& PttU? KgOBlOB. THDESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 19, 187S. THE NEW SENATOR'S ANTECEDENTS. Mr. Slater came to Oregon a free soil Whig. In natural constitution of mind he -was op posed to the Demecratic party, and this oppoeition "was strengthened by his early training and associations. But he found few political kindred spirits in Oregon, and but a handful in Benton county. His mind was not of a very robust and independent order, but he had some rather quick parts -which enabled him soon to see that there was no hope for political advancement through ad herence to ideas which could not muster numbers sufficient to give a party a standing and a name. Thus beset, Mr. Slater began to yield to the force of popular opinion around him. Democracy he first endured, then pitied, then embraced. He won the friend ship of"J. C. Avery, long a leading citizen and prominent Democrat of Benton. Ur. Avery and Judge Williams completed Mr. Slater's conversion to Democracy. Confirmed in the faith by receiving the appointment of clerk of the court at the hands of Judge Wil liams, he has remained generally faithful to his new vows, though often taunted in years past with his free soil or abolition ante cedents. DuriDg the war he prudently kept silence, since his party had no favors to bestow. He was no more a man to lead a forlorn hope of Democracy than he was to remain a sturdy free soil Whig in the midst of an overpowering adverse public senti ment. But when the close of the war gave opportunity to the Democracy to renew its strength, and honors wcreoncemorein sight, Mr. Slater again appeared at the front, and has been at the front ever since. True, he has not been much in any man's way, and has repeatedly been pushed aside to make room for others who had a larger hold on the heart of their party. But all this he has borne with as much patience and good nature as any one so situated could be expected to evince. He has always been offering him self, yet it has always been easy to crowd him cff. As witty Charle3 the Second said of 'GodolphiK, he is never in the way nor out of the way. He owes his fortune now to the favor of locality. A circumstance raised by another as a political trick to serve a selfish purpose turns to the advantage of Mr. Slater. Those appeals made by Mr. Mitchell lo East ern Oregon in the hope of securing his own election, hollow as they are, gave Mr. Slater's friends their opportunity. Otherwise Mr. Skier had been seduced hi vain from free soil principles in his youth, and like patience on a monument would still be waiting and taking his chances for the next occasion. Til E RING CHARTER. This instrument proposes to reserve to the mnnon council the big job in the erection water works ami gas works, by providing ecially in section 33 that the council shall . ve power to furnish the city with water, to regulate the sale and distribution thereof, and to erect or construct water works and reser voirs within or without the limits of the city; and also to provide for lighting the streets with gas or other light, and to erect such' works as may be necessary or conven ient therefor. A common council, a majority of whose members are totally irresponsible in every respect, and who notoriously are irere instruments in the hands of trucking politicians by whom this ring charter is con ceived and supported, should not be en trusted with any such power and opportu nity. The people do not want to see the city government converted wholly into a ring machine. That is suiliciently its character now. Put the police wholly in the hands of the common council, and add the other large opportunities which the ring propose to ieizs under this cunningly devised charter, and the politicians of a grasping faction will be abla to consolidate here their now broken power, and gain once more a foothold to rule the state. It is well known that their complaint against the present police organization is that they could not use it as they desired in the last election. It declined the most earnest solicitations to " stand in ;"' and neither entreaty nor threats could bring it to the support of a faction which had staked all on a single throw for a new lease of power. A tradable police is now wanted hi' the ring which made its threats immedi ately after the election that it would punish what it chose to call the treachery of the police organization to its interests. We shall see if the legis.ature will deliberately confer on the ring the powr it seeks and convert the corporation of Portland into spoil for ob hers to revel in. THE INDIAN SITUATION.. Uen. Howard has for some weeks been col lecting bands of surrendering Indfans at Mc Deriuiit, and the whole of them numbering in the aggregate nearly one thousand, are now being transferred to Camp Ilarney. They are held as prisoners of war to await the pleasure of the government. It should he almost unneceisary to say that these In dians ought by all means bo transferred to some dtetaut locality. The country is now cleared of all bands of Piutes which have Heon engaged in hostilities, llemove these Indians, now prisoners, and the whole of outheasern Oregon and the adjacent parts )f Nevada and Idaho will forever remain un disturbed. The Malheur reservation should be given up. If the Indians heretofore be longing to that reservation be sent back, nothing can keep them there; they will start off again on a laiding expedition whenever they feel disposed, and there will be a repeti tion of the scenes of the past summer throughout all the surrounding country. It is absolutely necessary for safety that they be removed to some distant place as the Modocs were; and now that the whole of them are prisoners, the job will be an easy one and hould be done at once. We are advised that Gen. Howard has recommended that they be taken to the Indian territory or some other distant locality, and it may be hoped that his recommendation will have weight with the authorities at Washington . It should be sec onded by our representatives in congress. We call attention to the desirability of Mich thorough action as will assure tho country that we have had the last of this trouble. The names of thirty eight Indians or the Umatilla and Columbia river bands who joined the hosliles and participated in the attacks upon our citizens in Umatilla county Lave been ascertained, and many of them are known. That they are lurking about the Umatilla teservatiou. or in the vicinity of the Columbia river is not doubted. The civil authorities should be on the alert Tor them. It Is positively necessary to the future peace of that vicinity that these renegades be taken ami punished. Kvery possible facility will be furnished by the mi.itary, but it will de volve on the civil authorities to make the arrtsts. because there is a law which forbids the use of the military as a posse to execute ci. ' i cress, and if Oea, Howard takes the Indians he must hold them under military law and cannot give them up to the authori ties of the state for trial and punishment. Thi3 may serve for answer or explanation to the complaint made at Pendleton that the military are not arresting the offending Indi ans and giving them np to the sheriff. Surely the sheriff ought to be able to ascertain who those Indians