THE MOBNIKG- OBEGCXSIASu TUESDAY, JAJsTJA.'RY 1, 1893. 29 THE LOCAL Portland's REMARKABLY FAVORABLE SHOWING FOR 1594 The Curriculum Patterned. After the Best Public Schools of the East The Corps of Competent Instructors An Outline of the School "GTorlz. S everybody knows, Portland only es caped being called Boston by the toss of a coin. Boston, as the hub of in tellectualltyof the East, has paid spe cial attention to perfecting her sys tem of public bchools. Portland, as the leading: cen ter of population In the P a c i fi c Northwest, has taken the same pride in her public schools, and today a system of popu lar education is maintained here that meets every demand of the SO, 090 cr more people who live in Port land and the adjacent suburbs. Like every great system. Portland's schools have only attained their present standing after years of hard work and the expenditure of thousands of dollars in perfecting them. The first school here was a modest affair. It was opened by 2dr. Ralph "Wilcox, and was quartered in a small structure at the foot of Taylor, street. Its first enrollment was about 20 pupils, and it was conducted In its first location for one quarter or three months only. In the spring of 1848 a school was opened in a log cabin at the corner of Second and Stark streets by Miss Julia Carter. The enrollment was a little larger than that of the school before it under the management of Mr. Wilcox, but a few months terminated Its existence, and it was not till the winter of 1818-19 that the south of the town were enabled to avail themselves again of the benefits of in fctruction In the rudimentary branches. The "Cooper Shop," a sketch of which appears in connection with the present article, was for many years a landmark that recalled to the minds of many people the former existence of primitive Portland as it was in the early '50s. The illustra tion of this modest building was made from a pnotograph now in the possession of David Jionnastes, one of Portland's old time citizens, and the present owner of the site this structure formerly occupied. It was In this building that Aaron J. Hyde taught school during the winter o" 1S4S-49. Professor T. H. Crawford, for many years city superintendent of pub lic schools, in his carefully compiled his tory of the public schools of Port land, notes that the "Cooper Shop" ias for many years the only public hall in the village, and many notable gather ings of a public nature were held within its walls. The building was located on the west side of First street, between Morrison and Yamhill. The lot on which it stood (lot 3, block 1) was sold May 12, 3S56, to Davis & Mcnnastes for the sum of 5250. Small as nas the purcnase price, at that time It wes a matter of current re Iort that, the property had formerly been sold to Samuel Hancock, of Washington territory, for the material consideration described under the euphonious appella tion of two "bull pups." The "Cooper Shop." in addition to the use which was made of it as a public school was the s;enc of many gatherings, and was notably popular as the rendez ious for church services, Sunday-school classes and public meetings. The demands of the larger town of Portland In 1857 tailed for the construction of a building better adapted to the requirements of a jm hool rind public hall than the antiquated Cooper Shop" had been, and the discard ed schcolroom was metamorphosed. Into ths prosaic but indispensable Chinese wash-houe. Before 1S52 the opportunities for instruc tion enjoyed by the youth of Portland were confined principally to private tutor uce. At a public meeting held in Oregon City early In 15.19. Ttev. George H. Atkin son made the lirst proposition to organize a stem of free schools in the state, and the bill as he outlined It was passed by the ttrrltoiial legislature on September 5 of the same ycai. The fir-t free graded Fihool was opened in Portland December 6. 1S52, in the "tchoolhoufce." used both for school purposes and for church gather ings. It was located on the west side of riret strect, one door north from Oak. The bell us-ed on this building now hangs In the belfry of the Taylor-street Metho dist church. John II. Outhouse was the llrst teacher. THE 310UEU.V SCHOOL Dei cloiuiicnt of the lreeut Sjstcm of Instruction. HE Portland public-school sys tem continued to be developed after 1S52. It was during this period of early development that Sylvester Pennoyer, who afterward gained a national reputation as governor of Ore gon, took such a prominent part as one of the best public Instructors who ever presided over the public schools of Portland. In July, 1SS3. Pennoyer was appointed as pr.ncipal of the illage school, a position he tilled acceptably for about six months. Jsew districts were organized from time to time, and on Monday, April 2C, 1S69, the ). gh school department was first opened lit the North school building. Between 1SC9 and 1SS5 the high school