POUTIiAND NEW AGE K Hi- p r 1 k; a. .,. & , GREAT FALLS : ! $ Cloths Man, Womnn, Hoy In Modem Up-to-Dnto FnHhionablo Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Orent Falls, - - - Montana. l K. A.nKICIIEt,, Preildent. W. F. BKNOBUSCH, Vice Preildent. II. W. UMJNWALW, 8eo. ii TrM THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers and Dottlcrs of extra quality lager boor. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. i . Office: 109 Central Avenue. r. 0. Box 80. Great Falls, Montana. Third and Columbia Thoni Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( eccrtiMRijro ) BONNY & STEWART rtlMKRAL DIRKCTORi AKD KMRALMSM Lady Aultlant Al- CMft( Wacfl way In Attendance. "Cauiw W15U. CUT HOOPS-IRON DRAW-lUOA rrrrm mmmjula mum I : II. K. CHANKY, Proprietor. A. A. UOWAUD, Manager. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Eitabllihed 1890. Telephone 113 Work Done On Short Notice 112.114 West front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRIND PACIFIC SILOOH MIsmouIo, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer. 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. BVjkaHal assssssssW iCr LOW xi5 &Stt FREIGHT RATES HOUSEHOLD GOODS Mfl W AMD rifOM B rdl THE EAST L&J - WRITE US JTy Saattta. Wmah. AM YGOEN BROS. SAVIINOS BA1NK BUaUfSaS, MONTANA Branch Banka at Butta, Anaconda and Oardlnar TranMot m Clenrl BanktrtS Bualnem Pay Interest on Savlnga AccouaU snd Time Certificates ol Deposit. We start Savings Accounts with a depotit of one dollar or more. SWIFT & COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Frath Cut for Hotala 4MAIL ORDERS PROMPJ ATTENTION THE BUREAU SALOON FltANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars Telephone Main 6508 Bouthcaat Corner Flrat and Morrison POIITLAND dltEOON SENN & NITSEHKE PIIONK EAST 3073 SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Marble, Stono, Granito and Wood. Archltcuturnl, Plaster and Staff Orna ments. Monuments, Statues, l!ustf, Tombstones. Postal orders promptly attended to. 8'culpturo Work a spe cialty, Oflko and Studio. Union Avo., cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE. SEATTLE WASH I When la Seattle vliit HAINSOIN & CO'S Billiard Parlors The Finett in the Northweat 621-23 Firat Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fh Siruom mml Omtlmr Lumkmr BoxShookm Cmdmr Shlnglmm Grays Harbor Commercial Go SmmWm, Wmmh. Just a Word About RoHs Little Roll! au-lbl ItolUj plain Bolli and fancy KolU; Kolli Tor breakfast; KolU (or luncb; Holla for eupper allgoodeoriiof HolU prow to perfect proportion! at trie reliable bakery xooit people in Mluoula know about TEVIS fc CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hey, Grain. Flour, Fruits, Vegetables v Ceaiectienery, Etc, Etc 131 Hisjgins Ave. Missoula, Montana i rft P Wj M The bnrber hushed tlio last vibrations of the Spanish fandango by laying his hand ncross the strings and shook his bond. "Nt me," he said, "You go to ft lawyer an' ask him what ho thinks of It. I got myself In n great mlx-up once by buttln' In with good advice. Thero was n feller namo o' Drank como to mo once nn' whllo I'wns cut tin' his hair ho told mo about another guy name o' Sturgls 'at owed blm $3.50 for some paperln' he'd done for him. I don't remember now Jest egsnckly how It was, whether there was any dlsputo ube.ut the work or not. I didn't pay so much attention to It, anyway. Hut ho claimed Sturgls owed tills ,$3.G0 an' he couldn't git It out of him.' "'Why don't you suo him?' I says. "'What good ud that do me?' ho says. 'I'd have to pay a lawyer $10.' " 'Why don't you tnko It out of his hldo?' I says Jest like you might say It. I-dldnt care nothlit about It one way or another. Sturgls uster keep a mug with me an' I had his fndo steady. "That's what I'd do,' I sn's Jest talkln'. I'd go up to'lilm nn' I'd say, "You pay me that .').fi0 you owo me, doggone you, or I'll tnko It out o your hide." ' "Tvo a notion to do It,' ho say. "Do ns you llko about It,' I says. 'It ain't no business o' mine.' "Well, sir, right thero nn' then Stur gls comes Into tho shop. As soon ns ho Been who was In tho chair ho looked kind o' nbbergOHted, but he didn't go out, as I was hopln' ho would. Ho set down an' picked up n paper an' begin rend In', lirnnk seen him In tho glass an' he looked kind of nbbergnsted, too, but ho didn't wiy nothln'. I'd most gut through with him, but when I Been MAUNA L0A BELCHES LAVA AND FIRE. n ... 'HbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLb 'v: asLiii. 7iUiiaufriv. "m ieT" i i- t i ' .ssssssssssssss: 0W7 GTfow)?a flefeff Itw 2'3aisatsmr,,r - m. ZAmB CV-1B .a.'.LAV .a . . .lA SA'HBEaZuMif ',. .. 