PORTLAND NEW AGE f; l i h H THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY Heating, Ventilating and Drying Engineers WARM AIR FURNACES "NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 Firt Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure Foods" Tacoma Warehouse TACOMA, THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 314 Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " "KAISERBLUME" ! "COLUMBIA" . IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade, and Families Supplied Brewery and Office DAVID II. IlKI'.ntKIl, HID.NKV CI.AHK, rrciWoiit. Cnshlor. Union National Bank Incorporated 1800 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposit THE OLD BANK CORNER Grnntl Forks, NORTH DAKOTA O. C. HCINTZ, Manager. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEL AND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. CAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR r 1 SPOKANE First National Bank of Rook Springs HOCK arillNdri, WYOM1NO . CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $180,088 BVHRY ATTHNTION OIVUN TO BUSINUSS UNTRUSTliU TO US s mKIlE 5P0KAN6 The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show place in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visitor will fial fcer a Bureau of laforaaattea wltere reliable information of all kinds rag ardiag the city taay be obtaleed. Also free Parcal Ckack Rooau, Public Telephone astd cocafertable waltia- rooau with lava tori for women. e Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on 11 Pullman coaches. and Sperry Mi U. S. A. BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. Phone East 57 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The moat complete stock of Drue and Patent Medicines to be found In the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Marlso Block LyabYB f YBaaaaaaaaaa MaaBaaaW 4m . Br sp aaH ' jf waaeeeeeSSfc Tlint frlond of yours, Bklllreti, Is f?rtnln1y ono of the most clmrltnblo i on I over met," remarked the paRseu tur with the fur-Ilnwl overcont "I haven't noticed lilm giving nwny nnythlng," said the passenger with the lcatherlno suitcase, folding his news paper and pocketing It "What hap pened to touch his heart?" "I don't mean that exactly," said tho passenger In tho fur-lined overcoat. "I don't know whether he's easy or tight, but I know ho takes charitable views." "That's easy," commented tho man with tho lcatherlno suitcase. "His Ideas may be liberal, but ho Isn't not to speak of. Horrowed his wheelbar row last spring and I happened to break ono of tho handles. At least, I didn't break It; It was broken already, or splintered. Well, I offered to pay to have It repaired, of course, and darned if ho didn't take mo up on Itl" "That was pretty smnll," ngroed tho man with tho fur-lined overcoat. "I don't wonder you're soro on him." "I don't know that I'm sore, particu larly. It wiib only iifl cents, but It didn't seem to mo very neighborly. Kind of a cranky disposition, too." "Well, of eoutte, I don't know any thing about that, but I was talking with him about old Ilrackcnbury. Talk about a crank, Hrackenburk Is one for your whiskers. He's got a grouch against humanity. Hanged If I ever know such n mean old rooster. I was telling this Skllllvcn about the way ho acted up nil tho tlmo In his olllce. I guess thcro Isn't ono of his clerks who wouldn't K)lson him If ho got a good chancu. Skllllven, It seems, knew htm. '"I bcllevo nil that Ir greatly exag gerated,' he says. 'Of course, he's n little Irritable at times, but he's suf fered with dyspepsia a good deal to my certain knowledge. Wo mint mako allowances. He's a pretty nlco old man, when you know him.' "'I know htm pretty well by repu tatlon,' I wild. 'Ho's got the reputation of being tho meanest old skinflint that A proccwi for stinking rubber from wheat lias boon Invented. Them woro l.'-U'J78 OiM Fellows In tho United States January 1. Tho total number of liiiinlKrnnt" to tho United StntoH. 