1 Topics of I I the Times 1 What In wanted Is wrccklesa rail roading, not rccklcRR rnllrondlng. Thnt dnrk spot on thin plnnot nt which the observers on Mars nro gnz lug In wonder Is IMttflbtirg. America grown richer by $10,000,000 n d.'iy. Suvcnt-clglitlis of tbo people lmturiilly bavo to bo content with cl I Itith. A New York nldcrimin has beon rnnglit tnklng money. Tho science of tho thing la to tnko tlm money nnd not ret caught. Hrltlflh Columbia ban n politician named Front. Isn't ho the man to suc ceed Lieut-Governor Snowball, of New Jirunswlck when ho resigns? I'crbnps It Is a matter of no signifi cance, but It Is n fact, that railroad wrecks have beon rapidly Increasing lnce the passes were shut off. Probably Senator Ilovorldge first be came opposed to child labor when he was n small boy and had to follow the plow when bo wanted to go fishing. An Ohio man has been sent to prison for six years becauso ho has thirteen wives. Ho ought to bavo known enough to stop when he had a dozen. 'There nro 13,000,000 men In this country avnllnblo for military service." And twice ns many who could stay at homo and criticize those In tGo field. Several members of young Mr. Hock cfcllor's Illblo class seem to tako great delight In getting up In meeting and telling him what they think of his father. Count ltonl wants Mine. Gould to return to him and overlook tho past. lie specifics that sho Is expected, In ciua sho returns, to bo accompanied by her check Iwok. Those boys who accidentally hit tbo Kulser with a snowball as ho was passing have reason to bo thankful that tho result of the recent election left hint In high good humor. The crop of "hitherto unpublished portraits of Lincoln" Is growing larger every year. How In tho world did ho ever find tluio to do any work, when lie had his picture taken so often? "Knowlcdga Is tho sunrise of llfo nd tbo glowing sunset of hope," says tbo lialtlmoro American. And even nt noonday somo people nro In no danger of suffering from sunstroke on that ac count Mine. Mclbn now charges a dollar for writing her autograph. Ileltig a woman she probably hns n good deal of satis faction when writing n check for tho purulent of a W) debt In making It out for 940, lotting her autograph stand for the balance. During the year 1000 property In tbo I'nlted States to tho value of more thsu half n billion dollars was de stroyed by fire. Of course this enor mous total, which Is said never to have hern equaled In any country, at any time, was due In largo part to the San Iiranclsoo disaster. Nevertheless, tbo executive officer of the International Bodety of Hulldlng Inspectors baa dw r.arwd that nine-tenths of the national Ore low la preventable. A company which manufactures par lor can and sleeping cars la to erect a plant for the bulldlug of rare con structed entirely of metal. Tbo new cars will bo stronger than those of tho sld typo, "ml In railroad accidents will not tako fln The question rise whether thoso who cannot afford seats In parlor cars, but must rldo In com mon coaches, are not entitled to equal ly safe vehicles. In tho good time com ing every car and tho entire railroad equlpmeut wilt bo as good aa human kill can make It A party of operating officials of a railway ruunlug out of Cleveland form ed thetaeelvvs Into a surprise party tho other night and visited a neighboring town to see whether engineers were paying proper attention to tho signal, lb result was Illuminating. Accord ing to the published reports the In spector turned out the lights Intended to show that the track was clear, and In spite of the warning thua given twenty-four trains out of twenty-five rushed by, only one stopping to In restlgata what was wrong. Of four passenger trains only two even slack ened speed ou seeing the signal which meant danger ahead. The road In ques tion Is ouo of tbo best and most effi ciently operated In tho country, and If such a state of things can exist on It what Is tho condition ou other lines If s completely equipped aud lew care fully operated? We think of the savage trlbo ns liv ing outdoors, and free from tho re straints which como with civilisation tho garment, tbo house and tho cook. Hut there Is a barbarian which upends Its winters tu huts and holes from which every hveath of fresh air Is shut out, and where tho stllllug atmosphere Is heavy with "old shapes of foul dis ease." Akin to tho life of tlo hut aud the slum Is tho life of the homo of whatever grade where cold U dreaded mora than bad