a- e 1 & , ?Cv JC itm K$? VOL. XI. PORTLAND, OREGON"; SATURDAY, MAKC1I 10, 1907. NO. 47. b THE FRST NATIONAL BANK OF KALISPELL KALISPELL, MONTANA D. R. I'EKLEIt, I'rci., V. 1, J.EnEItT, V. I'rei.. It. E. WEDSTKIt, Cash., W. D. LAWBON, A. C(ish. Trin.net RRcnorM tanking business:. Drafts Issued, available In nil cities of ttie United States sml Kuroc, IIoiik Kong anil Manila. Collections wade on favorable- terms. LADD & TILTON, Bankers Portland, Oregon Established In 1859. Transact a Goncral Hanking Uiislncss. Intorest allowod on tlmo do posits. Collections made at all points on (avorablo terms. letters of Credit Issued avallablo In Kuroio and tho Eastern States, Sight Kxchango and Toles;rathlo Transfers sold on Now rk, Washington, Chicago, St Louis, Denver. Omaha, Han Kranclsco and various tiolnts In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Urltlsh Columbia. Exohatigo told on Uindon, l'arls, Dorlln, .Frankfort and Hong Kong. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. A1N8WOIIT1I, Prnildent. W. II. AYKIl, Vice-President. R. W. BCHMEER, Cashier A. M. WIMUI1T, Asslstaut Cashier. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issuod, available In alt cltlos of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections in ado on favorable terms. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS. THE PENINSULA Capital, fully paid up, $25,000.00. Surplus and undivided profit, $3,000.00. Commenced Businett June 5, 1905. omCEKB: J. W. FORDNEY, President; It. T. l'l.ATT, Vice President; C. A. WOOD, Cashier. HOARD OK DIRECTORS: J. W. Kontner, It. T. Plait, F. C. Knapp, W. A. llrower, II. I. Powers, Tlios. Coclirnti, M. I.. Ilolbrook, 0. A, Wood. "Oldost Hank In tho DEXTER, HORTON Cardial 1200.000 BANKERS noposiis )j,mvihj Arcounts of Northwe.t Paclfle Hanks solicited upon terms which will granrto thorn tho most liberal afrommottatlons consistent with tholr lalanrcs and responsibilities. Wm.M. I.ndd, President; N. II. I.atlmor, Matiagor; M. W, Peterson, Cashlor. Bcaltlc, Washington. THE I'lRST NATIONAL. UANK OI PORT TOWNHI3ND hstabllshed ies Collections promptly made and remitted. FIRST NATIONAL Capital, SurplUH, $1,000,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ompllml mntl Surplum $180,000 OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W. XI I. A PI) President CHAD. CARPENTER Vlco Prelilnt FIRST NATIONAL BANK! walla Walla, Washington. (First National Hank in tne tjiato.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL IIOO.OW. BURPLUH 1100,000. LKVI ANKKNY. President. A. II. IIKYN0LD8. Vlco Presldout. A. It. nURPORD, Cashlor THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TAOOMA, WASH. UNITED STA TES DEPOSITARY CmpHml $200,000 Surplum $200,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Chester Thorno, President: Arthur Albortson, Vlro Proildent and Cashier) iFredurlck A. Rico, Assistant Cashlor; Uelbort A. Young, Assistant Cashier. JNO. C. AINHWORTH, Pros. JNO. 8. llAKKIt, Vlco Pres. P. C. KAUFHMAN, 2d Vlco Pros. A. U. PR1C1IARD, Cashlor. r P. IIABKKLL, JR., Assistant Cashlor. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK General Banking CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $390,000 Safe DepoaH Vaults .SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS Intorest at tho Rato of 3 jxir cent ior Annum, Credited Beral-Aniiualljr TACOMA. WASHINQTON AI.FIIKD COOI.IDOK, Pres. A. V. McCI.AINK Vlco Pres AARON KUIIN, Vlco Pres. CJIAB. K. SCIUIIKK, Caahtp. I). U. WOODWARD, Asst. Cashier. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Oolf ax Wash. Oapllal, $120,000.00 Transacts n genorul banking biiHinoaa. Special facilities for handling Knstorn Washington and Idaho Items. VANCOUVER NATIONAL BANK Vancouver, Wash. Loading Financial Institution In Southwestern Washington UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL, 950,000 SURPLUS, $50,000 ASSETS, $1,000,000 I.KVI ANKKNY Presidents I. 0. CRAWF()RI, Vice Presidents W. P. CONNAWAY, Cashier DIRKCTORB UajvI Ankeny, Harry I.add Corbett, W, P. Craford, K.G.Crawford, W. W. McCrcdlo THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MoorsslieucJ, JOHN I.AM I), President DAVII) APKKQAARl), LKW Vice President Interectt Palcl on FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Turin Loans Negotiated. Firo and General Hanking Husldess. Capital, tJO.ood K. ARNKBON, Pre. 0. R. JACOIU Cashier 4 Pur Cont Inturtust Paid on Tlmo DoponltM THE FIRST INATIOINAL, OF DUUUTH, MINNESOTA. APITAL, HOO.OOO SURPLUS 73(1,000 U. S. Govsrnment Depositary. OKOROK PALM Kit President V. L. MKYKIIS Cashier UKO. La Grande National Bank lAoS?SSSE Capital mntl Surplus, $120,000 DIRKCT0R8! J. M. Berry, A. D. Coaler. V. J. Holmes, V. M. liyrklt, F. I Meyers. Geo. L Cleaver. Geo. Palmer. The Merchants INational Bank Of Ht. Puul, MlnnuHOtn UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital, 1,000,000.00 Surplus, $500,000.00 TrnnaaoUu nencrnl bunklns lutlnj. Corroapondvnco Invited OFFICERS-KENNETH CLARK, President: OEO. II. PRINCE, Vice President: II. W, PARKER, Cashier; II. VAN VLKCK, Assistant Cashier. Prince. C. II tiiucu-iuiui cravriortl UvlDESton. l uigctow. Jt.u. .Noyes, V, M. Watklns, Thomas A.Marlow, W. U. Parsons, J ,M, Han,naford, Charles P. Noyes. RfflHg Our new plant on Front St., between Seven teenth and Nineteenth Sts., is the most modern Engineering Plant on the Pacific Coast Work placed with us will be executed with efficiency and despatch. ST. JOHNS, ORE. State of Washington." & CO. Burplus and undivided proms, fi,iw BANK Or PORTLAND ORUOON $800,000 DopoHltH, $13,000,000 of NorthYaMma, Wash. W.I..BTEINWEO, Cashier A. n. CLINK Assistant Cashier ESTABLISHED luat MlnnuMotu A, 1IUNT0C Cashier ARTHUR II. COSTAIN, Asst. Cashlor Time Deposit East Grand Forks, Mian. Cyclono Insurants Written. Does a BAINK UCLKAVKR W. I Asst. Cashlor I1RBNII0I.TH Asst. Cashier BANK ston, Kenneth Clark, J. II Bklnner, Louis W, Hill, Geo. II, M. Watklns. L. P. Ordwar. F. II. KcIIol'. E. N. Baunders! L. P. Urdway. K. II, NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Busy Headers. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS h Resume of tho Loss Important but Not Less Interesting Event- of tho Past Wook. Dowlo'a funeral eernion, written by lilniHolf, cursed iiis enctnlca. Ilnnininn wnnts rnllnmds excepted from Sherman ntitl-trust law. Finlund line just hold its llrdt olec tion under unlver.'iil Hiiffntge. Tlio JnpntH'HO nprecmont litis licen carried out In Ban Francltx:c und Wash ington. Svlunitr. and Iltiof, tho Son Francisco Kraflcrn, have lout every point to fur in tho courtd. The total dent lis duo to the disaster on tho French wmnliip Jeim hua now readied 103. Speaker Cannon and other n'oinhcM of tho conKicKtdnnal party nt I'at 11 ma exprcHt Hitrpriro'itl tho amount of work that has been dune on the cuiml. Ex-Senator llurton, of Kanm, will probably Htu) in Jail an extra nioiith bceauHo of IiIh inability to pay his lino of rJ.GOO. Homer Davenport will send 0110 of his Arabian horses iutohh tho continent to prove tho strong enduring powers of that breed. A cousin of the c.irtconitt will ride tho animal. The improvement in Archie Koosc volt'H condition continuos. Paper manufacturers throughout tho country will mlvunco tho prlco oi their product! soon. Iloo'sovolt hns told Governor Gillette that legislation by California will pre vent Japanese exclusion. The strike of Portland mlllmcn may close down some business houses Jliat have need for many boxes. Stuyvestant Fish, who wuh tluown out of tho Illinois Contrnl presidency by llarritnan, has gono to Gould. Fifteen passengers on a J.os Angeles trolloy