POBTJLAND NEW AGE i ' I; '. BjSsVBK: : - BsillV : B! ' IIMp W. A. Mltoholl, doalor In gonoral morohnndlflo, Martin, On,, wrltos: "My wlfo lost In weight from 180 to (18 pounds. Wo saw sho could not II vo long. Sho was n nkoloton, so wo con- mi Hod nu old phyulclan, Ho told her to try I'oruiin. "Hho gradually commoncod Im proving nnd gotttng n llttlo strength. Hho now wolghtt 100 pounds. Sho is gnlnlng ovory day, nnd cloo hor own liouflowork and cooking." j DlllllllllN. Nippier PliI MlhM Kutts ndinlro your p.iliitlngH? Pohbcr I don't I know, Htlpplcr Wlmt did sho say nhoiit thorn? Pobhlcr That hIiu could fool that I put a grout deal of myself Into my work. Htlpplor Well, Hint's IH'iiIhp. Pohher Is It? The picture I showed her wns "Calves In u Mead- j ov." FADED TO A SHADOW. Worn Down by Flvo Years of Suffer ing from K'dnty Complaint. Mrs. Iloiuntlio Myors, of 180 Routli n'.n.il. Ui I, , l U....U. Ill I..,..., lOillll Ht., IrolllOII, O., HllJH: "I llllVO worlioil Haul in my i tiinu nnd liuvo been oxpoxed again ami again to uhungos of wcutlior. It Ih no won doi my kidneys guvu out nnd I went nil to pieces at hiKt. Tor II vo yours I wns fiiding nwny mid finally ho woaR" that for six iiioullis I could not got out of tlio limine. I was noivniix, ichMchb and flooplesH t night, and lainn and boro In lliu tiiorniiig. Houiotiinos ovory thing would whirl and blur boforo mo. 1 bloalod so badly I could not wear tight clothing, and had (o put on bIiooh twi) hI.oh larger than iwual. Tlio urliio mih dlfcr hired nnd passngcri. woro tlroadfully frequent. I got help from tho llrat Ikix of Doan's Kidney IMIIh, Imwovur, nnd by tho timo I had tnkou four boxes the pain and bloating was gouo. I have Ihmmi in gool lietilth ovor HillCO." Hold by nil denloru. 50 cents n box. Fotitor-Milhurn Co., llufTnlo, N. Y. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON MO LIMIT TO ITS POWERS FOR EVIL Coutnpioti!! Wood Poison litis brought morcsufferhifr, misery nnd humilni lion into the world tlmii nil other diseases combined; there 13 hardly nny limit to its powers for evil. It is the blackest and vilest of nil disorders, wrecking the lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it nnd often being transmitted to innocent offsurimr. ft blitrliting lejracy of suffering nnd shame. So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it iiy lining KUV &HUM IUUIU illl., iUUVb tlltlVil.-l Ui iVfVi.Itl ut wttv. ... nHUSV lilood the treacherous vims has taken root. Not only is it n powerful poison Imt ft very deceptive otic. Only those who have learned by bitter experience know by tlio little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of the Buffering which is to follow. It comes iu the form of ulcerated mouth nnd throat, unsightly copper colored spots, swollen glands in the groin, falling hair, offensive pores nnd tilcers on the body, nnd in severe cases the finger units drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat tered nud the sufferer becomes nn object of pity to his fellow man. Especi ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious lilood Poison, shown when the infected person endeavors to combat the poison with mercury and potash. These minerals will drive nway nil outward symptoms of the troubles for n while, nnd the victim is deceived into the belief that he Is cured. When, Jiowever.the treatment is left off he finds that tliQ poison has only been driven deeper into tho blood and the disease reappears, nnd usually iu worse form Inrcause these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the viruslrom the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive action. S. S. S. is she only real nnd certain cure for Contagious Blood PoU son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs nml barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and field. We oiler a reward of $t.ooo for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral lit. ..1..M. 1.a n.a.A .nlili. ...