Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, April 20, 1907, Image 5

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r portknJn Jfow Age
Bitablhhed ISM A. D. Griffin, Manager
Office, Room 317, Commonwealth Building
To lniure publication All local ncwn mint nntf,,1 nn it nlnenr nf irrmnnl hvrrrnn
reach ui not rater than Thuriday morning ofnolea nB " BlnBor 01 gOBpei nymns
acn weer.
Pubncrlptlon price, one year', payable In ad
Tance, fi.oo.
Local Kpwi on thin Pago by
C. A. RITTE2R. City Bell tor
Mr. Paul Strain tho genial
prlctor of tho Chicago Clothing Co.
in tho AlnMimrili ltnlKllnir. Thlr.l nn.l
In the AiiiMvorth Iltillding, Third nnd
flnlr Uw.r.u la n Itrm nnil frilo frlnmt
of our people. Call nnd got acquaint
ed with him. tf
Mr. James Cox had tho misfortune
Inolnir ha vniinirnnt rhllil.
of losing his youngest child.
Miss Lulu Watson who hns been
III fnr nnvnrnl wpnlrn la nlmvlv lm-
MJss Pearl Miller is nblo to bo out
ngnln after being confined to tho
hoiiBo for tho past week. ,
Rov. Henderson nnd family nnvo
moved from Thirteenth nnd Evcrott
streets to Fifteenth nnd Ovorton sts
Mrs. C. J. Williamson of 139 Pngo
utreot. returned homo last Sunday
nfter a pleasant visit to Oakland, Cnl.
ft- Tllf. fnpmnrlv nmttlnVPfl liv
-tho Pullmnn Palnco Car Co., has nc-
coptcd n position nB porter with Tull
& Olbbs, lending furniture dcalors.
Mr. C. A. Johnson who has boon tor.; Aaron b.urean, uigiu wonmii - cxcoijGnt gcntlemnn nnd holds n ro
nssoclntcd with Tull & Glbbs Co. for " ."oputy Grnnd Mnstcr; frank BponBn,i0 ,)OBtlon In tho postonico
sovernl years, hns Bovorca iiib con-
flection nnd has nccopted tho posl-
tlon nB second head waltor of tho
.Hotel Portland.
Rov. B. D. Johnson, latoly of Don-
vnr fllln,! U.n n..1.,lt nf Mm Mt. Ollvn
rifittHaf xitut-oii lt.ut Riiminv nvnninir.
HIb Bormon wns an oloquont though
Bovoro nrrnngomont of tho pastor and
moinberB of tho churches.
A BpcclnV Bong sorvlco -will bo
glvon nt tho A. M. E. Zlon church
Sunday evening, April 21. An ox-
collont progrnm has been nrrnngod
nn.l M.r. mtltlln la nnnllnllv tnvltoil In
attend. Tho Young Pcopio's mooting
, L-... t. n .i.. .-. n
Is hold ench Sundny evening from 7
to 8:15 o'clock.
Rov. S .3. CollinB of Tncomn. pro-
siding oldor of tho Orogon-Pugot Junior Stownrd; Wm. Grcon, Wor
Sound conforonco of tho Bothol A. ,-hlpful Grnnd Tyior.
M. E. church filled tho pulpit Sunday Commlttco on Foreign corrospond
ovoning nnd hold quarterly confer- onco: ,.... , ,
enco on Mondny evening. Ho ro- Frank H. Bessie, chnlrmnn, 2222
ports tho work In TiIb district to ho Jf!",1 St., N. O., Ln.; Henry Brown,
In n flourishing condition. 3708 Lnurol St. N. O., Ln.; Valtor
W. Grant, 732 Elnorn St., Alglora,
Tho offlcors of tho Enterprise In-
vestment Co. regrot tho npthy ox-
hlbltod by tho members of tho com -
unnv nn nn ln nronnlnnn Intnlv moot-
Ings have been callod nnd n qunrum
was not In nttondnnco. It Is not "r 01 iuuu, urumur n. u. woou- steuin ranroaa companicfl to post piu
right for tho mombors to Icavo all to 8n w lso expollod for unmnBonlc canl8 in every Htatlon calling nttontion
tho omcorB nnd then find fnuit if conduct. Tho crnft is notified not to tho fact thai the I'-cent nnBoomror
things nro not dono to tholr liking.
