THE NEW AGE, PORTLA1SD, OREGOK Jfartluttb Nnu Age A. D. cmilT'lN. Mnnnuor 'will not tnko very long to climb to performing various slow nnd lnbor- Ofllre, Itonin 317, Communwcnllh llullillng Entered at (he potnfllce at Portland, Ortfoa, Mtecondciait matter. SUBSCRIPTION. One Year) payable In advance $2.00 300,000, nnd It won't stop tit that. VOTK TIIK llOXDS. I lous circumlocutions, lioltl buck our work Our Candidate for President JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER of Ohio w (w I EDITORIAL ttttf&&TmWMMiQm(V&irWi imiuirr iHosri:cr.s. Things look bettor for Oregon nnd for Portland tlinn over before, even Immensely to Portlnnd's nttrnctlonM, remembering that they have been and make It celebrated throughout "looking up" for soveral years more tho whole land as the finest scenic The bonds proposed to bo voted on next Juno for boulevards nnd park grounds should bo authorized nnd ' doubtlcHSivlll bo by a largo mnjorlty. Tho bonded debt of tho city Ib com paratively small, considering that Portlnnd Is a very rapidly growing city and tho water bonds will bo paid by tho water Income, so Hint it now Issue of a million or even two mil lion bonds will not bo any apprc- wc could not to keep pace with it. The chance is hero now, nnd if tho peoplo will embrnco It wo will do what wo can to help." "Tho project to mnke n manufac turing district at the exposition grounds, where buildings havo boon purchased, would havo been much further along by this time hud It not been for one obstacle tho abBenco ? WIT Of THE YOUNGSTERS. A Teacher Johnny, what Is the future tense of "He drinks?" Johnny (prompt ly) He's drunk. Teacher Willie, can you toll mo why the multiplication tnblc stops nt 11!? Willie I guess It's because 13 at a ta ble is unlucky. Teacher Now, Johnny, you may clvo trill till! definition nt "I'vnrplsn " .Inliti. of cheap homo sites for employes," l0.Erclio Is work what a fellow said Mr. Ponse. "We have had three likes to do because It Isn't work, largo concerns ready to remove their "They say tlmt I have cut n tooth," hnlri tae Italic with mournful rIcc; . . ' plants from tho cast and bring tholr .,,,., f .''inn n ,i. ,. ,i elablo handicap on tho city, nnd tho ,, , t If they d only tell the truth, employes to Portlnnd could wo hnvo . They'd bay (ho tooth cut me. money thus secured can bo made to do tho city several million worth of good. Tho proposed pnrk ground nnd system of boulevards will bo a most excollont Investment. They will add fiirnlHliPri thom plionn hnmns for tho' Teacher Why, Freddie, this excuso dollnrs .ii u, doesn't look like your father's wrtl g. .employes without sending them flvo ,, ... ... .. .. . ,,. , . Freddie Well, the next one w ook nines to wnsi j-oruanu suuuros. IIlore m.0 It( t RUesH IIo suys )y ,,,,. "This obBtnclo to our undertaking uuiUHlilp Is Improving, has been overcome by tho proposal to ' Small Tommy after being severely nnd more, and notwlthstnndlng tho creation of a railroad commission calculated to do considerable harm. For one thing, congress JiiBt bo foro it ndjournod passed n very lib oral river and harbor bill, so far as appropriation for Oregon nnd parti cularly tho Columbia river uro con cerned. Tho Oregon projectn havo boon very well tukon caro of, and It Is especially gratifying that tho Jetty work nt tho mouth of tho river hns been put on tho continuing contract basis, thus assuring steady work on it till It Is completed. Tho Oraegon legislature did ouo good Job, providing congress at tho next session will Join with tho state nnd mako tho rest of tho appropria tion necessary In appropriating 4:100,000 for freo lockB nt Oregon City. If