PORTIiAffP KEW AGE Portland Nrm Age KaUbllihed 1196 A. D. Qrlffltij Manager Office, Kooin 317, Commonwealth Building' To lnaure reach ua not each week. favorable to tho causo bo enforced If tho nation could be taught to hate tho race. "Tho Human Brotherhood" Is a bureau established In Philadelphia for the purposes of passing around ,. ... , ; , among persons whoso good will for CrttnflfiiSSJ1 JJSrAn th,? ace Is desired, such literature as " will mould sentiment In Its favor. Tho forces nrrayed against tho raco i M. J. QUI Co., wholesale and retail's A NDsTROM RAkFRV meat flenlfTR. K19 Mlflnlenlnnl ntomid y"1'""" HVflTl UnHLIl I Portland, Oregon, phono East CC5. Always ask for tho famous Gen eral Arthur cigar. M. A. Gunst & Co., general agents, Portland, Or. "Doctor. What ! good to tnko to cure .We Cater Sneclallv to th Rmnll Ritvur MPn ciiHoon prIco' ono 5rcr' W,M m Rd that aro Booking to blockon Its namo the redneas of my noeo?" "The pledge." I Wl.t:M,. Cllnmi, a.,,ec vance, .oo. MQ powerfu, and nBgrc8s,V0 strcn. TT0Uat(m Post UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE '. uous work Is thoreforo necessary to . Knlcker Primitive men nlowwl the Delicatessen and Groceries Local NcttnniiiiiBn,v cffcctlvolv offset thnm. ivmcKer -j. rimiuve men pioweu ine - . . . ' nnrlh IMi n ImHttAHn.l itH1. H M.m Ynmn rft4viav CmmUHo tho nim or The Human Brother- "" "" . !. .. uur nmru,X.S:. " imi.,i la ...,i, ...... i Yon rion't moitn tn nnv crnif AatA Home Made Plea "um o . m tiui&u iuuin in uvui7 "" v "" C. A. RITTER. City BJItor No. 776 Williams Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TELEPHONE EAST 95 back that far 1 Scissors. "Tho doctors have finally agreed upon the coubo of Jink's Illness." "Did they hold another consultation?" "No rnmmnnlK' nnnln ttimn niltli Ihn lit. pMfrMSSJWWawrwJMa Wf craturo most helpful and hnvo them . I q cllsscmlnnto tho namo. ALo I Persons frlondlv to thn nnimn nf " -- --- the COlnrCfl nnnnln Imvn nrnvlilnrl unil xvNiwwiMi!NMWM ,, -,-.-r' """...' ;""T. " n roRt.ninrt.m. Ho.i,iilhf Mr. Pnul Strain tho genial pro- tho oporntion of tho bureau. "Here, hold my horso a minute, will prictor of tho Chicago Clotliinir Co. No feo whntovor is nttnchoil to ron- ' ,r tai,.i t. . n-. I.. l... I .1. 11..1.1 mi.i .. . ! ...m. .. "I. . . "... "" " ' " " "".-iiimji ui iuu in mii: iiiiiniiuriii iiuimiiiKi mini nim huuuuu wiiii uiu niuvcmcni nnu nil Onk Streets, Is a firm nnd truo friend In sympathy with Its purposes are de of our people Call nnd get acquaint- sired ns co-workers, cd with him. tf Tho Bureau is under tho supervls- ion of Rov. Sutton E. OrlirirH. A. M.. Miss Susie Crawford Is reported to B. D., the nuthor who for years has bo slightly Indisposed. MrB. Llzzlo Frazlor of Everett nnd Thirteenth streets Is recovering from a sovcro attack of pneumonia. Mr. Sim Roddy Is rapidly ImproV' Ing nt tho Good Samaritan hoBpltnl to called tho raco to activity in tho mat tor of rebutting tho slanders directed against it. Tho Bureau Invites correspond ence. Literature fully explaining Its workings furnished frco upon appli cation. Address all communications and expects to bo out In a few days Arthur Harris Is still confined to his bod at tho St. Vincent hospital nnd has not as yot passed tho danger point. THE HUMAN BROTHERHOOD. 