Cv PORTLAND NEW AGE , ijlfcv ' ' A(& I LEADING HOTELS j HOTEL oor i,ooo,caa. Tho Portland H. O. BO WCmt, Mmnmgmr. American Plan, S3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS rOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS, Portland, Oregon, Telephone W-u r. O. Box Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IAB. A. BCIIltAOE, 1'roprUtor'. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlggtas Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 The New Bannock Hotel NORMAN St AHUUTHOKO, Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Pln. Roonu with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Wttr and Telephone in Each Room. RATES H00 PER DAY Pocatllo Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, $2.60 and Up European Plan $1.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, 'MINN HOTEL PEDICORD T, J. PEDICORD, l"roprletor 31V, 75c, $1, $1.50 Rsm with Private. Baths) B4fc AsMricajs and European Private. Telephones in Rooms first-Class Grid in Connection 299-219 MvarsUe Ave.. SPOKANE, WASH. 1iiaBmV'lj!WamK' wfawwwMmuiLjtMAtawmawMWWM wawwwffWsszBiwcawBwwwwwM s2CSBpBBBs3Br eeeeeee,eeae : LEADING HOTELS f PORTLAND. THE ESMOND HOTEL, 030 AH ANDIIitBON Manager Hates: European l'lati fOc, TSc, 11.00, l.5o, 2.oo per day Kreo liui to and from all Trains Front and MorrUon Street POKTLANO OltKQON Mil IITU IfttSI DULUTH MINN. J. .: HENRY FOLZ Leading grocery and mar ket. Wo servo tho traveling public at rcnsonublo prices. 114 nnd 110 Wost Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. I IDAHO ADVERTISING I Thot. Illytb, Pro Lyman Fargo, Vlco Pros The Blyth-& Fargo Co. T'ooatollo, Idaho Oencral Merchandise BTOHK8 AT ' Evaacton, Wyo. Pocatello, Idaho BAHKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 EfUMUhed 1699. Dewey 1'aUco Hotel Bid'. FItKI) a. MOCK, President r. J. CONItOY. Vlce.I'n-litent C. It. 1IICKKV, Cashier FRANK JENKINHOK, Ass'tCubUr NAMPA, IDAHO J. A. Murray, I'rcilJent. D. W. Slsnirod. Vl President Wm. A. Anthet, Cashier I, N. Anlhes, Assl, Cashier TMES FIRST NATIONAL BANK of PocHtstllo, lUalio. POCATELLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers GOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps aoi'.nts ron thk CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nampa, Idaho D. W. Church Earl C. White- C. C. Chilton CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocatello Idaho IbbbVuibbbSE Stiammmaxa) iawwmVttOmWWWWWWWMtjaaawawwDaK ?JK2ruJ)C2Kn3i The tlrnira;nrt' niaconilMare. I -wood uv never fott with him If I had knone that she was stnnudcn so close hi and might have seen mo gotten llckt, sho oedd rIicoz shuro I am a bettur man than redd witch gave mo connfldcuncc, an bo wenn ho tolled awl tho boys ho nlnt nsknrcd ur mo I dared him nock n chip oil and he wennt ann noct It off ann I sedd fore a cent Ido slnpp his face ann hennry hcamus sedd heed hoald ml koto wllo 1 was fltcn redd. I wood not karo so mutch bocaws I gott tho wurst uv It with redd It sho had nott bin cloase cnuff to sea It awl nnn sea that redd was a much bettur man than me. ann wenn tho fitc was over nnn thay took "THAT TOOK ME HI THE ARM ANN ItELLPT lit" mo bl tho arm nnn hellpt mo to tho brook too wash my face vl hennry benmus sedd rtinfitu Innim nrt t tr ttp ilinf redd gott off wlthowt a bluddy nooso ann ho U not ut tnwl ur woys uz much ui me. nlahs foro mo, nho ntuitiit uv oocn It nwl weun roddy hit ml nonsc nnd seen mo fftwl In turrlhlo defect, i wood not knro foro ml black eye butt o to hafftoo bare hur turrlble contempt. )nss nlto I shodo how i wood ko ann knock him In tho rodo nnn mnko him nay cnuff, ann now alio acci how I wan llct nun alio must no that bees a bettur man than me. witch goee to bo Itta punlahmcnt for mo fore hraggen ao. Philadelphia ledger. Flrai Vmy at lekool la China. A Chlnnninn wished