car wero badly injuiedbyn Soutiicrn Pacific englno striking tho ear. A Clilcago grand jury is after tho eo- called church and cuhool furnltii(o trust. Tho indictments clmrgo tho trust with controlling 80 per cent of tho busmoxs of tho country. One of tho Jnpaucso warships coining to Jamestown will lmvo great attractions for naval inou. It has u speed hotter than any of ours and was tlnishod in less than two years after tho keel was laid, which is bettor tlmo than is mndu In American yards. Tho vessel was built by tho Jnpanofo. Tho nooplo of Oklahoma are to vote on prohibition. M. FetkoCf, tho Itulgarian premier, fins been assassinated. Nicaragua cs accused of spying on tho American minister. Premier Stolypln promlsos not to dis eolvo tho Itussiun dounut. Nicaragua Is paid to bo prepacring n forco with wliich.to attack Honduras by soa. Tho Kansas houso hns passed the eonnto bill providing for 2-ceut iihhoii gor faro. Ilussia and Gonnany will both op pose disarmament at Tho Hague peaco conference. Knoxvillo, Tenn., by a majority of nearly 2,000, bus voted to lmvo no sa loons in tho city. Bristol has received a iccoss npioint mont from tho president us district at torney for Oregon. It is charged tlutt Hermann's attor neys lmvo attempted to lmvo witneflceH for tho government tell a story that will help the defendant. A Texas man 1ms just been arrested for a crime for which ho allowed his father to hang in 1874. Tho deathbed confessionof a witness caused thourre.-t. I .Missouri valley lumbermen favor a joint rato. ' HiiHsIan reactionaries plan to dicmlvo tho douma I Dritain and Russia may unite to keep order in Persia. War between unions may close tho Goldfield, Nevada, mines Jerome Is confident of being able to destroy tho Thaw defense. Paris electricians havo won strike and tho big city again has tl.eir light and power, Michigan copper companies are pleading with the governor to allow them to form a trust so as to success fully fight their rivals. POINT AGAINST HERMANN. Answered Loiters, but Copies of An swers Not Found. Washington, .Match 1G. Evidence decidedly damaging to Uingcr llor matin was introduced by tho govern ment todny In tho trial of tho ox-land commissioner for destruction of 35 lot tcrprcBB copybooks, alleged to have contained ollloial correspondence. Charts L. Dubois, chief of survey di vision; 1). C. Sherman, formerly Her mann's financial clerk, and John S. WHo, another clerk in tlio land olllco, all identified several letters taken from tho files of the land olllco, all pertain ing to government business and all en dorsed on tho hack, "answered by commissioner." Thoy nil agreed that this endorse ment slguilled that Hermann himself dictated the leplies and that his an swers wero press-copied in what wero known ns tho commissioner's "person al" letter-books. It. was also brought out by the government that careful search through tho letter-books now in tho land olllco failed to dltcloso copies of tho answers to theso particular let ters, thereby strongly Intimating thai tho letters must have been copied In tho books destroyed by Hermann as charged in the Indictment, and that tho hooks, thciofore, contained olllclal correspondence. No stronger evidence in support of Indictment hat heretofore been given during tho protracted trial. In fact, most of tlio evidence Btibmiltted up to this tlmo has boon designed to chow a rnotlvo for tho destruction of tho bookH und had no direct bearing upon tliu actual clmrgo contained In tho indict ment. Today's evidence Is very strong in support of the Indictment, and while It is circumstantial, yet leaves little doubt in tho minds of thoso who lmvo followed tho cu8o that Hermann's so called "prlvato" letter-books in fact contained much correspondence relat ing to tho business of his olllco. MAY PROMOTE IMMIGRATION. Government