1'OKTLAND NEW AGE tnined by tho old method, nothing of hud more "row s" with prominent kept In seclusion and thnt the saloons I the sort Is yet nppnrent, nor is It men, some of them of IiIb own party, should be compelled to observe the 'likely generally to occur. Ithnn nny president except Andy Inws, except ns to Sunday closing, I Take tho present situation ns an John Johnson. Ho seems to bo go- which Is Ignored by almost common example. Would not conventions bo Ing around nil tho time with a chip consent, but extreme measures such Entered tthjotomoe at rottUncl,Ortttii, likely to pick out and nomlnnto at on his Bhouldor, nnd If nobody will ns are advocnted by Impractical pill- A. D. ClRIFrIIN. Munasor Ofllrc, Hooui 317, Commonwealth lliilldlnR Koessel & Frey Dealers In Freih and Cured Meat, Oyitert, Fish and Poultry Phone Main 1979 CIO first Street Cor. Hlierltlau POIITLAND aa condciait matter. SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable In advance ,...92.00 least as good a lot of men for tho 'various offices as thoso that present thomsclvcs? Some of them will do very well, but otlicrs would Do laughed out of a party convention If knock It off ho will himself lllng It pit elocutionists llko Dr. Brougher In somebody's face, Just to have a should be rejected. Portland needs a row, and of course ho Is nlwayB nnd mayor who can and will look on all entirely and absolutely In tho right. Bides of ench subject nnd ntrlko a He makes out a large number of rcnsonnbla mean courso between cx- Our Candidate for President JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER or Ohio mm9 ag a 999 AL f iw I EDITORIAL IMMKUMAN, MAX COIIN'H OANDI DATK. Tho friends cof Mr. Louis Zimmer man, who recently announced his candidacy for tho republican nomlnn- they suggested their candidacy, nnd prominent people one after another trenies. There should bo no hostile, properly so. Tho delegates to n con- to bo liars, and to somo extent trait- discrimination against any legalized volition can meet with vnrlous pros- ors, but ho never makes n mlstako business particularly when the city pectlvo candidates and Bolect tho In deed or word according to his takes largo sums of money from the best, and can In many cases Induce own estimate of himself. Senator people engaged on such business and men to become candidates who would Korakcr Is a very ba-ad man, yet guarantees them tho right to conduct not humlltnto themselves by begging Senator Korakor had sorved his conn- It. Hut a city of 200,000 Inhabitants tho people to nominate them and try with distinction beforo Teddy and that Is still growing nnd bound scrambling with Inforlor contestants retired from his western cattle ranch, to grow Is sure to have all sorts and at tho primaries, especially as tho Tho latest eminent liar on the presl- conditions of people in It, nnd n least fit man Is Just about ns likely dont's long list Is Mr. Hnrrlinnn, who broadmlnded in mi as mnyor will rec to get a plurality of votes nB tho wrote n private letter narrating some ognlzo this nnd look nt things ns thoy best mnn. circumstances In which tho president are, not as Dr. Hrougher for example, This law Booms to assumo that the figured prominently. Now Mr. Hur- thinks they should be. Ho will try man who receives tho highest mini- rlmnn Is nil exceedingly ba-ad mnn, to Improve conditions, of course, but 4 ttiti tef rtin i'tt tt Tirl Id ti rl ntrttt . . . ... . (....... ' ... . . .... ...i,.. .,,. .....,, . . aw .., ..,... ,Jor or volCB ln a primary is tiicrororc niiuougn u seems mo president imh.wiii recognize tno fact mat all ro- tliat he has seen fit to allow himself to bo bamboozled, cajoled or other- acknowledge It such Is not tho case, 'services as long iib tho public did not cordanco with rensonnblo public sen nnd wo all know It. Various qualities know about It. The president Is a tlment. does exceedingly In .wIho Influenced by 11 cheap, pot houso, would-bo politician who aspires to fill tho shoes of Jack MathcwB. Mr. Zimmerman Is an honorable, clean, Intelligent and representative citizen, whom tho people of this city lenow, respect and admire, and thero can bo little doubt that his candi dacy for mayor would havo been well received and probably successful, If ho had used somo of the good Judg ment with which ho Is generally cred ited In the selection of his campaign manager. Tho Now Ago In a recent Issue, gave expression to somo HoutlmcntH which wero decidedly favorable to Mr. Zimmerman nnd therefore It Is but fair to Its readers, many of whom are friendly to Mr. Zimmerman, thnt tho reason of our change of heart lie mado