100(1, wan 1,100,735. Karl Gray, Governor-General of Can mlu, rccoIvvH a Halnry of $50,000 n year, Tho lower pcnliiHUln of Michigan In a til to bo entirely underlaid with rock milt. Tho churches are thi Portuguese (Killing places' and votes In Portugal n ro cant now hero eluo. There aro !UM stock and 231 mutual tire liiBurauco comiinutes In tho United Mates January 1, 1007. Workmen In ono of tho streets of .Madrid dug up nn old walnut-wood chest containing 300 gold doubloons. Medals of honor for distinguished gallantry in war In which tho Unltod Htntos wna engaged are held by 458 Americans. Tho result of tho first six months' working of the Sliuplon tunnel have been tabulated, and show tlmt nn aver ago of 8,000 pnsseugors were carried n day. If not absolutely tho oldest, theStora Koppnrborget In Sweden Is tho oldVst pper mlno of which there are nny of llclal figures. It has leen worked con tinuously for nearly 800 years. Tho dreaded mm butterfly Is appear ing everywhere In lloheiiila, threaten ing the devastation of the forests. The neighboring woods of Saxony nnd SI IcBla aro also threatened. The Minis try of Agriculture has named a com mission to Investigate. Andrew Carnecle's "hero fund" was established In 100-1 with $5,000,000 at Its disposal. Tho commission nail awarded sixty-three medals up to Jan. 1, 1007, and disbursed about $10,000, aside from about $05,000 given Sau Frauclsco and other sufferers from dis asters. Perhaps for concentrated inaccuracy of statement nothing can surpass the r.tllowlnir sentence, which occurred In an account of a burglary given a short time back In a paper: "'After a rruit Us search all the inonev was recov ered, except one pair of boots." Tit- lilts. One of the Drincesaes of the Bur mese court, a young woman not yet 20, Is said to be tho possessor of the costli est dress In tho world. It Is a court costume and worn only on rare occa sions. It Is studded with Jewels re puted to be worth In tho aggregate sot leas than one million four hundred, thousand dollars. Leslie's Weekly. Several New York postmen, accord ing to the World, have made fortunes of more than $200,000. These men, al though Independently wealthy, through extra effort during leisure hours, still trudge from house to house dally with. mallbag and whistle, content to ac cept a salary of 11,000. a year wWca ever pored cheese with a razor. They tell mo lie won't hnve his shoes pol ished because the friction might wear them out and that he's had tho barber snvo tho hair ho cuts olt him for tho last thirty years to stuff a mattress.' "Thnt's nonsense,' ho says. Tho poor old gentleman has Itcen bald for tho last thirty years. He's frugal, I know, but don't consider that n vice.' "Well, then I mentioned tho old rat's lovo of money and ho excused that by saying that most old men were more or less nvarlclous. " 'Not to tho extent of dishonesty,' I says. 'I've heard of things he's done that ought to havo landed him In tho penitentiary.' "Well says Skllllven, 'wo'ro nil hu man nnd'wo'vo got our little faults. If It Isn't one thing It's another, and wo don't want to be too hnrd on people, especially old people. I don't suppose Mr. Hrnckcubury tins a great many mora years to live, and I'm sorry for that, because he really Is, when you get to know him, a very nice old geutlo mnn. Ho hns some excellent qualities nnd my family thinks tho world of him.' Now, I don't enro what you sny, when n man can talk that way about a hoary old scoundrel Ilka W. D. Urack cnbury. ho's mighty charitable." "Huh!" ejaculated tho man with tho lcatherlno s ill ten so contemptuously. "I don't supposo he told you that his wlfo Is Brack's Jioxt of kin and that they expect to come In for tho bulk of bis money when ho dies. Oh, ho's a clmrlt nblo duck, nil right, nnd when It comes to wheelbarrows with broken han dles " "Well, that wasn't tho only thing," said the man with tho fur-lined over cont "Wo talked nbout other peoplo too you ninong them and ho spoko pretty well of you." "I don't seo nny particular reason why ho shouldn't," said the man with tho lcatherlno suitcase. "I never bilked him out of 23 cents." Chicago Dally News. Undo Sam provides for his postmen. In ovory case tho fortunos were made through shrewd Investments In real es tate London now has six underground electric railways (tubes) In operation, and flvo more aro undor construction or projected. Tho railways of London, underground nnd surface, carry more than 1)00,000,000 persons each year, of which underground Hues nccommodato 258,000,000. There are nearly 000 rail way stations In Orenter London, and Into tho trunk lino stations nlono there pour annually more than 300,000 pas sengers. A dip Into an olllclal return showed that there aro 1,201 Loudon cabmen between tho ages of IK) and 70, 210 bo twecn tho nges of 70 and SO, while 7 return their ago between 80 and l0. Ono almost suspects these seven old patriarchs of having carried sedan chairs In tho pregrowlor days. At nil ovents, thoy aro n living advertisement of London as a houlth nnort, with beef steak, overcoat and inufttcr. London