1 i r Jfarttanil Nro Ag JhUbllihad UM A. D. Qrlffln, Manager Offlee, Room 317, Commonwealth Building To lniora publleai means sot Tatar Mwrnk a little too far when aho claimed that 'man that wo can sea that ho u a cni she could bo to any of the banks ored man. and get $20,000 on character. Mr. i . C. A. Rltter was the next speaker' Mr p A Denlson will no doubt for tho negative. Ho waB followed try to appointed one of the As hy Mrs. Fullilovfl who found tnn mln. Blatant Prosecuting Attorneys of dil utes that was allotted to each sneak- ?a- Mr S. A. T. Watklns who has Kyerett Market. (B. L. Peck. Pron.U Choice Meats and Poultry, 418 Everett f D rllil. Street, corner Tenth, Portland, Ore.lvJ. lVllalGr raone main 1640. Babfeription price, on year, payable in ad ranee, SJ.00. Local News on thli Pago bjr C A. RITTBR. City Bdltor I MMtMliMt O. Anderson. atanl anil flatttv am. fcS'US1 !L,5ui!l er too short to give her argument no,d tno fllco for some time 1b now'cri. Twenty-first and Thurman ,Un morning 0! ,n fayor Qf charactor Mr B D going out of office very much dls- treat, 'phone Hood 67. Fresh Cannedy was the last speaker on tho l,Koa W a "fKB number of tho law-i"ea oonee a specialty. negative. He made some very tell- yorfl ana 'ho peoplo who come In Ing points for his Bldo, after which In contact with him. Ho got tho swell a flvo minutes closing nrgument Mr. ?ead bo that no person could hardly Fullllovo revlow tho ontlro subject. tttlk to "m and when they did, they Tho Judges thon retired and after a could hardly get a satisfactory and lengthy aeBslon returned and report- Intelligent answer from him. It is od that thoy woro unablo to ngroo to bo hoped and trusted that In tho on a unanimous vordict, standing 2 whole history of Chicago in tho fu to 1 In favor of tho affirmative Tho turo w'll over such an individual as next meeting of tho society will bo Mr s- A T. Watklns over got Into hold Friday, April 10th at tho A. M. nn mco ,n this city. Ho Is now go E. Zlon church whon tho subject for ,nB out of omco, and may Cod bo do- debnto will bo "Resolved that tho ,vouuj manned ior mat. mmtmmmmmtGmmm PORTLAND LOCALS US j Mr. Paul Strain tho scnlnl pro prlctor of tho Chicago Clothing Co. Sword has been more benefit to tho in thn Ainswortlt Iliilldlne. Third nnd Country than tho Pen." Tho nfflrma- Oak Btrects, Is n firm and truo frlond tlvo will bo supported by Mr. Feath of our people. Call and get acquaint-, orstono and Mrs. Darbour. Tho nog Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for good work and prompt service. Main omco first and Arthur streets, Port land, Ore. Telephone 649. John Schald, dealer In hardware, tin ware, sheet Iron work, guttering, spouting and roofing. General Jobbing a specialty. 149 Russell street. cd with him. tf Mrs. J. N. Fullllovo Is qulto 111. Mr. S. S. Walker Ib qulto III with pneumonia. Mr. J. Donto of Salem Is tho guest of Mrs. Llzzio Watcrford. F. D. Thomas returned homo from Oakland, Cal this week. Ho roports his daughter to bo very low. Sim Reddy Is still confined to his bed at tho Good Samaritan hospital. ntlvo by W. H. Roblson nnd Miss Rllla Gray and two others to bo se cured later. Tho public Is cordially Invited to nttend. A short musical program will bo presented. A. L. UAllUUIt 1 !' Candidate for Auditor for the City of Portland. Mr. A .L. Darbur is a natlvo of tho Btato, being born In Polk county, Juno 4, 1801, and was nnmed after Abraham Lincoln, Ho graduated from tho National Business Collcco' of Portland In 1873, and has nrnc- Mrs. J. HouBCr Is still undor tho ucnuy resiuca in rorimna Binco inai physicians care, llttlo if any 1m- tlmo. Ho wns credit man for Pago proved In health. & Son for ?" At prcsont ho hns chargo of tho collection dopart- An Interesting mooting of tho Tnx- jnnt of tho Oregon Trust & Savings paycrB Loaguo was