THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON Pure Is certain if you tnko Hood's Sarsnparilla. Tills great mcdlclno cures thoso eruptions, pimples and bolls that appear at all seasons; cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema; adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu mutism and catarrh; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. Snrsntabs-ror thoao who prefer medtelno In lb let form. IIooiI'h Hnriannrllln Is now nut tin In choco- , i I atoct tnMoU called HnrMAtnha, n well na In tho ustinl tKi "Thocnre of n largo farm, no Il(uld form. MnrHntttha hnvo Idcntlcnlly tlio Rnmo miirh to do and o llttlo health to do It curntlvo proportion n tlio liquid form, boililcn nccil- with, canned nlmnat a rnmnleto break racy of dM, convenience, economy.-,... lo,a by ovnp- fc1,' ZSSSSirSsi oration, hrcnkniw, or lonknirc. Dnuriilats or promptly appfltlto, natural aleep, perfect hoaltb, by mall. (J. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Mala. atrvnieth to do nil mjr work." GuAHANTKEi) under tlio Food and Drugs' Act, Juno 30, 1000. No. 321. A NlllUT I.IIIIK". Tlio Ringer ut thu end of the practice nrln pnntcil heavily. "I Hiin one lutti- ' tired and iiliicty-Hlx notes that time," ho mild, "without once taking breath." "Indeed! That inimt bo n record." "No. The record In held by Cour tlcc 1'oundH, Pounds fiuik three hun tired and Hlxtcen notes without renplr niton In 181)8. The record previous to that wiii held by Farlnelll, with three liundred notes. Norman Siilmond ban stun; two hundred nnd olKlity-Hcven notes In tlilo way. The nvoriiRo man could hardly hIiik fifty notes without breiitlilnjj; to the fllngcr two hundred would bo nothing. I'hlladulphlu Uulle- tin. Tlcftiarit tit Wither Awny, MIhh Ascum Jack Hanson Isn't fat, Ia Iii7 MIhh Nowltt Not at nil; lie' quite graceful mid uiUHCtilar. Why? Minn Ahciiiii I happoncd to mention him to MIhh Jlltcr, nnd nlio Bald: "Oh I Imi't he dlHKUHtltiRly stout?" MIhh Newltt Ah, ye. She rejected lilm Homo weekH ago nnd hIiu'h mad be csuisu ho didn't plno away. I'lilludul pblii I'reHS. I'llCS CUIltD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. VA7.0 OINTMKNT It Riiarciitcod to euro any cane of IcIiIiik, blind, blocdlnif or protruding plica In 0 to It day or money refiindcd.&Oc. A Wnrm Proposition. Little JIiuiiiU' I'on likes you bet- ter'n ho did June's other fellow. Jiiiio'h Now licit u And why does ho like me? I lilttlo Jlniinle 'Causo you got red hnlr. I Jane's Ilcau Kill Hut I don't sec Jlimnlo 1'op says 'twon't bo lialf so hard to heat the parlor with you In It Cleveland 1'laln Dealer. TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. A Woman Who Has Suffered Tells How to Find Relief. Tim thousands of woman who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorder and other kidney Ills, will lluil comfort in tlio words of Mrs. Jano Furroll, of (SOU Ocean nvo., Jersey CJity, N. J., who says: "I rollcrntonll 1 Imvu .said hoforo in praiNo , of Doun's k I (hi oy Tills. 1 had been Imvinii heavy back aches and my general health was affect tvl when I begun lining them. My feut went mwillen, my eyeH puffed, and illy. r.y Hpolls were fiequent. Kldueyiietion was Irregular mid the secretions highly ooloreil. Tisluy, however, I nut u well woman, and I am conlldcut that Doun's Kidney Tills have iiiiulo mo so, ami tiro keeping mo well." Hold by nil dealers. BO cents a box. Foster-MUIiurn Co., lliifTulo, N. Y. rTTTTi'i.i i.T wn wroff1 nrriwi i u -trarmr jl.b tot -ittttw ANU'clnulelYcpnMiioafor As similating MicFood niutHcflula llng Uc Stomachs wdl3owl3 of rromotcs Dlgcsllou.Chcctrul neas nnd Host .Contains nellkr Oi)lunt,(orphino uorliiieroL OTTiAllCOTIC, Mm afOUJtrSiHUaatCWi MxSmrt Mil'- ' 't JtMpTJafW rJWnW Apcrfecl Hcmedy rorConstln,! Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrtwofl nnd Loss of Sleep. . 25 w jflm & IM X&8& MB msTZi jjaSrnB riASTORii ill m jut i it i ii I VoxSiinilo Si'yunturc of H I yEwjyonK. M I EXACT COPY or WRARfiER. Blood lira. O. K Tyler. Ilurllngton, Vt I'nor Chrlatnin I'nrr, A tlelcjint'on of fellow townusmen re cently called on Ituftis K. C(mbs, of Midway, Ky., to coiiRratulnto hi m on tlio receipt of n Carnegie medal. Ah his friends were inking leave Mr. Combs wished them all n merry Christians. "And I hope," ho ended, "that you'll have a more bountiful dinner than fell to tho lot of a young friend of mine hist year. "lie, tho poor chap, was stopping nt n cheap Now York boarding bp.use, nnd on Christmas day, after ho bad eaten a turkey neck, it potato nnd n splinter of sodden mliico pie, tho Inndlndy said to him, ns ho rose Just ns the weak coffeo wuh brought on: " 'Oh, don't leavo tbmo table, Mr. Smith.' "'I must, inruinin,' said Smith, grim ly. 'It's hard wood, nnd my teeth arc not wbnt tboy used to be.' " Ilia Conatnney. A story Is told of General Sir Alfred Horsford, who believed In n ccllbato nrmy. A soldier onco sought his per mission to marry, saying ho had two good conduct budges and ?-'." In tho savings bank. "Well, go nwuy," said Sir Alfred, "nnd If you como bnck tills day year In the samo mind you shall marry. I'll keep the vacancy." On the nutilvernsry tho soldier repented Ills request. "Hut do you really, nfter n yenr, wnnt to innrry?" "Yes, sir, very much." "Sergeant major, tnko his nnmo down. Yes, you inny marry. I never believed tbero wns so much con stancy In man or woman. Itlght face. Quick march!" As tho man left tho room, turning IiIh head, ho said: "Tank you, sir. It Isn't tho samo woman." How Oolura AnVpt Moninllty. There nre good nnd evil effects oven In color, not only In the inartistic ar rangement of them to tho trained eye of nn artist, but In pluln overy-dny red nnd blue nnd green, to my nothing of otherH. According to Medlcnl Talk forvtbo Home, If u person were conllned In n room with purple walls, with no color but purple nround lilm, by the end of a month bo would bo a raving madman. Scarlet bus even worse effects. Hlue Is very depressing: henco "tho blues." Green Is quite soothing, nnd yellow nlso has good effects on tho vision and spirits of most people. Tlir Soft Anmrcr. "I hnvo already said No' to yon, Mr. Very," said Miss Hute. "I don't seem to ho nblo to make myself plain, nl tlinii!!li I hnvo tried" x "Ah, MIbh Hute," Interrupted Percy Vcrc, "you couldn't do that, no inntter how you try." "Well er of course, I shnll nlwnya bo glad to hnvo you cnll upon tue, Mr. Vero." I'hlladelphln Tress. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TM MHTMM MMM, OIT. X( nli I W W f 1 Ml 'f'M"M-i 1"H n-t K"l-l"M"H"14-I- GOOD blioft v tones frv-"l'-H"H"l"I"l-'fHH"t"l"l''H"I"Hv Oliver Harford, who Is equally fa mous as a poet, Illustrator and brll-Ilantw-lt, wns entertaining four mag azine' editors nt luncheon when the bell rnng. nnd n maid entered with tlio mall. "Ah," said nn editor, "nn epis tle." "No," said Mr. Herford. tearing open the envelope "not an epistle, a collect." Walking about his estntc Mr. Dives hnlted n laborer who was digging a drain, and solemnly Inquired If he were ready to die. Tho man admitted that ho hadn't thought of parsing nway Just yet "Hut every time I breathe, a man die)," solemnly remarked tho million aire In tones of terrible warning. "Gee!" cried tho unmoved laliorer, "why don't you chew u few cloves?" "If I go on trial." snld the prisoner, "do I hnvo to sit hero nnd henr all the liyiKithotlcnl questions asked by the Inwyers?" "Certainly," snld the Judge. "And henr nil the handwriting ex perts?" "Of course." "And follow the reasoning of the chemistry nnd Inxau Ity exjierts?" "Very probably," snld tho Judge. "Well. then. Judge, I will enter my plea." "Whnt Is It?" asked the Judge. "Guilty!" M. Ueverne was waiting nt n station In Ireland for his train. Two Irish men entered and engaged In the follow ing conversation: "Sure, Put, It's down to Kllmary I've been, on mo way back now to Kll-Patrlck." "Arrah, muslin, Mike, It's meself that's Just nfter com lug from being down to Kll-Keimy, stopped n bit before I go down to Kll Moore." "I sny, Put, let us take tho day and go down to ICII-Maule." "Vo gods," exclaimed the Frenchman, "what assassins. Would that I were back In France." A yollow-hnlred descendant of tho Vikings walked Into the olllce of a prominent attorney tho other day and said: "Ay want you to make somo papers out. Ay buy a farm In Powell Valley, and ay tutik ay want a mort gage." "Why do you want n inort gnge," exclnlmed the Inwyer, "If you bought the farm? Don't you want a deI?" "No, ay tank not. Sax .xenrs ago ay buy n farm and gettn deed and ueder foliar como along with u mort gage and tak da farm. Ay tank ay tak a mortgage." Henry Arthur Jones, tho noted I'n gllsh playwright, was giving the stu dents of Yale mi address on the drama. "Y.ur American vernacular Is pictur esque," ho snld, "and It should help your playwrights to build strong, racy plays. Hut neither vernacular nor any thing else Is of moment If krcvcrnnco Is lacking. No playwright can succeed who Is like a man I know. I said to this man, one Now Year's Day: 'Do you keep n diary, Philip?' 'Yes, ho answered. 'I've kept ono for tho llrst two weeks In January for the last sev en years.' " A record-breaker In tibMMit-mliidcd-ness Is certainly n PnrU citizen, who npponred the other dny before a mag istrate to ask for n marriage llcciibc. He answered correctly and without hesitation nil the questions ns to his nnmo, ngo nml occupation, but when asked for the iiamo of bis lliiauco bo became embarrassed, nnd dually replied! dejectedly that ho luid entirely forgot ten to usk her for It. This, remarks it lloulovnrd piuier, recalls the dlstractlou of the famous fable poet, l.a Fontaine. Meeting one day In n salon n young innn, he was ho favorably Impressed by his conversation that he expressed his ddmlratlon for him In tho most llatterlng terms. "Hut he U your own sou!" exclaimed a gueid. In astonish ment. "Is It so?" replied tho poet; "then I nni tho more delighted to mako his acquaintance." A t)utHT I'liiy In HuoeliuU, Hero U a play In bnteball that hap pened long ngo. Perhaps It never will happen again. Did any one ever bear of a base runner scoring from llrst base on u lino drive that was caught by it third baseman and when tho ball never left the third baseman's hand? The play happened In this way: Andy Moynlhan was playing third base for tho Pastimes of Chicago