POItTXAND NEW AGE ' V SK?'' ?. ' GREAT FALLS. I Cloths Mnn, Woman, Boy In Modern Up-to-Dato Fashionable Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Great Falls, - - - Montana. B. A.RKICHEI,. rreildcnt. W. F. BKNonUSCII. Vice rreildont. II. W. QRUN WALUT, tl0. A TrtM THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers and Bottlers of extra quality lager boor. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Oflko: 109 Central Avenue. P. 0. Box 80. Great Falls, Montana. THIRD AMD COLUMBIA TllOMl Main 13 BONNY & WATSON ( CCCIIMM TO ) BONNY & STEWART CO vcxtiML Dimciom and imiulmim Lady Auittant Al- C)tfi Wafl way In Attendance. "cl"W M5U. U flAT M00PVIHON ORAWIUGA I i MKCfllll A MillUT i II. E. CIUNF.Y, Proprietor. A. A. HOWARD, Manager, Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE ' EitaMUhed 1890. Telephone US Work Done On Short Notke 112-114 West rront St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON Missoula, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. (wJfiiilHmDHMiJiiiiMB JmmwHLmmmm ml aaakW aV L l M U tarafaLw Af FREIGHT RATES j Jf oh r M HOUSEHOLD GOODS WLmA TO AMD FROM B tr flat YEOEN BROS. SAVI1NOS BAINK BHXINOa, MONTANA Branch Banks at Butts, Anaconda and Oardlnsr TranMot m Oanoral Banklnv Buatlneta Fay interest on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates ol Deposit. We tart Savings Accounts with a deposit of one dollar or more. SWIFT & COMPANY So. Omaha, Nabraaka PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Fraah Cuta far Hotala -1 MAIL ORDERS THE BUREAU SALOON FRANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domestics Wines, Liquors and Cigars Tclcphono Main 6504 Foutticftjt Corner First and Morrl on rOMTAND OREGON SENN & NITSEHKE PHONK EAST 3073 SCULPTORS . AND CARVERS In Marblo, Stone, Granito and Wood. Architectural, Plaster ami Staff Orna ments. Monuments, Statues, ISustt., Tombstones. Postal orders promptly attended to. Sculpturo Work a spe cialty, Ofllco and Studio. Union Ave., cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. )) SEATTLE WASH ! When In Seattle vitlt HAINSOIN & COS Billiard Parlors The Finett In the Northwett 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fit Spruom mntl Omttmr Lumbmr BoxShookm Cmdmr Shlnglmm Grays Harbor Commercial Go SmmW; Wamh. Just a Word About Rolls Utile Itolli and big RolUi plain Itolli and fancy Roll; Kolli (or breakfatt; Itolli (or lunch; Kollifonupprr all good aorliol Rolli crow to perfect proportion! at tbe reliable bakery moil people In Mlitoula know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Frulta, Vegetable Confectionery, Etc., Etc 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana PROMPT ATTENTION mW&mirzym:': mmmmmWK AV Handling- Vicious llorara. A balky horse can bo cured, when un der the saddle, by a very simple- meth od. Turn him around In his tracks a few times and then suddenly straight en his hend and ho will willingly, and even gladly, go forward. This was the method of tho celebrated John S: Hnrey and has never beeu known to fall. Tho "Jlbbler" differs from tho balk er Inasmuch as his so-called vice Is caused by congestion of the brain. Tho horse thus affected Is liable to bolt or run away after one of the attacks and Is a dangerous animal. ' Hearing, although commonly termed a vice, Is often caused by too severe a curb. Sometimes tho rearing horso loses his balance and falls backward. It Is needless to say that tho rider Is lucky If ho or she escapes without se rious, If not fatal, Injury. When tho horso rears, loosen the reins and speak to him In a soothing tone; but If ho persists, glvo him a sharp blow be tween the ears with tho butt o'f tho whip. This will bring him down an all fours with umazlng quickness. Kicking Is certainly a vice. Some times, however, it is caused by fear, In which case much can bo accomplished by gentle management. Exactly tho opposlto treatment of tho rearing ani mal should bo applied to tho kicker. Hold his head up with might and main, for tho horse cannot throw out both legs at onto when his head Is elevat ed. Kicking straps aro what tho namo Implies. A strap fastened to tho shafts over tho horse's crup prevents kicking, but this Is only serviceable when driven In sluglo harness. Shying Is a danger ous fuult It cannot properly bo term ed a vlco; it Is generally tho result of dcfectlvo vision. Gcntlo treatment, soothing words and patient persistence iu accustoming tho animal to the dreaded object will often effect a cure. To Jnsli a horso becauso ho shies or Is frightened only aggravates tho ovll. Ho will assoclato the punishment wltli tho frightful object and will fear It inoro and moro each tluio ho encoun ters It. Country Llfo In America. Winter Cnre of Toultrr. Next to a draft, a damp houso or roosting placo Is tho most prolific cause of colds In fowls. Look after the dryness and ventilation of your roosting quarters also. A plain cold can bo told by the fowls having a watery discharge nt tho nostrils mid eycH and tho birds throwing their heads and sneezing. A plain cold Is easily told from the roup by absence of a cheesy substance In tho throat and nostrils of tho birds. This cheesy mass always accompanies roup. Tho head will frequently swell with a cold, but tho swelling Is more marked In roup. A common remedy for colds Is to apply kerosene to tho heads of tho worst nflllctcd