Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, March 30, 1907, Image 5

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tttfrfif fttttk tVTttttt & rtt
f4I-l7!4cl(lll Jffi U Vy
KsUbllihed ISM A. D, Oriffln, Manager
Offlce, Room 317, Commonwealth Building
To lniura publication all local newa muit
reach ut not Tatar than Thursday nomine o(
Nek week.
Pubtcrlptlon price, one year, payable In ad
Tanoe, i.00.
Iieal Nciva on this Pago ly
C. A. RITTQR. City Bdltor
Mr. INiul Strain the genial pro -
In the Almwortli llulldlnR. Third ntul
Oak Htrccts, Is a firm and truo friend
of our people. Call and get acquaint-
cd with him. tf
Henry Smith, one of our old pio
neer citizens Is Indisposed.
Mrs. Jns. Housor Is suffering from
a Bevero attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. E. Turner has romoved from cellont music was provided nnd after "J-" lna c n", 0'"?tlio legislature of tho state of 1111
tho EaBt Sido to Third and Shermnn thoso present had enjoyed tho oven-' ., t.i. om. innr ' no'8 fro'n the first senatorial district
Btreots. ,lng tripping tho light fnntnstlc at 12 x" lucsay JUy Jlli 1J0' in Chlcngo In the year 1904; secured
. Wnltcr E. Benjamin nnd family of
Chlcngo, arc In tho city on their
way to San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mnson, of
Spoknno nro tho guests of Mrs. Frn-
zler of Flanders street.
Miss E. Odom of Collins Springs
cnt a week In tho city, the guest
of Mrs. Wnddy of Eighth Streot N.
Mr. Wm. Smith of Tenth nnd Gil- There woro flvo divines present nil of Wo hnvo 35 colored churches, and
Ann bettor known as tho "Jack of whom gave Bhort addresses filled these colored churches have a com
SpadcB" Is nulto 111 with rheumatism, with flro and Holy GhoBt, after which blned membership ot 13,000. Tho
"Dr." Sponccr who Is employed nt
tho Good Samaritan hospital Is re-
covering from n severe attack of In
J. E. Hargraves and wife formor-
ly of Omaha, aro In tho city nnd nro
nnntomtilnHni rnnMlnir linrn unionn.
contemplating residing hero pormn-
' A very InterOBtlng meeting of tho
Lticv Thurmnn Toinnnrnncn itnlnn
wns hold Thursday evening nt the
rcsldonco of Mrs. Kato Gray.
Wo henr It rumored
dames W. W. Whoolor,
com nnd J. K. Jnnnn
trip to Tonopnh, Novada, in tho near
Eastor services will ho hold at tho ""! slBtors nnd nil fell to nnd nttnek
Bethol A. M. E. church Sunday ovon- oil tho tnblo causing tho nrrny of eat
Inir nt 8 n. m. under tho nnnorlnlnnd- nblcs to rapidly disappear tnldst snl-
enco of Dr. Mcrriman nnd Mrs. M.
Tho postomco dopnrtmont docs not
Intend to draw tho color lino in tho
mattor of whlto and negro railway
mall clerks working together on tho
sit mo runs.
Eastor exorcises will bo hold at tho
Baptist church Sundny nt 3 n. in.
undor tho direction of Mrs. H. Itod-
mond nnd Mrs. J. N. Fullllovo, Itov.
Smith, pnstor.
Tho congregation of tho
A. M.
Zlon church woro pleased to sco their son returned to tho kltchon tlinn St. "'"" '" "", '" bihuhuiui
eniclent choir In their plnces ngnln Clair roturncd nnd nttncklng tho wo- '" fovorul plncea whero ho has been,
after n vncntlon of sovornl months on man cut hor slightly In tho hnnd nnd J",cl 8I,eic'l,y tl10 lllBt l'nc boforo
nn.,nf r i. Mina. nf i. in.u i.ot n.i ... .,i., ....n,n.i ... no cntno to Chicago, was at Evaiiston
..v.wi...i. u. h.,u iimvaa w litu wiiMiMh w.v,.,.),, (,! nun UHIJ ill ut Ulliuil lllllll
soprano. I doing moro sorlous Injury by tho re- .""" " '" D",u "' l"u V'- '
V turn of tho proprietor who seized n very hnsty manner, nnd hns slnco
Rev. Geo. E. Jackson pnstor of tho catsup bottlo and boot him ovor tho ro"ml tl10 cllmnt, J11 kvniiBton, 111.,
A. M. E. Zlon church did not nrrlvo bond caiialng him to censo his nttnek not vor,y "Ki'coablo to him, so ho hns
In tlmo to conduct services last Sun- nnd rtiBh from tho rcstaurnnt. Tho P,m ?ir n . 8,I,CV'. Th,s. ""'"
day. Rov. Barbour acceptably filled woman wns thon romoved to tho ho8-l1V,,l"nmJGrny "round trying to so
tho pulpit ns ho hns dono during tho.pltnl whoro sho romalnod until noxtl,,c.lt fund8 for 'l?1 l. c, bu1lldl"
pastor h nbsonco.
