SaSlSgfe: , "TTTTTtsnAY 1C0BM1KQ. SEPT. 19- lfo. 0EEG03J. Eastern Oregon waar ran. jhe people of La Grande have discovered that Chinamen vrill steal chickens. Mrs. Dr. Sawtelle, formerly of this state, is publishing a health journal in California. Hall Johnson, of Lafayette, has the con tract lor carrying the mail between that town and Salem. John "Whitney has been retried at Salem for the murder of Kiberts near SHverton, and bonnd over to await the action of the grand jury. A man by the name of Z. Jones accident ally shot himself last Saturday, at a sawmill about one mile from Philomath, Benton countv. The bullet struck him in the wrist, passed up the arm and lodged in the shoul der, makiDg a very painful and dangerous wound. The Ore which occurred at La Grande, did not, as weetated, destroy SnoJgras3 & Miner's store. The following is ihe loss by the fire : Cullen fc Welltnan. stable and contents $300; W. J. Snodgrass. damage to store, $300; Cullen & Welltnan. new lumber, shing'es, $100; Snodgrass & Miner, damage to goods, etc, $300. A correspondent writing to the- Gazelle from Cove, Union county, says: "The fruit yield iu this section this year is not as abun bant as it has been heretofore, but what there is of the crop is delicious, and sells very read ily at good prices. Applei sell at from 5 cents to 9 cents per pound, and plums from 10 cents to 124 cents per pound. Last Monday Wang-te-luin, one of the Columbias. who was known to the Cayuse and Umatilla Indians as having been engaged in the late Indian war, when told that he must deliver himself up to the whites, cooly drew a nistol and blew the top of his head off and took a trip to the happy hunting grounds. Al. Benson and a Mr. Hall, who were ar rested on one of the steamers on the Sound, as deserters of the U. S. army, have leceived discharges from the military authorities at Vancouver, after a thorough examination. There was no doubt but they had deserted the service of Uncle Sam, but for good con duct while connected with the army, and gentlemanly deportment since that time, they were given honorable discharges. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Financial. Wednesdat Evenixg, Sept. 18, 1S78. Legal tenders In Portland buying 9i4; selling, par. Silver coin 1J2 per cent discount. San Feascisco, Sept 16. Currency WX bay, par tell. Silver 9S bay; S8J4 sell. Trade Dollars buy; 97) sell. New Yokk. Sept. 1011 A. M. Gold. 100. Silver bullion 1.000 fine. SI 12 per fine ounce. U. S. bonds, 5 20's or 18C7, 105; 5'fi of 1ES1. 100. Londok, Sept. 10. Consols. 94 1-1G money; 95 1-10 account. Silver English standard, per ounca of 925 fine, 01 9-10. V S. bonds 6's, &; 4js. 5; N. Y. 5s closed at San KrnucUco Produce and General Mar kets. FIEST niSPATCII San Francisco. Sept 17. Whpat Dull but firm for good to choice; most of the efferiugii in off condition. Barley Unchanged Flour The steamer for China to-day carries 17. OOObbls. SECOND DISPATCH. Itccelpts the past 24.hours : 20.000 qr sks flour. 31.000 ctls wheat. 1,200 ctls oat, 1.70J sks pota toes, 1.200 doz eggs. Wheat Choice to extra choice California mil ling. SI 72 is offered ; sale of extra choice flip ping at f I ttVA ; good do. SI 05. Oregon valley re ceipts ex Aucon unsold. Flour Walla A'aila and Oregon valley; stocks are small, leaving little scope to operations ; de mand Is good. Hurley, butter, oats and eggs are unchanged. Potatoes Cheaper; quotable a S11 25. Wool Eatern Oregon long, strong staple, coarse fibre and dirty sold at 16c: same quality sold at ISc. Pear In plentiful supply. Dried fruit Choice Is wanted. Rice Trade is being stimulated by shading price. ATLANTIC MARKETS. Chicago, Sept 17. Wheat Trade Is light atS7Jfc for Ociober delivery. Barley Quotable t 51 OS ; no sales for October delivery. New Yqek. Sept 17. Wheat Cull. Kugllth itlnrkcts. London, Sept 103 P. IT. Floating cargoes, quiet but steady; cargoes on passage and for prompt shipment quiet but steady; Mark Lane market quiet but steady. Quotauons of good cargoes, off coast per 450 lb sea damage for seller's account, less usual 2 per cent commission ; Med. Ch. or MIL wheat, 41s; red winter. 43$ G d ; California, 4949s Gd. Shipping vi heat, fair average California, on pas sage, per 100 lts. Qurenstown for orders, just ship ped. 4CsGd; nearly due, 49s; Ch. or Mil., for ship, ment during present month and following one, per 4S0 lbs. Am. terms, 40. 