POBTLAKD NEW AGE 'A V I ' : iFAmwr. hatfk : $ HOTEL COST $1,000,000. The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmhw. Antarlaan Plan, $3 P01 and Um war dm HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon Telephone U0-I1 I'. 0. lloxMl The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAH. A. BCIIUAUK, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Grandon The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 The New Bannock. Hotel NOUMAN & AHMBTUONO, I'ropi. Headquarters For Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold. Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Pocntello Idaho The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, 12.50 and Up ' European Plan f 1.00 and Up Finest Cafa in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PKDICOKD, Proprietor Rates 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 Rooms with Private Baths Both American and European Private Telephones in Rooms first-Class Grill in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE, WASH. . irk iHiflrn aav flaS I r JESx I AtfL A I JsBiitu 4 FgfjfffttffftJI JJL mmaaaWSmmi '&Wm BMllliiinKTriATT. iiLilXlii"nJ-Tii!!!rjiiiyvTT!n i J LEADING HOTELS PORTLAND. THIS ESMOND HOTEL 030 All ANDKItSON Malinger Hates: Kurncnn Han Wf, 76c, L0O, 11.60, i.00 per ilny Fruo Hun to and (rum all Tralna Front and Morrlrou StrcetR POIITLAND OltEOON ? DLJLUTH MINN. 2 lULUIII 1TII1111. : I HENRY FOIZ Lending grocery and mar ket. Wo servo tlio traveling public nt rcasonnblo prices. 114 and 110 West Superior street. DULUTH, MINN. I IDAHO ADVERTISING : Thoi. lllytb, Pro Lyman Fargo, Vice Proa The Blyth & Fargo Co. Poratcllo, Idaho General Merchandise BTOKES AT Evanston, Wyo. Pocatello, Idaho BANK0FNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 ritaMUbcd HOT. Honey I'alaco Hotel Illd'g. FltKD 0. MOCK. IVtldent F. J. COS HO V, Vlco-l'reildciit 0. It. 1IICKKY, Caahler FItANK JF.NKIN80S, Au'tCathier NAMPA, IDAHO J, A. Murray, I'retUent. I). V. SUnJrod, Vice lrtlilent Wm. A. Anthci, Cathltr I.N.Aathei, Ami, Caihltr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocntwllo, Idaho. POCATELLO, - IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers (lOODWIN MINiNO CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AGKNT8 FOU TI1K CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER Nampa, Idaho D. W. Ofaurcb Karle C. Wbtte C. C. Chilson CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Pocatello Idaho i m L.aaaa. . rHHHHHHHHHBHHL" iif aaaaaaaaaamammaaraaaaaaaaaaart ONE OF COLORADO'S WONDERS. HftSjuCSKJSHHHK'kL: v" iJaaaaaaaaaa9aaaamkmaaaaWai HnlxsaVxllKniJn -. ' y91amrawaaW wWamWUNnnmW:kWmnamna& V JHH BlHiUBVSrfMK'HBlr9MBLHaHflB N rJlJWaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaWSaaaaam WBSSaSlaamamaSaamaaaam maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFwamaaammmaVataaamaawf aaaAtaaammamamSaaaamatmmaaaaammaaaaaaaamaa laaammBmmLXiSllBBSaBffaaaaaW jPMBKjbke - - . nfBBWff IBBIPWi t i aamhmiSaawSaaaaamamTaaaamaamwaaamWiaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa999aaMaaaaV"aaaaaaBaaZaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??Jaaal vMmr? mwmw-JaaaaawUaalaaaaaaaaaaaaV9aaaawMWrmmaaaam Ut -i!4Asv igM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaamaar z . xjaaaaaaaaaaaaa .iaaaiaaaaaaal MOUNT OF T1IK HOLY CHOSS. Justice lms only rcccutly been douo to one of tlio most majestic uioun tains of Colorado. For boiiic years a persistent rumor bus been ntlont that the famous Mount of the Holy Cross bad suITercd nu accident In tlio sbnpo of u rock slide which hnd destroyed ono of the nrins of the cross, or rather hnil filled up one of tlio transverse canons and excluded tlio snow therefrom, thus