are ; and he has a right to take them on the reservation or wherever found. Measures should also be taken without de lay to effect a permanent settlement with the Indians of Moses1 band on the upper Colum bia. The territory which Moses wishes to retain onght to be conceded to him. He has main tained the peace" under very trying circum stances heretofore, and has always been true to his promises. Hisconductin the past gives as surance, therefore, that if he be confirmed In possession of the lands he occupies he will remain a firm friend of the whites, keep the peace and exercise a wholesome influence over the Indians around him. It is the more necessary that this concession be made at once, because there has always been some uneasiness among those Indians, and because it is certain that auy attempt to remove them to a new locality will be resisted, and the re sult will be war. Those lands could never be of much value to the whites. Besides, if this arrangement be consummated. Homely will go from the Umatilla reservation to this locality, and two-thirds of the Indians of that reservation will most willingly attend him. This would go far toward settling all ques tions connected with the Umatilla reserva tion. Now is the time to put all these mat ters in proper shape, so that the country may experience no more trouble. Bemove the Indian prisoners to a distant place., punish the unfaithful Uniatillas and settle definitely with Moses, and we shall not have further disturbances There has been quite a row in the Demo cratic convention in Massachusetts over the nomination of Butler for governor. The sfate central onimittee tmde an order post poning the convention till the 25th, but tho adherents of Butler disregarded it and rushed their programme through. It now remains to be scea what the respectable portion of the Democratic partv will do. In Salem, Ogn.. Sept 17, altera lingering illness, of consumption, Mrs Nellie C. Burgess. Age 25 yrs. Ohio papers please copy. NEW TO-BA1T. aiiilLnomaSi Engine Co. No. 2. Special meeting this Thursday evening atS o'clock, bharp. By order of the FOREMAN. FOR RENT BUILDING NEW. A NEWLY FURNISHED SUIT OF ROOMS IN a desirable part of the city. Address X," Oregonian office s19tf TO REST. SEVERAL YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE Ac commodated with rooms at No. 67. N. W. cor. Park and A tts. Apply at Match Factory. N. E. Park and A streets. sl9J3t KALEIGH STOTT. JSO. M. GEARIN STOTT & CEARiN, Attorneys at JL.a-v-Rooms 1 and 2 Terwllliger' building, opposite Oc cidental IlotU. Portland. Oregon. REMOVAL. THE BRITISH VICE CONSULATE IS REMOVED to O. S. N. Co'j Block, No. AtA Front Street, up stairs. JAMES LAIDLAW & CO.. have removed to O. S. N. Co's Block. 41J4 Front st , up stairs. &19d2w 2 for 25 Cts. IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS! Just received per Chester the latest Havana In voiceand GENUINENESS GUARANTEED The wholesale coat of thl? clas of goods Is twice that of the bit cigars generally dispensed. ISAAC BLUM, Corner First and Alder streets. BRANCH I3V A.X.JE3IVX. ROOJI AND BOARD WASTED FOR THE WINTER, BY HAN AND WIFE, where there are no other boarders ; must he centrally located, btale where house is situated and price per week or month. No need to address unless house is centrally located. Addribs lxx 77, P. O. Portland. s!8dtl PACIFIC HOUSE, OLYMPIA. W. T.. 31IIS. IX. II. HOWARD Proprietress. TOES NOr EMPLOY RUNNER3 ON ANY OF XJ 'he boats or trains to harras ihe traveler. Ihe PACIFIC is in every respect a first class homo for travelers. Reliable men at all depots and wharves to take charge cf baggage. Good Sample Rooms