birds. A slight lllm of kerosene oil on tho drink ing water will ofteu cure mild colds In a few days. Ilronchltls Is tho cold extended to tho bronchial tubes and tho fowls mako a rattling nolso when breathing. This disease continues for weeks In some cases. Treat like a severe cold with kerosene oil, injuring tho oil well dowu tho nostrils and throat. Rural World. KIK fo Stock I'eeil. The prevailing price of concentrated foodstuffs Is arouslug tho luterest of farmers In tho question of growing moro Dash-forming foods. Many stock men who have used oil meal extensive ly In tho past uro considering the propo sition of growing their own Uux, so that It cau bo fed without Unit hav ing tho oil extracted. This Is u prac tice that I cannot recommend too high ly. I have found from practical ex porlenco that an aero or two of Uux will produce one of tho most profitable crops that cuu bo grown. Oil ordinary soli there will bo a yield of alxnit twenty bushels per acre. This may be used In feeding calves, young stock and any other class of animals which may for any reason bo out of condi tion. Flax Is not only a food, but Is ono of tho very best tonics that are available. W. J. Kennedy In Iowa Homestead. Short Rotation of Crop. Every furmer realizes the vulue of a short rotation of crops In maintain- Ing tbe fertility of the soli. Vet It Is not at all uncommon to seed to timo thy and clover and mow the Held for three or four consecutive years till every vestige of clover has disappeared and nearly all tho value of tbe clover plant as a renovator of tho soil Is lost, says a writer In Ohio Farmer. I be lieve sowing timothy with tbe clover is all right I always practice it Then I am quite sure of a catch, and I get more and better bay. There are also other advantages which space for bids I should enumerate here. I be lieve, though, that tbe meadow should be mowed but once and never more uTa Ttwic before plowing. Smoke In llnndllntr Ileca. How differently men uso or misuse smoke when handling bees. Some men even nsk me If I ever "smoko In tho entrance." As a rule, such men will Jar the hives In taking off tho cover, they pry or pull off tho super with a snap, says an exchange. About this thno tho bees, angry bees, begin pour ing out at tho entrance and from tho top of tho hlvo and then tho bee kecpor begins using tho smoker; but the bees aro mad now, and no amount of smoke will pacify them. Tho most Important place to use smoke Is at tho entrance, and It should bo used Micro as the first step In open. Ing tho hive. Subdue tho bees first, then all tho Jarring will only make their subjection the moro complete. So many times has some man cautioned mo nbout attempting to handle some colony, saying that thoso bees wcro perfect tiger? and that I would bo stung to death. I always say : "Glvo me the smoker." I glvo them a good, thorough smoking at the cntranco be foro attempting to open' tho hive. I then open tho hlvo carefully, using a llttlo smoko If Micro Is any sign of obstreperousuess. As a rulo I pass tho ordeal without a sting, whllo the owner looks on with nmnr.ement. The wholo secret lies In subduing tho bees before opening tho hives. Smoko the bees first, and then you can usually handlo them In peace and comfort Kelf-Onenlna; Door. Tho arrangement for opening this door consists of a half-Inch ropo at tached to a staplo driven Into tho up- THE HKUr-orCNIKO DOOR. Ior edgo of tho door and passing par allel with tho track beyond tho bound ary of tho door when open. Tho ropo passes over a small pulley and a weight Is attached nt tho end. It Is better If tho weight and pulleys aro fixed Insldo tho building. Ily attach ing tho ropo to tho opposlto sldo of tho door a self-closing arrangement will bo 'obtained. Vlnx with Skim Ml lie for Cnlvra. For calf feeding purposes Instead of grinding flux have It boiled, one part of tlax to six parts of water, making a Jelly. Tho boiling process lasts fro-m ono to four hours. If the (lax has been soaked for eight or ten hours Iu water, one hour's boiling would put It In fairly good condition. If, on tho other hand, the llax has not Iwen previously soaked, It will tako from thrco to four hours to cook It thoroughly. Iu feeding our calves on skim milk wo uso about two thirds of a teaciipful twlco a day for a calf !l weeks old In conjunction with tho si; I in uilllc. Tho amount Is In creased from time to tluio astho calf grows older. After tho calf Is S or U montlts old wo do not feed tho cooked flaxseed, but feed It In tho ground form In conjunction with tho grain ration. In this way wo aro nblo to ralso practi cally as good calves on skhu milk as wo formerly reared on wholo milk. Butter la tbe South. A skilled Northern dairyman who went to Georglu some years ago ouco wroto that ho found that ho could make es good butter there as ho mudo In Vermont, could mako It at a lower cost and could get a hotter prlco for It When onco tho live-stock Industry Is well established In tho South In con. nectlon with cotton growing, wo will soou hear less of Its taking four or flvo acres to mako a bulo of cotton, for tho men who rotate their crops and feed stock and muko manure will soon put a bale as tho minimum per ucre. Moro pea hay, moro corn and moro cattle will do moro for tho cot ton furmer than anything elso, when they cease to look on everything but cotton merely as "supplies" to enable