Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, April 20, 1907, Image 4

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Portland 3Sw Age
A. D. dRIfPIN. Mnnnuor
Ofllro, Room 317, Coinraonwcoltli Dulldlnc
Entered t the jxoffl at rortlnd,Oron,
MMCOnd-ClMl utm,
Oim Year, payable In advance , $2.00
Our Candidate for Preiident
Of Ohio
If tho police and detcctlvo force of
Portland wcro more Intent and put
mnrn tlmn on wntchlni; for and fol-
lowing up ourginrs nnu oiner re...
and dangerous criminals rather than
men who sit down to play an inno -
cent gnmo of cards In a public place,
or raiding resorts whore Immoral
womon havo comparatively secluded
quunur. ....u uu ui u.u,.u . ,.-
. ..-.1 .1.. i ..-,.... II... .,..!.
lie. t no town won a o a goou ticai
bettor Horvcd liy this arm or tho city
Kovornmont. That tho pollco force
Hpond so much tlmo and effort on
trivial and venial offense, whllo nl-
lowing murderers nnd house robbers
to escape, Is not their fault so much Ryon nm, thQn miQan Q bo'thoy cnn turll those men down nnd." "'resident and his policies seems
ns that of tho system, of tho policy. ono wliy I10 chof WIIK ot jujj.oUocI. ' olect men who will servo them bet-,0 bo nnothop w" '""re's
ptiMued In doforonco to somo Im- ,f AclnK chIof 0rtzmnci,cr wH'tcr. A city should bo nllowcd to ," Hasn't a man who happens to
practical busy bodies who want to'o,. ,B fIt for tho position, ho ouBlit to'mnko Its own charter, and tho pco-,o largely Interested In n railroad,
iiimko uvu.yu.iuy cu...u.... inu..
llttlo molds. ,n t)l0 flr(jt pInco. ,f n()t( ,1(J Bhoul, ,)08cl amondmonts, but tho tnxpay-
A fow ovonlngs ngo sovoral colored jnt hayQ hQm aowcd t0 b(J ft ,,blld 'orB of tho Btt0 ouBht not to bo sub
men who wore openly ploying n bo- I lctop ,n thut vaCQ 0 ,8 unlvcrJjecloa t0 thousunds of dollars of cx
clal game of cards In a bar room ' CBlcomo(1 flB ft worthy nmn nnd'p0nB0 ovory tlmo a small porcontngo
wero arrested and hustled off to the ma nmo R rooI Wlbornnto offlcor lof voters want to pass or Knock out
police station, nnd u dollar that was anybody 'a law.
round on or near ono or litem was thnl hQ Wn8 MacUy C(t out fop
Was ''evidence" that they wero en- (,h(jf of p()1co n ft cly of Porllnnil.B
gaged In tho terrlblo crime of Rni.lBj!0t 0 nn8 (,ono tbo b(JHt ho couJt
lillng. Probably thoy may havo hnd . nwnpv,inilv ,,,. ,in ,H i,ntlf.flf.
nn arrangoment thnt tho ono who lost
tho iramo had to buy tho beer, and
mo hiwnu nun iu uuy inu uut.1. "
tho dollar wob In sight to pay for It
mo nun nr wi.H in nibiii i i'
nnd for this creat crlmo two or threo
no.lcemen arrested four or five men I
nnd rcnulrod then, to nut up bond".
or go to jiiii, mm ...ru .. ...wju.
1 . l. ... .1 IIia stlttf lnt. I
pur....im pm .. ....u, ...... tuu m, i.'-
.,.,., n.n..,.iit it hmi -.lnnn ii flno
, " .,,,,, ,im tll,a l""t,u' n8lL, "r il n
thing and wns establishing a record m t(0
to which It could point with nrldo.
. ,' , ,
Yet tho Bnmo night men wore being
held up on tho stroots, nnd houses
wcro being robbed, and a murder or
two might luivo bean committed, but
nobody would huvQ been caught for
tiio police woro too lniBy watching to
see If they could find anybody play
ing n game of cards In u saloon, or n
parcel of Chlnnmon plnylng fan tan
among themselves In somo secluded
bach room of ono of their rookorles.