on first floor. CO&TJMBIA RIVER BAR. SHIPMASTERS. OWNEES AND CONSIGNEES of vessels are hereby notified that the nsw Pilot Schooner RESCUE Is now ready and In active ser vice on the Columbia River Bar. She will cruise on the cutsidc or the bar und be ready in all weath ers to put experienced and trustworthy Pilots on board of any vessels iuward or outward bound. ERIC JOHNSON. THOS. DORIG. M. D. STAPLED. THOS. MASTERS. slSdtf Bar Pilots. GEtA.3VX Vocal & Instrumental Concert PROP. E. K. TRAUNEE, Asslgteil !' well known Amateurs, and Alembers of tlie NortUwcKteru llnnd. To be given at TURSr VEREIN HALL, SUNDAY EVENING, SEPT. 22, 1S78. Admission 10 cts. Reserved 3sat 75c PALACE LODGING HOUSE, (Albky & Heselo's New Building.) COR. MORRISON Jfc THIRD STREETS, Portland, Oregon. Kuriiisliol Room In Suits, or Single, ly the clay Week or Slontli. MISS H. JIESEPEE, Lesser. xs-Gentlemen and their wives will find superior accommodations at this House. sl9alm ' Come and see oui "etv Stock or 3IEX'S and BUTS' CLOTH IXG, FURMSIIIX9 GOODS, HATS etc. GKEAT I5AKG1IXS Toil ALL. KOO'S CLOTH IXG TALACE, corner FInt and Xorrison streets Como and sec ihe biggest store, the best selected Stock and the LOWEST PRICES ever offered la the State. Xow Is the time to call at KOHX'S. Important Anction Sale ! WE WILL SELL AT OUR REAU ESTATE OF 1 1 fice, comer Washington end Front sts oa TUIiSDAY. SEPT. 24. AT ill . r. The fallowing valuable property: .. . ir''. - " ueiwecn bairaon ana Main, on Third HrceUiiith lMKe house of 12 rooms dweu.etc. a very desirable limsitmeni. Lot 6. Bloct 3, .oa Grant irett between Front and 4ter. E V of N. W.Vf Bloct C. Carter' Addition, belne 4 lots on louxteeuih street, bet. Market and MUL Also 18 acr In Sec It. T 1 S. R 2 K, aboni two miles from the ferry. East Portland Full particulars at our office. Terms at time or sale. CREIGKTOX & STEARN, nctlanecrs. JfEW TO-DAY. JOHN CRAM & GO. Arc how opening for tke FALL SEASON, JlJX IZVIItfCENSsIE STOCK OF DRY GOODS! OUR DBESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 5 Which Is this Season largely Increased, Is replete with tnc LATEST PARISIAN STYLES, "New Frencli Plaids In InYlslble effects. Sew Over-Dress Goods! Direct from Paris. Colored Caslmieres, ALL COLORS. SILKS & SATINS To Match, c A yinc Stock or 3LAGK GOODS IN Casimiere, Basket Clotli, Camel's Hair, Serge, Sue, BLACK SILKS! In Excellent Value and large Quantity. 17c direct special attention to our HOSIERY A3D CORSET STOCK, Which we belleTC to he THE LARGEST Ever shown In Oregon. ALSO, OUR Housekeeping Goods In which we have at present, A full lino or Ladle' and Gentlemen's Merm Underwearc Also, Children's CALL AND SEE. sqffee mmmm i Look at TMs I We have just received a fresh lot of that Iclicious r Pure Ground CoiFee In Papers and Cans. Also. Cala. Smoked Beef, Oreasi Ciieese, end other HEW GO OSS, By City of Chester. mnim, sites & go. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fancy and Staple Groceries, 187 Pirst Street. 15ct:. arox'rlson. and "STnmlilll. Oregon Steamship Coxnp'y P0KTM3D to SilK FBMCISCO. REDUCED RATES! CrrylnR the United States Molls unci Vlla, Fajrgo fc Co'u Eipresj. Tho Oroin Steamship Company i win dispatch their new and elegant aAl icon Steamship CITY OF CIH3S'2."'23Tt. P. ilACKlE COilMAXDER. For the above port on SUA DAY, SEPT. 23, at 5 o'clocU A. Bl. RATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin The Comp.nv are nor prepared to Eell First, Second and Third Class Tiikcts from Portland to all the principal Cities in the United States, Toron to and Montreal. Canada. For further particulars for Passage and Freight apifty at the