THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON v ;. r ' "' 3 V' v 41, wjwtaaL Pnrtlsmii 5faw Age Eitabllnhed 1M A. I). Orlmn, Manager Office, Koom 317, Commonwealth Building To insure publication all local new mutt chVeU,0tft0rthRnThUr,,llttymorn,llBOf,Brentor degree than has been no i each week. Pubicrlptlon price, ono year, paynblo In nil Vanco i, AUU. Local Ncwh an this l'ngo by C A. HITTER. City Billtor- iawxsxDsw9i PORTLAND LOCALS ?4SS Mr. Paul Strain the gcnlnl pro- i-iiui airiuii uiu kiiiiui pro- Ko A.nswhiS Ouk StrceJH. is n firm nnd truo friend ....i. ...... .. i... ti.t :.. it...i.i -... of our peoplo. Cnll nnd get acquaint- cd with him. tf Mrs. Julia Green, ono of our pio neer citizens is indisposed. Mr. A. Harris, who had his finger amputated sovornl weeks ngo Is still at St. Vincent's hospital In a critical rmiilltlnn. condition. Tho thentrcs wero generously pat this week by Afr-neri- iiBod by the presence ot iHLu u uiu prt.Hi.iiLu in ronlzcd cans catiHcd "Uluck Patti and her Trubadors." Mrs. Clara Dcttls underwent nn other operation nt Good Snmnrltan hospltnl on Wednesday of this week for tho purpose of benefiting nor cyo sight. An Irish Boclnl Is announced to bo hold at tho A. M. E. Zlon church on tho 18th Inst. As they nover do things uy unit it ucnoovus tno puuuc to attend. Mr. Robert Jnckson, ono of tho oldest nnd most rollublo employes of tho hotel Portland wiib compelled by sickness to bo absent from his post ono day this week. Tho Apron bazaar given laBt week at tho Zlon church Thirteenth and Mnln streets wus n decided success both socially nnd (Inunclnlly nnd re flects great credit on tho committee in charge of tho snmo. Mr. Sim Rcddy, who has been suf fering with a sovero attack of Infla matory rhoumntlsm wiib removed to 'the Good Samaritan hospital on last Friday and underwent an operation. Ho 1b doing nlcoly at present. MrB. M. E. Fullllovo will nddrens tho young pcoplo's mooting of tho A. M. E. Aim church on Sunday evening, March 10th at 7 p. m. At 8 p. m. Rov. Harbor will fill tho pul pit In tho nbsonco of Rov. Goo. E. Jnckson, tho regular pnBtor. Mr. C. C. Crnddock returned tho, first of tho wcok after a two weeks sojourn at St. Martin's Spring?, greatly improved In health nnd- spir its nnd wiib nolo to resume his posi tion with tho Pullman Palace Car Company on last Monday evening. Mr. John Smith Washington, tho only son of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Wash ington of Twelfth streot North died nt their rcBldenco Tuesday after n lingering Illness nnd was burled nt Lono Fir coinotory Wednesday, Rev. Smith of Mt. Olivet church officiat ing. Mrs. J. C. Logan gavo an enjoy nblo rccoptlon In honor of hor moth er who loft for her homo on Wed nesday ovonlng. A largo numbor of her friends woro present nnd wished their dopnrtlng friend God speed ro grottlng thnt hor stay In our midst had been so short. Tho niombors of tho vnrlous churches nro making preparations to colehrnto Easter. Special vjiuislc by tho vnrlous choirs ns well ns np proprlnto exorcises by tho momhors of tho Sunday schools. Tho plenR ing Information comes from tho mil llnor'n convention hold n fow days ngo In Chlcngo that Indies' lints nro to bo mora gorgeous nnd costly than horotoforo. Tho ninny frlonds of Mrs. Mario Rutlor will bo pnlnad to lohrn of hor death which occurrod at Vancouver, T). C, on tho 2Cth Inst. Intormnnt SXSSXivVV m wnB nt City Vlow cemetery. Mrs. n tho mnnngoment of tho grent bus Dutlor had resided in Pnrtlnnd for Incss Interests of Cook county that ovor 17 yenrs and was at ono tlmo eomo boforo tho county board from connected with tho A. M. E. Zlnn tlmo to tlmo ns tho Honorablo Thco church of this cltv. Last yoar bo-,doro W. Jones. Ing HI, hor llfo long friend, 'Mrs. Oiinli. DnFil rtAnn..ft 1a1 linn Anmn 1 e ' mioiu M I a IIUIOUIIUCll III I IU bUIMI III Vancouver nnd live with hor. She lonves n sister In tho oast as well as otnor roiaiivos to mourn nor loss Tho public press prints nn nrtlclo stilting