obliterating n portion of tlio cross. Photographs showing this defect lmvo actually been mnde, but n short time ago tlio Denver and Itlo Grnndo Unit rond sent Its photographers, W. II. Jackson, tlio noted landscno artist of Detroit, nnd George L. Beam of Denver, on a trip to the wonderful Holy Cross region, for tho purpose of proving or disproving the statement as to the partial destruction of the cross. Leaving tho town of Hod Cliff, nfter nn Immense amount of hnrd trav eling through nn almost unbroken wilderness, tho summit of Notch Mountain, n long and Jagged eminence directly opjwslto tho Mount of tho Holy Cross, was reached, nnd from the first point of view one of tho arms of tho cross did appear to bo missing. However, on bcnrlng to the right and rising higher a fine thread of snow became visible on thnt portion of the summit, and after continuing In this direction for soma distance the entire left arm appeared and It was found thnt tho cross wns as complete and tenutlful as ever. A comparison of tho new photographs with tho first one over mndo, widen Mr. Jackson took thirty-three years ago, shows practically aq change even In tho spots of snow on tho mountain, to say nothing of any alterations In the masses of rock of which It Is composed. Evidently tho story of tho demolition wns started by persons who hnd not ascended to tho proper height or at tho proper point to obtain the full view of tho cross. Doubtless this magnificent mountain will retain Its shape nnd remain ono of tho wonders of America for many generations to come. Toledo niade. MEMOEIES OF THE 7AAX. 53 When I was n boy wo had ono unfail ing Job husklug corn. Wo husked all winter. We husked from crop to crop. It Mas like a curbo on my life. It was tho unfailing remedy for tho least appearance of laziness. "Go down to the north field and husk a few bushels n com." Thnt was tho order und it had to 1)0 obeyed. And with a corn crop running Into tho billions of bush els they still husk It by hand. Why doesn't somebody who Is sorry for farmer boys, Invent something? Hush nell, in Cincinnati Post. SILENCE CLUB OF PARIS. Sleiubcra IJo Not TnlU Unleaa They llure HumrttiluK to HnT 'It Is not surprising thnt tho first voiir of the Silence Club of Paris has closed with Biich gratifying results that tho club mny bo snld to lmvo achieved success In Its decidedly uultpio sphere of usefulness," remarked a psycbolo KlBt to a Washington Star man. "I look for similar clubs to be es tablished In this .country among tho cult, us their foundation nnd purpose Is anything but a Joke or of a freakish nature. Tho Idea is new in mis coun try, however, though tho success of tho Paris Institution will give It an Im petus among the advanced thinkers among us and those who have made the Interesting problem of mental phil osophy a critical or a pastime' study. 'The rules of the society do not call for absolute silence, but the members ate supposed not to talk unless they have something to say. Chatter Is ab solutely tabooed. Each member pledges himself to avoid noisy places and par ticipation in public demonstrations. At a recent meeting the members declared that since they had Joined the club tbelr nervous systems were In much better condition than before they be came members, "Of course such a club could not be composed of the fair sex, even though they were all devout believers In and followers of psychological teachings. A congregation comitosed of silent women would be Impossible of conception, and whllo our fair sisters may experience chagrin that they are to be shut out of participating in any form of club life among themselves that Is also Indulged In by tbelr brothers, tula la one form of assembly thnt bars them