wHimevi- "we vinfvvf POBTLAJSD NEW AGE ftorilattin Nw Age A. D. ORIPPIN. Miumifof Office, Itoom .117, Commonwealth lliillriltig J5nt ercrt at th pottofllco at Portland, Oregon, as econdcias matter. SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable In advance 92.00 Our Candidate for Pretldent JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER Of Ohio MonoinnnlncH. Wo stipposo Hint nearly nil renders nf tho Now Aco nlso rend tho Ore - gonlnn, nnd If bo tho following, taken .-.-- . from Its loading editorial of a fow I EDITORIAL 1 days ago, will not bo now, but It IH or along tho lino of Industrial nccom good enough to bo read tho Bcrond lHnhincnt, tho snmo prlnclplo ob tliuc. Commenting on nn article nyjtnlns. It Is thorcforo not surprising Thomas Nelson Pngo, n persistent (thnt tho world hns begun to look up pessimist on tho "rnco question," nnd on tho successful man ns a blessing one who Inbors hnrd (for pay, of to humanity. course) to show how Incompnrnbly Who will Bay that tho great cm Inferior tho negro nice Is, tho Ore- I' bulldors, James J. Hill, Collls P. gonlnn Hays ho Is ono of u group of Huntington nnd E. H. Hnrrlmnn, Southerners "who hnvo lost their lmvo not been n blessing to their wltB entirely over tho negroes." In ( country? Yct their genius nnd nctlv hls nrtlclo In McCIuro'H Mngnzlno, . itlca wero exerted In tho direction of Pngo uses tho words "rnco" nnd tho creation nnd operation of great "racial" 101 times, allowing how rallwny enterprises, but tho dovolop "race" mndo ho Is; that ho has "rnco mont of tho country contiguous to on the brain." Tho Oregonlnn says, in part: "Tho rnco question has becomo n fixed Idea with him. Ho can think of nothing oIho, apparently, nnd oven upon this ono paramount themo ho cannot think rationally. At times Mr. Pago's language becomes Inco herent; throughout It Is cxtrnvogant, boastful nnd wild. Most of tho nr tlclo Is a vague sort of rhapsody, somewhat In tho mniinor of Kipling, ovor tho 'gront whlto rnco.' "For ono thing ho resolutely Im plies from start to finish Unit nil ne groes who are lynched In tho South have committed nssnults upon whlto wonioii. It Is well known that this Is not so. Moro thnn two-thirds of tho lynrhlngs are for crimes llko tlioft-j and murder. From this Incorrect proinlHo ho nrgues that tho whlto men who do tho lynchlngs uro "In tho skirmish lino" that protects tho whole whlto raco from tho peril of miscegenation. Mr. Pngo condonins them with feeble formality, but In i ronllty ho thinks tlioy nro doing n' grout sorvlco to civilisation, slnco by burning and torturing negroes thoy protect tho rnco purity of tho whites. Tim flirt that most of tho lynchlngs hnvo nntlilng to do with tho 'social equality' problem does not disturb Mr. Pngo In tho least. Having In vented his promises, ho stickles not to nhtde by his conclusion. In Ja maica, whoro negroes nro moro num erous In proportion to tho whlteB than almost nnywhero In tho South, thero Is uo outcry about social equal ity, no mob rulo, no torture. Also, one Is happy to add, thorn uro nn I Thomas Dlxona nnd no Tlllmnns or Vnrdamiins. Tho Hngllsh rulers of tho Islnnd have learned how to treat tho negroes with sltnplo nnd exact JiihMco, nnd Justlcu solves nil tho problems that arise. What It dooB In Jamaica It would nlso do In- tho South." After showing that If thoro Is mis- eogonntlon the whites nro wholly re- sponslblo for It nnd It Is Invariably tho whlto males who Indulge In U.' tho Orogonlan eoncludea: "Llko othor wrltorB of his class, Mr. Pago asauinoa, without explicitly Mating It, that wo