POBTLAND f 'NEW AGE f wtiftMitign'ffliigiriif i I Topics of I I the Times I If a womnn Is homely sho always knows It ; but It's different with n man. Ilcnlth nnd goodness nro contagious nntl epidemic, au well no dlsenBO nnd crime. Counterfeit ?5 bills In clrculntlon nro nald to lie rather short. The gsod onoH, however, are not long with uh. 1'crlinpR, after Jill, Governor Swct tenlmm merely wanted to advcrtlso the superior quality of Jamaica Kinder. That thief who stoio ?i!,000 worth of diamond' from the Queen of Greece must hare been n sllpjwry customer. Time was when the nntl-pass bljl was the best Joke of the legislative sen pon. Are the American peojilo loHlng their sense of humor? Having been greeted by the Presi dent as "fellow cltl7.eiiB," tho l'orto Itlcans may now feel nt liberty to think of Speaker Camion as Uncle Joe. Ktlilcnl passion Is an excellent thing, tho Christian Ituglstur is willing to nd tnlt, but ethical action is u letter one, nnd by the latter the former Is tested. It no longer seems to be good form for a prominent business man in any of tho Mate to receive an Indictment with loss than n hundred counts at tached. A man Is rciwrted to havo discover ed ?r,XK) under an old carpet. Hut stories Ilko this always Kct Into circu lation Just before the cnrput-bontlng season opens. If tho Bwedlsh Investigator lias real ly succeeded In overcoming gravita tion, tlieu flying innclilues should only he a matter of buckling un u pair of 10-cent wliiKs. There Is nn old wing which says a Iwy'H hest friend Is his nintlicr. Tin pretty hard to niiiko tho hoy whoso mother Is nppronchliig with a spoonful of medicine holluvc It. Since It has boon asserted that neith er Shitkspearo nor Ilacou wrote tho famous plays credited to tho former, tho man who discovered tho fact may ,n s well admit that ho wrote them him self. Ccsare Loinbroeo gives It as his opin ion that Harry Thaw Is a degeuurato becaiiMt his nose Is crooked. Cciiiro neglects to explain whether tho degen eracy cnusw tho crookedness or results from It. The man who sought an Interview with the mayor of Philadelphia on tliu subject of building a railroad from that city tit heaven was Inxune, of course. Travel lu that direction Is not heavy enough to warrant the investment. With three hundred million board feet of merchantable timber waiting tho ax on the forest reserves, lumber alarmists are minus a vocation, This ri'M'rvo timber, now ready to be liar vested, alone would supply the lumber needs of America for ten jours. Its coimiirvntlou and foresting means a tremendous wealth for years to, como. Every year tho statistician of n Chi cago newspaper adds up all gifts and bequest to charity lu this country for the preceding twelve mouths. Only Hums of a thousand dollars or more nro counted, and only those gifts that havo been announced lu the newspapers. Tho total for MHXJ was a hundred and six million dollars. Tills lu tho highest since 1001, when the total was a hun dred and tweuty-thrco millions. In these big llgures no reckoning is made of tho humbler gifts which those who nro not rich have been privileged to make. Although he Is described as being thoroughly contemptuous of his Ameri can father-in-law, tho Duke of Marl borough, It seems, has reconciled him self to accept $100,000 per year of that person's vulgar, plebeian money. Evi dently his grace has no patience with thu theory that money can lie "tainted." I.lko a certain Hrltlsh sovereign who took toll of au unsavory calling, ho believe that "there Is no smell to a shilling." lu this as lu other thrifty characteristics the master of Blenheim shows himself to bo a true descendant of John Ohurehlll, than whom no thriftier Englishman ever lived. Th great heart of the American jkhi pie throbs with sympathy for tho op pressed lu llussla and they havo been gladdened by evidences of the coming of a better day for that long-ailllcted country. Hut uur iooplo know that tho killing of u czar would not kill cxarlsm. Cmvh have been murdered lu the past, but czarlsm lias lived on. Two wrongs, no p.natter how great they may be, can not be so put together as to make one right. Murder is not and can not bo u remedy for governmental sins, if the lower strata of the lHipulntlou lu litis la can get on top Is there any reason to believe the situation will bo Improved by tho change? Time will bring about a wholesome eompromUe between tho extreimw, but assassination