I II fj m PORTLAND NEW AGE X, ypr an Portland Npui A90 established ISM A. D. Grlffln, Manarr Office, Room 317, Commonwealth Building To insure publication all loci new. noil ?ZZoxiLtX ThUr,dJr m0rn,n, ' each week. Subscription price, ono year, Vance, Si.U0. payablo In (! Loral News on thin Page by C. A. RITTER, City Editor IW PORTLAND LOCALS S mmmmmm Mr. rnul Strnln tho gcnlnl . pro prietor of the Chicago Clothing Co. In the Alnrnvortli Ilulldlng, Third nnd Onk Street, Is a firm nnd truo friend of our pcdple. Call and get acquaint ed with him. tf A bottlo social for tho boneflt of Dethol A. M. E. church will bo glvon on Enstor Monday ovcnlng, April 1st. Admission 10 conts. A nneclnl Easter servlco will bo given on Easter Sunday evening by tho Sunday school nnd choir of TJeth el A. M. E. church under tho direc torship of Mr. M. E. McAfee nnd Dr. Merrlman respectively. Tho Lndles Aid Society nnd Sow ing Circle of Bethel A. M. E. church will glvo their first social on Thurs day ovcnlng, Mnrch 28th, 1907 to which a cordial Invitation is extend ed to nil. Luncheon will bo served free. Admission freo. Mr. P. W. Oroffort, n very enter prising nnd progressiva citizen, who embarked In tho real estate business snmo months ngo with oITIccb at 30014 Couch street, reports doing a rushing miBlncsB. Mr. Grnffort dosorves tho buccosb thnt ho scorns to bo meeting with nnd shows what Is possible In the North west for tho man with ability nnd PUBII. Hon. Wllllnm Ewlng, of Fnlr bnnks, Alnskn, who Is roputcd to bo tho only colored mllllonnlro In tho west, In spondlng n fow dnys In tho city. Mr. Ewlng has oxtonslvo hold- Intra In Alnnlrn Imlh In rnnl nn.l mln. InK property nnd only rccontly mndo for tho county of Cook. Tho next clnn, nnd ono of tho lending Instruc nn Investment nt Oakland, Cnl., run- lawyer to hold tho office of nsslntant I101!?,, m"BIC .,..,, -nlnR Into thouanndB of dollars. Mr. county nttornoy wns W. II. Ward now ' ,..M,818. J,e"r.l0"n D: MnrBlinll, of Kwinp la nn unostontlous Rontlemnn nnd what tho world terms n soir mndo man, having risen from tho rnnks of tho mnBsca nnd Ills success nnd prosperity havo not changed his manner nnd modo of living In tho nllghtcst dogroo. Tho Now Ago ox- tends congratulations to Mr. Ewlng nnd I wlshos him continued nrownorUv nt hnnnoi conUnuoa Pr08Pcry i and happiness C OUR CHICAGO LETTER j Tho New Am In nn u.In t Txvv'n Nowh Stand. 500 Thlrtv-scvcnth t.. Clilcago. Mnrch Uth, 1907. Special to Tho Portlnnd Now Ago. Mr. J. Mnx Unrbor hns gono cast on u visit. Lawyer Jnmcs E. Whlto of C9 Do.irhorn street Is Indisposed. Tho Locnl Negro Business Leaguo of Chlcngo has gono to pieces and Is now a thing of tho past. A Inrgo numbor of colored pooplo nro located hero from tho south, nnd many of thorn nro buying homes. Dethosda Baptist church la mnklng 5mt 'ZZZm'T'rr .nn ..-nn.nln l- .!. 1.1.... . vlcos. Tho programs will bo out In u woolc or ton days, Mr. Georgo Henderson, tho groat nnd beautiful tenor slngor has been vorv alnlr nn.l tina l.fimi nnmttnllArl ir JNAhnvo his nrm nmputnted. Ho is nt tho Post Qrnduato Hospital. but Is now improving. Mrs. Julia Stanley of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Susan Davis of Danville, Ky., Miss Pearl Wilson of Now York City, nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Freder ick of Grand Rapids, Mich., nro in tho city on a visit. Tho Ordor of Truo Reformers in Chicago will soon make nrrnnge- monts to build thom a hall in this city. Thoy nro making romnrknblo progress. Among somo of tho prom inent members in Chlcngo nro Rev. J. F. Thomas, Mr. M. T. Bailey. Mr, Wnlker Bright, Mr. James Bennett, Mrs. M. E, Young and Mrs. Lane. Martha Tho peopio are surprised that Bishop Schaffer will permit such out rageous transactions to go on -in somo of the colored churches in Chi cago, and he remaining silent and not having anything to say about It, and the people will probably never Jj?'