116 N. 12th street, Philadelphia, Pa. Expect Return of Cash. Chicago, March 13. A now field in tho investigation of tlio sulitrcasutv Tho Afro-Amcrlcan Council will robbery is boing explored by the Fed mcet In Bnltlmoro, Md., Juno 2Cth crft nuthorlUes. It Is suggested thnt. next. Bishop Alexander Walters of eonio banking institution of Chicago tho A. M. E. church is tho president, needed a hinto sum to tido over torn- tho Advance grew J" "Never mind. You look hon est. I'll take a chance." Courier Journal. Mrs. Hcnpcck Shame on you for growling about Dr. Bolus. Didn't he Just bring you back from tho Jaws of death and Hcnpcck (wearily) And back to tho Jaws of life. Borrowed. Woman Now, If you don't leave at once I'll call my husband and ho's an old Hnrvnrd football player. Tramp- Lady, If ycr loye htm don't call him out I used to play wld Yale. Judge. Cynthia Oh, what n world this Is for a woman; I do wish tho Lord had mado me n man I Molly Why, my dear, maybo he did and you Just haven't found him yet American Spectator. "Thcro Is only ono ordnlnod mission ary In tho world for 000,000 heathens, Phone Eut 5921 Uf E. Bofmlie St., Nur Union Art. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES fresh fruit and Vegetables, Teas and Coffees Tclcpltono Knst 1C02 2.12 I.nrnbco Street 1'OltTIiANI), OHKOON EUREKA MARKET HKNIIY FA88IIENDKH, Prop. Choice Fresh and Cured Meats. Fish and Poultry I'liono MrIii 2tVJ Co. 14th and Glisan, Portland, Or porary difficulties, and is rceponsllito your Xceiency, Bnld the cannibal. Mrs. Clara Campbell, after an nb sonco of several months returned on iMuuuay uvuiiiiiK uuu IH BIUIHIIIIK Wlin ,linnnl1nrnil tt. 1, - !.. nor mother, Mrs. Palmer of North "'"'"j ,, "'"" "; for tho disappearance of tho $173,000 Tho secrot sorvico operatives aro work ing on tho theory that tho money that Purk nnd Evorott. or two at tho IliHtiinco of n tottnrinir In. stitutionby somo employe who now Rev. Goo. E. Jackson, nastor of tho, 'care to rcetoro It. A. M. E. Zlon church of this city writes from Pnso Robles that ho ox pcctB to bo In tho city In tlmo to flit his pulpit on Sundny noxt. BUSINESS-LOCALS J. Wallgrccn, denier In staplo nnd fnncy grocorlos, C34 Thurman street Telephono Pacific Oil. Mr. Chns. Palmer, a former resi dent of this city but recently return ed nftor nn absence of sovcrnl years I A good placo to get your soft or Btlff dropped dead on Monday morning hats renovated Ib 249V& Alder stroot, from hoort troubles. Tho remains. between Second and Third. woro tnkon chnrgo of by tho coroner. I Tho Anhcuser, Henry M. Williams, Ono of tho latest Inventions nnd proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner ono thnt bids fair to revolutionize Second, Portland, Ore. Telephone tho pnlntcrs trndo Is a pnlnt brush m"U nn. on tno lilca of a fountain pon Invent od by Max Coopor of Solum Ala, n former student of tho Tuskcgco Institute. Mrs. Paul Cromwell whilst In nt tondnnco In tho pollco court last Tuesday ns a witness had tho mlsfor Everett Mnrkot(E. L. Pock, Prop.), Choice Moats and Poultry. 413 Evcrott tuno to hnvo her vnlunblo gold watch Street, cornor Tenth, Portlnnd, Oro. stolon. Tho affair was reported to tho ofrtclnls and sovornl detectives woro detailed on tho enso. Thn fact thnt Eastor comcH In March this yenr Is causing mnny nf tho femlnlno box to glvo moro atten tion to tho predictions of tho Almn- nno tlinn usual as now hats and gowns nro not nt their best during a gontlo downpourlng of Oregon mist. .Colobrnto tho memory of Ire lnnd'B pufrnn snlnt by nttondlng tho Irish soclnl to bo given Mondnv ovonlng, March 18th nt tho A. M. E. Zlon church, Thirteenth nnd