After bolng confined to his bed In
tho Good Samaritan hospital for ono
weok Mr. Cubit Crawford our popu-
lnr tinrannhnnr In nliln tt tin nrmiml
ngaln, although his foot Is still very
imlnful caused bv blood nolsonlnir.
At certain tormlnnls thero nro pro
vided dormitories In public buildings
wnoro tno clerks may stay It they seo
hi. iu 11 u au, uui iiiCHO aru Olien O mo
nogrO ClOrkS a8 Well US Whites, nnd
tho department does not see wherein tho winning of tho Pennsylvania oral conforenco of tho A. M. E.
It has any province In tho mattor. . Rhodes scholarship by ono of their church In 1908 nt Norfolk, Vn to
,. ,. . 77", , ... ,! number, and that tho" whlto rnco'seo and hear tho dolegntes and
, .j ?2rUcii.1r 0,uJe,ct,on which It should do Borne quiet thinking ovor i know what tho representatives to tho
i88a'.dHh0 WmUo c,erk8 har ,n th0 th0 mnttor gonornl conferonco will do in tho
association with negroes on long runs Tho young man who will go to Ox-. wuy of Introducing nnd cnrrylng out
is that thoy nro obliged to eat and ford on this scholarship Is a rosldont laomo Important principles of reform
Bleep in tho same car the regulations of tho city of Philadelphia Is about In tho management of tho A.-M. E.
of tho department permitting n clork to graduate from Harvard Is tho church connection. All ngreo that
on such a run when his work Is up, to son of a well educated negro nnd Is such roforms aro much needed, nnd
re8t- tho first negro In tho world to secure thoy nro demanded by the members
r. , T7C T . . , ... . a ?h0(les scholarship. Says tho In- of tho A. M. E. church who aro pny
x. S? tfofSettho debnto at th o A. qu Irer: ling and distributing thousands and
M. E. Zlon church Mondny, April 8th. "It Is Interesting to noto thnt ho Is thousands of dollars each year for
7, ,,.m)i(i Is ,corfL,a,ly, ,nYUed' 8Ub- likely to havo no prejudice shown tho support of tho church, and If that
Ject, "Which Is tho Greater Power i him in Oxford on nccount of his cannot bo accomplished nt tho gon
Money or Character. From thojcolor. In England, whero negroes oral A. M. E. conference thnt meets
preparations being mndo by those-to are few, very llttlo discrimination Is n 1908 thon It will bo tho duty and
participate, an Interesting evonlne made ncalnst tho rnco. In this conn- 'th riht nn m .. n !.. ....,.
nn l, II...J - .a
vmi. uu aki.iiuiQU.
Mr. E, Redmond at one time nn
employe of tho Hotel Portland, but
later employed by tho Pullman Car
Co. and lu doing janitor work, died
Tuesday evening at tho county hos
pital after a brief Illness. He leaves
a wife to mourn his death as well
ns a mother and sister In Omaha.
Mrs. Wm. Rutherford's brother
nnd slater nro hero visiting her from
the south. They are favorably Im
nraa.oH with tha .! t.,i t i., a
nro out for a reception in their honor n,8UC5f88fu, mn" and worthy citizen,
to be given at the residence of Mr. ih8 cn,I,lre" will, by the law of ata-
nnd Mrs. Wm, Rutherford, Thursday,
April -itn, from 2 to 4 o'clock.
Mr. H. Lawrence and family of
1409 Vulcan stroet had the misfor
tune to lose by an early morning Are
on the 19th Inst a greater portion of
their household furniture and wear
ing npparel. The Are was caused by
an overheated stove setting fire to
some garments hanging near It. Tho
loss is In the neighborhood of $500.
The St. Patrick social given on
the 18th Inst by the ladles of the A.