1.1 Kiiroou Sept 1C 3 P. M Wheat market on spot, very little inquiry at the following quotations: Fair to choice shipping California, per cental, 10s (10h 4d; fair to choice shipping club, percental. lOs-ldalOs 7d ; red Am. spring, No. 2 to No. 1, 9s 4d $9 lOd. English country markets Unchanged. French couutry markets unchanged. Wcaiher in England, line. Shipping Intelligence. (BY TELEOEArH. Pout Townrend,SopU& Arrived Bktn Amelia, San Francisco. Pout G amble, ScptlS. Arrived Bark Atalanta, San FrancLsco. Seattle, Sept IS. Arrived Bark Aureola, San Fran Cisco. Victouia. Sept IS. Arrived Bk Victoria, Sand wich Islanns. Orr Stalebane's Heap, Sept. IS. Br ship Seirol Writ, lor Calais. Liverpool, Sept 10 Arrived Br bk Cormorant, Williams, from ban Francisco May 14. San Francisco, Sept 17. Ss Great Republic and Ancon arrived yesterday. Cleared Ss Oceanic. Hongkong ; Br ships The Bruce and Gryfc, Queenstowu ; Br ship Roxcllano, Liverpool. Sailed Schr Annie Stoffcr, Port Orford. Loading Rk North w est bound ports; schr Jen nie Stella, Coos bay. SAN KKANC1SCO STOCK EXCHANGE. San Francisco. Sept IS B J. B-210 hs SI. S0J4, SO?. SO, 29j. 30J uaia ba sushis1 4, ism;. is. Savage 2S0 shs S17U. 17' 4, 1VA. 17, 17. Con Va-2965 shs 514 VJ, 14tf. IVA b 6, 14$ D SO, UU. Chollar ISO shs S44. 45. 44 H A M 1050 shs S14:. 14Ji. 15$. FoInt-SS5shsS9V.9r9S S. $. Jacket-lS70 shs SJ.215i. 2l$. Imperial 3300 shs SI. 1 05. Kentuck 250 shs S7, 7. Alpha J00 shs S14. 1334. Belchcr-C730 shs $9)4.9. 9)J.9?i,9J, 10,10ys, 10. Confidencc-SW shs ir. bj. Nevada-275 U! S1C2. 101. 102 b 3, 161M. "'tah-ihO sh 542. 4ljf 43 Jnllion 1930 ihs S12. 12'i. 12. Exchequer 14.15 shs $JVS, Si, b. Ovcrmin 470 shs 51GU, 16J. Scg Belclier 10 shs S3u. Justice 290 shs $9y. Succor 320 sbs S2 190. ISO Union 050 shs S107. 106. 10oJ$. Lady Bryan 32 10 shs 53).4 3 90. Alta-SS5 mi SIS?;. 14, 14Vi. 14$. 1VA, 13J. Jul:a-955 shs $5?. 5J& 5J Balto 395 sha 82, 1 95. SUrer Hlll-115 shs $2U. 2 CO. Challenge W shs 51 70. R llaud-450 shs $50. Dayton 50 shs 550. 21 Y 1 10 shs 52 10. 2 05. C" Caledonia 2G0 shs 51. Occidental SO shs 51 05. Sheridan-720 shs S2j;. 2 65. Wood vllle 95 shs ikjc. 50. v S Comstock 100 shs SOc. Lady Washington 140 shs S3, 3f. Kossuth 500 shs 40c. SO. Andes -ISO shs i5c, 90 AFraasooN sales. Valley 100 shs 40c. R & E 215 shs SO 5 Eu Con 715 shs $10. 40 Jackson-S55 sUs S10K 11, 11JC. - Belmont 1050 shs H. 4J.I, 4 ltt. PHomix-lOO shs S3. Leopard-COO shs El CO. 1 75, 1 70. Jeflerson 950 shs 52. Glla-OOOshsSOc Belie 200 tixt si?i;. 10. lojx. Huwey-2920 shs we, 9j, SO S5, 75. ManbatUn 470 shs 57. Defrecs 3jO hs SOc Prlte 300 shs 56, 5J. Si. ArgeDta 3030 shs $;U, u SS, 2 75, 2 SO ' Karajo 17J0shsJt 4U. Endowment 1405 shs 45c 40. Independence 900 shs SS. 2 95. bur 330 shs 51. Tuacarora 1700 shs re. Belle Isle S50 shs 45c Day Silver TOO shs GOc. 50. IlilUide 775 shs 54JC, 4. High Bridge SSO aha 52. Modoc SoO ahs COc 55. 2ew Coso 100 shs SOc Uodie 630 shs T20. 19Vi. 19V JJechteJ -lib hs Si so. 1 10' 1 15. (JR. PAUL M. BRENAH, Hia "Wonderful Success V -IN JHS TESATMEST OF ALL He has Astonished the People of this Coast by his skill ful, Operatiens. HSTMAS TATJGaT1 TN II1S public and priyate'lcctnres the True principles Df hralth tr.i1 llfn tn fcftlh male acd iSraale. He has also warned them against habits that iroald bel likely to produce disease, m plain and comprehen sive language. But where he haa found them crashed and broken down by dl-ase, mentally and physlcallv. he has restored them to health and happiness, for It Is well understood that without health there can be no happiness. DH. Bit EN AN has made a specialty in the treatment of the fol lowing diseases Catarrh. Bronchitis, and all dis eases of the throat and chest by an entirely new system only known to himself. Disease! of the Kid neys -and Crinsry Organs, including Spermator rhea. Seminal Weakness or premature loss of Man hood. In the treatment of these diseases he has made a world wide reputation by his astonishing success, not only ou this Coast but throughout the whole United btatef Diseases of the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys as well as all diseases of the blood and skin he has become master of. and never fails to give relief at once, and permanently cures the case if he Is applied to in time. THE DOCTOR. HAS G1VKN SPECIAL LTCCTUIt.ES to ladies only for years and Ls perfectly fanjiliar with all female complaints, and understands their delicate and refined organization, as well as the proDer remedies which should be used to allay their suffering and rcstor6 them to perfect health. THE DOCTOR HAS THIS ADVANTAGE OTer most physician? hi can tell the patients' dis ease the moment he comes in contact with them without any aid trom the individual. This ac counts In part fovjiu great professional success. All surgical openttlons can be performed by his skillful hand, and the patient need not fear the re sult DR. BKEXAIi will send to these living at a distance and who can not well visit his office a 1M of Printed Questions and by the answers when filled out he can tell the disease as well asnthe proper treatment almost as well as seeing the patient personally, and will for ward the proper medicines, or instruments, to any part of the couutry with lull instructions and ad vice. ach letter requiring advice or list ef ques tions, must contain two postage stamps. Everything strictly confidential and honorable. THE