Main streots. Tho program ns well ur tho rofreshmonts served will bo appro priate to tho occasion. Tho Brownsville Investigation Is slowly progressing nnd whilst but llt- tlo of tho testimony Is allowed to reach this part of tho country by tho "Well, I got mine," said tho cannibal chief, rubbing hla lips. Yonkera Statesman. "John, dear," wroto a Indy from the continent, "I crfcloso tho hotel bin." "Dear Jane, I cncloso n check," wrote John In reply, "but plenso don't buy nny more hotels nt this price they nro rob bing youl" Tlt-Blts. "Why don't you lot Willie play In the street with tho rest of the kids?" said Mr. Wise. "I'm afraid It will spoil his clothes I" was the wife's answer. "Thunderntlon !" exclnlmod Wlso, "wo can buy clothes, but wo can't buy brains 1" Clipped. Mrs. Dennis (to her husband, who smells n strong escape of gas some where and Is about to strike a mntch) You're never after looking for n leak wld a lighted match. Mick? Mick whist 1 They're safety matches I Half-Holiday. "Doctor, can't you glvo mo something to relievo my sleeplessness?" "Yes; I could prescrlbo n sedative, but drugs would do you ne real good. Instead of that let mo recommend a lnrgo, fat onion, to bo eaten raw Just before go ing to bed." "Why, doctor, thnt's ex nctly what keeps mo awake." "How can It possibly hnvo that effect?" "My wife eats It." Chicago Tribune Bobson You look all broken up, old man. Whnt's tho matter? Cralk I called on Miss Pruyns Inst night, nnd no sooner had I entered the parlor than her mother appeared nnd dcninuded to know my Intentions. "That must hnvo been rather embarrassing." "Yes; but that was not tho worst Just as the old ladr finished sneaklnc. Miss Pmvn Royal Market, Balr & Worth proprl-lBhnutl down tho Htnlni Mnmmn. mnm. ?S'Jlx, i CU,Cft(lTimatB' nBVma, ho Isn't tho one I' "-London Tit- 1'UUIll Ulill feUiUl'a 1Ui UII1UU UVUIIUV, T)UH iwi va .vr ivt asiiw ft ItUUU f'IBV J. B. SIMMONS Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY Delivered to All Pub of the City. 463 Glisan St. Tel. pacific 1 99 T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 Williams Avenue Phone Woodlawn 149 MILLER, BUCK 8c CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 t Williams'Ave. & Fargo a. J. Erclncr It. Hochull ERDNER & HOCHULI Market Chicago Dealer In Kreuli nml Cured Msat. All Klmli nf BntiMKCfi. 1H7 Tliint Rtrvel, near Yamhill. I'liono Main 413, 1'ortlntul, Oregon. The-Yale Market & Grocery Kl). H.8TOCKLEN, l'roprlotor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY, PlinneEAstfttS 295 Grand Ave., South l'OHTl.AND, OltKOON E. B. COLWELL VlioU'5nlo nnd retail GROCER 1MIONK MAIN 403 281, 283 and 285 Third St. CORNER JCrrtRSON PORTLAND, OREGON McGUIRE & TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 36 Grand Avenue Phone East 2629 PORTLAND, OR. NOB HILL MARKET A. PUHOI.Z, Proprietor. Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sausage and Poultry Tel. Main 818 Cor. 21st and Irvlnit Strtels D. C. BURNS THE OROCER TI2L.UPHONE It 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries Frulta, Confection, Cigar, Tobaccos and Fan cy Coffees, Teas and Hplec at Lowvit Price 417 Union Ave. Frco Delivery Phono Kat 440 Ryan & John, dcnlcrs In choice) uro- corlos, meat, fish and poultry, phon n0uid tour ir.in K9o m 7tt. d..i, uouia your ner Darla. Phono Main 1540. O. Anderson, Btaplo nnd fancy gro ceries Twcnty-flrat and Thurman Btrootn. 