,Oi,mi. PORTLA1SD KEW AGE V THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY Heating, Ventilating and Drying Engineers WARM AIR FURNACES -NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse and Sperry Mills TACOMA, U. S. A. I THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. VARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 314 Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of . Lager Beer " EXPORT " " KAISERBLUME " "COLUMBIA" iN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Brewery and Office BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. DAVID II. IlKKftltK.ll, HIItNKV CI.AItK, rntlilulit. Cashier. Union National Bank Incorporntccl 1800 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grnnil Fork, NORTH DAKOTA O. C. MCINTZ, Manager. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL. STEEL AIND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. CAST END IBURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR r 'I SPOKANE First National Bank of Rock Springs liOCK HI'ltlNOB, WYOMING CAPITAL and SURPLUS, 5100,000 .liVHKY ATU2NTION OIVI'N TO I1USINCS3 UN1KUSTI1UTO US The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. f Visitors will find hero Bureau of Informatioa wkera ' rUabU information of all kinds regarding the city may t be obtained. Also free Parcel Check Rooms. Public 5. Telephones and comfortable waiting oom with lava tories for women. f . Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on i mil Pullman coaches. hiiii i ii-Tfi-IsBttfc i .iin niiafriilifltflf i ft) tirllfriirfrY.Y p:-jjg ifctsH. Wav -IbbbbbbbbI WmMBU Phone Cast 57 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete itock of Drue and Patent Medicines to be found In the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Mariso Block rfT" " '-(iHMIIlWI .V ABIZONA'S GREAT SAM 'rvtfmr (toy 00 tM M it tfi aDDMr vJbt (0pfdd 1,. .; .., .- ,. . T3Ji&imxi.M.rfts'& BBBSlB&saKaisBMfP'- ?'JJfi-d&iwmmmmmX uohb h.u rjn: i -jvfe-. . -c r .anvAinirwaffcHHififWJi ""nnawr s-sjv r. -t--vxr- -wmv.i mremwosmwir amr Hi &Sn'S J A'llOIBrr .jxy.jjyifa Win:!--TT- js --MKTT "WT Tlio fl.OOO.OOO Tonto tlnm and rocrvolr ono of tlio most mnrvclous en RlnccrliiK fcutH ever attempted Is belli; completed nt Hoosevelt, Ariz., In tho heart of nature's wonderland. Towering mountains nnd wild, rocky cnu joiih that liavn stood for nges nlniost unknown to mnii nro being fitted Into a harness of rock and tnnsonry. Tonto dam will hold In cheek the largest nrtlflclnl body of wntcr In tho world a lake i!5 miles long, with nn nverago width of 114 miles.' This storo of water will some day change 200,000 acres of desert Into n veritable fairy land. Any fruit, vegetable or grain that will grow In tho seinl-troptcal reglou thrives on Arizona's desert hut only when there Is water to Irrigate It. Tho Tonto reservoir Is on Salt Hlver about seventy miles from I'hoenlx. Work has been progressing uwn this great project four years. Tho total esti mated cost Is about .? 1,000,000. Tlio project was ono of the llrst taken In hand by tho engineers of tho United States Iteclnuintlou Service. pHjlFH Tho extreme delicacy of ninny Helen tllle proceiwoH Ih Indicated by tlio re port of 11 Kovurninent nelontlHt nt WiihIi liiKton, to tliu effect Unit bacteria nro affected fnvornlily or ottiorwlHo by tlio character of tlio bIiihh contnlnliiK tliu water In which they nro huhjicihKiI. Marked differences In tho behavior of choleru (,'ornw wore noted, nccurdltiK to tho kind of kIiihh coninosliiK tho ves-selu tit-cd. Tho decree of nlknllnlty Impart ed by tho kImhh to tho ivuter In twlluvwl to bo nn Important factor in theno ex lierlnientH. Over 500,000,000 Bullous or waiter nro miinncd out of tho nnthrnclto coal ml lien of I'emiHylvnnla every day In tho year. Tho exact nveniKo for J00."i wan IKCI.OOO.OOO kiiIIoim a day. Nearly 1,000 powerful viikIhom, dellverliiK from inlno bottom to Hiirfaco 500,000 k"Hoiis of water a iiilnnto, are required. .M Inert may bo shut down and coal production