?theraJl,,l1t- of it or read of it In tho columns of this paper. More will be said about it In tho near future. Mr. Wilson Jones, a colored police officer of Chicago who has been on the police force In Chicago for many years, is highly respected by the peo ple of Chicago. He is a very compe tent, efficient and reliable officer, and has won great praise from the head of the police department as a great inter pitcher, nnd by his energetic nttnrim tin lia. r.ln.1 k.nlinn .. , infnm,. m T n j ii..... in Chicago. He Is ably assisted along those lines by Officer Harden and Of ficer Fletcher. Mrs. Hattle Jarvls who Uvea on rr,"" """ V "'"' . '." "."" Greenwood avenue was last week se- erely rebuked and centured by a prominent lawyer In a court for her action and conduct In a cose. It ap pears thnt a mnn and hi wife h"d separated nnd that th man's wife admitted h ho did n wnt to live with her husband and in the face of those facts, this individual, it is said went around and persuaded the woman to have her husband arrest ed. Such meddlesome and evil iad- d people as that aer doing nothing bnt cntiBlng troublo in the commun ity and tho sooner they nre driven out of the homes and kept out of tho homes of AM respectable people, tho better oft tho community will be. I Mrs, Fannto Barrier Wllllnms, tho ago correspondent oi mo wow Iff '8, , '? when she uthtca' In tho columns of tho Now York Ago that Registrar V. P. Vornon made n great speech late ly in Chicago, but as a matter of fact, nnd was admitted by everybody In the church at tho time, his speech was entirely unsatisfactory, and al most insignificant. All Mr. Vernon attempted to do was to offer an apol ogy and Bomo excuses for tho action of President Roosevelt In tho dis charge of tho threo colored com panies of tho 2Gth Infantry. It must bo admitted that overybody In tho church wns dlBgiiBterl and wholly dis satisfied with what Mr, Vernon said. unrortunntoiy, ror tho colored neo - plo In Chicago, but tho snmo Is trno, llko overy other city, there nro somo colored men who succeed In having nnd gottlng their nnmes prlntod in some of tho colored paners nnd mag - nzlncs thnt havo no stnndlng what- over among their people, nnd somo I times they-get into ofneo by nccldont or mistake, and such Is tho enno of Oscar DoPrlest and John C. Rucknor. Oscar DoPrlest and John C. Dtickner I nro Ignornnt nnd nro known ns weak lings In everything they nttompt to Bay or do. When John C. Ducknnr wns a mombor of tho legislature, ho voted nnd worked for tho Vicious nnd notorious Allen bill thnt bronchi such great dlsgraco on tho Btnto of tmHi .t . ..ft.n .. t.iH Mnmn Is Bpokon of, it receives nothing but number of enterprises for tho prog hlssoB nnd groans. I fobs nnd ndvancomont of tho rnco. Tho colored lawyer that hnvo.'"; . vlJL !? r hh vnlFLXM hold tho position of assistant county OranA Matron of tho East End Royal nttorney for Cook county for a num- $ f pa,l?1,l5,B0' h'",,?' ber of years havo modo excellent rc F'ffe ! "'iJ ?? 