occupied vari c .s quarters. For a number of years it was located in the old Central school bulling, on the site now occupied by the Hotel Portland. The present high school b illding. the finest public-school struct ure in the fctate, whs first commenced in 1&3, and it was finished in 1SS5. Its total cost was 512S.300, including the purchase price of the block on which it stands. This land at th time its title passed to the clty sold for $30,000. The school buildings of Portland are modern structures, well heated, perfectly 'i.ilted and suited In every way to the demandsof the city for commodious school structures. There are today 31 public s.obool buildings in Portland, and the total number of pupils enrolled In these schools in 1SJU was 10,273. The total number of t-'aihtrs employed during the year was 222. Of this number of Instructors, 197 were women, and 23 were men. During the fiscal year ending June 30. V94, the hum of $194,046 was paid out in teachers salaries. The net cost of maintaining the schools for the year was J23a.317. an in crease over the previous year of 36,638. ""his makes the annual cost of maintain ing the schools of the city to oach Inhab itant 52 55. The average dally attendance 1 1 the Portland rchools i 792S.2. In this strict publlc-ssehool Instruction is lim i'ei to youth between the ages of C and 21 e::rs. Th annual npart on the local I ul lie schools callp attention to tJie fact t--t the law goitrnlr.g compulsory educa tion Ih Inoperative unless enforced by the board of ducatlon. The city school super intendent calls special attention to the fat t that, of the large number of children c(rc nool age la Portland, but a oompara ti , slv small number are in regular attend ance at the city wheels. According to the SGHOOLS Excellent Public Sy stern of Education. last school census, which is the basis for the distribution of state and county school funds, there were 19.S19 children of school age in this city. Of this number, 6419 were not reported at any of the local schools. These doubtless are made up principally from the families of ignorant and improv ident families, who in the hopeless strug gle in life they themselves have engaged in have but a. faint appreciation of the necessity for giving some slight attention to the instruction of their progeny in the rudimentary branches of an education. The courses of study provided in the primary and grammar depaitments or the Portland public schools are the best-adapted methods for the proper development of the mind In youthful scholars and for im parting knowledge In the elementary oranches. The curriculum and methods of instruction are uniform throughout all the city schools. The school system is divided into eight grades, each grade be ing subdivided into two classes, designated A and B according to the years of school attendance. It is interesting to note in this connection that under a law of Ore gon it is made the duty of every public teacher to give suitable instruction In physiology and hygiene, with particular reference to the baneful effects of alco holic drinks, stimulants and narcotics up on the human s-ystem. Principles of benevolence and charity are ineulcatsd into the minds of school children. Special Thanksgiving exercises are held annually In the local schools. On this day donations are accepted from teachers and pupils alike of such useful articles as provisions, clothing, etc. For the charitable homes established in the city for the care of homeless children a quantity of toys and delicacies are offered every year by the sympathetic school children of the city. The homily that principles of honesty, truth, benevo lence, sobriety and industry are unalter- BISHOP SCOTT ACADBMY, PORTLAND, OR. ably fixed before a child has reached his 16th year is generally recognized, and the Inculcation of these principles, which is the basis of all good government, in the unequal public system of education of the United States, furnishes the key to the unalterable support which the Amer ican people give to the public schools, and their disposition to regard as an cneniy to the public liberties any man who would propose to impair the usefulness of these same schools. In addition to the special exercises of Thanksgiving week at the public schools, exercises are held en Memorial day, Wash ington's birthday j nd ether public clays of the year, p.y an act of the legislature ap proved by Governor Pennoyer February 15, 1SS9. the observance of Arbor day was made an Imperative cne at all the public schools of the state. The second Friday, in the afternoon, In April of each year was designated as Arbor day. The object sought to be attained was the special en couragement In the minds of childien of treeplantlng and the proper preservation of our great natural wealth in forest growth. At the leading schools of the state treeplanting on this day has become on" of the most Intel :sting of exercises