PORTLAKD NEW AGE Spring Medicine The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. -It is the best because it does the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu lates the kidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve and digestive strength. An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes timonials in two years proves its merit. DAVID WAHFTELD'S IXB8T STUTCT Sarsatabfl For ltioii who prefer medicine In tablet form, llooil't Hnnuipitrllln U now put up in chocolated tablets called Sanatab, as well ai SsaBsaBBBBBj?B' TSEsBsaxrsBaBBaW" taHBraBaHSBBBBr fit In tliA nanal llnnlil form. RnrsMjlha havn lilfttltl cally the name curative properties as the liquid form, besides accuracr of dose, convenience, econ omy, thero being no loss by evaporation, break tire, or leakage. Bold br druggists or sent br mall, O. I. Hood Co,, Lowell, Mass, Mrs, J. F, flee, SO Uould Street, Htoneham, Mass,, sajrat "In 25 years experience I have nover known Hood's Sarsaparilla to fall, for spring humors and as a goneral blood purlfleri It euros scrofula, enema t has no equal as a general PVdllK IIJVUH.IIIV r . ... kl. II on to say this. Guaranteed under tho Food. and Drugs Act, June 30, 1000. No. 324. flhe Unit the Knd. Ilcr arm about Ills neck drew tighter. "And promise me," sho said, "that you will write from every foreign city you pnsd through." Shifting her weight to the other knee, regarded the girl with some slight Ilclon. o you lore m so much," ho mur id, "or hare you started a plcturo xol card album?" Ox Yoke Made br Lincoln. A recent rearrangement of the ex hlblts In the Agricultural Museum of tlio University of Illinois brought to light an old ox yoke made by Abraham Lincoln, which was presented to the Institution In 1871. By order of Presi dent Draper "the yoke has been In closed In a glass case tho framework of which was made of boards from tha old Lincoln homo at Springfield, III. LD SORES FED AND KEPT OPEN By imparities in the blood Whenever a sore refuses to heal it is because tlic blood la' not 'pure and healthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old cores arc persons who have reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous genus which have accumulated because of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been held in check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, lego or other part of the body. The place grows red and angry, festers and cats into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn ulcer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that It resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can 1 Tw.a.ffliAarf wim, .. ,. dnny permanent good ; neither will rcmov f.1or5?tf?uV0iaVn0d7n,ai? log the sore with caustic plasters or the XaSJiRJllE'JPiSJiiSSLUi surgcon'a knife make a lasting cure. If KyWyfbSSSS evc particle of the diseased flesh were fitl?.i 2J?it-il-t?nlrnS?iulici taken away another sore would come, bc aeveral physicians. They, all t.r i.i.i.imii.. i.i.i j i. treaiea mo due ma aore oonunuaa vuuou ib uuuuib m mi. uiuuu, uuu wc KlSffi7';niiSr'dBifi' 52: blood cannot 9E cut away. vertiana ana commenced its use . . ., . . and utter tsklna it ft wbilo x was The cure must come by a thorough cleans- SSpy Xim? sidttf! ,nS ' the bloo1' In S S. S. will be found now pure and noaltny from tha , . . . i a ffeot of 8. B. 8., and there has not a remedy lorsorcs and Ulcers of every kind. BaB urVf ?t of th Bon ln " is an unequalled blood purifier one that m. . . im. THOetOW3W, goes directly into the circulation and Waat Union, Ohio. promptly cleanses it of all poisons and taints. It gets down to the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased Jiarts with impurities, it nourishes the rritatcd, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the sore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcere and any other medical advice you desire. Wc make no charge for the book or advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CAm paaklnar bsta Much to Do la Deter mlalnsr Aetor'a