HiiHponded, but tho water IIowh on for ever. AceorilliiL' to tlu Iron Ai;e, tho cost of removing It Ih ono of tho Im portant Items of expense that niako up tho price of anthracite. Dr. Ilauthal, n Oennnn navnnt, hns Iut forward a Martllng theory concern Inc tho remaliw of KlKimtlu hIoIIih, re lated to the un'iit iniiKUtlierluin and the mylodon, recently found In PuIukoiiIii. In hl opinion, t lie-to anluiaU, whoso race Ih now extinct, were kept In a domcHtlcnted ntnto by tho prehlntorlc Inhabitants of I'atiiKonla. A cavo nt Ultima Keperanza, where many lutll vutlniiM of the former inn'iice of tho Iiuko Hlotlw lmvo been fouud, U reganl ed by Dr. Ilauthal iih IiiivIiik been used by tho ancient Patagonlaus as a stublo for their beasts. Mexican employers nnd traders ore complalulUK of the larRO number of ob llnatory holidays nnd others deiuandwl by tho work people. Our of tlio "305 days In tho year 1!U aro devoted to oblluatory nud trndltlonal Idleness," they say. In tho United Kingdom there nro f- Sundays nnd .1 bank hol idays, n total or 57. If what many of tho workers now claim Is conceded, there will bo 1- more n fortnight In tho year making W. or tu; fewer than are claimed by tho Mexican Hut ox tvsslvo holidays nro Injurious to work er and employer nllkn uud a uulsnnco to tho public. Coal Is fossil peat. Tho peat-bogs of today might luxxmio coal betls In boino future t;et)loglcal age. I'rofessor l'otonlo of Ilerllu says there Is strict parallelism between tho different kinds of peat and of coal. Wnen tho remains at plants collect under terrestrial conditions, nn ordlunry peat bog Is formed. This corresponds with "bright" coal. If the remains collect under wn ter, nn organic sllmo Is formed, nnd this t-orresjionds with "dull." or caunel, coal. When terrestrhtt and aquatic conditions lmvo alternated during tho collection of tho remains, "strata-peat" results, nnd this corresponds with coal deioslts consisting of alternate layers of bright nnd dull coal. The chemical nud physical properties or tho various kluds of uat nnd coal show a similar correspondence. The Japanese, who know so well how to add llttlo unexpected attractions to overy-day life, manufacture, In j great variety of forms, Iron teakettles which break Into song wheu tho water bolls. The song may not bo a very perfect melody, but It Is perhaps as agreeable as tho notes produced by some of the insects winch tho Japanese also treasure for their music. The harmonious sounds of the teakettles are produced by steam bubbles escaping from beneath thin sheets of Iron fas tened cloao together uenrly at the bot- flrtt .iriif dw $ tvtrptfr' torn of tho kettles. To product) tho best effects soino skill Is required In regulating tho fire. The character of tlio sounds vnrlos with the form of tho kettle. Thcso slngliiR kettles lmvo been used for many centuries. FATBIABOH OP CANDIES. Stiirnr-IMiim Wan I'lmt Mniln nn Cnllril l)rnrntl" l.y (he llninnna. Tho most nnclcnt kind of candy Is tho sugar plum. It was tho Invention of Julius Drngntus, n noted Itomnii baker and confectioner- who belonged to tho family of Fablus. According to tho Now York Herald, It was In 177 11. O. that he made tho great discov ery which for twenty centuries has done ho much damage to teeth. Theno bon-bons, culled dragatl,.nfter their Inventor (drngees, In French), re mained tho exclusive prlvllego of tho family of Fablus. Hut at trio birth or marriage of one of that family n great distribution of drngatl took place, ns n sign of rejoicing. Tho custom Is still observed by many of tho nobility of Europe. The pastlllo Is of far Inter origin, having been Invented and Introduced Into Franco by nn Italian confectioner, tho Florentine, John Pastllla, a protego of the Medlels. When Mnrlu do Med ici married Henry IV. of France, Pas tllla accompanied his sovereign to tho French court, where his bon-bons had a tremendous vogue. Kverylwdy want ed tho Florentine's pastilles, which were excellent. Ho made them with all kinds of llavors