held by the school during the year, and it is an event to which all the school children cf Portland now look forwaid with the snme interest that they are expo-ted to show In anj of the important school func tions. The Oregon Humane Society now holds anniversary exercises each year in Port land, in which the society offers prizes to school children for the best -essays on kindness to animals. These essays claim considerable attention from the pupils, and, like all competitive efforts, the re sults have been more than satisfactory to the faculty of the schools. In the fall of 1S73 an innovation was made by the management of the public schools of the city in opening a night school for the accommodation of those who could not attend the day sessions. The first night s.-hool closed after a brief session on April 1, 1S74. On January 2, 1SS4, nearly 10 years later, the night school was ac.ain opened. Regular evening ses sions wjre held In the Watson school house. Boys only were admitted. In 1S53 the present successful night schocl was established. Kegular evjning sessions are now being held in the high school build ing, and pupils of both sexes arc admit ted. The only requirement for admission is that the pupils must be 15 years of age or over. Many of the constant attendants PIBLH NtifOOt tr s' ' flmffi ? E2E3 s 'i I'w in Et ' $' 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 v FT" Y S &?' II I 5s It1 imSBfH' lHSSSt v4 at this school have passed the age of maturity, and are -either of foreign birth with but a smattering of the English lan guage, or those who neglected the early opportunities for obtaining a common school education. The small tuition fee of 51 a month is charged those enrolled who are over the legal school age Last year four teachers were employed in the night sessions, and 237 pupils were registered. The practical work of this department has already won for it the general recognition by the public as an institution from which much public benefit may be looked for. Miss Aphia L. Dimick, principal of the night school, makes the following report of its condition for the year ending March 0 last: "The largest class (nearly one-third of the school) was composed of American born children, who through poverty or other causes were deprived of the advan tages of the day school. Thty were faith ful and earnest, and fully appreciated the privileges afforded them in the night school The other classes were composed of foreigenrs from 16 to 30 years of age, who were learning to read and write English." A night school is also conducted in the Albma Central school building, under the supervision of D. TV. Jarvis. The school is conducted on the same general plan as the evening session on the west side of the river. The pupils in attendance at the public schools of Portland have the advantages of a hbiary of nearly S00 carefully selected volumes. Formerly this library was lo cated in the high school building, but the books were last year distributed among 13 of the leading schools, and. as they are all Interchangeable, they circulate more generally among the students than was possible under the old regime. With the consolidation of Portland came the merging of all the many school dis tricts in the city and its suburbs into a single system, under the control and di rection of the same management. This has resulted in obtaining for all the schools of the city better teachers and a greater degree of efficiency than could be hoped for with the school Interests di vided. It has at the same time lessened the cost of 'the maintenance of the free schools here, and has given the school system a prestige, from its very magni tude, which was altogether lacking before Portland and its numerous suburbs were eonsohdated under a single municipal gov ernment. In addition to the public schools, Port land supports a number of very efficient private schools of recognized merit. There were registered at hece private seats of learning last year 1017 children. These schools include the Portland university. j Bifchop Scott academy. Portland academy. St. Helen's Hall, St. Mary's academy, St. Michael's academy, medical departments of both the Willamette university and the state university, Portland business col lege. Holmes business college, and a num- Ler of other private institutions and schools devoted to teaching special branches. Tne actual number of days during the year 'n which school sessions are held in Portland is 190. For the year ending June 30. ISSlthe enrollment at the high school was ., grammar schools 2635, and pri mary schools 4671. Out of this great num ber of pupils there were but 55 cases o suspension during.the year, 176 cases of corporal punishment, and 1961 cases of tarcuntss. The following table shows the increase of Portland's school population since 1374: C2 & l 2.S .B 2 J"1 TEAR ENDING 5" g so JUNE. f! ! f" 1S75 1700 110G.5 97 0 90.1 1876...., 1S70 12S1.1 11SG.2 92.6 1S77 20S5 1417.6 1S23.7 93.15 187S 2T2 1C14.2 1512.C 91.3 1S79 :M47 1744..". 