DOCTOR has studied in the est Medical Schools in Europe and three years is. the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, as more than one of the Medical men of the Medica1 Faculty in this State can testify. CAUTION. Persons coming to Portland, requiring medical treatment of the proper kind.who desire to consult with me, will please beware of persons who may try to coax them away to other so-called Doctors, through pretended friendship for the patients Look out for them : they are fcnaves, prompted by selfish motives and what thy can make. Be sure and ask for DR. PAUL M. 3REXAX, the ifcdi'caZ Lecturer, and read his sign on his door. Office, G'J Flrt,t street, over McCormick's Franklin Bookstore. LIVERY AND HACK STABLES. mmm traksfbe coMFini GENERAL Porwardrsq: & Commission. EREIGHT AND BAGGAGE FORWABDF.D AND Delivered with Dispatch, Pianos and Furni ture moved. OHDEU8 FOK HACKS PROMPTLY ATTENDS! to. Day or Night Ofilcc S. W. Cor. Second itml Stark Sta Mark. Care of O. T. Co. E. CORBETrS tftfeagy Livei'y, Back & Feecl Stables (FIBK PROOF). COR. SECOND AND TAVLOR STKKKTi Reasouc!le Ctinres for litre. '' .iictilsa Attention paid to E on nl in;; ,iontt. Order tor Unclt Promptly Attended te OAY OK NIGHT. SOMETHING That lias been Wauling: for 3Iany Years. rpiIK PATENT RIGHTd HAVING EXPIRED ON i the leading Sewing Machines affords a chance to an enterprising Sewing Machine Company to combine and simplify the best points of tho Stan dsrdeYing Machine": in one Messrs JOHNSON, CLARK & CO. having done so w ith their new Machine, as well as added a few lmproemeuu makes the W W ? Of 1&7S. for Strength, Simplicity, durability nml Ca iaci3'". Machine that cnuuotbe equilcd. Do not believe Sewing Machine Agents who try to run it down. Ah we ask U to call am examine the Machine. Ef rig any iirtt class disinterested machinist who will ic&tify as to its durability W. .T. RILEY, Agent. S. E. Corner Third and Alder Streets. Bjgp N, 45 First Street. Portland. Orecron. Don't Fall to Go and See MA-DAailE SM.ITn, The 'VVondcrfnl Gifted ASTROLOCIST AND SEERESS, GC Tnlilifcton at., bet. Thlrtt A KourtJi. Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. She can be consulted on sickness, journeys and business; and also has charms for loe-luct and happiness, and will give luck to all that want It TheSeeress also will give the true likeness of the future husband, wife or lover. Sent by mall to any address on receipt of one dollar and stamp. Consultation fee, S- EVERDING & FARRELIi. DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour, Uacon, Lard, Ac, Ac Also, HAY, STRAW AND FEED Of all kinds. Front and Alder Streets, Portland, Ogn. Office Klamath Indian agency. Oregon, September 1C, 1S7S. J SEALED PROPOSAL?. ENDORED PROPOSALS for furnishing Stations Stock Cattle. Beef on foot and Wheat will be received at the Post office at Llnkville. Oreaon. until 12 o'clock il.. Saturday. Sept 21; 1.S7S, lor furnishing supplies for the In dian hervice at mis Acency. lists 01 wuicn wita Darticular Instructions as to requirements of bid ders may be found at the Poctotnces at Ltnkville, Athland, Jacksonville, and Hock l'omt all tn Ore con. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid. Bids w ill be read publicly at the place and hour above named. Bidders arc in- Vliea 10 Be prceuu 1. xx. auuaiv, slCd5t D S..lnd. Agent J. OfCONNOR, Dealer in Groceries &jProduee snip STOKE, Garden and Grab Seeds, Foreign and Do- inektlc KrulU, Has reopened at the old stand. Corner of Front and Washington atreeta. And will be glad to see all his old customers and the public generally. DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST L ing between Ye Ark to. In the Grocery and Provision business conducted in the city of Port land, on Second street between Alder and Mor rison, it this day dhaolved by mutual consent Ye Ark & Co. withdrawing. Tho business will be continued as usual by Luti JPing. who will collect all the debs due said firm. YE aRK & CO., LTJH PING. rcrtland, Or., An& 23, 1S7S. auSOdlm " . .. - CtiranicairaliMiiiltlJises, j. 5. SI WSJ ;Cf Grubber sTCMPSm f&& 8TtHn il '" VALTioTT-r.lillllHftM ETCm SHINDLER & CHADBOUBNE,. ImBrtcra, WliIca&Ie naa Retail Dealers In. FUSMITXIRE AND BEBDIM61 We are constantly in receipt of Designs from tne "best Artists in Europe and tne recent importations, in, Dining. Xabrary ana Parlor Enrnitare, in EASTI.AKE and QUEEN ANNE designs. Our stock of PUE.NITUB.E COVERINGS is unsurpassed in K-aw Silk, Casnmere, Tapestries, and Sat ins, in tke most unique designs. Also a complete assort ment of Carpets, Oil Clotns, Mirrors and Wall Paper. we fully understand tne and our goods are adapted An inspection of our stock are guaranteed to be tke SHmDLES & CMADBT3TJK.NJE, First and Front Streets, between Morrison and Yamhill, Portland, Ogn. 99 fcgi.rf-wfJ5.BjJ Manufacturer and I Saddles, Harness, Saddlery Hardware, I BRIDLES, CALIFORNIA TREES, LEATHER, &c. g CO if- 61 Front and 62 First Street. Portland. Oregon. IAIVI0ND GROSS-CUT SAW, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. E. C ATKINS Sc CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 13!