air. Tho farm house, tho millionaire's palaco and the vlt logo grocery nllko shelter miserable sinners against nature's lnws. Tho crusade against tho ravages of con sumption hns awakened thousands to tbo fact that tho need for pure air Is more lmcrutlvo even than tbo need for good food, although It speaks with a less Insistent voice. Hut hundreds of thousands of housewives yet need to learn tho danger of tbo comfortable double window and the nlr-tlgbt stove, and the healing power of pure, cold air, steeped In God's own sunshine. A woman who was known tin tho queen of the Gypsies died recently In Eng land. She wnu of great age and nmaz lug vigor, nnd n real "character" In her reserve and her hatred of modern conditions. Hho seldom talked, but It was known thnt sho eonlsdered educa tion ns rubbish, houses ns no bettor Until prisons, nnd tho persons who died In them its tbo victims of their own elTomluncy. In n phraso both telling and memorable, she boosted herself "free from the tyranny of the roof." That Is truly a noblo freedom nnd one which every wlso woman mny covet for herself nnd her children. Perhaps another hundred years may see tliA stuffy bedroom everywhere supplant ed by the airy (torch, and find civilized man again seeping under tho sky. As a plonxnnt Illustration of the value of tho expert trade, attention may bo called to the suit Instituted In New York by a distinguished alienist for payment of fd.500 balance of n JZI.COO bill for expert testimony. The defendant, n wealthy widow, demurs ou tho ground that tho services wore not worth tho price. In view of nit cir cumstances the wonder grows that bo few men engage In tho profitable, busi ness of what mny bo called exporting. Why should it man toll nnd drudge for a mero livelihood when, with a lino appearance, a modicum of practical ex jcrlencc, and tho acquisition of Impres sive technical tonus, ho can reap it much richer harvest? If a will In volving tho distribution of n large es tate Is to bo broken on the ground thnt tho maker was feeble minded, tho ex pert nppcars ready to throw tho weight of his testimony In tbo direction de sired. If n rich mnn or n rich man's son Is In danger of tho law through reason of a serious Infraction of tho statutes, along comes tho export to provo conclusively that tho shnpo of his head, tho wllduess of his eye, or somo eccentricities of conduct demon strnto derangement of tits mental facul ties. The amount of compensation do ponds, of course, on tbo wealth of tho parties interested. Hut, Inasmuch as such export testimony Is sought chlolly by those who have tho willingness nnd tho wealth to pay, tho compensation Is usually of tho most generous nature. Tho learned gentleman who receives ?I7,000 for n deiioflltlon, or even for an hour agreeably scnt on tbo wit ness stand, lias excellent reason to bo In love with his profession nnd to rec ommend It to thoso who uro discon tented with their humbler pursuits. Why ho should go to Inw for the pal try sum of JO.flOO when ho could more profitably Improve his tlmo In seeking nnothor client Is uot so clear. llrclucril to (he llanka. America la Mnlr-Ml. America Is koIiik to tlio extremo In mimic, bo far ns tlnnnclnl extravagance la concerned. According to coimorvn ttve eatlmntcfl, tbo pcoplo of this coun try will hihmuI ton million ilollnm on this form of amusement between No rembor, 100(1, and April, 1007. Includ ed lu this estlmato li only the better claia of music, thv comic operas, mu sical comedies and so-called "attrac tions" of this type not belli consider ed at all. America has becomo music mad mnd lu Its desire to hear music that It does not always uuderstund, aud musicians whom It does not always value rightly. A musical obsession bus taken hold of tho ieopU, aud, having tho necessary money to pay tho de mands of thoso wlso enough to realize the extent of this new-born craze, we are now hearing the best there 'Is In music at Kuropo'a artistic expense. As n matter of fact, there vr-tro uot twenty really tlrst-class singers and In strumentalists loft lu Europe ou De cember tlrst, for tho "almighty dollar" Is a patent attraction to even so Im practical a being as tho average mu sician. Success Magazine, All Wata. 