Coarse la Life. David Warflcld, tho actor, tells the j following story of a good spanking that no got from his mother, which was something of a turning point in his career Tho Incident happened In San Francisco, of which city Mr. Warflold is a native. ' "If It had sot been for a bitter pun ishment meted out to me by my moth er, when I was about 0 years of age," said Mr. Wnrfleld, "I might bo doing my best acts on a Hying trapozo instead of on tho stngc, and my most effective 'flights' would havo been ferial Instead of oral. As a youngster, the height of my ambition was to own a circus and to bo Its bright and par ticular star. In fact, I resolved that this ambition should bo achieved with out further delay. Bo I summoned a few of my friends, and together wo organized a circus In tho collar of my homo. My specialty was tho trapeze. Wo had sold qulto a number of scuta, at a bottle, a horseshoe, old Iron, pins, etc., In fact, anything which might bo converted into cash at a Junkshop af ter the performance. Then tho fright ful thought struck me I had no tights what was to bo done? I crept quiet ly to my mother's room and stole a pair of whlto stocking. I drew them over my legs, donned a pair of short trousers and thero I was. "Everything went splendidly till my turn. Then, at a crash of kettle cov ers mado by tho solitary member of our 'brass band, I bounced Into tho ring, got on tho trapeze, mado of a broomstick and clothesline, and thero I swung gracefully to and fro, for a few moments and that was as far as I got with my act My mother did tho rest. Sho had heard tho rumpus In tho cellar, and cnino to sea what had caused It I can even now remember her placing my car In her hand, and being led away. "How small a thing may thus alter tho course of one's career." For Thin, Poor Blood You can trust a medicine tested 60 years I Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar saparilla; the original Sarsa parilla; the strongest Sarsapa rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc tors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. , But OTen this grand oM medicine cannot do Its best work It the liter li Inaetlre and the bowels constipated. For the best possible re. suits. you should take laxatlre rinses of Arer's Pills while taking theSariaparllla. The flrer will quickly respond, and so will the bowels. A Kad. by J. o. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mats. Also nunuf.olurere of 9 hairvkhn. AQUB CURB. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers Thero nrc sumptuary laws even In the Cook Islands, where It Is a puntshablo often so to cut more thnn 1,000 cocoa nuts in celebration of a death. S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE. A woman who wears a stuffed bird 'In her hat Is liable to a fine of from $-5 to $50 by a law recently paused by the Legis lature of Arkansas. A Japanese bride Ives her wedding presents to her parents as a slight recom pense for the trouble they have bad lo rearing her. WBkFlmeMms It means the hottest and cleanest flame produced by any stove. This is the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives the instant a ghted match is ap plied no delay, no trouble, no soot, no dirt For cooking, the NEW PERFECTION Wiek Blue Flame OaCook-Slove is unequaled. It gives quick results because its heat is highly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense in two. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your deal er's write to our nearest agency. "A horso who hns always been mado to obey quickly will respond to com maudB from any one, whereas Uio crea ture who bus becu potted and talked to accords, unless hungry, scant atten tion to any one. Wo talk to horses al together too much, nndtt Is a silly and dangerous custom, declares F. M. Wnro In a current magazine. IIo adds that tho animal's attention is kept if tho rider or driver Is silent tho horso'a anxiety bolng always to und out what his master wishes done. Thero Is, according to on explorer, n large and llerce South American spider which chases