-.. lk.- s. s. s. PURELY VEGETABLE Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully ex- plains the different stages of the trouble, nud outlines a complete home treat-1 itient for nil suffercrsof this trouble. No charge Is wade for this book, and ' if yon wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, out (mysiciuns wm ue giau lo lumisu The IIiiircnot. Here aro two essays on tlio Iluguo nots by Chicago public Bcbool pupils: "Tlio lluponots nru people In France Hint nro followers of Victor Hugo. Their lender Is u man uuinccl Jean Vnljcnn that wns a thlcf, but got con verted nnd turned out well. The Hugo- nots are very good pfiple. A lady nnmed Kvnnpellno wro'j a 1( ng poem about them, but It don t rhyme." "The Huguenots Is t" s name of a big thing like a steam roller tli.it tho mo gul used In India to run over people. It squosliod thoin to death nnd was very terrible. It had eyes pnltited on It like n ilrngon and snorted steam when !t wns running. They aro no huguenot! enny more.' Pinnae. "Senator, tverybody Is commending thnt npeeeh you mndo tho other day on the subject of the trusts." "I think myself It was a pretty fair effort." "nnfortiinntely, I didn't hear It. What position did jou tnke?" "IHprs you, I didn't tnke nny. I man aged, however, to nisure ench pnrty to the controverny thnt ltd position was tho only correct and logical one." Time to Hun. Gunner There wns n had, hold bur glnr up In tho glrlH' collcgo the other day. Otiycr You don't say. And did tho girls yell? (limner I Bhould any so. They gnvo tliu collcgo yell nnd tho burglar hasn't stopped running yet. Kill the Othrr Hlile Objected. Attorney (for the defense) Do you know anything about the merits of this en ho? Venireman I should say not. It hnnn't nny merits. Attorney We'll take this mnn, your honor. Ko niasrrntn with Thin. "Smythe, you cnlled on thnt Iloston girl, diil you? Wan she nt homo?" "Yen, ulio wns at home, but you ico " "Yon?" "She was at home, but you sec " "Well?" "Klio wns at home, but you see " "Go on." "As I said, she wns at home, but you see " "Yon, yes; alio wns at home, but I see " "Well, that's the answer." FITS HI. Vltua nnro and nil Nrnrous Ws"aM twrm.nantlv rurMl br Dr. Kline's Orral .."." u...i flir.K. iiiriai linltl and rrciutaVbr. lull. Kiltie. Ul., Arch HU, l'UU.l'a. Hntne Old Keellnir. Gladys I feel sure ho litis never loved before. Penelope Oh, I felt the snino wny, denr, when he tmd to mnko lovo to me! New York Press. ThM U tnnr Catarrh 111 thll lection ot thf country than all other dlnvaiei put toKOlher, ami until iholnatfow yoara WAiUoed Inbt Incurable. Kor n ureal iininycara doctor pro nounced ltalocalUlMoao. and proKcrlbcilloca! rumudk'P, nnd by cuiutantly Ir.tlhiK to curt wllli local troatmeut, pronounced It Incurable Hclonco liaaprovt'ii cntarrh to bo a coiintltu tluuat dlnoaee, and thoroforo requlrcsoonatltu lloual troatmont. Hall's Cntarrh Cure, maim fncluredby K. J. Cliciiuy .fc Co., Toledo, Oblo,li IIIOOIliyconailniilonuirurnoHiiioranraow 11 j, tRic0n Internally In doioalrom lodropa to i iulonul. itncmiirociiyouinouiooi nuc muo mir nurfnccn of the jf ilum. Thov oll'or oni hundred dnllnrN for any rno It falli to euro Dtiiul for circulars ami tcrtlmnnlnli. . Addrvan, K. J. CltKNKV it CO,, Toledo, O Until l.v llpilf-tfllB.7.V. Hall's family I'llla aro tho best. Auclcnt lnlaiicv Moacs was uumberlns tho children ot Israel. "What nro you doing that for?" some body linked him. "They wouldn't stand for a referen dum," explained Moses, "and I had to turn It Into a census." Not even his worst enemies, However, ncciiscd Moses ot doing It for political purposes. Cyntral. "Permit nio to nsk you, madam," said the lawyer, who was n friend of the fam ily, "your real rrnsou for wanting a di vorce from your husband." "Ho Isn't the man I thought I was marrying," explained tlio fair caller. "My dear madam," rejoined tho law yer, "tho application ot that principle would break up every home in tho coun try." nrt il1t MnMll.tff t ...