PORTliAJSB) OTW" AGE J .r I GREAT FALLS : ! tH&Wub Cloths Man, Woman, Boy in Modern Up-to-Rato Fashionable Clothing at Popular PriccH. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Great Falls, Montana. B.A.KK1CHFX, President. W. K. BKNOUUBOH, Vice rrealdent. II. W. OKUN WALDT, Beo. & TrM THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers and Bottler of extra quality lager beor. '.'American Family'" bottled beer a specialty. Office: 109 Central Avenue. 1 0. Box 80. Great Falls, - - - Montana. Third and Columiu 'Phohb Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( fUCCIMOUS TO), BONNY & STEWART rcNcnAL mrkctom and kmbalmem Lady Aaalatant Al- C,.,f, Wae.fl way In Attendance. "CAlUC "5n fUT HOOPS-IRON ORAW-LU04 I MISSOULA MONT j II. K. CIIANKV, Proprietor. A. A. HOWARD, Manager. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Established 1890. Telephone US Work Done On Short Notice 112.114 West front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRIND PACIFIC SILOON Mlasssoula, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. I Opp. N. P. Depot. I YEQEN BROS. jJJePMHHlSBB amlPl3kBmmmflLi Wi m sammmmmW y FREIGHT fMreS YA WUL HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 TO FROM B 'saaaaaaaw. BVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBVaaK. bbbbbbbbbbbb bbwZ aaa maa BtLXJNOS. MONTANA , Branch Bank at Butt, Anaconda and Oardlnar TraartMot aa demeirasl BamklnaT Eulneu Fay interest on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit. We start Savings Accounts with a deposit of one dollar or more. SWIFT V COMPANY So. Omaha, Nebraska PREMIUM HAMS, BACON And All Frash Cuts for Hotsis .- A - MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION THE BUREAU SALOON FHANK HOFFMAN, Proprietor Choicest Imported and Domeatlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars' Tclcpliono Main 680ft Bouthcaat Corner Flrat and Morrison PORTLAND OREGON SENIN & NITSEHKE PIIONK EAST 307.1 SCULPTORS AND CARVERS In Marble, Stone, Granlto and Wood. Architectural, Plaster and 8talT Orna ments. Monuments, Statues, llustb, Toribstones. Postal orders promptly attended to. Sculpturo Work a spe cialty, Ofllco and Studio. Union Ave, cor. Irving. PORTLAND, OREGON NATIONAL WINE CO. Pure Wine & Liquors WE SELL DIRECT TO THE FAMILIES Fifth and Stark Streets Phone Main 6499 PORTLAND, ORE I SEATTLE WASH When in Seattle, visit HANSON & CO'S Billiard Parlor The Finest in the Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON WATER TANKS Fir Struom mint Omdar Lumkmr i BoxShomkm Cmdmr Shlnglmm Grays Harbor Commercial Co Smmttl; Wmmh. Just a Word About Rods tittle Rolls ami bit- Ilolli: ulaln Holla mil fancy Rolls; Rolls lor brtakfait; Rolls for lunch: Rolls for supper all good sorts of Rolls grow to perfect proportions at tbe reliable bakery most people In Mlisoula know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetables Ceafectioaery, Etc., Etc. 131 Higgin Ave. Missoula, Montana SAVINGS BANK " i rJiu lrrV a J AjkJt mi".' . aai C Sn. W''fc::Wl Wmmydm&&$fc mm&rZ? itf rnmpkln Bngnr In Ions, Sugar from pumpkins will be the next sourco of wealth which will bo de veloped in Iowa, for tho authorities at the agricultural college declaro hlgh grnde sugar will be made from them by a process even more simple than that required to make It from beets. Exper iments have resulted In tho production o a special of pumpkin which contains 4 per cent of sugar, and It is tho pre diction that in three years the sugar clement will bo increased to 12 per cent. This Is equal to tho quantity of sugar found in tho best variety of sugar beet. Decnuso pumpkins aro easily raised and a to nun go may bo produced to the aero which will exceed that of sugar beets, the new sugar pumpkin will open up a valuable Held for tho Iowa farmers, Tho pumpkins may be planted In tho cornfields, and tho same soli which will produce corn may be mado to produce n crop of pumpkins nt tho same time. American Cultivator. A Tree flnnril. Very often young trees, maples es pecially,, aro entirely destroyed by cat tlo reaching up and pulling tho tops down, oven when the tops would seem to bo out of reach. Of course, cattle should not bo whero young trees aro planted,' csiioclally fruit trees; but It sometimes happens that this Is not practicable. When this Is tho case uso n guard sucli as is