, -i.r twt X--""rft'lllll,wl(r'c'J-'i M.timm PORTLAND NEW AGE HitftlmtiS ftfiMIt &ni nMlt June and win not " ih r0" fHUMlUJUI iNViU yr.ublcang Bhould chooso the right A. D. ORII'FIN. MnnoRer Ofllrc, Hnnm 317, Coininolittc'alth HiilMIng En t ercd t the po'tofflw at Portland, Ortfon, MecoDdciut matter. SUBSCRIPTION. On Year, payable In advance 92.00 Our Candidate for President JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER Of Ohio THE LAHOH VOTE. There Is a good deal of talk about the "labor vote which Is estimated by politicians nt a good deal moro thnn It Is worth In ovory campaign, for It cannot bo held together, except t.oihnnB. In vorv rnro" casoH. Thero nro laboring men of all sorts of opln- Ions, tho samo ns other men. Somo of them nro nnarchlsts, n largor num- bor nro socialists, somo stick to ouo , or tho other of tho old parties nnd on election day nnd primary day, their votes scattor. Tho colored mon's voto Is or may bo of moro lm portnnco In a largo town for thoy nro nlmost unanimously republicans, but If thoy get together to voto against one or moro republican nomtnecs, ovory voto practically counts two, nnd thoy may hold tho balancu of power. It Ih said thnt n cortain domocrnt Is holding off In tho mnttor of run ning against Mnyor Lano In tho prim aries to nco If ho enn bo assured of tho labor voto. This ho never can bo nssurod of, nnd If ho could get It nnd thereby bent Lano for tho nomi nation It would bo n bad thing for him, for any ropubllcnn whatever would beat him overwhelmingly. Ills candidacy would bo n travesty. Lano Is tho only man thnt tho domocrntH linvu tho slightest posslblo cliunco of electing, nnd this Is n very slim ouo. lint, howover, that may bo tho "labor voto" Is not what It has boon cracked up to bo. Mr. CofTeo has been put forwnrd by Homo or tho labor unions, but thero nro inuttorlngfl of groat dissat isfaction among other unions. Mr. Devlin Is no doubt quietly courting tho labor voto and so oro others but It Ib n weak reed to rely upon. I'osslbly n man who would como out llatfnotcd ngalnst so-culled union ty ranny would stand ns good n chanco its tlio ouo who struggles nnd smiles nnd bows and scrapes to plcnso tho laboring man during n campaign. Till: MAYOH WILL HUN Mayor Lano, much to tho disap pointment of n fow iimbltlouH but unwlso democrats, has announced his candidacy for n Bocond torm, but on u platform that Is not ngroeablo to said democrats, who think ho should hnvo appointed only democrats to positions. Hut by whoso votes was ho elected? lly Uioso of moro repub licans than democrats. Then did not tho republicans who elected him have a right to somo lecognltlon? What sort of treatment would It hnvo been aftor recolvlng tho votos of thousands of republicans to say thnt under no circumstances could any ropubllcnn hold nn olllco or get a Job of any kind under his administration? This Is what theso few democrats de manded that ho should do, nnd If ho had no democrat would probably havo over had tho slightest "Binell" In thla city for yoars, Tho domocratB In this city nnd county caBt about ouo-fourth or loss thnn ono-third of tho votes, nnd they ought to bo mighty thankful to got nlno-tenths, or two-thirds, or oven ono-half of tho Jobs. It It had not boon for re publican votes thoy might not havo had ono nt nil for n majority mayor is undor no such obligation to the other side as ono of n small minor ity party. Tho mayor may bo credited with slncorlty about serving tho people, nnd yet recognized hi his lottor to tho domocrats as playing for republi can support again. No doubt ho will get somo, but a good deal that ho got two years ago ho may not get I EDITORIAL I kind of a man. SENATOR FOKAKER. Senator Fornkcr hnB nnnouncod thnt ho w'1' rccommGntl t1l holillng of primaries ltl Ohio thnt shall not only olect members of a state conven tion but thnt shall also voto on can didates or choice for senator nnd for president. Ohio haB no primary law like that of Oregon, so the expression ns to scnntor and president would not bo binding at all, but it would be significant and Impressive, and would Indicate whether tho voters of Ohio Roosevelt not being considered prefer Fornkcr or Taft for president. Scnntor Fornkcr says that In all his public record there is nothing to con ccnl or npologlzo for, nnd as much ns intimates that whllo making no fight against Taft, ho would like tho Ohio voters to dccldo between them, np- imrontly confident that ho could win. .Ohio has n largo colored vote, and whllo thero Is nothing ngalnBt Taft, nnd ho Is recognized ns n