nro on tho ovo of w.ir between the whlto nnd back races to prevent miscegenation, When that wnr btonka out. ho In- fomiB the negroes, they will find all the whites united ngnlnst them by tho Biiered ties of 'rare.' Tho notion "that Biieh n win- Is possible could, of icourse nrlso nowhere elso thnn In !.. . ' . .. . . mio. imagination 01 u aoumenier in- .flamed with nnger nt the thought ot his former slavea nssumlng tho atntua of human beings. It la utterly man- lacal. But If 11 strugglo betweon tho 'southern whites nnd blacks ovor 'shoiil.1 nrlso, It Is to bo hoped that ,'tho people of tho north, Instead ot tnklng sides with either party, would Interfero promptly nnd effectually to tho subject of nn Investigation of becomo Intolerably Inaolont and over put a stop to It. If tho Southerners which no ofTlclnl report hns been bearing to patrons of tho office, nnd could only mako up their minds to made, but a man may make a very his culminating meanness was In his let tho negroes nlone, nnd think of good nudltor nnd not bo fit for veiled accusation of his fellow ofn- Bomothlnc else for a while, the great - er pnrt of their troubles would vanish Into thin nlr." If a lot of southern newspapers hud tho Intelligence and candor to print such truths ns these, Instead of quoting npprovlngly such prejudiced nnd bigoted twnddlo as mon like Pngo wrlto for pay, they would do much to 1.. Mm Hn(,nti Iturrn linn If Mtnrn hQ ft racQ conflIct( R wI bo brought about not by tho negroes at nil, but by these ranters nnd ravers on tho 'rnco question.' I'ltKl) A. KKIII.3. In this ago of progress tho crea tion nnd development of nn idea Is It docs not ' .0 Koynoio oi success matter whether tho work Is In tho i reaim oi science, or nn, or murauiru, '.t ........... l n.. .. l.l.il.l.1.1 .W..1- sc(iionco, nnd Instead of a hnrron wilderness ns boforo their coming, thero is today n land rich In produc tive resources nnd teeming with mil lions of hnppy nnd contented people. Tho groat Northwest, nature's rich est storehouse, rich boyond tho drenms of avarice, with its untold mineral wealth, Its vnst acres of fcr tllo nnd productlvo boII, Its wonder ful preserves of gnmo nnd fish, nnd Its gront forest reserves, Invites to day tho nttontlon or tho world. Perhaps thero Is uo section of tho rmin try whoro moro nttontlon Is bo- Ing glvon to tho dovclopmont of tho timber Industry, nnd certain It Is that nnno Is richer or moro promising In this particular natural rcsnurso thnn Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho. When ono thinks of tlmbor or min eral lands In tho Northwest tho mind naturally reverts to tho nnmo of Mr. Fred A. Krlbs, who Is tho ploncor dealor In timber nnd mineral lands throughout this section. Ho Is gono- ornlly credited na bolng tho best In formed mnn in his lino In tho Wost, and while ho has sold and handled millions of acres, novor haa ho ad vised nn Investment that hns not provon profitable to tho purchaser. Mr. Krlbs does nn oxtenslvo busl- miss, tho growth of which Is duo solo ly to his honorable nnd straightfor ward dealings. Ho hnB as cllonts tho crenm of tho trado, among them some of tho Inrgest Investor In tho coun try. Such n mnn as Mr. Krlbs In such n country as this magnificent Pnclflo Northwest la n distinct nnd valunblo bonoflt to It, beciiuso ho holpa to do volop It. Ho brings tho groat oppor tunities nnd resources on tho ono hand nnd tho men of capital nnd on- nro tired of this factional and per torprlso on tho othor hnnd togothor aonnl fight mndo upon tho best ills- nnd tho roault la tho development of tho country, tho innnufncturo of n.hnd hero. grout voluino of producta, tho em ployment of n vast amount of labor, Increaso In commerce, cultivation nnd buBncill of ,lm,8 Orogon haa beon greatly benofltod Mn Kr,b8 business nctlvlty. TIIK MAN FOU MAYOH. A fow men nro "talked of" for. mayor on mo repuumiui iiti . 