shown in tho Illus tration. It is mado as follows: Tako two pieces thee ouaiid. of board (such as hnvo como off some old building), say nbout 7 feet long, breadth botween 8 to 12 Inches. Leave ono of these boards Intact Cut tho other Into three equal lengths, and nail Into the top of the ' uncut board, at shown In tho Illustration. Sometimes, If the fence Is high enough, a short board, tho ono facing tho fence, can bo loft out, and a cleat used instead. The. tree, beforo putting up tho guard should bo posted, and tho guard ualtod to ttils post nmt Blare of Treea to Plant. Wo havo always had tho best success with planting out tho medium-sized tree. In apples, cherries and plums wo would rather havo a two-year-old tree, 4 to 0 feet, that is thrifty than any other size. Oftentimes tho larger trees, 0 to 7 feet, do well when tho conditions aro favorable, but If tho conditions aro not favorable, following tho transplant ing of the trees of this size, they often get tho backset from which it takes several years to recuperato, and tho ob jection of planting out very small trees 1.1 that they aro much moro liable to ho Injured by rabbits and broken down by cultivation than tho larger olzc. Twen tieth Century Farmer. Storing; Carrot or Tornlpa. When carrots or turnips nro stored outsldo they cannot always be reached when desired for use, and it wll, therefore, bo advantageous to store them in bins. In a dry cellar. If pack ed In perfectly dry sawdust, oats, corn, or oven dry earth, they will keep well and can be taken out of tho bhis at any time. It Is the nlternate freezing and thawing that damages all root crops stored away In winter, but as tho pack ing material keeps them at even tem perature this liability Is avoided. Tho oats or corn tited for tho purpose will not bo Injured, and may bo fed while using tho roots coming from tho bin. Cheviot Sheep. A Wisconsin man writes as follows of tho Cheviot breed of sheep: Tho Cheviot breed of sheep Is a compara tively small breed of a semi-mountain-ous character. They ore sprightly and very active In their habits and art possessed of a fair mutton form, being low down and compact. Tho fleeco Is long and In Oneness excels any of tbe down breeds. They are adapted to the moro rough and broken sections of Wis consin where the range Is ample and pasturage scant Farm Maaaajement. The farmer reduces the value of bis own labor by keeping Inferior stock or falling to secure large yields of crops, as tbe higher the prices and tbe greater tbe production tbe better the remun eration for tbe labor bestowed. There are periods when the", farmer cannot perform work lu the fields, for which reason be should aim to get hi crop under shelter as soon as passible. In order to do some kinds of work which can be performed Inside the barn. Peedlagr Powle. While It Is well to compel tbe fowls to scratch In Utter, when grain Is al lowed, so as to exercise, yet tbe soft foods should be supplied from troughs In order to avoid tbe filth of the ground, tbe damp food easily accumu lating dirt If thrown where tbe hens must walk over It and scramble with each other for their supply. Many cases of disease In flocks can be traced to tbe lack of cleanliness la the use of soft foods for poultry. Jt-ft: tnitrnpftmae fit BairrtaSN Dairy schools aro now In operation In many States, and short courses of Instruction on butter and cheese mak ing are given at some of the- agricul tural colleges. It was long ago demon strated that Inferior butter- could not compete with oleomargarine and that good butter of choice qunlLty could al ways bo Bold at n fair price. Tho fact has also been demonstrated that thero was much to learn In making good but ter, and that cleanliness ami the proper management of the milk wore essential In producing the choice article. Thero has been a wonderful advance In meth ods of butter making, and oleomarga rlno Is responsible for It Consumers will not purchase the counterfeit artlclo If they can get tho genuine, and poor butter Is as much a coutcrfelt as any other imitation. Clennllnee In the Dairy. Tho Kansas Experiment Station says very truly, In a bulletin : Cleanliness Is tho flrat law which should be observed by every man who In any way manufac tures or handles dairy products. Any condition which will promoto this end effectively should tie established. Tho