I Topics of J I the Times I s ne frM'pwocttW In Ituflsln you nrc entirely fro to rote Just an the government desires. Any man enn tell n lie, but It takes n born dlplonint to Induce people to be lieve It Tlio London Lancet onys the Christ man pudding Is not Indigestible. Not unless you cat It. Dcsldcs, tlio army can take aire of Poult IJIgelow If ho goes Rnooplng around the Isthmus ngnln. Evidently the people of England re gard the old plan for a tunnel under the English Channel as a terrible bore. Count Zeppelcln has spent all IiIb for tuno trying to sail through tlio clouds. All hU palaces uro now castles In tho air. A man named Gong bus recently been married. When his wlfo strikes him for money, the whole town Is likely to hear It Spain's lemon crop has been rained; but we have never had to worry much about tho lemons Spain tried to hand os, anyhow. An to the Jamaica earthquake, It Is f oared that the worst Is yot to come. Alfred Austin Is wild to liavo written n poem about It A French scientist has discovered that InsectH have no minds. Wlutt's the mutter with tho Insects? Do tliey moko cigarettes? Prominent among those who will not bo present at tlio next distribution of Carnegie medals for bravery will be found the captain of the Larchmont Mr. HniTlmnn says "n successful man has no chance these days." Truly, there doea not bccm to be much of thu ele ment of chance In the Ilttlo gamo Mr. Harrlman plays. Although thero Is n iMMlblllty of our getting Into communication with Mara, It U not likely that we will ever lx able to borrow an occasional bod of coal from tliexe during a fuel famine. Health departments throughout tho country nre warning everybody to look out for thu lnlluoii7.li germ, although not one In a thousand of us would rccognlzo the little prat If wo went to see It Tho Mississippi Supreme Court has ruled that a loy hits an luallenablo right to climb n trco. Hut there Is also the father's Imillcnnblo right to thrash blin for tearing his clothes while doing It Goldwln Smith wuuta to know why, If the theory of evolution Is correct, no moro monkeys are developing Into men. Porhaps It is becniw so many of the sons of men nro ovolutlng tho othor way. Wo havo rwul of n man who the other day fell down stalra and broke his neck wlillo trying to kiss a woman. It would simply be a waste of space to point out tlio moral to thlN sad ac cident Tho tallom In convention assembled havo decided that thu styles for tho coming seawou must bu different In ev ery respect from thoso that havo pro vailed during tho past year. Tho tail ors know how to promote their busi ness. Says Mrs. Carrie Catt: "A wife must train her husband and keep him trained Just as ono trains u young mule." Far be It from our Intentions to say any thing that would seem like a contradic tion of Mrs. Catt, but wo would lllto to ask what the averago wlfo knows nlwut training a mule? In real or supposed Imitation of col lege youths, still more youthful students In high schools and preparatory schools have adopted st range head-gears. In stead of the modest boylih cap and tho neat soft or stiff felt hat for "drr-s up," soiuo fantastic boys havo topped themselves with slouch-hats, variously distorted In the shape of tho brims and uvea decorated with markings and devices. Tho principal of one hlgn school has asked his boys to cast off tho cray head-covorlugs. Tho matter of decency and simplicity of dress Is real ly Important The boy who deliberately wears something that draws nttentlou to hln'clf may be pardoned by any ono with humor enough to understand boy ish folly. Nevertheless, the habit of unobtrusive dress Is a good one to cul tivate early. lluddersfleld, England, has lately beeu the scene of a curious and Interest ing experiment made by the Mayor, In Longwood, a poor district of the town, the rate of mortality among young children had been l'i in the thousand. Tho new Mayor, Mr, Hroadbont, a brother of Sir William llroadbent the king's physician, decided when he took office to do what, ho could to reduce this hlth death rate. The plant he adopted was the offer of a guinea to parent! In certain pclned districts for every child born during his term of office and liv ing at the end of a year. In spit of the fact tuat serious epidemics of whooping-cough and tneaslea prevailed elurtug the year of the testa, and that 1fat suiunur of 1806 wm oh of tb n-r "'"if' 'Tr'r!" ' ,y l1 "If "" ' M'" ""Sf' nwailiir,flfcjiiliri'iT uiii.- mitiw Ti r n n deadliest on record. 107 mother re ceived the bonus. The mortality was 44 In the thousand, as compared with the previous 122. There Is something very attractive In a form of Infantile Insurance which pays, not upon proof of death, but upon evidence of contin ued existence. Shall the patient be told what alls him and what drugs havo been pre scribed for him or shnll the physician maintain a dark and mysterious silence except as to the amount of his fee? This Is tho question which was pro posed by no less n pcnwnngd than the President of the American Medical As sociation tho other day. He did not an swer his own Interrogatory, but his ob servations Indicated that he favored a policy of greater candor upon tho part of the physlclnn. Thero Is obviously something to be Bald on !oth sides of tho question. It Ib true that the patient wants to know what Is wrong with him and at first sight It may look as If tho physician ought to satisfy the