1649.2 91.6 1SS0 2313 1S59.6 1775.7 9r..4 1SS! 2S94 20OT0 i:-fo.S 95.0 1S?2 aiSO 22GS.2 21C5.3 I 96.5 1SK3 S4S3 "452.2 2:157.6 96.1 1SS1 SS64 2S97.C 2779.095.9 1SS5 3378 3091.6 2971.8 96.3 18SG 4066 3119.1 299S.S 96.1 1SS7 ; 4132 3173.5 3051.4 95.1 1SSS 49 3212.S 3063.6 95.1 1SS9 : 4362 3360.9 3213.4 95.3 1S90 4S92 35S1.7 I S397.3 94.8 1S91 5215 ! 3S56.2 I 36S6.S 95.5 1S92 9641 I 72S2.7 6973.0 98.0 1833 9S10 I 76S1.4 7364.1 95.S 1S94 10273 I S240.7 I 792S.3 96.1 This shows a gain of 4C3 in registration, 559 in the average number belonging, and 56t in average daily attendance. The following statistical matter will fur nish an index of the importance of the local public schools: School population School census, March, 1S93 19,015 School census. March. 1894 19.819 Females (white, colored and Chinese)10,355 Males (white, colored and Chinese).. 9,464 Increase over last year 804 Number between 4 and 6 years 2,120 Number entitled to school privileges.17,699 Registration (whole number of pupils registered during. the year, exclusive of night school) Girls 5.239 Hoys 5.034 Total 10,273 Per cent of school population (basis 17,699) 5S.0 I yiYEIiSITY PARK. Iiegistratlon by departments High school 548 Grammar schools-'...... 3,lSi Primary schools,.. 6.532 Total ..., , 10,273 Average number belonging High school 492.3 Grammar schools 2.S0S.3 Primary schools 4,939.4 Total S.240.C Average daily attendance High school 463.7 Grammar schools 2.710.3 Primary schools 4.74S.2 Total 1.S2SJ2 Per cent of attendance.. High school S5.4 Grammar schools &S.2 Primary schools 96.0 All schools 96.1 The nativity of the children in attend ance at the public schools of the city is shown by the following statement: Dur ing the year there were In attendance at the city schools 3193 children who were born in Portland, 1530 native-born Orego nlans, 4591 born in states outside of Ore gon, 214 natives of British America, 171 born in Great Britain and Ireland, 201 born in Germany and Austria, 124 born in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and 24J ivho were natives of other countries than those named above. Among the great schools of Portland, is the Portland university, which occupies a valuable and most attractive site on the peninsula, between the Willamette and Columbia rivers, and within the city lim its. This Is a higher seat of learning, which ranks with the big colleges of the West, and it is In charge of a thoroughly efficient corps of instructors. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. One- of the Best-Known Schools on the Con!. HE Bishop Scott academy be gins the new year with an in creased attendance and a marked advance in proficien cy on the part of Its students in both the scholastic and the military departments. At the opening of the Christmas term, Captain William M. Kimball, V. S. A, was de tailed by the war department as professor of 'military sci ence at the academy. This appointment gave a new impetus to the military dis cipline of the academy, and already shows admirable results In the general bearing of the individual cadets. The scheme of thescholastic work adopted by the faculty has, moreover, within the past year re ceived recognition from Stanford uni versity and other colleges, which in con sequence accept certificates of graduation from the school in place of entrance ex aminations, and at all the higher Institu tions to which they have gone the Bishop Scott academy boys have acquitted them selves with credit. The Bishop Scott academy was founded in 1S70, and Is yet the only distinctive boarding school for boys in the Pacific I Northwest. Its high rank as a prepara tory school for college and business has been long conceded, and it now has the distinction of being the only school of its class in this region to which a regular army officer has been detailed as active Instructor. These features give it a standing which appeals to the confidence of parents and secures a widely extended patronage. Panics leave their good effects upon In stitutions as upon individuals, as parents are then careful to send to a high-grade school only boys who demand attention and who appreciate the advantages of fered by such an Institution. Consequently there is a weeding out from the attend ance of the private schools of much of the undesirable material, and that which remains is in a large measure a survival of the fittest, and therefore of a more se lect, capable and., ambitious character. This results in an elevation of the soclil and moral tone of the'Instituticn. Dr. J. W. Hill, the principal, took charge of the Bishop Scptt,aadeiny in 157S, wnen Its fortunes wero.ut!nowXbb, and by his executive afiility A4jinthusiasm as an educator he has, brought iVto its present 1 1 WEST HALL, PORTLAND UNIVERSITY. plane of efficiency. He is devoting his en tire time, in