..-J PORTHOr .NOW AGE JL TOPICS OF THE TIMES fiifWi?JPjW j.iJr"J."i'lJM Tlio dog that has the bone la in favor ( peace. Tlio President mny lend tho people up to tho troiifh, but bo cau't mako them spell It t-r-o-f-f. And wln a li.in bumps up against hard luck ha nhvnyB blames soino otli tr fellow for shoving him. A woman Is nlwnj'H ready to admit a man's superior Intelligence If he'll ad mit thut she knows nioro than hu docs. Tom Watson thinks It Is not likely that ho will bo a Presidential candidate In 1008. Ilnsii't Tom found 11 to bo a paying profession? An IOnst TcnnesscoAii has been sot free after ten trials for murder. Who will soy there are no arguments in fa tor of lynch )nw? It Is comforting to, note tfmt once in a while a hold-up man tackles tho wrong customer and retires perma nently from tho business. A woman wants n divorce because her husband wouldn't allow her to talk. 8ho ought to be able to get it on the ground of extreme cruelty. Corncobs have bocomo so valuable In Oklahoma that the icopto can no long ir afford to burn them. Perhaps they hare been cornered by tho coal trust. A New York woman has been adjudg ed Insane because sho unwished a plana. Perhaps sho was driven insano by some ono who tried to play the piano. A fit Louis girl wlto was married on Now Year's evo was kissed by 400 peo ple. It will bo n shamo If she never has any grandchildren to wjiom to tell the thrilling story. Tho Adamless Eden which Is to be founded lu Texas will have only ono story ho,Uos. This Is a wlso provision. It will not be necessary to climb lad acre lu rase of tiro. Harry Thaw gavo his wlfo a Rooeo velt bear for n Christmas present. liar ry probably Is one of tho people who think they lack tho true Christmas spir it who give only useful things. When It was reported that Anthony Oomstock had lost his Job as a postof flco Inspector somo malicious person al luded to the matter by saying that "An thony has been stripped of his cre dentials." If Becretnry Hlmw can afford to do cllno a Job with u salary of $100,000 a year there need be no outgushlngs of stympatliy over tho fact that It costs hltti twice his present stipend to reside lu Washington. In a play that has recently mado n hit In New York capital and labor nro rvprvaented as settling their differ ences by tho application of tho (Jolden Itule. Tho author mnkes no claim to having founded tho piece on fact. Bays the Baltimore American : "The best way to defeat and conquer danger Is to march right up to It nud biff it between tho eyes." That ought to bo tried by tho man who finds hlmsolf held up by u rude gentleman with a uiaH-slu-d bit of artillery lu his hand Comparatively shaking, what an af fluent and Independent gentleman the fanner Is. The city man is the vic tim of tho butcher, the taker and the poor gas maker. He pays for every thing hu gets except air and would he gltid to pay for that If he could get tho country kind. Not ho tho farmer. Though his Held are broad and his fences high and strong, lie has a neigh borly feeling for everyone who liven within ten miles of him. His pastures and poultry yanU supply his meat and eggs, his garden tills his vegetablo cel lar every fall and his fruit Itouso Is stocked with fresh canned and cured fruits lu abundance. Ho works leisure ly through the spring and early sum mer, rushes a little during harvest and then spends tho winter doing the chorea and aittlng his year's fuel. What haa prosperity done for us? Grievous to say, with all our fine schools as large a percentage of the pop ulation as ever doaeu't know bow to crease Ita trousers, eschew hair po mades and "scent" and avoid carrying IU handkerchief In Its hip pocket. It la safe to say that In our roth for mere material comforts and life problems wo have sadly noglected the essentials. The realization of our flno dream to be the greatest nation on earth will never come until the dissemination la com plete of the knowledge that while you may call your maid by her first namo sho must not reciprocate, that you must not 'cat things with your spoon that you can eat more awkwardly with your fork, that you must not wear spats with your overalls and that a reversible cuff Is In contravention of the seventeenth amendment naronesa llurdett-Cuutts, who died In London recently