'T-J7i. aRBB SaTaTEkK... H7,'$m-&yjm SS evtf Ci.C 0 1U2MAKKAIILB PHOTOOUAl'il OP MAUNA LOA, IN ACTION. Tho eruption of lnvu nnd Ilro from aiuuim Loa, In Hawaii, Is Increasing, nnd moro thnn ono Ilow hits reacted tho sen. A new ilow extends over thirty tlv'o miles of wasto Innd. It Is moving nt tho rtito of thirty uillea nn hour, Is ilfteen feet high nnd half n mllo In width. Volcanic eruptions uud Invn Hows aro not fenrel In Hnwnll. They hnvo been hapjH!nlng slnco the beginning of tho Islands. Outbreaks from Kllnuen uud Mnuua Lon, tho two nctlvo volcano of tho Islnuds, aro looked on as sufety valves against destructive seismic activity. The present outbreak began recently, when over tho mountain tboro spread a vnt curtain of smoke. A vast column of light rellected ngnlnet tho smoko and Illuminated tlio entlro heavens. It was vlslblo for many miles In every direction. During tho day the nppenrnnco of tho outbreak from n dis tance Is of n great pillar of smoko rising from tho top of tho mountain. Kx curslons from nil parts of the Islands havo beeu orgnnlzed to go and see tho wonderful spectacle. HUDSON BAY ROUTE GAINS. Canndlan Transcontinental I.lnaa llulldluir to Urent Arm o( Hen, Tlio use of tho Hudson liny routo to Europo can uo longer bo regarded as u mere visionary scheme. All of Cana da's great railway systems nro push ing their lines lit tho direction of ports on tlio slioro of the bay. It will bo reached from the south, the southwest and tho west. Tho more lmpotrunt linen will run from the west and tho south west, from tho wheat fields and tho cuttlo ranges. Tho rapid development of Canada's great northwest within tho last fow years and the assurance of an even more rapid development In the years to como have brought about new condi tions. Tho Hudson bay route Is ojien for four or live months' each year. It Is shorter by from 700 to 1,000 miles than are the present routes between the wheat fields and tho markets of Ku- roiH. it offers a saving In freight han dling. Grain and cattle from Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta will require only one transfer on their way to Ku rope. The matter of distance nnd of general shipping convenience Is best re alized by reference to a map, where comparison may be made between tho direct rail routes from Winnipeg or Calgary or Edmonton to Fort Churchill or York factory and the devious rail, lake nnd canal routes to Montreal or New York. Churchill and York, like New York and Montreal, are practical ly 3,000 miles from Liverpool. There is little doubt that within the next few years the Canadian Pacific, his fists doublln' up under tho cloths I begun all over agin, Biilppln' hero an' thero an' Bteamln' up. I thought I'd get Sturgls tired out, but ho sat thero 'slf ho had nil the time thero was. At last, when thero honestly wasn't noth ln more I could do, I wiped oft bis faco an' neck nn' Jerked tho cloth off him. At tlio snmo time I whispered to him not to make no fuss In tho shop. "I guess ho didn't understand what It was I said to him, for ho didn't wait to put on his collar. He Just walked tip to Sturgls nnd ho .says: 'You pay me that (.1.50 you owo mo, doggono you, or I'll tako It out o' your hide.' "I tried to step In between 'em, but I wasn't quick enough. Sturgls didn't Bay nothln'; ho Just battled off an' knocked Hrnnk kerslap Into tho mirror nn' scattered tho tonic an' hair brushes an' razors nn' Hhnmpco mixtures all over the tloor nn' the next mlnlt they wps trompln' an' smashln' 'em Into the ground. I picked up a enno chair nn' threw It nt Sturgls an' It missed him nn' brought down tho mug rack. Stur gls left off poundln' Drank long enough to return tho chnlr nn' this time It didn't miss. I got It on top o' my head nnd I concluded to draw out nn' call for help. When I got back with tho marshal Sturgls had gone an' Itrnuk was Jest comln' to his senses. "Well, I hnd 'cm both arrested nn' Hrnnk told tho Justice I'd put up a Job on him on' I got fined $10 nn costs for hicltln' to n brench of tho pence. Then I sued SturglH for dnmages nn' lost out, an' tho result o' that fracas was I busted lip In business nn' had to get out o' town Jest by tnlklu' a little." "That's tho troublo with you bnr hers," commented tho listener. "You will tnlk." "It's cured me," said tho bnrber." Chicago Dolly News. tho Canadian Northern, the Grand Trunk Pacific and tho Oroat Northern will all havo terminals on Hudson liny. So, In all probability, will somo of tha smaller roads of eastern Canada havo their terminals on James Hay, which forms a pocket nt the southern end of tho Hudson liny shoro lino. This Is n matter which 1 Hnmnwiiif moro than likely to havo nn !mnnrrn.,t benrlng on tho Interests of American producers nnd of American transporta tion lines. New York Sun. Th Actor'a Heaven. At the Players In New York a num ber of actors woro arguing nlwut tho meaning of the word "happiness." In tho midst of the nrgument Henry B. Dlxey appeared, and ono of tho con testants said: "Dlxey, what Is your Idea of happi ness?" Mr. Dlxey smiled thoughtfully. Then he replied: "My Idea of true happiness Is to Ho on a couch before a bright fire, smok ing a large Havana clgnr given mo by an admirer, while I listen to n wryuan who worships me reading aloud flatter ing press notices about my acting." New York Tribune. Cettoa Fabrle la"Inra Ton be. Peruvian tombs dating back to tho tlmo of the Incas have been found to contain fine specimens of cotton fab rics. A steady-going woman Is one who keeps on the go so steadily that 'It Is dlfBcult to And her at boms, : TACOMA J mltK PACIFIC LtQUOIt. AND. WINK HOUSE. N. KKUTEit, Proprietor. The beet of Wines, Mciunr and Cigar. Family Trade a Hpecialty. Tel. Hod 1731. 