Chronlclo. Tho name "Polly," applied to the parrot, Is said to havo been brought to tho North In an early day by flat boatmen, who took grain nnd provis ions down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans. Parrots were In cages at the doors of many French shops and the Westerners heard the French say to the bird, "Parlex, par ies," pronounced "parley, and meaning "speak! speak I" This word, as they brought It back, came to bo polly. SUCKS 1,800 MILES AT SEA. Bird Circle Around Htcainahlp, Tak In It (or au lalaud. The Oceanic Steamship Company's liner Mariposa, Captain Lawless, ar rived from Tahiti with twenty-three passengers and a cargo of tropical products. Among the passengers was W. h Doty, former American consul at Papeete and recently promoted to represent Undo Sam In Persia as Unit ed States consul. The Interests' of America In Persia have been represented hitherto by tho secretary of tho British, legation a Te heran, who acted as United States vice consul whenever necessity arose. This government, lwwever, recently appoint ed three consuls for Persia, among them Mr. Doty, whoso post will bo at Fabrls. This Is In the same latitude as San Francisco and Is one of the most Inaccessible consular posts In the world. In Journeying to his new station Con sul Doty will have to travel camel back for 1,500 miles. On the afternoon of Nov. 0 Captain Lawless was surprised to see twelve black and whlta ducks flying overhead. They came from the eastwurd. After circling around the Mariposa a num ber of times, as If they were wondering what kind of an Island the liner was, the ducks wheeled Into line and re sumed their flight, heading due wast. The ducks were 1,900 miles from San Francisco and 1,300 miles froaa Ha waii, tka nearest land. Baa FraacUc Call. Oil PaJattaa of Aaeteat Dare. Oil painting was an art tkoroaghly understood by the ancients, bat was lest sight of and only revived about tka ead the thirteenth century, A. IX ST. PAUL MINN. f Alfred J. Krank (Successor to SCIINEUi & KRANK.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOR WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 n. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles &, Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Established 182 Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN. vr : OMAHA NEBRASKA ; ii THE ONLY WAY" Have your Baggage checked from hotel and Residences over any railroad to any place in United States by - Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into' Omaha give your checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and receive cheapest and best service New cabs to all parts ofcity. ! MINNEAPOLIS MINN, j NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturer ol Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings i Minneapolis , Minn. A. 1UCIDAUL C. A. Backdam. A. Backdahl A, Co. DRuaaievra. Opposite Milwaukee Depot, inscriptions are fully compounded. 113 Washington ave nue South. Minneapolis, Minnesota Wmmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND MATTISON it 237 Hennepin Av MINNEAPOLIS, WW WW WW ""x : LIVINGSTON j WWW " "" UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELER, Pro. CHOICEST FRESH M SILT MEATS Oamo and Fish In Season. Livingston, - - - - - Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. GEO.W.HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot This card entitles you to a trip through the National l'ark, providing you patrouli "THE SOLO" And can make satisfactory arrangements with the translocation companies, The only first-class place of the kind in Livingston. Bottle Good a specialty FRANK BUSS, Proprietor 117 W. Park St LIVINGSTON, Mont a : OMAHA NEBRASKA : eeeeeaeeeaaeaaal 8. Washington, Prop. I.. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Headquarter" for Ilullroml and All ProT fcnaional Peoplo. Phone Pacific 151 101 N. Tark St., PORTLAND, OREGON , , t VmirUriE riiiccc S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats . Supplies for Dining and Private Can Given Special Attention j j 230-32 Main St. 22941 Pearl St. Tckpbooc 191 Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes Wo recommend our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in Quality and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale Liquor Importer and Wholesale Liquor Dealer Northwestern Agents Anheuser-Busch Brew, lng Association' Celebrated "Bndwelser" Beer CARRIAGE UNI FOYE, Proprietor. Nicollet Houm Block MINNESOTA X v, -Yl-t U4 tHfl Aylat- ,t i., i r ,