men if thoy come too near Its lurking places. On one occa sion ho wus pursued by one. "Riding at an easy trot over tho dry grass," ho writes, "I observed a cpldcr pursuing me, leaping swiftly along and keeping up with my beabt. I aimed a blow with my whip, nud tho point of tho lash struck tho ground closo to It, when It Instantly leaped uion, and ran up tho lash, and was actually within threo or four Inches of my hand when I flung tho whip from mo." India's hunting leopard ,ttio cheetah, has a reputation as ono of tho most gentlemanly of. beasts. Threo Calcutta visitors to northern India were out on a tramp when they were overtaken by a thunderstorm. They espied a cavo in the aide of a bill and into It they rushed. When the rain stopped they came out and found a cheetah alttlng licking the heavy wet off his waistcoat and his pawa. It was his car; but rather than deprive his visitors of their shelter the polite creature had aat Dutaldo in the driving tempest With a friendly mew and gracefully wagging bis tall, the cheetah bade adieu to -his guests and walked with dignity Into his house. Mothers will nod Mrs. Window's toothing Byrup the bvst remedy to use tor their chlldroa during tho teething period. No Hurry. "Clurraftcr has a good city position, hasn't he?" "O, yes; he's had that for stx months or more." "What work does he have to dor1 "He hasn't found out yet." FITS rerv Br. Vitus' Dance and '. Nervous Disease permanently cured by Dr. Kline's (treat Restorer. Horn! for KlttfC Jitrlal bottle and treatise. Vt. It. lt-Kllnv, IxL, Ml Arch uu, l'blla.,l'a. Juvenile Loirlo. Vexed Parent Polly, you provoke me beyond measure. You forgot more things than anybody I ever saw. Polly Hut think of the awful lot of things I learn, mamma, if I can do all that fonrcttimr 1 Shake Into Your Shoe Allen's Foot-i:o. A ponder. It makes tight or now shoes Icol easy. It Is a certain euro lor sweating, callous and hot, tired, srhlna feet. Bold by all lirticfflsts. l'rleo 2Sc. Trlafpack ago mailed KKKK. Address Allen B. Olmsted, Loltoy, New York. Good Tip. "Do you think I can reach the heart of tho haughty beauty?"' sighed the sentimental youth with the guitar under his arm. "Better try tunneling, old man," ad vised his friend. "Tunneling?" "Yes. I beard her say that you were a groat bore 9100 Reward, 9100. The readers of this paper will bo plossed to learn that thero Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to nuro In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Isthuonly poiltlro euro known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Ixslni; a constitu tional dlsoase, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is lnun Internally, acting; uirecuy u(on tuo noon ana mucous uesirojiiiK t( kItIiik tho p and assisting nature In dolus; Its work. The surfaces of thesystom, tnoreby destroying the , ana proprietors have so much faith in Its curative foundation ol tned Home, and KlTlnir tho na llent strength by building up the constitution wwers that they oiler One Hundred Pollari iur any case wia of testimonials. or any case that It falls to cure. Send for list Address. Sold by druggists, 7io uaira ramny mis r. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a i. are the belt. The number of Isborcrs In the Indus tries of rrarce Is about 5,500,000. Of those, 400,000, on the average, cannot get work. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Am- RabLampZt saaesav all-round bouMhoM use Ma!e of brasa throughout aad beautifully nickeled, j Perfectly cciKructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at you dealer's, write to our penieet agency. aTTi TAMY Psttwatoaeui of Travail. There are surprises to him who trav el, says a writer. There are no onlona In Bermuda for the visitor. They are all exported. No tobacco la grown in Egypt The Khedive has forbidden Ita cultivation. There are no olive tree on the Mount of Olives. The Turks and tourists have destroyed them. The Prencb do not eat froga. The Parisian restaurants may be searched for days without finding a single frog. The Holland