Company's Oflcc, corner of F and Front streets, Portland. Ojrn. GEO. W. WEIDLEK, Agent. BON TON JLIiEsltS3trA"K.33K. Madame R,, DeWinslow, Of raris, HAS THE HOXOR TO ANNOUNCE TO THE Ladiea of Portland that she has tacen Room No. 11, First Stret, over Clarke & Henderson's Dry Goods Emporium, where she will be pleased to receive the patronage of the Ladies for VJY.X-.TtX!VGt STJITiS. EVEXIXG fr BALL DRESSES a. specialty tyle and fitting guaranteed. m. KELSON, rractlcal JL-oelcsmltli. Old Itaion, Scissors onil Knives Ground, RAZORS AND LOCKS MADEISAYS FILED And Set, Tools Jlcpalred anil Tempered. TAYLOR St . bet. Pront and First. PORTLAND OREGON. SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY MEETS THURSDAY EVESISG. bept 19th, at S o'clock P. M. for election of officers and other important business. tlSdit COI'AIITVBIISUIP r hAVK ASSOCIATED WIT A ME IK THE L Baicutriiij: Hutns Mr. JOSEPH BUP.K. UARjr. and will continue as formerly at the old sand. GUST. 81RDBE Eat Ponlau J. Sept. It, 1S75. El&JSt DRY GOODS. M1LL1HERY, ETC. GREAT BARGAINS! AT THE WHITE HOUSE! We will offer during tiie Season, Elegant BUi Brocaded Silks, at - $2 50 per yd Slegaat Black French. Basket Goods, $1 SOpryd Elegant Black Freneli Camel's Hair Goods,Sl 50 Good Blk Trini'g SUk, 75 AllWoolBlkCaskmere, 50 The above Goods are New and the Very Latest Styles! Also, an Immense Stock of UOIEo'CkOKDOLMftio ZiBWIS & STRAUSS. NEW GOOD AT Clarke & Henderson's. Too Miner ou3 to Enumerate. CALL AND SEE THEM! CLARKE & HENDERSON. Emporium of Fashion! Ladies' Suits and Cloaksi Ladies' Suits and Gioaks ! Ladies' Suits and Cloaks ! ! The Largest Stock in the City Can be Found at HARRIS' -EMPORIUM: OF FASHION! First Street nenr. Morrison, Portland. Manufacturing our own Cloaks and Suits, wc are enabled to UNDERSELL an house In that line In the city. fall and be CONVINCED ! ANOTHER CHANCE IN BUSINESS AND Another Seduction in Prices. Mtt. JOHN H.1EKNAH Has this day become an equal partner v, ith Mr. C. M. Wiberg in the BOOT A$D SHOE BUSINESS, 145 Pront Street. They respectfully wish to inform, the public that they are now receiving direct from the East and San Francisco large Invoices cf the Eestaud Latest Styles ot BOOTS AND SHOES, And all Goods pertaining to the Boot and Shoe Trade, which they offer for sale AS CHEAP IF XOT CHEAPKR Than any other house in Orejon. slSdiw WIBERG & KIERNAN. "PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY!" WILMISETTE STOVE WORKS, RICHARDS & ROGERS, Proprietors. Front Street, between Slain and Madison. Dexter Cook Stoves, Psrlor r n 1 Box Stoves Itotmil .Monitor, Hollow Ware, fcc. STOVE EXTRAS, ol all kinds, made to order. THE -VtAGSSETiC ! Nature's Great Restorer! BE. D. HALL McLEMAN. THE CELEBRATED HEALER. CURES ALL DI3 1 eases, no matter how originally caustd or how aggravated in character. Health examination, together with a healing test free to all. PARLOR1! at Pala-o House, corner Morrison and Third streets. Spiritual communicitionsand advice during the day. Wonderful testa given. CIRCLES every Tuenl&y. Friday and Sunday evening at S o'clock. Fee Genu. 1, Ladles, EOc. SUGABS,SUGABS! Wc have received ex Barks -Falkiaburs" and -'Sea Wait." Fr.0M HONOLULU, DIRECT, 3,000 Ivejrs From the followins P.antations: IJOIIAL..A. " HAIKU, 1VA1AUTJA, KOLOA. AUo. 300 nags TABLE 1HCE. "Which we offer to the trade at low rates. S7dlia ALIiES & L.EWIS. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. CREIGHTOff & STEAMS, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, Corner Kroat and "Waslalugtoa Streets. AUCTION SALE IS or 28 HF, ATS OP COWS. "TOTE "WILL 8ELL JOR ACCOUNT OF MR. L. TT P. W. QUIMBY, at the Ferry Landing. East Portland, on Sntnrday, Sept. SI, at 10 o'clock A. ?L, Twenty -six head of COWS, a nnmber of them now giving milk. Time will be given nurchasers. if required, on their famishing approved notes. Sale positive; no reserve. CREIGHTON &STEAEK3. Auctioneers. . Great Slaughter! BA2JKBUPT SALE BOOTS & SHOES.-! $20,000 "Worth, of Boots Jand Siioes from th.e Bankrupt stoelr of Mess. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO. of San Francisco and Boston, -who nave recently failed for the enormous sum of $800,000. This is no FEATJD, gotten np to deceive the public, "but a GENUINE SAE. These Goods have been honsht for CASH THREET BAYS before the FINAIi CRASH, and on account of the cro-wded state of our Store will bo sold at FIFTY PER CENT, of their value. In order to convince the public, they are respectful- fly referred to Mess. J. ISc- Craken & Co , -who can in form them-how many "eases of Boots and Shoes -we have stored -with. them, and to stop paying storage we ar e forced to clear out these goods vat ruinous rates. This sale is positive, and will continue for the next THIRTY DAYS! AT P. SELLING'S, Cor. First and Yamhill Sis. Also, a large stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods & Cloth ing at reduced rates. In order to enable onr enstomexs to compete witn and force from this market all EASTERN SHODDY, we liave made SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! IN Family Blankets, Colored Blankets, Blanket Coats and Ulsters Cassimeres, Tweeds, etc. Flannel Underwear, And Overwear, etc. "We invite tne attention of the trade to our Im mense Stock and Reduced Rates. OREGON CUT WOOLEN MILLS, JACOBS BROS. & CO., Agents, FORTLAND. OREGON, sl'dlmls 8 X 39 1 QA, U?H MOVED OUT OF THE FIRE YESTERDAY AT four o'clock, and our customers on and after to morrow will be supplied with all goods in our line, vir Soda, Sarsparilla, Ginger Ale, Cider and Cider Vinegar, . AT 14 PRONT STREET. Fortland. Sept. 11. 1S7S. slCtf Consignments of Wheat, IIops, Dried Fruit, and other Products, Solicited. Liberal Advances made. Prices and other information promptly furnUhcds. CUTTING & WURRAY, Commlbslon SVlerolinxits, aulMSm2p S00 Front St., S. Ki AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JL. 33. RIOHULXfclDSOISr, A-txo tio .o a?. S. L.S. eiXXJL GEO. X. TOTOQ. GXX.MA2T & 1TQXJHG, Auctioneers and Commission 3IEBCHANTS, fie. 43 First Street, bet. Plae aad Ash. Anction Sides of Keal Estate. Furniture. General Merchandise. Horses. C&tUe. Bugles, &c Bcgnlar Sale Dajs TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 10 o'clock A. 1L Regular and Peremptory Sale OP Fnrnitnre,Grocerles, General M'dso,c. FKID1T, SEPTE21BEII 20, 1S78, At 10 O'clock A. M. GROCERIES. 100 Cases Coal Oil, 50 Hir Bbls. Choice No. 1 Island Sugar, 25 Bnjjs No. 1 Japan Table Rice, 150 Boxes IXli Soap, 100 Boxes Fancy Toilet Soap, 50 Boxes Family Soap, 50- Cases Fresh Toma.ots, 3 doz each, 25 Cases Green Corn 2 ttoz. each. ALSO. FURNITURE. -Fonr Fine Parlor Sets, Two Elegant Blk Wal't Bedroom Sets, Two Klne " " " Twenty Fine Spring JJIattrrsses, Fine Bed Lounges, Three Eng. Breakfnat Tables, Hi Arm Chairs. GIL3IAN fc YOUNG. Auctioneers. 1878. CHAS. HODGK, T. A. DAVIS. GEO.W.