In tho early pnrt of tho wcok, sov
ernl pollen oRicers paid nn nriiclnl
visit to Allen nnd Walkers Cnfo
plnccd under nrrcst ton of thol
rona nnd chnrged them with
Ing ono of tho city ordinances by en-1
gaging In n gnmo of chnnco. On
Wednosdny morning Judgo Cnmoron
dlschtirgcd nil hut threo who were
assessed $10 ench.
Tho Now York Ago. ono of tho
most lnfluontlnl raco papers has beon
incorporated for tho capital stock of
TtlnV!!,"18!!!, .1 ill n0!'
Jil J.nt.,"d J.0..?0v..,.n.t.? "?.v q. "f-
.. ;.-- VSi- iii -iJ
own press, typo, etc. ThiB will glvo
omnlovmont to n number of Afro-
'V 1 Americans and Is n movo In the right
t i,f
Probably thore was no better
known negro on tho Pacific Coast
than Mr. T. B. Morton who died nt
tho Berkeley Sanitarium on Sunday
April 7th, having suffered from n
complication of diseases for sovernl
months. Ho leaves a dovoted wife, 'the gospol has been arrested by tho
daughter, sister and threo brothers ' federal authorities relntlvo to tho
with many truo and Bincero frlonds ,$173,000 that was latoly lost from
to mourn his departure. Mr. Morton the sub-treasury in Chicago,
was n strong rnco man nnd took nn ,, .. , .,
nctlvo part In tho various benevolent L ir t republican national conven
organizntlons, being n P. N. F. of tlon should net so foolish and unwlso
tho Golden Goto Lodgo No. 2007; G.l08 ' nominate Secretary Taft as a
N. O. of O. F. a so a nast officer n tho .
Knights of Pythias Lodge. He was
n clerk and n trustee of tho Third
Baptist church; ono of the founders
of tho Afro-AmerlcanN Investment As
sociation nB well as of the Afro-American
Loaguo In California. For
years he has held the position of mes
senger in the United States court of
tho state of California and was well
and favorably known to many of our
Mrs. Ilattle Glasco, for Several Years
n Leader of tho St. John's
Mission Is Dead.
On Inst Saturday evening, Mrs.
Hattlo Glasco, wife of Rev. John
Glnsco. who had been engaged In the
AvnmrAiiurin wnrtr fnr ihn nnat nnv.
era! years In this city died at the Bt,
Vincent hospital. Her funeral took
place Monday afternoon from the
chapel on Second street near Main
street where she had labored long
and earnestly for the uplifting of fal-
len humanity. The ball was filled to
overflowing with those who had I
knowa her and learned to resnect her
as one earnest nnd alncnrA. The fun-
T " ." " " -. -" f
ciui hiii. ? ureucuru uf nci, u.
St rt IrK.ittWS.
er out ai present a member or me
TnlBalnn and vnrklnir at tho oh no-'
makers bench
this city
. At some length he " . .. . . .. I i v A. , faTnn,,a nn.
aS It yar0ouseoherro?nt PMto .of HayU. to on. among the eral Arthur cigar M. A . Oun.t
took place nt Lone Fir cemetery un-
dor tho supervision of tho Edward
Holmnn Company. A large number
1 of her friends followed the remains
to tholr last resting place.
Mrs. Olasco was possessed with a
wonderful power of BDcech and wob
Ancient, Free nnd Accepted Masons
of the Stnto of Loulslnnn and Jur-
Isdlctlon Organized October 10th,
..... , . , , , ...