hold on Tuosdny J'nnk. Ho Is n Roosovolt republican. evening jit tho Bothol A. M. E.,f family consists of wife, flvo boys church, ftna thrco girls. Ho has always taken nn nctlvo Interest in tho ropubllcnn Hon. T. Ewlng, of Alaska, spent Prty, and Is also prominent In sov Bovoral days In tho city this wook. ora' fraternal organizations. His Ho loft Thursday morning onrouto Platform Is practical business meth- for Oakland, Cal. UUB "'"orcou in inu omco una 1110 I peoplo honestly nnd courteously Mrs. H. M. Gray nnd Mrs. D. M. served. Hob novor hold polltlcnl of Nowman chaporonod a party of "co- young peoplo nt a box pnrty at ono y of our leading thcators laBt Mondny evening. OUt CHICAGO LETTED Wo nro pleased to boo our old I Moving and removing this Individual frlond, Arthur Harris, who had n awmmwmmmmmmmmiirom tho pollco department. flngor nmputatod on account of Tho Now Abo ,. on ..1- mt r...', It Is an old Baying but neverthe less a truo ono that "Truth crushed to tho earth will rlso again," nnd when your correspondent after and boforo tho election said that Mr. F. L. Darnott, tho colored candldato for ono of tho Juducs of tho municipal court In Chicago was unreliable, un popular and not tho man for tho place, and thnt tho colored "people knifed him nt tho polls, somo persona attempted to contradict It by writing articles to tho Now York Ago, and now tho Chicago Conservntor comes out nnd nffirms what your corres pondent said, and says that tho rea son that ho wns defeated was bo causo ho waB forced on tho ticket against tho protest of tho colored peoplo and that ho Is weak and un popular, f Pollco Officer McCnll, who Is now stationed nt tho Cottago Grovo Avo nuo Station, nccordlng to Lawyer Thurman's statement Is Indebted to him in tho sum of $25 for services rendered In getting him acquitted of n chargo of disorderly conduct that happond somo tlmo ago. This Is tho tmnio man McCall who Is now a po llco olllcor, who wns arrested In a disorderly houso n short 'time ago boforo ho got on tho nollco force. with somo other bad characters, and nftor tho lawyer got him out of tho trouble, ho now refuses to pay him. If tho facts aro over brought to light In roforonco to this Individual Chief Collins of tho pollco forco of Chicago win do tho community a favor by ro Royal Market,' Balr & Worth propri etors, fresh and cured meats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union avenuo north, cornor Tillamook. Phone East 167. North 16th Streot Market, A. Wur tenborgcr, proprietor, cholco poultry, fresh and salt meats, phono Main 1395, 230 North Sixteenth street, Portland, Ore. L. N. Necs, boot and shoomakcr. Flno repairing a specialty. Give lilm a call when you need nnythlng fn this line, 322V6 Williams av., Portland, Oregon. Condldate for the REPUBLICAN Nomination for CITY AUDITOR Primary election May 4 Henry A. Belding Candidate for the REPUBLICAN Nomination for Councilman, Sixth Ward For the Improvement of tlio Sixth want and a squaro ileal for tho laborer Primary election May 4, 1007 COREL DRUG COMPANY The Beat of Everything a Our Line afthe Beat Prices N. W. Cor. Firat & Sherman Streeta PORTLAND OREGON Tho Oak Cafe. Choicest lino of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phono Pacific 2118, corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Oro. Northwest Window Wnxhlng Co. Window Washing, Whlto Wnsh ers, Floor Oiling, Brass Polishing, Floor Scrublng, Furnlturo Cleaning, Stovo Polishing, Pnpor Cleaning, Rug Cleaning nnd Ynrd Cleaning. Call for Jnko Ellis nt 335 Couch st. blood poisoning Is out on tho streot Nows Stand, 500 Thlrty-sovcnth st., uguiii, uuuuubu nun (uiiu jii. I UlllCagO. Tho enterprising firm of Chnudlor & Ballard lmvo recently purchased nn olegant forty-horso power auto mobile. Thoy nnd their frlonds aro now tho onvy of thoso less