'i B,rhJ '! r ords In thnt onlco and ono that tho tl nfrdr' n" 'n,( tho, nm"fnn,Rn: nnniiln In C.nnU rnnnfv fon nrnn.1 nf. "Ont of Mrs. Wright tho Court linB Tho first colored lawyer that was ap pointed assistant county nttornoy for Cook county wob Lnwyer E. II. Mor- rlB, who wnn npnolntctl In tho yenr 1894, nnd who displayed such lognl ability that they called upon him toH.ml ,B nicognlzed to bo ono among conduct nnd look after all tho lm-lthcom,nF ,,0J.d,.ng co,orcd wolnon portrint law Bults whom tho county of Cook was n party. In 189G hoL. air' T n ' i , "' wontboforothoBtiprnmocoiirtof thoiM""" wn,8 born In Winchester. Vn. stnto of Illinois In thnt famous law suit between thn city of ChlcaKo and tho county of Cook lnvolvlnK Bovrn ' million nf .Inllnra nn.l t..r... tt.n ai.lt. deceased, nnd tho noxt colored law - ycr to hold tho position of nsslstnnt county nttornoy wns Mr. L. D. Ander- son, who Is now tho present tncum bont. At n meeting of tho Calumet Club hold last Mondny, Mr. Jos. F. Dnllcy .i ' "8'"nBB ." l". C,I,U wns for tho purpoBo of dlBcussng ns In tho chair, tho business of tho club IS 7fc.H;.rfc.T ;.;. ; ' Mr. Marohnll Wnlter Taylor, of of tho country nnd dono for tho Worcester, Mnss., was born on tho T07(L,,rnteTC0nn I1'0',,0:; 8th of November. 1878, nt Indlnnnpo Lnwyor John O. Jonca mndo n bitter 8 ,nd nnd ja now tn0 chnmplon Bnoech. nttncklng tho record of Ex- ,)lc' yclo r'dor of tho worId 0 clom. M;i"JL "'"i1 " ,. LL': Inioncod to rldo n blcyclo nt tho ngo of u 4i" uutowj. iiiu D.u n.ui. uiu i.u - duct nnd tho notion of W. a n hiYrn 'or n minister of Hnytl wns n burn- iiik uii.Kri.i:o iu nu iii.uriuiiu Kvcrii- mont and n Borlous reflection on tho colored pooplo o this country, and ihfBtfiinllVnnBmfnhRnif ,u h n'n of Santo Domingo nnd his action .h"L?0.,U,r.tfl?7Ln8J LI'"? l .llnn.A A 41.- AK..-l.M.H ..A Utvi.u.iu ""'', '"'"' "Y '""" neonlo of America tho opportunity of hnvlntr another colored mnn nnnolnt-'. It .iAio. ..-... o..V r I S?i-,2lnlr-.i-5.rJ?J f ---.t??-ln.ntS J? mlnco Rovornmont requested Pros! dent Ttoosovolt to nppnlnt n whlto mnn mlnlstor to Santo Domingo, and thnt wns dono. Mr. A. Wllborforco Wllllnms Is now lecturing In tho colorod A. M. E. churches' In this city on ovory Sun- 1nv nvnnlnrr ntn1 nilunnHalniv nnl W'V'MHhl " imiUIHOIIIh l"U BollcltlnB tho conBreKntlon to pur chaso stock In tho Ulnck Diamond Development Company, thnt A. J. Cnry, pastor of tho ilothol A. M. K. church, Is connected with. If tho pco- nlo wish to put their money In a snnd hole, so they will never sco It ncnln, then let thom put it into this Ulnck .Diamond Development Co. Whn tho colorod A. M. E. churches of Chi enco nro tn bo Hd on Pnnrtnv for tho purpose of Belling stock to the con irrontion pr hns boen dono In tho past, it is then about tlmo for tho honorable decent, Christian pconlo I to stay nt homo. If thlncs keep on In tho futuro tho wny they hnvo been conducted In tho pnst, In somo of tho colored A. M. E. churches In Chicago, wo will not ho a bit astonished or surprlsod to hear at any tlmo, pool Rolling nnd betting on horso rnces cnrrled on In somo of tho colored A. M. E. churches of Chlcngo. There Is a great difference betweon tho republican nnrty nnd tho demo cratic party In Chicago so far as tho treatment and recognition is con cerned relative to the colored mnn. The republican party since the yenr 1871 and almost each year down to the present time have nominated and elected some colored man on their ii, n ; , i,nu ,i.. , n Chicago, they havo never nominated or elected one colored man to any office of any kind. The first colored man elected a member of the legislature of the state of Illinois was the lato Hon. J. W. E. i Thomas in 1876. The living colored men who have served various terms as members of the legislature of the stato of Illinois are Edward If. Mor ris, John G. Jones, W. h. Martin, James E. Blsh, Edward D. Greon, rjporf." p. Ecfon, Dr. Alexnnder Lane, John G. Buckner. All of these men JUHU U. iSL who served as members of tho legls lntnrfl nrnnlltPd