'Phono Hood C7. Fresh roasted coffoo a spoclalty. Try tho Pacific Laundry Co. for Rood work and prompt service. Mnln ofllco First nnd Arthur streets, Port land, Ore. Telephone 649. John Sclinld, dealt r In hnrdwnrc, tin ware, sheet Iron work, guttering, spouting and roofing. General Jobbing a specialty. 149 Russell street. D. BREEDLOVE & SON. GROCERS 3G1 Eatt ScventhSt., cor. Stephens Phono Eait 768 PORTLAND, OR. Price ltenonal)lo HixtUfnelloti Guaranteed A. NICHOLSON Successor to K. WINKI.KMAN Ladies' and Gent's Tailoring Cleaning, PrcaaliiK mul HeialrIliR I'liono l'nclllo '.WO 1 12 N'lnetcunth Htrccl 1C7. A Scotsman tho other day went to a London dentist with n toothnche. Tho North 16th Street Market. A. Wur- dentist told hltn ho would only get rc AsHoclntod Press, thnt llttlo sorves to nborger, proprietor, choice poultry, nef by having It out. Scot Mon, then I must lute gas. While tho dentist strengthen tho stand tnkon by Sena- Sr,cn""?hfieft1J1,i8,: vJtZ Mpi?,?3 tor Fornkor nnd Hhows thnt thoro Is g" North SIxteonth street, Portland. it innnr rrrnvn riniiriru no in inn m r i - - of nny of tho discharged soldiers. Tho Motronolltnn Meronntllo nnd Realty comnnny (colored) of Now York City Is romodellng a six-story building In Now York City, wherein will bo oponed a dopnrtment storo, omplovlng nboiit ono hundred people, nil colored. Tho snmo comnnny Is running n slmllnr storo now nt Unltl moro, employing twnnty-threo peoplo. Tho nresldpnt of tho compnny Is P. Shorldan Flail. Tho nttendnncn nt tho young peo ple's meeting hold nt 7 p. m. onrh Fundny evonlng nt tho A. M. 13. church Is Increnslng. Tho nddress on Inst Sundny ovonlng by Mrs, .Ins. N. Fnllllovo wns ronloto with Informn tton nnd ndvlco given In n tnnnner nt V, r.:.,,u: ,H".h ,"B. J'.' ..,.", " .'"V"' Vulcan Coal Company, wholesnle i'jM;"iiniii iiiumu id iiiiiimiiiHi nun mi . .,., ,,i0 i ,. Dm .nH Jj"';.S!?id "il,lr0 .,',MJV,.""T." hlacksmlth coal. Foundry and smelter "was getting It rendy tho Scot began to count his money. Tho dentist said, omewhnt testily, "You need not pny until It's out." The Scot replied: "I ken that, but as ye're nboot to mnk' ma unconscious I J 1st want to se hoo I tan'." Sporting Time. The public-spirited lady meets the little boy on the street. The Lndy Llttlo boy, haven't you nny homo? Tbe Little Koy Ob, yes'm, I've got a home. The Lady And loving parents? The Llttlo Hoy Yes'm. Tho Ludy Aro they bringing you up to bo a good and helpful citizen? Tbe Llttlo Hoy- lace curtains and les'm. tuo uiay win yoiuasg your by a now proces's; , mother to come nnd hear a talk on "When Does a Mother's Duty to Her Child Hegln?" next Saturday after- L. N. Neos, boot and shoemaker, Flno repairing a specialty. Olve him a call when you need anything In this lino, 322 tf Williams av Portland, Oregon. Tho Oak Cafo. Choicest lino of wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118, corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portlnnd, Ore. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladles' and gents' clothing, crepo shawls, silk, velvet and laco dyed equal .to new; bankets cleaned mourning garments dyed In 48 hours, All work done at very moderate prices. 