fortunato. B. B. Johnson, n paBtor of tho Baptist faith lately of Denver nnd Salt Lako arrived In tho city this wook. Ho wants to locato In tho woBt nnd Is looking for n good loca tion to start church of his falthv Margarotto Washington, a comely arrowed on 'Tuesday 'evening , 0DI,rt' Ia" ar tU dty n a V,B,t' April C, 1007. Mr. S. B. Jones, is now on tho sick list. Mr. Robort H. Williams of 34GG Dearborn streot is very sick. Mr. Theodora W. Jones Is back in Chicago from a visit In California. Mr. A. L. Harris ono of tho lend ing colorod mon of Johnstown, Pa., was In tho city Inst woek. Mr. Gcorgo Roberts of Buffalo, N. Y., nnd Mr. Samuol Beck, of Dav 269 Flnndors street charged with Rov. R. L. DIckcrson pastor of tho larceny nt two different tlmos. Sho St. Marks A. M. E. church, corner of wns hold for trial but claims to bo, 47th street and Stnto has boon trans nblo to establish an alibi. If erred to Loulsvlllo, Ky. Thoro scorns to bo a vory strnnga nnd bad practice among sovornl of tho colored womon in Chicago who hold tho position of deaconess In several of tho colored churches In Chicago. Thoy now mako 11 groat display of thomsolvcs by going round through tho streets of Chicago with n great band of whlto ribbon over their hnts and heads. Their nppoar nnco In tho street Is wholly disgust ing, nnd it subjects thorn to much tnlk nnd criticism. Thoso who per sist In noting so much llko fools mostly belong to tho Bothol A. M. E. church. It Is about tlmo somo of thorn woro getting somo sonso In their hondB and stop acting so much llko fools nnd koop oft thotrcots'of Chicago, with tholr whlto bnnds on tholr heads, nnd lot thorn lenvo tholr Bibles at homo, nnd not enrry thorn nrouna in ineir nanus. Thoy aro dis gracing thomsolvcs and tho churches thoy belong to. Hereafter wo will givo tno names of somo of thoso don Vulcan Coal Company, wholesale and retail dealers in houso, steam and blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter coko. Pugct Sound steam coal In car lots, 93.G0 per ton and up. Wo handle all tho bcBt grades of domestic arid foreign houso coalB. Phono Mnln 2776. Omco 329 Burnsldo St., Portland, Oro- gon. Dopot I.onn Offlco, Joo Bornhnrdt, proprietor; flno watch repairing, old gold nnd silver bought; business strict ly confidential; bargains In unredeem ed pledges; money to loan on dia monds, wntches, Jowclry, guns, pis tols, bicycles, mimical Instruments nnd all articles or value 124 N. Sixth St., Portland, Oro. t-f. J. E. Werlein Candidate for the REPUBLICAN Nomination for CITY TREASURER Primary election May 4, 1007 .. a..,.,. .,Anin. .ii nn. Mrs. Claro Hardin of 361 Thlr On Sunday ovonlng, April 14th, iit, ... ,, v , ,,. lmSr SlrSSSSL W.!8 Springs. Art., tor her hen 1th has conesVes of ti 0 c ur hes w h o wa n t morbenrBno?thnnlthE.0ZKrc8hunrch - tho c1' foo,lD Jl ns a token of tholr gratltudo to him 1 for supplying tho pulpit during tho ansonco of their pastor for several wooks. , Ralph W. Tylor, of Columbus, 0 has boon appointed by President Roosovolt as auditor of tho Treasury of tho Navy Department. Mr. Tylor is ono of tho most prominent Afro Amorlcans of tho country nnd can bo dopondod upon to fill tho offlco with crodlt to hlmsolf and his raco. On Thursday tho Orogonlan with its usual fairness treats of tho "No gro Quontlon," In Its leading edi torial. If tho papors throughout tho rnnnlrv wnnM ertvn annrn in n IMHn moro of this kind of matter and not out t0 1orn?n ' Sunday nnd It improved. Mr. O. F. Adams, registrar of tho Unltod States Treasury at Washing ton, D. C, has been in tho city for sovornl days, nnd loft for Washing ton, D. C, last Thursday. Tho Douglas Contor Dramatic Club will givo Charles Chestnut's "Wlfn nt Hln Vnnh" nn tho UOtli of April at tho Oakland Music Hall '? duo to tho notorious conduct on in Chicago, III. Mrs. Francis Par-1 "10 van or somo or tho colored mln kor Wooloy has dramatized tho work 'J.1? in tho A. M. E. churchos in holy and saintly that thoy must mnka n show of thomsolvcs In tho strcots of Chicago, It Is roportod upon good nuthorlty and from what your correspondent Is nblo to seo and hoar, that tho ma jority of tho peoplo of Chicago havo lost all Intorost In tho colored churches In Chicago. No doubt this nnd tho cast of characters in tho play will bo among tho best young mon and women in tho city. Tho Colorod Compact Knight Tem plars undor tho managomont of ono R. E. Mooro nod his followers turned dovoto so much spneo to scare lines of tho misdeeds of "Negro Brutes," A,V,wo would soon hnvo no Negro Quos- : lion 10 ooinor mo country. On Tuesday evening two whlto mon visited tho Alpha Cafo und whllo ono of them engaged tho pro prietor, Mr. Sam Washington in con versation, tho other ontered tho tele phono booth and broko open tho tele- phono box obtaining It Is bollovod In was said by thoso that noticed and saw thorn that thoy woro tho hardest looking sot that had boon soon on tho strcots of Chicago for many years, and during tho sermon nt tho Chicago, for In tho past fow years in (jmcago tno conduct and tho ca reers of somo of tho colorod minis tors havo been not only disgusting nnd demoralizing, but tholr records havo boon ns black as tho midnight of etornlty. Tho conforonco hns Bomotlmos In tho past attempted to cover It up and whltownsh tho rec ord of somo of thoso notorious Indi viduals, but tho masses of tho peo plo in Chicago know It and hnvo nothing to do with thorn nnd oven THB PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho p 1 o ncor paint cs tabllshm o n t of Portland is that of F. E. Beach & Company, of 13G First St., tho o 1 d 0 a t and most ro llablo house of Its kind In tho Northwest. It carries an Imraonso stock of tho host things in paints and building materials, togothor with an unusunl list of Bpeclaltios. Thoso who need anything In theso linos can cor talnly profit by going to F. E. Beach & Company. Remombor tho number. 13C First streot. J. F. Boothe Candidate for the Republican Nomination FOR COUNCILMAN FIFTH WARD Primary Klcctlon May 4th, 1007 W. S. Lotan Republication Candidate for the Nomination for the Office of STAR MARKET J. Tj. Montgomery STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES rreah, Smol.dnd Salt Meat,, rish .nd Poultry. .-rh Keltic Rendered lard. TREE DELIVERY fhono East 633 61)7 Williams Avo. A. H. Willett & Co. Wholcsnlo and Kotnll OROCERS Special Price, to Re.tauranta Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue F0RDRJJGS do to tho IMPERIAL PHARMACY 48 North Sixth Street. SPECIAL CARE to YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Phone Main 1997 V A NEW DEPARTURE. tho neighborhood of G in nlckles clont and Accepted Scottish Rito, on thorofrom. Tho matter was roported to tho pollco who havo been unablo to dlscovor any cluo to tho miscreants. church, thoy woro to bo seen going somo of thoso unworthy nnd inslgnl out nnd In tho saloon nnd somo of flcant Individuals havo tho audacity 10 in. mis iimo orror tnonisoivea ns n candldato for Bishop or olso havo chargo of tho Sunday school dopart mont. Tho membership of tho col orod A. M. E. churches In Chicago was threo years ago, six thousand (0,000) nnd now thoy only havo 4.