desire for Information. Hut there are good and substantial reasons why tho doctor does not do so. For ono thing, the chances are that he does not himself know what nils the BUfferer. For an other thing, It might do tho patient inoru harm than good to be told of his dlncaHo. The first-named reason In volves no reflection upon the skill nnd learning of tlm doctor. The physician nevor lived who could unfailingly diag nose offhand nnd from ono observation. Fever, for instance, marks the onset of a dozen different diseases and until distinctive symptoms develop the medi cal man cannot tell which ono of the dozen diseases Is In progress. Under such circumstances his obvious course Is to maintain n dlgnlllcd reticence un til ho actually knows what Is wrong. To guess and guess wrong would bo dis astrous. When we come to consider tho matter of Informing tho patient concerning the drugs that havo been prescribed for him the considerations favor a negatlvo conclusion. There Is a piychlc as well as a moterlal force in a medicine whose constituents nre un known to the patient All doctors know It Tho bread pill and other "placebos" prove It Tell n man that ho Is taking calomel, for Instance, and he Is likely I in iruii-ni umicnjomeinnvnysuiKngrees with him and never did him any good. Olvo him calomel accompanied by tho assurance that hero Is n most jwtont drag whose name he need not know and his sense of the marvelous Is excited. He Is likely to put faith in tho drug for tho very reason that he doea not know what it Is. That I half tho bat tle. Our modern physicians may not acknowledge It, but thoy practice faith euro moro and more overy day. The power of suggestion helps tho calomel when tho patient docs not know what he Is taking. All things considered, therefore, the weight of evidence la In favor of the policy of mysterious al ienee on tho part of tho doctor. It not only aids the patient but It helpa tho doctor, for tho 1cm ho sayn the lesa he will hare to explain If things go wrong. Very I.iirlil. A lady left her home for her annual visit to her mother. Ileforo her depart ure sho told her husband that If he wanted anything that ho could not eas ily find ho was to wrlto to her for di rections. "Don't turn Uie house upsldo down, as you generally do," alio said. "I will aiiHvvor at ouoo and tell you Just whero It Is.' Soon after his wife's departure a neighbor camo In to borrow a pattern of a dress. Tho husband wrote, as he had been requested to do. This wan tho answer by return "You will And it hanging on thu wall by the garret stairs, or In tho box on top of tho sowing machine In Ellen's room tho green box, or tho red ono, I forgot which. Perhaps, though, It Is on the top shelf In tho cupboard in our room left-hand side, If I remember cor rectly, but look on tho other side, too. It not thero It Is In tho bottom drawer of tho bureau In tho hall. That Is where I keep my patterns, and don't undo all tho bundles. It Is among them some where. Perhaps it Is in the second drawer. It Is somewhero upstairs, any way, so don't rummage downstairs. P. S. Now I como to think of It I may havo lent It to my sister Ann!" Whvu Chloroform Wm Nw. Hero Is' n curious little story about Sir James Simpson, tho mau who In troduced tho uso of chloroform Into surgery, and n peril which ho escaped, as recorded by Lyon Playfalr. Simp son when busy with his researches In to the subject of auaesthetlcs called ono day on Playfalr and asked If he had anything new likely to produce anaesthesia. Playfalr had Just pre pared a liquid which seemed worthy of trial. Simpson, who knew no fear, pre pared Instantly to test It on himself. This Playfalr refused to allow until It had first been tried on rabbits. Two wore procured and placed under tho ef fects of tho anaesthetic. Next day Simpson proposed to try It on himself. "Wo might as well see Ikw the rabbits havo fared," said Tlayfalr. Thoy found both the unlmals dead. It Look4 Small to Him. There wua wnall Scotch bo who had the quality of aatutencai highly de veloped. The boy's grandmother, Bays tho Liverpool I'oat, was packing his luncheon for blru to take to school. Suddenly, looking up into the old lady's face, be said: "Grandmother, do your specs mag nify r " little, my child." ah answered. "Aweel. then," said to boy, -I would Just like it if y would take them off wkea yere panting loeaefc. CAFE Phone Main 23X8 CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St Portland, Oregon DGUU'S CARB Choice Wlticn, I.lii"m ami Uigur. Family fanlcn In rnnnertluii. Transient room, t'n rm bar. Win. Jlall, I'rop. l'honu Main 5201. Cor. ?t anil lliiirmnn Ms,, Portland, Oregon. I'liono Hood 677 THE OLD HOME K V, .MKKHAN, I'rop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor, fourteenth and .N'ortlmip Bt. Portland, Oregon ELDERBRAU GROTTO KUICKHON A IIKUO, l'ropi. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 02 PORTLAND, ORE. ANDREW SWANSON Fine Wines & Liquors Cor. 23d and Washington PORTLAND, OR. SERING & HILL Fine Wines & Liquors Family Trado a Specialty 340 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. nont Pidflc 2J Work Don On Sbott Notice The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cleaning, l'mmlns, Dvolnir and ;Hi'rlrlnK. Rtcnm and Frolic 1 1 liry uluitnlng a specialty. HulU I'rciiicri While You Walt. 132 N. SUth Street, PORTLAND, ORtGON C H. COBB Kxtlinntca Olvcn on All Clainec of Plumbing and Heating Work I'liono V.nH 2727 IlCllilonco KlMt 2010 247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE M. J. (J til ii or. I'liono Mln 11)00 M.Ganliior GARDNER BROS) MftiiufActtireri ot the Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 Madison Slrctt PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. for First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. Fourth and Columbia Streets One Block South of Gty lis! DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES rreBcrlptiottB, Fnmily Recipes. Phono your orriorH Kaet 5109. W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist C77 WiHlams Ave., Cor. forgo K8TAIILI8IIKI 16M Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturer! ot TRUNKS SUIT CASES STRAPS TELESCOPES BAGS Mail Orders Promptly Attended To Telephone fast 24 121-131 C. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE AMBLER & WAITERS The Real Estate Brokers CorvaKU, Oregon Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property for Sale or Rent Independent Phone 225. Send for List DRINK Crystal High -Class Carbonated Beverages CRYSTAL BOTTLING CO. Telephone Main "ITS Ginger Alo In Syphons a Specialty Family Trade Supplied, 249 Madison St. Portland, Oregon THE AVENUE CLUB AND The Avenue Oyster House 1 V. MALI., I'rop. Fwih Ovitert open dally. I'lnU, quart, gal lorn. Delivered any place. The Beat ot Wlno. liquor and dears Tho tat o( Meat, Flih, Oft ten and Quae. Open Day end Night 663 William Avenue "' "'T'tri i 1'hone Katt 4619 PORTLAND OUSON fc, . .. Mjlsj.L .JL1."1 1'1 ". '!', I' ii lijslftTjt rn PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importer! and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baiting Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Co, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Colobrated Lewis & Clark Cigar I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GLLMORE Telephone UNION 40C8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08M Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I havo cholco Business and Rcildonce Trncta in nil parts of tho city. Corresponricnco solicited from non resident owiors of property or those Booking investments hero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 440 Union Ave North Shop Phono Knot 0177 Kcsiilenco Phono East 1863 i lAMTQTnwN n n ? The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorny.t-Uw President Paid Up Capital'and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota Y 11 All, AND WATKIl Columbia River Scenery sssSZs REGULATOR LINE Tho excursion steamer "BAILEY GATZKK I" makes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving POKTLAND at 0 a. m., returning ar rives 0 p. m. Daily service between Portland and Tho Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portiund at 7 a. in., arriving about 6 p. m,, carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommodations for outtits and livestock. Dock foot ot Alder street Portland; foot bf Court street, Tho Dalles. Tele phono Main 014. Portland. A STORIA & CQLUMBI1 RIVER RAILROAD CO. In Sill passenger Trains Mi WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS Portland. Astoriai Setside fm R x Lmth - vmion Dirov Arrtraa. " Yot Marger. Rain- " " Dally lcr, CUUkanle Dally. l;Wa,m. Wwtpwt, Clllton. U:10 . m. Allodia, Warren, ton, Klaval, Gear bait t'arkaudbet lids. Aatorla & Bahor Exprvaa Dally. 7:00 p. n, AMorla Kspreaa t:40p. m. Dally. 3. A. eTKWART. i. O. MAYO, Comu'l Ait.. -JIS Alder 8t U. r.F. A. Talepbonu Mala ft. THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY neaunr, ventilating WARM AIR FURNACES ' "NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse and Sperry Mills TACOMA, THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 314 Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " .... M m II I !! II I Ml a M MMM AA IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Brewery and Office BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. DAVID It. UB&ttllKK, SIDNEY CLAIIK, Pniildont. Uaahlor. Union National Bank Incorporated 1890 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Fork, NORTH DAKOTA O. E. HCINTZ, Manager. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEL. A1ND IRON Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, ! arurvAiu : First National Bank of Rook Springs ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMINQ CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,008 EVERY ATTENTION OIVEN TO BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US The Model Dry C iraare of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE When itVmtxUI store, and one of the most interesting how place m what Elbert Hubbard has called the model cky of America. Visiters will rusd tare a Butmh trf Iafr tioa w!mi rvliabU iaformtioa of aU kusds iwgarsSstc tko city mm.y t obtakMd. Also fr Parcel Ckeek Kmsbs, PUk TeUpbosM sjid cesstforsaU wltiia; reoass witk lava torUs for w Spokane AxenU for North all Pullman coaches. ana Laying engineers f TJ. S. A. " KAIStKBLUMt " (. V "COLUMBIA" M Phone East 57 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The moat complete ttock of Drue and Patent Medicmca to be found In the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed at low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Mariso Block SpokanR J GREATEST (jiuna s Goods Store you do. visit THE CRESCENT. Star Blankets, the kind Vi M