1000 incorporated October 1-tli,
1000 Under the Law of the State
of Loulslnnn.
t i
A constitutional number
being represented, tho Most Worship
ill I St. Androw Grand Lodge, An
cioni, rco ami Accepicu masons u
tho stnto of Louisiana and Jurisdl
cient, Freo nnd Accepted M'nBonB for
llOIl, COnVOnOU in
- . Orleans In an oxecutlvo session on
Tuesday, Mnrch 12th, 1907. Tho
I urui u mmibo wn wi;h ' '""
ample form. Captain William T.
I Grant (lOHVOrCd n fOrdblO and OlO-
quent address before tho Grand
I'ko which was listened to with
murKCU nuoniion.
L "te. & W'S ITa (V'8t.
i uu. i,nu .UU6 u . r. u..u . ...
sons woro organized and chartarod
under tho Jurisdiction of tho Most
.Worshipful St. Androw Grand Lodgo
of A. P. and A. Masons of tho stnto
ui iiuuiu, w.i....m.v. ..
wiaow b anu orpnuu huihu .
granted further tlmo for a moro fav-
ornblo roport by tho Grand Lodge.
Tho session wob profitable and hnr-
monious anu was inrgoiy luicnucu.
ino ncxi Annum urnna L.ouge oi a.
iF. and A. M. will bo held In tho town
of Slldell, Loulslnnn Mnrch 11th,
". . ino louowing uranu uiucers
wore ciccieu.
I ."'' ".J""m..,n"l.,,"
. ..... .
1:1 irt!. niimL lviiiniiiuiui iiiiiim niiin-
... - . . . . . ... .
"";. nwn. ""'.r'"'""' ""
Grnnd Wnrdon: Wnltcr W. Grnnt,
HKt Worshipful Junior Wnrdon
iChnrlcs A. Moore, Right Worshipful
lurtiuu iiuiiBuiur, nviiiy uiunii,
UlRht Worshipful Giatid Secretary;
John R. RonO, Right WorSlllpTllI
Deputy Grand Sccretnry; Charles
". n'B'rt Worshipful Grnnd Lee-
t"Vr: .J2V . Bftt,Bt0A uB"i Wr-
BMful Grnnd Orator: Edward Dur-
I ton. Right Worshipful Grnnd Mastor
"', cl00'nn ,C85 ",cv ' D; P'1Conn,or
night Worflhlpfu Grnnd Chaplain;
.Iod Nollnn, RlglitVorBhlpful Mnr -
Bhall; Rov. J. J. Roll, Right Worship-
fill GmtHl SWOrd DCnrer! Alfred
Wnshlngton, Right .Worshipful Grnnd
Hnntnr nnnenn! nhnrtna HnlK-. Wnr.
.enor uoncon; unancs iiony, wor-
snipiui urnna Junior uencon; uen-
I orni L.co, worsnipiui urnna aonior
siownru: a. uoiui, worsniimu urnna
Ln.; Sunny Brown, 2003 Cnllopo St.,
N. 9., Ln.; Charles Holly, 1131 Erato
st - N 0- Ln.
' BrOthor LnwrOnCO Philip WnS 0X-
polled for unrnnsonlc conduct in tho
l01',0i nny ,nn8on,c conununicntionH
wuii mum.
uihuiiii " - --..xi,,wA.g j jn niiauum to ting order tlio com-
rpnt 1 M CHICAGO LIHTER ! mlMlon lm n.ldrisod lotto to the
,, ', : S g Lincoln Traction company, tho Citixens'
liv . r.'WaiMtwBlItanwny compuny, of Lincoln; the
Tho Now Ago is on snlo nt Levy's
News Stand, 500 Thlrty-scvcntli st.,
April 11th, 1907.
Gcorgo C. Hall has roturnod
homo from Alabama whoro ho bus
boon on professional business.
M". Coleman of 5117 Armour
avenue, entertained a number of her
friends at n whist party last week
Tho Supromo Grand Chapter of
tho Eastern Star of tho Unltod States
and Canada will meet In annual ses
sion on July 10th, 1907, at Buffalo,
N. Y.
A meeting will bo held noxt week
by tho Western Star Club to publicly
endorso the high position tnken by
United States Senator J. B. Fornker
of Ohio.