11. E. Zlon church was well attended,
A. short but excellent nuslcal pro-
Brnm wna Given. The selections by
our young orchestra were excellent
Bnowing me results or mucn practice mcmBoiveB 10 oujurgauons auu
and giving promise of much to bo throats. Tho wiser men of tho south
expected from tho young peoplo com- are doing their best to improve con
posing the same. dltlons. Their purposo is construe-
tivo. Education Is by no means n
Although an Intimation has been' panacea for all Ills, but It seems to
llvon tho superintendent of tho rail- be tho most available and most of
! way mall servlco that white clerks in, fectlvo Instrument for elevating so-
tho middle west nre preparing to re -
quest the department to effect
change so as to put the negroes on
runs which will not bring them In
proximity to tho whites, It was Btntcd
today that no such discrimination
could or would be made.
.,.... i in t t . i l
A. S. V.nrnV SAS. ,h.lW ' L
i .7ii. V,rA,.r-v:' ,""""
, u v viviy r (lie j u kJi IU TV "B !'
sons will participate In tho exercises
1 Tho Misses Ituby Lancaster, Edith
Bthol Gray, Mesdamcs J. N. Fulll -
love, Ljuiu Easton, K. Gray and D.
M. Nowmnn, Messrs. Mills, Hitter, W.
-H. Carter, a. L. Joell and RoV. Bar-
. hour.
A very onjoynblo reception was
tendered to Miss Blanche Qonlckey
on Friday tho 22d being tho occasion
iff hor 19th birthday. Union hall
was very Handsomely docorntod, ox
'o'clock sharp light refreshments
were served. Mesdamcs G. Gray and
D. M. Nowmnn woro tho chnperoncs.
Tho oxcrclscs nt tho A. M. E. Zlon
church InBt Sunday night wcro of nn
cxtromoly Interesting nature. Tho
I young people's meeting conducted by
IMIbs 8uslo Crawford and Mrs. Lulu
Easton was well attended nnd of nb -
aorblng Interest after which tho oven-
. Ing services woro oponed under tho
IdlTectlon of Rev. T W. Barbour.
Itov. Barbour delivered an oxcollont
Bormon, which togothor with tho so-
lections rondored by tho choir was
Brcatiy onjoyod by thoso present
On Tuesday tho 19th Inst Now
iorthwost Lodgo No. 2554 O. U. O.
or O. F- was tho recipient of n pleas-
UPt BUrtirlsO lllvon them llV tllO llinm.
nnt nurprlso given them by tho mom-
I "orB o mo uoiincnoiu oi itutn no.
with goodies of all kinds from coffee
to Ico crenm. Tho hall was nu ck y
hii. mo intiies cntno loiuloii down I
cleared of tho lodgo fixings and a
lng tnblo spread which was soon
cronn tie limlor tin wolirhr of lm
. Proluto and Doru Nowmnn W. R. nft-
Icr which a number of Impromptu
speeches woro made by both brothers
'nml RlHlnrn nnri nil foil in nml nllnnlr.
"08 ' wit nnd humor. Aftor n couplo
I of hours thus spent tho Jolly crowd
I ftntinrntnfl ntivlmtulv Inwlnr fnt.UMii.fi
to anothor similar gathorlng with
their lovo for their ordor greatly
Lato Sundny evening Robert St.
Clair entered Jnck's Cnfo nt No. 385
Flanders streot nnd engaged In n
nuurrol with a womnn known ns
Hollo Murray .living In tho north end
tiirbanco tho proprietor. Mr. C. Jack-1,
nn . i i.i ....'i a, i" ,
Icavo tho room. No sooner hud Jack-
dny having hor wounds treated. St.
Clair gnvo hlmsolf up tho noxt day
nnd hns been charged with an
ussnult with n doadly weapon. It
is reported that Jealousy woh tho
nnnun nf Hm trnuttln ntil Mm utnMm
Is roportod to bo unwilling to prose-
Icuto St. Clnlr.
Thn Phllndnlnhln InnnlrAr (lilnla
thnt thn nnirrn men within thn ITnltml
Stntna nlinulH l mnnh nmfnrn.1 wL.. ..n,lnn,i.. I.,l.'l.. .....n .!. ..
iry. even in me norm, mo rovorso is ber of adheronts to tho A. M. E.
generally the case, though we bollevo church to call a general meeting and
that at Harvard negroes hnvo gon-discuss such matters and adopt such
orally complained llttlo of unpleasant measures as they deem best for tho
treatment. A few negroes hav best interest of tho people. If tho
passed through tho academies at general conference of the A. M. E.