known. Hero Are (lie Hcunoiim: First. Thnt Max O. Colin, erst while slot machine boss Is tho ac credited malinger of the Zimmerman campaign. Second. .That tho Immoral and naloon element of tho city are urging Zimmerman's nomination. Third. That tho nomination and election of Zimmerman menus the ro wan! of 1111 enemy of tho direct pri mary law. "Upon whnt meat doth Czar feed that ho has grown ho great." Tho immortal bard must havo had In mind somo such porson ns Mnx Colin when ho handed down this epi gram, for It'would ho difficult to Im agine one to whom It more fittingly nppllOH, Wo are not attempting to belittle Mr. Colin, or to convey the Idea thnt he Ih not a respectable, and In many ways n worthy man, but wo do want to bo understood as moaning that ho Ih not a fit or proper person to art as trustee of tho political fortunes of tho cltlzoiiH of Portland. It doea not reo.11 1 ro n groat stretch of the Imagination for iih to see what tho results would bo If Zimmer man wero elected mayor nnd Cohu established iih boss of tho works, Wo do not say that It would mean the revival of tho Hlotmnchlne graft, but somo may Incline to tho belief that Colin would naturally deslro to re-establish tho llttlo uloklo eaters to the delight nnd umiisemeut of tho gamblers and tho sorrow and disgust of all law-abiding citizens. tho best man among tho competitors, been pretty thick with him nnd wnB formers must be worked out slowly but howover reluctant wo may bo to .very glad to accept Mr. Harrlman'B gradually, temperately and ln ac- liAXK AXI) DK.MOCHATS. Since Mr. Thomas and two or threo other democrats do not llko Mnyor and Influences that do not render a curiosity, and man tho most fit to lipid tho olllco consistent things, and then seeniB to I will often ennblo 0110 to capture n assumo that ho has not done bo and nomination nt tho primaries. "Call," Ih absolutely Infallible. Wo believe ifalso prctonseH, connection with this, ho Is honest nnd usunlly sincere, and that and tho other order or society, hiiB much capacity, but he ncU crude- ( Kane's platform and want him to run or tho use of money, may enable the ly, ho hicks polso nnd dignity, ho on a platform of their construction, worst man to win, nnd though ho tukes actions and makes assertions tho Mnyor snyH he doesn't want tho may havo only 10, 30 or 20 per cent that he cannot maintain nnd then democratic nomination, and lr.il of tho votes of lils party, If he Ihih a .throws tho blamo entlroly on others, unites that If ho runs at all now It plurality of oven ono voto over his, and hcoiiih actually to believe that lt I p P. IS. 8CMNELL lientcr In Fresh unci Stilt Meats PIhIi nnd a lime In Seaaon "111 t'lilnn Avenuu Phone Wnoillnun tt Portlnnd, Oregon Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. JJF.UM Headquarters for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST Schocl Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions Phone Mnln 27UI 522-524 N. Twcnty-Fourth Street PHONE MAIN 1893 Martin-Marks .Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellonco of Monto Cristo Java nnd Moclin CoIIVo stands in high favor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner of Tillamook St. Phone East 660 Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dealer i Washington, Idaho & Oregon TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland, Oregon PORTLAND FUELr COMPANY Successors lo PIONttR, C. R. DAVIS and PHOENIX TUEL CO. PHONE EAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Roslyn, New Cas tle, Nkw Castle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD-4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foof Ash, Sawed Oak, Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots. next highest competitor ho becomes the nominee. TIiIh law Ih wholly In tho IntorcHt of tho minority party, which may not ho ho hail on gonornl principles hut It Ih rather amusing to hear promi nent inemhoru of the dominant party praising it whon It Ih weakening nnd disorganizing their party. Take tho ciiho of tho mayoralty hero. Tho dem ocrntH, few In number, have ono pre eminently strong man who will ac cept the nomination. Thero Ih prac tically no oppoHltlon to him In IiIh party for the oppoHltlon talked of In the iiewnpaperH Ih ridiculous. Hut four, flvo, hIx or more repuhllcaiiH Htrlvo for tho nomination men, too, not coiifllderod by delegates henaiiHo of fituoHH or strength, hut men who have Hlmply put theuiHelvcH forward none of It attaches to himself. The future historian, If penetrating nnd Impartial, will havo a difficult tank In correctly portraying tho character of President