icUrvoJiuC f&Jscej (VX. 'K Si- Portland Nm &$t , 3s vszv Ki ft":1 VOL. XI. PORTLAND, OREGON,' SATURDAY, MARCH 30r 10O7. NO. 49. e M tt " rar fijiot national bank of kalispell KALISPELL, MOMTAKA D. R. PEELER, Prei., F. J. LEDERT, V. rrei., R. E. WEBSTER, CMh., W. D. LAW80N, A. Cain. Tnnsacti a general banking business. Drafts li-sued, available In all cities o( the United Etalcs and Europe, Hong Kong ami Manila. Collection! mado on favorable term. LADD &, TILTON, Bankers Portland, Oregon Eitabllahed In 1859. Transact a General Danklnir Business. Interest allowed on time de posits. Collection! mado at all points on favorable terms. Letters of Credit issuod avallablo In KUrope and trie Kaatern Stale, blsht Exchange and Tolonmnhlo Transfers aold on New vol Franrlim .ml vnrlnin tiolnti In OrcffC Ezohango aold on London, 1'aria, Berlin, KUroDe and the Kaatern Htln Washington, Chicago, Ht Louis, Denver. Omaha, Ban Francisco and various bight Exchange and Telographlo Tranafora aold on New York, i apui.iuii, iiii:ku, ah ujuia, imnTr, umHui, onu rrRucntviiim vnuuua wiun , wvv, ivaaningion, iaano, Montana and lirltlaU Columbia. iranmort ana nong Kong. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. AINSWORTU, President. W. B. AYER, Vice-President. R. W. BCUMEER, Caehler A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. Transact a general banking business. Drafts Issued, available In all etttei of the United Btatea and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Colleetlona made on favorable terms. mokthicbt ooitsat third mho oak streets. THE PENINSULA BANK ST-JOHN OREt Capital, fully paid up, $25,000.00. Surplua and undivided profit, $3,000.00. Commenced Business June 5, 1905. OFFICERS : J. W. FORDNEV, President; It. T. PLATT, Vlco President; C. A. WOOD, Cashier. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. W. Fordner, R. T. Piatt, F. C. Knapp, W. A. Brewer, II. L. Powers, inos. locnran, m. u. hohiwok. u .Wood. Outlaw Band Driven Off. Durnngo, Mexico, March 29. In n desperate- light between rurnlee and a hand of outlaws under Gttmorsindo Or tega, in the Son Juan Del Rio moun tains, Ortega, who wna considered ono of tho most dangoroua bandits In North western Mexico, and Ills band woie driven into tho mountains with the ruralcs in close pursuit. From this district in which Ortega and his band liavo been operating numerous reports have beon received of murders. RUSINESS'LOOALS J. Wallgrcen, dealer tn staplo and fancy grocorles, C34 Thurman street Telephone Pacific 911. A good place to get your soft or stiff hats renovated la 240V& Alder street between Second and Third. "Oldest Bank In the State of Washington." DEXTER, HORTOIN & CO. capital 7Avooo BANKERS 8uri,lu' nd XSAm, Accounts of Northwest Pacific Ranks solicited upon terms which will rrant to them the most liberal accommodations consistent with tholr l.l.ncfs and responsibilities. Win. M, (-add, President; N. II. Latlmor, Manager; M. W. Peterson, Cashier. Seattle, Washington. THE PIRST NATIONAL, BANK OP PORT TOWN8END Established 1SB2. Colleetlona promptly made and remitted. , Of PORTLAND J UN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital, 0OO,OOO ORBQt Surplus, $1,000,000 Dejpowltw, $13,000,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK of NorthYmklmm, Wash. bmmHml mint Surmt mm 9196,000 OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W.M I.ADD President CIIAS. CARPKNTRR Vice President W. L, BTEINWEO, Cashier A. D. CLINK Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL, BANK Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Bank In the Bute.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL $100,000. SURPLUS 1100,000. LKVI ANKKNY. President A. H. REYNOLDS. Vice President A. R. BORFORD, Cashier THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TAOOMA, WASH. UHITEB STATES OiPSStTAKr mmpMmt$asS,SSm Smrlmm $aSS,SSS SAVIMSS DEPAKTMEKT OFFICERS Chester Thome, President: Arthur Albertson, Vice President and Cashier; Frederick A. Rice, Assistant Cashier; Delbert A. Young, Assistant Cashier. The Anhouser. Henry H. Williams. proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner Second, Portland, Ore. Telephone Main 2617. Ryan ft John, dealers In choice gro ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phone Main 622, 61 North Park street, cor ner Davis. M. J. 0111 Co,, wholesale) and retail meat dealers, 612 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East COG. Always nolc for tho famous Gon oral Arthur cigar. M. A. Ounst & Co., general ngonts, Portland, Or. Everett Market, (E. L. Peck, Prop.), Cholco Moats and Poultry, 413 Evorott Street, corner Tenth, Portland, Oro. Phono Main 1640, C. Anderson, staplo and fancy gro ceries, Twenty-first and Thurman streets. 