thnt a plan hns cltlzenB of been devised by tho tho Stato of Louisiana which contemplates supplanting tho no gro plantation laborers with stnto imported white Immigrants. Whilst there is no need to fear that tho schomo will bo n success it is to bo honed that it will bo tried ns nn means could be devised which would Boonor break up tho Infamous nnd unlawful treatment accorded tno farm hands In that section of the country than tho exorcising It In tho case of individuals who could nnd would appeal to somo strong govern- mont to see tliat justico was metro out to them. Then peonage would be stamped out in tho south land, A visit to the soveral business en terprises being conducted by negro vvin nt ttmmnfl In tfila nltv wmilft Via MICH (UIU HWI.IU. " . ..ww. , In tho nature of a discovery ana resolutions oi censure against w. i. ngreeablo surprlso to tho majority , Vernon, tho registrar of tho United of our people and cause us to give States treasurer for the speech that up the belief that conditions aro he made in Chicago recently, and worse now than thov wero ten or branded hlra as a coward and traitor twenty years ago. Wo find bsrber to his race. shops, grocery stores, restsurpnts ' A mugca treat waa Bjven to tho tailor shons. cafes. bAnrdlnc a"d ,)eonlo or Chicago who were fortu roomlng houses, furnltur stores. nat0 enougn to get tickets to tho real estate ahd employment offices. concert given at Dethesda Baptist boot black- stands, laundries, etc., all cnurCh a8t Thursday ovonlng. Tho being run by Afro-Americans, and n0UB0 Was filled, and tho programme comparing favorably with any like waB excenent. establishments in tho cltv, thoreby .,,. assuring many of our people employ-. Mrs. Nannie Duncan of 4818 Dear- merit nnd In nearly nil enses their born street, Is one of tho enterprls pntrons can bo certnln of nollto nnd lug workers in tho Christian church, courteous treatment from tho nttend- nnts who will bo found perfectly Tho Order of True Reformers In competent nnd In few cases will tho city of Chicago has a member customers bo tirmble to sccuro what- ship of GOO, nnd according to tho over they desire. Theso onterprls- last report, tho order Is doing Splen itis ttmrt ntlrl wnmnli rlnanrtrn In n flMlv. corded them tho patronngo of their i Tiiorc is n strong eiron now uoing fellow cltlzenB. Lot us, when for ono mndo by n lnrgo numbor of rcpubll reason or another we feel thnt It Is enns In tho city of Chlcngo nnd nil mora deslrnblo to take a meal away over tho county of Cook, to detent from homo with our families patron- Izo ono of these restaurants or board- lng houses where we do not hnvo : to tnko n sldo room to bo welcome, whoro wo know wo will not bo em- barrassod by being told If wo sit In tho mnln dining room thnt wo do not Bcrvo colored people horo, but rather where we can feel that what wn nnml .will lm niitirnnliitnil. Mltn- - -" ." ----..-------- ----- wmn wirii run ernenrv RinroH. innnr V- ,"o at least u por- H0" .f your. tnu,' romomberlng thnt teir trauo grows so mm uioy can nttinlnv mi nrrnnc! linv or nimtlinr salesman or woman that It is likely to bo another position filled with nu Afro-Amerlcnn n llttlo nbovo n menlnl ono. How many of tho stores run by the other rnco wll glvo our bo coign iti Unted o h 8 boys or g rls a chunco to act n . ,1 , 1 L Jo n 1 i9 for clerk or sn calmly or ovou nn errand . ' J ' TCh?cni?o 'Leila w such i boy or dollvery wagon driver. Leti1110 I'laco. umengo ncctis just sucn us ponder theso things and try each of us In our htimblo way to better our conditions along these lines and I' "cn Chief John M. Collins tool ro long wo will bo surprised at thoh' of " l'ollco tlopartmcnt In Chi ..". . ......,, enco and becamo tho uonernl minor material Improvement. PROMINENT COLORED PEOPLE Who Have Accomplished Much nnd Who Arc Held in High Esteem by the People All Over the Country. uy ijugeno i-ieius or unicngo.) Mr. Jnmcs A. Scott of Chlcngo, 111., Is ono of tho prominent lawyeiu or this city. Ho Is formerly from