out. Neith er would politicians bo ellglblo for membership, unless as a disciplinary measure. "Tho club Is based upon tho sound psychological prlnclplo of not doing unnecessary things or calling tho lirnlii cells Into play by unnecessary thought. In practical everyday llfo this princi ple Is cxemplllled In tho establishment of retrcnts among certain of tho relig ious creeds to which members mny ro pnlr for meditation and rest, and In medical circles It Is shown In another form In tho so-called rest cuiv. If ono wishes to enter Into a study of a mild form of this particular prlnclplo let him consider tho amount of wasted en ergy, physical and mental, that the av erngo pornon each day expends In need less tnlk and needless nction; It will bo found to ho prodigious. All rules of mechanics convorgo to tho concentration of force and tho elimination of wasto energy. In hu man affairs generally every Individual endeavors to expend ns much energy ns bo can in tho simplest as In tlio greatest of Ids endoavors, seeming to think that tho mnro forco ho puts Into an net, a thought or a speech tho hot ter It is." Tlio i:r of Ineects, Simply becnuso a beo has no enrs on tho sides of Its bond It is no sign what ever thnt It Is wholly without somo sort of nu auditory nerve.'' This Is proved by tho fact that grasshoppers, crickets, locusts and llles all have tholr ears situated In queer places under the wings, on tho mldd'o of tho body anil oven on tho Hides of their legs, Tho common house ily does Its hearing by mentis of homo little rows of corpus cks which nro situated on tlio knobbed threads which occupy tho phico which nro tnken tip by tho hind wings of oth er species of insects. Tho garden slug or shelless snail has Its orguns of bear ing situated on each sido of Its neck, und tlio common grasshopper lms them on each of Its broad, Hut thighs. In some of the smaller Insects they nro ut tho bases of tho wings and In others on the bottom of the feet Scrantou Truth. 4BOr Things fa Kaasaa. A Kauans City man has Just suc ceeded in getting a patent on an elec tric motor fastened on n cow's back, tho olcctrlclty being generated by a dynamo attached to her tall. It strains tho milk and hangs up the pall and tho strainer. A small phonograph ac companies tho outfit and yells "Sol" when tho cow moves. If sho kicks a hinged arm catches the milk stool and lams her over tho back. Osawatomle Globe. Ilia Normal Oat, First Nurse The doctor aaya you must observe old Mr. Skinflint's mean temperature. Second Nurse He hasn't any other kind. Baltimore American. Uncle Elin. Don't criticise folk foh not beln' sat isfied," said Uncle Khcu. "When a man Is real satisfied, he's IPIilo to Kit do hlg head an' be disagreeable." Washing ton Star. ' CAFE Phone Main 2318 CON HILGERS 381 N. 17th St. Portland, Oregon UBUb'8 CAI'B Choice Wlnrs, Miinm nnd ClgArx. Family oanlon In roiini'utinn. TrniiMuut room. Un ion linr. Wm. Hull, Trott. I'himc Mnln 2201. Cor. 2.1d and Tliurman 81., Portland, Orrgnn. Photic Hood &77 THE OLD HOME F. P. MKK1IAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. fc'cu'iitcenth and Nortlimp Rt. Portland, Oregon ELDERBRAU GROTTO KMCKSON A IIMKl, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars 54 Sixth Street MAIN 4iro PORTLAND, ORE. ANDREW SWANSON Fine Wines & Liquors Cor. 23d and Washington PORTLAND, OR. SERING & HILL Fine "Wines & Liquors Family Trade a Specialty 340 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. rhcat Pacific 2U9 Work Done On Short Nolle The Never Regret Cleaning and Pressing Parlor (Monnliiir, Pri'iodnir, l)iclii nnd ;iti'nlrlliff. HI on m nnd French l)ry t'lfniilnK a HixtIhIIV. Bulla Prexovd While You Wnlt. 132 N. Slilh Slreel, PORTLAND, OREGON