simpler theso conditions can be mado the better. Unclean dairy utensils aro among tho greatest sources of contam ination of milk. This contamination Is due to tho presence of undcslrablo bac teria. The undeslrnblo bacteria aro thoso that produce taints In milk, and which exist principally In tilth lodged on tho surface and In the crevices of dairy utensils. They are minute organ Isms which have tho power of multiply ing very rapidly under favorablo con ditions. Ffe.llna- the Yonnsr Calf Milk. A dairy farmer of experience gives his plan of teaching young calves how to drink milk without trouble, and says In tho' Trlbuno Farmer that ho lots tho calf stay with tho cow a fow hours only, then ho milks tho cow In a few hours after removing tho calf and puts tho bucket of warm milk to tho coifs noso so as to touch It, and In a mlnuto or two It will drink, and the work Is done. Tho calf has now learned to drink llko other animals, and tho troublo of feeding milk to calves Is over. Tho mistake usually mado Is In allowing young calves to run with tho cow sov oral days, and so It has learned to suck, and It Is hard to teach It any other way. Negotiation! (or V. 8. Cattle. Tho chief agrarian paper published In Dcrllu learns from a trustworthy sourco that tho American tariff com missioners, who aro now in llcrlln con ferring with the Gorman tariff experts regarding German-American commer cial relations, aro discussing with them the Importance of Importing llvo Amer ican cattlo Into Germany, via Ham burg, where they wilt be slaughtered. Tho meat will then be conveyed to all parts of the country In railway refrig erator cars. Tho Journal adds that ne gotiations aro going on between vn cl ous Hamburg ahlpplng Arms and tho Hamburg authorities for tho erection of tho necessary buildings. Scrutiny FiilllilooiU Denounced. A cattlo breeder tells soino sound truth In tho following: Ilreeders of puro-bred cattlo would doubtless make moro money If they would keep to sell for breeding only thoso Individuals that are expert judges would pronounco emi nently worthy of duplication and lit all others for the block, Tho first alono would sell for moro money In' tho ag gregate than all of them would, and It would bo better for buyers to pay tho higher price tho good animals would command. The poor, or scrub, full bloods havo created all the prejudice that now exists against "registered and pedigreed" cattle. l'oll UtII. If possible scatter tho enlargement so as to avoid opening It A stimulat ing liniment applied to tho poll will probably be beneficial, therefore securo tbe following: Four ounces of turpen tine, two ounces of tincture of lodluo, two ounces of tincture catharldcs, six ounces of tincture capsicum, ono pint of compound soap liniment Mix up and apply to tbe parts dally until sore, then withhold for a few days and begin again. A cheaper liniment would bo four ounces of alcohol, four ounces of eucalyptoltn and a pint of water In tho same way. around Klaxaeed. Ground flaxseed Is sometimes found on tbe market but In very limited quantities. If the pure flaxseed meal la desired It Is probably best for tho farmer to grow the seed and grind It himself. It Is often used to replace tbe fat In skim milk fed to calves. Iloth flaxseed and Unseed or oil meal aro laxative In their nature and for this reason should not be fed alone, but should be mixed with other grains. Remember to Salt tbe Cow. Tbe carefully kept cows on the De troit dairy farm receive four ounces j of salt dally mixed with tbelr feed. Tbey eat tbelr food better, and tbe owner thinks tbey do better when tbey bavs tbls amount than wben tbe allow ance Is smaller, Tbe cows are fed tbree times a day, and tbe salt Is di vided between tbe tbree feeds. lacreaaed Yield from Beets. According to estimates, tbe beet su gar production of. tbe United States for tbe season of 1000-7 will exceed tbe yield of lJKKHJ by nearly 22 per cent, the 1006-7 crop being figured,- accord ing to latest exhaustive compilations, at 840,000 tons of 2,240 pounds each. News emanating from sugar factories scattered throughout tbe entire coun try Indicates considerably larger crops than those of tbe preceding season. ! n ma a a V a inia mUB PACIFIC LIQUOR AND Vf INK IIOUBE. K. RKUTKR, Proprietor.. The best of Wines, Mquors and Cigars. Family Trade a Hpeclalty, Tel. Red 1731. 