this his 17th year in charge of the affairs of the institution, to the best physical, mental and moral develop ment of his charges. SClHOOL DESKS. Complete- Plant for Their Mannfnc 'J ' ture Established Here. It is with much pleasure and satisfac tion that the steady advancement of home industry among the local enterprising manufacturers is recorded, there being nothing more conducive to the prosperity of the state and city than home produc tion, and every inducement and encour agement possible should be extended to those who, in the face of so many serious obstacles, display both enterprise and courage. One of the most important of recent in dustries started here during the past year is the manufacturing of the Pacific School Desk by. the East Portland Mill & Fixture Company, 441 East Morrison street. The reputation of this firm for excellent work and thorough business dealings Is suffi cient guarantee, they having been suc cessfully engaged in the manufacturing business in this city during the past eight years, and they are so well known to the general public that any further introduc tion is quite needless at this time. Heretofore all school desks used in Port land and throughout the state have been supplied at a great expense by Eastern houses, through representative agents. This firm, recognizing the opportunity to gain a profitable market on this coast, has succeeded In producing a desk not only equal. but,greatly superior, and at a less cost, than any ever before introduced in the American school. With combined beauty, durability and cheapness, its suc cessful future is assured. It is also well worthy of notice that every part of the seat and desk is made here in Portland, casting and hinges included, and the woods are native Oregon maple. The manufacturers feel greatly encour aged by the phenomenal success they have met with. They have furnished all the desks used in the Portland public schools during this year, as well as those for the new public school at Astoria, besides numerous other schools throughout the state and coast; and after a thorough in quiry Into the matter It is found that wherever they have been placed they have given the best of satisfaction. The fac tory has an output of 20,000 desks annu ally, and the company expects to be oper ating to it3 full capacity during the com ing year. Including stocks and bonds, the railways of the United States are capitalized at $60,000 per mile, while those, of Great Brit ain are capitalized at ?220,000 per mile, or nearly 400 per cent higher than in this country. Prof. A. P. ARMSTRONG, - The, Oregon, December 26, 1804. Portland, Orecox, Dear Sir : My son Henry and my daughter Alice will enter your school on Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. Henry is to take the business course, Alice the shorthand and typewriting. I intended to start them in the fall, but thought I could not spare the money. I have come to the conclusion that I can't afford not to send them. When young people reach a certain age it is hard to keep them interested in school. Besides, times are growing better every day. I want Henry to get a usable education. One must have this in these days, to make any headway in the world. Alice is to St herself to make her own living, if it ever becomes necessary. I have always been sorry I did not send my son Frank to your school before he took charge of my saw-mill on Puget Sound. His education docs not seem practical. Last summer he lost $230 by a slip in commercial law,in making a lumber contract. He also got his books tangled, but a young man employed in a bank over there (a graduate of your school, by the way) straightened them out at a cost of $40. I want Henry to make sure of a business education first, so as to avoid such blunders. If he wants to go to college afterwards, all well and good. The Portland Business College has a fine reputation here. All I ask of my children is to accomplish as much as other pupils of yours from this section have. If they do not graduate this season they will return next year. I think this an excellent feature in your scholarship; and your tuition rates arc very reasonable. You may send reports of their progress every two weeks, and oblige. Very truly yours, Editor Oregoxiax: You may print the above in the spare reserved fortius school on the ' The letter reached me this morning, and hits the nail squarely ou the head, to my thinking. Oregonian. A BIG COAST SCHOOL THE PORTLAND UNIVERSITY, LO CATED IX THIS CITY. Successful Career of This Leading Institution of Lenrnins Beauty of Its Location. HE Portland University was organized In the year 1S91, un der the auspice3 of the Metho dist Episcopal church. The university is under denomina tional control, as are most of tho great schools of the coun try, but it is not in any sense sectarirn. The board of trust ees is composed of some of the best business men on the Pacific coast, of which