In ISdS when a tournament was held, The Occiden tals of Peoria were the opposing team. In tho tlrst Inning, with a runner on llrst, tho batter drove n liner strnlgbt over third. Moynlhnn shoved up his bund, the ball struck It and stuck fast In tho bnnd. The crowd cheered. An Instant Inter they saw something was wrong. Moynlhnn, writhing with pnlu. wns running nround third base. Tlio base runner nt tlrst saw something was tho matter nnd ran down to second. Then ho ran to third and finally trotted homo unmolested. The trouble was that the ball, strik ing Moynlhan's hand, paralyzed tho nerves. The ball was stuck tight In his hand. It was live' minutes beforo his fellow players could pry his lingers open and get tlio bull out. Chicago Trlbuue. Stout KlKhtrra. Tlio kind of men who don't know when they're wlilpiuM uro very much like postnge stnmjis." "In what respect?" "They stick the better for a licking." HnHlniore American. IVrhans tlio lot wuv to mold tUa illsainwlutiucuts of loe Is uuvor to fall. Ik. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be In a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Aver's Sarsa- I parilla. If you doubt, then consultyourdoctor. weknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. Thtl ll tho flrtt qn.ntlon year doctor would anki "Are your buwH regular" Heknowa that dally action of the IxmeU It absolutely cuentlalto recorery. Keep your liver active and your bowel regular by taklog laxatlre doioi of Aycr'a l'llli. A JUd by J. O. Ayer Co., IrfwU, Mill. . uaouiagiurcra or f 111 id vinno. l?f0 AOUECURE. If ! O CHERRY PECTORAL. m' tmvbmhm Could Still Henr Some. "Doctoc, my wife cays she is getting denf." "Tell her It's because she Is setting old." "Do you believe she Is denf enough for that to bo safe?" Houston Post. Only One "BROMO QUININE" Tliat l I.AXATIVK IIKOMO quinine. Blmb Inrly named remedies xuiiiptlmea ilceoUo. lint Drat nml nrlulnal Cold Tnlilet l nWIIITK t'ACKAHi: wlllt filsek ami red lettering, anil bvara the alKtinllliu ol K. W. tytOVK. 2oc. In the Comlntr I)ny. Husband Mnrln, this Is going to be ft closely contested election, nnd we'vo got to get everybody out. You'll buve to hurry, or you'll be too Into. Wife Gracious, John I 1 can't voto to-day. There's no use In tnlklng about It. I Imvcu't a thing that's Ut to wear to the polls. Mothers trill And Mrs. Window's floothlnt Syrup tho twit remedy to unoior their clilldrea during tho teething porloU, Myatrm. Hallway Magnate I don't see bow the accident could hnvo happened. We run our road on the block system. rnreasonnble Person I knotv It. You're so busy running out blocks of wnteretl stock tltnt you can't pay nny at tention to the way jou run jour trains. Shake l.ito Your Shoee Alien' Foot-IIano. A jxmilcr. It makei tlpht or nuw auoea fool caiy. Ilia a certain curator MtciUltiK, cnllnna mid hot, tired, aelilnir feet, Hold by all DrnifKlita. I'rlro Wo. Trial pnek nno mulled Kltl.i:. Aildrcm Allen 8. Oltnitcd, Loltoy, .Nuw York. (,'oiiiinrlaiuiK. JTrs Kross-Ithodes Still, In tho city there is more roIiij; on. You hnye ever K) much more variety than wo do out here. Mrs. Avnoo Ab, me, yoi! In the last year I have tried cooks of seventeen dif ferent nationalities, mid haven't found ono to suit me jet. CITP ' Vltna' Pan- and all Ncrvmn Dla-anea lllo ni'rraaiieiitly curiil ly Dr. Kllne'a (Irrat rrHllraiirir. Homl for KUi:i: 2 trial tiottUnnd ireailtv. JLKlln.,lt.,Ml ArcliHt.,l'hlIo.,r. Not dnlte In Ilia