they must take the consequences of their acts. The only defense made by the accused was an endeavor to discredit the testimony of the witnesses for the prosecution, which failed. The British man-of-war Hyacinth sailed the 27th for the South seas, as is sup posed. Captain May has made repeated efforts to get away. Three successive farewell entertainments have been given to the officers of the ship. Each time most urgent appeals have reached Com missioner Hawes from British subjects to detain tho ship for their protection, and he has twice or thrice prevailed upon Captain May to remain longer. These people are, more than any others, in the way of obtaining confidential knowledge of any conspiracy that may be brewing to overturn the government. They havo been well posted as to the progress of the Bush conspiracy, with which they hearti ly sympathized, although not confident of its success. In tlxe case of an actual outbreak these Britishers were not with out very serious cause for alarm. The defenders, ot .the, tgo,vnmentmlght,t in case otfbldodshedj become si deeply In censed with these British sympathizer that they would be in some danger of being seriously molested. Being antl American and prejudiced against the government, they lack confidence In its power to protect them. Just before this departure of the Hyacinth, 18 British subjects, headed by Bishop Willis, sent a strong petftion to the commissioner to again detain the ship. There is no more ardent royalist than the Anglican bishop. He has steadily refused to offer public prayer for the president of the republic. The government and its supporters are entirely willing to see the Hyacinth leave. Nor are they greatly solicitous for the immediate arrival of an American warship, although one would be very welcome. It is the decided opinion of the executive that President Cleveland would be greatly pleased to see this republic overturned, and monarchy restored, and that he keeps the United States vessels away for that reason. The government has no fears of such an event. Rev, Douglass P. Bisnie, of Austin, Mass., has been offered the pastorate of the Central Union church here, the larg est and finest in the city. The issue of Bush's English edition of Ka Leo has been suspended. His wife continues to issue a native edition, great ly mitigated in tone from previous issues, which overflowed with the most violent diatribes against the government and its supporters, and with somewhat veiled in citements to the natives to rise. His English edition teemed with disgusting personalities and slanders of supporters of the government. Bush is now sending the hat around for the support of his family:' Many whom he has abused have dropped in their dollars. So far as can be learned, the British Commissioner Hawes has never counten anced or encouraged any movement to restore the queen. He is necessarily sub jected to strong influences to do so, by reason of the majority of British resi dents who are anxious for her restora tion. It is believed that he has continued strictly neutral. He maintains most friendly relations with President Dole and the government, unlike his aged prede cessor, Wodehouse, who was constantly seeking to annoy Dole and his associates, while he kept up secret Intercourse with the deposed queen. President Dole has received an auto graph letter from President Montt, of Chilli, recognizing the new republic. The Lnntl of Revolntlon. LONDON, Jan. 6. A Buenos Ayres dis patch to the Times says a committee composed of General Bueno, Admiral So ller and other officers will start for Eu- I rope, Friday, for the purpose of purchas ing war material. The dispatch adds that on account of cholera, Brazil refuses entry to vessels carrying passengers from the Argentine Republic A dispatch published by the Times Sat urday stated the Argentine congress had sanctioned a war credit of J2.000.000, in view of a possible quarrel with Chili re garding the frontier. Friday last the Chil ian minister of foreign affairs formally denied in the senate that the relations between Chili and Argentine were strained. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. owaer FIML TEST THIS WEEK No Programme for the House Be yond the Currency Bill. MITCHELL'S POSTPONED SPEECH Oregon's Senator Will Open the Sen ate's Regular Proceedings WltU a. Tallc for the Canal. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. The coming week promises to be a most eventful one in the house of representatives. It will not only determine the fate of the Car lisle currency bill, so far as the lower branch of congress Is concerned, but In the event of the defeat of the measure It will have a far-reaching effect on the currency question and on the policy of congress and the administration. The democrats house caucus, which convenes at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, will be the first important step, and it is ex pected to test whether any "Mil can com mand a majority and what form of bill It will be. The house will adjourn Imme diately after assembling, out of respect to the memory of Mr. Post. A rule fixing the future course of debate will not be Intro duced until Tuesday, and Its terms will depend largely upon the events of the cau cus. It had been hoped to reach a final vote by Tuesday or Wednesday, but Springer, who Is n charge of the bill, says It may be necessary to let the de bate run through the week. There are evidences, however, that a coup d'etat will be put Into execution by Tuesday by those opposed to the bill. This will be a motion to strike out all after the enacting clause, which would be equivalent to a motion to kill the bill. It was by a stroke of this kind that the Morrison tariff bill was summarily killed, long before its friends had anticipated a final vote. The leaders of the house have been consulted and have agreed that this move is regu lar and in accordance with the rules. They are expecting the move, although It Is not known positively that it will be executed. If an early vote Is thus precipitated, and all of the bill after the enacting clause struck out, it would do away with the five-minute debate and put a summary end to the bill. If, however, the motion to strike out should fall to se cure a majority,, the five-minute debate -would proceed until the final vote was taken. There is no programme for the week beyond the currency bill, for this measure will exclude consideration of everything else until It is settled. The senate will undoubtedly adjourn to morrow noon, after the hour of meeting, as a mark of respect to Mr. Post. Tues day, the Nicaraguan canal bill will again be before the senate, and the regular pro ceedings of the week will begin with a speech In support of the measure by Mitchell of Oregon. The friends of the canal bill are hopeful that a vote may be reached during the week, but whether it will attain' "that important-stage wI1IH depend upon the persistence of the oppo sition and the interference of the busi ness of the appropriation committee. The pension appropriation is the only appro priation bill now before the senate, and it is not believed Its consideration will consume much time. There Is a proba bility, however, that the urgent deficiency bill will be reported during the week, and In case It should be an effort Is to be made to call It up. It Is to be the basis for numerous speeches on the appropria tions for carrying the income tax into effect. While the opponents of the income tax generally disavow any intention to defeat the appropriation, they openly con fess their purpose of using it as a text for speeches on the general policy of Im posing such a tax. The probabilities are, however, against any effort to secure con sideration of this bill during the week. It is likely that two or three speeches will be made against the canal bill during the week, and there are still others an nounced to be made in Its support. The advocates of the canal bill are beginning to grow somewhat anxious to reach a vote, as they suspect an effort to hold it off until it may be possible to displace the bill entirely with some other measure, or, if this be avoided, and the bill passed, it will reach the house too late to secure consideration during the present session. The general understanding is now that when the Nicaraguan bill shall be dis posed of, the bankruptcy will be taken, and after that the territorial admission bills will receive attention. A call was signed by Allison this after noon, for a meeting of the republican steering committee of the senate, to be held tomorrow morning in the rooms of Senator Hale. The whole situation, so far as the senate is concerned, will be dis cussed, and a programme of action on the part of the minority will be consid ered. The meeting has been called as the result of the request of some democratic senators, that certain provisions of the tariff act, and particularly that imposing a discrimination duty on German sugar, may be changed. An effort will be made to secure an arrangement, under which the proposed changes can be effected without partisan opposition on the part of the democrats. The leaders are op posed to the granting of the request, and it is for the purpose of satisfying the democrats of the impossibility of giving the relief they ask that this meeting is said to have been called. Republicans have also been urged to permit the ex purgation from the income tax law of that provision that requires railroad cor porations to furnish a list of all their employes and the salaries they are paid, regardless of whether those salaries are within or without the taxable amounts. The railroads, and particularly some of those In the West, have opposed this pro vision of the law, and represent that it will cost a vast amount of money