will not bo promotive of that happy consummation. Thirty-one years ago tho country was made almost speechless with hor ror Vy a railroad wreck on tho Luke Shore ft Jflchlgnn Sotrtbera Railroad t Ashtabula, 0)d,o. A train went through n bridge nnd i largo number .of ataM tU resulted, r. V. Bliss, tho noted wrangellMt, bcig imong .the victims. iiim was nooui wo iirsi rapenuuee t,on , , rculty Mceedlngly old. For American. Jind with great railroad ca- example, the safety pin, fur from being tastrophes. It Impelled Iwforo tho do- u noolty 0f 0Vm of mwt org, ,, velopment of the Iecd mania, nnd, for ducldwny anjL.nta Met made certain that matter, before the development of by tho andlug of greilt uaiy BUch tho railroad business Into anything like , tuMoUvd oinctl Ilko tl)o5e of t0. tho Important Industry It Isao-dny. Mt.(dn ... d .. ,, Ktruacan to.nlu. urally, the -"Ashtabula disaster" be- enmc itlimvHt it classic of the news. It was rend and talked about for months as ono of the most frightful events In tho world's history. Hut Iww Is It now? A few days ago, wo read with out deep concern of u frightful wreck In the Mlddlo Wftrt, followed n day or two afterward by .another disaster f equal extent and horror. Outside the Immediate vicinity In which these ac cldonts happened, rrports of theiu were read almost with Indifference. Twcnty-flvo years ago Uy would havo filled tho newspapers for days. It Is not that human suffering is more In differently regarded nowadays, but that through familiarity with frightful rail road accidents we havo come to look ujMvn them almost as a matter of course. We are expecting them just about so often. If wo ourselves escape, we think we are lucky, nnd beyond that there is only passing sympathy for the victims unless wo nre personally con nected with them. Wo were horrified when the Han Francisco earthquake oc curred, considerably Interested when Valparaiso was shaken to tho ground, and not particularly concerned, compar atively, over tho futo of Kingston. Pos sibly lu this rushing age It will not be long ere we shall look on tho downfall of nations and tho obliteration of en tiro peoples with equanimity. The days have passed when every woman had her knlttlng-work. Our grandmothers picked up tho stocking when u neighbor dropped in, when tho twilight fell, when tho oven needed watching and thero is n Now Eng land tradition of one Industrious woman who took up her knitting while tho jiooplo wore gathering for a family funeral. The complicated operations of 'widening," "narrowing," "setting tho heel" nud "toeing off" were ho fomlllar to feminine lingers that they could nil be accomplished by firelight Every family discussion was conducted to tho accompaniment of tho clicking needles. Mary's course nt tho academy, John's Journey to Iloston to find n market for mother's cheeses, tho purchaso of the wood-lot nnd the building of the now ell to tho house wero nil worked Into tho fabric of ttio gray stockings nnd tho white stockings as they grew under skillful lingers. All the plans wero laid with a greater deliberation than to-day, when tho woman's part In thu conversa tion Is often taken by snatches, as she runs tho sewing machine, looks after the separator, or wields tho carpet- sweeper. Grandmother thought her way to many a wise conclusion over her knitting. It was a tonic far depression and n sedative for nervous Irritability. It was tho earliest diversion for tho convalescent, and tho last work which feeble lingers and falling eyes could do before tho final rest. How many a daughter treasures with loving caro "tho last pair of stockings mo'thcr knit I" The pleasant, quieting, house wifely occupation need not go out of fashion because machinery mnkei stockings more cheaply than hands can niako them. Thero Is still call for thu product of tho needles. For example, tho missions for seamen nro always lu want of warm knitted muillcrs nnd hoods, with which sailors may bravo their winter voyages. Hospitals nro glad of shoulder shawls for patients, nud bed-socks may help ninny a poor old womnn to sleep warm. Tho knitting which the family can spare may now bo turned Into the great channels of charity, nnd so make tho knitter the happier, nnd tho world tho wnruicr both lu body nnd In heart To llHrucua ha Muimoou. This Is not the only country which has largo water-power engineering plans on hand. There Is u project un der way lu Ilombay which