chocolate, coffee, rose, violet, mint, wine, strawberry, raspberry, vanilla, hellotropo nud car nation. llurued nlmonds nro purely or French origin, owing their Inception to tho gluttony of n certain French mer chant. Ono day Marshal Duplessls Pralln, nn old gourmet, sent for Las Hiigne, who had nlready Invented ninny n toothsome dainty, to concoct n now bon-bon for him. Lnssngno searched, relleeted, combined, until flnnlly ho conceived a delicious bon-bon, which ho baptized gloriously with tho naino of bis master, Prulluo, tho French for burned nlmouds. Thoro Is a lesson for every mer chant In tho experience told by a rep resentative of n Chicago mall order houbo to a gathering of uowspnper men In Iowa, says tho Parsons Eclipse. IIo said that tho mall order business de-, ponded entirely uou advertising. IIo j mndo ono remark that merchants should heed. IIo says they tako tho local papers and directed their .special effort: in communities where the mer chants aro not up-to-dato advertisers. If tho mail order man finds that any line of bustucia In any town or city Is not well advortlsed, as, for Instance, furniture, ho said that they flood that territory with their literature and al ways with satisfactory results. He be lieved It true, ho said, that country merchants could greatly crlpplo tho mall order business If they wonhl ad vertlso freely and In tho right mau ner. Tho country merchant should get wise. The Alter-DluBcr Speaker. I listen. What he has to say A sense of aadnees bringa. He never has a (unny way Of saying funny things, ruck. Many a man renounce single bleaa-,. edness because be needs the money, j NEAMNO COMPLETION. pLRSf a---- ST. PAUL MINN. J Alfred J. Krank taucccssor to 8CHNKM, & KllANK.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY KAZOK WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 D. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles & Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKEOFPARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Kstabllihcd 1M2 Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO, Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN. 2 : OMAHA NEBRASKA ': OMAHA NEBRASKA : J ; "THE ONLY WAY" . Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into' Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts of;city. l MINNEAPOLIS MINN. noth'star WOOLEN . MILL CO. Manufacturer ol Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn. A. Uackdaiu O, A. IlACKDAUL A. Backdahl & Co. ORuaaisTH. Opposite Milwaukee Depot. Inscriptions are (ully compounded. 813 Washington ave nue South. AlinnempoIlM, Mlnnstaotw IVaar CYGNIS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE MATTISON & FOYE, Proprietort 237 Hennepin Ave. Nicollet House Block MINNEAPOLIS, ti w W ti-, - LIVINGSTON UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Pro. CHOICEST FRESH AND SILT MEATS Oamo and Fish In Season. Livingston, ----- Montana, F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO.W.HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Tbl csrd rntltlos you to a trip through the Nntlunsl l'ark, providing you patronise "THE SOLO" And can tnnke itlfctory arrangements with tho transportation companies. The only first-class place of the kind la Livingston. Bottla Goods a specialty FftANK BLISS,. Proprietor 117 W. Park St LIVINGSTON, Mont 8. Wellington, l'rop. L. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarters for Railroad and All Pro fessional People. Phono Pacific lfil 101 N. Park St., PORTLAND, OREGON r . COUNCIL BLUFFS I S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats . j Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention j j 23032 Mala St 22931 Pearl St. Tciepfcoae 191 Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes We recommend our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale Liquor Importer! and Wholeisle Ltquor Dealers Mnisrahamat lilainsasinta i1 wlaia. fVOTTf9M Northwestern Agents Anheuser-nuich Brew ing Association's Celebrated "JludweUer" Ueer MINNESOTA wmMgfi'-"T' "'"TTrnrrmii 'W5'J.-r'jj J jjU