Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, April 13, 1907, Image 4

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    A. D. ORIFHIN. ManRgtr
Office, Room 317, Conuponwealth Building
fntered at lh pontoffle at Pot lUsd, Ortfon.
MMoend-ciMi tnatur.
Om Year, payable la advance 92.00
Our Candidate for President
Of Ohio
Hookor "Washington continues to
preach tho gospel of hopo and good
cheer to tho colored peoplo, nnd nd
vIbcs thom to turn nwny no much tin
jioshIIiIo from tho dlsagrceablo nud
disappointing Bldo of tholr llfo nnd
look upon tho progress they linvo
mado. Such ndvnntngcs nnd oppor
tunities nB they hnvo, nnd tho possi
bilities of continued nnd grenter
achievements. What ho snys 1b in
fnct good ndvlco for nny rnco or
cIiibs of peoplo, but it is his mission
to apenk eopcclnlly to tho pooplo of
whom ho Is ono, nnd thoy with ono
accord Bhould cheer him gladly nnd
glvo hood to his good ndvlco.
Mr. WnBhlngton nddrossod n Inrgo
nudlonco in Indlnnnpolls ono ovon
Ing Inst woolc, nnd pointed out uomo
of tho opportunities open to colored
pooplo whon ho told thom whnt tho
negro 1b doing in tho Southorn
States jib fnrmor, grocoi. druggist,
morchnnt nnd banker, nnd mndo tho
ImprcuBlvo Btutomont thnt nt n mod
ernto cBtlmnto colored men nro pny
lng tuxoB upon over J300.000.000
worth of proporty. They hnvo not
onrnod this proporty by opomtlng In
"high flnnnco," but by tho invest
ment of smnll uavlnga gained, iih n
rulo, by mnnunl labor.
Commenting on this tho Indlnn
npollB Btar Bnys:
"Tho lesson for tho negro North
and South llos right thoro tho Ich
Hon of Industry and thrift. In tho
North, through no fault of his own,
mnny nvenuoB of omploymont nro not
open to him, but for nil this thoro Ib
no lack of work. No negro need bo
idle if ho cares to bo occupied nt ro
munorntlvo Inbor. Kvorywhoro thoro
Is u domand for work that ho enn
do. It Ib tho tltno of prosperity nnd
good wngos and n Bharo of tho hnr
veHt may bo his if ho will tuko thom.
When ho has saved his monoy nnd
Invested In land or othor tanglblo
property ho ncqulros n ntnndlng in
tho community that ho can got in no
othor way. Ono negro who succeeds
Ib an Inspiration to many.
"Mr. Washington urgos thom to
not this oxnmplo, but ho also lnyB
upon thoao atrongor nnd moro suc
ceBBrnl nogrooa tho roBponBlblllty of
uplifting and encouraging tho wonk
or mombora of tholr rnco nnd keep
ing thom from Idle nnd vlcloua ways.
It Ib n responsibility thnt thoy should
take for tholr own ankoa if for noth
ing olso, for tho wonlcor olomont of
tho colorod population iIocb tho on
tlro raco harm. All aro Judgod by it
to a greater or loss dogreo nnd how
ovor unjust this sweeping Judgmont
may bo tho only euro oscnpo from It
is to work toward tho bottormont of
tho brethren, who can not Htnnd
slipping from us. Ho takes this viow some timo or somo place, to mako flee, nnd that ho la an exceptionally
bocauso of tho persistent exhibition his defense, to confront his accusers capable man everyone concedes. Son-
' . ! iAt4 .tttftf.. 4iM. !... nnnlMiit ...A..M C.ttM ..! Tianw l Unnnwil
nuu luiuiu lucu ivouiuuu agaiuoi uivid f uiwu uuu uuuiuup 11 ucuciai
him, and especially Bhould soldiers Daly would accept another term,
have the benefit of suoh a hearing, could not do tho government or tho
I belloved that this was their right state a better service than to usk for
under tho Constitution. I did not his reappointment. Ho deserves it
believo that oven tho President as and tho people without regard to
Commander-in-Chief of tho Army faction or party hopo he will bo re
had tho power to deprive them of tnlncd In it.
It was with mo simply n
of race hatred on tho part of south
ern whites.
Tho Now York Sun remarkB thnt
Atlanta's resolution to bo good after
tho mnsBacro of negroes thoro was a
matter of tho pocket rather than of
tho heart, saying:
Tho Atlanta Civic Lcaguo was
formed to Insuro tho respectablo ne
gro a Bquaro deal, and tho negroes
organized tho Colored Cooperative
Civic League to suppress tho bnd ne
gro. Tho public conscience had been
mightily moved, nnd tho pocket
norvo was jumping amain. For n
timo all wont well In Atlanta tho
sonsatlonnl press dovclopcd n pas
sion for exact statement, and tho yol
lowcBt papor In town wont into tho
hands of a receiver; and, mlrnbllo
dlctu, n negro cnught up for rnpo hnd
a fair trial, waB acquitted, nnd to
mako nssuranco doubly suro ho was
provided with funds to Book his for-
tuno In Alabama. Ilollglous movo
montB were started to regenerate
both races, nnd Mr. Clnrk Howell
printed an uplifting cditorinl en
titled "Shall Wo Dlazc tho Trlnl?"