tho State of Mississippi nnd scvcrnl years ago previous to his coming to Chicago, ho was elected clerk of tho Circuit Court of one ot tho largo nnd wealthy districts In tho State of Mis sissippi, and has for some years In tho city of Chicago tilled an Import ant position as ono of tho expert clerkn In tho recorder's olllco of Cook county. Ho has lately commenced tho practice of his profession ob u lawyor nnd hns been employed, us tno attorney lor tno commercial Consolidated Company of Chicago. Lawyer Scott is a republican in poll tics, and Is a man of honor and abil ity. Mr. John F. Cragwoll of Senttlo, Wash., Is u representative citizen of Seattle, In tho State of Washington, nnd Is ono among tho leading nnd wealthiest colorod men on tho Pacific Coast. Mr. Cragwoll takes n deep Intorest In tho nffnlrs of his rnco. 'politically, religiously, educationally, and Industrially. Mrs. J, II. Johnson of Chlcngo, 111., Is an excellent christian lady and n woman of a great deal of rnco prldo. She Ib nn influential member of sev eral secret and benovolont organiza tions among tho colored peoplo, nnd Is deputy grniirf1 matron of tho Stttto of Illinois, of tho Ordor of Daugh ters of Sphinx, nnd Is also tho Royal Matron of Queou Esther Chapter of tho Ordor of Eastern Star of Chl cngo, and Is also ono of tho asso ciate supremo grand matrons of tho Supremo Grand Chapter of tho Or dor of Eastern Star of tho United States and Canada. Mr. Edwnrd E. Wilson of Chlcngo, III., Is u prominent member of Uio Chlcngo bar. Ho was born In tho Stnto of Toxns, but hns resided In Chlcngo for n number of yenrs. Pro vlous to his coming to tho city of Chlcngo, ho resldod for a short tlmo in tho stato of Massachusetts nnd graduated with high honors from tho Williams college, In tho stnto or Massachusetts. Mr. Wilson Is n learned nnd prominent mnn of his rnco, and has on several occasions contributed nn oxcellont nnd Inter esting nrtlclo to soiiio of tho lending magazines of tho country. Ho has won distinction In his chosen profes sion of tho law. Hon. Theodoro W. Jones of Chi cago, ui is ono or tno lniiuontini men of his rnco. in tho yonr or inu-i no wus eiecieu on inu rupuun can ticket by nn overwhelming mn jorlty as ono of tho county commis sioners of Cook county, and ho has accomplished much for tho benefit of his rnco, No other colored mnn has ovor hold n position ns n county com missioner of Cook county who dls- played ns much ability nnd judgment p. f fUR CHICAGO LETTER itiivai Tho Now Ago is on baIo at Levy's New" 8end 500 Thirty-seventh St., VIlVjUt Chicago, III., Mar. 1, 1907. Special to tho Portland Now Age. Mr. Samuel Young of 2921 Ar mour avenuo Is on tho sick list. Hon. Geo. H. Jnckson, ex-member f tho legislature of Cincinnati, Ohio, l,w ,-.. , La8t week tho Centennlnl Social and Literary Club was organized among the colorod people. Mr. Rob- ert Sanders was elected president Lawyer S. A. T. Wotklns, tho as sistant prosecuting attorney nt Chi cago, has beon promoted and as signed to the municipal court at Har rison street. Oxcldental Club passed a series of . -- i. i Juugc uonjamin snmn, wno is now n candidate for re-election on tho re- publlcnn ticket for ono of tho Judges of tho Superior court of Cook county. omco no nns ueon on mo uencn 1110 wny ho hns treated n great many of tho lnwyers nnd other persons who huve, had business In his court, ho 1ms mndo himself very unpopular with a lnrgo numbor of peoplo In ,. , ... ... ,,.,. ,if viiiuuku. " ." ihuiuuiuho """ now thnt ho will bo beaten by 25, .000 mnjorlty. JOlin M. U0111I1B, Ciller or POIICO 01 f' lHco tlepartmont of Chicago Is beyond doubt, tho very best mnn thnt ""8 over boon chief of police of the city of Chicago, and Mayor Dunno Is " U1 8 cnioi oi ponco as jonn m. I Collins, It must bo remembered thnt IIJUIV cngo nnd became tho general super intendent of tho polico force or Chl cngo, ho found on tho polico forco n number of worthless, dishonest, and unreliable polico omcors, and somo of them wero holding