H. W. Scott is chairman, and ex-Senator illis is sec retary. The site of the university is on a high plateau between the Columbia and Wil lamette rivers, and about three miles north of the center of the city of Portland, of which It commands a fine viv. The beautiful island in the river, the high range of evergreen hills on the west, the lofty peaks of five perpetual snow-capped mountains to the east, the long sweep of the Cascade mountain range to the north. steamers from local points on the river, ships from all the countries throughout the entire world passing within a stone's throw of the university building, all com bine to lend a charm to the scene that is nowhere excelled. The attendance has reached a total en rollment of 500 in less than four years. Under the presidency of Dr. C. C. Strat ton. an educator of recognized standing. sustained by a strong faculty, with the adfcintage of being located near the corn- j merclal, railroad and money center of the Pacific Northwest, and enjoying the as sured prospect of a splendid endowment, the university ranks with the leading edu cational institutions of the Pacific coast. When the university was located on the peninsula, the board of trustees, believing that, bounded as it was on two sides by i two great rivers navigable by the ships of the world, this elevated point of land was some day destined to become a densely populated portion of the city of Portland, purchased 600 acres of the choicest of this land. With the exception of 70 acres le served for a campus, the whole of the 600 acres was laid out into blocks and lots. The alternate blocks, or one-half of the lots, were set aside and reserved for a per manent endowment, the other: half being put on the market for sale. About $i09,000 worth of these lots have been sold. There are now about 2500 people in the vicinity of University Park who were attracted here by the healthfulness of the location and its convenience to the center of the city, as well as its proximity to the uni versity. Under the skillful and judicious manage ment of Francis I. McKenna, the general land agent of the Institution, wonderful strides have been made in the way of im provements. University Park now ha3 all . THE ITcEEXSA BLOCK ieJ&M fr?I What He Wrote About, Can't Afford A Slip that Cost Him $330.00 IT HAS A FINE ST. CL75IF2 STREET Superior Boarding and FOUNDED i iflif, PREPARES FOR COLLEGE OR GIVES FULL ACADEMIC COURSE COMMANDING AND BEAUTIFUL SITUATION. The $T. HHV. B. WISTflr JHOJIS, ft. t., eetot? The JVIISSES SODEY, Principals the conveniences of a modern city, in cluding city water, electric lights, graded streets, sidewalks, public parks, public schools, boulevards, etc. There are three four-room public-school buildings on that part of the peninsula convenient to University Paik. The Bap tist society is just completing a beautiful little church. An Episcopal church has been commenced and will be pushed to completion at an early date. Notwith standing the monetary panic of the nation, about $50,000 was expended in building here in the year 1894. There are practical ly no vacant houses at the Park, and the prospects for new buildings to be erected are very bright for the coming year. Poiuts In Egryptolosry. The so-called "Old Empire" includes the fourth, fifth and sixth dynasties, from 2S30 to 2530 B. C; the "Middle Empire" th$12th and 13th dynasties, from 2130 to law B. C; and the "New Empire" the ISth, 19th and 20th dynasties, from 1330 to to 1050 B. C. Only these three periods are taken into serious consideration. There are no monuments belonging to the first three dynasties; from the seventh to the sleventh were periods of political con fusion, and after the 20th inscriptions and papyri are too rare to yield satisfac tory results. o Peculiarities of Hillcr. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Hiller was quarrelsome, but possessed of such native dignity as to never express himself in a manner unworthy of a gen tleman. He disliked extremely the "new school" that sprung up In his middle life, but never engaged in personalities with Wagner or any of the advocates of the "music of the future." AT UNIVERSITY PARK. Not to Send Them. REPUTATION THERE. 1 college pace " of the Jcw Year's Hastily, A. P. Armstrong. SND PKHK 7C1CENUB Day School for Girls 1589. BLAKE, MALL k CO. 'Dealers 100 and 102 Front St, Portland, - Orcgrorj. BLAKE, McFALL S. CO.. 100 AND 102 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OR. BLAKC, MOFFJT & TOVNE, SAN FRAN CISCO, CAL. EQWRHD JWGHES Wholesale and Ratall Dealer In FAM AND MILL MACHINERY Vagotis, Buggies, etc. First-Class Gsods Sold at Democratic Priest. Store and Varehouse at lo 194 Front St Portland. Or. IiEA & PERIN'S SaUCH (THE VTOnCHESTEESHIRE) Has been the favorite throughout tho world lot oer fifiv veaxs. PILLS! I Safe amosuh.szho4c. fwvrauws safe IbUHHU. , WILCOX SPECIFIC COrTOIJlPA. IS PAPER fflr MmX. CRUCfl SIESUl