cbeeae la seldom aeen at The Hague and Neufchatel cbeeae Is made In New York. Kansas City Is In Missouri. The chief Justice of the! Supreme uourt or Egypt Is a cltlien of the State of Florida, and the bead of the antl-Armenlan party In the Turkish empire la an Armenian. aaaaV'.'4 aasBaV How a Vetaran Waa Saved the putatlon of a Limb, B. Frank Doremus, veteran, of Roose. volt Ave., Indianapolis, Iml,, says: "I turn been showing symptoms of kidney trouble from the time I was mustered out ol the army, but in all my life I never suffered as in 1807. Head aches, diisinesa and sleeplessness, fl lit, and then dropsy. I was weak and helplees, having run down from 180 to 125 pounds. I was having ter rible pain in the kidneys, and the se cretions pasted almost involuntarily. My left leg swelled until It was 34 inches around, and the doctor tapped It night and morning until I could no longer stand it, and then he advised amputation. I refuted, and began ui. lng Doan's Kidney Pills. The swelling subsided gradually, the urine became natural, and all my pains and aches dliappeiured. I have been well now for nine years since using Doan's Kidney rills. For sale by all dealers 60 centa a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. now and Rata. The first man to whom It ever oc curred to And out how much rain was represented by a given fall of snow was Aloxander Brlco of Klrkncwtown, who In March, 1705, mado a simple experi ment with the contents of a stone Jug driven face downward Into over six Inches of snow. What ho learned was that a greater or less degree of cold, or of wind, when tho snow falls, and Its "lying n longer or shorter time on tho ground," will occasion a difference In tho weight and In tho quantity of water produced ; "hut If," he added, "I may trust to tho nbovo trials, which I endeavored to perform with care, snow, newly fallen, with a moderate gale of wind, freezing cold, .will produco a quantity of water equal to one-tenth part of Its bulk." So that a fall of snow of ten Inches represents a rain fall of ono Inch. London Chronicle. Mad on Ilia Own Specification. Mrs. Jones Mr. Jones sent these trousers bock. Ho says they oro not anywhere near long enough. Snip (tailor) That's funny. When I went to collect my bill from him he told mo ho was shorter than ho ever was In bis life' and I made these trous ers accordingly. Toledo Uladc. from Outside Sources. Job Sturky This Is a pretty expensive mixture I smoke. Adam Zawfox So I've heard the fel lows say who furnish you the Ingredients. Banking by Mail WE PAY 4 INTEREST On tnvlngs deposits o( n dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It is hist as easy to open a Savings Account wJth uu by Mail as If you lived next door. Send for our (roo book let, "Banking by Mall." and learn lull particulars. Address Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. tasssifsBiBrsiSsK!yNWssB Tho Kind You lluvo Alwnvs Uouirht hns boruo tho Hiirim. turo of Chug. II. Fletcher, mul has been lutulo nudcr his personal Nupcrvislou for over fJO ycr.rs. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, IniltutioiiH mid . JiiHt-ns-gnod " nro but Experiments, and cmhiurrcr tho health of Children Expcrlcnco nfruinst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla 1m a harmless HubMtltuto for Castor Oil, Paro Rorlc, Drops and Soothlntr Syrups. It in Pleasant. It contaitiH neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nurcotio HUbstanco. ItH nsro in Its frjinruutcc. It destroys Worm and allays FevcrlshncsH. It cures Diarrhwa and Wind Colic. It relieves Tcothltifr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, rcirnlutes tho Stomach and llowols. Riving healthy aud natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Blether's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ck4ac In Use For Over 30 Years. The Finest Gardens Are always reported whn Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand" Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that crow best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps. fertilizers, incuoaiors, urooaers, rpu;:-y