PORTLAND NEW AGE ; f u , r PE-RU-NA A MEDICAL COMPOUND I 4tli1"ttlH-ltt"1f GOOD ij Shoftg toriesf In any mod leal compound no much dcponds upon tho manner In which St Is compounded as upon the IngredienfH used. First, there must bo a duo proportion of tho ingredients. Each drug in tho pharmacopeia hns its special action. To combine any drug with other drugs that have slightly different action, tho combination must bo made with strict reforenco to tho uso for which tho compound is intended. The drugs may bo well selected as to their efllcncy, but tho compound ENTIRELY SPOILED DY THE PKOl'OKTION In which they nro combined. It taken years and rears of experience to discover this proportion. Thcro is no law of chemistry, of pharmacy, by which tho exact balunco of proportion can pelf of the following scathing words, bo determined. EXPERIENCE IS THE ONLY GUIDE. .'Ho along with you! What? Do flesh In compounding n catarrh remedy Dr. Hatttnan lias had many yean' exper- of your llcsh, and you n-llvlng on cab Ictiro. In the uso of tho various ingredients which composo tho catarrh remedy, bago? Ho and marry a grass widow I" 1'eritnn, ho has learned, little by little, how to harmonize tho action of each in-1 young bridegroom, after the wed gradient, how tocoinbino them Into a stable compound, how to nrrango them into ,jng wag i over nn(j' thu bride's old euch nice proportions ns to blend tho tasU), tho operation and tho chemical po- rnMlcr i,n,i cono o(T to tiie cIllb i.Iin to a. - -,,t.AAJi Ji.li Jtttif ti.LitniJ f T " "I 'Tr I 'I"1!"1 1 'I I I 4 An English vegetarian proponed to a woman, whereupon she delivered her- tll I irtltll l.nl nf nrtl Ak..Mvl t b.Hi.l I nftl 4 I fr AM I Ate lnI . tn n 4lt M rt rtrt. t l 1 W 1 - t duct boyond tho crltlclHin of doctors, pharmacists or cliomiBts. , "What nro vou looklnir for WE REPEAT THAT, AS MUCH DEPENDS ON THE WAY IN WHICH flcnr'r mlll tll0 iir,do ..Tllllt ,; TIIK DRUGS ARE COMIJINED AS DEPENDS UPON THE DRUGS THEM- ,.,! ".:,...,"".;,, ,....,. oUtiolt nt Vnllr flllinr,UH Iwi flnlfl nnr. oli,','a' , lously. "I don't see It anywhere." Tho compound must presont a stability which is not affected by changes of "Poor papa Is so absent minded " said temperaturo, not affected by exposure to tho air, not affected by ago. It must tne bride. "He lit his cigar with It" bo so combined that It will remain Just the samo, whether used in tho logging I .... , ' , . ... .. . , or mining romps of tho northwest or tho coffco plantations of tho tropics. ,, , Ch"rchlll'1 th nve""t "jo . . ,,,..., , ... , ,i . ., , i . 'Bcrlbcd nt a dinner In New York tho A complete- bit of tho Ingrcd outs of Peruna would not cnablo any druggist ... i,.A11 , ,, or phvsiclan to reproduce Peruna. It Is tho skill and.sagacity by which these TZnnTXT T ing odlcnte are brought together that give Peruna much of its peculiar claims as ' dmn ' ntlo r ! uko "J""''" on olllciioloiia cnturili remedy. , clonror' Mr. Churchill ended, "I will ,, i i . i i it i t t ii i . tnko tho caso of a young man and a However much vlrtuo each Ingredient of Peruna may possess, tho valuo of KriH,vCt.ti,cnHs Tim ramie mm, n tho compound depends largely upon tho manner and proportion In which they !l"n"i; ., . .., i . ', . arc comb nod. Tho r.ght IngredlenlH, put together rightly, l tho only way a "!"?". I ,' T omicli' ? hls medical compound urn bo made of real value. I ,W ! D" ""' ' "h" ' b m. , fo B " ' 'purposo to surround you with every comfort and to anticipate and gratify your every wish.' The girl, a realist, Btnllcd faintly as she answered, 'Oh, Jack, how good of you, and all on $9 H Mnnr Ninoni. Eva Yes, dear, on this old Bcttco my great-grandfather courted my Rrent-grandiiiotlier, my grandfather courted my graiidmotlier and my fa ther courted my mother. Jack Great Cupid! Did you say It wan a HCttCO? Kva Why, certainly. What did you think It was? Jack I thought perhaps It was a nxon chest. HOLD UI?! and consider POMMEL naa TUB NDOXitA&K. 1IKE AIL WATERPROOF CLOTHING. limadf oilhebtst rmlnlilxinltukcmllow fully touuftttlini sold W ttMtMtitmMtiti W 3TKKT9TNC ET flA "Hi j jm jjf vjap j&m i ! ii 'Of MW TPWTM ONAflAN ' " TORONTO, CAN 3IQN OFTHC PISH i.iniw i.ti nm. Shirt Prelector. When a man buys a dress shirt nowa days he can depend on tho bosom be ing absolutely spotless, since, owing to ft Week too." II IIUIY UUVIl'V llllll II. ID LR'L'U lllUWKUt Ul, the shirt Is protected from the touch of soiled Angers that so often were wont to leave their mark on the fair surface. This new stylo of protection consists of nn cnvclopo of transparent paper It Is recorded of tho Earl of Mans field that he once dismissed a servant, but wrote for lihu n "character," as follows: "The bearer, John , bus served mo for three years In the ca pacity of coachmnu. lie Is an nblo drlv- that Is large enough to hold the shirt, '?r nud " very sober man. I discharged keep It absolutely clean, and yet en-1 ,l,m bccn,IH0 '" clmiM " A lIny nl.llnc mm n .. hn ul,n niiil,r F tWO later tllO 1111111 returned to tlintlk through It. Without adding much to ' hla oId "llllL,r for ,llu '! llL, 'ml nf the cost, the envelope Is n great ccono- fordL,1 '" BcttliiB a new berth." my to the dealers and makers, slnco ,,ow ll,ul iUo testliiioiilal helped him? . with Its uso there Is never any cause Tll '""" explained that his new miis- for tho return of shirts to tho factory r liau oiiserved-tliat nullity to drlvo that have been soiled In the bundling, ns thcro Is In tho case of collars and cuffs. No Apoloicr Needed. "I hope our running the grnphophonc last night didn't nnuoy you," said the renter of tho third floor flat. "What?" responded the new renter of tbe fourth floor flat, producing an ear trumpet. "I say It's a tine mornlnx," bellowed the other, Into the trumpet. PlltS CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT l guarcnteoJ to cure nny co of Ichlng, blind, bleeding or protruding pile la 6 to li Jayi or money refundcd.coe. Ifnd to Stnnd for It. Bacon Tho lender of that orchestra Is on his feet nearly tho wholo time, Isn't he? Egbert Yos; It really seems too bad that ho lias to stand for that playing. Yonkcrs Statesman. Stood the Test. Allrnjfm Dlnafaia I...m . amim f.i 1 1 Mood the tct of Mxty years' uso by the pul He; their virtues have never been equalled by the unscrupulous llu tntors who hivn sought to trado upon tho reputation of Allioek'H by making plasters with boles In tlii'in, claiming them to bo "just as ood as Allrock'"." Allcock'a plasters rtiind todav indorsed by not only tho hlgho t medical author ities oui oy millions or gratctui patients who have proved their clflcacy as a house hold remedy. Filipino Go to irnrratl. Filipino laborers are leaving Manila for Hawaii In parties of from CO to 100. These men and their families go to Hawaii as contract laborers on sugar plantations. Extension of sugar rais ing In tho Philippines can not be car ried on while the. door of tbe great imcrlcnu market Is practically shut against Philippine products. Mothers will and. Mr. Window's toothing Brru p tho best remedy to um for their chUdroa lurlug tho teething period. Much or tbe country through which the Siberian railway passes had never been traversed by white men before tbe survey ors en mo. nnd sobriety wero the qualities he re-! Dmaii . Itrpnlr. In a trolley accident In Now England in Irishman was badly hurt Tho next lay a lawyer called on him nnd asked If bo Intended to suo tho company for Jamages. "Damages?" said Pnt, looking feebly vcr his bandages. "Sure, I hove thlni ilready. I'd lolko to sue tho railway for repairs, sor, av yo'll tako tho case." Youth's Companion. BAD BLOOD THE SOURCE OF ALt DISEASE I5vcry part of the body Jfl dependent on the blood for nourishment nnd ntrctiKth. When this life tUrcam Ja flowing through the aysteni in a state of Intrity nud rlclmcsM vg nrc assured of perfect nud uninterrupted health; .vcnuRc pure blood Is nature's safe-guara against disease. When, however, the body !.' fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its (strength, disease genus collect, nnd the trouble is manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes nud the different skin affections vihow that