to enter bis boy nt tho school of a Scottish teacher In Pokln, nnd called at tho educational establishment In question ouo day along with bis llttlu boy. Tho follow liiK iimasluK scene then took place: Tho Chinese gentleman wiih escorted to tho reception room, and both bo and the tencher shook their own hands mid bowed profoundly. Then tho tencher nsked : "May I luqulro your honorable nninoj" "My nienn, IrulRnlflcunt nnino Is Wunjj." Ten nnd n wnter plpo nro sent for, nnd tho tencher politely suggests: "I'lensc uso ten." Tho Chinese sipped nnd puffed for perhaps a njinrter of nn hour before bo observed to tho teacher that bo should b overjoyed to lenrn tho Intter's "lion ornhlo iinuie." This wnB tho tencber's cuo to reply, "My mean, Insignificant nnmo Is Jones." "How ninny llttlo stems bnvo you sprouted?" Tbls tueans, "How old nro you?" "I hnrn vnlnlr unonf yeflra," modestly replied the Instructor. "Is tbo honorable nnd great man of the household yet living?" said tho Chinese, who Is asking nfter the teach er's father. "Tho old ennn Is well." "How many precious llttlo ones bnvo you?" "I bnvo two mlsernblo llttlo dogs," meaning his own children, "How mnny children havo you In your Illustrious Institution?" "I have seventy-five llttlo brothers." At this Juncture tho Chliinmnn deem ed It time to get down to business. "Venerable master," snld be, "I bnvo brought my mtio nog nero aim wor- shlpfully cutrust him to your bonorablo charge." The little fellow, who had been standing In tho corner of the room, camo forward at this, put bis bands on the floor, and knocked bis bead against It. The teacher raised him up and sent blrn oft to school, while ar rangements were made for bU sleep ing quarters and so forth. Strssatra Mcata. Tell me, did you erer ae Monkeja climb a banian treat Ilanlan trees, perhaps you know, On tba nursery floor can jrrovr. Troopa of monkeyi, half tho day, In the great wide branches play, Frolic and maka friends with you If your aunty tells tbem to I I've bad measles, so you see Aunty comes and plays with raa. Annty makes a lion roar Right behind the nursery door; Makes an elephant poke his bead Through the window near my bed Makes the nursery somehow look Like a lovely picture book, r Youth's Companion. As Alcoholic Red Kaee. Among the questions that "I-wnnt-to-know" peoplo aslc Is ono about the effects of alcohol. Why, they say, does the habitual use of alcoholic liquors cask s man's face red? Alcohol, taken I Internally, stimulates the action or tho heart, and consequently tho circulation of tho blood. This stimulated action of the blood shows more plainly on , tho face than on any other part of the h dy, because tlio nerve-system timl tho bl Oil-vessels of tho fnco are peculiarly Ben;. I thy. Hut alcohol also has n para lyzing effect on tho nerves nnd the blood vessels, and Its habitual uso gets those of the face Into such n condition that they no longer perform tlielr proper functions. That Is to say, they receive blood from the heart, but do not Bond It back again, as they do when they are In a normal state of health, tho result being that the faco acquires a chronic condition of redness. Moon SlinilniTM. Many persons cannot understand why the- shadow nmdo by an object In moon light Is darker than tho shadow made In sunlight. The difference Is duo to tho fact that the light of the inooii Is not so strong as that of tho sun. As light travels always In a straight line, a shadow, either In moonlight or In Bunllglit, would bo Intensely black were It not for tho dispersed and rcilcctcd rays around tho shadow. Tho dark ness of tho shadow Is reduced by theso reflected rays, and as tho rays of sun light aro stronger and brighter than those of moonlight, they reduce the darkness more. It Is tho dispersion nnd oven distribution of the sun's rays through space, and their