Rov. W. W Brown, a minister of
iv-.. .v ,0 lua u.iu
lou of the people ln Chicago that the
next president of the United States
will bo a democrat. Secretary Taft
has no standing with tho people of
this section of the country whatever.
Color line drnwn In tho City Flro
Department. A colored man passed
tho civil service examination to be n
fireman, and was assigned to a
white fire company No. 2 in this city.
The captain and all his men of this
white fire company went on a strike
and went to the chief fire marshall,
iiuiuu, uuu iuuicbivu ubuiubi u tur i
red man being assigned to that en-
glne company with wmto peppio. Air.
Horan attempted to pacify them by
iijukiub room lur ins coiuruo iiroumu
ln another place. If is a peculiar
condition of affairs in tho tire do-
partmentiof Chicago whero a man.
riflBSfs ft civil service examination '
land Is assigned to a place to work fancy groceries, 634 Thurman street
j that the rest of the servants of tho t Telephone Pacific 911.
city In that department then refuse - -
to work with him: wo will see whatf A. good place to get your ipft or stljf
the new mayor, Fred Busse, says Jat renovated Is 249V4 Alder street,
about the matter. Mo will be said .between Second and Third.
aooui ibis in me ititure.
rv.c . .n..r
wirm.mtn ur luuai i
I M . n... p whnlABnln unit rnlnll
(Dy EugeDe FIe,d" '.Chlca "W'mjlt d&Wi?M "
. .,,, .n -Dnrn.A nn Phnn ? p.rr
, " -""" " mm-imib,
Tnil har tiAw thn ITnlfaif UrnrAa mln.l -"-- - -'
In any country or any land. Dr. Fur-
ness has on several occasions dlstln-
gulshed himself In tho diplomatic ser-
vice of tho United States whllo ho
was holding tho office of United
states council nt Dahla, Brazil, and
on several occasions his action and
conduct has boon highly commondod
In tho scnato of tho United States.
Ho Is a prominent 33rd degreoma-
son and a noblo of tho Mystic Shrine,
nnd Is a member of tho Consistory at
Indlnnnpolls, Ind.
Mrs. Mnry B. Rhinehnrt of Spring-
flc,d wnB born thnt clty nml
comes from a very highly nnd re -
B1)0ct0(i family. Mrs. Rhlnohart Is a
vory excollont, progressive and dig-
ntflcd lndy. Sho Is a member of tho
st Pnul A. M. E. church In that city I
,iml ,s Interested in everything that I
upiiuruuuB tor uiu uuvuncumeni oi
tho rnco.
Mr. D. 0. Gaines, of Worcester,
CCBtor'. M188" for forty yn. He has
W, t,"SMS.,c' LBrL ,Bmft'
"'"" ;r," 7. bU ,Y ?":"' "
commercial city. Ho Is a public
rlto, clUzcn; nntl hnB dono lmwh
trnm limn tlmn tn nrnn.nl. Mm
from tlmo to tlmo to promoto tho
Interest of his rnco. Ho Is a dis
tinguished freo mason and a 33rd dc-
'groo Ancient nnd Accontcd Scottish
Wto Mason, nnd a noblo of tho Mys-
tC 8irn0t Ho bolongB to tho reg-
tllnr nnd BOnuIno Masonic Lodgo of
FrcemnBonfl ln tho stnto of MnBaft.
M,BS rloronco M Drynnt of Ncw
orlcanB, La., Is one of tho nctlvo brll-
,nnt ontorprlBlng colored women of
tho 8outht sho ,B rocordor of tho
ti, n iln. n...., ..f n,.i.i..
sphinx 'of Now Orlenns. Ln., nnd Is
i. ifni-ti,v
Grnnd Corresponding
nornnlnr nf
tlin Niitirnmn nrnml
pmirf nn,,utnu f a.,i.inv nt ,,
itnOn.i Qinina
Mr f c Scott of Washington. D
C( hnB BOrvoti j, country with honor
vii iiiiD ouiiuu inn juiiiiLi vilii iiuiiifi
nl cllstlnctlon for several years In
. ituii.i n&.. ...... ii. i ..