the blood is in n feverish nud diseased condition, ns n result of too much acid or the presence of sonic irritating humor. Sores nnd Ulcers nro the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, nnd Khcumntism, Ca tarrh, vScrofula, Coutngious Wood Poison, etc., nru nil deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to grow worse ns long ns the poison remains. These impurities nud poisons find their way into the blood in various ways. Often nfiluggish, inactive condition of the nystcm, nud torpid state of tho iiveuucs of bodily waste, leaves the refuse nnd waste matters to Bour and form uric nnd other ncids, which nre taken up by the blood nud distributed throughout the circulation, Coming in contact with contagious diseases is mother cause for the poisoning of the blood ; wc nlso breathe the genus and microbes of Malaria into our lungs, nud when these get into the blood in mifiieicnt quantity it becomes n carrier of disease instead of health. Some arc so unfortunate ns to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them nnd they nre constantly nnnoyed nnd troubled with it, Had blood is the source of nil dis ease, nud until this vital lluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to Buffer in pome way. For blood troubles of nny character S. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down iuto the circulation nud removes nny and all poisons, supplies tho healthful properties it needs, nud completely nnu permanently cures bloou tuscascs oi every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so thorough thnt hereditary taints nrc removed nud weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores 'PURELY VEGETABLE l !. Sfkin Djsc,nsc3. Contagious Wood Poison, etc., and docs not leave tho nlightcst traco of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of Mood is renewal nnd cleansed nfter n course of S. S. S. It is nlso nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, nnd is nbsolutely harmless to nny part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. Book on the blood nud nny medical nd vice free to nil who write. TH SWiFT SPCCiFlC CO., ATLANTA, CAm quired In a coachman. As for the cheat ing, his employer had said: "I'm a Yorkshire mail, and I'll bo hanged If you cheat me." One day a gentleman en mo to Web ster's ollleo and consulted him In re gard to a prospective lawsuit. At tho closo of tho conference ho paid tbe at torney a retainer of $100 to look after tho matter. Upon returning to his place of business he found thnt his partner had already settled tho suit, obtaining the sum demanded without nn attorney. Ho thought $100 was al together too much for an ofllce fee, so ho dispatched his clerk to look after tho Bubject. "Mr. Webster," Bald tha young man, "my employer thinks you should return a part of your retainer. Thnt caso ..as boon settled." "Young man," snld tho lawyer, "you go hack nnd tell your employer thnt n retainer Is something to bo retained." HOW EVANS SAVED HIS LEGS. S.S.S. W. L. DOUGLAS 93.00 AND $3.50 SHOES nSHSMSu W. t. D0U6US 14.00 GUT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUAUEO AT ANT PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT All PRIOESl Molt' Sim, SA ta ai.AO. llu).' hlmm, Kl to Sl.it.1. Women1. 8liu., lo t..V. ItluN' Si Clillilrun'. hHi-,J.J3 to VI.OO. W. Ij. Dougliw shioa aro rocotfiilio.l by export Jiulgo of footwear to 1m tho bout In stylo, tit and wcuriuvxluciHi In tuU country. Kacli part ot mo moo ana every noun oi tao miiKing u iookou uivor nd WAtohod over by skilled khooimiktir, without rogird to tltn a or cost. It I could tako you Into my larco factories atl llruokttm. Mas., ami .how vou how carefully W. L. Douclul ijlKHvauro umiio, you would thou utulornUml why they hold their thapo, tit -vtur longer, ana uro or Krwuar vtiiun man any oiiiv mntv. W. I. IMUiiUt niii l prim It lm.l on lh holloui, Whlrh rmirrtt lb wrarer tntntt hlih ptl(vnlfiili-rtir titf. 