1 . t ti ..... nn.i t... bo fur only ono, wo bollovo, Mr. Un, has formally nnnounced his can - rthlai'y. Ho will not have tho field to himself, howover, nnd tho man who comes out labt, If ho hnppons to como up to tho votora' Idea of what tho cnudldato should bo, Is na llkoly . 1 iim.n.iimnnnilui """ . nnuouncod himself first. Somehow, perhaps for no vory ape- rlflo reason, voters generally do not regard Mr. Dovlln, ns qulto tho right sort of n man, not "big" enough, not of known largo executive ability. It la belloved that ho haa mndo a good auditor, though his ofllco haa boon mayor. Portlnnd nt this time needs for mnyor one of Its biggest, brainiest men. Ho should uo a business man of largo Ideas and capacity. Ho Bhould bo a man who will not only faithfully execute the ordinances, but who Is capable of taking tho lnltln- tlvo In many mntters of going ahead 'ntifl linfiiiF n ront londop. tinf tin II rnl. ',y ,)Ht n tho dovclopmont of thc clty Ho should bo a man who hns largo, i correct conceptions of what tho city may bo nnd should be, and who will ,nany BlmlInr caBCB-,n dl,Tcrcnt ,mrls do much to help mako It so. Ho of tho country of tho 8UCCC8B ot coN should bo a man who will work In orcd mon ,n var,0U8 "dtrlal vocri- harmony with tho council, but who tlons' and yct 80mo 1,co,,, 8U,,,08 .hi i.. hmj. .1 v..M.n.they do not know enough to go In will bo "bigger" than nny counctlmnn nnd ono who will compel tho tnclt nnlnniu Irnlfrnmntit nf fr linf f ftnf tin ' snouiu oo n man oi iino presonco, a ready and brief speaker, and n man who docs not wnnt to bo mnyor Just .... ror wnni is "in u," wno is airniu to spend n fow dollars out of his salary, but on tho contrary n man who thinks incomparably moro of tho advance ment nnd good nnmo of tho city than of tho mayor's salary. If no such man comes to tho front, then tho voters will hnvo to pick from nmong tho candidates tho ono'nnj useful representative. This is who comes nenrest filling tho bill, I nnd It Is protty snfo to say that It will not bo Mr. Dovlln. niSTIUCT ATTOUXKY IHUSTOL. Tho President hns reappointed United District Attorney Bristol toLnd fod on brmd nnd wntcr for tho position ho hns so satisfactorily and nbly filled slnco his first appnlnt mont, nnd ho will hold his position till congress meets again noxt winter, whon It Is to bo hoped Scnntors Ful ton nnd Hourno will censo their op- position to his confirmation. There is nnd can bo no really good reason why Mr. Bristol should not bo confirmed Ho has not only performed tho heavy nnd Important duties of his ofllco with ontlro satisfaction to tho gov ernment nnd tho pcoplo, nnd with on tlro success, but It Is woll known that tho opposition to him Is founded on no good or Bufllclont rensons. Not only so, but thero Is tho olomont of fnlso protonso In It thnt does Mr. Bristol nn undeserved Injury, for tho objections to him nro not lenlly based on anything ngnlnst him as n man, a lawyer or an odlcor, but puro ly on political or fnctlonnl grounds, nnd tho pcoplo nro not pleased with this sort of opposition to a good, able nnd faithful ofllcor. Mr. Bristol will soon bo engaged In the trial of sovornl moro Important land fraud cases, nnd ovorybody con cedes thnt ho is ontlroly conipotont to carry thorn through to a success fill conclusion, without tho nsslstunco ,nary nomnatlon law Is n nulsnnco of Mr. Honoy, ns In fnct ho did tho 'nnj a fraud, Inst ones tried hero. And slnco thonj rt ho has won nil tho nppenlod cases Let ovorybody got ready to voto thnt havo boon decided In the federal for tho parka nnd boulovarda and court ot appeals. Not to confirm Mr. 