&'lEaTBm& 'iSKSi THE BEST U TUE WORLD FOR SrEED, EiSE AXD EC0XO3IT. Price $1.50 per font, including one Patent Reversible Handle and Guage. A liberal discount to dealers. Dewarc or Imitations called Diamond Pattern. ICITtTC SHELDON, OSast Portland. SlSlm Sole Agent for Oregon and Waslilnj;ton Territory. PinoHisoM mm $m sale. JuiiiisywBiisiu CUaJa. , I WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE I Breeding Animals: 1 PKIDE OF PERCIIE or GEK. r LEDRY. DOLL. WIIITEROSE.TKMPK5T, these are all full bloods, j jtiSMt. amieen six'ecmn diooo. won um uecu bred to "Arabian Boy," the other three to Gen. Flcury. AH appear to be in foal, and have proven Ko. l'brood mares. JOSIE. ayeailinc filly by Gen. Fle'uy. dan? Jeu nle. This Jilly will be enrolled in the fDrthcim Ing Percheron-Konnan rtud Book, having fine croses from Percheron sires. ELLA, a yearling filly, by Gen Fleury. dam MaEririe. The above reven horses are the most valuable j breeding auimals of this Stock ever offered for sale I on this coast, and will be a valuable acquisition t any rection they may be located in. i I would nrefer to sell theJot together. I will have part of the above number at the com ing State Fair. "I WTLIeAMET ISOlSf WOE1S, Incorporated Sejrtemtxr I-, lsrS, COtrVJER Of NORTfl FltOrvj" VIVO 7 'rUKW! J. W. SPP.AGUE. President. PETEU TAYLOB. Iron ami Briiss Foanders, Boiler MaUers, (icneral jvhlnlg And Engine Bsiilders MAKUFACTCP.K AND HAVE rOB SAL? lllfili and Lint fxesimre Jlnrtne anil stnttonary iS?iUIKs unit UUlLailtS j BUi urtKt rilllsj tiuaitz, minnif; anu Agricultural aummery. AKcnt for tlic Celebratcil jJIOOUK &. PiVllKEil VATlUt WIItKL, cheaper than any ui aa vneci. aSPAlUL'G OB1 MACHJlSEltY AMD BOILKKS prompUy attended U and crecutedj wlti neatness and dispatch. Till LAitaKST AMU 3EST STOClt OJP PATTEKJSS North of San Francisco. No ciarga tho use ot them. Agent tor Knowlca' Patent Steam Pump, the best In use. Also, Agents for the AminORlesa Preparation for the Prevention and Removal of Boiler Scale. XteGroot's Ornamental Iron Fence j a variety of Beautiful Patterns for Cemeteries, etc. House uuungi, iutc, nxc, SMITH BROS' IRON & BRASB WOBES South Front Street, between Ilarrlson and Hall,- In Fireproof Buiidiug formerly occupied by the Oregon Iron Works Company. MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Engines and Boilers, Sa-w Mill r"rist Mill, Quarts and Canning: Machinery, Turbine 'Water W&eels, Iron and Brass Castings, Hetties and Sheet Iron Work and Iron Railings. XACHirVKRY, BOILERS and CASTINGS ot all kinds made to order on short notlc. MARKETS. A. H. JOHNSON, Stalls 36, 37 and 38 Central BJarkt. Dealer In all kinds of Fresh. Meats. PACKER OP" BEKF AND POIUC Highest Price paid for all kinds of Fat Stock. CHRIS. SCHLOTH, 1 WasalnKCon St., near Tblrd, Is prepared to supply Fresh Beef. Pork, Mutton, Yeal, Etc. Free delivery t any part the dry. j. S. KETJLSR, Cor. JSadff a and First Streets. Is prep-ed to 'upp.y Freeh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Yeal, ItCn WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN R. FOSTER & CO. UMATILLA, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, Agents Oregon Steara yavigatloa Co DElI.TT.SnT Dry Goods.CIotiiiiig, Groceries, Hardware tm& Oeaeral MerciiandJs Mark Goods rare J.R.K. U. JOHNR.lV)STER4 J One price to aU at the C O. P. Grocery. East. "We are now opening requirements of tne trade, to all classes of purckasers. is solicited, and our prices very lowest. s Importer of t 3s 3 mmm jj Jis Also, "A KABIAN BOY," some Yearling Coltsand F'.Ules, with the Shetland Ponies, and Sucking Shetland filly "Minnie.'- It is 27 j ears since tho Percheron slock was intro duced In Ohio The Secretary ol the Ohio Board of Agriculture J. II. Klippurt.rsq , publishes in hisre cent unnual report, repliux received from the vari ous counties in the State, to the f jllowing ques tions: Have the Percheron horses been Introduced in your countv? Do they give general satisfaction? To the first. CS comities ansvyer Yts. Tq the second 53 answer It, and 9 answered So And from the same report ihe average prieeof good geldincs and mares for farm u'c were higher in Union county, where they were fim imparted, than anyrther county in tho State. This certainly speaks well for the Percheron Fvery horseman knows that a large well formed horse will always bring a good price in any m-irkct. Send for terms and catalogue IV. C. MYER. Ashland. Oregon. Sept. a 1878. s5d&wlm Vice l reta i . WALTER Tr-.OMPcOK.Secratary. JAMES LOTAN. Superintendent WALKS AND DRIVES. Seiiillinger's Patent FIRE, WATER AXD FROST PROOF ARTIFICIAL STONE! THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIEROR OF THIS valuable patent on the Pacific Coast la now prepared to execute all orders for laving Sidewalks. Grden Walks Carriage Drives. Corridors. Office Floors. Cellar Floors, i-table Floors. Kitchen Floors, etc The stone is laid in fqnares. ovals, rounds, diamonds or any other reqnis.te shape, to conform to any form of surface, level, curved or deprefsed. It is also maGe in any color or variety of roiors. and is as durable and ornamental as marble: is periectlyfire water and frost proof, while nothing is more economical. Beference Is confidently made by the undersign ed to the work done several years airo on the ele gant premises of W. C. Talbot. Emj., f55 Jackson st . and more recently on the msgniuicnt premises of J. B. Hagin, Esq Taylor street, San Francisco, from whom we have testimonials of satisfaction; also the work lately done in this city for E Green, Esq , Judsre Harmon, and Mr.Grayson. on Jackson street, A. K. P. Harmon and V. E Miller, Esqs., Webster street, and Mr. Ward on Lake street. Orders may be left at the office of DILG BR03. Front street two doors south of Oak. CHAS. B. DUHKKOOP, Proprietor, Oregon and Nevada. N. B The public are cautioned against all par lies infringing on this patent, the Edvertiser betas the only person oa the Pacific Coast permit td to use the pieces. anCOdlm COLLIE WS IRON WORK! 44 Front St., bet. Pine and Oak, MACHINERY OF STKBT DE8CBIPTI0S Made to crder at short notice. REPAIRING Promptly attended to by experienced workmes. BANKS. OREGON fc WASHUdCTOM TIUST ISY1STMEST COMFAM OF SCOTLASD. Office, IS First street, Pot Hand. Mori sage Loans at Tec per cent, en Real Estate Security only. MONEY TO LOAN AT ALL TIMES FOR periods of three to five years, repayable by annual Installments or In one sum, just as the borrower may prefer when he takes the Loan. Persona desiring to build their own Homes In Portland, or Farmers wishing to Improve their Farms and repay the cost cf their Improvements by half-yearly or annual nayments (Instead of pay ing away rentsare recommended to try the Trust Company's Installment (Building) Plan. Installment Flan, 10 per cent. SIM every half-year for four years wipes off every S1.00v borrowed. Interest included. 5129 50 every half year for five years wipes off every $1,003 borrowed, interest included. In no Instance and under no circumstances will the company loan enough money to Induce borrowers to allow a foreclosure. - OltKGOK & WASUIXGTOK M0ST9ASE SAYEVGS BASK, (LIMITED) OKI ce In Portland, SAVINGS BANK'S BUILDING, 4S First street President of Scottish, Board of Directors, ALEXANDER GODRLAY, Esq., Shipbuilder, " Dundee. Head Office, 27 Bani St., Dundee. President of Oregon Board of Directors, DONALD MACLEAY. Esq., (of Corbltt & Macleay.) This Bank's deposits (along with its capital) are principally Invested on Real Estate Mortgages secured over improved Farms and Portland City Properties: also on alignments of Mortgages, State, Territorial and County Warrants. INTEREST on TIME Deposits, 4-$ and 5 per cent. MORTGAGE LOANS at lO PER CT. WILLIAM ItElD, Managing Director. LABD & TILT0N, BANRERS. "I EPOSlTS RECEIVED I COIN AND J CUIULKNn. COLLECTIONS MADE on all Points. BUY AXD SELL EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO, NEW YORE, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, LONDON, PARI3. BERLIN. FRANKFORT-ON-MATN WASHINGTON, D. C. An I HONG KONG. BAM of nnwrn Columbia. Incorporated by Boyal Charier. Paid up Capital. $2,000,000 TCith power to increase to $10,000,000. HEAD OFFICERS CornMll, London. .BRANCHES. ...Victoria (B. C), San Fran. Cisco and Portland. A.GKEIVXS. NEW YOP.K "I CHICAGO S-Banlr of Montrenl. CANADA J MEXICO & SOUTH AMERlCA...Lcndon Bank of Mexico fc South. America. IRELAND . Bank of Ireland. SCOTLAND..... Brltl&U Linen Company. ENGLAND .TJntlonal ProvUiclal Banli of EnglnmL TTrcT?TnrT JBnnlc of Liverpool. LIVERPOOL j yortn .fcSontU Wales Bank This Bank transacts a General Banking business. Deposits received on current account, subject to check. Approved Bills dfecoun'ed. Loans made on available security. Collection"! made promptly. Exchange sold on Loudon, Liverpool and on the principal towns and cities iu Ireland and Scotland from 1 upwards. Also on all places in Canada in sums to suit Coin and Currency drafts and Tele graphic Transfers on New York and Chicago. Commercial Credits gran ted, available in Europa New York. China. Japan, South America, Australia and New Zealand. W. IV. FRANCIS, Manager. Bank of British North America INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER PAID UP CAPITAL - - $5,000,000. Head Oilice London, England. Branches in the Dominion of Canada: Montreal, Kingston, St. John, Quebec, Brantford, Halliaz, Toronto. London. Victoria, B. C, Hamilton, Ottawa. Stanley, B. C. In the United States: NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND, Or. Agents: SCOTLAND National Bank of Scotland, Commercial Bank of Scotland. IRELAND Provincial Bank of Ireland. National 3ank Ireland. WALES West of England and South Wales Bank. LIVEREOOL Bank of Liverpool. PARIS. France Marcnard Andre & Cie, Drafts and Telegraphic Transfers bought and sold, Bills discounted and collected. Loans made. Moneys received on special deposit, or on Cur rent account, subject to check ; Commercial Cred its granted, and a general Banking business trans- J. GOOD FELLOW, Agent. S FIRST NATIONAL BSkM OP POP.TLAND. Dealtrnatcd Depositary and Financial AffssiS United States. President...., Cashier -..HENRY FAILING. UAME3 STESL. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN COIN OR CTJREENCX subject to check at sight. LETTERS OF CREDIT lesued available Is the Atlantic Cities SIGHT EXCHANGE AND TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS; payable in Coin or Currency: for Eale CH NEW YORK, BAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, BT-LOOTS. SIGHT or SIXTY DAY BILLS drawn in soma to suit, direct on LONDON, BERLIN PARTB. FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN UNDERTAKERS. .EWS3K.Y 6C GlLNQJ15 CaMnct Makers & Undertaker? DEALERS IN HetffUc & Wooden Coffins. Cnsftcts, Case and all kinds of Undertakers Goods. All kinds of CABINET WORK mado to order. 5 Furniture Repaired. Corner Washington and Second 8ta.. Portland. Ogn. $350. TEWARD OF 5350 IS OFFERED BY THE COM LV raon Council of the City of Portland for the arrest and conviction of JAMES IOHNSON, charged with the crime of murder. Description as follows: About 5 feet 5 or G inches high . dark brown, straight hair, rather short, dark brown eyes, rather callow complexion, a little hump-shouldered: black felt hat with cord and tassel, mixed brown coat fine checked; dark pants, red binding ronnd the waist: new buckled shoe ties about No. VA or 8. gray checked cotton shirt, no collar; white canton flannel undershirt, breast in shape of a shield, bound with blue: smooth face; about 23 or 21 years of age. On fingers of left hand imitation of rings tattooed in India ink. Also the letters " F. T." in India ink on left lez betneen ankle and knee. L. BESSER, Chief of Police. Portland. Sept. 4. 1878 s5d JOHN H. MOORE'S XROET WORKS, G7 F-Streer, between Third and Fourth PORTLAND. OREGON. Manufacturer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Qnartz Machin ery, Saw'Mills, Flouring Mills, HYDRAULIC PUMPS, Shafting, Hanger, Water Wheels, etc And also the Duval Patent Iron Running Gear, for Vehicles. Repairing done at short notice. mv6d6m HERMAN HIRSCH. Billiard and Show Case MAWUPACTTJREH, And CABINET MAKER, So. Ci Front St., Portland, Ojjn. Country orders promptly filled at current rale. The nub now is at the C. o. D. Grocery. OOEAM STEAMERS. INDEPENDENT X2NE! BETWEEN l0ITIAtfD & SAX FBASCISC0. the KPr.TncnTTi Trrar.-P'pvccrnj's" rSIDE-WHEEL AMERICAN STRAW ISHIP GREAT REPUBLIC, 3SS2Tons, JAMES CAKROLL COMMANDER WIU leave Pacific Wharf for SAN FRANCISCO On or about Saturday, Sept. 3S.JS2S Rates of Passage and Freights t KtppTUga 3 o CO Bridal 'Koom&I.'.'JZ.'lZrr .ZZ.ZZZlJilZIl 10 00 The Steerage on this Ship is SUPERIOR to the Cabins on most of the other Coast Ships and her Cabin Accommodations are unequalei by any other ship on the Pacific Ocean OVERLAND TICKETS from San Francisco to all points in United States and Canada. For Freight or Passase apply at the office, loot of B street, next door below Alln & Lewis. N. B. INGALLS. Agent For Port Towuseud & Ticioria. THE SIDE-AVHEEL STEAMSHIP oiL.-sriiri?iA., 500 Tons Register-CAPT. THOMAS STOTHARD, Will leave Allen & Lewis' wharf for the above ports on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 19, at 5 A.M. For freight or passage, having superior accomo dations. apply on board. Cabin Passage.... SIQ I Beck S5 Freight SI per ton. GEO S. WRIGHT. Puset Sound Steaia Nav. Co. FOR VICTORIA. B. C, AXD WAY PORTS OX PUGET fcOUXD. FROM. AND AFTER DATE AND until further notice this Company's 'Steamers will leave New Tacoma for Seattle and Port Tawnsend and Way Ports. Daily at R P. M., and for Vic toria, B.C., Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs ays at C P. SI. TICKETS for sale at the office of the O. S. N. Co., Portland, Or. L. M. STARR. August 12, 1S7S. a3dtf 0LYMPIA AND SEATTLE! The P. S. T. Co's Passenger Packet MESSENGER Leaves Olympla for Seattle and way ports, Monday, "Wednesday and Friday morn ings, at 7 o'clock, connecting at Seattle with Steamers for the various lower Sound Ports. Travelers can go from Kalama to Olympia by Rail, arriving at the latter place at 4-30 P. M. RIVER STEAMERS. Oregon Steaia Navigation 03 PASSEHCER SCHEDULE. Beginning 1st March, 1878. r-gt PASSENGERS LEAVE PORTLAND it5S283 FOR DALLKS Daily, (except Sun day) at 5 o'clock A. M. FOR. UMATILLA AND WALLULA Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 5 A. M. FOR KALAMA, TACOMA AND SEATTLE Dally (except Sunday), at 6 A. M. FOK ASTOrUA Daily, (except Sunday,) at 6 A.M. For Cathlamet, Cay Vlcsr, Skomockaway and Urookfleld Monday, Wednesdav and Friday, at 6 A.M. For Westport, Clifton and Kuappa Tues day Thursday and Saturday, at 6 A. M. 8. G. REED. Vice President Dayton, Sheridan and Grand Monde S. B. Co.'s SPEOIAIi NOTICE TO SHIPPERS & PASSENGERS. From date until further notice the Elegant Steamer City of ggggt Salem t Will leave DAYTON daily (except Sunday), for PORTLAND and all intermediate landings on Yamhill and Willamette Rivers, passing points be lows on substantially on the fallowing time : Leave Dayton at 5 o'clock A. M : passing Cham- Lnoeg at 7: Butteville at 7:30; Oregon City at S 30 frrive at Portland at 11 o'clock A. M. Belurning Leave Portland at 2:30 o'clock P. M., passing Oregon City at 4 30; Bnttcville at 7: Cham poeg at 7,30, arrive at Dayton at 0 o'clock P. M., connecting with trains for all points on line of road to end of track. For rates of Freight and Pasoge apply at the Co.'s office at Dayton, at office of U. B. Scott & Co., Portland, or on board of Steamer. , U. B. SCOIT & CO., Agents. Portland. Aug. 26 187S. THE WILLAMETTE Transportation and Locks Co's fJjc&jBlJ STEAMERS leave PORTLAND S:S"SSV from the Central Wharf, between r mMWt Washington ana Alder streets, as follows : FOR DAYTON Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 A. M. FOR. SALEM. ALBANY, CORVALLIS. and intermediate point Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 A. M. For lightering and Towing of Vessels Between Portland and Astoria apply at the office ol the Company, near corner of Front and Ash sts. FRANK T. DODGE. Agent The People's Protective Transportation Company's Steamers. The STEAMER MeMlNKVILLE Will leave Smith's Wharf hereafter as follows. For Dayton, Lafayette and McHlnnvIHe On Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 o'clock A.M. Steamer S. T. Church can be chartered for Towing, Picnics, Lc. For rates apply at the dock or on board. C. O. T. WILLIAMS. Agent Portland & Vancouver Packet THE STEAftrER VANCOUVER. JA8.T. GRAY. Master. WILL LEAVE FOOT OF ALDER STREET daily. Sunday excepted at 3i0O P. M. Returning. leave Vancouver at 8 A. M. For freight or passage applT ou board. Towing done between 10:30 A. M. and 2 P. H. daily, except 8undays. TR.ENKMANH & WOLTF, MACHINISTS, And Manufacturers of Tools Tor Planing. Molding & Turning, Machinery, Patent Models. Dies, Stamps. Also FARM MACHINERY repaired at short notice. Particular attention paid to BOILER WORK, MILL PICKS MADE AXD REPAIRED. Ko. 40 Front St.. Portland. Oregon. ThLJT. POPULAR ADAM ZOBN Can be found at "ADAM'S EXCHANGE," 31 "IVASKIKGTOX STREET. Our genial ADAM keeps the Mllwaukle and AVelnhard BEER. The Best Wines, Lienors and Cigars. ELEGANT LUNCHES DXlLY. PIONEER WOOD YARD FOOT OF YAJCHILL STREET. J. BOJRJEXSSJEIN. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, B&TQ& Tlrt uasawed, constantly on nand and livared to any vart of the Giir. The C. O P, Grocery is now all ths wge. RAILROADS. Otcgts California 1. 1. t To Take Effect Sunday, Sept. 15, 1S7S, at IS o'clock Keca. DAILYCKSCEPT SUNDAY). As fellows: PORTLAND AMD RQSS&'Jfttf. LEAVE. ASSIV3. Portland TOO A. JL I Bosefcnr TOO P w Boseburg 5a A. M. Portland i2.P,2 ALBANY EXPRESS TRXiH. DAILY, (5XCEPT SUNDAYS) . as follows: L2AVK. ABSJVS. PcrU&ntJ 3:50 P. H. I Albany. s S P. tt Albany -iO A. M. Portland 1&C5 A. 1C FREIGHT TRAINS DAILY, (EXCEPT SUNDAYS) A3 FOLLOWS LEAVE. AESIVE. Portland &15 A. IL I Junction 60 P. n. JuncUon 5:15 A.M. j Portland 12 p. J The O & on and CalLVmia Railroad Ferry csia connectl-a with all Regular Trains. dose connections aro taade at K03E3TJB8 fwitl the-Stsges of the California and Cicsoa Stage Oasr pany. W-EcketsiorS&lotoallthQ principal poina Us. California and the East, at Compaays Office,' Cor. P and Front Sts., at Ferry Landing, PORTLAND. Btorsse will bo charsed on freight reaalnini is r arehouse over 2t hours. Freight will not bo received fox shipment afisr 0 dock P. M, 2. P. EOGSKS, J BSANDT' U GcaT Freight and Passenger Agent. northern Pacific BaiiroaS. PACIFIC DIVISION. KALAMA TO TACOIYIA. AND TACOMA TO WILKSSON, (Coal Mines.) ax-fixN- x-.xisr: tx5.a.xivs, DALLY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) um.YE. I JLBBXVX. Salama 1120 A. K. I Tacoma 5. P. ii. Ancoms . 7iw a. M. Kalama 12:00 Pr ju-vtyantip Road Trains. LEAVE J ASEIVK Tacoma 6:45 A. 11. Wllkeson A00 A.iL VtUkcson ASO P. M. I Tacoma... 