(k ... 1,1?C. in nny lonn. S. H. S. goes tiown to tue cry bottom of the trouble and by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virus and adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. So thoroughly docs S. S. S. cleanse the clrculntJou that no signs of the disease are ever seen acrnin. nnd offsnrinir is nrotected. mCSWHTSCcinC CO, ATIAHTA, GAm mat, too, wiUiout narge, A CUP OF TEA. iiospitaiitr So Lonir Practiced hq iiecome Habit. "It Isn't what one does with, It's the spirit In which one does," Miss Tlilrza Tnckley was wont to say as she presld- etl over her squatty silver teapot In the old Tackley homestead. "Thnt. nt least, Is what I havo been taught, nnd as long ns my friends feel tho name, I havo no regrets. There Is little left of Iho family fortune, but only I nui left of Hie family." There was, Indeed, so little left thnt Mian Thlrza's economies wcro of the closest nnd her hospitality limited to her tenpot. Yet even before the dny of the gnlc people felt thnt she main tnlnetl worthily tho traditions of tho hospitable Tnckleys. A mighty elm blew down thnt dny, nnd In Its fall wrecked the Tackley homestead, and left only the kitchen ell unhnrmed. As the news sprend, tho townsfolk Mocked to tho sceuo to view the disaster nnd condolo with Miss Thlraa, whom they expected to, And overwhelmed with grief. She was not. They found her In the kitchen, the door Bet Invitingly wide open, her best ten-servlco displayed, and tho kettle singing cheerily on the fire. Every visitor was received and thnuked for his sympathy, directed how best to hco tho ruins, told tho story of tho downfall, nnd refreshed before de parting with n cup of perfect ten. Nor did Miss Thlraa forget who, took cream and who lemon, or how many lumps of siignr went to whoso cup. She suc ceeded In transforming tho occasion of her own Irreparable misfortune Into n friendly ten-party for nil tho neighbors. A few silly young people found It funny; but the llrst whisper (if ridi cule, was sternly suppressed. "Funny I It's lino!" declnred old Judge Crcaton. "Miss Thlraa Is tlio best, ns sho Is tho Inst, of nil the Tack leys. She'll find herself tho hcroluo of the town to-morrow, you'll sec." Ho was right; but Miss Thlraa nev er understood. "It was qulto nntural," sho protest ed, In gentle bewilderment. "I only gnvo my friends n cup of tea." That wn nil. Hut thero nro some women so deeply hospltnblo thnt they have, ns Sydney .Smith expressed It, a tenpot In their bquI. Youth's Coinpnu Ion. MEMORIES OF TUB FARM. Thero Is another farm Job that Is shown In tho picture, and that has sent a fow mlllhyis of boys from tho farms to overcrowd tho cities nnd work In stores at $10 per. If I una going to mnko tho bnd placo worse, I'd put nil tho sinners up ngnlnst n wood pile, nnd let them chop dry beech, elm nnd chest nut chunks In stovewood. Knots! Why tlio cusHcdncss of nil creation Is bound up In tho material that Is set boforo tuuno of these farmer lads. Words fall mo as tho memories of thoso unhappy days como to tho surface. lluauucl), in Cincinnati Post StMsre lleadlueaa, Tlio London Echo gives tho following anecdote from a foreign contemporary : Gobert, tho French netor, whoso 8je clulty wns thejmpertiontitloti of Nupol con I., wus troubled with nn Infirmity of