fit 7ind nblo man, this voto would no doubt bo mostly thrown to Fornkcr, partly in consideration of his nctlvo orforts In behalf of tho mlBtrcoted, not to Bay outraged Drownsvlllo soldiers. Tho colored pcoplo of tho country will miss no opportunity to support tho man who courageously took tho part of tholr brothron. .lUIHlK CAMHItO.V. Portland novor had n better muni cipal Judgo than J ml go Cameron. Ho thoroughly understands his business attends to It promptly nnd with ex- s JUDGE GEORGE Portland's Popular Municipal to Succeed port discrimination, nnd motes out Justlco under tho law as well as any man In that position could do, Sluco Judgo Cameron Is willing to servo tho city (mother torm In this capacity ho will undoubtedly recelvo tho ro- publican nomination, nnd It so It would bo worso than useless for any 'democrat, howover good and popu lar n man, to run against him. Tho city could not poBBlbly do nny hotter than to keop Judgo Cameron on tho pollco bonch another torm. Apparently It doesn't pay for any really big and eminently nt republi can to bo mayor of this city and of courso, as n matter of monoy, .It doesn't. Hut It Is a pity that some such man would not muko tho neces sary sncrltlco. Ono of tho aspirants for an Import ant olllco who Is asking republicans to support him has been a republican only sluco ho took a notion that ho i might get an olllco with a fat salary nnd somo sldo opportunities. To Mr. Win. Ladd will bo duo a largo part of tho crodlt for tho pro posed Y, M. C. A, mul Y. w. u. A. building. Ex-Counclltnnn Zlmmormnn is again mentioned n good deal for tho nomination for mayor. - - PEOPLE'S CHOICE Louis Zimmerman, Popular Bus iness Man, Out for Re publican Nomination as Mayor. STANDS AS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE vs. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS His Reputation and Record as a Man aid Citizen and Office Holder Guarantees a Good, Clean Administration "If I am nominated and elected, I will during my term of olflce, conduct a well regulated city on equitable prin ciples for all business Interests." Mr. Zimmerman's Platform. A GOOD MAN FOR MAYOR. Mr. Louis Zimmerman, formerly councilman from tho Sixth ward, nnd well known businoss mnn, is being urged by u legion of friends nnd admir ers who dcslro that he allow tho uso of his namo in connection witlt tho may oralty contest. Tho friends of Mr. Zimmerman claim, and it cannot bo denied, Ijiat hu is prc-cminontly tho strongest man E. CAMERON Judge, Who it a Candidate Himself. yet named for tho olllco of inn) or, and thnt ho will bo a suro winner. Thero aro muny reasons why tho vot ers would rally to tlio standard of louia Zimmerman, tho principal ones of which are: First His high personal character and acknowledged lit need foi tho olllco. Second His honorable record and usefulness ns n member of the city council. Third His general popularity and acceptability to all elastics of citizen?. In the Boloctlon of a candidate for tho important olllco of mayor of u great and growing city like Portland, too much cure cannot be exorcised. It is highly important that tho nom inee of tho Republican party who most assuredly will bo tho noxt mayor should bo a clean, nblo and experi enced buslnewsanan. This is necessary, particularly at this time when the need of a genuine business administration of tho affairs of the city is imperative, Tho peoplo have grown tired, and fully realize tho-futillty of placing tho affairs o( the oity in the bauds of poli ticians, Thoy want tho same standard of oibeienoy and honesty in a public oflloial that corporations and individ uals demand from their officers and managers. And why shouldn't thoy hvno it? Mr. Zimmerman bollovos thnt n "public office Jb n public trust," and not a private snap; that tho people, who are the employers, aro entitled to the concicrtlous and faithful service of its eorvnntfl. Mr. Zimmerman is able, energetic and progressive, and his wide experi ence In business nnd municipal affairs admirably fits him for tho high offices to which his many friends dealro him elevated. Lculfl Zimmerman Is an ideal candi date, and if nomlnntcd would bo elected. Tho mention of Bomo mon for mayor In tho dnlly nowspapers causo a good many smiles, and causo others who never thought of such a thing before to wonder If thoy might not ns well bo "mentioned" too. Perhaps it might bo as well for themselves for tho members of tho council who go out of.ofllco July 1 not to run ngaln. Somehow tho peo ple don't seem to bo stuck on tho present council. Thoso mischief