In his ontorprlBlng pnpor. Atlnntn
waa touched yes, touched In tho
mntorlnl lnnor consciousness, tho
sent of BolMntorcBt. Fnr bo It from
ub to dony thnt nppcnls to tho mornl
nnturo will bo helpful, but wo main
tain thnt thoy must bo stcndlly rc
onforccd by preaching tho gospel
that riot docBn't pay tho great con
Borvatlvo mlddlo class, tho yeoman,
tho tradorB, tho soil tillers, tho bono
nnd alnow of tho whlto South.
iKx-Oovoruor W. J. Northon, of
(Jeorgln haa always boon ono of tho
fairest and ono of tho most helpful
men of tho South to tho negro rnco.
Ho Iuib labored Indofatlgably to
tuach tho whites nnd blacks to llvo
togothor In amity and toloranco un
der tho law, nnd baa vloldod u pow
erful tntluonco In bohalf of "aano nnd
safe" consideration of "tho rnco
quest Ion." For years ho has been
preaching humnnlty to hla whlto
neighbors and lu publlo addresses
pleading with thom to glvo tho ne
gro "a Bquaro donl," ho must bo
profoundly dlscourngod whon ho ad
mits that ho cannot copo with raco
hatrod, and says tho outlook for
poaco growa darker. "Just now,"
ho laments, "wo nro lapsing into
Imrb.irUm, nud our civilization is
A dispatch from Washington this
wook snyB that ovidonco hns como to
light before tho aonnto lnvcstlgntlng
committee showing tho colorod
troops at Drownsvlllo woro not
guilty of shooting up that town na
charged, nftor nil, nnd thnt tho crlmo
wns fnlsoly Inld to their chargo In
ordor to got rid of them. Sovernl
witnesses, It la stated hnvo finally
concluded to toll tho truth about tho
nffnlr nnd It ia expected thnt boforo
tho investigation Is ended, somo timo
next month it will bo pretty well
domonBtrntod that tho proBldont'a
conclusion In tho matter waB ontlro
ly wrong.
Anothor dispatch from Washing
ton this week Bays:
Anothor nfllcor who hnB chnngod
his formor bollof thnt Bomo of tho
colorod BoldlorB of tho throo corn
pnnloa of tho Twonty-flfth Infnntry
who woro dlschnrgcd woro ongngod
In tho "shooting up" of Drownsvlllo
Is Cnpt. Samuel P. Lyon, who was
hoard today by tho Sonnto Military
Committee Cnpt. Lyon aald that
now ho waB convinced tho shooting
hnd bcon dono by tho roughor olo
mont of IJrownavlllo, although thoro
waa no poBltlvo ovidonco so fnr to
thnt effect.
Cnpt. Lyon was oxnmlned nt
longth rognrdlng his checking up tho
men 'of his company, tholr ammuni
tion nnd tholr rlflcB nnd tho oxaml
untlon of tho rltles for ovidonco of
powder stnlns, showing thoy wero nil
accounted for oxcopt two mon out
that night on passes; thnt ono man
without ammunition hnd lost It at
Fort Niobrara or on tho way to Fort
Drown, and thnt nono of tho rifles
woro dirty.
It looka nB if Sonntor Fornker
would fully justify tho Investigation
ho cauBod. Tho Now Ago has bo
lloved all along f,or reasons which It
has heretofore stilted, that theso sol
diers woro not bolngk given n squnro
donl, and that tho ovidonco against
thom was vory likely trumped up by
tho negro hntora of Drownsvlllo, and
theso dispatches aro strongly con
firmatory of this opinion.
this right.
great, broad question of constitu
tional power on tho ono hand nnd
constitutional right on tho other. I
hnvo nlwnys uphold tho negro rights
undor tho Constitution nnd tho laws.
"Tho Investigation has been In
progress; it hns not yet been com
pleted; I would prefer not to speak
of tho results until thoy hnvo bean
fully determined; but chnllongod tes
timony so far taken Justifies tho in
vestigation. I cannot horo nnd now
nnnlyzo tho testimony, but It Is
enough to sny that tho ovldcncc al
ready taken warrants tho bollof that
not n mnn In that battalion fired n
gun. I do not bollovo any testimony
can bo Bocurcd that will rofuto any
thing thnt hns been established."