HoohovoH, Mr. W. It. McOnrry, ono or Port Innd'B moHt popular and nhlo nttor neys, has, In ohedlonco to tho enrn- wlll ho as nn Independent. Tho Mayor Ih right In this, except thnt probably ho takes the three or four or possibly half a dozen democrats rather too Horlouuly. They ciiHt or control hut very few votcH nnd tho Mayor will he Just about an well off, perhaps bettor, without them. Of course ho will ho elected by repub lican votes, If ho should bo elected est solicitation of n legion of friends ."t all, and ho would bo very foolNh and admirers, consented to Htnnd for.'0 c'o out ns n rock-ribbed, dyod-lh- the republican nomination for city . tho-wool, extremely partisan, demo attorney. Tho friends of Mr. McOnrry claim, crat, for thin would drive from hhn whnt republican votes ho oxpeotH to nnmed for tho olllco to which ho ns-.lblng pi res; and thnt ho will bo a Hiiro win ner seems almost a foregone conclu sion. In tho selection of n candidate for on tholr own individual cHtlnmto of tho Iniportnnt olllco of city nttornoy thoniHolvoH. Wo do not Hay that of n great nnd growing city like i nnd It ennnot ho denied, thnt ho Ih Kct. The llttlo Thomas contingent pre-eminently tho Htrongost mnn yet em't help anybody to amount to nny- oxcept by lending people by their support to suppose ho Ih nu ex treme democrat. This Ih a republi can town, nnd must bo worked as such. some of them are not good, fairly fit moil, but wo do say that thero Ih nothing back of them hut their own porsonul say-so to Bhow that. Forty or 100 othor men would havo JiiHt an good reasons, nnd It would ho quite iih proper for them to announce tholr candidacy aa some of these. They eueii receive, say, nearly tho same number of votes, ono 3,000, another 2,050, another 2,900, another y.SGO nnd nnothor 2,800. Tho 3,000 mnn wins the nomination, though ho has received but a llttlo moro than ono fifth of tho voto cast. Kvory othor randldato and nil his friends will be lieve that n mlstako has been made, and the wrong mnn nominated. Con sequently thoro will bo n pcrcontngo of loss in four different directions, all redounding to tho benefit of the minority candidate. Hut suppose a republican conven tion of representative, wldo-awako responsible delegates had tho nomi nating of a candidate for mayor against tho strong democratic nom inee. They would know thnt it was necessary, In these tlmos demanding n high character of public sorvlco and tho utmost straightforwardness In public life, to nominate a strong, capable, worthy man, who would com bo II. W. COODK. In tho denth of Mr. II. W. Ooodo Portlnnd nnd tho Pacific Northwest loso a Inrgor, prominent admirable and very usoful business figure. -Ills denth Is n great loss to this city nnd state, and his placo cannot soon ho Portland, ton much euro cannot exercised. It Ih highly Important thnt tho nominee of the republican party who most unHiiredly will bo elected should bo a clean, nhlo and exper ienced Inwyor. Tho peoplo havo grown tired nnd, filed. Mr. Ooodo was a man of grent fully reallzo tho futility of placing huslness cnpaclty united to a very nt- tho affairs of tho city In tho hands of tractlvo personullty. Ho hnd already politicians. They want tho samo accomplished much horo for tho do stnndard of elllcloncy nnd honesty In , volopmont of this city and tho ndja n public official that corporations nnd cont Oregon, nnd his work was hut Individuals domnnd from their ofll- fairly begun. It will ho enrried on, cors and mnnngors. And why should r courso, hut scarcely by such pecu they not havo it? lllnrly cnpablo hands. As president of Mr. McOnrry hollovos thnt n "pub- tho Lewis and Clark fnlr Mr. Ooodo He office Is n public trust," and not a rendered tho city nnd state nnothor private snnpj that tho peoplo, who great sorvlco, which entitles him to nro tho employers, nro entitled to tho honor nnd long remembrance. Ho conscientious nnd faithful services of dlod Just In the prlmo of llfo, nnd Double Daily Train Service to St. Paul, Duluth, Min- ncapolis and the East Double Daily Train Service to Denver, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis and points East and Southeast Try tho "NORTH COAST LIMITED" on one of your trips East or West It is still tho crack train of them all. Klcctrlc lighted throughout. Ptillmad llret elaes and Pullman tourist sleeping cars. Dining cars on nl 1 trains night ami day. Observation car, elect ric light, electric Inns, card and smoking rooms, barber nhop anil hath loon, library. All the llttlo luxuries that go to make a comfortable trip eaHt or west. Ask for "KOHTH COAST LIMITED" booklet. Free for tho asking