literally alma at harnessing tho Indian mon soon and utilizing the resultant energy In running tho cotton mills of Ilombay nud other factories in tho adjacent dis tricts. Tho Western Ohnuts, or mountains, forty-thrco miles from Ilombay, nro among tho rainiest districts of tho world; even during tho famine years 180(1-7, when thousands of peoplo wero perishing elsewhere because of tho lack of rain, the Inhabitants of tho Cluauts district wero nearly ruined by a rain fall of fnr.n twenty-two to twenty-six feet for tho wot season, Juno to Octo ber. This speedily drains off to the nn, Honeo It Is proposed to build throe great dams, thus utilizing three of tho many valleys as reservoirs, an under taking made all the easier by tho stony formation, which does nwny with tho necessity of artificial tloors lu tho pro posed reservoirs. How stoop the approach Is appears from tho fact that then will bo a de scent of 1,7.11 feet lu less than two and one-half miles. At tho base of tho mountains will bo u great jwwor sta tion, from which tho electricity gener- ttiHlwmtetrniiiilttltollotubnynnd othor points. The largest dam will bo nlnety-llvo fvet high nnd 8,000 foot Iihir; tho second VIII hnvo n length of W00 feet nnd tho third of 2.IM0 feet. Now York Evening Post. Kspert Opinion, IXdly What niaKw you think she Is sucn nn iiwiui komhip? i Madge She told mo nil the things I naked hereabout Smart Set JtOKASM .USXD SAFETY TXSM. Collar BuXian Amonf the Ar(lela Kouad.in Ancient Tiinba. Uvery uotv and then It Is discovered hnl aitiut jtrtrnitiotv "ntfiilnrti" Itivuii. uuung iwck ui u period u goou ueal filler than the birth of Christ. The saety pin in truth was an arti cle of common uwo In Italy long before the Itomau empire attained the height of Its glory. Koine of them were e.xuct ly like those of lo-duy, utilizing the fa miliar .principle of colled spring uud catch, hut the muterlul of which they were made seems always to have been bronze. They took on a development. however, ur more remarkable than our modern safety plus, many of them be ing ijulto large affairs, ten Inches or so lu lengtli uud hollow, as if designed to bo attached to the gown In front anil possibly to contain something ,or other conceivably flowers. Not Infrequent ly they were ornamented with gems.- Another ancient Invention was the conr HtU(1 t )f lnJB t)jut tLe nnck,ut Itoumna did not use buttons to fnatcn their garments, but for this very reason aafotyplnawero nioro urgently required, and the latter seem to have been sup plemented by studs of bronze, which were in shape exactly like those of to day. Of course, people In those times wore no collars, but tho little contri vance In question was utilized In other ways. Probably nnd Indeed tho na sumption Is not a rasli ono It had In that early epoch tho snmo habit na now of rolling under n plcco of furni ture on slight provocation for tho pur peso of eluding observation and pur suit, with tho usual perversity of Inani mate objects. Scientific American. "MB. EDWARD." In 18311 tho Prince of Wales was much Interested in tho creation nnd organization of the College of Music In London. He caused It to bo Inti mated to the lato Hlr Henry Irvlugthnt It would show tho Interest of another and allied branch of art In tho under taking if tho dramatic artists would give u benefit for tho now college. Tho prince even suggested that "Itobert Ma cutro" would do excellently for tho' oc casion, with nn all-star cast Of course Irving was delighted to help, nud tho result was a splendid per formance, nt which tho Prlnco and Princess of Wales attended, nnd n sum of mora than ono thousand pounds was turned over to the college tho entire receipts. Irving himself, says Mr. Ilrnm Stoker In his "Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving," pnld all tho expenio. In tho first year of Its working, when tho class for dramatic study was or ganized, Irving was nBkcd by tho direc torate to oxamlno It, whlcti ho did cheer fully, nnd lu duo time made his report. Soon afterward ho received a letter of thanks for his services. Although quite formal, It was n most genial uud kindly letter, nnd to the sig nature was upiwuded "chairman." In acknowledging It to Sir George Grove, tho director of tho college, Irving said what a pleasure It had been to him to bo au examiner, nud assured Sir Oeorgo that ho would gladly hold his services nt tho disposal of the college. Ho add ed i his letter