&NELL. T. K. ARNOLD. mportingWholesale Druggists AND JOBBERS OF Window Glass, Oils, AND PAINTERS' STOCK. Nos. 92 and 94 Pront street, CORNER STARK. San Francisco Office 116 Front Street. New lork Office 3C Piatt St. ff AVING JUST MOVED INTO OUR NEW Store at the above location, wi are now bet ter prepared than ever to meet the wants of our patrons. Our jacllities for business are not surpassed by those of any firm on the coast Our store is new, built especially for us, and with a view solely to the proper display and handling of our goods Our Stock is large a: d complete in all its branches. In Drugs and Patent Medicines We carry a complete assortment, adding all new remedies as fast as they appear. We have opened a Druggists' Sundries Department, Complete in" all its appointments. We have many Novelties In the way of mARTICLES that must be seen to be appreciated. We would call particular attention to our Etoct of Counter Balances, and Druggists' Pre scription Scales, by far the finest ever brought to this market. We alo offer a new and fine line of SIIEliP WARE, and can furnish a full outfit of Glass Labelled Bottles, at shirt notice. To any one wishing to start a new store, cr to replace old ware with new, it is a great advantage to have the bottles labelled at the Fac tory, thus insuring the per.'ectfitof each label. In White Leads, Mixed Paints, Colors, Brushed, and Painters' Stock of all kinds, we have an assortment far surpass- in; anything ever shown in Portland. We make a specialty of LDBBIOATINB OILS, and buying our Stock at first hands can offer supe rior inducements to all who deal in them. We also carry a very large Stoci of Embracing all the leading Brands, and we offer them at prices which cannot be beaten. In Window Glass We aie prepared to fill orders for 1G and 26 cz. or Hate. We have a Stock covering all Mzes from 8x10 to 40x72, and shaU bo glad to furnish estimates, or any Information desired. BE-ESTABLISHED. J. SIMON & GO., No. 12S Front Street, near Alder, DKALKES IS DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, AND GLASS. Weights, Cords & Pulleys, A. Nov a-iaci Complete Stoolc GLAZING TO ORDER. In consequence of Low "Freights, we are enabled to scJl CARPETS. Aud Upholstery 6oods, AT BOTTOM PRICSS ! NEW PATTERNS by EVERY STEAMER WALTER BROS, 100 Boxes For sale by WiLSOn&SPECfC. BlCdSt Salem Bakers' & Superfine FLOUR ! For sale by SALEH FLOCRISG HILLS CO., Salem or WM. S. SIBSON. AGENT 17 'North Front Street, Portland. MRS. D. C. PEARSON, Fasliionable Dress Malrer. P ROM THE EAST. OF MANY YEARS EXPE- rience. has located in roruana, ana respect fully solicit patronage HRTI1AI. COSTCilES a STW I LIDAL COSTC11ES a specialty. 1C2 First st , cor. Morrison, Church's new building. AUCTION AP COMMISSION. OSCAR KHJBOTTHN, AUCTION AX1 COMMISSION MKKCHAXfc ' Corner First and Pine Street. Regular Sale Bajs, Wednesdays aa Saturdays. WILL FUECHASE AND SELL SSAL ESTATS Merchandise, Furniture, aa. TO t-gy. FURNISHED UOOMS, BY THE DAY. WEEK. OR MONTH. PARTIES desirous of securing nicely furnished rooms, as, above, can be accommodated on and after Sep tember 1st. Tho Lownsdale buUdiasr having re cently changed hands ha3 been refitted and fur nished throughout, and will be kept first class In every particular. Entrance No. 163H Second and No. 41 Morrison streets. auSldlm FOB SALE. FOR SAI.K, A SMALL RESTAURANT. WELL LOCATED. Causa of disposal, ill health. For address call at this office. slStlit FOR. SALE. A HOUSE AND ORCHARD OF FRUIT-BEAR- ins Tree, at Mllwaukie. Apply to JOHN SELLWOOD. Milwaukie. s5dlm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. W. B. CARDWELL, Ilxyslclan and Surgeon. Office Corner Firs; and Morrison, up stairs, over Morse's Palace of Art. Portland. Oregon R. F. PRICE, M. D., nOMCEO PATHIST. Obstetrics and Surgery, specialty 15 years experi ence; best of references. Office . Residence Cor. Third &. Alder sta. O. B. BIRD; hi. D., Homoeopathic Physician anil Surgeon. Taylor street, above Fourth. Offlceon ground floor. Office honra 8 to 9. S to 4. 