thnmsfllvpa with honor to their constituents and credit to themselves, and they were men of ability, excepting John C. Ruckner. Buckner's record in the legislature of the state of Illinois for voting for vicious legislation, brought upon blra the censure and reproach of the people. The city of Chicago has a popula tion now of colored persons of C5, 000 and about 10,000 colored voters. Nearly all of the colored men In Chi cago as a rule and with very few ex ceptions vote the republican ticket on election day from top to bottom. Sometimes it happens that when a white man that has been placed on tho republican ticket ns cnndldnto for office that Is not friendly to the colored people, tho colored people got together nnd Bond tho word out on the quiet, nnd that Is to knifo him at tho polls, nnd ob n rulo the objec tionable candidate Is found to be do f t d . t, b t counted. The coloVed vote In Chicago is mostly located In tho first, second, third, thirtieth, thirty-first, sixth and sev enth wards of Chicago. Tho colored men In Chicago that havo tho most Influence In politics nnd who arc con- suited relntlvo to everything for tho advancement of their rnco are tho Hon. B. II. Morris, Mr. Prank W. Rollins, Hon. John 0. Jones, Mr, Walter M. Farmer, Hon. Edward D. Green, Mr. Julius P. Taylor, editor of tho Droad Ax. Mr. D. R. Wllklns, editor of tho Chicago Conservator, Mr. Edward E. Wilson, Mr. Robert T. Motts, Mr. Ai H. Roberts, Hon. Wm. L. Mnrtln, Mr. Thomns Pearson, mr. James a. neon, Mr. wiiiinm rn .Clark, Dr. ChaB. E. Dontly, Mr. S. H. I Prnther, Rov. J. P. Thomas, Hon. Georgo W. Murray, Mr. B. P. Moso- ly, Mr. S. A. T. Wntkins, Mr. Halo G. Pnrker, Major D. G. Johnson, Dr. Georgo T. Hall, Rov. Jordan ChavlB, Mr. C. J. Waring, Mr. Isnac J. Reed, Rov. Jesse Woods, Rov. H. W. Stow- art, Mr. Adam M. Dcckley, Mr. S. D. McFarland and Mr. W. W. Johnson. PROMINENT COLORED MEN AND WOMEN OF TODAY. Dy Eugene Fields, of Chlcngo. Mrs. II. L. Wright, of Pittsburg, Pa., Is ono of tho brllllnnt nnd lend' Ing colored ladles of tho City of Pitts- Minrrf nfirt la ntnani v Irlnnr Iflrwl wllh n prospered nnd Is In n flourishing condition. Sho Is also tho Assistant Supremo Grnnd Recordor of tho Su premo Grand Court of Daughters of Sphinx of North nnd South America, of tho United States. "" i " " 'S.1' ,i n ii " atl Columbus, O., nnd Oborlln Collejto. IIo.ll8 h.oIu nlnny Positions of honor Mill irilBl, nnd IS nn 01111110111 I11UBI- ' ' , J, "' Vn., Is nn educated nnd prominent lndy nnd Is Identified with ovory movement for tho nd vnncomont of tho rnco. Sho Is n lndy of refinement nnd culture, nn nctlvo mombor of Excelsior Court of Dnugh tors of Sphinx nnd n mombor of tho Tlonrd of Directors of tho Supromo Court of Dnughtors of Sphinx North nnd South Amorlcn. of 13 vonrfl. nnil iiar wnn n Mnrirn num. bor of tho ni08t Important blcyclo w ftwa. tftlllUMVtll i MillVU ! Qormnny nnd othor foreign countrlea. Ho nn8 'n InBnincont hma nnd vnl: unblo pr0porty In Worcester. Mass. I nv' M' W- D- Norman, D. D.. of Washington, D. C, Is tho pastor of IP Metropolitan Baptist church In Washington, D. C. Ills congregation ,B comi)S8od 'of n larK0 Mmr f ",. .. . . ". " . ..:".