l.lnr. Kind Hearted Woman Why din't you give up our Idle, useless way of living nnd mako n innn of yourself? I don't Mipposo It ever occurred to you that even n person of your stamp might bo useful In settlement work. (loodinnn Gonrons No, nm'nin. I've done n little lint work In', but work In' a whole settlement Is too dos-sono risky. There la more Catarrh In this aectton of the country than all other illaeaiei put together, and until tho latt few yearivraimpposed to bo In on r able. Vox aKreatmanjru'arailoctori pro nouncod It a local dlneato, and preicrlbedlocal reinudlea, and by eomlantly falltnR to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a coiiititu lloualillttaso.niid thoroforo requires eoiiitltu tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, menu laclured by 1-'. J.Cheuoyvt. Co. .Toledo, Ohio, It tho only conitltutlonal cure on the market. It li taken Internally In dorei from 10 dropi to a leaapoontul. It acta directly on the blood and muo mi lurtacci ol tho yitom. Tbey ofTer one hundred dollari for nnv rate It lalU tocure. bend (orcireulari and testimonial. Addresi. K. J. CHUNKY & CO.,Toledo, O Sold by l)rufnrlta,7Sc. Uall'a family Villi are the beat. Geta Hock nt lilm. Ncwcd When you say nnythlnR that uinkes your wife nuu'ry what does she do threaten to return to her par ents? Oldwed Worso than that. Sbo ro peuts some of tho fool things I said during our courtship. Stimulate the Blood. Ilrnndreth's Pills tiro tho great blood puriiicr. Thev cro n laxntivo nnd blwd tonic, t cy net equally on the boweN, the kidneys and thovkin, t us leamini: tho hVMi'lii by thu uaiurnl i Utlct of the bid v. '1'lioy stinuiliito the blooil m ns to eunble iinturu to tlir w otl all morbid humor nnd euro nil troubles nn-iiiK from an impure ktito of tl o blond. One or two tnkeu eery iilght w.U proo an invuluablo remedy. Kao i pill contidnsone p-nin of solid ex tinct ot snKnpnrilbi, which, with other vdunblo vik table nroducls, ictike it a blood puritler of excellent character. llrandreth's I'il's lmo been in use for ocru century and are sold in every drug and medicine 4ore, cither pluln or 4iigur coated, A I'rettr Exprrlmcnt. A very pretty effect may lo produced by usIiik bomo nnlllno dyo In powdered form In alcohol. I'll I n small glass with tho alcohol nnd drop tho smnllest Iortloii of tho dye on Its surface. It will shoot down through the liquid, like a strand of color, dividing into two branches, which will subdlvldo again and again until you have, apparently, nu Inverted plant In miniature growing beforo your eyes. An arrangement of mirrors may bo niado to throw tho re flection of this on a screen or n wnll, and tho enlarged shadowy will bo very Interesting to watch. PUTNAM Color r aaora tod UlfWcr and faatcr colors than say other dye. Om 10 ataad to hr aorfct raavlta. Ash scaler, or wo vW an4 poat Ma) It Happen Rrerr ItlRht. At tho end of ono of tho sessions Qf tho world's convention of tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union In Hos ton, Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens condemned tho habit which so many men have of going out between tho nets nt the theater. "I nni In henrty sympathy," said Mrs. Stevens, "with n womnn whoso hus band said heartily to her, nt the cud cif nn Interesting drama: " 'Jove, what n piny. I don't believe (hero wns a dry eyo In tho house when tho curtain went down on tho third act. '"No said the lady, bitterly, 'but there seemed to bo tho