tr V'tl -tj PORTLAND NEW- AGE m TOT BARNTABD TOM HXABI O THE "ECtO TRUST." CAFE Phone llaln 2318 Ericson Undertaking Co. I LEADING HOTELS : f LEADING HOTELS ! . CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon Incorporated Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT 'h- BULL'S CAPB Choice Wine, Mimuts nnd Client. Family fanlen In rnnncetloii. TratiMcnt room. un on Imr. Win. Ikil, Prop. Phono Main MOI. Cor. 2J.1 ami lliurmnn Ms., Portland, Oicgoii. lk irn 7-.U Phone Mnln C133 POllTLANI) 409-411 Alder Street OIIKUON ssVsalsBssal v iMBaVlMaflnBBSSHav MMBWBmjBffMAfcii w nlll QfHI 'A-yKB3&4H nHf fflBiiHMESi BffiiyBt- yKc?3aBH HjV IE DHH RIHIIfu pi ti WW H aDMr slr .)? Im IIVLA4Esaisssa PPUn. ElniHHiHHB(IIIIDlmL,llLMHHttiH BHWi?sflPSSS3HPSi& till liOTEL PORTLAND. cor i,oao,ooo. The Portland H. O. MO WOW, Manae. Ammrlomn Plan, $3 Pmr Omy mnmJ Umwmrd HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portktmtl, Ormmon. Telephone M-B p. o. Vox ui The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAB. A. 8011KAQK, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlggina Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Grandon The only first-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 The New Bannock Hotel N0HMAN Si AHMSTKONU, Trope. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Room with Bath, Hot and Cold Running; Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Pocatello Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, $2.60 and Up European Plan 11.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Proprietor 5c, 75r, SI, $1.50 Us saw with Private Bat ha Beth Aatarkaw aaal Ewocttaa PrKatc TatesJioacs In Room First-Class GrM in Connection 209-219 Wvartfak Ave, SPOKANE, WASH. B9iin2iMBiiiH wLHiallD PthssssssssssssssI SHliBBHHBSSafBiEsiLsssssssssssB'A SKBBBBBBHlS BBsV BSsllaBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSKp THE ESMOND HOTEL. - OSCAK ANDEK80N Managor lute: Kuroienn 1'Un C0c, V6c, 11.00, t,60, $.'.00 per day Free Hus to and from all Trains Front and Morrlron Streets roHTLAND ORKdON DULUTH MINN. : HENRY FOiZ Leading grocery and mnr kot. We servo tlio traveling public at reasonable prices. 114 and 110 Went Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. IDAHOADVERTISING Thot. Dljrth, Pre Lyman Fargo, Vice 1'rei The Blyth & Fargo Co. Y'oratello, Idaho General Merchandise 8TOKKB AT Evanston, Wyo. Pocatello, Idaho BANK0FNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Established IBM. Dewey Palace Hotel Illd'g. FUEI) O. MOCK. Treildent F. J. CONltOY, Vice-President C. It. 1IICKKY, Caihler FltANK JKNKINBON, Ass't Cashier NAMPA, IDAHO J. A. Murray. President. D. W. StaaJrod, Vice President Win. A. Anthea, Cashier I.N. Anthea, At. Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocutssllo, lduru POCATELLO, IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE GO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers GOODWIN MININO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AQENTS FOK THE CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nampo, Idaho D. W. Church Earle C. White C. C. ChlUon CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocatello - Idaho p aaliaiBaWkirv '4w U ffaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaSB':' V,V. ).if' .PPPPPPPPB-y &mirHizfcinn " ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW ifw - SjSFV Chicago Tribune. SAHARA DESERT. A Nan-naked legion of Desolation nnd Ever 'Hhlftlnsr'Snnda. In the event that It becomes nccos ary for France to Intorveno In tlio affairs of Morocco, In tho luterodts of International order, the scene of her first oiwrutlons will bo In the desert region where tho French colony of Algiers and the country of tho Moors Join. French troops are now posted In that region nnd a inoro dismal sot ting for military operations It would bo dllllcult to 11 ml. Under tho namo of the Algerian Sahara tho great dewert of Sahara extends Into Algeria, nloug tho southern baso of tho Atlas mountains and closely approaches tho Mediterra nean west of the Gulf of Cabcs. The Immensity of this great barren region can scarcely bo realized. Tho Sahara desert embraces soino 8,200,000 