..z. PORTLAND NEW AGE w 1 Topics of I I the Times I Some people, ns soon ns they "get re liglon," bc'Kln to talk about tho world coming to an end. A Milwaukee! woman is In trouble beeiiuse she threw n clock ut her hus band. It must have Htruck 1. It would be n fine thing If Hurlmnlc or Homebody else could develop n sen BiitlonlcsH New York murder trial. A correxpondent of tho New York Herald thinks tho unemployed are liv ing too easily. How does any one ex pect the unemployed to live? A learned suvant says earthquakes are tho result of the sinister Influence of Haturn. That looks like Just as good a kuosb as any of the others. Hetty Circuit's niece has been sued for divorce, her husband alleging that she Is n spendthrift. This seems to be a caso lit which blood docs not tell. An exchange expresses tho opinion that the twentieth century will prove to be woman's century. Htlll, sbo will no doubt eriult us to share It with her. The German emperor celebrated hit birthday by modifying the leze majesty law. I)iidon correspondents will see In this another covert blow at British trade. A man complained to tho pollco be cause ho was held up and robbed of i-Ti cents. Had ho been a fighting man, he would have shown tho hlifhwayman no yuartcr. A scientist reports that cold feet In dicate great Intellectual tKiwer and ac tivity. The common supination that cold feet Indicate unusual wpIcIiIiik in clinations will probably continue, how ever, to prevail. When King Leopold heard that tho Congo natives saved their money for .the purpose of buyltiK wives, ho must have been belter pleased with himself for milking it Impossible for them to avo any money, It has been proposed that tho afal fa plant bo adopted as the tloral em blem of Oklahoma. Mistletoe has been tho emblem of tho territory, but mistle toe Is a parasite, and Is not npproprl ntu to a rugged young state. Mark Twain fears a monarchy Is conduit, and 1'rcsldcut Kllot nays tho monarch Is already here. In tho mean time tho American nation Is Bteadjly fencing ahead, the freest, greatest, best mid safest republic tho world has ever Known. ' Tho statistics showing that every per son in tho United States consumed more than half his weight lu sugar last year must not bo taken too literally. Possi bly some of tho lawmakers and Insur ance men got a little more than their statistical share. I'ooplo generally don't realise what n panacea fresh air Is. According to a discussion lu tho New York Academy of Medicine among the diseases which fresh air Is said to euro are lusomulq, anaemia, delirium, pneumonia, typhoid nud all other fevers, tulKirculosIs of the bono as well as of tho lungs and almost every other classllled ailment. Only In cases where subnormal temper atures nro u feature Isatuo open-air treatment questioned. Homo dllllcult questions aro Mug brought to the attention of tho bank ruptcy courts. Tho caso of tho lady who mortgaged her house to buy an au tomobile Is now followed by that of tho female bankrupt who could not pay her rent, yet who paid ISO for n cat with n pedigree, Instances like these cause referees lu bankruptcy to become puz tiled and dejected, yet they are all vari ations upon the old story of tho family that lauded lu the oorhouso because of Its efforts to live up to a set of blue china which had been presented by an Ill-advised friend. Tho rich have been getting bo much richer for tho last teu years ami so many of tho poor have got rich, too, that it has got on tho nerves of tho community. , Good friends all, let us not worry unreasonably about that, but try while tho sky is clear to saro up a little dross for ourselves. lluslnoss never stands still long. When It Is not get ting better It Is getting ready to be worse. Thone of us who live long enough will survlvo this period of dis tressful atnuence ami aro likely to see concern about tho accumulations of oth ers give way to anxieties about employ ment and subsistence. Thero nro soiuo ptiyslclans who any that they are no longer obliged to an swer night call and that no case, how ever urgent, would drag them from bed. Thus do they cast reproach on n most honorable profession. To ono groaning over tho duty of lending aid at an "un seasonable" hour the answer might be given that was made to tho nollcouim In "Tho IMrates of INinxauco"; "You should have thought of that boforo you Joined tho force." Men, women and children will not always bo considerate. They will full sick at 1 lu tho morning. Talus will not always wait for the sun. Death has a tluo disregard for clocks ud for house doom securely bolted nnd -even provided with tho latest and most Ingenious locks. Rich American girls have at lastydls coicred that their money Is sometimes an