Mr. Hawley can Induce con gress to bear tho rest of tho cost, he will havo done a very lino piece of work, not only for tho Willamette valley above Oregon City but uIho for Portlnnd although this city is not in his district; but nothing much can ho expected of tho reprcsontutlvo from this district. IIo probably will summon up energy enough to vote, If somebody will tell lilm when. The Icglslnturo failed to do an Im portant duty, although It Involved iiilto un appropriation, In defeating tho combination of tho Portage rail road to Tho Dalles and was prop erly lectured tho other evening by Mr. Wlttonborg. It Is not tho cost of a thing that In objectionable pro viding It is worth tho cost, nnd al most anything that will aid cheap and prompt transportulou Is worth nil It will cost. Activity In railroad building Is an other thing to rojolco at, and that Hiiroly Indicates groat development and growth In tho near future. Work has begun on tho United Hallways line, which will bo a big help to Port lnnd nnd tho country It passes through, and (hero will bo other sim ilar lines built up tho valley within tho no.t llvo years, greatly Increas ing population, production and wealth. Another thing portending much elty In It. They will bring tourists In great numbers annually and home-' seekers of wealth as well. Already many fine homes havo been built hero by peoplo from abroad, and when theso Improvements uro mudo tho number of such homes will mul- tlply rapidly. With tho city well Im proved In nil respects, nnd beautified nnd Its natural attractions made tho most of, and with Its delightful cli mate during u largo part of tho year, It will becomo the mecca of thou sands both of temporary and perma nent sojourners, and most of thorn peoplo with plenty of money to spend nnd Invest. What Is two million dollars when Portland's nssesslblo property this year will bo probably about $200,- chastlsed by his mother for disobeying her ran to his father nnd said between sobs: "Papa, how d-dltl you c-eome to in-marry such u w-woninn us in-iniininia Is?" I Mammn If you had two nonnlps. Willie, and I wns to give you three more, how much would you have? WIN Ident districts to be found anywhere lie Make It dollnrs. mnmina. What's In tho world. The lino will bo built tM0 llB0 of ut,K Htlngy with mnke-bo- nt once. Men of means have agreed "evu ,none'7 , ... ., , .. I A little fellow, age -1, accompanied to come In nnd finance it nnd the ,,, fathcr ,0 LnC(I1 Jc JJ bondB nro nlready practically sold. where ho saw n diminutive monkey "Tho Idea that camo Into my mind with whose playful antics ho was great was simply this: That It would bo a ly ',1?'11- "Jmt ,,l(1 " t,onr?" ., . asked his mother upon his return pity for Portland and Multnomah ,10lnCt A funliy mt,c, l)oy wtu n tt county to miss this chnnco to replied the small observer. get In on tho ground floor with n "Wlint's tho mutter, pet?'' asked n boulevard nt n time when tho cost i"""' of her 3.year-old daughter, who was crying, "s-somnir tiweatirul li open tho district between Willamette heights and Llnnton. WoBhnll con tinue tho Llnnton road lino from the fair grounds to Llnnton, then loop buck along tho hillside nnd open one of the most beautiful suburban res- W Cater Specially to the Small Buyer UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE Delicatessen and Groceries Home Cooking a Specialty. Try Our Home Made Pics Hiont Eul 5921 lift. BarniMe SI., Nut Union Ave. I. WILLIAMS & SWANK STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Teas and Coffees Telephone Knot 1M 2.W I.nrabrc Street 1', oitnaoN EUREKA MARKET lIKXItV HAKHIlKNPlMl, Prop. Choice