- 000, and you can go to tho churchos nearly any Sunday night and find them only partly filled. tnem woro Intoxicated and very drunk. Thoso spurious masons aro a dlsgraco to tho peoplo of Chicago. At n meeting of tho mombcrs of tho Prlnco Hall Consistory of An laBt Thursday, objected seriously to tho continuing of tho namo of Prlnco Hall for tho Consistory. Thoy as serted ovor and over again that Prlnco Hall, of Boston, Mass., was a Masonic Impostor, and a notorious Tho Cost of Interments Has Ilecn Greatly Reduced by tho Ilolmau Undertaking Company. Horotoforo It has boon tho custom of funornl directors to mako charges for nil Incidentals connected with n funornl. Tho Edwnrd Holman Un dertaking Company, tho loading funornl directors of Portland, begin ning July 2, will depart from this old custom. Whon tho casket Is fur nished by us, Its cost will Includo nil charges, such as convoying tho re mains to our chanol. outside box. em balming, hcarso to cemetery nnd all sorvlcos which may bo required of us oxcopt clothing, comotery and car riages, thUB effecting n Baving of 2C to $75 on each funoral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDER TAKING COMPANY, 330 Tnird Streot. cor. Salmon. AUDITOR OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND Primary Election to bo hold May 1, 1907. "If I am nominated and elected Iwlll.tlur. Inn my term nt office, protect tlio Intorcata of tho 1-1 (tli Ward and generally tho whole city." W. C. Puffer Candidate for nomination on the Regular Republican ticket for COUNCILMAN FOR THE FIFTH WARD A THOUGHT That tnoacanonMiBRcaUlsanowBprlnB Is a Good Thing to keep In mind that It pnyn todrom well FOR ANY MAN ING COMPANY, 69-71 Third Street H PACIFIC COOPERAGE FllANK WMKlKIt, 1'rop. Round and Oval Tanks and Casks Beer Kegs, Barrels, Etc. Repairing of All Kinds to order. 'J wentiuth and York Strcots PORTLAND, OREGON BROOKS 8c SON Successors to F. R. TELL Dealer In PROVISIONS & SHIP SUPPLIES 681 Klnt Et riumo Main 1981 Portland, OrcKon Hotel Scott Bar HARMON & SON Portland Oregon Political Announcements UUSINEBS-LOOAI.8 lo Among the councllmen who havo sorved tho city faithfully and desorvo violator of tho MuBonlc law, and tho n .second term Is Councilman Dold- mombors by n unanimous voto lng of tho Sixth ward, who Is a cun-'changod tho namo from Prlnco Hall dldato for ro-olectlon. Mr. Holding Consistory to tho nnmo of Western has been nttontivo and fnlthful In .Light Consistory of Chicago, the performance of his duties, has TT . , . .. . looked out well for tho Intorests of ' .. "onornUlo Frod Dusse. tho repub- tho people of tho city In general and MS" "V'1 B!,?'tfe?,Tnynr ?? his wnrd in particular, nnd ho ought ".ilLHA0' , to bo ro-olected, as tho voters of tho cn" e sn d to, tho everlasting credit Sixth ward wlUJoubtless decide. '8 tood & th.lrollt!TK; toV'fcJi Jl&" ,.-... . . . , 'tho last and wont down In defent. Tho debate announced to take Thoy voted for Mnyor Ei P Dunn0f place , at tho A. M. E. Zlon church last tho,r cholco for mayor of chlcaB0 Monday ovoning drew a largo audi- und although ho was defeated, they once. Mr. O. W Kinney was chosen went down ln dofeat wlth hlnii Tber0 ns chairman and Miss Ora Rhodes as aro n 000 cojored voters in Chicago secretary. It had been intended to and ou't of tho n 000 colored votea j.,u ouu.k I'lUbtou uul tj,at wenj cast for mayor 0f ChlCngO, those on that part of the program Mayor E P, Dunno got over 700o of were unavoidably detained so tho them debate was declared In order. Messrs. j Featherstono and Leo and Mrs. Bar- Whenever tho bishop of tho A. M. her were selected ns Judges. Tho E. church is so white that yon can president thon stated tho subject for not tell him from a whlto person, debato to bo "Resolved that Char- and who Is so holy and good to let acter Is Greater Power Than Money." them tell It, nnd you never seo him Mr. J. N. Fullllovo opened for tho mingle with the colored peoplo, ox nffllrmatlvo and refered to many copt the time that they are ln tho noted characters in history In sup- church, nnd that always happens to port of tho affirmative. Ho was fol- bo when there is a good fat collection wed by Mr. H. Sproull who In an on hand, it Is about time for the col- All of tho now perfumes at tho Imperial Pharmacy, 48 N. Sixth street. J. Wallgreon, dealer In staple