Important po sitions In tho polico department. Ho hns succeeded In weeding them near ly nil out, nnd hns placed the polico department upon bucIi u high stand ing thnt It Is fnr In advnnco of any polico department In any city In tho United Stntcs. Tho mnnngoment of tho Colored Department of tho Jnmcstown Expo sition mndo a grcnt mlstnko whon thoy Bolectcd Jnmes II. Porter of Chlcngo to bo their flold agent to collect exhibits from tho colored peo plo throughout this section ot tho country. This Is tho snmo Jnmcs II. Porter of Chicago that figured In u conspicuous manner a fow years ago In what wiib called, tho Mld-Summor Colored Exposition, that was hold in Chicago. It will bo remembered that somo of the colored peoplo who had exhibits nt that exposition nnd to commence n law suit in tho courts of this city to get back tholr prop erty. Somo of tho colored peoplo nover got bock their property at all, and boiuo of tho colorod peoplo se cured tho services of Lawyor John G. Jones of Chlcngo, and sovornl law suits wero tho result heforo they suc ceeded In getting back tholr own property. Tho colorod peoplo In Chi cago, and nil ovor the Stnto of Illi nois hnvo mndo up tholr minds thnt If thoy hnvo anything' to exhibit; for tho Jnmcstown exposition -thnt rnth cr than hnvo n law suit about tho mnttor, rnther than to have It stolon nwny from them, thoy will keep their proporty at homo. BIG AID TO TIMBER BARONS. President's Proclamation Bonanza for Weyerhaeuser Syndicate. Scuttlo, Wash., Murch C In tho Iwllef that to creato inoro forest re serves in tho state of Washington would bo to provent tliulicr on the public do main from falling into the hands of the timber and lumber huroim ot tho coun try, President Itooauvult signed n pro clamation adding 4,201,000 acres of timltur land to tho ronorvefl already cre ated In tho state. Hy bo doing, how ever, tho president gavo to tho Woyer Imeuser Timber company and to otlior rich corporations absolutely undisputed Hovoroignty over somo of tho richest and most valtmhlo lauds in tho state. That tho president was uninformed when ho mndo what is undoubtedly ono of his most romarknhlo onlorn is shown by tho fnct that ho has placed In tho iiniu f n,n rlmW luirnnn a. n power thoy never dreamed of having. Tho Weyorhaouser and othor big tim ber land owning corporations oither now hnvo tho ownership of all tho lauds surrounding tho reserves just created, or will soon have them. Under such circumstances, the timber baron could log off up to tho reserves, constructing railroads which would bo paid for out of tho profits of tho lower country. Under tho forest reservo act tho pov eminent can soil tlmbor to thoso who wish to buy nnd who hnvo tho price. Tho small logger, owning no timber lands reaching to tho reserves and with out limine of transportation of tiny kind, will bo absolutely nnd effectually barred from bidding for tho govern ment timber. Only tho timber baron and tho logging magnate could apply to purchase. LIKE HIS PREDECESSORS. Senators Defend Hermann Fulton and Meldrum Testify. Washington, March 0. It developed in tho trial of Ringer Hermann yes terday that KO-vernmont oflicialf make a practice of keeping prvato letter press copybook and that thoy havo all used their discretion as to what should nnd wJint should not go into their private books, It was shown that it has like wIbo been discretionary with ofliciaU to tako their private books with them upon retirement or leave them behind, ns they saw fit. Senator Teller, of Col orado, who was secretary of the intorior under President Arthur, testified that he copied in his private letter books many letters relating to matters bo fore his department, and, when he re tired, he took the bookB with lilm and no question was ever raised as to tho propriety of his action Senator Carter, of Montana, who was land commissioner in President Harri son's time, had more rigid ideas on tho subject, and left behind him all his private letter books that coontained let ters