Have you friends or relntivcH in the KaHt that are contemplating com ing to tho West? It so, Mini me names ami full addroescH and liternttiro and full information will bo given thon, or If you wish you can deposit with any agent of this company the money for tickets ami orders will bo placed by telegraph. Special low rates west in April. For any information docked regarding rates, routes, etc., call on or address any agent of tho Northern Pucllle Hallway or A. D. CHARLTON 255 Morrison St. Asst. Gen. Pas. Agent Portland Oregon kAAAAA4AAAAilAA4A4AAAtAAAA4AA4AAi41A4AAiAi4AAAMAi,' U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS tflUi, vrrmwms, VMKifiMZ mr Till: I'ltlMAUY LAW. It would be Interesting to know Just how many prominent Inlluontlnl or thoughtful nnd Intelligent republi cans really llko tho primary nomina tion law. Wo bollovo tho proportion mand tho people's respect and confl- of Huch Is small and will become deuce, nnd who would servo them beautifully less. Tho dally papers ably and faithfully, nnd no mistake stand by tho new law, and try to pre- would he made In making tho noml- tend that It Is a great Improvement nation. on tho old syHtem, nnd say that It I Thero were evils In tho convention will work better ufter nwhlle, but wo system. It needed reforming. Hut don't believe that they express their In abolishing It altogether nod sub- 1; tholr sorvnnts. 'Mr. McOnrry Is nble, onorgetle and progressive, nnd his experience ns n successful Inwyor, nnd his extensive knowledge of municipal affairs ad mirably fit him for tho high olllco to which his many friends deslro him olovntod. W. It. McOnrry Is an Ideal candi date, and his nomination would give weight nnd strength to tho republi can ticket. : almost nny other num. In this com munity could havo been hotter spared. His works will llvo after him. XO KXTKK.MIST WA.NTKII. Tho city needs for tho next two Judge Geo. J. Camoron, tho pop ular nnd efficient Judgo of tho muni cipal court will havo llttlo or no op position for ro-nomlnntlon? on tho republican ticket. Thero h nn old fashioned Idea nmong business men thnt a good man should bo retained. If this Is truo In business It cer tainly should bo in politics. Let us glvo tho Judgo another term. Tho veto of that Johnson road bill years for mnyor a levol-hoaded, far-wu8 nnother ono thnt waa volMfnX sighted business mnn, with no pre mlstako on tho governor's part. Tho ftVT mmmmm i BimiR-wOT ,'rJ' Union Meat Company All Dining Cart and First CU Hotel ami ItcMaurMiU mo the Union Meat Company's Fresh and Cured Meats. Thu uet la tho Market. I'atrmiUo Homo Indiutry. PORTLAND, OREGON judlcos that will lead him to ex- ,)eoplo ,mvo beon clamoring for good jtremes detriments to any business roada. thU ,aw W0lW myo 8mml real opinion of It, Tho officeholders stltutlng tho present system tho work or class of citizens, unless It bo tho tneni. Uut tho gov nnd office seekers also effect to think It Is a very fine thing for fear of dis pleasing tho people, but with the ex ception of those who get In on It, wo nro pretty Hiiro they nil hato and do tmlso it, and oven those who win nro likely to bo out and Injured flnnn- of reform has been overdone to tho extent of making a mess of It. Ol'U CTIUOrS I'llKSIDKNT. Unow-lt-nll crnnks who want to force everybody olso to do nnd think as thoy do. Tho less encouragement given to them nnd tho less tholr ndvlco Is followed, except where It chimes In with common ernor, It Is said had a. splto against Johnson nnd so vetoed n very good nnd needed law. Tho peoplo will not forgot It. Tho President manages to keep to tho front, or is driven to tho front senso and tho manifest public good, Tho national wealth has Increased somo 1S, 000, 000, 000 in tho last four years; so It you havon't got dally, when thoy como to square ac- without his own management to ef- tho hotter. Most good nnd reason yours you nro entitled to glvo your counts. And ns to getting bottor feet such n result In n way different nhlo cltlzons nro agreed that tho self credit on your books for about anou for officeholders than wero ob- from "y of bis predecessors. Ho has moro vulgar forms of vice should bo $21,17. w .jQ'rHlflMrlSJFffrjrSJPJJJBLl'V , ' i '. . n '""".ftj lsWsVuBaBIIHiSHaBliiiSJt " T, ""ZZrJ&jK BSSk BSUSHv ,SKlSHlHBSSMlBSVSr 'w,- . V. N &4&IS1H BsiiiddDSXSMMBiklilibiinrVtMk. VV v'kB i" Vfln - Vl nKBBSdBHsVWSwlaTflilEai sllllllllllllMHit-?IS-;' il".viH8 C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Site, PUim, FwMk Mvcd. nmtn fuU UnUniti. Cm Office tone, 596; Stable, Hack 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON (' . ,!y i