1606 raclflo Are. 11M Commerco St. Taooma, Washington M ONTY'fl THIRST. BTORH Ucrlln nulldlng. 11.1 South 11th. St. Telephone, ltaln 1M. TACOMA, WASHINGTON The Beat is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO. 1105 A Street TACOMA, WASHINGTON STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzies & Stevens Latest Styles In HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES . 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bldg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leave Tocoma 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:16 (Ltd,, no stops) 10:10, 11:10 am, 12:10, 1:10,2:10,3:10,4:15 (Ltd., no stops), 6:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10, 0:10, 11:16 p in. Leavo Seattle 0:80, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 a m, 12 in, 1 ;00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops), 6:00, 0:00, 7;00, 8:00, 0:00, 10:00, 11:15 pin. TUYALLUP. DIVISION Lcavo Puynlltip 6 :30, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 11:00am, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:15,7:15,8:15,0:15 pm. LunvoDth nnd Commorco Sts. 5:40, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 n m, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,6:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:16, 11:15 p in. (5:30 n in omittod Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk Is always a good bargain. You can't judgo from mora appearances, Wo sell Trunks that not only look well hut wonr well. Suit Cuees and Dags of all bIzob, styles and prices Repairing dono. Phone Hud 2772 031 C Street TACOMA, WASH. L.. R. MANNIINCI. Proa. A. T. HOHMBR, 8tay L.. R. MAININIINa & CO., Inc. Real Eatate Loam end Inveitment. City and Farm Property, Timber and Coal Landt. Firat-Claaa Mortgages and Inveitment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIUOINQ TAC MA, WASH. THE SCANDINAVIAN Commercial Banking Capital 16,000,000 Surplus 1350,000 A. CHILBERO, Presidont GEO. H. TAUUELL, Managor A. V. HAYDEN, Cashier Tacoma Office No. 065 Commerco St.. N. K. Cor, South 11th St. A Delightful BREAKFAST OieSh WHEAT-HEARTS MakeiadelUhliulbreakfait tilth: with fruit added, a lorrly ilm. rt. Iltquirri Utile time to cook. A light ex. penMi lor fuel, li guaranteed absolutely pure and com leMtkin any other cereal Bold by all groceri. Uto )Uiid paciaKO, 'U centi. THE PUGET SOUND FLOURING MILLS CO,, TACOMA, WASH. f I. a.-a X lAtUIVIA J f THE ABBEY F.J. MOON KY. Proprietor Telephone Jamci 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Roomi In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON THE AININBX MARTIN ANGEL, Trop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh end Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar go. Belli tho Highlit flrmlcs ot ...CIGARS... Manufactured by the bait (actorloi ot New York and Tampa. Alio a complete line ot Imported Clgare, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 76S. 956 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO P.T. McOLOIN, Proprlotoi Telephone Main 1M BSTABLISHRD BEPORB TUB WAR Imported and, Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars IM3 Jeirenon Avenue, Corner Pactflo TACOMA WASHINGTON b. L ROBERSOlf. Prti. aa. Triu. C.H. ROBEMOIt, . itc't. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Made by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wholcialo Manufacturer! of Dread, Cakei, Ktc. Wo alto make a tpeclalty of UOOI) UltKAD. Tel. Jamci 201. ?43 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, Waih. rhone Main 7iS Farlnc Plant, 18th and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paying Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving and Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. We mako a (specialty of FINB POULTRY Prlrale Car Trado Hollclled Commercial Market IIARI1V HASH. Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats II H C Street Telephone Main 292 TACOMA J, D. TKUNEH, Prci. and Mgr. Tel. 41 Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE tOl TENTH ST. CirrlHju and Bicfagi Wagons it All Hovrt Prlvata Ambulanci Pirfict li Eviry Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand your Check for naxgage toour Met Niir, who will meet you ou all Incomtu tralna. TACOMA, WASH. AMERICAN BANK Savings Department Total Available Assots 17,600,000 M m if r-f i iMbi iBmrmwmm