at tho age of IK) years, was ono of tho moat remarkable women of tho last century, Her grand father, Thomas C'outts, founded a noted Loudon banking-house, and his granddaughter Inherited a largo part f hi fortuue. She was the daughter of fiir Francis Burdeftt, but added th name of her maternul grandfather to her own in 1837. She used her rasl wealth In building achoola, churchoi and model tenements, la endowing bish oprics In Capo Town, Adelaide and British Columbia, in restoring waning industries and In assisting deserving immigrants. It Is estimated that dur ing her life sto gave away fully flv million dollar In 18S1, .when she wai 07 years old, buo married Mr. William Lehman Ashmcad-Dnrtlctt, born an American, but nuturallzed as an En glishman, who had assisted lior In ro llurlng the sufferings of Jtliu Ilulgarl tins and Turks after tho war of 1877. Mr. Ashmuad-Unrtlett assumed tin niuiio of his wife. Mho was already n buroness, to which rank Queon Vic toria elevated her lu 1871 in recogni tion of her great philanthropies. King Edward Is reported as having charac terized her as the most rcuurkablii woman of her time, after Vlctorlu, to whom he assigned first place. As thero Is no royal road to learning so there Is no certain formula for ma terial success In life. All the success ful men give out prescriptions for the uttalnmeut of wealth or other things to bo desired, but these prescriptions are obviously faulty, since they do not succeed save in a few cases. Most men remain poor lu splto of thorn. Tho ad vice of successful cnen Is usually as use less as It Is platitudinous. This Is be en u so It lumps all men togother, where as every man Is a case by himself. Here Is H. II. Harrlman, for Instance, mak ing public tho secret of his success. "I Just attend to business," ho saysj "that la bow I succeed. Anybody can do the same." Yet nil1 of us know hundreds of men who, though thoy attend to business as faithfully as they can, are not successful even In a modest wny. They toll early and late, they neglect no honest effort, yet they live nud dlo failures bo far as material success Is concerned. Mr. Harrimau's systecn In thus Ineffectual with rcspoct to a largo proportion of men, and bo seems to realise It, for ho goes on to amplify and qualify his advice very materially. "I keep In touch with matters In which I nm concerned," he says, "and moot tho turn In oveuta at tho proper time. Any man of reasonable Intelligence with ability to approctato tho golden opportunity and selco It will succeed In his endeavors." This puts a very dif ferent complexion upon It. Attention to business alone will not sufueo. The aspirant for great things must also meet the turn of events at the proper time be must eelte the golden oppor tunity and know when to seise It Assiduity mast be supplemented by qualities which are not common to all mon. And It Is In these qualities that success resides. Successful men who, like Harrlman, give advice to those who wish to cmulnto them would do better If they put tho matter another way. They should say that men can not succeed without energy and Indus try, but they should not assert that thoso qualities alono will command success. For tho truth Is that success In material things Is often tho result of qualities which aro not entirely ad mirable, even though they nro rare. As for success In matters not material It can bo attnlncd by every ono. A man may live all his life In poverty to die rich at last In thoso things which can not bo bought for money. This Is suc cess which can not only be deserved, but which can bo commanded. WAY TO CUBE A COLD. Simple Hum llomedloa 'Will Ofieu Ilrvnk Up the Attack. It Is the easiest thing In tho world to catch a cold. Ono docs Imprudent thtiiKS and next thing finds one's self In possession of or rather 'possessed by a horrible attack of grippe." As a rulo the simplest remedies for a cold aro the surest, Thoro Is nothing for carrying off the congestion like n hot both, a hot drink and a good sweat Do thU it night Another cltlcaclous mothod Is to snuff up warm salt water. Hut ono must not go out right after this or tho cold will bo aggravated. If It Is a tight cold lu tho head rub Mlrt tilitfv nt ilir maa 4ttrtisitl stttt vaseline at nlirht This slnmlo dv sometimes works