'I wonder," said the man of a statis tical turn, "how much iowder Is de stroyed dally In useless salute. " There must bo a lot," said the friv olous girl, "but I suppose women will go ou kissing ono another Just the same." New Yorker. ttto AIN'T EZ fGrOOD EI OEM- 1 VAj uster&etat PORTLAND We cater Specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Cooking a Specialty. Try Our Home Made Pies ftoot East 52 i U9 E. Barnildt St., Ntif Union Art. WILLIAMS &, SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES fresh fruit and Vegetables, Teas and Coffees Telephone Knxt Itiu! 2.8 J.iirslico Street POUTI.AND.OItKOON EU,,KET,ELEGANT FLORAL PIECES Choice Frosh and Cured Meats. Fish and Poultry I'hoiieMRlnttttl Co. 14th and Glisan, Portland, Or J. B. SIMMONS Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries CIGARS. TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY Delivered to All FitU of the City. 463 Glisan St. Tel. Pacific 1 99 McGUIRE & TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 35 Grand Avenue Phone East 2629 PORTLAND, OR. NOB HILL MARKET ,. HCIIOI.Z, Proprietor, Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sausage and Poultry Tel. Main 818 Cor. 21st and Irving Streets D. BREEDLOVE & SON. GROCERS 3G1 East SevcntliSt., cor. Stephens Phone East 768 PORTLAND, OR. Price ItenMiiiitlilo rUitUfsrtlnn Ouornntcfil A. NICHOLSON Hum-wiir In K. WINKI.KMAN Ladles' and Gent's Tailoring ClennlliK, rroMlng ami KcpHlrlliR Phono Purine VUTH Hi Nineteenth Hired J. J. MEYERS Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods, Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice Cream and Confectionery Order Delivered Promptly 1'lione WimhIUuii .twi 7ft) MlMltilppI Ave. rOItTI.A.VP. OltKCION Murray Levy Drug Co. DISPENSING CHEMISTS Phono Paclllo 297 l:ttli A Wathlnuton Hlrc.ti POIITI.AN1), OIIKQON T. J. Concannon & Sons Lewis & Clark Grocery Phone Pad lie -.Mi NX) Thiirman St., ear. '.'Ilh POItTLAND. OltKIION M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE SULLIVAN & KRUEGER Phono Mftln lb9S Dealers In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Teas, Coffees and Spices Sixteenth and Glisan Sts. free Delivery PORTLAND, ORE. COOK MOTOR GAR GO. DohUti In High Grade AuK mobiles Fifteenth and Washington Sts PORTLAND, OREGON l'hunel'acllloOJl 407 Stern HiilltlliiK H0LBR00K & LEVEEN Tailors for Men 150 Sixth St., cor Morrison PORTLAND OREGON Finest Made Adams Eire Proof Stove Blacking, No odor. More durable. Only blacking made that will remain on Air Tight heaters. FHD QAIF RV All HFAIFDC jfUK OMX. DY ALL UCALCK5 NEW AGE HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND OREGON Nob Hill Pharmacy UK.J.J. KlbilKK. i'rop. Drugs and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded C80 Glisan Street Tel. Main 845 nnd Cut Flowers, (iiinlen Plant uud Houso Plants. Very reasonable. CUSTAVE J. BUnKIIARDT, Florist 112 Tweney-lhlrd St. Phone Main 603. Portland, Ore. A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furn ltetnoileled into Latest Stylo. lions, H (ilfH, Tlef), for lets tlinn nt any other place. 185 Madison Street W II. Williams AlCtctclanil FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sta. 'West End Exposition Bid. rlionu Main 4.', PORTLAND, OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoe Repairing Machine nnd lUnit. Only (loodyenr Machine In Our City. HIhh'k mnilo to Order. HIhh-k Called for mid Delivered. Telephone Parlllu ?. !W Yamhill Xtrcet POHTJ.ANI). OKEOO.N The Portland Hat Works .Manufacturer! of fiNE SOFT AND STIFF HATS HatK l)cil, Cleaned anil Worked. Ourse dally: Pntiainan Clcatieil anil Illeaehcil, 219!$ Alder HI., bet, Pcrowl ami Third. Jlraneht 4il WmIiIiikIiiii Hi. Portland, Or. ARTHUR LAW furnUhcr and Hatter "HIS MAKI2H SHIRTS" i(6 Waihlniiton Ht., Opposite HcIIIh'i Theattr PORTLAND, OREGON THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. It. 7.KI.I.AU N.I..MUKI.I.KK Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEC US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave., Portland, Ore PICTURES FRAMED FU1UI1TUKE REPAIRED PHONE EAST 3549 RES. PHONE EAST 2JI2 H. C. SCHROEDER The Albina HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND COURTNEY MUSIC CO. Band Instruments Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for Cath or Eatjr Payment. Latest Popular Songs and Music 25c, Five for $1, pottpaid. 