Will Not Interfore With Movement of Southorn States. Washington, March 15. Informa tion received today renders it clear that tho immiuratlon authorities, as 0110 result of the toveral conferences re cently hold, in which tho president, Secretary Straus, Attorney General llouaparte, Commissioner of Immigra tion Sargent and prominent men of tire South have jwrticiputcd, will interprot tlio existing immigration law as it was Interpreted In the South Carolina case. Tho attorney general has held that tho immigrants landed at Charleston, S. C, lint November, are legally in tho coun try. Thoy wero inducod to como to Aiuorlca by authorized agents of South Carolina and tho passage inonny for some, nt least, of them was Mild by tho stato, and others by contributions of tlio citizens. Several other Southern states lmvo decided to seek immigra tion along tho same linos us were fol lowed by South Carol Ina and it is un derstood they will not bo interfored with. CHANGES CANAL BOARD. Roosevelt Receives Resignations and Appoints New Members. Washington, March 15. Tho presi dent today received the resignations as members of the hthmiau Canal coin mission of Hear Admiral F.ndicott, llrigadler General C. P. Haines and I). M. Hurrod, to tako effect tomorrow. To till tho vacancies ho announced tho appointment of John F. Stevens ns chairman of tlio commission to succeed T. P. Shonls, and ns commissioners Lieutenant Colonol Goelhals, Majors Gaillard und Siobert, Civil F.nglnneor Hossenu, Dr. Gorims and Jackson Smith. Kx-Sonator Hlackburu will lmvo to await tho retirement from tho commis sion of Mr. Stevens about April 1. Enjoins New Copper Deal. Grand Kapids, Mich., March 15.--Judgo Knnppen, of tho United States Circuit court, today admitted that yes terday ho tanned a restraining order for bidding stockholders of tho CalumctA Hecla Mining company from holding u meeting to volo proxies in tho Osceola company, und hearing on an injunction was sot for March 25. Judgo Knappon refused absolutely to discuss tho mutter. Tho action beforo Judgo Knnppen was instituted by Mr. JJoynton, attorney for tho Uigelow interests in tho Ouceolu mine. , Sell to Insurance Company. Miiun, March 15. In tho town of IJorsano, near this city, 2,000 persons wero today mndo homeless by a flro which destroyed tho greater part of tho village. Tho people were Indifferent to the spread of tho Humes, because their property was Insured, and tho au thorities wero obliged to forco peatants I to work to check tho firo. ROADS TO RETRENCH State Legislation Everywhere Is Having Its Effect. RETALIATION NOT THEIR AIM Claim It Prudonco to Stop Construe- tloh Until They Know Where Monoy Is Doming From. Chicago, Mnrch 14. Railroad presi dents agree that the general disposition nil over tho country to attack tho roads by means of hostllo bills hits readied a stago whero some decided action must bo taken or the country will suffer se verely. As a matter of fact, tho roads already lmvo suffered tremendous losses, but eventually tho heaviest bur den will fall upon tho public in dimin ished and inferior scrvico, general re trenchment, clteaper equipment and tho abandonment of extensions which would dovolop now country. Tho greatest danger, according to all authorities, lies in tho great crop of two-cent rate bills, regardless of tho conditions in tho states adopting tlio hills. In the Fust it is possible to main tain good sorvico at this rate. In tlio West it is not. llcujnmiu Wiuchcll, president of tlio Hock Island system, prolmbly best epitomizes tho sense of all thu replies received to messages sent all presi dents asking for an opinion on present conditions und what was necessary to reduce tho danger of poorer sorvico. Mr. Wincliell says: "If tho Interstate Commerce com mission does its work wisely and sanely, as I bolievo