.....J Vi...fct.t. Ul.t.UO ..... J. .V IO ....
Inn llnllnrl Qlntnu ttnt.tr Un In nt.
department nt wnnhlngton. Ho Is
tho 0rnnd Mn8tcr of Ul0 MoBt Wor-
shlpful Grand Lodgo of A. F. & A.
Mnsons of tho District of Columbia,
which Is tho only legal and genulnn
Grnnd Lodgo of A. F. &. A. Masons
In tho District of Columbia. Ho Is
n .io.,i nnirmn AnMnni nn.i' Ar.nt.i
0! Scottish Rlto Mnson nnd Ib n noblo
of tho Mystic Shrlno and Grnnd
TrenBuror Gonorni of tho Unltod
supremo Council of Ancient nnd
Accopted Scottish Rito MnBoim of tho
Unltcd stntC8
, Mr, Elmer H. Rhinehnrt of Spring-
foI(1( m( j8 recognized .to bo ono
nnmnit ltn linat i.wtltltnxta nn.l irn.
trnctora thnt thoro is In tho city of
n..i .i.t.t ... n. ...n. t"
SnrlnRfiold, 111. Ho has built a largo
number of some of tho most mngnlfl-
cont rCHdonce in thnt city, and ho
tnkes high plnco nmong tho boat
architects nnd mcchnnlcB of tho coun
Nebraska Cnmmisilon Rules on Tar
minal and Pass Matter
Lincoln, Neb., April 18. Tlio No
brnskn railway commiseion IhhuoiI its
first ordci today bearing on -'cent furcH
and streetcar pusses. It is a notice to
f(iro lloea ot npply tIckct8 p,ircilll8ed
,. ,in.,n i,...,.i ii. .,.,... i.
ttf i llvnvillittlUII WVJUtlu V1IU DUIIU UUI-
In nddltlon to this order tho
Oinulm Lincoln itt licatrico Iutoruiban
and tho Omtilin k Council Bluffs Street
Railway corporation, notifying 'them
that they are subject to tho tonus of
tho now nntl-puss law and will bo ox
pectod to obeyjt.
Newspaper Men to Take Up Farm
In Colorado.
Donver, Colo., ApiJl 18. A colony
of newspaper men is to be established
in tho Little Snake rlvor valley, in
Routt county, Colorado, where tho
state of Colorado will throw open for
eettloment this summer, under the
Carey act, 50,000 acres of land. This
land is under the Little Snake river
canal system. Tho plan is to make
tills colony an up-to-duto farming com
munity, whero each man will own his
own farm and Improvements, the only
connection in which the community
idea will prevail, if at all, being in re
gard to labor.
Shocks Still Continue.
City of Mexico, April 18. Owing to
the great difficulty in eetabliehiiiK
communication with the cities situated
in the region of tho earthquake details
are coming to this city slowly. From
tho latest reports ii is learned that
shocks occurred as late as noon today.
In the list of known dead, which now
total a 50, and of the injured, which ap
proximates 300, aro many names of
Mexicans piominent in the official and
social life of the region. So far the
natno of no American has appealed in
q inHlltt IIBt.
Ati 0f tbo new perfumes at tho
jm,erial Pharmacy, 48 N. Sixth
J. Wallgreen. dealer In staple and
Take Cascade Pine and Tar for
phnrmnVv is N Sixth it'ret
.1 narraacy, o n. oixm siren
your cough nnd cold. Imperial
.., w.0 - -
Special enro given to your pro
scription nt tlio Imperlnl Phnrmncy f D rKUaw
48 N. Sixth street. Phono Mnln .VT JT IVJLIIier
Tho AnheuBor. Henry M. WllllamB.
proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner
Second, Portland,
Ore. Telophone
Main 2517.