them to plant moro cotton, for they will find that tho "supplies" will soou bo as protltablo a part of their farm ing as tho cotton. Varieties ot I'otatnea. In choosing varieties of potatoes for spring planting, It Is advisable to select those that have beeu moro re cently produced from seed; provid ed, of course, that their quality ami productiveness have been tested and aro generally known. The variety that Is newly produced from seed Is gener ally more vigorous than It Is likely to be after a few years' contest with po- j tato beetles und the blight and rots, all of which help to decrease potato vigor and productiveness. Hut It Is not advisable to plant potatoes, how ever good, which are very unlike stand ard sorts, and whose qualities are not generally known. There Is so much difference In potatoes that the mere fact that a potato Is a potato Is not enough with most consumers to secure a market for It until after they have glvea It a trlai. l,WMm TACOMA i mllB PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINK HOUSE. H. REUTER, Proprietor. The belt of Wlnen, Liquor and Clear. Family Trade a Bpoclalty. Tel. Red 1731. 1608'raclflo Are. ltOA Commerce Bt. Tacoma, Washington M ONTY'B THIRST BTORK rcrlln Bulldlnir. 113 South 1 lth 81. Telephone, Main 1M. TACOMA, rVASHINQTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon 8c Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & co. 1105 ASM TACOMA, WASHINGTON STYLES RIGHT ' PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles In HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bldg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leave Tacoma 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11:10 a in, 12:10, 1:10,2:10, 11:10, 4:15 (Ltd., no stops), 6:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10, 0:10, 11:15 p m. Leavo Bcattlo fl :U0, 8 :00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11:00 a m, 12 in, 1 :00, 2:00, :i:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00, 6:00, 7 jOO, 8:00, 0:00, 10:00, 11:15 p in. I'VYALLVP DIVISION Lea vn ruyallup fi i!W, 7 :00,B :00, 0 :00, 11:00 a in, 1:00, aiOO, .1:00, 4:00, 6:00, 6:15,7:15,8:15,0:15 pm. Leavo 0th and Commerco Sts. 5:40. 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:00 am, 1:00, 2:00, 8:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 p in. (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) ' Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always a good bargain. You can't Judgo from mere appearances. Wo sell Trunks that not only look woll but wear well. Bult Cases and Dags of all sizes, sty les and prices ltopalring dono. l'hone Hod 2772- 031 O Street TACOMA, WASH. L,. R. MANNINQ, Pros, U. R. iVIAININlINa & CO., Inc. Real Eatate Loan and Inveatment. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Land. Firtt-Clat Mortgage and Inveatment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIL.DINQ TAC MA, WASH. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Commercial Banking Savings Department Capital 15,000,000 Surplus $350,000 Total Available Aanutu $7,500,000 A. CIIILBERO, I'reaidont GEO. II. TARHKLL, Manager A. V. HAYDEN, Cashier Tacoma Office No, 055 Commorce St., N. E. Cor. South Uth St. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dish WHEAT-HEARTS MakeiadellKbUulbreakiail dlihl with fruit added, a lovely dec rt. Require little time to cook. A light ex. reni". Inr fuel. I guaranteed absolutely puro and com let than any other cereal Hold by all grocer, tire pound packaKH, tf cent. THE PUGET SOUND FLQUHIN6 MILLS CO,, TACOMA, WASH, 1IIL1II1J1J!BL1'.NW"''1 '''''' 1 : I AUUMA i THE ABBEY K. J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephone Jaraci 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Room In Connection TACOMA WASHINOTON THE ANNEX MARTIN ANOE1-, Prop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar go. Belli tho lllfheit Oradoa ot ...CIGARS... Manufactured by the boit factorlri ot New York and Tain pa. Alio a complete Una ot Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 76S. 056 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO r.T.McatOIN, Proprietor Telephone Main 1M BSTABLISHBD DGPORB TUB WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars lyn JetTenon Avenue, Corner Paclflo TACOMA WASHINOTON L L. ROBERSOT, Prcs. tee Trui. C H. R0BERSO1T. Sac'r. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Mado by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY WbolMalo Manufacturers of Dread, Cake. Ktn. Wo alao make a ipcclaltr of UOUli 1IRKAD. Tol.JamoaSOI. 943 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, Wash. Phono M aln 74S 1'avlne Plant, 15th and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reter voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalk 203-4-5 Providence Bid;. TACOMA WASH. We make a Vpcclaltr nf FINE POULTRY Prlrate Car Trade Solicited Commercial Market MARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 202 TACOMA ), n. TKUNEB, Prei. and Jlgr. Tel. 44 Tacoma Carriage and Baggajp Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Cirrligit and BirgijiWijonut All Hours Private Ambulanct Pirficl In ' Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY UI UUf UUOLSS IUI lMRD iu UUT AISI enter, who will uiut you uit all lncoruluif I SlUli TACOMA, WASH, A. T. HOHMIJU, Hooy iimieaaum ui,n i mm umiiimn iiiuiJl.4 !