it will do, tho rail roads lmvo nothing to fear. Thoy will get even justice, which is all thoy ask. I urn relying on tho sound senso of fairness of thu Apierlcnn pooplo to stop beforo thu situation becomes ucuto llnuuclally. It is a mistake to say tho mil roads are rotallatlig by reducing their scrvico und abandoning great en terprises. It is simplo prudence, 11 bowing to tlio storm. Wo aro forced to stop building new lines, buying ears and other equipment until wc know whero tho money is coming from. It is simplo business sense, and not retal iation. "I am heuitily in accord wtlh tho plan fm railroad presidents to confer with President Koosovolt. Wo must tako tho public mora hito our confi dence ami break down tho distrust. Co operation with tho government in laudable reforms Is u good thing." HOPE TO RECOVER THE MONEY Treasury Theft Has Not Yet Been Returned, However. Chicago, March 11. "If tho man wlio got tho $17:1,000 from tho suh treasury will send it htck through the mail or by express, thu chances are that ho nuver will bo detected." This observation was inudo yesterday by a high Fedorul ollloial working on the disappearance of tho money, and it represents tlio hopo of tho government authorities, so fur as can bo learned from anyone engaged In tho investiga tion. Tho hopo that tho money would bo returned in some mysterious fashion fa II oil to mntorlullzo. Doputy Treasurer Iluiitz admitted for tho llrst tlmo that there is a reinoto possibility that tho cash in tho sub. treusuiy is not 17:i,000 short. He inudo it with a reservation. Defects Found In Dreadnaught. Ixmdon, March II. According to tlio Chronicle today, tlio olllclal ac counts of the Dreadnought's Ix'havior on hor trip to Trinidad aro not alto gether supported hy pilvalo letters. Tho engines worked well, but tho heat In tho eugiuo room exceeded anything over experienced by tlio-o on board. Owing to tho great size of tho ship, her maneuvering qualities nt slow speed wero not equal to thoso of small ships. It is stated that tho big battleship can not keep her station with reciprocating ships at 20 knots, and that for nlbt maneuvering without lights, in close formation, tho ship is out of tho run ning. Will Carry Out Agreement Wushington, March 11. Following tho receipt of a telegram tonight from President Walsh of tho Sun Francisco board of education, announcing tlio carrying into effect of tlio agreement between tho president, Secrotury Itnot, tho San Frunolsco mayor and school board on tho Japanese (piostion, Presi dent Hoosovelt tomorrow will sign tho passport amendment of the immigra tion bill. Tho case pending to tost the constitutionality of tho law segregating Japanese children, will' not I) dis missed. Pennsylvania Streams Swollen. I'ilt-duirg, March 14. Dispatches from all sections of Western Pennsyl vania report heavy rains last night and rapidly rising waters. Streams are already beyond their tanks and much territory It submerged. GRAFT IN IRRIGATION. Officials ana u..'., actors in Idaho Work Suspected. HoIro, March l.'l. Evidences of graft In tho arid land reclamation sorvico of tlio government 1ms been discovered und is now in possession of tho depart ment of tlio Interior nt Washington. Action looking toward a number of In dictments is anticipated. Tho princi pal ovidence, bo far us disclosed hero, relates to grafts in Idaho, but it in snid that similar conditions exist throughout tho service and that olllclala In nearly nil tho Western stntes wlioro irrigation work is in progress will havo to nimwer. Tlio Fedorul grand jury, now in bob bIoh liete,vlll probably tako tho mat ter up, so far us this stnto is nffectcd, if tho new secrotury of tho interior, James It. Gnrlield, says tho word, and decides to furnish evidence now in his possession. Agents of thu deputrment have been conducting