5.50 P. l C0NNKCTI0N3 At Tacoma vrith Pacific Hall Steamships 'oi Ictorla and San Francisco, and with Sound Steamers for Seattle. Stellacoom, Olympia and all points ou PnjretSouno, At Lake view with Staje for Stellacoom. AtTenino with stages for Olympia. At ttalama. with O. S. N. Oo.'s Boats for Port land and aU points on Columbia River. At Portland on Wednesday and Saturday at J A.M. with steamers for Port Townsend. Victoria. Nanaimo. New Westminster and Fraser River. Through Tickets for sale at Principal Officesal the Company, and at the Office of the O. S. N. Co. In Portland, Oregon, to Victoria and Seattle, and via P. M. S. S. Co's steamships from Tacoma and O. S. S. Co. arfd P. C. S. S. Co's steamships from Portland to Snn Francisco. Through Tickets to Portland. Oregon, for sale at Victoria, Seattle.Tacoma and Tenino. SAM'L A. BLACK, Gcn'l Sup't. W. WAYNE VOGDES. General Ticket Acent. OLYMPIA ASS TESIHO S. ?u UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, Trains connecting daily with the North.erxi Pacific R. R. At Tenino, will leave Olympia at 7 o'clock A. M and Teniuo for Olympia oa the arrival of train at 3 P. M. J. P. JUDSON. President. To til Unforimiate DR. CISBOH'S DISPENSARY . 0:43 KearnySt, San Francisco. Established in 1S54. for the tre 1. ment of Sexual and Seminal Bis i eases, such & Gonorrhoea. Gleit, Rtriclurc syphiliiLi allltsforms. Seminal 'ttcaiseii. Impotence Skin Diseases etc, permanent, y cured, or no charza. SEMUTAL WEAKSfXSS. Seminal Emissions, the conssnuenca of seir-aocre. ThLs solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence, ic practiced by the youth of both saxes to an almost unlimitfd extent, producing with unerria? certain ty, tie foUowing train of morbid sym?toms,.unless combattcd by scientiSc medical measures, vis.: Sal low countenance, dark Epots under the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the ears, noiso like,tho rustling of leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the limbs, confused vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence In approaching strangers, a dislike to form new ac quaintances, disposition to shun society, loss of memory, hectic fiushes, pimj.lcs and various erup tions about the face, furred tongue, futid breath, coughs, consumption, night sweats, mo-iomanla srd frequent insanifr. CURED AT ROME. Persons at a distance may bo CORED AX H33E, by addrcfcbing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating caie, Bymptoms, lecRth of timethe disease hu contmnsd, and have mediVines promptly forwarded, free from, damage and curiosity, to any part of the caunny, with full and plain directions. By Inclosing Terr Dollars coin, in registered letter throaija the Post oRc or through Welis. Fargo iS Co., a package of medicine will bo forwarded to any part of the Union. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1.357. 3an Francisco. CHRONIC DISEASES OF MALES AND FEMALES A SPECIALTY. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage f IMiT.tfJ.ft. A Guide to Wcdlocfe end. confidential Trrctisc on tbs duties ot marritge anl tha cu;es that unSt tor it: the tc- tfi ffVfirTl6 creU of Eeproducticn end. tha Discuses of Wcmes. I A hook for connd-e-ste reading 00 poses, pries Actx. A DBIU4TC MCntOAl antQrT!t On all duonfrrs ot a Privato I'aturo arjm troci Salr Abusa, Exceesea. orBflcret Diseases, vuh. tb bcit means of cure. E4 :ar7epge. prir to ef. A CLUIICAI. LZCTTTaE on the sot- dlsetsei and those of the Throat and X.angs, Catirrh.Hupturo. tht Opinxa S&bltac price W cts. i.ither book sent postpaid en rreetpt oi price i or all three, eontainire UO pas. hcsntiftilir illustrated. torTtts Address SB. SUTT8. So. 12 K. 8lh St St. iouu. o. ASSIG.VKK'S SALE. XNTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for the District of Oregon. In the mat ter of The Rock Island Storage Co .bankrtior. No tice U hereby given that the underii;ned assignee in bankruptcy in the above estate, will sell at pub lic auction at the court house door in Oregon City, on Saturday, the 21t,t day of fceptember. Ih78, at thc hour of ten o'clock A. M. to the highcft bidder for cash in U. S. gold coin, all hU rifltit. title and in terest es assignee, in the following Town Lots situ ate iu the town of Ntw Era, Clackamas county Oregon : Block 2, Lots i 3. 4; Block 3, Lots 1 , 2. 3, 4; Block 4, Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 6, 7. 8; Block 5. Lois 1, 2, 3, 4,5.6.7 8: Block 6, Lots 2. 3. 4 5,6. 7.8; Block 7 Lots 1, 2, 3. Deeds at expense of purchaser. B. N. BARNiSfi', Assignee. August 28, 187S. au9dtd NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVES NOTICE, that letters testamentary with the will of Gus tav Sieman, deceased, annexed, were by the County Court of the State of Oiegon for Multno mah rounty. duly issued to the undersigned on the 20th day of August. A. D. 1878. All persons having claims against the de-edent's ctate are hereby re quired to present them to the undersigned with, the proper vouchers within tlx months from the date hereof, at the office of Aleasrs. Whalley & Kechheimer. Glisarys Bulldlnz, Portland. Multno mah county, Oregon. Dated t us 20th day of Au gust, A. D. 1878. HENRY WEINHARD. Executor cf-Will of Gustav Siemans, deceased. HUJIdlw5tY PIPER & KNAPP, ARCHITECTS, OSlc In Jlonaastea' Building, First ?& Between Morrison and YarnhP'.