' Ryan ft John, dealers In cholco gro-
cedes, meat, flsh and poultry, phone
Main 622, CI North Park streot, cor-
nor Davis.
I ,. , . , , ,
1 Everett Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.),
Cholco Meats and Poultry. 413 Everett
Stroet, corner Tenth, Portland, Oro.
Phone Main 1540.
R. Anderson, ntnnln nml fnno.v pro.
cerlcs, Twenty-first and Thurman
streets. 'Phono Hood 57. Fresh
roasted cofTco a specialty.
Trv Mlo Pnnln Tnnn,1pv Pn tnr
fiood work and prompt service. Main
mco First and Arthur streets, Port-
. '"',? Arc Tninnhnnn Bin
M Ore. JtpjionoC40.
John Sclmld. dealer In hardware, tin
ware, sheet Iron work, guttering,
spouting and roofing. General jobbing
a specialty. 149 Russell street.
Royal Market, Dalr & Worth propri
etors, fresh anil cured ments, flsh,
poultry nnd game. 439 Union nvonuo
north, corner Tillamook. Phono Enst
xT.it. inu cfiMA Wm..ia A W..K
f '.. i .iJ. ,'..!.,.
fresh and 'salt montu, phono Mnln 1395
230 North Sixteenth streot, Portland,
L. N. Necs, boot and shoomnkcr.
Flno repnlrlng a specialty. Glvo him
in rtn i tuiinti vn i iinni nnvininir in
call when you need anything in
.,, ino. 32214 Wllllnms nv., Portland,
--- .
Tho Onk Cafe. Choicest lino ol
wines, liquors nnd cigars'. P. W. Pick,
proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific
2118, corner Fourth and Onk streets,
Portland, Oro.
Northwest Window Wishing Co.
Window Washing, Whlto Wash
ers, Floor Oiling, Drnsa Polishing,
Floor Scrubinif, Furnltiiro Cleaning,
Stovo Polishing, Pnpor Clcnnlng,
Rug Clcnnlng nnd Ynrd Clonnlng.
Call for Jako Ellis nt 335 Couch st.
Dopot Loan Offlco, Joo Ilornhnrdt,
proprietor: (ino watch repairing, old
gold nnd silver nought; utunncss strict
.ljr confidential; bargains In unredcom-
' tA nlmlrtnn- rnnllnv In lnnn On tlla-
cd pledges; money to lonn on dia
monds, watches. Jewelry, guns, pis
tols, bicycles, musical Instruments and
nil articles of value 124 N. Sixth
St., Portland, Oro. t-f.
Tho p l o
ncor paint cs
tabllshm out
of Portland
is thnt of F.
E. Bonch &
Company, of
135 First St.,
tho oldest
nnd most ro
llablo house
of Its kind In
the Northwost. It cnrrlos nn Immonso
stock of tho best thlnga In paints nnd
building mntorlnls, togothor with nn
unusual list of specialties. Thoso who
-need anything In thoso lines can cer
tainly profit by going to F. E. Bench
& Compnny. Romembor tho number,
135 First streot.
The Cost of Interments Has Been
fircntly Hod ji cod by tho Ifolmun
UiulertaQlng Company.
Ilorotoforo It hns boon tho custom
of funornl directors to mnko charges
for nil incidontnls connected with n
funornl. Tho Edwnrd Holmnn Un
dertaking Company, tho leading
funornl directors of Portlnnd, begin
ning July 2, will dopnrt from this old
custom. When tho casket Is fur
nished by us, Its cost will includo nil
charges, such ns convoying tho ro-
mains to our chapel, outsldo box, om
balmlng, hearso to comotery nnd nil
services which mny bo required of
us oxcept clothing, cometery nnd car
riages, thus effecting n saving of $25
to $75 on each funornl.