6X to 71$. alod2m MISCELLANEOUS. BOOK KEEPING. BOOKS OPENED. DJUSTED 6R REGULARLY written up by the month, by competent book keeper of CO years practical experience. Satis factory reference furnished on application. Work solicited. Address W.M. R care Oregonian of fice. slSnedlm NOTICE. THE REGULAR ANNUAL' SALE OF SEATS IN the Synagogue "Ahavai Sholom" will take place on bunday next. 2id Inst, at 2 o clock P 11. uy order of the President. WIT. WOLFF. Sec'v DISSOLUTION. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST Ing between Karl Seella & Ferdinand Zimmer man ta the wholesale liquor business, is this day dissolved by mutnal consent. Ferdinand Zimmer man retiring. Karl SeeliE will collect and liqui date all debts of the. late firm, and continue the business at the late staud. KaRL SEELIG. F. ZIMMERMAN. Witness the above signatures : EHIL ZETTFe CHS. Portland. Sept 1C 1S7S slSdGt THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXI3T ing between James Welch and A. V. Bennett in the Harness and Saddlery business is this day dissolved by mutual consent. James Welch retir ing. A W. Bennett will collect and liquidate all debts of the late firm, and continue 'the business at the Old stand. JAMES WELCH. A. W. BENNETT. Portland. Oregon, Sept. 6, 1873. sOdiw TURBINE WATER. WHEEL,. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM TnE STATE, parties desiring to negotiate for the Burnham Standard Turbine Water Wheel, will applv to 8. E. Young, Albany. Oregon. J. F. BACKENSTO. mim ISDIA SUBBER CO.'S CRACK PROOF BUBBER. The lines on theBoot fhow Pure Rubber Springs made in the Boot, making it. impossible for them to crac& Every Pair Warranted. KAUFMAN, HECHT & ASM, AGENTS, lml 3;Kront Street, Portland, Oregon. auSdlm STfilNWAT & 80SS' LE VICTORY ! International. SxMMtion, Philadelphia. 1376. TWO 21EDAI.S OP HONOR, AMD TWO 11P1iOJIAS OP MERIT ! STEINWAY & SOK3 HAVE BEEN DECREED the supreme, viz: Two Medal3 of Honor and two Diplomas of Merit, being incontestable the highest, honors bestowed upon any Piano exhibit at the Centennial Exbloltion.no otherpiano exhibitor having received more than one medal, or a similar extraordinary recognition by the Jury, and only to the Stcinway Pianos has been accorded Tlie HigUest Degree of Excellence in nil tlielr Stylet,." AL11ERT BART8CH, 2S0 Third street, near Taylor Street Church, Sole Aent for Oregon and ashington Territory. Also, Agent for the Kranich & Bash Pianos, the best in market. JAMES E. KOONTZ, Umatilla, Oregon, FOEWAEBISG & COSMISSIOS MI3RCHANT. JX-ATIES n22XXJCH:i. A large Fire-Froof Warehouse for storage. Also, dealer in DRT GOODS, CliOTIIIXG. GROCERIES. Hardware and GEXisHAL MERCHANDISE. (Established In 1253.) t35Iarl: Goods, caro J. H. K".. U. Slfed2p JAMEd H. KOONTZ aldwin Locomotive Works. BDRNHAM. PARRY WILLIAMS & TO.. Philadel phia. Pa.. LOCOMOTIVK ENGINES of all de scriptions for both .itarrow Gauge and Broad Gauge Railroads. ALL WORK ACCURATELY FITTED TOGA.UGES. thoroughly interchangeable, and FULLY GUARANTEED. Illustrated fatalogueaof NARROW OAUGELOCO jiOIlVEd furnished on application. WILLIAMS. BLANCUAEO & CO.. sl6dlm2p Contracting Agents lor California. Oregon Cream & Limburger CHEESE! 50,500 lbs. of the above Cheese. Tne Sest in tlie Blarlcet 1 For sale In lots to suit. C. A. BTJR.CHARDT, au21dlm 3CnniMlr Washington Street. r. W. STECIIHAV. D. W. PKENTICK. I. W. PB33NTICE fc CO. MUSIC STORE. K"ortli ru.citlp Ooost .A.j?en.ts, Tnc Celebrated "WEBER PIANOS. Tlie TJnrlvled KSTKY aud STANDARD ORUANS. Send for Catalogues and J'ro-3. Alder Street, pji. Ot!i .m' Temple jysu eot".Un. tJi! lm. Rsf Iff Ute5'' 'III VmKI? 'ill fafsMLJijsJ YlpJESNHHQnPtk