this postscript: "lly tho way, wlto Is our genial friend, Mr. Edward, chairman? I do uot think I havo mot him." Ho got a horrified letter sent by mes senger from Sir George, explaining that the signature was that of "Albert Ed ward" then Prlnco of Wales, now till majesty, Edward VII. In (ha Hurfoea Car. A fat IrUhwoniHii, bearing n number of bundles, entered n crowded street car. iiie otuy Beiiiuiiiiieu or. a woui ww could tltid wna n buiiiII notice tit thu right of a Biimrtly dronsed youth. Into thu space, autllcleut only for ait Indi vidual of ordinary lze, tho tleshy Irish woman Bcjuwied horaelf, much to tho iiiinoyanco of tho youth. After n moment or ao tho Irish woman produced n cheese sandwich, which bIio proceeded to devour with every ovldenco of relish. At this the youth gnvo her n look of Ineffable disgust nnd drew the skirts of his frock coat closer to lihn. "1 suppose, me lad," Kood-untmvdly snld tho woman, "that yo'd prnyfer-r to havo a glutlemnn slttlu' nlxt to ye." "I certainly would," snapped the youngster. "So would I," calmly responded the fat lwrsou. Exchange. "Deprived of 1IU See." As nil example of tho ability of the Juvenilo scholar to eolvo an unexpect ed meaning from his text, n corre BpoiuU'iit relates that tho following question wns put to n history class: "What mlsfortuno then happened to Illshop Odor Thi reply came quite readily, "Ho went blind." An explana tion wns demanded, nud the genius brought up the text book. "There, sir," triumphantly, "the book says so." Th aatfitonro Inillfiitixl In nn Ink ,. ..... fllgU ..0lio wns deprived of his yw spootntor. . Kiral lii..urui't I'oiiipHur, lUlf, Tho Sivlety of Assurance for VW ows nud Orphans wns the tint known life Insurance company nnd was estab- llahed In Laudon lu WOO. - -: . .. . wiuvauuu Bii iuir, no uouoi, but tho best housekivters dldu't get thslr knowledge out of boo fciincauon is n greai tiling, no doubt, HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone East 873 Union Avenue and Tillamook Street PORTLAND OREGON Nob Hill Pharmacy 1)11. 1. 3. FibHEIt. l'rop. Drugs and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded 680 Glisan Street Tel. Main 845 . -, ELEGANT FLORAL PIECES and Cut flowers. House 1'Iants. Garden I'lantH and Voiy reasonable. CUSTAVE J. EURKKARDT, Florist 112 Tweney-third St. Ffior.o Main 603. Portland, Ore. A. CORRIGAN P Barton, Or., Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furs He modeled into Latest Ftylo. lions, S ok-s, Ties, for lets than at any other place. 185 Madison Street W. Jt. Willlamn At Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sta. West End Exposition Bid. rtione Main 43 PORTLAND, OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER SKo Repairing Maclilno and Hand. Only (loodycar Machine In Our City. Bhhca made tn Order. Bhocn Called tor and Delivered. Telctihono I'aflneZZM. 209 Yamhill Street l'OKTLAND. OIIEQON The Portland Hat Works Manufacturer! of fiNE SOFT AND STIFF HATS Ilati Dyed, Cleaned and Worked. Ouripo dally: l'anamaa Cleaned and Ulcachcd. 2I'J'4 Alder Ht., hot, Fernnd and Third, llraneh: 42. waihlngton Ht. Portland, Or. ARTHUR L,AVY rurnlaher and Hatter "HB MAKES SHIRTS" 46(1 Washington St., Oppoalto Ilelllg'i Theater PORTLAND, OREGON THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. it. ZKIXAK N. L. M UKM.EU Zcllar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEC US, WC HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave, Portland, Ore HOUSES fKAHH) rVRMITUK Khf AIRED ntOFfE EAST 354 RES. PHONE EAST 2112 H. C. SCHR0EDER The Albina HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St., PORTLAND COURTNEY MUSIC CO. Band Instruments Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for Caih or Eaijr Payment. Latest Popular Songs and Music 25c, Five for $1, postpaid. 10-Cent Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c. 88 North Third St., Portland, Or. MALL & VON BORSTCL RCSIOCNT ACCNTS Real Estate and Financial Agents CCRMAN ALUANCC INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of Nw York. Capital $1,900,000 CONFLAGRATION PKOOK-AU 8. F. iouct Jiaia in run. miemeni ner payment oi a. '. louet: Arteli, 1 15,537 ,btW; Surplus to polkr bolJert. over 17.600,000. AOENT8 HolUUy 1'ark Second Addition) Manning' Aiiumon; lorn Auumon: Hum. vau'i Addition; W. W, JJctlulre't Addition: , Mcliolion Addltfon, 104 Sacoad St.. lumber Eachaace BMf. l'honu Wain H30 392 tail Burnaldc St., THK Continental Casualty Co. of Chicago, Illinois. Paid-up Capital 3oo,ooo Northwestern Department 503-4 Lumber Cuchante BWg., PORTLAND, OftCGON The largest company In the world doing a strictly health and accident busluei'S. uver .,iwu,uuu pam on claims to R. R. men alone. Writes all cl.ifo of joHcieson all the dherent oc- cudaMoiis. including the popular 1 a numth policv. Call at tlteolhceorpnono us and wo will bo glud to explain tho duTereut olaus. iTiouo Main 4308. numth policv. Call at theoJliceorpho for fine Wlnei and Liquor, ctlt at THE "WEST O. HUMUS, Prop. Fine wines, , Liquors and. Cigars I'tione l'ncifls 19O0 X N. Fourteenth St. PORTLAND, ORE, NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTER! on & McDOUCALL, Prsp. Fine Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Albina St. Phone East 4386 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K. LOI)KLL,,Proprletor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars WEINHARD'S BEER Tolopliono Pacific lnil 414 North Miietvviitli St. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works OUKDEL 1IHOH. fc CO. Manufacture ot SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. Factory, 410 Water Street Telephone, Main 2JG6 roilTLAND OIIEQON Crane Bottle Co. Wholesale- Dealeri In BOTTLES Carry tho larg' at itock of JJottlca on tho Pauitlc CotiBt. Mali Order ship ments given prompt attention Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Biewcri and Bottlers of HOP GOLD PORTLAND OFFICE: Corner Eut Third and Bnrnslde Streets The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key Vest Cigar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars W. S. Conrad AlltinenpoIlM Distributor etc. kiiui iKiYVWM.Uask Amanwumuer PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS AND MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for thorn nnd take no other kind if you want tho beat. THE TQXE POINT OYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or, Telephona MAIN 693 Soli Crawsrs of tbi Cilibnti. Toke PointOysters An KtitarnOyitcr Transplanted aud grown on our bed at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNKQUALKD IN FLAVOR AND FHKBHNKSS" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers In All Varieties of Native Oysters. O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAK1N6 POWDER. FUSfORtWO EXTRACTS AW4urtwity, flntslFlivsr. OrtsSJmh.Ouvxviikfrkel CL05SETftDEYD rORTLANO, OfrlCOM. PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importers and Manufacturer Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baiting Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS ABk for tho Celebrated Lewis i Clark Cigar I2c Sacajawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMORE Telephone UNION 40C8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08!u Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I have cholco Business nnd Rosldonco Trncts in nil pnrts of tho city. Corr spondonco solicited from non lusiilont ownors of property or those icokiug investments hero. ABBETT AH Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Agent for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s steel Furnaces 441) Union Ave. North Ehop Phono Knst 017V Itesideuco 1'hono Knst -2803. JAMESTOWN, N. D. The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney-at-Law Preaident Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000 Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 1IY It All. AND WATKIl Columbia River Scenery C"- REGULATOR LINE Tho excursion steamer "BAILEY GATZKIt I " makes routul trips to OAS CADE l.OOKh every Sundar, leavlrtg l'OUTLANDntO a. in., returning ar rives 6 p. in. Dally service between Portland and Tho l'ullo, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. m.. arriving about 5 p. m., carrying freight and passengers. Sniend'd accommodations (or outfits and livostock. Dock foot of Alder street Portland; foot of Court t-treot, The Dalles. Tele phone Main 014; Portland. A STORM & COHI no siroighl Passenger Mis Daily WITH ' THROUGH PARLOR CARS KKTWSSM Portland, istorias Seaside Leavct onion Dire. Arrirea. Kor Margari, Kaln. ier.Clatikanle Wfktport.Cllltou, Anuria, Warren, tun, KUtcI, Gear, Adorla A 8aihor jprru Dallj. Anuria KipreM Pally l;Wa.a Pallr. 11:1U a. m. 7;00p.m 9:10 p. m. 3.A.8TKWAKT. ' J. C. MAYO, ' L'ouim'l Agt., -HA Alder 8t O. V, i f.A. Telephone Mala 906. m m s t 5 m-