- iu uiiu ruiuieu cuiorcu peopio oi I that city. Rov. Norman Is n pro- rouna scnoinr, eloquent spenkor, suc cessful pnstor, nnd popular with tho people. Ho Is n Shrlnor nnd n 33d Anclont and. Accoptod Scottish Rlto Mason. Rov. Dr. W. D. Porry, of Worces ter, Mnss., Is n towering plllnr of strength in tho oducntlonnl, rollglous, Masonic and political world. Ho Is a brllllnnt nnd oloquont spenkor. A pollBhod scholar, nnd Is pnstor of ono of tho entorprlBlnir nnd prosperous M. G. churches In tho city of Worces ter, Mnss. He is n distinguished 33d Anclont nnd Accepted Scottish Rlto Mason and n Noblo of tho Mystic Shrlno. Ho Is recognized to bo ono of tho most Influential men thoro is In the stnto of Mnssachusotts. Mr. James H. Guy, of Topokn, Kan,, is n successful practicing nt tornoy of thnt city nnd Is ono among tho strong nnd Influential colorod mon of tho stnto of Knnsns. During tho recont session of tho Intorstnto Lltornry Association of Knnsns City. Mo no wns tho presiding ofllcor of thnt organization nnd displayed ex cellent judgment as a parliamentar ian. New Cheese & Butter Store Cheese a Specialty Batter, Eggs, Honey, Teas, Coffees, Cared Mats, Etc. The most up-to-date in the city. SwitliRd Bldf., 126 Fifth Street C. I slesire to smumumcc that I have moved my place of btMs w to the second floor of the new SweUami BwiWiNg at rifth nneJ Washington streets. C Assuring you that I have ex ercJMtl careful and earnest of fort to oleosa, in the selection I have maao of fabrics for the "WfoJ sTowfJo IfJIsi PbjMsFUMv age h) roseectf iay sofcitosJ. The styles arevalent have hyen re ceives!. A. H. G1USWOLD StKceseer to CriewoM & Phcsley WnCter specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Coolcin a Specialty. Try Our Home Made Plea float Eut5?21 3E. BatniMtSUNut UnlonAn. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES fresh rrult and Vecetables, Teas and Coffees Telephone East Kj02 zntarabce Street l'OUTLAKD.OItKaON EUREKA MARKET 1IKN11Y FABSllKNDKIt, I'roji. Choice Frosh and Cured Meats. Fish and Poultry l'lionoMnlnSCit Co. 14th and Glisan, Portland, Or J. B. SIMMONS Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries CIGARS. TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY Delivered to AH Pails of the City. 463 Glisan St. Tel. Pacific 1 99 McGUIRE A TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 35 Grand Avenue Phone East 2629 PORTLAND, OR. NOB HILL MARKET A HCUOI.Z, Proprietor. " Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sausage and Poultry Tel. Mala 818 Cor. 21st and Irving Streets D. BREEDLOVE & SON. GROCERS 361 East SeventhSt, cor. Stephen! Phonn East 768 PORTLAND, OR. PrlrcK ItcnimmUo Pntlafnctlnn auarniitrvil . A. NICHOLSON Hiimnnr to K. WINKf.KMAN Ladles' nnd Gent's Tailoring G'li'AtiliiK, PrvonliiK rnul ItcpnlrtliK Phono Pnt'inpiMTO Hi NlnoteiMith Htroct J. J. MEYERS rancy Groceries, Bakery Goods, Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice Cream and Confectionery Onlcm Delivered Promptly I'licino Woodlawn VM 780, MlitUslppI Ave. l'OUTJ.A-ND. OltKOON Murray Levy Drug Co. DISPENSING CHEMISTS Phono Pacific 'ii'j7 13lh A WanliliiRton Btreeti P011TI.AND, OKK0ON T. J. Concannon & Sons Lewis & Clark Grocery Phono Paslfla 2I2 NX) Thurimm St., ror. 21th P0KTI.AKD. OltKOON M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE SULLIVAN & KRUEGER l'hono Main IMM Dealers in Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Teas, Coffees and Spices Sixteenth and GUsan sta. nee Delivery PORTLAND, ORE. COOK MOTOR GAR GO. Dealers In High Grade Automobiles Fifteenth and Washington Sts PORTLAND, OREGON l'hono I'aclOo 931 407 Sterns JIutMlng- H0LBR00K & LEVEEN Tailors for Men 150 Sixth St., cor Morrison PORTLAND OREGON Finest Made Adams Fire Proof Stove Blacking. No odor. More durable. Only blacking made that wilt remain on Air Tight heaters. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS SANDSTROM BAKERY n0. 