104 North Third street. J. J. MEYERS Fancy Groceries. Bakery Goods. Clears and Tobaccos, Ice Cream and Confectionery Order Delivered Promptly Phono Woodlawn aw SO MlialMlpnl Ave. POKTI.ANI), OIIKUOK Murray Levy Drug Co. DISPENSING CHEMISTS I'liono Pacini: 2vj7 i:ith ,t Watdilnitton Strvoli POUTLANI), OltKQON AUOUST STORZ Dealer in . Htuple nnil Punoy CJiocorlo VcKutablca, Frulta and Dairy Produco Phono Kait m 4C9 VIIIInnu Ave. POUTLAND, OHKOON C. S. NELSON Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provlsioni 154 N. Fourteenth St, Cor. Irvine P. A. EDDY North Portland's Leading Grocer Agent for Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees llcguliir Tolivery by Three Wngorm, 10 ::)(! n. in., L':!)0p. nt. Spvu'al clolmu ies, I) a. in., f) p. m. Phono Main 1711). 752-754 Savier St., Comer Twenty-third Portland, Oregon John's Merit Market J. I). MKIM1KN8, Prop. Fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Bacon and Hams Corned lleof and Pickled Pork a Bpaclalty Phono Main 19.M 43) K. Blith Street POUTLAND, ORF.QON The Union M t Co. AllDlnlnn Cart and Flrtt Clain llotoliand Ktauranta Luy tho UNION MEAT COMPANY'S rftCSM AND CURED MEATS The Doit In tho Market. Patronlte Home In duitry. PORTLAND, OREGON y. -0 aX0 SffUSSkCdv taSS - "QHlifA avta( aVHtLV"! OLYMPIC. T. J. Concannon & Sons Lewis & Clark Grocery Phono Pacldo 2IS1 NX) Tliurmati St., cor. 31th POUTLAND, OltKOON M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON GEO. HOCKENYOS Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Cigars and Tobaccos, Fruits and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVERY 65 Russell St. Phone East 4809 FINK & LEWIS Dealera In Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. Phone Eatt 382 314 Mlllpiil Avenue PORTLAND, ORE. WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE SULLIVAN & KRUEGER I'liono Main ISM Dealers In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Teas, Coffees and Spices GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce CIGARrf AND T011ACCO Phone East 374 460-462 E. Burntldc Si. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement If the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year profitably spout theso meetings. than in attending John Splllmnn. an nged negro, who wns found In tho resldenco of L. Wild, 560 Lake street, may havo to gon iiicm it uiiutku ui iiurKiiir). nuiuu uuu broke a pane out of the window of wild s house and, reaching through, coke. Puget Sound steam coal In car lots, (3.50 per ton and up. We handle all the best grades of domestic arid foreign houso coals. Phono Mnln 277C. Office 329 Burnsldo St., Portland, Ore- Dopot Loan Office, Joe Bernhardt, nrnnrlntor: flno watch renalrlnc. old opened tno door, wnicn wns locKea g0d and silver bought; business strict front the Insido. Mombors of Mr. jy confidential; bargains In unredeom Wild's fnmlly, sleeping upRtnlrs were ea pledges; money to loan on din nwnkened by the nolso nnd Mr. Wild In0nds. wntches, Jewelry, guns, pis found Splllmnn In tho house. Tho t0)s bicycles, musical Instruments nnd old nogro appeared to he vory much an artcies of value 121 N. Sixth lntoxlcatpd. He was booked nt th gt Portland Oro t-f. pollco station on n simple chnrgo of i ' ' ! drunkonness. Pntrolmnn isurchelle, who arrested Splllman, Is Inclined to think another mnn broke Into the place nnd when ho discovered thnt ho had beon heard, disappeared, leav ing the drunken negro to catch the blame, Splllman claims he was too drunk to remember was happened. Sixteenth and Glisan Sta. noonr mho iuue uoy lexpiuwrviyj free DeUvery PORTIJVND, ORE. wnai a m iiuiwvr wuu you, um i uuu i you know me? I'm your little boyl Cleveland Plain EK'dler. A rrrolv u( tha 1'ulplt. Doctor Uneou, a New England clergy man of long ago, was reproached by a friend with some pronouuclutlon which was not "according to Webster." Webster lived In hla purlsli, nnd the doughty old divine, was not disposed to be snubbed with the dictionary. COOK MOTOR GAR GO. Dealer In High Grade Automobiles OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone Eatt 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone CAST 3407. 