...i i.m.i,r i.j.i1Mmtl .j. Trri -n 1'ORTIiAND KEW AGE THE W. G. M'PHERSON COMPANY Heating, Ventilating and Drying Engineers WARM AIR FURNACES "NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 47 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Tacoma Warehouse TACOMA, THE BITULITH1C PAVEMENT BEST BY EVERY TEST For Streets, Driveways and Crosswalks. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 314 Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon HENRY WEINHARD'S BREWERY Manufacturers and Bottlers of the Well Known Brands of Lager Beer " EXPORT " "KAISERBLUME" "COLUMBIA" IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Trade and Families Supplied Brewery and Office BURNSIDE & 1 3th STS. DAVID II. IIKKt'llKK, HIIINKY CI.AItK. l'rsl.lont, tashlor. Union National Bank Incorpornlctl 1800 CAPITAL $100,000 Pays Interest on Time Deposits THE OLD BANK CORNER Grand Forks, NORTH DAKOTA O. C. IILINTZ, Miiiiuucr. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. STRUCTURAL, STEEU AND IROIN Steel Bridges, Upset Rods and Bolts, Cast Iron Colums and all Architectural Iron. Sidewalk Doors and Lights. All Kinds of Castings. EAST END BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE, PORTLAND, OR r I SPOKANE First National Bank of Rock Springs HOCK Hl'lllNtlH, WV0M1NU CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 liVliKV ATUINTION (IIVI1N TO HUSINHSS IJNlKDSlliDTO US s&T TTMIB 5P0KAN6 The Model Dry Goods Store of the Model Western City VISIT SPOKANE. When you do, visit THE CRESCENT, its model store, and one of the most interesting show places in what Elbert Hubbard has called the model city of America. Visitors will find her a Bureau of Information where reliable Information of all kind regarding the city may be obtained. Alto free Parcel Check Room, Public Telephone and comfortable waiting room with lava torial for women. Spokane Agents for North Star Blankets, the kind used on all Pullman coaches. Pure Foods" and Sperry Mil U. S. A. Phone Cast 57 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete dock of Drue and P.ttrnt MtAlelntm In V fniinri In th Tnl.nI Empire. Price cuanteed iow a, the iowch, uur rrcKripuun icpannicm merili your confidence. 421 Riverside Ave. Mariso Block '" I AtEsW kjJiti f u i'BUsEEEESESflBEEK jriif lhaLBaHsBaHsBSHBHBi BP4f2Xss4V BkBHHkl BbBbBSBSbs B.usw..A't4B1VjBBBBBBBBBBBBBj -?il".'&Mt V-'iBBBBBBV KTH.&BBBBfBBB&B INOLAND'S APOSTLE OF HSnBBBvHw0Hlf7 '' .jaY tLff&?alBaBl Ik fj-f JwTWP (KPHET UM 'u& fc HnK XkaBs"asaasl IISEBK!i3S8c?1ISflSBHm2SEB99HiiEluiH tf J lsSsflsEKTSBNBSsBaKBHBBBp HiiJIIINpnDHnHpWj .,2iflsHLHKBaV9AsssssssVSsH lis KJBHH Gtf-t' ,.HH ",sVfflsgBllnssHsBBl l!lwililfiSK ral&HBilHflH n,'NR!?Q9Br-rKRM iSilSWlR'it. iatWWKWW HOI K'rfJjm jhHBHil vw bHpssssbWV iSiflliiiiBBiiflkiiiHiiiiBv i--aiBKiaiHBnan REV. II. J. CAMPBELL WITH A FAVORITE COW. Rov. R. J. Campbell of London declares himself openly In frtvor of tho sow theology and admits that tuo story of the full Is not to bo taken as history but ns u symbolical story. He also declares that he cannot accept tlio doctrines of vicarious atonement and thu belief that Christ while on earth wns cociiual with (loil. Slnco this dei'hir.ttloti Mr. Campbell's services at tho City Temple have been more crowded than ever nnd hundreds aro turned away every Sunday. In his homo life Mr. Campbell Is very'fond of agricul tural pursuits and spends much time In the fields nnd In his garden. ajgg'1 I ftopul?rSjfcience I Somo of tho greatest authorities on radium now Incline to tho belief that It Is a compound rather than n chem ical clement. According to nn ofllclnl of tho geolog ical survey at Washington, the heaviest metal Is (Minium, which has, bulk for bulk, very nenrly twice tho weight of lead. Tho bikx'HIc gravity of gold Is about lVi. while that of osmium Is al most 2-'V6. Osmium Is nlso tho most Infualblo of metals, remaining unaffect ed by a degree of heat capable of cam- lug platinum to run llko water. It oven reslstH the Inconceivable tompcra- turo of tho electric nrc. It Is roortod that tho Invlslblo mili um emanations affect germinating seeds oven when these aro covered with a layer of soil very much tho same as n too powerful application of sunlight to the seed. In other words, tho