like a charm. It I. of the utmost imiiort.n. dnri.. J a cold to keep tho system from bocom-1 Ing clogged. The old, senseless maxim, "Feed a cold and starvo a fever" Is re sponsible for many bad coniploxlous and prolonged colds. The proper moth od Is to eat very lightly and eveu par tially fast tb. chapped lip. and uo If there are - fever sore, moisten a little powdered , borax and apply. For the aching limbs u good rubbing with alcohol or spirits ' of camphor Is excellent. If necessary to go out next morning I rub tho body vigorously with alcohol ami a Turkish towel before venturing forth. It I. of the utmost Importance ' ., .m .i., ..mmi .'... u. bath. If jou will use plenty of stewed fruit In your diet, eat fresh figs, drink hot water on arising and before menls and take ulne or ten glasses of water during the day you will be taking the',, best possible nisaiurca to get rid of a cold. Ob Ike lroaseaau. He thought his style would turn the head 0( every (irl that day, And every one, Indeed, 'tie aatd, Wm turned he other way. Philadelphia Ledger. As yet tho mirror has not been mnda that will enable a muu to sec himself as others tea hint. BAM'S HORN BLASTS. WacnltiK Nate CnlllnK the Wicked to Hepentnnce. I h.. i .... VJIU 1UYC IIIC KJ1T- I ami u win always help. Thero aro still somo folks who think that making n nolEo In church Is religion. If wo fall to kill our doubts they will kill us. Tho happy Christian Is always a busy one. Somo people never look up ns long as they can stand up. Tho wider tho Blblo is opened tJie harder It strikes nt sin. Every land flowing with milk and honey has giants In It. When a lazy annn looks toward heav en, angels clone tho windows. Whenever a wise man makes a mis take it teaches hi in something. Too man who Is nlwnys going to start to-morrow never gets there. You con tell how much people lovo the Lord by tho company they keep. The nation has no better friend than the mother who tcaciies her child to pray. No matter how much religion wo claim to have, all that counts Is that we live. We are all tho tlmo making charac ter, whether wo aro doing anything else or not Lazarus did more for tho Lord with out saying n word than Martha did with all her bluster. Thcer Is something wrong with tho man who la nioro concerned about his reputation than ho Is about bis charac ter. MAP IS AID TO PEDESTRIAN. Bnjormt-nt for the WnlUer When He In Properly ICciulpped, "Tho bicycle, nnd Inter tho automo bile, gave n great Impulse to the salo of road maps, but," said a man who takes his outlngn afoot, "useful as Rood mnps aro to thoso who by such nie.ins traverse tho country mnps ore, as they havo always been, no less useful and dcslrablo for the pedestrian. "I wouldn't dream of walking any where without a map. Tho map Is not only a guide, but It Is a compnnlon and friend that tells you about tho country as you go along. It tells you not only precisely whero you nro at whatever moment you consult It, and the dls tances hero and there, but with tho country outlined before you and Its fea tures marked thero on the paper you can And a far greater satisfaction In tho walk than would bo posslblo with out tho aid of this pocket companion. "Asldo from tho help tho map gives you In getting where you want to go, halt whero you will whero some Invit ing prospect attracts and open up tho map. "Only bo suro thnt you hold It cor rectly adjusted to tho points of the com pnss, and then tho map will tell you what arm of tho Ben or what bay or lako It is whoso waters you see far away to tho east, or what village It Is whose church splro you see rising to tho north: It will tell you the namo of tho brook you havo Just crowed, nud of tho Btream you'll bo coming to a mile further along on tho road. "With a map, In short, every featuro of tho country nenr nnd far Is revenlod to you. You know not only where you Btand at tho moment, but with Intelli gence tho country round nlrout as far na tho eye can reach. A region new to you, It Is all tho more Interesting be cause of Its novelty, but tho enjoyment you And In It Is vastly broadened nnd heightened by tho Illuminating knowl edge you gain of It from tho map. "Invaluable ns n guide, the map Is scarcely less to be esteemed In Its ca pacity of companion nnd frleiul mr, tell- Ing you