obstacle to happy marriage with sensible and promising young men. It Is whispered that somo of tho wise ones have formed a club to learn nud prac tice tho churms of poverty. Tho young man looking for diversion may be satis fied to find It with tho girl who can danco well and talk "Hiwrtlly" of foot ball and dogs. Hut when he Is looking for a wife ho must bo lured by other qualities. .So tho club for l educing tho hundlcap of riches gives Its members a course of lessons lu tho accomplish ments of being useful. For example, It teaches them to darn stockings. Not only must the holes be neatly llllcd, but the girl must be tibia to do tho tunic whllo the, young man Is calling, and to look fiisclnatingly domestic in the act. Tho heiress who Is willing to take her chuuees of a happy llfo with a foreign count mny not troublo herself nbout housekeeping; but tho best American man likes to be assured that his wife can tako the place of the cook or tho waitress or tho loundres. should emer gency arise, and that she will be both effective and delightful while sho does so, Tho girl burdened with wealth cm ploys a poor girl ,to teach her, not only dlKh-wnshliig and bread-making but amiability. "Tho rich girl," says tho social philosopher, "Is often very un certain lit her temper. Tho poor girl must keep sweet-tempered or lose her Job!" Bo the noble art of keeping still under provocation is practised, and tho passion for having the last word Is re pressed. Tho truth is that all tho charms and graces nro none too many for "tho coming girl." If she Is poor, sho mny acquire tho dainty habits and tho refined taste of tho rich girl. If she Is rich, she mny emulate tho ener gy, tho optimism and the sweet temjier of tho jwor girl. Until presently, tho youth In search of n wife may safoly choose her where ho will, sure that sho will adorn nnd enrich any stntlon to which It may plcoso God to call her. How every tnto man and woman loves tho name of home! How they pity those who, from force of circum stances, must hoard, oven tenitxirarlly. Every newly mnrrled couple should set up an establishment for themselves, no matter how small It must be. Here they must become acquainted with eacli other; hero they mny spnt and kiss, without comment or ndvlco from out siders, for, safo to say, thero will lie more disagreements nnd mistinder Mtatidlugs, more tears and heartaches tho first year than nny ono yenr nftor j so, by nil means, live alone tho first year. No matter how long, nor how well, thn couple may havo known each other beforo iimrrlago, It Is a strango new path that they must travel now they must adjust themselves to each other's peculiarities; flguro out for themselves tho ever perplexing ques tion of dollars nud cents, nud, maybe, teach a turkey apjietlto to render n thankful "Amen" after n bacon sulll elency. To each one will sometime come tilts question: "Did I mako a mis take lu marrying?" Let us hope that love and faith mako answer: "All Is well," nnd that these little differences, with their necessary explanations, will pave the way to complete understand lug and perfect tnist, nud that tho sec ond yenr, a loving glance, n gentlo hand clasp, or a smile, will tnko tho place of tho tearful explanations of tho past. Do not cheat yourself out of tho pleas uro and luxury of owning your own homo tho fact that It U cheaper counts llttlo bcsldo the Increased happi ness It brings to tho owners. Each now leaf, each blossom, Is nature's lav ish thanks for caro received. Tho home-making of a loving couple Is the hnpplest time In life, nud the couple who would forego tho pleasures of homo .for tho so-called advantages of a hoarding house, Is very short sighted. No banrdlng house can ho home. It Is well for children that most boarding houses refuse to receive them, thus forcing tho parents Into making a homo for them. In your own home, you nro a great man, lu a (warding house n married man Is a nonentity, nud tho single man n waif. In Justice to your self, mako a home. A Wonder. A number of military men In n Wash ington hotel were giving an account of an Incident of tho civil war. A quiet man who stood by at lust said: "Gentlemen, I happened to be there, nnd might bo ablo to refresh your mem ory as to what took place In reference to tho event Just narrated." Tho hotel keeper said to him : "Sir, what might hart been your rank?" "I waa a private." Next day the quiet man, aa he waa about to depart, asked for hU bill. "Not a cent, air; not a cent," an swered the proprietor. "You aro the very flrat private I ever met" A Morsstaar Bob. Don't you sigh, believers, wld de trouble a in yo soui, I Do worP won't quit de rollln' kase you tell It not ter roll I Dar'a all de Joy a-comln' what da arms r vou kin hoi' I De hilltop la ahlnln' wld de tuawnla' I Atlanta Constitution. A rirv. Ho What doe that klnetoacopa pic ture of that scenery make you think oft She Why, It's for all the world like the trip wo Just took to Europe De troit Free Preae. Don't be too hard on the poor poet lie U aot reepwuibk for bit Wrtk We Cater Specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Cooking a Specialty. Try Our Home Made Ftcs Pioae Eiit 592t 3' E. Burntldt St.. Hm Union Art. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES fresh fruit and Vegetables, Teas and Cotfees Tuluiiholio Knt lHtf 2H I.nrnbee Street l'OKTI.ANI), OKK'iON EUREKA MARKET lIKXItY IWSSHKNDKK, Prop. Choico Fresh and Cured Moats. Fish and Poultry I'linno Jlnlli'iiBI Co. 14th and Glisan, Portland, Or J. B. SIMMONS Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY Delivered lo All Puts of the City. 463 Glisan St. Tel. Pacific 1 99 McGUIRE & TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 35 Grand Avenue Phone East 2G29 PORTLAND, OR. NOB HILL MARKET A. HCI10I.., Proprietor. Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sausage and Poultry Ttl. Main 818 Cor. 21st and Irvlnj Streets D. BREEDLOVE & SON. GROCERS 361 East SoventhSt., cor. Stephen Phone East 768 PORTLAND, OR. Price Itenxnnnblu HntMiictlim Ounrnnleecl A. NICHOLSON HtifroMir in K, WI.NKI.KMAH Ladles' and Gent's Tailoring ClenliliiK, Pressing snil ItepslrliiR Phono Pat'lilCiOiO ll'i Nineteenth Street J. J. MEYERS Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods, Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice Cream and Confectionery Order Delhcreil Promptly Phono WoihIIkuii 3W 760 Mlultnlppl Ave. POKTI.AND, OHKOON Murray Levy Drug Co. DISPENSING CHEMISTS Phono Paollle2tK7 13th it Wiuhlnnton flitocts POKTI.AXI), OltKQON T. J. Concannon & Sons Lewis & Clark Grocery Phone Pacini) 312! woTliurmnn S(.,ror. 'Jllh POItTLANll, OIIKUO.V M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE SULLIVAN & KRUCGER Phono Main 18i Dealers in Staple and Fanoy GROCERIES Teas, Coffees and Spices Sixteenth and Glisan Sts. Iiee Delivery PORTLAND, ORE. COOK MOTOR' GAR GO. Penlem In High Grade AuK mobiles Fifteenth and Washington Sts PORTLAND, OREGON l'houo Partita 931 407 Stems lhill.lln H0LBR00K & LEVEEN Tailors for Men 150 Sixth St., cor Morrison PORTLAND OREGON Finest Made Adams fire Proof Stove Blacking. No odor. More durable. Only blacking made that will remain on Air Tight heaters. FOR SAI F RV Al I nFAl FUS .rUK 3ALC DY LL UCL" HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND . OREGON Nob Hill Pharmacy UU.J.J. KISHKlt. Prop. Drugs and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded C80 Glisan Street Tel. Main 845 ELEGANT FLORAL PIECES and Cut Howcrs. Garden Plants and lloiiso Plants. Very reasonable. GUSTAVE J. eUMHARDT, Florist 1 12 Twenejr-tfilrd St. Phone Main 603. Portland, Ore. A. CORRIGAN Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furs Itcmodokd into Latest Style. lions, 8 nil's, Tics, for lots limn nt any other place. 185 Madison Street W. It. Williams Al Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sts. West End Exposition Bide. rlione Mnln 43 PORTLAND, OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoo Repairing Mnclilnunm! Ilantl. Only (looilrcar Mschlno In Our City. Plioen tiiiulu to Order. Hlioea Cnllcd (or nnd Delivered. Telephone PncllloIttW. V!i Ysmlilll 8treet PORTLAND. OltEdON The Portland Hat Works Mniiiifnoturer of FINE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Hals Pyeil, Cleaned nnd Worked. Ouripo rlnltyi Pnnnniiui Cleaned and Illeachcd, aiU Alder 81.. bet. Heroin! and Third. llrnnrhi KtX Wnahlngton Bt. Portland, Or. ARTHUR L,AVY rurnlahtr and Hatter "HB MAKES SHIRTS" 486 W aldington Bt., Oppoilto llclllg't Theater PORTLAND, OREGON THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU k SQUARE DEAL A. It. .KLLAH N. L. MUKL1.KH Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEC US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone Cast 4457 535 Williams Ave,, Portland, Ore PICTURES niAMFJ) fVRNlTlIKE REPAIRED ni0.1E EAST 3S49 RES. PHONE EAST 2112 H. G SCHROEDER The Albliu HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND COURTNEY MUSIC CO. 'Band Instrument Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for Cath or Easy Payments. Latest Popular Songs and Music 25c, Five for $1, postpaid. 10-Cent Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c. 88 North Third St., Portland, Or. MALL & VON BORSTCL ReSUtNT AGfNTS Real Estate mmJ financial Agents OCRMAN AUIANCe INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OfNawYork. Capital $1,900,000 CONFLAGRATION PKOOK-AI1 8. F. loatea paid In full. Statement after payment ofH. F, 1omi: Aueli, 113,537,80(3; Surplus to poller holders, orer 17,600,000. AOKNTtt Molladay J'ark Borond Addition; Manning's Addition; York Addition: Sulll. van's Addition; W.W, McOulre's Addition j Nicholson Addition. 