'drive ways. It la high time tho city Bristol noxt winter, ns If ho hail dono something wrong or wna Incapable, would bo botl nn affront nnd an In Justlco to him, which Sonntor Fulton Bhould undorstnnd tho peoplo would rocont noxt yenr at tho polls. They .trlet nttornoy tho government evor, T11K NOLAN CASK. Tho moro that la heard of tho c.iso of tho Into roglatcr of Tho Dalles land ofllco tho moro it is understood thnt ho was most desorvedly kicked out, and ho mny consldor hlmsolf lucky If tho government lota it go nt that. It is complained In snmo quarters 4 li n t ! Xfstrtilt t fio tnr rftilnta 1 1 .uu, ..... ...., w..n ... Dov-.suggesting tho removal of Nolan or in Inquiry Into his conduct of tho ofllce. but If Mr. Moody did this ho did a good servlco by "butting In." Ho had n right to do so, too, because .Nolan wna appointed on his recom- mondntlon nnd ho felt responsible for his milchi! creation. Ho could - - not got Senator. Fulton to act, wo suppose, because Fulton Is a partial- lar friend of ex-Representatlvo Wll- llnmsoii's, nud Is factionnlly hostile to Moody. Nolan, It seems, was not only fnlso to tho man who made him politically, nnd who had loaded him with favors and bouofltB, but he had clal, Miss Lnng, who had been con nected with tho ofllco for many years and knew moro about Its business man ioian couia iearn in a iuhb lifetime. Tho administration mndo no mistake In getting rid of Nolan, but Senator Pulton gets no credit for Nolan s discharge a m i . . H ..,.i.i 1 nnn I -"" vwiwitu nit iswvu vww last year off a 60-acro farm. This Is 'not mentioned because It Is a pecu- . imr caBC- Dut on,y nB n 8nmIH0 0I when It rains. It Is very likely that tho lumber . , . , ... mill uwuuia cuuiu uuuiu iu I'uj iiibii- i . . . , , , . .. cr wnges nnd ought to do so, but tho , , ... , .. . , , ... demands of tho men, incited by out- sldo mischief makers nnd hired trou blo breeders, seem to bo unreason able. Dotwecn tho two tho city is getting a very dnmnglng knock, but thero appears to bo no help for It. Representative Hawley starts out ub if ho would mnko a very active ft K00d thing, for this district ub woll as for his own, for wo shall havo to depend on Hawloy rathor than tho big log that wo elected. It is n pity u lot of tho lnbor tiglta- pa .,. nnf lin 1Pnwn ,, 1..11 awhile. Thoy do millions of dum ngo nnd no real good to anybody. So tho colored brother didn't got that nice Job in Ohio nftor nil. Dut ovory colorjod mnn In Ohio will bo ex ,Cctcd to vote tho republican ticket straight noxt year. A gront Improvement ought to bo mndo on some counctlmen thnt will go out of ofllco on July 1 nnd Ward ono Is n good place- to begin making tho change Tho mnyor has not yet discovered V W"v by which ho con hold ovor W wny by whlch ho cnu h0,d ovcr oicciou, nnn mill is on, 110 uuhihihi. Sonntor Fulton returns with a pretty good record to his credit, yet thoro nro a fow things thnt a good many republicans do not exactly llko. That n sheriff should havo ontlro custody nnd control of tho county prisoners acorns to bo n self-evident proposition. A good ninny of tho best peoplo nro coming to tho conclusion that tho prl had thorn. Congress did vory woll indeed by Oregon, nnd ot courso Sonntor Ful- ton will proporly get boiiio credit for that. Tho democrats aro going to hold n meeting to decldo on somo cnndldntcs but what's tho uao? Thla Isn't 1905. awa asg Honey has Ruet In closo quarters now, nnd the boss might as well gtvo up. Honoy Is a suro shot. Antl-rnllrond demagogues nro get ting tho country Into n lot of trouble. It wna a good thing for thla town whon Lnfo Ponco struck It. Tho city attorneyship seems des- tlned to go to nn Irishman. 