of whnt you see. It makes, In n way, most plensantly acquainted where otherwlso yon might be Minply a passing stranger." New York Sun. I'nrutluxli'AU ' A young woman who has been doing mltwlounry work on tho east Mile had Inn experience Inst week that cn.ue near h charitable errorts. On one "Unly, cold day she met In the Mreet three Italian children two girls and a hoy who were barefooted. She stopped them, and they told her thnt their par enta couldn't buy them shoes, they were so poor. The charitably Inclined young woman first fitted them out with stockings nnd then bought them three pairs of shoes. T8 to,Mwn 'TX" "7, ""Vy' k ZZZ of the girls on the street "Won't you couie and visit us?" ask- " ? '", . . .... , , "VA ?T? ' ,M , m M,,m "' who '? "" Sit ! w" ?TOPBC " utoToUnr "1h' yoTU h?Iet m, A? -u"" wood, N. J.." said tho little girl. "We're going to mow to-morrow. I'apa baa bought two houses out there." New York Sun. Strives to riraac. ITtwlA fa lllttn Itortto nt-A.1 K vtin Mlxg token ott lo bed)-Oood.'nlgut, Ilertle. Of course, you always rvinem. ber your uncles and aunts In your pray ers T IWrtlc Oh, yes, Undo Felix. Shall I tell you what I say? "Ooil blew Aunty Kitty ami make her thin, and God bless Unolo James- nnd make him fut, and God bless Uncle Felix add- " Aa yo" want t0 lt-fat or thlnT And many a woman's greatness li due to the auiallneaa of her husband. HALL PHARMACY CO. Telephone Cast 873 Union Avenue and Tilemook Street (PORTLAND OREGON Nob Hill Pharmacy Mil. J. J. F1SI1KU. l'rop. Drugs and Toilet Articles. (Prescriptions Accurately Compounded 680.Glisan Street Tel. Main 845 ELEGANT FLORAL PIECES nnd .Cut Fir-worn. House .Plants. (iarilen Plant niul Voiy reasonable CUSTAVE J. GURXHARDT. Florist 1)2 TweneMMrd St. Phono Main 603. Portland, Ore. A, COKRIGAN Barton, Or, Clackamas River Best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in the Northwest LOUIS SCHUMACHER FURRIER Furs Rcmodulul Into Lntcst Ftylo. lior.s, 8 ok-H, Ties, for lots I linn nt any other place. 185 Madison Streot W. It. Williams A I Cleveland FASHION STABLES Hacks, Livery, Boarding Twentieth and Washington Sts. West End Exposition Bid. Phone Main 4J PORTLAND, OREGON SCHWIND & BAUER Shoo Repairing Machine and Hand. Only (loodrcar Machlno In (Mir City. Kline inailo to Order. Bhocs Culled for and Delivered. Tclcphono Partite 222. 2tt Yamhill Htrcct PORTLAND. OREGON The Portland Hat Works Manufacturers of flNE SOFT AND STIPP HATS Mala Dyed, Cleaned and lllockod. Our spe cialty: Panamas Cleaned and lllenchcd. 2l9f Alder Ht., lot. Fcrnnd and Third, llrauch: Hi Washington St. Portland, Or. ARTHUR L,AVY Turnlihcr and Hatter "HCC MAKB8 SHIRTS" 4M WaihliiKton St., Oppoilto Ilclllg'i Theater PORTLAND, OREGON . THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL A. It. ZKU.AK N. I,. MUKM.KIt Zellar & Mueller FURNITURE A Full Line of Stoves & Ranges SEC US, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT Phone East 4457 535 Williams Ave, Portland, Ore PICTURES FRAMED HHUIITUKE REPAIRED niONE EAST J5 RES. PHONE EAST 2JI2 H. C SCHROEDER The Albina HOUSE FURNISHER HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE CASH OR INSTALLMENTS UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 244, 246, 248 Russell St.. PORTLAND COURTNEY MUSIC CO. Band Instruments Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for Cih or Eay Payments. Latest Popular Songs and Music 25c, Five for $1, postpaid. 10-Cent Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c. 88 North Third St., Portland, Or. MALL & VON BORSTEL RCSMKNT AGCNTS Real Estate and Financial Agents GCRMAN AUIANCC INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of New York. Capital $1,900,000 CONFLAGRATION PROOF All 8. F. losses paid In full. Statement after payment of 8. F. losses: Assets, liiSTuO; Surplus to poller holders, oter i7.eoo,ooo, AOKNT8 llolladay Park Second Addition; Manntni's Addition; York Addition: Sulll. van's Addition; W.W. HcQulre'a Addition; Nicholson Addition. ' 104 Seces. St Lumber Eicaaaza BIV loim Main 1 393 Cast BiM-Mldc St., Pbone tut lW TUB Continental Casualty Co. ot Chicago, Illinois. Paid-up Capital 3oo,ooo Northwestern Department 503-4 lumber Exchange BMg., PORTLAND, OREGON The largest company In the world doing a strictly health and accident bualnet. uver .,iwu,uuu paiu on claims to R. R. mon alone. Writes all classes of ) ollcies on all the different oc cupations, inrludins the iwpulnr f 1 month policy. Call at the otlice or phone us and we will be uUd to explain the different olani. 