effect Is similar to that produced by too much light, resulting In nn arresting of germi nation. Tho effect Is Influenced by tho nature of tho seed covering, Its distance from the sourco of emanation and tho quantity of moist soil Intervening. Tho greatest Industry of Australia Is Bheep raising, mainly for fho salco of tho wool, but also In part, of amnio, for tho meat. Australia now ranks bo onil among tho great sheep-raising coun tries, Argentina being llrst with 0-,-000,000 sheep, Australia second with 72, 000,000 and Itussla third with "0,000, 000. Hut a few years ago Australia was first, possessing no less than 100, 200,000 head of sheep. That wns In 1801. Prolonged droughts were tho ciuiso of tlw destruction of many mill ions of Australian sheep, but slnco 1002 there has been an annual gain. Yet these sheep wore not Indigenous to Aus tralia. They were first Introduced In 1707, being of tho Spanish merino spe cies. If you ask your grocer, "What aro tho best English walnuts?" ho will re ply, "French ones." Thoy aro cxjiorted chiefly from Grenoble, and aro known as (Irenoblo nuts. Tho suggestion hav ing been mado that excellent walnuts could bo raised In many of our South ern States, at ft dlstanco from tho humid and swampy coast lands, tho Department of Commerce has collected luterccttlng facts about tho cultivation of tho trees In Franco. They grow best ut altitudes between 000 ami 1,000 feet. Tho young tree are very suscep tible to extrenio heat or cold. To main tain tho quality of tho nuts frequent grafting Is practiced. Perfect nuts grow only on tho outer limbs, exposed to tho air and sun, ami the Inner limbs are kept trimmed down. Tho trees are planted with plenty of room about them, and every year or two tho ground Is dug up and fertilized. The space between can be utilized for pas turage or crops. Just (he Opposite. "How Is your brother, Harker?" "Ob, bo Is In a business that will open your eyes." "You don't sayl What Is It?" "Why, be sells alarm clocks," "That's funny. My brother Is la a business that will close your eyes," "Really? What la It?" "Why, ho markets onions." Every man In his relation to every other man is a hypocrite; be pretends that he Is wiser and better than he la, and the other man detects him In the deception, though he pretends to be de ceived. A New York man wrote a book enti tled "How to Succeed," but he didn't succeed ui sell lug It, "THE HEW THEOLOGY." ' MULTIPLICATION OF FISH. Uueiulea Irevent Ton flrrnt n Niin' ber Mvlnir In Mittus-ltr. fiomo faint conception of tho groat destruction of eggs nnd young fishes and of tho comparatively limited num ber of them to attain full growth may ho formed from tho statements of those who havo mado n study of fish product ivity, says the Mobile Register. Thus tho great English naturalist, Ituffon, mado a careful Investigation of tho utimltcr of eggs produced by n female herring and on that basis calculated tho Increaso for twenty years. Ills conclusion wns that tho Increase of a single pair of herring, If all reached maturity, would In a score of years amount to n mass us large as our earth. Without going extensively Into tho figures of thoso who havo mado n study of this subject It Is only neces sary to remember that tho herring Is n comparatively smnll fish, and that somo of the larger species aro almost equal ly prolific. Thus 10,000,000 eggs havo been found In n fomalo codfish, nnd it Is stated that ono will produce not less than 45,000,000 young In n slnglo sen son. Tho eggs In n femalo eel were counted, nnd the number wns ascertain ed to bo nbout 10,000,000. Other com mon fishes, whllo not so prolific as these, aro enough so to mnko us won der Just how long all tho waters of tho earth would contain tho fishes If nil tho eggs that aro spawned should reach maturity. Tho seas nnd tho oceans nnd the rivers would Boon beconio Un payable, nnd wo suppose tho end of tho world, ns far as man Is concerned, would soon arrive. Fortunately for humanity, from the moment tho egg Is laid Its enemies nro ready for It. Tho eggs nro engorly seized and devoured, and tho young fishes faro no hotter. Numerous nat ural enemies of tho finny trlbo follow tho mothers, or lie In wnlt for eggs nnd young, so that but few reach maturity, compared with tho Incalculable num ber that nre brought Into tho world. Valuable ns all fishes nro for human fond It Is fortunate that man Is not tho only animal that feeds on them. Am Awkward Ilecord, Tho Ear! of Spencer, who, before ho succeded his father, was Viscount AI thorp, confessed, at n recent reunion at Harrow, that ono of tho most awk ward moments of his Ilfo occurred whllo be was pupil at the great public school. Ho wns present, ho said, In the Vnughnn Library when the King, then Prlnco of Wales, visited Harrow, Tho book In which tho minutes of tho debating society were recorded wns shown to the royal visitor. As fato de creed, tho pago on which It opened con tained this resolution: "That reglcldo Is Justifiable, moved by Viscount Althorp." Tho boy did not know where to look, but tho prlnco merely smiled, as If It were the most natural thing In the world for a loyal subject to be In favor of making way with the sovereign. Reads So "Easjr." A French mariner thinks advantage may bo taken of the favorable winds at the edge of a cyclone for facilitating navigation. By means of observations with the barometer and other Instru ments, he would ascertain the direc tion In which the storm Is going and so shape the course of the ship that It would be carried along by the sweep of the atmosphere without becoming Involved In the dangerous center of the storm. After a womau has been married a few years, the piece she clips from the newspaper Is more likely to be sooie system of cleaning old gloves so they will look like new thau one of Um Poems You Ought to Know. i SOAULMINN. J Alfred J. Krank (Successor to SC1INEM, & KHANK.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOR WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 B. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Motel. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles &. Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - . MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Kttabllihcd ISM Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN, : OMAHA NEBRASKA t (I THE ONLY WAY Have your Baggacre checked any railroad to any place in United States by 'Omaha Transfer Co. Office 208 So. 14th St. When Coming into' Omaha give vour checks to our uniformed agents on trains or at depot and Mew cuds io an parts or.cuy. NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ol Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn A. 1UCKDAHL C, A. llACKDAUL A. Backdahl & Co. ORUQQISTS. Opposite Milwaukee Pepot. Inscriptions are fully compounded. SU Washington 'avo uue tHiutb, Minneapolis, Mlnnassotcs Wmmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS MINN. ! MINNEAPOLIS OMNIBUS AND CARRIAGE LINE MATTISON & FOYE, Proprietors 237 Hennepin Ave. Nicollet House Block MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA g : LIVINGSTON f UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICEST FRESH AND SILT MEATS Came and Flah In Season. Livingston, - - - - Montana. F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. QEO.W.HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot Thl curd entitle you to a trip through tho Nittloual l'ark, providing you patrjnUu "THE SOLO" And can mnke mtlsfictory arrangements with the traniortAtluu companies. The only flrttclat place of the kind in Livingston. Bottle Goods a specialty FRANK BUSS, Proprietor 117 W. Park St LIVINGSTON, Mont , .J : OMAHA NEBRASKA : aaaaa.J it from hotel and ReaidencM wr receive cheapest and best service P. Washington, l'ri. h. Wilkinson, Manager The Alpha Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Ik'tulqunrterH for ltallroad ami All Pro fuHdionul People. Pliono Pacific 151 101 N. Park St., PORTLAND, OREGON f COUNCIL BLUFFS "j $ S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats . . Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention J J 230-32 Main St. 229-31 Pml St. Telephone 191 Council Bluffs Iowa For Medicinal Purposes We recommend our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled in QuaKty. and Excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Wholesale Liquor Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers Moerchead, Minnesota Northwestern Agents Anhouier-llusch Drew. Ing Association's Celebrated "lludweiser" Deer