104 Stcoad Si riii LiMibtr Eichaaac Bid. louo Malu 1436 392 East Burns! St., l'tioue at 1W THE Continental Casualty Co. of. Chicago, Illinois. Paid-up Capital 0300(000 Northwestern Department 503-4 Lumbar Exchange BMf., PORTLAND, ONCGON The largest company in the world doing a strictly health and accident buaincea. Over (5,000,000 paid on claims to It. It. mon alone. Writes all ..l.un.kj rt ami totaa rr nil tlm fl IfFttrAYlt i"it VlrrV U J'WtvUB vil miv oiava w- cupAtlona. includtnv: tho popular 1 a niOIllfl pUllUVa V;ttH HI .HUUIIUOUI I'llUliv ii a un.l W.k Will u trlflii tit ox nl ft in tha different plaus. iUipne Main 4S9S, For fliio Wines sml Liquors, cull at THE WEST 0. liUlUUs, I'rop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars Phono Pacific 1906 " 235 N. Fourteenth Bt. 1'OIITI.AKD, OltE. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTERiON L McDOUGALL. Propi. Fine Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. RusboII Av. & Alblna St. Phone East 4386 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K. l.ODKM,, Proprietor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINMARD'S BEER Telephone I'nelflp pisi 414 North Nineteenth 81. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works ciu.vi)i:r, iiuoB. ,t co, Jlnmift'liitcrs of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 416 Water Street Telephone, Main 2306 1'OItTI.ANI) OREaON' Crane Bottle Co. Wholoialo Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tho lnrg. nt ttock of llottlcs on tho I'ncillc Const. Mail Order ship ments given prompt attention Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner East Third and Burnslde Streets "The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key Test Cigar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIOHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigar W. S. Conrad Minneapolis! Ht. Paul Distributor iMxvvijaK Amtmmfsmmtr PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS AND MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for thorn and tnko no other kind if you want tho best. THETOKEPOIHTOISTERCO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tlphono MAIN e93 Sole Growers of the Celebreted Toke PointOysters An Kastern Oyster Transplants and grown on our bads at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON UNlfQUAr,KD IN FLAVOR AND KKBSHNKSa" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholeaale Dealers In All Varietlea of Native Oysters. q SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA BAKINO POWDCH, FUkVORlfWaTWkCTS sUfahiNNrity. FliitrTaVr. VtttShh.OjAHtfrkei aOSSETftDCYOS torruu4o,oMr.oM. .-stfsik ? PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE CO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON' Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GJXMOrtE Telephone UNION 4008 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08'u Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON. I havo choico IhiBincasnnd Rosidonco Trncts in nil purls of tiio city. Corr. Hioiulcnco solicited from noil tt'siduiit ow'norH of property or thoBo- fookliifj in vestments Hero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK.' Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 149 Union Avo. North Shop Phono Knst 0177 Itesidenco Phono Knst 18G3- J JAMESTOWN, N. D. j The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. AttorneyatUw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 1IY HAIL ANI WATKIt Columbia River Scenery V23l REGULATOR LIRE The excursion steamer "BAILEY GATZKK I" innkes round trips to CAS CADE LOCKK every Sunday, leaving POHTLANI) at 9 a. m., returning ar rives 0 p. in. Daily service between Portland and Tho Dalles, , except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. in,, arriving about 6 p. in., carrying freight and panseugera. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland foot of Court streat, The Dalles. Tele phone Main 014. Portland, A STQRU & COLUMBU RIVER RULROID CO. Two sinHoH Possefiger Ms Doily WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BCTWMM Pirtlaiid, Istiria i Setsiie fm R x LetTs ckiom Dire. -ArriTee. .-or UsTgers, lUln. "" Dsllr ter, CUtskanle Uslly. (:00a.m. We.lrorl.Clllton, lt:io a. to. Asluria, Warren, ton, Flarel, (ler. hart t'srk nd Sea side. Attotla A Seashore hipttM Dallr, 7:00 p. m. Anuria Kxpresa :0 p. to. Dally. ;. A. 8TEWAHT. i. C. MAYO, Couu'l Agt.. 218 Alder 81 a, IT, 4 I'. A Telephone Mala 90S. ..'( j( -