C H. COBB KMlmnti'N (liven nn All CIrm'k of Plumbing and Heating Work Phono Knot 2.M7 ltolilence Knit 'J0I0 247 Holiday Ave. PORTLAND, ORE M. J, (lordlier. Phone Mnln 1W0 M. (Inrdnvr GARDNER BROS. MHiinfnrtiirerii nf the. Silk Tie Cigars UNION MADE 20 Madison Street PORTLAND, OREGON WEEKS GRANITE CO. saB For First Class Work and LOWEST PRICES in Portland Cor. fourth and Columbia Streets One Block South of City Mall DRUGS, STATIONERY IMPORTED & DOMESTIC PERFUMES Prescriptions, Family llerlrt'H. Pliono your ordois Kast olflt). W. C. CHURCH, Pharmacist G77 Williams Ave., Cor. forgo 1XTAIII.1HIIKI) IMA Multnomah Trunk & Bag COMPANY MHnufndurcmnf SUIT CASES T D 1 1 II V Q TELESCOPES STRAPS I 11 U II A 0 BAGS Mail Orders Promptly Attended To Telephone Cast 24 121-131 E.WaterSt. PORTLAND, ORE AMBLER & WATTERS The Real Estate Brokers Corvallis, Oregon Fine Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property for Sale or Rent Independent Phone' 225; Send for List DRINK Crystal High -Class Carbonated Beverages CRYSTAL BOTTLING CO. TeKiphoiivJMalii 717H Ginger Alo in Kyphons a Specialty Family Trade Supplied, 249 Madison St. Portland, Oregon THE AVENUE CLUB a nii rr The Avenue .Oyster House 1. P. KALI,, Prop. Preili Ojntern oi'ii dally, Plata, (lunrt'uul loin, DuUvert'd any idace. The Beti of Wln(, Liquor and Cigars Tlio lx.it of Mcati, Hull, Oyttera and (lamv. Open Day and Night UA WlllUm .K in no U, William A vtiiiio Phono Kant ICI'J I'QItT!,ANU OltKGON Ericson Undertaking Co. Incorporntcd Funeral Directors and Embalmers LADY ASSISTANT Plione Mnln CI33 POUTI.AND 409-411 Alder Htrcct OKKdON Rupert's Pharmacy piiom: main M2t Hvurylliliitt New, Fresh and Up-To-Date. We sol e t your trade. Purity p continent. Pure l)riu:B nn important matter. I'reseriptlonH precisely ptepared. We mvor sub stitute. I'crfumuH of the highest character. e wtint your conlldunco IfiO Iclfrnon SI. Corner Thlrlcrnlh St. Pnrllnnrl Or Opp. Uullivont's Grocery rOrllUIIU, Vr. WESTERN SODA WORKS JUCIIKMlCIt ,t CltAMKIt, Pro.. MnnufnclincrH of Carbonated llover- njieH, Kvrup-. Ixtrtut-, Mineral Wntont and ( linnii nirim Cider. Soli' dintrilv- utorsof Hrditillo Mineral Water. Phono rnclllcl7i):. Office and Ftctcry, 204 Mill Street PORTLWD. OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Knrniorx, Tonniatera nti'l llornmncn. look to your liilcrvxl. When In lived of llornoi Collnrs, l)ii jr the Ik'kI tho SHARKEY COLLAR It hn utood the toitt of wenr nnd tenr anil' el l in Mo for twenty jcnrn. Ante your itealrr for thein nnd liulut on having tho "Khar key." v P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon Furniture Quality Wo sell Quality goods Fur niture that is made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets and stoves. That's the kind we fall COVELL FURNITURE GO. 184-186 FIRST All the Credit You Want The SAVINGS BANK of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company PAYS 4 Per Cent Yearly Interest On Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Semi-Annually We Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Certificates of Deposit And 3 Per Cent on Dally Balances of Check Accounts Save a Dollar Today and It Will Work for You Tonorrow A Hank Account Is tho first step to ward happiness, prosperity and comfort Hanking Hours, U a. in. to I p. in. ; Saturdays, U a in. to 1 p. in,; Saturday evenings, f. p. in, to 8 p. in. PIKKCTOHSU'in. M. Lndd, J. Thorhurn 1Um, T. T. Uurkhart, Fniiik M Wnnen, George II, Hill. OFFIOKH8-J. Tliorburji lioss, PrtH ident; (icoro II. Hill, Vice President ; T. T. Uurkharl, Treasurer j John K. Altclilron, Htcretary, 240 Washington Street Corner Second PORTLAND OREGON i.J i ? V r m.lmffpmGr " r"pii jsin rniifti ill ' Vv 1 M