West Point and Annnpolls, but wo I church that meets at Norfolk, Va
believe only ono is still In tho servlco. in 1908 leave out of offlce such a man
"It Is an Interesting fact that tho as Rov. E. W. Lampton, now tho fl
successful young man Is the son and' nanclal secretary of tho A. M. E.
grandson of mon who havo been church at Washington, D. C nnd If
above the ordinary. This seems to the delegates see to it at this confer
discredit tho theory hold In Bomo enco of tho A. M. E. church by plac
quarters that while In sporadic cases lnc their seal of condemnation, con-
-... x, lx. ax.. 1 .
negro cun oo euucnieu ana Become
idui, iotbii iu uiu rainvi it,u uuu.ai, ti, cnurcn, mo general conrerenco
bo worse off than ever. Thero Is no will havo instituted Bomo groat re
Justification In experience for such a forms that the oeonla now demand.
theory. All that is known tends to and tho writer of this article whilo
show that the moro the negro learns voicing tho sentiment of many others
of all the thlngB which make for good 'now Invoke tho co-operation and sup
cltlzenshlp tho better fitted are his 'port of all true and loyal ministers
children. This is sometimes difficult and delegates that will meet the next
to appreciate because the great mass .-general conference, in helping to
of negroes aro so Ignorant. carry out theso needed reforms.
"That the constantly increasing I
number of negroes unfitted for clti-
zenshlp Is a menace to the country Is
undoubted, just ns is the increase In
the number of Illiterate and degen
erate whites either in native rank or
amone the immigrants
The South Is
much concerned over the problem.
Mnny of the leaders are In a state of
frenzy over tho matter and conflno
,clety." Seattle Times.
The New Ago Is on sale nt Levy's
N! 8f 000 Th.r.y.seventh st.,
March 19lh, 1907.
Mr. Albert Collins was married to
.Ml88 Ethel Ro,d ln8t wcck
Ilov. E. J. Flshor, pnslor of tho
Olivet Baptist church Is sick.
m ,.n.i xr,.., n r a,B i,
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Seams have
moved to 4838 Wabash avenue.
i w
Tho colored order of Elks In tho Supremo Grand Chapter of the Or
clty of Chicago Is fast going to pieces, der of Eastern Star of tho United
.AJ.ftrg0m!Mi!!erof :L.d iJ)? 8tHon. Edward D. Green of Chi-
nM.a r i,i ., .. i,
Mr. Chns. Cook who lives at 3117
Armour avenue Is now confined to
his room as a result of n fight that ho
got Into tho other day. It Is about
time Mr. Cook was behaving himself.
Mrs. Nannlo Duncan, has moved to
5142 Dearborn st. Mrs. Duncan Is
?no 0I. l" TUVV' B-Bnon1a "V" on'
, J"Pr '" jK. 1S1C1 !" of S
? RSfn1B0I1B!"trPtt, ?LW?S
nnn nt tlio nxtlvn. irn.ni.nn.l nn,l nn.
1bMni ot tho 'co",c'
most notnblo colored churches In Chi
cago are tho Qulnn Chapel A. M. E
church, Olivet Bnptlst church, Ehen
czcr BuptlBt church, St. Marks A. M.
E. church. Institutional A. M. E.
church. Wiiltnr A. M. E. Zlnn church.
Provident Bnptlst church, Herman
Baptist church, St. Stephens A. M. E
nlimvli. Hf Tlinmnu Mtilunnnnl nlmrnli
church, St. Thomns Eplscopnl church.
Somo of tho colored peoplo In Chi
S?o nJnlnStMy'Ho'mo? GnlV.in'clerlc"
" "Miinsi mr. liomur uttipin, cieric
"J"0 ,,"Stor ' Imlllif of thn m, 1
I J "c " """ c ,"" yiVZv0
pipul court In Chicago, who huvo
i"bl ,t0 ,lon" They will bo
I hCi wonovcr they como up
i UUiniCS Ugaill.
as can-
Tho old masonic landmark among
tho colored masons In Chicago, cor
ner of lGth and Stnto streets will
soon be torn down. This hall has
I linnn numl FnK n iitiiHliAit rt tit t.t.