'I'likr .u Huli.llliilK. Sold h lli brti lu ilMl'rtairtTwIxi. fun iMtr AvthU ixnJ 4J(l)iilv. C'jIjW wui&irM. W. I.. UUVULJtK, Hru.kiua.Ma lE&l betU iHrMT Are The Finest Gardens always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand" Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you tho kinds that grow best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps. rcrtlllms, incubators. Urooders, poultry and ueo supplies. Alk ht Bat N. 260 W tlw ttv . MI4 UUbf t Tntv ShivU. Etc H. 261 Ik nwat. Admiral Itobley I). Kvans was a midshipman In the civil war and wiu badly shot up nt tho attack on Tart Fisher. IIo wns taken to the hospital In Norfolk, where bo overheard a sur geon say to bis assistant : "Tako both In H01ILY P. EVANS. his legs off In tho morning." Itoh man aged to seeiiro a revolver, and when the nsslstaut upiwiiieil tho next day the midshipman at llrst protested ngalnst amputation, but In vain. Then he pull ed bis revolver from under the pillow and told the doctor that It had six car tridges and thnt If anybody entered the placu with a caso of Instruments six men would bo killed liefore the opera tion began. Tho legs were saved. PORTLAND SEED CO. FartUnd, Ormgun Ka, Wtik 1 i Flour 1'rv.crved hy Comiirt'a.luB. In England much Interest has been shown of late by tho army and navy authorities In a new method of preserve Ing Hour by means of compression. With hydraulic pressure apparatus the Hour Is squeezed Into the form of bricks, nud experiments are rejKirted to have shown that" tho pressure destroys nil forms of larval life, thus preserving tho Hour from the ravages of Insects, while It Is equally secure from mold. Three hundred pounds of compressed rlour occupy tho same space as 100 pounds of Hour In tho ordinary state, Great lluum Without Column. Tho largest room without vuluuuis u aid to bo In n solid concrete building ' tho mosque nt I.ucknow, India. It ft 1U2 feet long, 54 feet wide and 53 Av't high. Tho tlmter mold was left a year for the concrete to set and the building, Vi years old, U still unim paired. Truth Is a searchlight that makes many a man try to hide Vehlud bis shadow. There In mora C.Urrh In this section of the country trinn all ollur dtieuei put together, ml until thn lnit fntr vn.ri vmjmunnoied to be luour.blo. KorftKroatmiiny vers doctor pro nounccd Italoc.l dlioo, and preierlbudloc.l roinodlti, and by conil.tuly iRllIng to euro lYUhlocRltro.lmont, pronounced It Incur.blo. Jolunco hiu proven catarrh to be a eonitltu tlonat dlnome, and theroforo requlrcicomtltu llnnitt trn.tinnnt. Hall'. Catarrh Cure, m.nu- (actured by K. i, Chenoy &Co.,To!odo, Ohio, I the only comtttutlonal cure on the market. It l lacen inicmauy inuoieiirom iu(irorio lempoonful. It act. dlroctlyou the blood and mtiu mi lurfacei of the eyitom. They olTor one hundred dollar! for any caxo It falls to oure. Send for circular, and tottlmonlali. , . Addren, K. J. ClIKNKy i CO., Toledo, O soiu ny Jiruinrui", 'o. Uall'a Family 1'ill. are the but. An ISvrryilajr Occnrrrne. "Tlio clearing In court of that receiver of stolen goods was n homely sort of tri umph for the lawyers." "In what way?" "It was a whitewashing of tho fence." Baltimore American. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That I. I.AXATIVK llltOMO quinine, fllml larly named remedies omctlmt' derclri. Tlio tint and orlKlnnl Cold Tablet la a WIIITK l'ACKAOK with hlarlc and red lettering, ami boar, tbv ilgnMura of K. W. UHOVK. UAo. ung jjjoj avok 'oiqui om v A"q ujbjj u ji3nuo oouo on jojjjou iJOdXO PU0JUJ V BU ;iiunb moji3Br(,vV I'll' Aton jajjajtiH jua) njjuiuo,v w apuiu Banking by Mail WE PAY 4f INTEREST On savings deposits ot a dollar or more, compounded twico every yenr. It is just ai easy to open n Savings Account with us by Mali as if you lived noxt door. Send for our (reo book ht, "Hanking by Mall," nnd learn full particulars. Address Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oreseti There Is $300,000,000 worth of English money invested in submarine cables. PAINLESS TXENTISTRY SuUt Mr JL YMGoBttTritfrt EXAMINATIONS fRtC Gold Crotni,J Bride Work, per tooth, Ml rialr..tll Hllrer Filling., I0a Uolii Jrilllngs, 1. TALE DENTISTS Jii Tint Btr.et J'OHIXAND, OltEOOK LUMBAGO AND SCIATICA AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Made In alt itylr. and all hIim. (let wal r and ett anywlivre. licit Drilling Tools made. U.t cala log and price. BEA1X At CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. Bt. Vltu nanr anfl all Nerrou. Dbiraara tx-rmmiaotlr currd r Dr. Klln.'a Urrat L;. hnmrar. Haniirbr FKUKIllrlat boltu and ' iraatlM. lit, JU lLKllar, UL,u Area nu, i'uua.,ra. Awful. "I feel awfully sorry for Mabel, don't you?" "Why sorry?" "Tho poor girl can't blush." Wash ington Star. R ST JACOBS OIL Penetrates to the Spot Right on the dot. Pries 23c and 30 hare .tood the tctt for orer v veart. and are .till In the lead. Their ab.olute certainly of growth, their uncommonly large yield. ordellcloii.veRetatjIe. and beautiful lower., make iiicin me uio.c reliable and llie Diott popular CTery- , where, sold by an dealer.. iuv7j ScA Aanoal free on reque.t. D. M. FERRY A CO., Ottroll, Mich. Am Explanation. An ollculst canio wandering through nn Insane asylum's wards one day. lie enmo upon a man who sat In a brown study ou n bench. .. "How do you do, sir?" said tho alien ist. "What Is your nnme, may I ask?" "My naino?" Bald tho other, frowning fiercely. "Why, Cxar Nicholas, of course.'' "Indeed," said tho alienist "Vot tho last time I was hero you were tho Kmporor of Gcrninny." "Yes, of course," snld tho other, quickly, "hut that was by my first wlfo." Argonaut MUIETEAM BORAX In hot water (I tiblttpoonful to a quart) wlH easily and quickly clean tarnished silver, forks, spoons and metal ware living a high polish. All dealer., flamplo Unrax, Souvenir Picture In 10 rnlnr. and bonklot fie. and dealer', name-. I'AUIFIU COAST IIUItAX CO., Oakland, Cal. P. N. U. No. 13-07 -nTUEN writing- to advertl.ara pleaaal wenlliin thla pa par. Literal Information. "Did tho doctor cautcrlzo that dog'e blto for you?" "No." "Ooodneas gracious I Why not?" "IIo seemed to profcr to cautcrlzo tha placo tho dog bit" Baltimore American. One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the Well-informed of the World if to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of tho leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and tho Well-Informed generally that tho California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods nnd perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to tho high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the namo of the Company has becomo a guarantee of tho excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of lifo and are essential to permanent suo cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call tho attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves tho question of right living with all tho term implies. With proper knowledgo of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may bo made to contribute to that end and tho uso of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome, remedy may be invaluable if taken at tho proper time, tho California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully tho subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won tho approval of physicians and tho world-wide acceptance of tho Well-Informed because of the excellence of tho combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This voluablo remedy has been long and favorably known under tKe name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and tho Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we havo adopted tho more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by tho shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed ou the front of every package, whether you simply call for-Syrup of Figs or by tho full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat isfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the. United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty; cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. 0., that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 80th, 1906, CAUFORNU HC SYRUP CO. Louisrifle, Xy. Ban Francisco. Cal. U.S. A. London, England, New York, 1ST. 7. t! M I rtVi