an investigation for some time. Their discoveries in Idaho arc suid to t)pify conditions in otlior places, and a reorganization of tho department is said to bo in pros pect. Tho chnrges in general nro that en gineers and other olllcials of tho de partment aro "standing In" with fa vored contractors in some Instances, and in other instances have thrown out bide in order to mako commissions on the purchase of machinery by Hie gov ernment and to profit hi other ways. In Idaho tho llolse-Payetto Irrigation project bus been undor spcuinl scrutiny. Evidcnco has been secured hcnrluir, on tho rlcatlons of tho contracting firm of Hubbard k Carlson, having head quarters at Hotse, with certain depart ment olllcials. It is charged in ufll davits now on file that this firm has re ceived many special favors and expla nation has been asked of tho reason for this. EXPLOSION ON WARSHIP. All France Appalled at Disaster on New Battleship. Toulon, March l.'l. Thu powder magazines 011 board tho French battle ship Jena blew up at 1:!I5 o'chek yes terday afternoon, and us a result Cup tain Adlgard, commander of tho battle ship; Captain Vortier, chief of stuff of tho Mediterranean squadron, and from 70 to 80 bluejackets aro dead, while Itoar Admiral Mancorou and hundreds of men uro suffering from injuries. Naval circles aro aghast and tho publiu is stunned by tho appalling catastrophe, coming so soon after tho loss of tho French stihrnariuo boat I.utin, in which 10 men mtt death. Tlio entire after part of tho Jena wuh blown to pieces. The bodies of the vic tims wero hurled through tho air by 11 succession of explosions and panlo stricken workmou at tho arsenal fled for their lives from tlio v.cinlty of thu dryihxtk. Scons on hoard tlio Joua Jumped oveiltourd on tho stone quays anil sustained serious Injuries. Tho primary cause of thu accident was tlio premature explosion of a tor pedo. What caused tho explosion is not known, hut tho powder magazines! of tho Jena wero set on tiro and thu re sulting exploHloiiri practically destroyed what was considered one of tho best vesseh of tho French navy. Thu Jena hud just undorgono tho final construc tion of her hull and machinery, tlio latter tmrt haying been partly over hauled preparatory to joining tho squadron today. DAKOTA'S CREW PAID OFF. Sailors of Wrecked Steamship to bs Sont Homo. Yokohama, March 12. Tho crow of tho wrecked steamer Dakota has been discharged Tho Europeans will bo sent to America on tho American steamer Tremont. Tho Asiatics will Ihi sent to Hongkong. Tho majority of tlio pnst-ongers left hero will tako tho steamer Siberia. Their hotel and other expenses wero paid by tho Gcreat Northern Steamship company, owners of the Dakota, Tho American consul has sent $150 to tho governor of Chibii prefecture for distribution among tho fishermen who assisted in the rercuo of tho American pasKingors. No salvage measures lmvo yet been taken, An olllclal inquiry has been arranged, steps having been taken for tho preior vation of evidcnco. Captain Franuke, of tho Dakota, is still at tho scene of tho wreck, uwaiting tho decision of tho underwriters. Uncle Sam to Make Torpedoes. Washington, .March 13. Admiral Mason, chief of tlio naval bureau of ordnance, has completed pluns for tho construction of a totiicdu factory at tin Newport naval station, and exjxo's to advertise at onco for proposals. Thia will bo tho ilist timo tho government has undertaken to mako Its own torpe does on a largo scalo. Tho now factory will give omploment to at least 200 skilled workmen, It Is proposed to mako every part of thu torpedo except tho steel flask which contains the com pressed uii . Congressmen Arrive at Colon. Colon, March l.'l. The steamer Pan ama arrived today with 53 congress men, who are desirous of inspecting tho wcik on tho canal, W WW. ry fc