What a farco and I'ecksnllnan pre
tenso It all Is. What harm Is dono
to society tit largo by two, threo, four
or half a doion mon Bitting down nnd
playing a social gnmo of enrds. Kvon
If they should hot n dlmo or two on
tho result? True, thoy might bo bet
tor ouiployod, but to make such nn
net a crlmo, and to watch and hunt
for It nbovo nil other crliuos, Is pro
poHtorttus, nnd nn outrage on good
hoiibo. A city govornmont that has
hucIi a disproportionate Idea of crlmo
ub to mnko a tiny llttlo gambling
gnmo among frlonds tho greatest of
foiiBo In tho criminal calendar or
equal to nny, or that does thnt to
curry favor with tho pulpit cranks,
ought to bo turned out at tho first
opportunity as Incompetent or hypo
critical. A llttlo qult't game of cards
for pnstlmo among acquaintances,
nnd where gambling Is not tho main
object nnd tho game Is noi devised
to win money off of "suck'ors," may
bo inndo n crlmo by ordlnanco, as.j)oen jl0m u) on account of invoking
drinking boor might bo, but In tho
nature- of things It Is not u crlmo,
nnd It Is ridiculous ror a mayor nnu
his pollco forco to Bpond n lurgo part
of tholr tlmo and offort hunting down
'criminals" of this class.
And what harm is done to society
t largo by games played nwny back .
out of sight In tholr own quarters by - generation, tho secretary of "tntol d,d not accUB0 Bome other ne
ti lot of "drinks?" If ono of thorn must mall to every legal voter In tho1 a Qf do,ng tho snootnB and
wins mid nnothor loses, and nobody ( stato a pamphlet copy of tho moas-. lynch thom Tn,8 would navo been
but thmoselves know anything about lire to bo voted upon at the olectlon, 'quUe RB jU8ttflablo as most lynch
It, where does tho harm to tho pub- together with tho argumonts, pro ,ng of colored men
llo come Iu? Or If thoro Is any harm und con, which must also be prlntod i .,., i
ia i. ,, nrih .ii thu ort nnd fus"ttnd bound In namnhlet form, at tho I
to detect and punish? If the object
be to collect fines to help maintain
the city government, that is good ns
far ns it goes, but let It bo ho'ncstly
announced that this is tho object,
nnd not ninlto a false pretenso of
'raiding chink-holes In order to pre-
i , ,....., ,.
Burvo puuiic purity, ivmi uvuu 11 uuiuu
'fines are obtained In this way, would
not tho detectives and police bo bet- ought to be. jup with a repeal of tho bridge tax
tor employed in running down mur-1 In cases of tho referring of acts provision of the character, which It
derors and robbers most of whom passed by the Legislative Assembly, would bo unwiso to repeal at this
would becorno murdorers If cornered? such as the appropriation of $250,- time
And thero Is a wholo lot of hypo- 000 for tho State University, tho ;
critical falso pretonso too about tho $100,000 armory uct, etc., to a voto Senator Pulton will soon start out
supresslon of vice In connection with of tho people, as has been proposed, on his campaigning tour of tho stnte
Immoral women. Why aro somo whore arguments for and against tho In ndvnnco of next year's primaries,
places continually raided and other measures aro most certain to bo ad- If anybody Is going to contest tho
no better and oven worse let alone? vanced, It will bo necessary to pro-,nomlnntlon with him, ho will havo to
What right anyway havo tho city nu- vide a copy of tho measure also for ( begin "rustling" also beforo long, in
thorltles to sny that certain crimes public distribution, which will in- (thls connection Inltlntlveroferendum
may bo committed on ono street or creaso the cxponso proportionately, prlmarynomlnntlon U'Ron Is spokon
n nnrtlon of It. nnd not on tho next It Is believed In official circles that of; nlso ex-Senator Mulkov. II. m.
Btrect? Wjy Mt
nr0liartv ownara and bi.Hlnes
. . .
men, whether for or ngalnst, bo con -
Bdorcd n mQ Ra nwh Ra Jn
,Jn th(j chnrtcf to oUow tfco mnyor or I
lchof ()f pMeQ cgUlbIBh n dend J
"rcaBrlhoil district"? If
w ma jJo ho n Qno why n(jt
Rnolhml ,t 8omL)tlme8 ,ookB very
i . ,, .. . .. .
'much ns If thero wero favorites In
tho business.
Tho presont mnyor loft tho city
without n nhiof nf tiniino for nvnr n
venr nnd n half. Ho Iwih hnd an "uct-
. , nm.olnto.l to It mitrleht.
, ,.,, . nmnnrv.
i'llt Vllin in iivii. tin tiiith tr- iivi.viuiii . .
.... ... . , z'" a series of articles on the boulli,
(or th position h man Is needed i ... .,
. . . ... ,, and tho roiatlons thero bctweon tho
.who Is especially, peculiarly capable i , 4 . .