and fancy groceries, G34 Thurman street reiepnone Pacific 911. A good place to get your soft or Btlff between Second and Third. Tako Cascado Pino and Tnr for your cough and cold. Imperial ruurmacy, is n, aixtn street. M. J. QUI Co., wholesale and retail meat dealers, 512 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phone East C65. Always ask for tho famous Gen eral Arthur cigar. M. A. Gunst & Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Special care given to your pre scription at tho Imperial Pharmacy 48 N. Sixth street. Phono Main 1997. Robert A. Preston Candidate for Rr publican Nomination for Councilman, First Ward For Improvement of tho Flrit ward und a Kjuaro deal for tlio lalmrer Primary election May i, 1907 R. E. MENEFEE dtCO. Real Estat and Insurance 123 Russell St. Portland, Or. THE BARTHOLOMEW GO. 392 WASHINGTON ST. Tako pleaiure in announcing to their frienda and patron and the gene'al public that their new and elegant atock of hlgh-clait Ladle Garment, contiiting of Cloaks, Suits and Waists la the largest and mott carefully ae lected ever offered to a diicriminat ing public. A cordial invitation ia extended all to inipect our atock. CALL AND SEE US THE BARTHOLOMEW COMPANY 392 Washington Street Phone Main 6208 William R. McGarry RepuMcan Candidate for CITY ATTORNEY Kroah Milk and Cream dollvorcd twlco a day. Wliolcialo and Itctall. HENRY ROTH & CO. DAIRY I'hoiiM: Itoi., Union M73. Depot. Kait MM. OfllMi and Depot, '11 Union Avo. North. POKTLANI), OIIKQO.V Your tupport solicited for A. L. BARBUR Republican candidate for Auditor of the City of Portland. Primary Election May 4th. WANTED, 500 MEN lo patronize tliu ROSE CITY HOTEL and TAVERN Opponllc Hall l'arlc Wcnnlo French & Davo Heiidrlck, Prop. Cor. Slth and Vaughn fit. Portland, Ore. The AnheuBer. Henrr If. William. proprietor, 234 Morrlaon street, comer eloquent speech portrayed tho power ored people of Chicago to lot such In-. Second, Portland, Ore. Telephone Main 1517. of money, claiming that many of the dlviduals as that know, and undor- exampies quoted by the preceding stand that they aro not asleep on BpeaKer were mnuencea oy money, sucn matters, it is to do noped that Ryan ft John, dealera In cholc arm. Miss Suslo Crawford followed In a hereafter at tho next general con- eerleT meat ash nd noultrV h carefully prepared speech in favor ferenco of the A. M. B. church, when Mala 621 61 North Pai .5aVP of the affirmative although she went they elect a bishop they will elect a mt Davis "eat, cor- Geo. J. Cameron Candidate for Republican Nomination for MUNICIPAL JUDGE Portlamd, Oregon PRESENT INCUMBENT Primary election May , 1907 . New Cheese & Butter Store Cheese a Specialty Butter, Eggs, Honey, Teas, Coffees, Cured Meats, Etc. The most up-to-date In the dty. Swetlantf Bide., 126 Fifth Street A. W. Holding H. A. Uoldhuf P1IONK PACIFIO 1GW BELDING BROS. Jewelers, Opticians di'amonds, watches jewelry and optical goods EYES TESTED PREE Geo our Hneclnl Wat!. xrn.,...nn Railroaders , Lomm-h nnd Miners, stumped BohJIiiK lJr0H. Tho most ac curuto timepiece mado. JtenalriiiK 11 iclalty. All work war ranted. Old gold and silver bought. 45 Third Street Bet. Ash and Pine PORTLAND, OR. JACK'S PLACE CIIAfl If. JACKSO.V, Prop. Th Modern Cafe Open Day and Night Private Rooms for Parties Phone PV Jfk 2832 385 FlanaVs St., PORTLAND. OREGON C I desire to announce that I have moved my pldce of busU ness to the second floor of the new Swetland Building at fifth nnd Washington streets. L Assuring you that I have ex. ercbed careful and earnest ef fort to please, in the selection I have made of fabrics for the coming spring. Your patron, age iarespectfuMy solicited. The Kyles prevalent have bytn re. ceived. A. H. GRISWOLD Successor to GrUwold ft Pbcglcy & ..'dv..- "--'. -. at.. ""'""" iHUaiilji iiiiwiob r : &-atxml