'Phono Hood 67. Fresh roasted coffee a specialty. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Busy Readers. to WRECK IN CALIFORNIA. Killed HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Everrf of the Past Week. . Tho Roumanian down. i e volt is quieting Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. good work and prompt service offlco First and Arthur streets, land, Ore. Telephone 049. for Main Port- JNO. C. AINBWOKTlf, Pres. JNO. a DAKKR, Vice Pre. P. 0. KAUFKMAN, 3d Vice Pres. A. U. PRICIIARD, Cashier. K. P. 1IA8KKLL, JR., Assistant Cashier. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK General Banking CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $390,000 Safe Depot Vaults SAVINGS Dr.PARTMr.NTi Interest at the Rate of S per cent per Annum, Credited Beml-Annuallr TACOMA, WA8HINOTON ALFRKD COO I.I 1)0 K, Pres. A. F. McCLAINK Vice Pres AARON KUIIN, Vice Pres. CHAB. E. SCRIOKR, Cashier. D. C. WOODWARD, Asst. Cashier. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Oolfmx Wash. Oamltml, $120,000.00 Transacts a general hanking business. Special facilities for handling Eastern Washington and Idaho items. VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Leading Financial institution in Southwestern Washington UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL, $50,000 SURPLUS, $50,000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 LKVI ANKF.NY President! E.O. CRAWFORD, Vice President; W. P. CON'NAWAY, Cashier DIRECTORS Levi Ankeny, Harry Ladd Corbett, W. P. Crawford, E. 0. Crawford, W. W. McCredle John Schnltl, dealer in hardware, tin waro, sheet Iron work, guttering, spouting and roofing. General Jobbing a specialty. 140 Russell street. Royal Market, Dalr ft Worth propri etors, fresh and cured moats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union avonuo north, cornor Tillamook. Phono East 167. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mooreheud, Minnesota tSTADUStlCD 1881 JOHN LA MI), President DAVID ASKKOAARD, Vice President LEW A. IIUNTOON, Cashier ARTHUR II. COSTAIN, Asst. Cashier Inter-eat Paid on Time Deposits FIRST NATIONAL Farm Loans BANK of East Grand Forks, Minn. Negotiated. Flro and Cyclono Insurance Written. Does a uenoral Hanking liusidoss. Capital, E. ARNESON, Prei. 0. R. JACODI Cashier A Pur Cent Intssrosst Pnld on Timet Depoatltsa THE FIRST INATIOINAL, BANK OR DUL.LJTH, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL, SSOO.OOO SURPLUS 73S.OOO U S. Qovernment Depositary. OEO. L. CLKAVKR W. L. BRKNHOLTH Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier OEOROE PALMER President F. L. MEYERS Cashier Us Grande National Bank lAJSSSS Oamltml mm Sural, $120,000 aaraEa3a?Ulmer.M' "",' " COnU'' ' '' 1Mm,lt' r' Ml B'rkU' F- u !". Oeo. L The Merchants National Bank Of St. PmuI. Mlnnaatota UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital, 1,000,000.00 Surplus, 000,000.00 TrnnsMsetei s aTnerssl banking? buslnsMsst. Correapondence Invltext DiDi?J7I9.EIS-lcJ,IiFJ.I,9LARKi President: OEO. H. PRINCE, Vice President: II. W. PARKER, Cashier; II. VAN VLECK, Assistant Cashier. " ' ' ' n i J,IJ?K.90.RCn5.wAori,jT,nF.,'on' Kenneth Clark, J. H Bkinner, Louis W. Hill, Oeo. H. Prince. C. H. Blgelovr. R.D. Noyes, V. H. Watklns. L. P. Ordway. F. B. Kellogg, E.N. Saunders Thomas A.Marlow, W. B. Parsons. J .M. Haanaford. Charles P. Nojes. ' w- n North 16th Streot Market, A. Wur tonborgor, proprietor, cholco poultry, fresh and salt meats, phono Main 139G, 230 North Sixteenth streot, Portland, Ore. L. N. Neon, boot and ahoomaker. Flno repairing a specialty. Give lilm a call when you need anything In this line, 322V6 Williams av.( Portland, Orogon. Tho Oak Cafe. Choicest lino of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phono Pacific 2118. corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Ore. Vulcan Coal Company, wholesale and retail dealers In houso, steam and blacksmith cool. Foundry and smelter coko. Puget Sound steam coal' In car lots, $3.50 per ton and up. Wo handle all tho best grades of domestic nrid foreign houso coals. Phono Main 277C. Offlco 329 Durn8ldo St., Portland, Ore Depot Loan Offlco, Joo Bornhardt, proprietor: flno watch repairing, old gold and silver bought; business strict ly confidential; bargains In unredeem ed pledges; monoy to loan on dia monds, watches, Jowclry, guns, pis tols, bicycles, musical Inntrunionls