Tho Springfield, Mass., Republican
says: "When it was announced thnt
a negro had won n Rhodes scholar
ship Bomo ono must hnvo asked how
much whlto blood ho has In his
veins. This is tho stock question
whenever a negro does something, so
excellent ns to mnko tho country Bit
up. A picture of this young student,
Alain Leroy Locko, Indicates thnt tho
negro rnco can fairly claim tho whole
of him. Tho blackor tho better, in
such n case, so that thoro may be no
quibbling over rnclnl inheritance."
Koessel & Frey
Dealers In
Freak and Cured MeaU,
Ojrtters, Fish aad Poultry
Phono Main 1979
640 Flnt Street Cor. Bherldan PORTLAND
Dealer In
Freah and Salt iVlvats
Pish and Gum In Season
716 Union Avcnuo
Phone Woodlawn 8 Portland, Oregon
Centennial Market & Grocery
Headquarters for
Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry
School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions
Phono Main 2701
522-524 N. Twenty-Fourth Street
Martin-Marks Coffee Co.
The excollenco of Monte Crtsto Java
and Mocha Coffeo Btands in high favor.
252 Third Street
Staple & Fancy Groceries
Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices
Dry Goods and Notions
432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North
Corner of Tillamook St. Phone East 660
Senator Fornker in his great
speech at Canton, 0 Wednesday
evening, showed that ho had differed
with tho president on only threo
questions, as ho certainly had a
right conscientiously to differ. Ono
of theso wns tho Drownsvlllo nffalr
regarding which ho said, In part:
"Those mon hnd boon glvon no
opportunity to ho hoard. It seemed
Tho governor of Florldn, in an ad
dress to tho loglslaluro of that state,
recommended "a resolution memor
ializing congress to purchnso terri
tory, either domestic or foreign, to
provldo menns to purchnso tho prop
erty of tho negroes nt roasonablo
rates and to transport tho negroes to
tho territory purchased by tho United
Btntcs to form n government thoreon
for tho negro raco, to provont Inva
sion and to provont whlto people
from living among thom In tho ter
ritory, and to provont negroes from
mlgrntlng bnck to tho United States."
This Ib a repetition of tho samo
nonsensical proposition that has been
mndo at various times by various
Southern peoplo, but it will nover bo
seriously considered by congress or
tho country. Tho colored people of
this country hnvo a right horo. Their
ancestors woro brought horo against
tholr will, nnd for many gonorntlons
their descendants wero slaves, but
this Is tholr country novortholcss.
Thoy havo no othor. Thoy nro now
cltlzons nnd, theoretically, political
equals, no longer slnvcs. They can
not bo doported without tholr con
sent. And whoro would they bo
sent? Thoy hnvo tolled horo, and
fought too for tho country, nnd horo
thoy nro going to stay, and "grow
up with tho country." Tho governor
'of Florida docs not display good
common sense In this recommendation.
Portland nover had a better, if as
good a pollco judge as Judge Cam
eron, nnd tho peoplo nro going to
keep him right whero ho Is for nn
other torm. Ho carries on tho bus
iness of thnt office exactly as it
should bo carried on, gives every
body n Bquaro deal, is without preju
dice, has a kcon Insight Into humnn
nnturo nnd conduct, nnd In n word
Is n modol city magistrate. It would
bo n grent nilstako to put anybody
olso in his placo at this time.
Among tho men to whom tho Y.
M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. aro much
lndobtcd for n most gonorous con
tribution to tho fund recently raised
by them Is Mr. Frodorlck A. Krlbs,
who though not a very rich mnn con
tributed sovernl thousand dollnrs
cheerfully without urging. It Is-such
wide-awake, progressive nnd liberal
mon as Mr. Krlbs that will causo
Portland to grow nnd becomo gront.
Frederick A. Kribs
Correspondence Solicited
Dealer In
Washington, Idaho & Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Saying nothing specifically against
nny of tho mon who havo put thorn
solves forwnrd for mnyor, docs any
body honestly doubt thnt n conven
tion of regularly olocted delegates
would not hnvo nomlnntod somobody
nt least as good nB tho best of theso?
It Ib qulto n prevailing opinion
thnt tho raco for tho republican nom
ination for mayor lies between Mr.
J. I). Coffey nnd Councllmnn Dan J.
Kollaher. Mr. Devlin was first in
tho flold, but sooms to bo losing
ground. A good many voters nro
doubtful about Jils conduct of tho
auditor's olllco. Mr. Coffoy will ro-
colvo tho support of most of tho
labor unions, nnd many business
mon, nnd Mr. Kollnher will recolvo a
vory heavy support on tho oast sldo,
and Is backed qulto gonornlly by ro
tall grocors and othor business mon.