usual number of dry thronts.' " PAINLESS TTXENTISTRY UtViMot U YoaGoEuorlxrt DOMINATIONS rKCC tlold Crown, fit Itrlilce Work, per tooth, li 1'latta.tst Hllrcr J-lllinj., Wo OoldFllllnifi, !. YALE DENTISTS 107tf First Blrct 1'OUILAMJ, OnCOON PRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Uttered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, rRcKistcred) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACiriC NURSERY CO. Catalogue free. Tangent, Oreg" FREE SAMPLE MULE-TEAM BORAX With TO-paso llluntrntvil booklet, Rtvlnff 1.000 UKe.i for llorax In thn Homo. Farm nnd l)alry, ami n Souvenir Picture, 7x1 1 In., 10 "olom Jrco for 6o anil )ottr dealer's nnmo. Adilrcia 1'aclllo Coast Uorux Co., Uakland, C'aU CROPS NEVER FAIL In the tliiirr Hmikn Vnllnr, lilnlin, vvlirr Sft.QU MlKnlnilppI Vulli-y liomiwekrni arr nlrraily !oali'il. lu),uuunir.a unilorloiiil, IrrUab r lamt llll nnalt IIim aeltli-r. Illcli-nt ad lirnt wn'rriil valley In lli uiirlrl. 1 liift c'linatri rlin ei from IniiiifiiarcroiM or ruin, alliiiruailvar lwl. M.e-J,-KUInvmtPtl In aniinr fnciiirlcH. Netv It. II. valvip alnn lo YellowntoiiB park oiima inunlry of Ml n nmrcp". Aahtoii turti'ii Jan. I, Uwl, a riconl hrtnktr. Write fur imrtlnilarit. U. O. MOOIIK 11KAI. i:sTATI COMPANY Nt. Antliuny mill Aaliton, liliilio. AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Mails In nil atyli a iiml a' I nlrn. Url watrr nml nil anylii'ri. llent Drlllloc 'loolt tnnilr, (In tula lnk anil price. BEAL1, & CO. 321 Hawthorno Ave. Portland, Or. km iare flood the test for over u vean. and are tilt In the lead. Their absolute certainty ofgrowth, thclritncommouty large yield of dcllclotii vegetable nnd Dcaiiiiim uoncri, make tueiii the molt rename ami tue most popular every- tiicic. nuiu i'x Hn uvaicrv. luuf . Scco Annuul tree oa rcqueit. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich. STANDFIRM "Whenyoubuyan OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand Tts the easiest and only W to get ine besx Sold everywhere JL EXCURSION To Sunny Alberta CANADA March 22 tnd ovry two weeks thereafter; f 42 for round trip, which includes berth nnd meals. Trip costs you nothing If you buy land. "Write and leurn about our ' Special l'ullman Car Ex cursion. H. E. Barnum Land Co. PORTLAND, OREGON 211-215 Chamber ot Commerce. mW$ vriy vi rv Aft fA M, WiSHl ''MTi A 4 41 W W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES tiAold . L. 00U6LAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUAUEO AT ANY PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY Men' Shoe. US to HI. .Ml. IK.j - Mine, Hho. S-t to S1.AO. 31 taaea A' Childrwu' W. h. Douglas shoes aro recognized by to uo ino oval iu ai) to, ut aim wear iirouucou park 01 1110 auoo aim oveiy uuiaii 01 ma ana wateneu over uy sKiuea thocmaicers, without ro?anl to tiuio or cost. If I could take you Into my laree factories at I Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefullv W. L. Douclail hoes ara made, ym woul I then understand why they hold their shape, lit bctta rear longer, and uro of creator Talue than anv other makes. W. U UMiUi runi and P.ri'V l ttaiuped on the loltoin. which proierta the wearer aralnit Meh - warllnterliriioej. I'uUe ... Si.l..llti.l. im.14 l,yih lilJdei7rrTwbr FADELESS DYES STJIm '."JiSJ' f .Si c.a"Yf SH "-l Don't Push The horse can draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying MicarAxh to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever mads wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axle Giieabc. Standard Oil Co. IararaU4 i yAQHTJI ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES TOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon GOOD SEEDS ; Each year brings us Increased orders for our seeds. Why? Because; we supply only those that produce satisfactory and profitable? crops. We know, after many years of experience, what sorts are best to plant on this coast. Buy P. S. Co.'s "Diamond Brand" Seeds, the best for the West. Our new 100 page Annual Catabg and Seed Planter's Guide; No. 260 free on request. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon Spokane, Wash. DR. G. GEE WO Wonderful Home Treatment Tht wonderful ChW nm Doctor la called crrnt brcatiM he cum i-eoplo without opera tion that ar ven nn li ill. Ho curea wt b thoao wond.rful I'tit- nn ha rba. ronta, btnla. harka and vegetable! Hint are entlrrl un knuwn to nidllrat eel. niro Id till a countrrttimucli tliu um of lliuie harmlraarrmraiat. Tlila l.uujui doctor knowi llioarilonorovprSOOtllRrri'iil remitll -a, whloh hnuiaurcrani'ly In dlrlrrent Ulnniei. llo pnaran'iwa toctiracatarrhlnthma,Iun,thrnat itiruiiiatlam, nrrvcua ina, ituinacn, tltrr, kid linya, etc.! li.n hunilre-la of t.'tlmonlal, C'tiarsra modrmla. Call ami aeo htnu I'u'lcnta out or Ibo cliy writ f-r Llnnlia amlrlrculara. Bnd itamn. C0NHUI.TAT10N HUli AiMrita The C. Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1G2H Drat St., S. C Cor. Morrison Mention paper Portland, Oregon ThisisTourPiano The I.udwlK Tlano haa rharaetrr of Ita ton. Miulrlan lulultlri'ljr ri'coiti.lni Ita rbarro. Tumi l Ita ililif iliarariTlllc m rrdnril and irrnpathetle; ao wonderful In It arntneaa and purity that you inarvil at Ita ourii'. t'riun the IwiMiinliig lhi rlrrlpl aa nii-d to rIvk the utnmat iiualllr at a certain rlr lilsn i-nouuh to allow tbi tint of rvirvthlnc: lutr tnoiiKb to only yliM a rvaaonaLle profit nltbvut any additional charge for reputation. Tbe above plauo la Strip I price 1373. d llientl at your railroad atatlun, with atoul. ararf and liutructloii Umk. If dralrvil you way pay I.'IT.W rath and the balaniv In monthly or quarterly iayiuenta. We furnlab tbU plaim In oak, walnut or mahogany, SATISFACTION OUAKAMTEED uheu you trade nltb bberman, Clay & Co, 1'lrat you know thu prlco la right. Krery piano I inarkrd In pluln tlgurea, tine prln no mora no leaa. Xerond the ataudlus of tbla old firm It a guarantee that all your dealing will 1 aatlafaitnry, Itealdea the Ludnlg piano, vre are aole aeenta for Htelnnar, Knale, A. II. Cbaae, llrerett. Uaaon & Harulln, Tarkard, I'laeber, ronorer, l.'atey, KlngaUiry Kuieraon, Sterl ing, Wellington, Huntington and Memlela nolin. Wh also aell orgaua and Vlrtor Talk. Ing Marhlnea. We hate a Dre alx ottne or can at Sso. Write for catalogue, prleva and terina. lie aure and mention that you taw tbe adTertltement In tbla paper, "THE HOUSC OF QUALITY" Sherman. Clay & Co. SIXTH AND MORRISON STRCCTS oeeoaiTC eoar orrict, reariaND fOtTUKD SfATTlt T10CM1 gPCKtWE BUimCHUI tmtTT P. N. V. No. 10-07 TI7UKN writing; to advertlaera pleaaal mention tlila papr. AT ALL PfUOESil S3 to 81.35. Women1 bhoe. .'.- 3 to atl.OO. expert Juiljjus of footwear' in tuu country. i.acu inaKlDt; is iookou alter jttlltS wNEfev&ii mumtbWMmM ill hi 'ai" 'ii111 w ni J,. AWwwitMlll I I nniTlltwt. raiett m 1. rJatx 'J Wm?V' A AlWB i aV ;i"- ZilW fRRynwa tuaroa lajcli . -..., .... v. ,(, HWIHU M9n io