I ... u 4 ...whites lulu "lacks that promises to
" "" ""' ' "' ' 7 "" ? l" 1
T " . "" . " ' . V
uu nun.
Yet during nearly his wholo
, H0 far Muyor Lano Htubbornly
rofllHO(1 (, try even to put hucIi a man
I,,,,,,. .,, whlt hllH ,, ,,, So Bide, nny moro tnan uio wnuo muu - - -
nwM' Anrt w,ml "1,H " ,,ono' h0 uM. ,, .innun't nrnio throiich n',,rnc' n fftct that It might bo wfl
f ... f ....Bldo; ho doesn t nrguo inroiihii "
.far ns wo rcinomuor no put out iit-i ,,. .inniaf.,! fP. .for Sonntor Fulton to observe.
tlo smouldering flro In nn old stove I
In a second hnnd Joint, and hud It re
ported that lie had prevented n great
This town needs a chnngo of policy
In thoso respects. It wants an nd-
mlnlstrntlon that while. It will stand ,
for roasonablo morality nnd "dvlol
rlBlitoousnoss" will not bo dictated to ,
i... H.IA A ..1U ln.lna tut Hi 1
..y H uUlu..u L ,...... - , "
about brains enough to spout plntl-1
tudes to a class of Sunday school
That crank legislators nnd voters
cnn cniiBO tho pooplo a lot of needless
oxpenso Is shown by u statement of
tho cost or submitting certain mat
tors to ii voto of tho peoplo on tho
petition of a small fraction or thorn,
mostly busy bodlos who nro always
wanting somothlng that would not bo
good for tho body politic. A Salem
dispatch In the Orogonlnn snys: It
will cost between $20,000 und $25.
000 for the people to oxorclso their
right of Buffrngo upon logUlntlvo
majors, If tho Secrotnry of Stato
follows out his Instructions as pro
scribed. This estlmnto, however,
does not Include tho payment of In
terest accruing upon cortlflcntes of (
clnlm against any fund that may hnvo
tll0 roferoiuluni, which, In tho case
lf tno BOnoriil appropriation bill two
years ago, amounted to $20,000.
In ordor to lot tho peoplo voto o'lamo excited and shot one another,
a proposition that nlne-tonths of
thom caro nothing about and tho
- ..
enactment of which would not do
.thorn a dlmo's worth of good In n
expeuse of the parties advancing
them. There aro over 100,000 legal
voters In the state, and the postngo
expense alono will amount to more
than $3,000. The nggregato oxpenso
before the voto is taken mounts up
to over $23,000, and the chances aro
.. 4 tut IU , ,
mu iu uuu w.ui. m iiuiuomun "...
bo rojected, and ten to one that it
mcQ lhQ ,ftW ,B put t0 thc togt nndCako and perhaps others. Of course
s'the peoplo havo nn opportunity to .Governor Chamborlnln will bo tlm
I ......i.
.rennzo mo cnormuuH uxpuuuu uiuu;ii-
, . ,t wn no cnsy nmttor to ,.
voko tho Initiative and referendum
n nny mcaBUr0, oxccl)t those of
cxtrn0rdlnary Importance or which
are construed to bo vicious or dctrl -
nlmontB, to tho lntcrcat8 of tho com -
Tho state will tiro before ninny
yenrs of bolng U'Ronncd, and will
return to tho representative system,
that hns always been In vogue. If
representatives don't enact such laws
I , ranJorIty of thc coplo wnMt
t.lo should voto on It, and on pro -
Itoy Stnnnnrd Daker begins In tho
current Issue of tho American maga
fair, reasonable and enlightening
nnd of a very different character frpm
tho lugubrious maundorlngs of Thos.
Pago Nelson, and tho projuilicoci
' "" ,, . ..
screods of other ncgrophoblsts. Mr.
,.. llllM , tnk0 th0 neKroC8'
linker does not take the "" i
sldo, nny moro than tho whlto men's
Bldo; ho doesn't nrguo through n
column from a Blnglo doubtful fnct;
but ho shows that ho wont south
without projudlco to obsorvo, to In
... ,,,, llco who tho "pink domino" burglnr
quire, to find out.oxnct truths, and ' ,
, , . ,,, ,,, was, threo stout policemen, by nil
to present exact facts, and let others ' ' '
. .. ..... l ,... mfi, .mlllng on him inoxpcctedly at onco,
do tho nrgulng. Aii Collier's Weok
lv nnvii! i
i8tcned tQ wwf
blnck nnd whlt0i 'gnorftnt and
yrlwm nm, d0nraV0ll.