220 Third Street, cor. Salmon.
Political Announcements
Robert A. Preston
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
Councilman, First Ward
For Improvement n( tlio Plrnt ward
and a wiuaro deal (or the lahorrr
Primary election May i, WTt
William R. McGarry
RcBubd'can Candidate for
Your tupport aoliciled for
Republican candidate for Auditor of tho
City of Portland.
Primary Election May 4th.
LvVjLv fLwbHLt
Geo. J. Cameron
Candidate for Republican
Nomiaatioa for
Portland, Oregon
rrlaorr election May i, Vn
CondiJate for the
Nomination for
Primary election May I
Henry A. Belding
Candidate for the
Nomination for
Councilman, Sixth Ward
For tlio Improvement of tho Blxtli wnril
and R aiinnro deal fur thu lnhurcr
Primary election May 4, 1907
J. E. Werlein
Candidate for the
Nomination for
Primary election lify i, 1907
J. F. Boothe
Candidate for the Republican
Primary Klcctlon Mny 4th, 1007
W. S. Lotan
Republication Candidate for thi
Nomination for the Office of
Primary Klcctlon In Ixi livll May i, 1007.
"If I Hin nominated nnd olcrU-d I will, ilnr
Iiik my turm ololllro, lirotci't tlio Intcri'it ol
thul'lllli Ward mid la-nomlly tliu wlmlo oily."
W. C. Puffer
Candldato for nomination on the
Regular Republican ticket for
Candidate for
Republican Primaries May 4, 1907
Republican Candidate
Councilman 8th Ward
Morally and Commercially
Kmlorkt-il by Municipal U-aguu April 0, '07
lU'imlillrau CunilliUiu at Primary Klcctlon
May I, IUU7
Candidate for
From Montavilla
The Newly Annexed District
A Greater Portland and a Progressive
Administration on Economical Llnea
"An Honest Endeavor to Be Fair Be
tween the City and Ita Citizens"
Vote for
Ruf us C. Holman
Republican Nomination
Councilman 4th Ward
I Vulcan Coal Company, wholcsnlo
nnd retail dealers ln house, stenm and
blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter
col'e. Puget Sound steam coal ln enr
lots, $3.50 per ton and up. Wo handlo
all tho best gradcB of domestic arid
foreign house coals. Phono Main 2776.
Office 329 Durnside St., Portland, Ore-
Palm nnd Term for decorations.
Choice Cut Flowers for nil oennlons.
llrecii hotiic nt Mt. Tnlior.
347 Washington St.
phono Mniiiscj. Portland, Oregon
Successors to F. R. TELL.
Pcnlcrii In
6S1 Flrrt 8t Phono Mnln 19M Portland, Oregon
Hotel Scott Bar
Real Estate and .
123 Russell St. Portland, Or.
l-'rrali Milk nnd Cream delivered twlrondny,
Wliolenntu nnd Itetall,
Phone"! lie., P11I011 ftl'iV Depot. KnutSSWT.
Olll a! Hint Depot, 'JI Union Ave. North.
To piilronlzo tlio
Opposite Hall Park
Wcnnlo Prench .t Dmo Ilcndrlcko, Prop.
Cor. VI tli nml VmiRlm HI. Portland, Oro.
New Cheese & Butter Store
Cheese a Specialty
Butler, Eggs, Hooey, Teas,
Coffees, Cured Meats, Etc.
The most up-to-date in the
Swetland Bldg,, 126 Fifth Street
The Modern Cafe
Open Day and Night
Private Rooms for Parties
Phone Pi. lflc 2832
385 Flanders St., PORTLAND, OREGON
Martin-Marks Coffee Co.
Tlio excelioiico of Monto Crihto Juvn
ami Mocliu Coll'co Btiuuls in high favor.
252 Third Street
Doaleri In
Racyck, Thistle and Howard
Bicycle Repairing.
308 Oak St., near 6th
Pacific 21 17 Portland, Oregon
Hackett, Carhart & Co.'s
$15 "$ 40
Top to Bottom Outfitters
303 Washington Street
up and down the Coast. The latesaaeat
most scnuiariy cojoreu mcu mere is vw. " v. ., va.