rellectlon from th'.' dust particles of tho air, that make daylight. Won Sorry. Parent Aro you sorry you called navies after that boy next door? Freddie Yes, mother. IIo enn fight twice as well as I thought ho could. CATECHISM OF A TOUBIST. Glolio Trotter (Uvea Itranlta of Ills Travels to Ilia Pn-ior. A glolMj-ttjottliiR Journnllst of renown litis written n tourist catechism In n German paper In which ho sets forth his observations on tho countries and tho people hu has vlstcd. His niiHwcrs nro Ingenious nnd they may be correct, but they would seem to convict him of being n Swede. We quoto tho follow ing: "Whero do you find the most comfort able pnsHciiKor trains?" "In ltussln." "Hut where nro they kept In tbo boat condition?" "In Sweden." "Whero Is the railroad trnfllc mnnng- cd with the IciiBt noise?" "In Knglnnd." "Whero do you find tbo best railroad restaurants?" "In Sweden." "Whero nro tho most comfortnblo steamboats for longer voynges to bo found?" "In Germany nnd England." "Whero do you find tho finest nnd bent arranged steamboats for shorter trips?" "In Sweden." "Where tbo finest restaurants nnd enfes for moderate prices?" "In Co-wuhngen and Stockholm." "Whoro nro tho best automatic res- tnurnntH?" "In Stockholm." "Whero tho worst quick lunches?" "In America, particularly In Hog ton." "Whero nro the finest bathhouses?" "In Qeriimuy, Austria nnd Sweden." "Whero do you llnd tho truest iollto uess and dignity among tho peoplo gen erally?" "In Sweden, particularly In Stock holm." "Where tho opposlto?" "In Italy." "Whero do you find tho most polite nnd well-bred children?" "In Sweden, Norwny nnd Denmark." "Whero the opposite?" "In Italy, Little Italy, but particu larly In South Iloston." "Whero do tho young men have the finest figure and the handsomest fea tures?" "In Italy nnd Sweden, particularly In Stockholm." "Where nro tho handsomest wom en?" This question tho writer, who nppenrs to bnvo gained some experience of life, does not nitswer. Hoston Transcript. Ki'oiiomlcul Hmoks, "Why aro you uhvnys HtruttliiB about with an unlimited clpir In your mouth? Haven't you got a mutch?" J,T;elt''oiuy rirJ.R" . Stock Ranches aod mouo. Tuougu it costs mo notning, i iiiiuk 1 gel a mini as mucii pieuHure out of a dry as n real smoke. "I stnrted dry smoking the first of the year to reduce my cigar bills. You see, I used to get away with ntno or ten B-cent cigars n day, and my wife-kicked. At first I got no pleasure out of my dry smoking, but I persisted In It, and now I ezperleuco real pleusure as I chew unllghted cigars. "Iiest of all, from my wife's point of view, I hnve cut my ten cigars a day down to three." Like a Or eon Bar Tree. "Married several times, hasn't she been?" "Yes; you can tell her ago the way you can a tree's." "How's that?" "One ring for each year." Harvard Lampoon. No Ileal Hntchorr. Freshman Do you often bet on grid Iron results? Last year's ditto Yes; but only for small steaks. Princeton Tiger. Budding- Intelllvriire, Anxious Freshman How long are we allowed In theso hour exuim?-. Harvard Lampoqn. CAfE Phono Main 2318 CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon BGLU'S CAPE riiolro Wines, l.liiiiom nnil Cigar. I'nmlly f anion In rnniiiTllmi, Trnimli'tit room, t'n mi Imr, Win. Iljil, I'mp. Phone Main !H0l. Cor. 'ilil and Thiirmnu Stn., Portland, Urcgoit. Minna Hood 677 THE OLD HOME I'. I'. MKUIIAK, I'top. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. t'eu'iiU'cntli nnd Nortlmip His. Portland, Oregon ELDERDRAU GROTTO KIUCKSON .1 HKllO, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4402 PORTLAND, ORE. ANDREW SWANSON Fine 'Wines & Liquors Cor. 23d and Washington PORTLAND, OR. SERING & HILL Fine Wines & Liquors Family Trade a Specialty 340 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. rhont frc'ilc M9 Work Done On Short Notice The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Clcniiliic, l'ri'Mltiif, IHi'ltiK anl;HenlrlnK. Ftrnin niiil Kiencli Pry I'lcniilnit n Hpocliilly. Balls I'rvsseil Wlillu Yon Wait. 132 N. Slulh Slreel, TORTLAND, OREGON O. H. COBB Kntlinntcs (liven on All UIamcs ot Plumbing and Heating Work I'liono Knst 2.tl7 Itctldcaco Knst 2010 247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE M. J.Unnlncr. I'bonu Main 1W0 M.aardiicr GARDNER BROS. Manufacturers ot tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 Madison Street PORTLANI, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For first Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland ,Cor. Fourth and Columbia Streets One Dlock South of City IUN DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, Family Iterlpes, Phono your ordei h hast filflO. W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist 677 VYIWams Ave., Cor. rargo K-STAIIMHlIKi) IBM Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturers of TRUNKS SUIT CUES STRAPS TELESCOfCS IAGS Mail Orders Promptly Attended To Telephone Cast 24 .121-131 E. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE AMBLER & WAITERS The Real Estate Brokers CorvolKs, Oregon tiiy rropeny ior oaie Of Kent Independent Phone 225. Send for List DRINK Crystal High -Class Carbonated Beverages CRYSTAL BOTTLING CO. Telephone Stain 7178 Ginger Alo in Kyplions a Specialty Family Trtulo Huppllod. 249 Madison St. Portland, Oregon THE AVENUE CLUB AND The Avenue Oyster House I. V, HALL, lroi. . Krtsli Oysters open (tally, i'lnti, quarts, gsl. Ions. Dllveicl any j'Uco. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Tbo best of Meats, FI1I1, Oysters and (iarac. Open Day and Night 663 Williams Avenue fct Williams Avenue I J'bono East 19 I VORTLAND OltKOO.N Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Phono MhIii C1M POUTI.AND 409-111 Aider Street OUKOON Rupert's Pharmacy PHONE MAIN 6421 Everything New, Fresh and Up-To-Date. We eol.c t your trade. Purity pre-eminent. Pure Drugs an important matter. Prescriptions precisely prepared. Wo never sub stitute. Perfumes of the highest character. Wo want your confidence 460 Jefferson SI. Corner Thlrteenlh St. Pnr-t Inrtrl Or Opp. Uulllvanl's Grocery rOrUunU, W. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUC1IKM1CH A ntAMKIt, 1'ropa. MnnufnetuiorH of Carbonated llovor- n:w, Syrup'. Kxlrnct, Mineral AVntorx nnd Clmiiiiigiio Cider. Solo dlstril- utorsof SnluUllo Mineral Water. 1'hoiiu l'aelllu 171)3. Olflct and ractcry. 204 Mill Street PORTLAND. OREGON GUR BRAND Morse Collars Knraiors, Tvituis'nrs nil Knrsaincn. took lo inir ItiluriMl. Whfii In lu-eil ot llorso CulUrs, tiny lliu lient tlio SHARKEY COLLAR It tins stuuil tlio tot ot vvnr Hint tesr unit rlilnniu (or luunty jesrn. Ask your deslur for them nmt Insist on hnvliiK tlio "bhsr key." P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon FiirnifurGf Quality We sell Quality good Fur niture that i made from Natural Wood, that willgive atufaction under hard wear. The tame will hold good of our carpets and. stoves. That's the kind we sell. ::::::::: COVELL FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts- Interest Compounded SemMnnually W, As0 p 4 f Clnl Intirstt on Ceitificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Chick Accounts Sam a Dollar Today an. ft Will Work for YoiToiorrow A Dunk Account is tlio first stop tr ward liujiiiiean, proHpority and comfort Hanking Hours, 0 a. in. to 4 p. in.; KutunliiYH. u ft in. to 1 n. in. : Baturduv evenings, 6. p, m. to 8 p, in, DIRKOTOItB Win. M. IjkM, J. Tliorlnirn ltors, T. T. iiiirkhart. Frank M. Warren, Goorgo II. Hill. OFFICER 8-J. Tliorbum Ross, I'reir. ident; Georgo 11. Hill, Vlco President; T. T. UiirkliHrt, Treasurer; John E. Altchluon, Hecretury. 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON 1 is mmmmmmmm