squaro miles nnd presents an alternation of SAND WAVES OF Immenso burning wastes of loo so nnd moving snnd, with tracts of barren rock, stony plains of gravel nnd elovnt ed nnd rocky plateaus rising Into mouutultiB, with extensive valleys and expanses of sand between. Somo of tho volley nro depressed below tho lovel of tho ocean. Under tho Influences of meteorological conditions operating for centuries tho particles comKslng tho saudstono nnd other rocks nro disinte grated and these particle carried away by tlw mighty wind that sweeps tho soil, wander afar until they coiuo to a standstill In tho hollows. Such la tho origin of tho oxtenslvo Bandy tracts of which tho accompanying Illustration gives a good Idea. In tlicso belU or strips tho sand halting against tho smallest obstacle accumulates around them and generally tho downs thus cre ated assume tho form of the waves of tho sea, their full nnd motion being with tho direction of tho prevailing wind. Rain Is utterly unknown except In the oases and on the mountalnr, whero It sometimes falls with such violence ns to produce torrents thnt suddenly aBBBf"flBBBBBBBmvsm1Bmamtw s'i-iirf-j . k T 4 xv ,aL v T'BBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTssMaVi. a-S1 r ffsajBBBBBJfc.gwjMj-w-fcgjjyil Tiit TBBBBBBBBBBjSBeW 1 t BBBbBbsSBBBBsSBsbbbbbbbbbbbbsmRPs ' Bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBst Jtott ji"Tfr .1 . bTa ' '' j!sikv"' ""'S '' . , I jf. si ' " ''4 IIVV'LaiBBBBBBBaBBBBajPa''' ivt sV -w- bbbbbVbsbbbbbbbbbbbV'ikbvIiBbhSbbBbbbv 'v&'m " iii m bbbbbbbbbbVB bbbI HBKBaliLmJlBSl bB BalsBBBBBMaiaitBBBBBBBBBBBWl 'W' SilLL' S A CONTRAST OP TWO CIVILIZATIONS IN TIIK DE8KRT. pour down into the valleys and almost as suddenly disappear beneath the sands. These rains fall at long Inter vals, 0, 12 and even 20 years Inter venlng between them. Notwithstanding the obstacles of the desert, It Is con stantly crossed ou various route by caravans of traders and many nomadic Arabs maka U their home. The camel Is tho chief benst of burden nnd were It not for this "ship of the desert" the burning wastes would bo Impassable for man. Along these caravan routes oases nre found In places whero underground sources of wntet exist Vegetation flourishes In these restricted areas aud dato palms, affording a grateful shade, thrive. Of late strango sights to tho nntlvos have been seen nlong somo of thoao caravan routes. Modernism has invaded thetir. Daring" tourists havo run their outomoblleH, to tho consternn tlon of tho Arabs, Into the oases which never before witnessed other means of locomotion except that furnished by tho camels. A strango contrast Indeed It must bo to sco tho motor car of civiliza tion whirling along routes where for centuries the four-legged "ship of the desert" stood without a coiniwer. Hut so It Is. Civilization Is forcing Its way Into every nook of the world. , Hut A DESERT SEA. whllo It may thus lend a picturesque ns Iect to douert locomotion, It will never change the esHontlals of tho great waste, whoso shifting sands nro forever In motion like tho billows of tho trou bled sea. Odd HablU of I'hvuaanta. Thero Is boiuo curiosity ns to how many Kngllhh pheasants will bo rulbod In Kansas this year. The average num ber of birds raised by each pair of par ent birds Is sixty. With 2,000 In the Stato this would mean about 7,000,000 birds In two years. The woods aud fields would bo overrun with them at this rate I low-over, thero aro many foes of the birds nnd they nro killed every year In great numbers. Tho sleet storms aro particularly hard on them, ns tho water freezes on their long pin mngo nnd they nro umthlo either to fly or run fast. When hi this condition they nro easy prey to dogs and wolves. One of the queerest ImhltH tho birds havo Is to migrate In tho lata winter thlrty-llvo miles. It Is claimed that the birds always migrate exactly thirty flvo miles nnd always to tho south. The young never, stay whero they were hatched, but mako this move as soon as they are largo enough. Naturalists have nover been ahln to explain this. The only theory advanced Is that tho birds know If (hey stay whero they were hatched the country would soon Im) overstocked with them, Kamws City Journal. Phone ifood 677 THE OLD HOME K. P. MEEIIAN, l'rop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. Euwntcviitli hiiiI Xortlmip Pl. Portland, OroRon ELDERBRAU GROTTO EKICKSON l 1IEIIO, Propi. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars S4 Sixth Street MAIN 4102 PORTLAND, ORE. ANDREW SWANSON Fine Wines & Liquors Cor. 23d and Washington PORTLAND, OR. SERING & HILL Fine Wines & Liquors Family Trade a Specialty 340 WlWams Ave. Portland, Ore. rhoac Pacific 2U? Work DonsOaShott Nolle The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor Cleaning, Prcmlnitt Dyeing and Jltepalrlng. Btcatn and French Dry rlennliig a Hpeclalty. bulls Prerscd While You Walt. 132 N. Sluth Street. PORTLAND, OREGON C H. COBB Kotlmatcs Given on All Claucs ot Plumbing and Heating Work Phono Eait ZQ7 Ilctldoncu Knst 2010 247 HotkJay Ave. PORTLAND, ORE M, J, (Jardnor. Phono Main 1V00 M. (Jardnor GARDNER BROS. Manufacturers of tho Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 2 Hidlton Strctt PORTLAND, ilREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. For First Class Work and ' LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. rourth and Columbia Streets One Block South of Cky Hal DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, Family JtcclrcB. Phono your ordois Fast 6100. W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist 677 WIHlams Ave., Cor. forgo KSTA1II.18HEI) 16A5 Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY Manufacturers of SUIT CASES T D 1 1 U V Q UlESCOftt shuts I n U II r 0 (ACS Mail Orders Promptly AHendid To Telephone Catt 24 12M31 C. Water St. PORTLAND, ORE AMBLER & WAITERS The Real Estate Brokers CorvatUs, Oregon Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property for Sale or Rent Independent Phone 225. Send for List DRINK Crystal High -Class Carbonated Beverages CRYSTAL BOTTLING CO. Tulvphono Main 717 Ginger Alo in Syphons u Hpeclalty Fumlly Trade buppliod, 249 Madison St. Portland, Oregon THE AVENUE CLUB AND The Avenue Oyster House 1', V, HALL, Prop. Freih Oritors open dally. Pints, quarts, gal lons. Duvrod any place. Th Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Tho best of Meats, Fish, Oysters and Osme. Open Day and Night tC3 Williams Avenue Kl Williams Avenue .f.j.l'hotwKaitsCW V - -. POUTLAND OltKOON Rupert's Pharmacy PHONE MAIN 6421 Everything New, Fresh and Up- ' To-Datu. Wo sol o t your trade. Purity pio-oiiiiucut. Pure Drills an Important matter. Prescriptions precisely prepared. We never sub stltute. l'erfmiit'H of the highest character. Wo want your conildeiicu 460 Jefferson St. Corner Thlrtcrnlh St. PnrHnnH Or Opp. Uulllvant's Grocery rUrUUIIU, Vr. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIIEM1UH it CHAMKU, Props. MnmtfactuiiTHof Cnrhonnteti llcvcr- ngep, Svrup-, l-.xtrncW, Mineral Water nnd Lhntiipngno Cider. Hole (llotrib- titorsof Hcdnxillo Mineral Water. Phono l'ncillu 1703. Oltlce and Factcry, 204 Mill Street PORTMNI, OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Farmers, Teamsters a'td Horsemen, look to your Intervftt, When In need of llorso Collars, buy thu Ix-st tho SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood the test of wear and tear and rllmato for twenty )car. Ask your dealer for them and Insist on having tho "Shar key." P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon Furniture oi Quality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that' is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we sell. ::::::::: COVELL FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annualiy We Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today and It Will Work for You Tomorrow A liiink Account is tlio first step to ward happiness, prosperity mid comfort Dunking UourH, I) a. in. to 4 p. in.; r-'uturduys. I) u in. to 1 p, in.; Haturduy evenings, 5. p. in. to 8 p. in, D1HKCTOH8 Win. M. Lurid, J. Thorburn Hoi-s, T. T. Ihirkhart, Frank M. Warren, George 11, Hill. OFFIOKHS-J. Thorburn Kobh, Pres ident; Georuo 11. Hill, Vico President; T. T. llurkhart, Treasurer; John K. Altchlw)ii, Kicretury. 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON .