K n Peculiar to Itself In combination, proportion and process, Hood's Sarsaparilla is therefore Peculiar to Itself in merit, sales and cures. It is made from the best blood-purifying:, alterative and tonic ingredients by such original and peculiar methods as to retain the full medicinal value of each and all. The severest forms of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, rheu matism, dyspepsia, and debility are cured every day by fLfl ,, k. rl Sold by druggists. 100 doses Sarsatabs Kor tlioio wlio prefor Imxllclno In talilot form, Hood's Hnntitimrilln In now jitit up In churn Intoil tiMota culled Knmntnlm, m wll M In tin) tiiual liquid form. HarsnlaliR hnvs Montlrallr Die Ouaiiantkki) under thu Food mid Cruel. "Cholly tells mo tlmt ho Iimh received n very llalterliij; offer for his serv icer." "Do you believe It?" "Why, yen. Any offer nt nil for bis btvIii'H would bo llattcrlng." Wuoli lUo'tou Ilernld. Proof of Merit. Tlio proof oft lio merits of d plnitcr li tbu etircx It t-llLCtt, iind tlio voluntary t Ntlliiolilnli oftlioo who Imvo used A II i cU'm I'IikIith during the putt Mxtv yours U unltniiM('hitlilu cvlili'iico of llilr h p crluilty mid hlionld convince tlio ino-t tits tlcitl. Bt'ir-tirnlmj 1 1 no recount i-n-dnlliiu, but certllk'utu from those who have uii) Ilium lire. AllcTk'M nru the orlglnnl nml gciiulnn porous iIiiIitm nml Imvi' never been ciiiiil il by tboe who lunu nought to trudo upon their ii'ptitiitlon by iimk ng jplii'tura with hue In them. Avulil hUbsiftutcs us you would tuiilL'ifelt money. OltPtl llllllMP, Tnther hnd Jimt sunk tlio cnrvlng Itnlfo In the turkey when thero came the tmiiiil ring ut the bell. "Look liere, .Maud," ho snld, Rtornly, "If Hint young mini of yours Is going to en II four nights a week regularly, tell him to come after dinner.'.' "It Isn't necessary, father," replied the young girl. "That's what ho comes nfler." New York Press. DOES YOUR BACK ACHt? Curo tho Kidneys nnd tho Cain Will Novor Return. Only nno suro way to curo nn nclilng Lack. Curo tlio cause, tlio kidneys. TIioiihuikIh toll o( cures iiiado by Donu's Kid ney TIIIh. John 0. Coleiiiiin, a prominent inorcliant of HwaitiH boro, On., sayH: "For rioveml years my kid neys woroufTcclod, anil my back iicluil day Hid night. I was Ian- pild, iiervtiiiH nnd lainu in the morning. Dunn's Kidney Tills helped mo right ii way, ami tlio great relief that fol lowed 'luts been permanent." Sold by nil dealers. CO cents n box. Foster Mllbtirn Co., Huffnlo, N. Y. gBPP .awsHtYV aaavSSasBBKi f IF YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN i YOU WANT IT X ALVAYS KEEP A DOTTLE OF ST. JACOBS OIL IM TUB IIOUSB AND YOU WILL HAVB A QUICK. SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR PAIN WllliRB YOU CAN OBT AT IT WHEN NBEDBD. PRICD 23c AND 30c In the Art Onttt'rr. I Kvn Look at that wonilerful paint-1 lug entitled "The Sunset." , Katharine Yw, anil they sny dust causes bctiitllul sunsets. i Kvn Well, 1 guess It would tnko n great deal of "dust" to buy thnt one. SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IN THE BLOOD "When the blood is pure, fresh niul healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth nnd free front blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu lation it.H presence in manifested by n fikhi eruption or disease. These humors j;ct into the blood, (jcncrnlly lccnuse of nn inactive or sluggish condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect nml carry off the waste nml refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour nml ferment nml soon the circulation becomes charged with the ncid poison, The blood begins to throw off the humors nml ncids through the jiorcs nml glands of the skin, producing JJczemn, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Walt Klicum nml skin eruptions of various kinds. Kczema appears, usually with u slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there Hows n sticky fluid that dries nnd forms a crust, nnd.the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, face, anus nnd legs, though other parts of the body mny bcnffcctcd. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks nml bleeds; the ncid itt the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which nrc intended to keep it soft nml pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition nnd giving it a hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face lu the T.i,irn,iiisr...n,.fn.fe.v fonu of pimples nml black heads, while yoVriuVa'iTofa.n' Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ-SIlffityAViLyjUS-tSkeh. VHt l,art? ! ." HX One of the worst inir niul uuraiiiKfpuatuloa would lorms lorm irom which tnoro nowoa a yuuid kin n OllW Vi wliuu I uauii H, B. a, I louud u ior loot cum, T.'iora tin navor boon ny lo turn cf tUo troubln. Otookiuun, Ifob. lies PURELY VEGETABE DklUUV I1UIU1U1 IIBLB V IIUIll UUI1III UII tho t.kln mid when aoratoliod otr sometimes causing baldness. Poison (Jak tho Bkiu wns wt na ruw as iteco nml Ivy nre nlso disagreeable types of skin &,brmi.TBwrSli Sn?ioU Jut disease. The humor producing he trouble skiu uuccuona, can never cure me irouute tiecausc they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation nnd forces out every particle of foreign matter nnd restores the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing even' fonu of skin affection. Hook on Skin Diseases nnd uuy medical ndvice desired sent free. to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale nt nil first class drug stores. TH SWIFT SKCmO CO., JkTtAMTA, 4. arsaparilla $i. Begin to take it today. nmn curative prorertlei an the liquid form, bi alilra iicruia y nfrtfmc, eonvc nlfiico, eton'ruy, ilicro l n n los liy evaporation, break ntte or Ivakago Hold by drututltn or itrn promptly by mull. C. I. II u oil Co , Iiowcll, Mm Drug Act, Jnuo 80. 11)00. No. 321. flamnel Wm All In. The minister of a negro church In Richmond gnrc out a funeral notice one .Sunday ns follows: "1 havo to nnnounco to you, bred ron find sisters, dat do funeral of da only survlvln' son of do Into Thomas Tinkers an' his widow, Martha Jnne Tinkers, both deceased, will tnke plnca nn come to occurrenco on Tuesday nc.it nt 12 in., noon precisely. "An' I Imvo to sny, bredrcn nnd sIsteM, dnt contributions for carryln' out dat funeral will bo In order nn' acceptations, or else do funeral can't take place, cxccptlu' nnd snvo only ns a plain burial ; fo' .Sninucl Tinkers has got Jes' money enough to bury himself without nny obsequious ccro monies, such ns ho deserves." liar Der's Wecklv. Mothers will find Mr. Window's toothing Bjrup tho txst remedy to uo for their cblldroa during tho toothing period. Htnrlc Amwr, ".Mr. Dlggn," snld tlio hostess, who wns giving nn "nt homo," "tlmt Mr. McMtin ticyN, whom you Introduced to me, docs not look tlio least bit llko n llternry man, yet you sny ho tins mndo a fortune by his pen." "Ho lie lins, Mrs. flrlggs," nnswered thu privileged friend. "Cattlo pen." Chicago Trlbuuc. Unntiimn of TlilriK". The Doctor It's linrd to clmrnctcrlr.e In fitting terms such abomlunblo weather ns this. Tho Trofcsxor Not nt nil; but It's hard to characterize It In terms fit for publication. flt. Vitus' DancB and all Nervoiu Dtaiwcs permanently ciiriM by Dr. Kllno's Urrnl treatise Ur. Ik JLKIInr, 11., 831 Arch Hk, l'litln.,1'. rvM iirainrnr. HAnn ror rur.i. uirmi nouia nnu Tlio Olilrat llnnk. Tho llnnk of Naples Is tho oldest bank In existence, for the Monto Vec chlo of Venlco mid tho Ilnnco San (llorglo at fienoa, both founded In tho twelfth century, Imvo ceased to exist, I ns hns nlso tho Hank of Ilarcelonn, ' fnllfiilwl In tlm fnnifi.(.nli rnntiipv. H'lTi. Hank of Naples was founded In 15.19 nnd Is n state bunk with it considera ble capital n'othor?-0 TJnyttlV and scnuiiied ,,,ul ff;., ho Ji,lS, ..," J0,,,tl.ennl n slight noise, nnd, looking up, k. with no shareholders. .... ... ..,.' ... .. ,,mi.liv. nia .ifn claim. I stock bank, Kaalfy Natlafleil. "nut," protested old Ootrox, "I do not wish you for n sondn-lnw." "Well." replied young Do Short, "If tlmt's tho wny you feel nbout It glvo mo a good salaried position In your ofllco nnd we'll let tt go nt thnt" ot sum trouble is bait Klicum; its favorite point of nttack is the scalp, donnnnt in the blood through the Winter to break out nnd torment the sufferer with the return of Spring. The best treatment for nil skiu diseases is S. S. S. It neutralizes the ncids nnd removes the humors .so that the skiu instead of being irritated nnd diseased, is nourished by a supply of fresh, healthy blood. External , applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc., while they soothe the itching causal by POKTIjAKD Ml ' H-H-lH-M-H-t' . 4 1 GOOD I: Short Qtofles" vH"l-H "H-HtlfH .! I 1 1 In London n Indy snld ono dny to Whistler : "Do you think, Mr. Whistler. that genius Is hereditary?" "I enn't tell you, nindain," Whistler replied. I "Heaven lins grunted me no offspring." Tho poet, John O. Hnxe, nnd Oliver Wendell Holmes wero tnlklnjt nbout brain fever, when Mr. .Snxe rcmnrked: "I onco had n severe attack of brain I fever myself." "How could you hnvo 1 brain fovor?" asked Dr. Holmes, smll lug: "It Is only strong brnlns thnt hnvo ibrnln fovor." "How did you find thnt out?" nsked Snxe. Chnncellor .Timies It. Day wns onco ndvlslng u young undergradunto of By racUFKj Unlrerslty to cultlvnto tact "Hut, nlns," ho snld, "I fear thnt nd vice on such n subject must alwnys bo wnBtetl." On tact tho Inst word wna Bjwken by Hnrboy D'Aurovlllo when ho said: "If tact could bo bought, only thoso nlrendy jwssesscd of It would wont to buy It" This letter wns received nt tho post ofllco department nnd sent to the poHt funster general. Thu letter canio from n Western postmaster at n small ofllco nnd rend: "In nccordanco with tho rules of tho department, I write you to Inform you that on tint Haturdny I will close tlio imstolllce for ono day, as I nm going on a hear hunt. I nm not asking your permission to cloo up nnd you can dlscliargu mo If you wnnt to. Hut I will ntlvlxo now that I nm thu only man In tho county who can rend and write." A witness was being examined ns to the sanity of one of the Inmates of the asylum. "You hold that this Inmate Is Insane, do you 7" a lawyer nsked. "I do," was the llrni reply. ' Why nro you ho sure?' 'Tho man," thu witness said, "goes about asserting that ho Is Santa Clans." "And," snld tho lawyer, "you hold, do you, that when a man goes about asserting that ho Is Sitnta Clans, U'h a clear proof of his Insanity?" "I do." "Why?" "Ilecause," said the wit ness, In a loud, Indignant voice, "I hap' pen to bo Santa Clans myself." Sidney Dallas of Melbourno told n group of reporters In Treniout Temple, Hoston, this temperance story : "A Mel txmrno husband stayed out till about ,'i a. in. This mini, when ho got home, thought that ho would go boldly to the bathroom nnd tnko n bath. That wounl Toinovo from his wife's mind nny sus '. . , 8"oxv "or to his condition. It woti.l In n word, that ho was nil right. So ho undressed, lined tUo tub, and plunged In. Hot and enfevoreu ns ho wns. he enjoyed tho bath. As ho say Ills wife In the doorway. Ills wlfo was regurdlng lilm with nn expression of unsiwukabio contempt. Ho wns rath er nmazed nt that. Hut ho snld noth 'lug. lie lowered his head and went on 1 scrubbing. 'Well, what are you doing?' 1 sho nsked. 'Cnn't you seu what I'm do ing?' ho answered. Ho rubbed up somo moro lather. 'I'm taking a bath.' Slio 'sniffed and said as sho turned to go: j'Why don't you tako off your under .ii.tii.. .im.i ii viunil.-n, iiivi. Hulled I'rrNlilttiit'n Dliilii'r. Kx-Senator Coekrell probably Is tho only man In Washington who ever kept President Uoosevclt waiting at n dinner. It was one of tho cabinet din ners that wero given by the Secretary of tho Interior and Mrs. Hitchcock threo years ago. The President aud Mrs. Itoosevelt arrived In due time, ns did all tho other guests except Sena tor Coekrell. After n delay of almost an hour Mrs. Hitchcock Invited her guests to the dlu lng room nnd dispatched a messenger to tho residence of Senntor Coekrell to mako Inquiries. Great fear was felt that tho MlB.sou.rlan had r-tarted and had fallen by tho wny, as tho dny was n cold and wintry one. Tho fact was, however, that tho senator was sitting quietly at homo when the messenger got there, clad In his dressing gown nnd slippers and congratulating him holf that he could bo tudoois. He had put tho date of thu dinner In his cal endar lu largo and nttraetlvo hand writing, but had forgotten to turn u leaf and wns, ncoordlngly, a d.iy be hind time. No ono appreciated tho Joko more thnu did the president, nnd thu dinner thnt began In anxiety and apprehension ended In n big laugh at tho dear old senator. Denver Times. Ilunn Up (or flood, "This bill U too high," said the cus tomer. "Too high?" ejaculated tho laundry man. "Thnt's what I said ; too high." "Hut, man, do you know how long It takes to do up a shirt?" "Why, about four washings!" You Iters, N. Y tateinnn. Itraxounlile, Lady I.lttle boy, how much do you sell this lemonade for? Hoy This kind Is 3 cents it glass, and that Is 5. Lady Why, what makes tho differ ence In prleo? Hoy Well, you see, me dog Ml u this a-cent kind. Cornell Widow. 1IU Hye uu thu Mlu Chuiit'e. Father Young Upperton Is going to propose for your baud soon. Daughter How do you know? Father I heard ho has been making Inquiries ns to my financial staudlus. Illustrated Hits. new age Personal knowledge competitive age and when of ample character it place, it. fortunate poaaeeeor in the front ranks of Informe, of h WorId. A vast fund of peraonal knowledge ! really cential to the achievement of the hlgheat excellence in any field of humfcn effort. A Knowledge of Form, Knowledge of Tanctlona and Knowledge of Produota are all of the utmewt value and in question of life and health when a true and whoWome remedy U derfred it ahouU be wnem bered that Syrup of Figs and Elbdr of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, i. an ethical product which haa me with the approval of the moetem. tnent phydcians and give, unlverwl wtUfaction. becau. it i. a remedy of Known Quality. Known Excellence and Known Com ponent Parte and ha. won the valuable patronage of million of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own pewonal knowledge and from actual ue that it W the firt and be.t of family laxative, for which no extra vagant or unreasonable claim, are made. Thi valuable remedy ha been long and favorably known under tha name of Syrup of Fig and ha attained to world-wide acceptance a. the moet excellent family laxative. A It pure laxative principle., obtained from Senna, are well known to phyrician and the Well Informed of the world to be tho beet we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna-a mora fully decriptive ot the remedy, but doubtleMly it wiU alway be called for bythehortet name of Syrup of Fig and to get it. beneficial effect, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig 3 COarSVILLE.KY:. The cow trco of Venezucln gives off nn" excellent sap very closely resembling ani mal milk In Kb chemical nature. Only One "BROMO QUININE" Tli at lii I.AXAT1VK 1IUOMO quinine. Ftml larlr named remedies nompllmca ilorclvo. Iliu flnl and orlKliml Cold Tablet l aWlliTK l'ACKAOK with Clack nml red lettorliifr, aud bean tho ilgnaturo o( K. W. UltOVK. tto. Enclno drivers working from Crcwo to London and back havo to notlco no fowcr than 570 sljnuli. PlltS CURtD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT li Ruaronteet to curs any cane of lchlnu, blind, bleeding or protruding pile In A to II dayi or money roluudod.&Oc. There ore four millionaires in Great Urltaln to ono In France. Thera li moro Catarrh tn this lection of tho country than all other dlicasei put together, and until the latt few years wu itiiipoaed to ba Incurable. For a great many yearidoctori pro nounced It alocat UUeaio, and pretcrlbedlocal remedial, and by ooiutantly fulling to curo with local treatment, pronounced tt tncurablo. Hclenca hai proven catarrh to bo a conatltu tlonal dlteasa, and theruforo requires oonitltu tloualtroattnent. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by J J. Cheney & Co. .Toledo. Ohio, Is the only comtltutlonal cure on the market. It la taken Internally in dotes from 10 drops to a teaipoonful. It aots directly on the blood and muo us surfaces ot the nystom. They offer one hundred dollars (or any rue It falls to cure. Send (or circulars and teatlmonlals. Address, K. J. CIIENKY d CO., Toledo, O Bold by Druinjlits, 7.1o. Hall's Family I'llli are the best. Female bouse servants command from $5 to 1-0 a month In South Africa. CASTOR I A lor Infanta and Children. Tki Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears tho Signature of &v. liouax and Short of It. Scribbles Now tbut you bnvo begun to write iwetry I suppose you will wear your tmtr long. Dribbles I'll bear it ns long bi I can, but, of course, I expect to becomo buld sooner or litter. ERRY5 prove their worth at harvest time. Afteroverfiftyyeamof success, they are pronounced the best and surest by careful Slanter everywhere. Your ealer sella them. 194)7 See ft mil free on request. av M. rtUil tN vmtmi. auaa. MISTAKE OILED CLOTHING wul alve you cosh pwie protection Mid long service You ctuvt afford to Ury any other Every garment guaranteed ThsMatVMsaraaIM av 4 !,. MAKEW m Ilrlfl' Ms A&JUB ow Personal Knowledgi is tha winning factor tn tho culminating cdnteet of this Syrup Co. printed on the front of erety package, whether-you call for Syrup of Fig or by the full name Syrup of Fig ana immu w i n.'!. c a. 5AN FRANCISCO, CAUv londonTenglan Tl i II DAINLESS TENTISTRY Jfc SVsBfort You Co EImwIkm DOMINATIONS TRCE OoM Crowns, J Ilrldio Work, per tooth, fit l'l atta, 3t Hilver l-llllpg, toot Uoljrillluri.ll. YALE DENTISTS WH First Btret VOlt'l L.KSD, OnKQON PRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, (Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACiriC NURSCRY CO Catalogue Free. Tantcnt, Oret on AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Mads In all atylra ami all alans, Ut wttrr and oil aaywlirre. Heat Drilling Tools Diade. U cata logs ana prices. BEAIX tt CO. 321 Hawthorns Avtu Portland, Of. muleTeam BORAX makes clothes snowy white, hyalen Ically clean and will not Injure the tin eat fabrics, shrink flannels or cause col ors to run. All ttelera. Famplo Dorax, Doohlet and Soitv. enlr i'lcturo In 10 colnra, S renta ami your ilt-al. er's name. Aililreas l'AOIFlU COAST 110KAX CO., Oakland, Cal. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOESt W. L D0U61A8 $4.00 SILT EDGE 8H0E8 CANNOT K EQUAUEO AT ANY PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY Men'tnnoM, aatoaji.ou. iioya- tiitoes, SM to sli.aa. Woiurn'a SIkms, S4 to l.fiO, Mlasea' Jt Children's hlio, SJ3.85 to 1.0. W. ti. Douglas shoes aro recogulzod by to do me ooji n styio.ut anu wear prouueeu in niu country. JS part ot tha shoe aud every detail of the making is looked after and watohod over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost. It I could take you Into my laree factories at Brookton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, tit bette Tear longer, and aro of greater value than any other makes. ng' prlwa an4 Interior alw. 'Ik fin Nahatllulr. Sola tyih Wtl tho trtWn tltriwhtlK OM Are always reported when Seeds are planted. Why ? best on this Coast Our Annual tells all about our rerumers. incuoators. Wt Boli N. I Tiwa. Sfcruta. PORTLAND SEED CO. Partlansj, Ormgmn s rm i y YW i NEW YORK.N.Y HOWAltn R Iailvlllp. I nuUTON.-Ansnrrr nra Chemlit. JsdvltlP, Colnriulo. Nwliuvn nrlirjt Hold, Kllr.r.lad, Coinx-r.il. l . SI i Until. Hllv.ir.7Jct (loltl. , 60oZlnoor Coiiim-MI Cynnldo tent. Millli)cnVDlorH-i nd 10,1 mil price Hat sent on ; uu unco uai irnma n illcatlon. Control and Um inroworn qi iloual llauk. Irnworkaallclled. lUlcruuctl uubonni aw ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland OrestMl EXCURSION To Sunny Alberta CANADA March 25 and every two week thereafter; $42 for round trip, which includes berth andmeaU. Trip costs you nothing if you buy land. Write and learn about our Spe cial Pullman Car Ex curston. H. E, Barnum Land Go. Portland, Oregon 214-215 Chamber of Commcrco P. N. U. No. 11-07 WHEN wrltliiK to advertisers plM I Bianllua this paper. I AT ALL PRIOESl expert Judgos of footwear WmWm ' V i- IK E f BaTsassaKwSv BUSSaBKv IV Amm i The Finest Gardens Portland Seed Co.a "Diamond Brand" Because we sell you the kinds that grow handsomely Illustrated and descriptive Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps. orooaers, rouury ana tsee supplies. JM Wa aha l a accUl caialor tu. Botk H 2b1 ' M ruia. ctr - Spefcam. Wash. ; tr""""f"w"-' ,