ana uee supplies. Aik (t Bk N. ZOO w slta tvs s ltdll ctUkr I TfMl, Utrutt. El. Dek H. 2M In sn nqMii PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon -- - SpoKeme, Wash. m m i V07 yum jVi- m I Till i.l m& i'.'flijRjm i sT f I 1 If JH x wJfi A 4 41 STANDFIRM "Whtayou'buyiun OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand TtthtMleatMi only ww to get in Dtn Sold avarywhara ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES TOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland OrcgM PAINLESS fYENTISTRY rxAMtNATtoNS nice Oold Crowns, 111 Ililrts. Work, pr tootb.Slt 1'l.t.s.Ut Hllrsr illllngs, 0o Uold jrillln. l. . YALE DENTISTS WH First bir.st roHTiUFiT), ORKOON W. L. DOUGLAS 9MO AND 93.50 SHOES V& muvmmuummumm. tYBOOY At AIM. MUOESi aanilk11.aal.ai.u Wa asssia.Saa.sujL Mlsssslarhiirir..'. na ssmiii.im WU.Utlaat7l.,ltaQJvsrfrolacdUtaiaautr7. Xaca yws w m sws Terr aewii at ia maaiaar is saaaaa anar mU watohl orar ay aull4 saoaaukers, wilaaal aagard to areas. If I mmU taka yoa Uta air lanra satrtorlat at mnuntm, ataas., aaa tMrftt ham aarafaUy W. U Doaglas aVSBsVVsl aasi aa a swim a wbt saiay aou ums aaaaa. aar vataa taaa aay oikar asakaa. Tfataa Jopls Bossarl. Joseph Bonaparte fled to America af ivr sun uiuuuni usjs suu DOUgUt 4 homo In Philadelphia, where be lived In winter, and a mansion In New Jer sey, where be paaaed hla summers. He waa much liked In this countr, but could not make np hla mind to eta here, so returned to Europe, hoping to profit by the cbangea of gorernmeat la franca. He waa alwaya dlaappolnted aad fooad hlaiatlf an unwelcome gveet in mvrr country aare England. Ha laally aecured permiaalon to lira lo Italy aad died la Florence In ISM. Whenever aome ooe la parrJcslarly dlaaxraahle there are alwara taoaa wkv will aay: "He haa great stmth of! J Mica Axle Grease lengthens the life of the wagon save a horse power, time and tern per. Scst lubricant in the world contalne powdered mica which 'forms a smooth, bard coating oa axle, aad redacea frictfoa. If yoa waat your oatfit to tost aad aara saoaey while it lasts grease the axlee with Mlaa Axle Crease, Tiaaaaa an sraasaaasf eissaassBjsj aau aaawwar HOWAHD m. UOnTOMASMrts- arl Chsmtsl, LsAdTllls. Colors4a Bpsclm.a prlcMI Oold. BUrsr,is4, II Oold. HUT.r.lioi Oofd. toot Zlno pr Copier, (U Csolds U.U. Msilln.OT.lopso4 full prle list moI oa appllosiUon. Control and Vn 4rworksollIMd. lUfw.SM.1 CaitMOl. Vtr Kwslltaak. WANTED -orUTna T rwl al prsforrsd) lor si gltlBBl. sslllag artlcl. In big di par li oa I1M to M0 psr monib. SPKIALTV" SELLING COMPANY 321 Msrwtaeraa Ave., PerHaaal, Oregon oo4 stlssmsn. (on. ia buggy sood 1.. smsiiJ. Will rsnnsnsnt. FREE SAMPLE fcHp SsTUIX-TEAlf BOKAX With SVpage lllustfsud booklst, giving 1,000 assa let Borax la tb. Horn., jr.rss and osirr, aa4 a Sauvestte VlffAue, Txli la., 0 rotors ,.,.0'S SBi roar dssUf assa. Adlress raelt. Coast Sotex C, osxUad, Csi, P. N.U. Na.1e-7 I-tiralaat wiittmm f eav.rMset g.lassee1 TT -aessMna7is pages. I AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Usd In 11 styles nd all sUm. Ost water and o anrwiitrfc UtH Ujllllug Tools made. (J. calar loss and prices. BEAU. CO. aai Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. DR. G, GEE WO Woiderfel Hon Triilmt This woud.rful Obi. as. Doctor Is eallad grsat btcaus. b. cuns paopl. without opera tion tbat aik sIt.ii up to dU. II. cars, wl.b tbo. wonderful Chi- berbs, tout, bods, barks and vetble tbat are entirely known to modlral sts no. la this country thro harmi.asrem.dlM. This i.i.wus doctor knows u wiwn i .r .w oisf rtsi rssneaiea whloti h. .ata snoceasrally In dISereot sUaeasaa. Urn ..-L .1. '. Mil . I iih iui turn mt iMuimm S?aranij.U)Curea4aerh,Mibma,los.iaroU rh.umaUni, nerrousne, stouiacn, llrer.kld aeys. etc i has bvndrads of testimonials. Charse.mod.rate. Call and M. Win. ratlent 0.1 of th. city writ for blanks and elroaUrs. eead stamp. COMHULTATION KHKK. Addreas Tha C Gee We Chlaeaa Metfdne Co, i2H nrs t. S. C. Car. MerrlsM MsaUou papr Pertiaa), Oresjea