and all articles of value 121 N. Sixth St., Portland, Oro. tf, THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho p I o neor paint es tabllshm o n t of Portland is that of F. E. Beach & Company, of 135 First St.. tho oldest and most re liable house of Its kind In tho Northwest. It carries an Immenso stock of the best things In paints and building materials, togother with an unusual list of specialties. Thoso who need anything In these lines can cer tainly profit by going to F. E. Beach & Company. Remember the number, 135 First street. Tho president hits called nn election in tho Philippines. All lalor troubles around Butte have been adjusted for tho timo being. Ht. Louis brewery workers threaten lo strike and the city is facing n beer famine. Tho disarmament nuostlon is likev to bo barred from Tho Hague peaco con foionco. Republican members of tho Tonnes. see Icgielaturo proposo Roosovolt for a third term. Tho Nohraskn legieaturc has passod a direct primary n copied uilcr the Oro gon statute. Sprcckols had gtmantcod tho cost of a thorough liouscclcnning of gtaftois nt San Franc I eco. Tho Wcetoin Union Telegraph com pany has raised its rates, In toino cases as much as 20 per cent. ' The census bureau estimates Unit I ho population of tho United States has In oreascd 8,000,000 in tho pat six yearn. Tho Colton, CnL, death list as tho lesult of tho train wreck Is placed at 22 and at least six moro of tho injured will dio. A groon switch crow is blamed with tho accident. Mediation In tho Central American wai has been postponed. Tho Sun Frnncisco investigation may pid to every city on tho conit. Evidenco is being secured which points to tolophono bribery in Oakland. Mrs. Thaw is said to bo breaking down untie: tho strain of tho trial of Thaw. Congressman Scott, dicta the ccmplotlon canal in eoven yoarn. Eight inon liavo been arretted at Butto for trying to Influenco voters nt tho primaries just hold. Tho bill for tho recount of tho bill lot cast for mayor of Now York in Novem ber, 1005, has passed tho Now York legislature At Least Twenty-Six Persons and a Hundred Hurt. Colton, CaL, Match 29. One of tho most dl8astrcus wrecks in tho history of tho Southern Pacific railroad occur red one and one-half miles east of this town shortly after 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when westbound train No. 0 from New Orleans for San Francisco ran into an open switch, while going at the rate of 40 miles nn hour, and tin of tho 14 coaches were derailed with frightful results. Twcnty-Blx people aro known to liavo been killed and tho final list will total much higher than this number. Tho injured number about 100, many of whom are setlously Injured and will dio. Tho wiecked coaches wore hurled In every direction. Four of them wero smashed into splinters. Most of tho dead were Italians from Now- York and Now Orleans, going to San Francisco. They occupied tho smoker and day coach. But two Amor leans nto known to have boon killed, although soveral of those among tho injured will undoubt edly dio within tho next few hours. Out of 80 Pul I limn passengors, but two sustained serious Injury. Tho threo Pullman coaches and tho dlnor, which wero on tho rear of tho train, did not leave tho track. Tho occupants of thoso cais wero practically un hartnod. L. R. Alvord, W. K. Davis and W. 0. Giieoiimoyor, members of tho switch ing ciow who aro accused of leaving tho switch open and causing tho wreck, wore taken into custody and hold in ball of 11,000 by Coroner Van Wyo. TRY MEDIATION. SCHMITZWEPLAN Has Desperate Scheme to Prevent Franchise Revocation. TRIES TO BUY OFF SUPERVISORS of Kunsos, pie of tho Panama A NEW DEPARTURE. A clgarctto started n flro in tho gen eral shops of tho Kl Paso & Southwest ern railroad at Cairizezo, N. M. Tho loss is placed id $100,000. Big shipments of flour nro Iwing hur ried from Minneapolis to San Fntnuls- co, where a government transport will take it to thofamlnosufferorscl China. Ex-Preeidont Clevoland has just colo- uratea his 7UUt blrtnuay.J The whole of Roumania is in revolt and tho capital threatened. San Sulvndor Iiub asked Moxlco to intorveno in tho Control Amorican wur. Foraker has called fcr prlinrles in Ohio to docldo preference for president. Immense land frauds aro to bo Inves tigated by a Federal grand juryut Cheyenne. A deadlock has been reached between Western railroads and trainmen on the question of wages. Premier ritolypln, of Russia, has agreed to abolish court maitial, us ut present exorcised. Franco announces her determination to get redress from Morocco for