memory, In couiscqueuce of which all letters liniulcd to him to be rend on tho Htngo hnd really to contain tho words lio wns to deliver. In somo mili tary piece or other tlio Kmperor hud to rccelvo n letter from his adjutant and rend It uloud to his ns;ubled of-1 (leers. A certain Gnu tier, tho wug of. the theater, noted tho adjutant, nnd ouo evening, Instead of giving Gobert, the written letter, bo unnded 111 m n blnnk sheet of paper. Tho netor took It, nnd, perceiving tho trick thnt hnd been played lilin, returned tho uitsslvo to Guutler, saying with perfect grav ity: "Hend It yourself, General." Gnutlor, who did not kuow a word of tho pnrt nnd wns too much taken aback to extemporize, could not extricate him. self from tho position before tho Midi euro bad discovered his discomfiture. Gobert'a readiness was. Indeed, almost u. remarkable ns that of a less cele brated netor, whoso forte was tho part of Hlehnrd III. At tho approach of one of his best points, a hostile clique In duced tho siiers to accost the' tra gedian with: "My lord, we'vo taken ltucklughnni nnd cut his hend off." Tls well," replied hoj "hnd It not been bo, I should hnve said, 'Off with his hend; so much for lIiiekliiRlinai;,H thus getting In hU great effect after nil. Didn't Favor tho Tut. "You can Kt shared nt tho Eclipse tousorlnl parlor tothiy for 10 cents." "I'd bo afrnhl to accept tho barber's cut rotes." Cleveland Plain Dealer. I Many a woman marries without lio-' proving her condition; but every worn-1 bettM than & hu beeo doing at aobm. . an wno marries, uiiuks sue 18 uoing If ''' "jL Haw II Kaew. A witness was being examined as to the sanity of one of the Inmates of the asylum. "You hold that this Inmate If insane, do you?" a lawyer asked. ''I do." was the firm response. "Why arc yon so sure?" "The man," the witness gaid,, "goes about .asserting that ho Is Rnntn Clana." "And " said the law yer, "you hold, do you, that when a man goes about asserting that ho Is gnnta Claus It's a clear proof of hTs In- sanity?" "I do." "Why?" "Because," said the witness, In a loud, Indignant voice, "I happen to bo Santa Claus my self." Mmtta. The train was called the limited, but what wns limited about It? It ran at an unlimited speed, tho incivility of tho conductor and tbo brakcincn was unlimited, as was the rapacity of the porter. , "It's a mystery 1" exclaimed the llttlo Dnrtr 0f foreigners , -jut ln a moment tncy cntcrcd the drawing room car and their wonder vanished. "Of course, It's the good taste of the decorations I" they whispered, nnd, re membering their manners, pretended not to notice. Puck. PatS CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT It guarenteed to euro any case of IchlnR, blind, bleeding or protruding plica In 6 to 14 days or money rclundcd.Wc, Unappreclatlre. Mrs. nomer (rending) An ordl nnry plnno contains about a mile of wire. Homer Iltihl The one next door sounds like It contained a wagon load of tinware. Mothers will And Mrs. Winston's Boothlng Syrup the best remedr to use for thslr child roa aurtnc tbo toe&lng period. Ilnblilnc It In. Miss ricdpcp You arc better, are you not, Mr. Fenthcrtop? You wcro not look ing nt all well tho last time I saw you. Mr. I'Yathcrtop Why, when did you tee mo Inst? Miss Hedpep 'At the Swclllmm recep tion. You were waltzing, I think, with Miss Fluttcrby. Shake Into Yor Shoes Allen's Poot-Kato. A powder. It makes tleht or now shoes feel cany. It Is n. crrtnln euro for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. hold by all JiritfTRUls. l'rlco Zlo. Trial pack. Address Allen B. Olmsted, Lcltoy, Ji'ow York. The Humorist, Mr. Dcpew throw nsldo tho pnper In which ho hnd Just read thnt ns a Scnntor ho wnii a joke. "In thnt case," he said with decision, "I will not