relating to the business of his of lire. HUSINEBS LOCALS J. Wallgrcen, denier In staple nnd fancy groceries, G34 Thurman street. Tclephono Pacific 911. A good place to get your soft or stiff nais rcnovaicu is -ivjyt Aider street, between Second and Third. M. J. Gill Co., whoteanlc and retail meat dealers, 512 Mississippi avenue, Portland, Oregon. Phono East CG5. Always ask for tho famous Gen eral Arthur cigar. M. A. Gunst & Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Tho Anhctiser, Henry M. Williams, proprietor, 23J Morrison street, corner Second, Portland, Oro. Telephone Main 2517. Ryan & John, dealers In choice gro ceries, meat, fish and poultry, phono Main 522, 61 North Park street, cor- 'nor Davis. Everett Market, (E. h. Peck, Prop.), Choice Meats and Poultry, 413 Everett Street, corner Tenth, Portland, Ore. Phono Main 1540. C. Anderson, stnplo and fancy gro ceries, Twenty-first and Thurman' streets. 'Phono Hood 67. Fresh roasted coffee a specialty. Try the Pacific Laundry Co. for good work and prompt service. Mnln office First nnd Arthur streets, Port land, Ore. Telephone C40. John Sclinid, denkr In hnrdwaro, tin ware, sheet iron work, guttering, spouting and roofing. Genornl jobbing a specialty. 149 Russell street. Royal Mnrkct, Dalr &. Worth propri etors, fresh and cured meats, fish, poultry and game. 439 Union nvenuo north, comer Tillamook, Phono EnBt 167. North 16th Street Market, A. Wur tonborger, proprietor, cholco poultry, fresh nnd salt moats, phono Main 1395, 230 North Sixteenth street, Portland, Ore. L. N. Nccs, boot nnd shocmnkor. Flno rcpnlrlng n specialty. Give him n cnlj u'lirn you need anything In this lino, 32214 Wllllnms nv., Portland, Oregon. Tho Oak Cafo. Choicest lino of wlnco, liquors nnd cigars. P. W. Pick, proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific 2118. corner Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Ore. Dyeing nnd cleaning of nil kinds of ladles' and gents' clothing, cropo shnwls, silk, velvet nnd laco dyed equal to new; laco curtains and bankets cleaned by a now process; mourning garments dyed in 48 hours. All work tlono nt very modornto prices, 104 North Third street. Vulcnn Coal Compnny, wholesale and retnll dealers In house, steam nnd blacksmith coal. Foundry and Btneltcr coke. Puget Sound Bteam coal In enr lots, per ton nnd up. Wo hnndie nil tho best grades of domestic nnd foreign houso conls. Phone Mnln 2770. Ofilco 329 IJurnBldo St., Portlnnd, Ore gon. Dopot Lo'an Offlco, Joo Ilornhardt, proprietor: flno watch repairing, old gold nnd sliver bought; business strict ly confidential; bargains In unredeem ed pledges; nionoy to loan on dia monds. wntchcB, Jowelry, guns, pis tols, blcycleE, inuslenl Instruments nnd nil nrtlclos of vnlue 124 N. Sixth St., Portlnnd, Ore. t-f THE PIONEER PAINT COMI'ANV. Tho p I o neer paint cs tabllshm out of Portlnnd Is thnt of F. E. Itench & Compnny, of 135 First St., tho o 1 d o s t nnd most ro llublo houso of Its kind In tho Northwest. It carries nn Immonso stock of tho best things In pnlntn nnd building materials, together with an unusual list of specialties. Thoso who need anything In theso linos can cor talnly profit by going to F. E. Hcnch & Company. Remember tho numbor, 13fi First street. I'rld'i ItetuniiHlilo HntUfnctloii Olinrnnleed A. NICHOLSON KurceKtor to K WINKIJIMAN Ladies' and Gent's Tailoring I'lcaiiliiKi 1're.nlni; nnd IU'iiilrll(; I'll m it! 1'aoltlc 307C I ii Nineteenth Hi rem J. J. MEYERS Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods, Cigars nnd Tobaccos, Ice Cre m and Confectionery Orders Delivered rrninptly 1'honu Vt'oodlaun SM -SO Mltiltilpid Ave. l'OIITI.ANI), OHKQON Murray Levy Drug Co. DISPENSING CHEMISTS I'lione 1'aclno 297 13th A Wmhlnutoii Htieeti I'OHTMND, OIIKGON T. J. Concannon & Sons Lewis & Clark Grocery I'liono I'a?lfle2l?J WOThurmun St., eor, tilth 1'OItTI.AND, OIIKGON COOK MOTOR GAR GO. Dealer. In Hi(h Grade Automobiles Fifteenth and Washington Sts PORTLAND, OREGON SANDSTROM BAKERY V1 No. 776 William