makers who camo to Portland to stir up troubto nmong tho mill hands owo tho city about half n million dollars but of courso thoy neltber can nor will pay nny thlng. It Is being whispered about to finite an cxtont nlready that Senator Pulton will not hnvo a wnlkovor by any moans In tho primaries noxt yonr but will encounter strong opposition. Dr. Droughcr would bo wiser to conflno hlmsolf to tolling sVorlcs nnd making motions nnd novcr nttompt anything In tho lino of nrgumont. Ills head was not built for that. Probably Mayor Lano would like to wait nnd sco whom tho republicans noinlnnto for mayor, but ho can't un less ho comes out later as nn Inde pendent. Tho mnyor really Is not treating tho democrats qulto right In not say ing whether ho will run or not. nut thoy may protly safoly nssumo 'that ho will. Everybody In olllco or who havo boon in olllco Is suro thoro has novor been any grafting in Portland to amount to anything. Undo Sam Is llboral; ho pays Rop rcsontntlvo Ellis 7,500 n year Jimt tho samo ns other members of con gress. Mayor Schmltz was a union labor cnndldnto and put n lot of his union labor frlonds in olllco. Mr. Preston will havo plonty of op position In tho first ward. Aro thoro going to bo no contests ovor councllnien-nt-largo? . Maybe tho next mayor has not been "montloned" yot. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladles' and gents' clothing, crepe shawls, silk, velvet and lace dyed oqual to new; lnce curtains and bankets cleaned by a now process mourning garments dyed In 48 hours. Alt work dono at very modorato prices. 104 North Third street. New Cheese & Butter Store Cheese a Specialty Butter, Eggs, Hooey, Teas, Coffees, Cored Meats, Etc. The most up-to-date in the dty. Swttland Bld 126 Fifth Street C. I desire to announce that I have moved my place of bust neas to the second floor of the new Swetland Budding- at fifth nnd Washington streets. C Assuring you that I have ex ercised careful and earnest ef fort to please, in the selection I have made of fabrics for the coming taring. Your patron age is rttaactfuiy aoBdted. The style prevalent have byen re ceived. A. H. GRISWOLD Succcww la CrbwaM A Paciky Koessel &. Frey Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meat, Oytteri, FUh and Poultry Phono Main 1979 CIO FlrM Street Cor. Sheridan fOItTLAND A. H. Willctt & Co. Wholesale and ltctall GROCERS Special Price to Restaurant Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue A THOUGHT Thnt the tcrton mikrcMs la n new Spring 1 Hint Is a Good Thing l tnkecplnmlixl thnt Itpnjs toilrcs well FOR ANY MAN Who HAM Mirer mid get nine for lilx ' money III an to the CHICAGO CLOTH ING COMPANY, 69-71 Third Street a - - - PACIFIC COOPERAGE I'llANK PKMKIKIt, Prop. Round and Oval Tanks and Casks Beer Kegs, Barrels, Etc. Repairing of All Kinds to inter. 'Jwcnticth nml York Strcots PORTLAND, OREGON Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND FUEL COMPANV Successors lo PIONEER, C R. DAVIS and PHOCNIX rUEL CO. PHONE CAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Spring. Diamond, Richmond, Rotlyn, New Cat tle, New Cattle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak, Sawed Fir, Sawed Aak, Sawed Knot. U. S. GOVERNMENT Union Meat Company All Pining Can ml Flrt Clan Hotel ami Restaurants uso the Union Meat Company's Fresh and Cured Meats. The 1(08 1 In tho Market. Patronise Homo Industry. PORTLAND, OREGON iLLLLlSiiLiLLiLLLaRLSLrLw 'fliT''LLLLHHSxiLLLS C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Wet. PUmi. Nrtitire mmi. stortd or mcU4 fcr iMfirtt Cm .. . . S a ... i Mtct wareMne. win scMrak itm mm, rrtM mm iuv. Eipraiaa laiMekHM. Oflke fUt, 5 SUMe, Btack 1972 PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. Pasteurized Milk, Cream; nutter, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Butter Milk. QUALITY ICE CBEAM Milk 4 er cent guaranteed Phono East Mca 300 nusscll Street t'OHTLAKD, OKEQON T Michigan Company H. CltAW, Proprietor Phone East 2806 154 Grand Avenue Centennial Market & Grocery J, J. BLUM Headquarters for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions l'liono Main 2701 522-524 N. Twenty-Fourth Street 1'HONE MAIN 1893 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence of Monte Crlsto Java nnd Moclia Coll'eo stands in high favor.. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 434, Union Avenue North Corner it Tillamook St. Phone East 660- Dcior m Washington, Idaho & Origin TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland. Oregon INSPECTED MEATS .. - ' m POtTLWD, OttCON w- f n