136 Russell St. PORTLAND, OR. THE LIGHT THAT'S BRIGHT JOHN E. MALLEY DKAI.KU IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Near 15th what right has Webster to dictate fifteenth and Washington Sts y pronouuclation?" be demanded. PORTLAND, OREGON -'THE HUMAN BROTHERHOOD." The Founding of a llureau for the PurnoBo nf MonWlmj Hi'iit linen t Favorable to Colored People. For quite a number of years n propaganda ngalnst the colored peo- THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho p I o noer paint es tablishm o n t of Portland Is that of F. E. Beach & Company, of 135 First St., the o I'd est and most re liable house of Us kind In the Northwest. It carries an immense my pronouuclation?' ue demanded. haughtily. "He In one of my parish loners, and ought to get his prominclu tlon from me, and not I from him." Memory. Somebody of a psychological turn of mind ouco asked Lord Itosebery, "What Is memory?" "Memory," Hosebery replied, prompt ly but Bomcwbat pensively, "memory Is the feeling that steals over us when we listen to our friends' orlglual sto-rlea.'' PACIFIC COOPERAGE WANK I'm'OKIt, l'rop. Farmyard Goaalp. Flnrt Rooster Some of theao humans are fearfully Inconsiderate. ' Second Rooster I should say! Two Btock of tho best things In paints and of them have Just been standing In oj aA ru,i t,-l ,i rL building materials, together with an rrout of me discussing which was best, K0""" and val Tanks and Casks unusuui iibi 01 specialties, inoBowno (h i.i nr th i... ........ ,....i. peer negs, oarrew, tic. pie or the United States has been car- need anything in theso lines can cer- TW, !,,. .... . , , . ... Ki , . , IfnA n , nr,na Va.HU tn 41.-1- oa. inlnlv npnfll hv crnlnc n V V Tlo. ! I &"' UCpairlng 01 All KlllllB tO UrdOf. IVU aa Jv. rva uvafcifu - UVM wv j B'D tvr -"t -V'Vi Phone Main 2167 POBTUNr, OREGON RAINIER MARKET 0, 1II.UM, Proitrlelor Dealer in Fresh. Cured and Snokid Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc. Also Fish and Class. FAMILY TIIADE A Bl'KCIALTY Cor. BovcnU enth and Bvler Hti. I'liune Main Wa Portland, Orcgoa H. R. LYNES Dealer In plrations for full citizenship rights. & Company. Remember tbe number, No jtan who weighs over 200 pounds Ttfey reasoned quite well tha,t laws 135 First street. .hould claim that he works too bard. 'I wenticth ami York Btreots PORTLAND, OREGON STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit. Free Delivery. 154 BujhII Street rhoiie But 6640 rorruNi, oiegon C. Electric light is preemi nently the light of happy content. It dispells gloom, dinginess and discourage ment. Light homes make light hearts. L, Electric light is practical light a light that is at once clean, convenient and eco nomical. At the prevailing rates for current on meter basis it is well within the means of all, and when used sensib ly economically electric light is as cheap as it is good. CIS YOUR HOUSE WIRED? C, PHONE MAIN 6688 for OUR REPRESENTATIVE. He will prove these state ments with facts and figures PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. FIRST AND ALDER STRRETS . n na-jllu i ia,i,i, p"i' 4- -A.v I.-