Avenue Fresh Bread and Cakes Daily PIES AND CANNED GOODS TtWPHONE tAST 95 T. J. COFER & SONS Grocery & Meat Market 735 Williams Avenue Phone YYoodlawn 149 MILLER, BUCK 8c CO. GROCERS Phono Woodlawn 406 Williams Ave. & Fargo O.J. Knlncr It. Hochull ERDNER & HOCHULI Chicago Market Dcnlerx In Krcli nnd Cured Mcntn. All Kinds of PniifHRC.. l(t" Third Hlrcct, lieur Yntnlilll. l'lioiio Mnln -I1J. l'ortlnnd, Oregon. D. C. BURNS THE GROCER TI2UUPHOMI3 OH 210 Third St., Portland, Oregon. P. A. TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries t'niltii, CmifcrtlotiK, C'lRftm, Tolwccoi nnd fan ry C'oftVi'a, Tuna nnd bplcos nt l.owcit Tricot 417 Union Ave. I'rco Delivery I'liono Knst 410 AUGUST STORZ Punier In Htuplo uml I'linay OrocorloH VvKutnulc, Trull and Dairy l'roduwu I'liono Knit tos ICO Wllllnnu Ave. l'OIITI.ANI), OltKOON C. S., NELSON Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions 154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving JolinV Meat Market J. D. MKIUIKNH, I'roti. Fresh Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Dacon and Horns Corned Hoc! nnd 1'lrkled I'otk 8peelltr I'liono Mnln 1MI 41 N. filxtli Street l'OIITI.ANI), OltKOON The Union Meat Co. All Dlnlnir Cnn nnd Flnt CUm llotcli ud lteiuurmitu lu- tho UNION MCAT COMPANY'S rKCSII ANO CURED MEATS Tho Heat In tho Markot. rntronlio Home In- 4WY- PORTIANO, OREGON GEO. HOCKENYOS Di-nler In Staple and Fancy Groceries Clean and Tobaccos, Fruits and Confectionery PROMPT DELIVtRY 90 Russell St. Phono Eaat 4899 FINK & LEWIS Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries DRESSLD POULTRY, ETC. Plinnr Tntl 582 SI4 Mlttlitlppl Avenue PORTLAND, ORE. GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Denier In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce CIOAH5S AM) TOHACCO Phone East 374 460-462 E. Burnslde Si. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Free delivery Phone East CS3 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore R. C. WALWORTH Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone CAST 3407. 136 Russell St. PORTLAND, OR. JOHN E. MALLEY DEAI.EU IN Staple & Fancy Groceries Teas and Coffees a Specialty 492 Washington, Near 15th Phone Mala 2167 PORTLANP, OIEGON RAINIER MARKET C. III.UM, Proprietor Dealer In Fresh. Cured and Smoked Meals, Hams, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Etc. Also Fish and Clans. FAMILY TIIAUK A 81'KCIALTY Cor. Seventeenth and Bvler fin. I'lioue Main 1U3 fortlaiul, Orcgoa H. R. LYNES Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Notions and Fruit. Free Delivery. 154 Suutll Street Pnon Eut VM P6BTIANI, OIEGON The Yale Market & Grocery i:i). U.8TOCKLKN, Proprietor Staple and Fancy Groceries TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY l'hnne KnstfiOS 293 Ornnil Ave., South 1'OItTI.AND, OltKOON E. B. COLWELL hnlcnlo nntl retail GROCER l'HONK MAIN 403 28i, 283 and 285 Third SL COKNtft JcrrcitsoN PORTLAND, OREGON P. A. EDDY North Portland's Leading Grocer A cent for Chase & Sanborn' Teas and Coffees lli'!iilnr ilollvory by Tlirco Wnf?onf?, lOiIin ti, in., Mi'M p. in. .Special tloltvoi lo, II ii. in,, 5 p. in. 1'Ikimo Main 1710. 752-754 Savier St., t'uriiur TiuMity-tlilnl- Portland, Oregon JiTLSB16- ,wo rollo,," "IYMPIC. A Flour Whose Best Endorsement Is the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year THE LIGHT THAT'S BRIGHT C Electric light is pre-eminently the light of happy content. It dispells gloom, dinginess and discourage ment. Light homes make light hearts. C Electric light is practical lighta light that is at once clean, convenient and eco nomical. At the prevailing rates for current on meter basis it is well within the means of all, and when used sensib 1 y economically electric light is as cheap as it is good. CIS YOUR HOUSE WIRED? C, PHONE MAIN 6688 for OUR REPRESENTATIVE. He will prove these state ments with facts and figure . i- PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. FIRST AND ALDER STRRETS ' at V civuLVyvji I