10-Cent Sheet Music Pottpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c. 88 North Third St., Portland, Or. MALL & VON BORSTEL RCSIOtNT AGtNTS Real Estate and financial Acents GtRMAN AUIANCC INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of Nw York. Capital 11,900.000 CONKI.AOHATIOK PROOF All S. F. lowet paid In lull. Statement after a'inent 0rs, F. louea: Axeu, 15,M7,aui; Surplus to policy holders, in er 17.000,000. AOENT8 Holladay 1'ark Poooml Addition; Manning's Addition; York Addition: Hulll. an' Addition: W. W. MvQulre'a Addition j Nlcliolion Addition, 104 Second St., lumber Eschangc Bide, i'honc Main UJo 392 East Burnslde St., 1'lioue Kat X'M TIIK Continental Casualty Go. of Chicago, Illinois. Paid-up Capital $3oo,ooo Northwestern Department 503-4 lumber Exchange Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON Tho largest company in tho world doing a strictly health and accident huaincea. Over f 5,000,000 jmid on claimti to H. It. men alone. Writes all elassot of olicies on all the dilforont oc cupations, including the opulnr 1 1 a month policy. Call at the ollico or phono us anil wo win uo giaa 10 explain uu differeut olaus. I'hono Main 4.S5W. Tot fine Wines and Liquor, cnll ftt THE 'WEST P. 1IUUIUH, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars Phone t'seltlc 190(1 255 N. Fourteenth 81. l'OHTI.AND, OIIK. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTERSON k HcDOUOALL, Propi. Fine Wines & Liquors Tho Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Albina St. Phone East 438S Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. i:. I.ODUM., Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINMARD'S BCER Telephone Purine 191 414 North Nineteenth Ht. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works Ot'NDKI. llltOH. .i CO. Manufacturer of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 410 Water Street Telephone, Main 2366 PORTLAND ORKOON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale Dcalcri In BOTTLES Carry tlio largest stock of Mottles on the Pacific Coast. Mall Order ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD rORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and Burailde Streets 'The Judge Demand the Best" LA TOCO Key West Cigar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigar W. S. Conrad MliinettpoIlM tit. Huul Distributor PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for them and tako no other kind if you want tho beat. THE TQKE POINT OYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tluphono MAIN 693 Soli Gnwsrs of the Cilibntid Tpke Point Oysters An Eastern Oyster Transplanted aud grown on our bads at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UKXQUALED IN FLAVOR AND VKKSIINK83" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers In All Varieties of Nativo Oysters. VF O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEAi BAK1N6 POWDER, FUWWHO EXTRACTS AsoluNfwty. Firt3iFlvsr. OrtrtSrrih.ftSMMtfrkci CLOSSETaDEVERS POfrrtANO.OMCON. PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 onn 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis &. Clark Cigar Go. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tlio Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 40C8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate mil Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I liavo cliolco IliiBlncsa nnd Itosldonco Trnctu In nil pnrta of tlio city. Corr ptionilcnco nollcitcd from noil rvMdont ownorfl of property or tlioao rooking. invoHtinontH hero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg, Co.'s Steel Furnaces 440 Union Avo. North Bhopi'hono Kit nt 0177 Kenlilenco Phono Knat 1803 : JAMESTOWN, N. D. j The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorneyat-Law President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota HY It All. AND WATKIt Columbia River Scenery vBim REGULATOR LINE Tim excursion steamer "BAILEV GATZKR I" makes round trips to OAS CADKLOCKK every Sundav, leaving 1'OKTLANI) at 0 a. m returning ar rives 0 p. in. Dally Kervlco between Portland and Tho Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. in., arriving about 5 p. m., carrying freight and passengers. Splendid Accommodations for outfits atid livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland ; foot of Court streat, Tho Dalles. Tele phone Main 014. Portland. ASTORIa&COLiei. A RULR01DCO. in) suoli Passenger lis M, WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BKTWHM Portland, Isteria i Seaside & W U " Ltares vkiox vxra. Arrlres. - yot Htjgtn luin. ' Daily ler.Clatskanle Pal It. ;Wa.m. WeHporl, Cllllon, llllu a. vu. Astoria, Warren. ton, KUvel. licr- bart f ark aud txa- tide. A Mori A Peaihoro " Lxpreu Dally. 7;COjvm. Aftnrla xreM 9:40 p.m. :. A. 8TEWAUT. J. C. MAYO. Comm'l At., 21S Alder St Q, r, & f . A. Telepnone Main 908. i A Vt)Si