tho murder of a French subject. A commission in lunacy has been an notated in tho Thaw cuso and tho trial has adjourned until thu commission re ports. Tho Nebraska legislature has passed a law to tax railroads on tho same basis as the holdings of private Individuals. Tho California flood has mado duce scarce in San Francisco. Knapp and Nalll Will Attampt to Ad just hallroad Dispute. Chicago, March 20. Government in tervention will bo tried in an offort to avert tho great railroad striko which threatens to paralyze tho business of tho West. In response" to tho apjcal of the railioad managers, Chairman Knapp, of tho Intorstnto Commcrc com mission, and Commissioner of Labor Nclll will nrrivo in Chicago Saturday morning and offer mediation in tho controversy. Falling to adjust tho matter in a conciliatory manner, they will endeavor to bring about arbitra tion under tho provisions of tho Erd mann law. Tho labor chiofs will await tho ni rival of tho government ofllclals hofon ordering a striko. It the good ofllccs of Mr. Knapp and Mr. Nolll result in bringing greater concessions tc the em ployes than lmvoyot boon offered, tho striko mny bo averted. Tho employes, however, say they will not accept arbi tration and today again declared their position that nothing short of greater concessions from tho railroads will pro vent them from walking out. Presidont Roosevelt has beon follow ing closely tho developments in tho sit uation hero and Messrs. Knapp and Neill will undortnko tho dolicato wcrk imposed on them by law with full con sciousness that tho president Is ox tromoh solicitous that nil differenced be sottled by arbitration. ' Tho managers said that no attempt would bo mado to oporato trains if the employes struck. NO ADVANCE IN LUMBER RATES Have Enough Resign to Make His Veto Effective 8weeping Re forms Are Instituted. San Francisco, Mnroh 30. Mnvor Sohmlti has opened negotiations with certain members of tho boodllng board of supervisors in tho bono of consum mating n bold coup. Tho plan of tho major is to purchoso thu resignation of enough members of tho board to mnko his veto power Hufllcletit to movent tho revocation of tho franchises of tho bin coi porationB which obtained thoir per mits through tho illeual uso of monev. It required 14 members: of the board to ovorrldo tho mayor's veto. If ho can securo tho resignation of live out of tho 18 ho will bo nblo to check by his veto any of tholr reform measures adopted under tho swish of F. J. Honey's big (tick. It is n deepomto game, doomed to fnl I nro almost at tho outset. Tho "rcfotmcd" board of supervisors, tiding undor tho direction of tliu dis trict nttornoy's ofllco, gavo another startling exhibition today of a desiro to be good, when it mado plans for tho abolition of n scoro of ornamental ofll clals. James Dovoto, attorney for tho board of publio woiks at n salary of 250 per month, will bo decapitated. Oilier ofllclals, who undur tlto Ruof rcglmo have dono nothing but draw sal aries, will bo dropped. In tho courau of tho next few weeks rofortns will have been instituted which will savo tho city $100,000 a year. FAMINE WOULD RESULT. pro- Our new plant on Front St., between Seven teenth and Nineteenth Sti., U the moat modern Engineering Plant on the Pacific Coast Work placed with us will be executed with efficiency and despatch. Taft continues to bo boomed for pres ident, but third term talk for Roosevelt grows. active fraud The Cost of Interments Hhm Keen (really Reduced by the llolunui Undertaking Company. Heretofore It has been tho custom of funeral directors to mako charges for all Incidentals connected with n funeral. Tho Edward Holman Un dertaking Company, tho leading funeral directors of Portland, begin ning July 2, will depart from this old custom. When tho casket Is fur nished by us, Us cost will Include all charges, such as conveying the re mains to our chapel, outside box, em balming, hearso to cemetery nnd all services which may be required of us except clothing, cemetery and car- rlflnao trilia ntVanl Inrr n naln a )? to 175 on each funeral. Heney den,ca that ,1,B prosecution of THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDER- on Manolsco graftem has any political TAKING COMPANY, significance or that it Is a blow aimed 220 Third Street, cor. Salmon, at organized labor. The government is making preparations to start tho land trials In Colorado. Jerome lias found that New York po lice have beon compelled to contribute to political funds. Speaker Cannon and the congres sional party have been allowed to land at Panama after being