resign. I wouldn't spoil a Joke for anybody." Philadelphia Ledger. Worth Knowing About If you need n flr8l--l:isx Inxntive, there la nothing bolter nor snfer tlinn thnt old fnin lly remedy, Hrnndrcth's I UN. Knob pill cuntnt is one grain of ol d extract nf nrsnpnrllln, w lch, with other vnluallo v gctnlde products, uinke It a blood pur illcr of vxcollint chnr.ii'ter. If you are troubled with o mtli ntion, ono pill at ulgbt wl'l uMonl great relief. ilrntulreth'- nlilnnra tho sntne fine Inx ntivo toulo pill your grnndpatonta used. They Imvu been ln uso for over a contury nnd nru hold in every drug nnd medicine btoic, cither pi in or mignr coated, A Memento. A gentloninn wns culling upon tho widow of n vnlued friend, nnys Ix Fig aro. 'During tlio vlnltlio snld: "I wns a good friend of your Into husband. la thero not perhnps some thing which was IiIh nnd which I could bnvo ns n memento of lilin?" Tearful widow: "How would I dor Only On "BROMO QUININE" That la I.AXATIVK IlltOMO quinine. Simi larly named remedies sometimes derclvo. The first and original Cold Tablet Is a Willi K 1'ACKAOK with black and red lettering, and bears the signature o( K. W. UltOVK. 2Ao. Oat In the Cold. "Old Fullerplunks, who died a month or two ago, didn't leave you anything-, bey? I tboutht ho was a near relative of yours." "Near? Fie was closer than the shrunk en jacket on a sixteen-lnch tun 1" Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axles In the world long wearing and very d hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a light one. Saves half the wear on wagon and team, and Increases the earning capacity of your outfit. Ask your dealer for Jiita Axlt Qrtait. STANDARD HL CO. Inneta Thar J no Mtlfction Kenr; thn btsnf oVy and cornfbrtabl in out In the herdttX tornv YO0Att5HtOrTH5 aTYOUWEAt WATMNOOf OWCiOTHWC HACKMYeUowr A.JLTenMT0strUSl.e.lA. tMttUWMAN CeVlasteTtMNt&Okk PUTN A Cetac aMre sxeesai Wajaa.r wisl f USSfiSi lUuiSLSmot MuLa fS& mf a t,yiCA.P a WM SSR .XXX' cx .w i hv KN uoes i our Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood ? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Onef remient earns ot bad blood li a ilnenlth lltr. Thll produces coiiitlpMion. I'oitonuui ubitancet iir then ab)nrhel Into the blixjil, Imteail of bliR rtmo"c1 from tha bmly dmljr ai nature Inlrnunl. Keen tlic bonelt iua with Ayer's Villi, llvt plllt. All Tegetable. A Made by J. O. A yer Co.. Lowell, All to nanulMtnrera of f HAIR VIQ0B. yers A0UB CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. PRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, ( Registered ( BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS. PACIFIC NURSERY CO. Catatot ue Free. Tantent, Oregon AUSTIN WELL DRILLS I Madelnaltslrlesandallsttei. Oet water ari(tT)ll anywhere. licet Urlllliig TooLn tnailc (let calar )o;e and prices. BEAIX cV CO. 321 Havnhome Ave. Portland, Or. JKUMical. Flicks Miss Flatly sang with much feeling at tho concert Inst night" Wicks Ah? Hicks Yes. Sho spent most of the tlnio fccllug for tho right note. Somer vllle Journal. Tho Kind You liuvo Always MaHiiMMaBBMaaaaBiM EsEHEl turo of Clias. II. Fletcher, and 1ms been liuulo under his ncrHonnl Httpcrvlslon for over ;JO yenrH. Allow no ono to dccclvo you in this. Counterfeits, IniltiitloiiH nnd JuMt-ns-erood" nro but Experiments, nnd cntlniicr tlio licaltu of Children Kxpcrlenco ntuliiNt lxperlinent. What is CASTORIA Castorla Ih ft linrmlcss Riibstltuto for Castor Oil, Paro Rorle, Drops nnd Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its ago is its (ruarantoo. It destroys Worms . nnd allays FevcrlshncHS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tecthlnpr Troubles, cures Constipatioa nnd Flntulenoy. It asHimllntcs tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Riving healthy nnd nntural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the In Use For Over 30 Years. th eiNTsu eoMpanv. tt Huaaav OTassT. nsw vomk citt. W. L. DOUGLAS S3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES iSu, W. L DOUCIAS S100 6ILT IKE SHOES CANNOT K EQUALUB AT ANY MUCE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PtUOESi Men'aShoea, S3 to Bl.60. Koya Shoes, S3 to ajl.33. Wumru't Shoea, 4 to S1.50. Ulaaca ChllUrea'a Shoes, J.aa lo 1.00. W. L. Douglas shoos are recognized by expert Judges ot footwear aouoiuo uok ia au 10, ut iuiu wear rruuucou part ot the shoe and eTery detail ot the making is looked alter and watched orer by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost, I( I could take you into my laree factories at Brockton. Mass.. and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas ahoes are made, you would then understand Tear longer, anu are 01 greater Tame man w. 1- Uoasu nam. ana pnr. u siaiopxl on iim fait pn am interior loon, ; nm nHixiitHi. ria Tin nn I Oiitr KUUuiusliuittl. Catalog mmbljr. W. IlHtJ mmHMirm EaE Are always reported when Seeds are planted. Why ? best on this uuit our Annual tells all about our fertilizers, incuoators, Aik lar Mk rU. tt Traaa, StniK PORTLAND SEED CO. Vortktsiel, Oreigam FADELESS DYES V. Osm lc we was ma INLE8S TENTZ8T11Y SetUtltaM ala Tea Go BMiratN DCAMMATIONS Htf C Oold Crowm, fit nrlde Werk, per toolb.a); riatrMS! Hlirer FUlloxs, MoUoldFIUIoriffl. YALE DENtlSTS W)i rtrtt Btr.Ct tVHTLAND, ORKOOIT ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES rOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Orecm FREE SAMPLE MULE-TEAM BORAX With R2-PSRO llluitrated booklet. Itlvln 1,000 uc for llorax ln tbo Home. Farm end Ualry, and a Souvenir Picture, 7xltln.,l0eolors frcoforAo and your dealer's name, Adlreea raclflo Cout llornx Co., Oakland, CaU lor blroe st, surest, nest crops t en ueaiers. I'nmous tor orer soyears. .oo? eea abuusi iree on rraucii. D. M. FIRRY CO.,. Detroit, Mleh. DR. C. GEE WO Wonderful Hon Trealmnt This wondsrful Cht nue Doctor Is eallad ureal because ha eurrs topls without oprra tlon that ar s'Ttu tip la dl. It enraa wl.h Ihoaa wondsrful Chi nes herb, roots, buds, barks and vtRstablrs iliat at nllrolr un known to mcilleat Bel- enc In this country Itirousti thoui ofllios harmless remertlti. This liimjui doctor Knows llioactlonoroTrrSOOillSeri'nt rcmedl-s, which, ha usm successrully In dlffersnt dlaeasaa. Ji ituaran'rea to cu re cat art h,aithma. Inns, throat rliruniatlam, nenrousiiesa, slomacb, liver, kid neya, ctc. has hundr1a of lestlmonlala. Charins moderate. Call and swihlm. l'a'.lenta out or th cllr writ for blanks and circulars. Utatl stamp, CONSULTATION JTJIUH. AUdrtsas The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162X rinl St, 5. t Cor. MorrtaM Mention paper Portlanat, Oregon P. N. U. No. 12-07 3 w HEN writing todvrtlirflpltM btbsib inn papvr Boticrht lion liorno tho Hlcrnu. Signature of in tuia Kuuusrj. mcs why they bold their shape, fit betU any omer mains. bouoai, which prom roi.rt tha mm anhut hlrh km inoa ncairrs CT.rywMr. aaavai, JSrv.Kta,aaa)ai 2a: aBPerry SeedskaBi P'nre nn extxrl-SBBB TgTBrnient, but with pro per ciiltl-BBV Br ration, tlicy nstnre succees from the start. Users have .o M doubts nt planting; nor dltap- m A nnltilmfntl nt harvest. Get .am , V-1UIH 0T fel jBBBBBBBaiBBB 1 The Finest Gardens Portland Seed Coa "Diamond Brand" Because we sell you the kinds thafgrow handsomely Illustrated and descriptive Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps. tirooders, roultry and uee supplies. W. alss h a fcUl caulec IC BMk N. Ml fna m rayut , sla). Wash. we aaaf la wm U eaa h y 4 dh m r iwwwiart.pimi.w.mi