1'uouo Main 43W. For Fine Wine and Liquors, mil at THE 'WEST O. HUMUS, l'rop. Pine wines, Liquors and Cigars I'lione l'aclflc 1001 335 N. Fourteenth fit. l'OUTLAND, ORE. NEW ALBINA CAFE PATTER! OK k McDOUCALL. Props. Fine Wines & Liquors The Old Corner Cor. Russell Av. & Albina St. Phone East 4306 Portland, Ore. LODELL'S PLACE A. K. I.UI)j:M Proiulelor Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Wt IN HARD'S BtER Telephone riidflp 1081 411 .North Nineteenth 8t. PORTLAND, OR. Pioneer Soda Works UUNPKi. 11HOH. .: CO. Mnntifiirturers of SODA WATER, EXTRACTS, SYRUPS, ETC. factory, 410 Wntcr Street Telctihonc, Main ZfCO PORTLAND OREGON Crane Bottle Co. Wholciale Dcalcri In BOTTLES Cnrry tho larg at ttock of Ilottlca on tlio I'nclllc Coast. Mall Order ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BREWERY NORTHERN BREWERY CO. Biewtti and Bottlers of HOP GOLD &ts rORTLAND OFFICE: Corner Eut Third and Burnslde Streets The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO KyT(tt Cigar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars W. S. Conrad Mlmioti Distributor PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS MAZAMA BISCUITS Ask your grocer for them and tako no otliur kind if you want the best. THETQKEPQINTOYSTERGQ. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tulupttono MAIN Coa Sole Guwsrs of thi Celebntid Toke PointOysters An HsJtsrn Oyster Transplanted and grown on our beds at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UKKQUALKD IN FLAVOR AND FRKSIINKBH" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers in All Varieties of Nativa Oysters. o SPICIS. o COFFEE,TEA, BAKINO POWDER. FLSVOfflMO EXTRACTS AWaluftfwtty. FiMsrFIivtr. 0mrtrSrrtih.ft4StfiikfVkci CLOSSET ft DIVERS POfTTLANO, OMMON. non Ht. I'uul ... ' PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Lewis & Clark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tlio Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cigar 12 Sacalawea 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND KING & GILMOFE Telephone UNION -I0G8 Real Estate Dealers Everything in the Best Properties Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON H. HENDERSON Real Estate I08M jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON I liaVo choice HtiBlncis and Rosldonco Tractfl'ln nil parts of tlio city. Cnrr ftponilcnco solicited from non tesltlent ownorn of property or thoso teuking inveHtmonts liero. ABBETT All Kinds of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work a Specially ALL WORK GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Ak'ont for Quaker Mfg. Co.'s Steel Furnaces 440 Union Ave. North Ebop Phono East 0177 Residence Phono East 1809- : 1AMEST0WN, N. D. The Seiler Co. OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorneyat-Uw President Paid Up Capital and Surplus $35,000' Collections Investments Real Estate Jamestown, North Dakota 1IY HAII, AM) WATKIl Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINE Tho excursion steamer " BAILEY GATKEIt I " makes round trips to OAiJ GADELOCKH ovorv Sundnv, leaving PORTLAND at 0 a. m., retutninj,' ur rlvib 0 p, m. Daily tervico between Portland and Tlio Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portlaiyl at 7 a. in., arriving nboutfi p. m., carrying freight nnd passengers, Splend d nccommodationa tor outilts and livestock. Dock foot of Alder stroet Portland ; foot of Court ftreat, Tho Dalles. Telo phono Main 014. Portland. A STORU & COLUMBII RIVER RAELROID CO. Two Slili. Passenger Trains Mi WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS sstwbsm Portland, isttria Seaside Ltares cmiom pirov Arrlrea. rnr MsTssrs, Rain ier, Clatskan le Wettport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flare), Gear bsrt I'srk slid Sea. Id. Astoria A Feaihom tiprtrM Dsiljr. Astoria Kx press Dallr. Pallr (:uia.m. Dallr. 11:10 a. m. 7:00 p.m. 9:13 p.m. 3. A. ETKWART. J.O.HAYO, Comtu'l Aft., 2(S Alder 8t Q. V, fc 1'. A. Tslepuone Mala 90S. .. V. i -a .11'W.nii,'.' " Wi ihSIwwpmMI w"!