to comply with it. In regard to this, the tepubficans say that if the door is opened for an amendment here dozens of other senators will push against it, and the barrier being down, the whole tariff de bate will be opened up anew. The provision of the constitution that congress shall adjourn sine die at noon, March 4, has occasionally compelled the statesmen to close up their business on Sunday. Such will be the case this year, for March 3 falls on Sunday and the closing hours of the short session will permit no time to be lost. Congress will probably remain In session all Saturday night. Sunday morning, if time is not too pressing, a recess will be taken until 3 or 4 o'clock on the afternoon, when the journal will show, by a piece of legis lative fiction, that the senate again con vened as the date of Saturday. From Sunday afternoon both branches of con gress will doubtless remain in continuous session until noon of the following day. This was the case at the close of the 50th congress, during Harrison's administra tion, and also at the close of the short session during Hayes' administration. -Mad Dogs-'uy the Wholesale. HINTON, W. Va., Jan. 6. There are i more dead dogs In this mountain city to- day than was ever known before, and to morrow there will be still more. A big black dog came into town with every sign of hydrophobia about him. He bit scores of dogs and two men. and finally attacked and almost killed Judge D. E. Johnson. At last the brute was killed, and the mayor ordered that every dog in HInton be killed. The police began the campaign, and every boy and man with a gun shot dogs. It is estimated that 200 have already joined the big black dog. TEE CARDINAL'S SERMON He Is Supposed to Have Had Ingcr soll in Mind, as He Snolce. BALTIMORE, Jan. 5. The cathedral was crowded today. It was known that Cardinal Gibbons would preach at the solemn high mass, and many who heard the sermon in speaking of It agreed that his eminence must have had in his mind the eloquent and attractive Colonel Inger soll. He said: "It Is fashionable, as well as profitable, to cast odium as well as ridicule upon Christianity and on the scriptures which are the basis of the Christian religion. A man of limited capacity,- but of fluency of speech and shafts of wit, may propose objections and difficulties In a half hour which may take a learned man a month to answer. I would ask you, my brethren, to have three answers ready In your mind when you are confronted by any difficul ties against Christianity. First, ten thou sand difficulties do not destroy a single fact of revelation; ten thousand layers of fog and cloud do not blot out the sun of the heavens, nor diminish his splendor. Second, the Christian religion has been in existence for 2000 years, and has been cherished by the wisest and best of men in every age and country, and It Is strong er today than it was ever before. Third, all of the civilizations of the past and all existing civilizations today worthy of the name have been based on doctrinal moral principles of jthe Bible. It is time enough to surrender our Christianity when some better system Is brought forward to sup plant it." Did Xot Disturb the Doctor. NEW YORK Jan. 6. In the Madison Square Presbyterian church today an open letter, In part condemning Dr. Parkhurst, "himself, was distributed among the con gregation, under the very eyes of the doc tor. The letter was signed by Samuel Mil liken, of Philadelphia, and dated the last day of the old year. In pointed terms the communication gave Dr. Parkhurst advice in his campaign of purifying the city, and boldly stated that he had not always pur sued the right methods. The distribution of the document apparently did not dis turb Dr. Parkhurst. He made no refer ence to the matter. o THE GRAVE LOCATED. George Coryell, Washington's Pall bearer, Was Ilnrled in Xciv Jersey. FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. G.-Several years ago one of the leading historians of the country endeavored to trace the clos ing days and last resting-place of the men who acted as pallbearers at the funeral of George Washington. He only partially succeeded. Among those he failed to lo cate was George Coryell. It was known JncwaskJexsexman and a close friend of. the first president. Bat where he went after the entombment at Mount Vernon and where he was interred at death seems to have baffled the historian. By accident a resident of this town discovered the se cret the other day. While looking over the ancient tombstones in the cemetery back of the Presbyterian church at Lam bertville, 10 miles from here, he found a granite monument, covered with dirt ana about ready to fall. There was a long In scription on it, which it required some time to decipher. Finally he made out the following: "Here lies the body of George Coryell, who died February IS, A. D. 1830, aged 91 years, a brother member with General Washington. Lodge No. 22." The poet has told his character thus: "A wit, a feather, a chief, a rod; An honest man, the noblest work of God." Some research disclosed that the shaft in question marked the grave of one of Washington's pallbearers. The Coryell family was at one time among the most prominent In this part of the state. Mr. Coryell fought all through the revolu tionary war, and is believed to have been on Washington's staff while the general was conducting his campaign in New Jer sey. SALVATION ARMY'S DRUMS Tltey Mast &at Be Ilenten Upon the Street Indiscriminately. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 6. The supreme court has decided that the Salvation Army may not beat drums indiscriminately. The celebrated case of John II. Flaherty, the Salvation Army drummer, who some time ago came in contact with the authori ties of Redlands for violating an ordi nance prohibiting the beating of drums, was yesterday determined in favor of the city by the supreme court. There was a dissenting opinion by Judges Harrison, De Haven and Fitzgerald. Flaherty was convicted of beating his drum on the traveled streets without a permit, which had been refused him. The contention of Flaherty's attorneys was that the or dinance was unconstitutional. The decis ion orders the dismissal of the writ of habeas corpus and the return of Flah erty to the custody of the town marshal. HONOR AND DISHONOR. Jndge for n. Day. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. S. William G. Brittan yesterday gained a right to the title of judge, as the result of one day's service on the superior bench. Brittan received his certificate of election as su perior judge for the short term Friday. He sat on the bench for a few minutes yesterday. Tomorrow he will give place to Judge Belcher, who was re-elected for the long term. Gnilty of Contempt. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 6. Attorney Horace Phllbrook, who had the temerity in a brief submitted to the supreme court, to accuse Justice Harrison of fraud, has been disbarred by the court for three years. Philbrook charged that Justice Harrison, while attorney in the Levison estate case, was guilty of dishonest prac tices and in his brief Philbrook plainly told the court what it should do In the matter. This the supreme court says was contempt of court and Philbrook has been punished as stated. Omaha Gamblers Sliovrn Up. OMAHA, Jan. 6. The Omaha Bee today printed a page expose of the gambling houses of Omaha; how they secured im munity from police interference and paid large sums to officials, newspapers and others. The Bee reporters were engaged In securing evidence for weeks and a number of people were involved who were not known to be interested in protecting Omaha gamblers. Tonight the houses are closed. Both Are Dead. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 6. James Cook, a well known politician, and Charles Hud nall, of the city engineer's office, shot and tilled each other last night. The trouble ?rew out of Cook's alleged Intimacy with Hudnall's wife. FIRST MEETING TODAY The Date Set for California's Leg islature to Convene. EFFECT OF MR. MILLARD'S ILLNESS It Will Continue Lieutenant-Govern nor Reddlclc in Offlce, ana He May 'onic the Committees, SACRAMENTO, Jan. 6. The legislature will convene at noon tomorrow. Both houses will be called to order by the of ficers who presided during the last ses sion, and there will be little more than a formal gathering of the'legislators. It la the apparent purpose of the republicans in the house to adjourn Immediately and go into caucus on organization. It is be lieved tonight that even less will be dono in the senate. The illness of Lleutenant-Governor-elect Millard has thrown tho senators Into confusion, and tonight they are all speculating upon the uncertainties of the committee appointments. It 13 agreed that Lieutenant-Governor Reddick will be the presiding officer in the upper house, not only in formally organizing the senate, but until such time as Mr. Millard shall appear here and take the oath of office. Section two, of article 4, of the constitution, provides that the gover nor shall hold office until his successor Is elected and qualified. Section 15, of ar ticle 4, refers to the lleutenant-governor'9 term of offlce and provides that the qual ification of eligibility shall be the same as in the case of the governor. It is held by a few that Mr. Millard might qualify as lieutenant-governor before a judge of the superior court in L03 Angeles. The manner of taking the oath of office, how ever, Is clearly set forth in section 903, of the political code, which says: "The governor and lieutenant-governoc must take the official oaths in the pres ence of both houses of the legislature in convention assembled, and an entry of the fact must be made on the journals of each house." Under these