tho colored masoiiB In Chicago and
sevornl nntlonnl masonic conventions
Ihavo been hold thero. It was In this
hull that Lawyer John G. Jones of
Chlcngo, mado his famous masonic
,ipooch In 10015, In exposing tho lr-
regularity, anu nogus origin oi ireo-
mnsonry among colored- men In tho
United States.
n?v' w,llln" Oray of Chicago who
has been expelled out of every bunch
?.Jt ,M"?:0.n!c .0!n..,:..mV"n8o!llc
a homo for aged Baptist colored inln
Isters nt Brnldwood, III. Wo warn
all tho peoplo to keep their money In
their pockets, and not contrtbuto to
nnythlng of that kind for It will ho
Judgmont dny boforo nny person will
?yor. sco athn or a b",Ml!!ng 0.n"y
kind erected by one. William Qroy.
if ho has nnythlng to do with tho
finances of It.
Thero aro a number of colored peo
plo In Chicago, III., who aro mem
bers of tho A. M. E. church. They
:" "" V" "" l'"V .., hm.m
sure and illsannroval ncnlnut rtnv. A.
j. Cary, of Chicago, by keeping him
out of any offlce whatever, In tho A.
(By Eugene Fields, of Chicago.)
Mrs. Ida R. Grant of New Orleans.
La., is truly a good, great and grand
woman. Sho Is ono among the lead
ing colored women In tho stato of
Louisiana; sho possesses energy, per
severance and good judgment In
everything that she undertakes. And
pho Is n credit to her race. Sho Is
doing a Bplendld work nnd giving val
uable Instructions to tho members of
sovcrp 1 secret nnd bcnovolont socie
ties that sho Is connected with. Sho
is n brilliant nnd leading member of
the John O. Jones Court of Daugh
ters' of Sphinx of New Orleans. La.,
and also a member of the Order of
Eastern Star, and a member of tho
Board of Directors of tho Supremo
Grand Court of Daughters of Sphinx
of North and South America.
Mrs. Lena Harris of Johnstown,
Pa., Is a womnn of learning, refine
ment and dignity, nnd by tho forco
of her gcnlous, the cnlmncss of her
life, and beauty of character, has set
tho seal of high accomplishments
upon the pnges of history. Sho Is
worthy supremo Ki-nnd recorder of
I the Supremo Grand Court of Oaugh-
tors of Sphinx of North and South
, ,ninn ' . , .., ,.. i
i America, nnd Is nlso tho first aso
clnte supremo grand mntron of tho
cnB- I"', wns elected a member of
tho pnssnga of the law known as tho
"Antl-lynohlng nnd Mob Law." Ho
is past grnnd chnnccllor of tho Grand
Lodge of Knights of Pythlns of tho
United Stntcs which has been sue-
ft?"8'",11' S',5 S"tw,111rf0IIlbnM,
,"? f.,.,Vy.n?..T.?".,,?.f?.r.t?.0....r:
"' "'"u w u l""'1 "' l 'U "
I Mr- A- w- V""- of P"lr
Ind., '" nn oxcollont huslncss
,1,I"U. in illl UAtL'Mtilll IIIIBIIIL'HH lllllll
lUUIn (,, ,.., .,., ,,. .,.., i....
ui iiiui. ntiitu, nun in uuiiunuiiiif 11
Inrgo business of his own nt Dennis
town, Ind. He Is highly respectod by
the peoplo all over the state, and hN
business qunllflcatlbns nre of n high
order. He Is a brilliant mnson, nnd
ono of tho deputies for tho Ancient
nnd Accepted Scottish Kite and tho
Mystic Shrine for the Stato of In
diana. He Is n member of the execu
tive commltteo of tho National Fotldr
ntlon of Friendly Societies of tho
United States.
Miss Mcttn Vaux Wnrlck of Phila
delphia, Pa., wns horn In the city of
Philadelphia, Pa., nnd was a grad
uato or tho fiunoiis Philadelphia
School of Industrial Art. Miss War-
,ck w"
cho8cn ''
u. ,1I1U
cut abroad nnd studied her
rofcsslon, and as a sculptor
land. Sho Is now permanently lo
cated nt Philadelphia, Pa.