held in quaran tine several days. Northern Roads Deny Present Inten tion, but Are Investigating. St Paul, Minn., March 20. An olllcial statement wus made by trafllo mon of tho Northern Paeiflo and Oicat Northern railroads today that It Is not contemplated to mako any Immediate chango in lumber rates from Pugot sound to St. Paul und Missouri rivor cities, as thu lumbcruion havo advised tho Interstate Cominoicu commission in Washington. A joint statement wus mado by the lines us follows: "Wo havo not considered un increaso in Pacific Coast Mlssouii-Hivor lumbor lutes, except us they may hae U'eii in volved in discussions covering the gen eral rateH nnd cost of service. No ini mediato changes arc contemplated." While tho statement gives gonerally tho situution, it is asserted tho lines aro closely investigating conditions uovoru- Ing the transportation of lumber, which havo changed considerably since the in dustry on tho coast started. Burning Gas Terrifies Farmers. Sapulpa, I. T., March 20. Tho gne woll two miles east of hero that caught fire Saturduy is still burning florcoly. After 14 duys of work tho well was cupped. Hut tho great volumo of gas found anothor way out through the crevices and for half a mile it spread open the earth. At one place a hole threo feet wide and 20 feet long was torn. Then the gas caught fire and haM beon burning ever since. Atone placo a sheet of flame 20 feet long and 15 feet high is blazing. Tons of rock and shale were thrown from tho cracks. Faculty Rebukes Magoon. Imvaua, March 20. Tho directors of Havana univerdty held a meeting to day und entered a protest against the recent act ion of Governor Magoon in licensing two American doctors to prac tice in Havana without first passing un examination in the Univoristy of Ha vana, as required by law. Railroads Hold Out Gloomy Prospect If Strike Is Called. Chicago, Mnroh 30. Fainino in Btip lles of food, coal and manufacturing materials for Chicago und many other cities throughout tho entire West wsh predicted today, if tho impending rail way striko been mo it reality. Railroads of tho entlro West will bo allowed to remain completely pamlyzod in cuso tho striko of trainmen and conductors on 43 trafllo systems Is ordered. Tills course has been practically decided on uy tno general maniigorH of tho systems. A meeting of tho managers was hold todaj and thu impracllcahilllyof filling tho places of 15,000 men who nro talk ing of h walkout was discussed. No movo has been mado to hiro men tc run trains. In fact, no preparations is be ing mado by tho railway malingers. "If theso men striko it would bo al most, If entirely, impossible to op erate tho railroads," r-uiit an ofliulul high in railroad circles. "It is us good us certain that frolght trafllo will bo entirely shut off. Cousldor what it would menu, if Chicago were to lo iso lated for 24 hours. What would hap pen if tho milk supply wero interrupt ed or tho infinonso Importations of per ishublo freight halted by a tie-up of tho roads." HILL MAY I88UE NEW STOCK. Re- Minnesota Supreme Court Holds strlctlve Law Invalid, St. Paul, Murch 30. Tho Shtto Hu promo court Unlay uphold tho Great Northern railroad in its contention Unit it had tho right to issue thu $00,000, 000 of stock authorized by thu board of directors some mouths ago, and which wus enjoined by Attorney General Young, who claimed thut thu company should Hurst coinu before thu sluto rail road anil Murohouso commltf Ion and submit to nn examination to show thu necessity undt ho purKso of tho Issue. huh contention of thu statu was up hold by Judgo llallam in the Itumsov County Distiict court, who ordered an Injunction to Issue. Tho Supremo court today reverses that decision, Tho opinion of tho court wus unanimous. Chief Justlco Slurt delivered tho opin ion of tho court. 8allort Loot 8teamer Norfolk, Vu., March 30, Ono bun dred sailors from the huttleshlp Con nectii'iit, whlloon tho wtty from WJI loughhy to Fortross Monroe upon tho passenger steamer Ocean Vlow today, without uppurent cause took fomiblo chargo of tho steamer und put tho rruw to rout. Tho tailors broke windows und doors, drovo tho cooks from thu gulley, itemed out ull provisions aboard, dumped on deck tho flro In tho stoves, turned steum on the fire extinguishers und did other i)uuiu(-. Their numes aro not known. Tobacco Buld'ngs Burn. Danvlllo, Va., Murch 30. A disas trous flro brnko out in South IJoaton, Va,, 32 miles northeast of lioro, Into this afternoon, and. spreading rapidly, destroyed the tobacco buildings, caus ing u Iosb of $000,000, U I n J f , Mt Nf