provisions, it Is agreed among the lawyers of the senate, that Lieutenant-Governor Reddick will hold of fice until Mr. Millard shall be well enough to appear before the legislature and be sworn in, and that as lieutenant-governor, Mr. Reddick would have the privilege of naming the senate committees. Lieutenant-Governor Reddick clearly stated his position to the press correspondents to night. He said: "The law is clear that my term con tinues until my successor shall take the oath of office, and he must be sworn in here before the legislature. As lieutenant governor, I continue to be presiding of ficer of the senate. But I do not wish to appear hasty. As a matter of courtesy to Mr. Millard, I shall wait four or five days, hoping that he may leave his sick bed and come on here to take up his of ficial duties. Then, If he shall still be un able to come here, and further delay be llkelv ttt. eloir- theLwheIanf lrelslntlon. Tt would be my duty to name the commit tees and take up the duties of the ofilce." Lieutenant-Governor Reddick stated fur ther that he had prepared no committees, and that he had received no communica tion on the subject from the lieutenant-governor-elect. It is reported tonight, however, that Senator Androus, of L03 Angeles, has received a communication from Mr. Millard, enclosing a list of com mittees, which will be presented to Lieutenant-Governor Reddick, with a request that the senators named be appointed. Senator Androus Is himself a sick man, and has not been much In evidence this evening. Unless an agreement of this nature shall be reached, there is little probability that the senate will be in working order before next week. Under the most favorable circumstances, it is not probable that both branches of the house will be permanently organized and ready to receive the governor's message before Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday. Today there Is very little talk of a gu bernatorial contest, and all the democrats and many republicans are predicting that no real opposition will be offered to the inauguration ot Budd immediately upon the final organization of the two branches of the legislature. West Virginia Meets Weilnesdny. PARKERSBURG, W. Va., Jan. 6. The legislature meets at Charleston next Wednesday. An exceedingly interesting light Is on for the United States senator ship from West Virginia to succeed J. M. Camden. There are five candidates, viz: N. E. Whitaker, of the first congres sional district; G. C. Sturgis, of the sec ond; John B. Floyd, of the third; J. A. Hutchinson, of the fourth, and S. B.. El kins, of the second. It will be Elkins against the field, with the present outlook favorable to Elkins. The election of senator occurs January 22. Lexoiv Wants Additional Powers. ALBANY, N. T., Jan. 6. In the senate next week Senator Lexow will introduce a resolution extending the time of the In vestigation of the Lexow committee, and giving it further pdwers, but allowing It to make a preliminary review. Mr. Conk lin, in the senate, is likely to interfere with such an investigation by introducing a bill empowering the mayor of New York to appoint a municipal committee of his own to go Into an Investigation of every city department. A Fire nt Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Jan. 6. The explosion of an oil tank in a-warehouse of the Standard Oil Company, at Canton, tonight, caused a loss by fire of $400,000. The explosion occurred at 7:30 o'clock. The burning oil ran in streams down the gutters, com municating the fire to the adjoining prop erty, and in a few minutes a whole block of buildings was a mass of flames. The fertilizer works of Griffith & Boyd, to gether with their office building and stables, Including li horses, were totally destroyed, as were also the acid works of G. H. & C. T. Davidson, and the ware house, office and stables of the Standard Oil Company. Griffith & Boyd's loss is estimated at $300,000, Davidson's, at $S0, 000, and the Standard Oil Company lost $25,000. The cause of the explosion Is un known. Indiana Ghouls. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 6. It has developed here that the wholesale grave robberies are being Indulged in by stu dents of the colleges in this city. The re cent burning of the Indiana medical col lege, when 20 subjects were lost, has cre ated a demand for bodies, and agents have been secured In the surrounding towns to keep track of the burials. With in the past week, two corpses have been recovered by their friends m the pickling vats of the local colleges, and the excite ment is so intense that the residents of suburban towns are forming vigilance committees to prevent the disturbance of their dead. 3Irs. Hartley's Sentence Postponed. RENO, Nev., Jan. 6. The sentencing of Mrs. Hartley was postponed yesterday to January 12, owing to the physical inabil ity of the defendant to appear in court.