Itov. James M. Henderson, of
Southern Pines, North Cnrollna, Ih n
Christian minister and n progrcsslvo
and enterprising and public-spirited
man. He Is tho principal of tho In
dustrial Union Training School nnd
Aiti.linnritm 1'ltl nl.nn1 In !...., n. I
at Southern Pines, North Carolina,
'nnd Is doing n gront work for tho
rnco. Prof. Henderson Is nn An-
clont nnd Accepted Scottish Hlto 33d
degreo Mason and a Noblo and Mys-
tic. Shrine, and nlso tho deputy for
tno DnuglitcrH or Sphinx Scottish
Hlto and tho Mystic Shrlno for North
Political Announcements
Robert A. Preston
Cand date for Republican
Nomination for
Councilman, First Ward
For linprou'ini'iit nf tlio l'lrt Hard
and a wpiHri- deal fur Hut lulxiror
Primary vli-t'tlon May 1, 1W7
O. P. Miller
Condidate for the
Nomination for
Primary election May I
Henry A. Belding
Candidate for the
Nomination for
Councilman, Sixth Ward
For the Improvement rtf the Hlxth ward
and a square deal (or the laborer
1'rlmary election May 4, 1W7
J. E, Werlein
Candidate for tha
Nomination for
Primary election May 1, 1007
CHAR. II. JACK80N, Prop.
Th If extern Cafe
Open Day and Night
Private Rooms for Parties
PImm Pacific 2832
385 riantkra St.,
No. 776 WHCama Avenue
Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily
Grocery & Meat Market
735 WiHiams Avenue
Phone Woodlmvn 149
Phono Woodlawn 406
'Williams Ave. & Fargo
O.J. Enlncr
It. Hocliull
Chicago Market
Pcnlora In Krculi and Cured Meat. AH Ktndi
n( HnumKPX. 1H7 Third Btrvct, near Yamhill.
I'hotic Main 41.1. l'ortland, Orvgon,
210 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruit, Confection, Cigars, Tobaccos and Fan
cy Coffcci, Tea and Hptcca at Loucit Prices
417 Union Ave. Free Delivery Phono Kast 440
Dealer In
Stuple it nil Pimoy ClroceHoa
Vi'Kctahlcn, Krulti and Dairy l'roducu
Phono Kait MS
409 Wllllami Ave. PORTLAND, ORKdOi;
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries
and Provisions
154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving
John's Mtsat JVlurkvt
J. D. MEItOKNH, Prop.
fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon
and Hams
Corned Heel and PlcWlvd Pork a Specialty
Phono Main 19M
4.1J N. Hlxtli Street PORTLAND, OIIHOON
The Union Meat Co.
All Pining Car and Flnt Vliu HoteUand
Reitaurantaliuy tho
Tha IVeat In tho Warkot. I'atronlzo limn In
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Clrars and Tobaccos, Fruits and Confectionery
95 Russell St. Phone East 4699
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Phonf Cnit 3S2
314 Mississippi Avenue
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Frails, Produce
Niorc East 374 4(0-462 E. Barnslde St.
Free delivery Phon East 653
417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Phone tAST 3407.
13C RusseH St.
Staple & Fancy Groceries
Teas and Coffees a Specialty
492 Washington, Near 15th
Phone Mils 21(7
U, ULUM, Proprietor
Dealer is Fresh. Cured aid Sioiiid Meats,
Hans, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc.
Also Fish aid Clais,
Cor. Berenteenth and Barter Bti,
Phono Main ICSi
Portland, Oftioa
Dealer In
Notions and Fruit Free Delivery.
IS4 iHMtll Street
roiruNi, 01EG0N
The Yale Market & Grocery
KD. lt.STOCXLKN, Proprietor
Staple and Fancy Groceries
I'hone Kast 6C8
MS Grand Ave, South PORTLAND, 0REU0N
Wliolo.Milc mid retail
281, 283 and 285 Third St
North Portland's Leading Grocer
Agent for Chaae & Sanborn's
Teas and Coffees
Regular delivery by Threo Wngnnir,
10:110 it, m., L'::i0 p. in. Special dolivir
ics, 0 a. m., 5 p. in. Phono Mnln 1710.
752-754 Savier St.,
Corner Twenty-third
Portland, Oregon
--wro h)iio"
A Flour Whose
Best Endorsement
Is the Fact that the
Number of People Who
Use It
Multiplies Every Year
C, Electric light is pre-eminently
the light of happy
content. It dispells gloom,
dinginess and discourage
ment. Light homes make
light hearts.
C Electric light is practical
lighta light that is at once
clean, convenient and eco
nomical. At the prevailing
rates for current on meter
basis it is well within the
means of all, and when used
sensib ly economically
electric light is as cheap as
it is good.
, PHONE MAIN 6688 for
He will prove these state
ments with facts and figures
rnone Eut U40