77s win:... Avnu Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TELEPHONE CAST 95 T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 WiHiams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149 MILLER, BUCK & CO. GROCERS Phone Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo O.J. Erdnor It. ltochull ERDNER it HOCHULI Chicago Market Dcolcm In Frrnh and On rod Meat. All Ktndi nf BftupRKci. 1K7 Tlilrd Htrcct, near Yamhill. Phono Main 413. Portland, Oregon. D. C. BURNS THE GROCER TDUEPHONE 6IO 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits, Confection, Clitars, Tobaccos ami Fan c; Coffeen, Tea nnd Hplres at Low fit Prlcei 447 Union Ave. Free Delivery Phono East 440 AUGUST STORZ Dealer In titnplo nnd Panoy QrouorlsM Ycgctatilcs, Fruits and Dairy Produce Phone Kast MS ICO Williams Ao. POItTI.ANl), OltKQON C. S. NELSON Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Proviiions 154 N. FourUamth St, Cor. Irving John's Mont Markvt J. I). MKHOHN8, I'rop. fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon and Hants Corned Ilcef and I'lcklnl Pork a Specialty I'liono Main 1W4 43Ji N. Blltli Bttfet l'OHTLAND, OKKOOK Ths Union MutCo. AUIUnlnic Cart and First Class Hotels and lUstauranta buy tb UNION MCAT COMPANY'S fUtSIt AND CURCD MEATS Tho Iteat In the Market. I'atronlie Home In du,'rT' PORTLAND. OftCGON GEO. HOCKENYOS l)f slur In Staple and Fancy Groceries Clfm and Tobaccos, FrolU and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVERY 95 Russell St , Phone East 4899 FINK & LEWIS Dealers III Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. PhsM Fail 582 514 Mississippi Avenue PORTLAND, ORE. GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Dealur In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce CIGAKS AND TOHACCO PhMC EMI 374 46-462 E. Utulit Si. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone East 6S3 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone CAST 3407. 136 RusseN St PORTLAND, OR. JOHN E. MAULEY DKALEK IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 WMUmtiR, Near IMA PheacNaii:i7 PHTUNI, 8IECM RAINIER MARKET C. I1LUM, Proprietor Dialer U Frisk, Cirn" and Siokid MiatsJ Haas, law, uri, swaps, tw, Also Fish Ml Class. FAMILY TIIADK A BPKC'IALTY Cor. BeTenteenth and Barter Bts. Pbone Main list Portlen4, OrcgM H. R. LYNES Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES NtUcu and FraM. Free Delivery. IS4 town Street Phone Zt M49 retTLANI, AlEGON The Yale Market & Grocery ED. lt.STOCKLKN, Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY Phone EaM 668 293 Grand Ave, South PORTLAND, OUEQON E. B. COLVELL Wlmlvcnlo nml retail GROCER l'JIONK MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St CORNER JtrrCRSON PORTLAND, OREGON P. A. EDDY North Portland's Leading Grocer Agent for Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees Hculiir t! oil very by Thrvu Wngnim, lOsIio n. in., L'tlU) p. in. Hpoc'nl tlolivoi Ich, I) a. m., 5 p. in. IMiono Muln 1710. 752-754 Savier St., Cnrnvr Ttciit)'thlril Portland, Oregon aiiSife PtyonB tTL,!!SIib. O0, nniaia. &hs e.an.Dfs.t OLYMPIC. w r-v" s .- A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year THE LIGHT THAT'S BRIGHT C, Electric light is pre-eminently the light of happy content. It dispells gloom, dinginess and discourage ment. Light homes make light hearts. C, Electric light is practical lighta light that is at once clean, convenient and eco nomical. At the prevailing rates for current on meter basis it is well within the means of all, and when used sensib ly economically electric light U as cheap as it is good. CIS YOUR HOUSE WIRED? C. PHONE MAIN 6688 for OUR REPRESENTATIVE. He will prove these state ments with facts and figures PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. FIRST AND ALDER STRRETS aiXib aaaaaVsaw saaaarsssvV m J M 4tfc 4V-JJ- 7i' snwsjsr