Tho nomination apparently lies bo
twoon theso two. Aa to Mr. Zimmer
man, tho Now Ago, after further In
formation expressed its opinion of
his candidacy last wcok, and it Is
manifest that ho is not seriously In
tho rnco or should not bo. A llttlo
later It will bo easier to guess wheth
er tho nomlneo will bo Coffey or Kol
lnher. Doth will mako big runs.
It Is not Renown yet whether Sur-voyor-Gonoral
Daly will bo reap
pointed to his prcsont position, but
ho villi bo it merit nnd tho wishes of
tho peoplo of Oregon nro to count ns
much as thoy should In tho matter.
General Daley, so far as tho publlo
has over been informed, has given
tho government entlro satisfaction
In tho conduct of his olllco, and it is
certain that ho has pleased all tho
peoplo of Oregon with whom he has
official relations. Thoro
Illinois nogro wns fined n
thousand dollnrs for shoving n whlto
woman oft tho sldowalk. Spoakor
Cannon may got ovon with Sonntor
Fornker by ordering n Drownsvlllo
Succeetora to PIONEER, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX rUEL CO.
COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Rotlyn, New Cas
tle, New Castle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke.
WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak,
Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots.
Double Daily Train
Service to
St. Paul, Duluth, Min-
neapolis and the East
Double Daily Train
Service to
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points East and South'
on ono of your trips East or West
It Is still tho crack train of them all. Klcctrlc lighted throughout.
Puilmad ilrnt class and Pullman tourist sleeping cars. Dining cars on all
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luxuries that go to mako a comfortable trip cnet or west.
Ask for "NORTH COAST LIMITED" booklet. Froo for tho asking
Have you friends or relatives in tho Kant tlmt aro contemplating com
ing to tho West? If so, send m names and full addresses and literature
and full information will bo given them, or It you wish yo can deposit
with nny agent of this company tho money for tickets nnd orders will bo
placed by telegraph. Special low rates west in April.
For any information deslrad regarding rates, routps, etc., call on or
address any agent of tho Northern Pacific Railway or
266 Morrison St.
Asst. Gen. Pas. Agent
Portland Oregon
Still, tho out-of-town democrats
aro right; n mnn olectod ns n demo
crat ought to show hlmsolf to bo n
domocrnt; olso It looks llko getting
nn ofllco on fnlso protonscs.
Thoro isn't nny domocrntlc party
In Portlnnd nnd undor tho primary
nominating lnw it isn't qulto certain
thnt thoro is nny republican pnrty
Tho McKonnn ordlnnnco Is having
a hard timo trying to get on tho bal
lot, but If It succeeds it will havo n
worso exporlenco nt tho polls,
Tho world will porhaps novor
know who shot up Drownsvlllo.
Major Ponroso hns ofnclnlly nscor-
tatned that ho did not do It.
Senator Dourno is getting his
nnmo In tho press dispatches qulto
frequently lately. Let him alono for
hnvlng that attended to.
It tho colored votora of Portland
woro to mako their voting strongth
known, thoy would bo moro respect
od by tho politicians.
No moro enlistment of colored sol
dlors? And yet tho black men In
khaki fought bravely with tho Pres
ident In Cuba.
Tho few peoplo who havo glvon
tho Thomas machine nny notlco nt
all think thnt ho takes hlmsolf too
Well, tho mayor wouldn't loso
much certainly, If ho lost tho Thomas
Tho railroad commission
very well so far that is,
Is doing
Voto for tho parks, boulovards and
bridges. Portland needs to improve.
Brother Rndor Is having a llttlo
more troublo, but ho Is used to It.
Fow, if nny of tho best men for tho
offices will bother to seek them.
Mayor Lano Is mum again,
may bo doing a lot of thinking.
Devlin, Coffey, Kollaher and Zim
merman aro theso all?
to mo that no man In this country. had
was so humblo that ho should not bo never any htnt of graft or nny other
then a day In court somowhere or misconduct In connection with his of-
Nobody wants
was Wngnon'B prlco.
froo water at Mr.
There will
after all.
bo a scrap for auditor,
o w 7 t muz.
V.tAr2 u 7
mmm xHivfsH
BBgaa'79BrHSjnKr eagfi?
ggB7jflRggBff MGi
AgKyAgKwSlVj9 ShKv9C
Union Meat Company
All Dining Car and Flnt Clan HotcU and Ileatauranta me tho
Union Meat Company's
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Tho Dent In the Market. Patronize Homo Industry.
k ; JSKfi&
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t rff
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msmmij" x z&
Sate, PUjws, FwnHift mmi, ni tr W fir ihiwlsi Cm
MfteHs brick warebMuc, with scurale kft mm, Fret ui Clay.
ExMtnud IAlesMkt.
Office JInm, 596; Stable. Iteck 1972