His tono Is neither hortatory, nor
. h , .
ono-doslded. What ho gives
planntton facts, facts; tho truth of
sympathy Oio help of understand
ing. Of nil our country. tno soutn
hnB tho most dlscournglng obstncles
to ovorcomo. Tho effort requires
courago, Industry, openness or mind,
nnd that knowlodgo which so fow of
us possess about tho conditions which
llo most nonr about us. Of tho spirit
In which to approach tho gigantic
problem thoro could bo no Jnstor Il
lustration than tho first Installment
of Mr. linker's Btudy."
From tho publication of tho re
sults of such a study tho colored peo
plo have nothing to fear.- It Is to bo
nnknnwloli;eri thnt there Is much
in them to criticise, but this Is true
of whlto peoplo nlso. And It Is al
ways to bo remombored that tho
blacks havo been freo only a llttlo
ovor ono gonoratlon, after hundreds
of yoars of slavery.
In trying to lynch n negro nccused
but not known to Uo Ruuty of a
orm0( ono lJnrk n)gilt this weok In
i.ouislanu, some of tho lynchers bo-
W0lndlnK n few, allowing their In-
tonded v,ctlra to 08Capo, but thoy got
lei.uuu v.ui
uJ lynclu
wondor j8
nched him tho next day. 'The
that tho cowardly murdor-
Tho proposition of Mr, Wagnon
for "free water" Is a delusion and a
snare and moBt voters boo through It,
or will before election day. He may
be honest and sincere, but what he
proposes would ultimately bo an in-
Jury rather than a benefit to poor
householders, as most of thorn can
, iL , ..
dc lur wiumseives. iiCSlaCS, tne
proposition wns surreptitiously tied
l.i ,. .. . ...
ueuiucniuc nominco ir no will accept
It la Konorally supposed that the
mayor will "come out Independent"
nftor tho party nominations are
mndc, but his wisest frlonds will nd-
.vlso him not to do so. Of course ho
could got sovornl times tho number
.of votes that Thomas could, but In
nil probability not enough. This
looks very much llko a republican
year In Portland.
Thnt "terrlblo conspiracy" nsalnst
,"' iiecoino ricn. a riKnt to an
opinion, or to express It to his
frlonds, In this country nny moro?
n. t. McCormlck of Tncoma Is
prominently montloncd as a candi
date for United Stntes sonntor In tho
primaries next year to succeed Son
ntor Ankony. If nomlnnted nnd
elected ho would mnko n flno senator
for that stato.
When tho governor runs for sen
ator tho peoplo will remember the
voto of thnt very meritorious road
.bill. That act will delay many good
J roads In Oregon for two years at
Tho fedornl court will soon bo
htiBy nnd Undo Snm has on hand n
After a woman hnd shown tho po-
innnngod to capturo him.
i m a
Portlnnd novcr had a better pollco
Judgo than tho presont Incumbent of
that olllco, nnd tho peoplo nro going
to keen him right thoro for two years
About one voter In four Is a dom
ncrnt nnd Mr. Thnmns. If Lano runs.
won.t RCt ono democratic voto in
fmu.( 80 n,B 0ectlon I; not probablo.
A Republican will undoubtedly bo
tho noxt mnyor of Portland, but
which republican candldnto for tho
nomination nobody can toll.
Tho criticisms of Councilman Delet
ing will not hurt him among his
neighbors who know him and havo
full confldonco In him.
Ex-Receiver Nolan of The Dalles
" wisely quit ca.K.ng or writing ror
publication, no property sinKs into
It would be only fair to give Prof.
Wlthycombo another chance In 1910
but thnt Is a long time ahead yet.
Judgo Cameron should
wholmlngly re-nominated
bo over
and ro-
Georgo Iiaker is confident It will
turn out a comedy, not a tragedy.
Mr. McKenna's ordinance Is dono
for already, which Is just as well,
I First ward voters seem disposed to
make a change.
The city doesn't want to be Max
Evidently the Irish vote will be
Dealer In
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riione Voo11rvii 8 l'ortlnnd, Oregon
Centennial Market & Grocery
Headquarters for
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School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions
I'hono Main 3791
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TrniiMieU n Gcncrnl Hanking limine', HAVI.N'OH DKI'AUT.MKNT. Interest nlluuol mi
Time mid 8n lug Account. Act n Trustee for Kstnte. Drafts nml Letters of Credit
Avnllnlilo on All 1'nrts i( tho World.
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. -?M'S--rfSLr'