80 far nobody seems Inclined to roast Coffey. Advance in Postal Salaries Washington, Murvh 15. First Ah. siatant Postmaster General Hitchcock haa nuulo a compilation showing how many clerks in nostolllces and letter- curlers will ho affectd by tho Incmiwl pay leeently piwMe.1 tor th.-m y con. "nS"1?, iSal m.mW," cierk8 promoted at that time or na seen afterwanUas they shall have complet- ft8 rJ0 i.vlIJIs "STlll i jn.000. The increase will nffect 42.- 433 carrlera throughout tho country. A. H. Willctt & Co. Wholesale and Retail QROCERS Special Prices to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue rhonoracMcOSl 407 Pterin Htilltllng H0LBR00K & LEVEEN Tailors for Men 150 Sixth St., cor Morrison PORTLAND OREGON Finest Made Adams Fire Proof Stove v Blacking. No odor. More durable. Only blacking made that will remain on Air Tight heaters. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS y ff f tff ' fww' 9 w v A THOUGHT Tlmt the rcAnoii inpKcet In n new Knrlng Him "1 Is a Good Thing 1 to keep In mind Hint It inn (oilic.i well FOR ANY MAN l Who Mntiiiirri'F nml nrtnltic fnr liU money will no to lliu CHICAGO ClOJII ING COMPANY, 69-71 Third Street Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY Successor to PIONCtR, C R. DAVIS and PHOENIX rUEL CO. PHONE CAST 26 287 E. MORRISON ST. COAL Rock Springs, Diamond, Richmond, Rotlyn, New Cat tle, New Cattle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. WOOD 4-Foot Fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak,. Sawed Fir, Sawed Ask, Sawed Knots. U. S. GOVERNMENT IMaLUflhttLflCilal 5Ho fSBaaVrBaaaV3BKA aaaaaaanr The UNION MEAT COMPANY All Dining Can anil First Class Hotels and lirttaii rants uso tho Union Meat Company's Fresh and Cured Meats. Tho Heat In tho Market. 1'atronlio Homo Imltutry. PORTLAND, OREGON ' flH imwji rjJcBw ' vJy fiBf L 0. PICK TRANSFER Safes, Pianos. FimKarc mni, stwd w fxMi fw WH- Con modious brick warclMuse, with separate irM rMW, Frent awl Clay. Express and Baggage kvtki. Omce Www, 596; StaWe. Black 1972 PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. I'MtoutUecI Milk, Crcumj Ilnttcr, Xm, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, 1) utter Milk. QUALITY ICK CIIKAM Milk 4 per cent guaranteed l'lione Kast taca !0 lliuscll Street l'OUTLAND, onEQON' Michigan "JL- Company II. CltAW, Proprietor Phone East 2806 154 Grand Avenua Centennial Market &. Grocery J. J. BLUM Uendqunrtcrs for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " . Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions I'hono Main 27ll 522-524 N. Twenty-Fourth Street l'HONK MAIN 1891 Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence of Monte Crista Java and Mocliu CollVo atiimls in high favor.. 252 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON. J. A. BASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR: GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner of Tillamook SI. Phone East 660 uenicr in Washington. Idaho & Oregon. TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland, Oregon INSPECTED MEATS & STORAGE COMPANY. PORTUNO, OREGON x -.- VH - - jhthi, M-w ' -- nt Tirainmii 'iftAtiiiatelMCMfl