1Mb i'acino Are. HOA Commerco St, Tacoma, Washington M O.NTY'8 THIRST STORK llcrlln Building. 113 South 11th Bt. Telephone, Main 1M. TACOMA, . WA8IUNOTON The Best is None Too Good for You. Get It at The Trail Saloon & Cafe RUSSELL ORMSBY, Proprietor 113 S. 12th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster Ivory Cement Plaster F. T. CROWE & GO, 1 105 A Street TACOMA, WASHIN6T0N STYLES RIGHT PRICES RIGHT Menzics & Stevens Latest Styles In HATS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING SPECIALTIES 913 Pacific Avenue Provident Bldg. TACOMA, WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Loavo Tacotna 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 9:16 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, li:10am, 12:10, 1:10,2:10,3:10,4:15 (Ltd., no stopa). 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11 :15 p m. Leavo Bcattlc fi:30, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 a ni, 12 in, 1 :00, 2:00, :!:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 6:00, U :00, 7 ;00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 10 :00, 11:15 p m. 1'UYALLUP DIVISION Leave Pu yallup 5 :30, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 11:00a in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:16,7:15,8:16,0:15 pm. Loavo utii and Commorco fits.- 5:40, 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:00 am, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,6:00,0:16, 7:16, 8:15, 11:15 p m, (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) Tacoma Trunk Factory A good Trunk la always a good bargain. You can't Judgo from moro appearances. Wo sell Trunks that not only look well hut wear well. Suit Cusea and JlagH of all sizes, styles and prices Kopairing dono. l'hona Ited 2772 031 0 Street TACOMA, WASH. U. R. MArSNIINO. Pruii. A. T. HOHMUR. Heoy L,. R. MAlNINIINa & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages aad Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUILDINQ TAC MA, WASH. THE SCANDINAVIAN Commercial Banking Capital f 5,O0Q,0OQ Surplus 1 360,000 Total Available Assots 7,500,00Ot A. CIULBERO, President OKO, II. TAIU1KIX, Manager A. V. HAYDEN, Cashier Tacoma Office No. 065 Commerce St., N. K. Cor. South 11th Bt. A Delightful BREAKFAST Dish WH EATH K ARTS Makes adellghtlul breakfast dish: with fruit added, lovly ilea. rt. Hequires little time to rook. A light ei teniw for fuel. Is nuaraiitet-d absolutely pure and wata leaa than any other cereal Bold by all grocers, lire pound package, 'U rents. THE PUGET SOUND FLOUMINB MILLS CO., TC0U, WASH. -T-s.sa I : iawjma i THE ABBEY K. J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephone James 2121 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Rooms In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON THE AIN1NEX MARTIN ANOBL, Prop. House of Fine Liquors Phone Main 446. Cor. Eleventh and Pacific Avenue the Mcdonald cigar go. Bolls the lilgheet Uradca ot ...CIGARS... Manufactured by the teat factntlfs ot New York and Tampa. Also a complete line ol Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers' Articles Tel. Main 765. 956 Pacific Avenue THE DAMFINO P.T.McOI.OlN, Proprlotor Telephone Main 1M B8TABU8HBD BEPORU TUB WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1A02 Jefferson Avenue, Corner Factflo TACOMA WASHINGTON L. L ROsEMOS, Tfti. aai Thu. C H. X0BER501. EAT T. B. C. BREAD Mado by TACOMA BAKING COMPANY Wholmalo Manufacturers of Bread, Cakoa, Ktc. Wo aUo make a specialty ol (JOOD URKA1). Tel. James 201. 943 Tacoma Ave, Taconu, Wash. Phone Main 78 Pavtnf Plant, 16th and Dock The Barber Asphalt Paving Go. ASPHALT For Roofing, Street Paving aad Reser voir Lining CONTRACTORS Street Paving, Driveways, Floors and Sidewalks 203-4-5 Providence Bldg. TACOMA WASH. We make a Bpeclaltr of FINE POULTRY Private Car Trade Solicited Commercial Market MARRY MASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 202 TACOMA J, B. TKRNK8, Pres. and Mi r. Tel. 1 Tacoma Carriage and Baraga Transfer Company OFFICE Q TENTH ST. Oirrligis and BiRige Wagons at Ml Hovn Privatfj imbulancs Pirfict li Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY Ifanil vmlp lipV tnr II...... tn.iH.UM. senrera, who will meet you on all lucomlng trains. TACOMA, WASH. AMERICAN BANK Savings Department r HMKHMMaiMMk 31 ewieisi wimi 'W -fVVa