Fresh and Cured Meats. Fish and Poultry I'lmiif Mnln W2I Co. 14th and Glisan, Portland, Or J. B. SIMMONS Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CONFECTIONERY Dc'lvtred to All Parti of the Clly. 463 Glisan St. Tel. Pacific 1 99 PASTEURIZED DAIRY COMPANY, Inc. 1'nMctirlzcil Milk, Cream) Ilnttcr, Kki, Cottage Clipcsf, CliccM!, Iltltter Milk, QUALITY ICK CKKAM Milk 4 per rent guaranteed Phone Kant 6.102 .TOO Unwell Street 1'OltTLAKD, OHEOON Michigan I Company H. CHAW, Proprietor Phone East 2806 154 Grand Avenue NOB HILL MARKET A. SCIIOLZ, Proprietor. Fresh, Cured and Smoked Meats Sausago and Poultry Tel. Main 818 Cor. 21st and Irving Streets D. BREEDLOVE & GROCERS SON. 361 East SoventhSt., cor. Stephens Phone East 768 PORTLAND. OR. of Htich nn Improvement would bo n ImKittollo compared with whnt It would coHt lntor on." Tho governor Kiilnuel nothing In public esteem nnd respect by bornt Inir Snenker Duvov. who Iiiih hh iroori 000,000. Only one nor cent nnd tiling rght l() Ma OJlnoni nm ,,, wny Impnened," sohliod the little nne. "Well, wlmt wns It, dnrlltiK?" queried Tuu mother, nnxlotiHly. "My d-dolly dot nwny f-fwoin mo tin' h-hwoked n d-dlsli In zo oimutwy," alio sobbed. McGUIRE & TAYLOR Staple and Fancy Groceries 36 Grand Avenue Phone East 2629 PORTLAND, OR. A. H. Willett & Co. Wlioletnlo and Kctalt GROCERS Special Prices to Restaurants Prompt Delivery Phone East 283 128 Grand Avenue M. E. PUGH Fancy & Staple Groceries Phone East 440 447 Union Avenue, North PORTLAND OREGON I'llOIIO I'HclflC.llt tOTHlertmlliilMltiK valuation will double In tho next hIx of performing tils public duties, as JEWELS IN BOOT LEATHER. IllnnioniNSrt Danclnir Pump Will Soon llr 1'Nolilonnltle Iliiare, It Is Hiild tint t n innnufncttirlnc Jew eler In New York Iiiih Invented n devlco for netting klmiih In boot leather ; Hint It doesn't mnko much dlfforonco diamond-set dnncliiK puuiiw will soon ... ... ... .,,,. ,, bo tho rnKoj that diamond-toed boots whether tho Inltlntlvo Ono Il.indrod'H w omitlw'ly 1)0 fl0 rommon nH not or Dnzun'H bill Is on tho ballot or to attract attention In Broadway or In do tho work tlioniKlily, roBiirdloss of not; It will bo beaten by four to one Cth avenue. or moru If It Is, because It Is unreti-' ,uru , ' .. .... uiMirj. -i lie eiiuiiiiKiiH, mi; mum ur dlnary footgear of tho Itouiau em po or ulKht years, If not sooner, (lot tho tho govornor i,Hi park Krounds now; thoy can novor bo boiiKht so cheaply aKiiln. Lay out a comprehensive system of boulo- vnrds and boKln Improving thorn and I cost. It will pay big. Tho harbor must bo enlarged nnd deepened; this Is luiportnut. Tho rlvor front may bo botiKht, and own ed by tho city for public wharves nnd docks; this, mlKUt bo a i;ood Invest ment. Hundreds of miles of streets must bo Improved, and kept clean and attractive; this will cost a good deal of money. Hut nil these UiIiikh will pay, nnd none of them better than tho parks and boulevards. Portland has tho opportunity to mako Itself the finest city, taking everything Into consideration In tho country. It will tnko u good deal of money, qulto a (,'ood many millions, bofoio tho Jobs uro ended and they novor will bo ended but whnt of that if within 20 years Portland can bo n city of fiOO.OOO Inhabitants, tho , veritable Now York of tho Pacllle ConHt? And It can bo. Hut to bo so It must Improve these opportunities. Honublo. rors. wns often enriched with pearls and At last tho Street Hallway Com-'diamonds. Itomnu women hud shoes puny has raised tho wimes of Its pint. 'wUIiboIch of solid sold, shoes that spnr- form men, for fear of u strike thntkled with precious stones. IIolloRiibnlun, , , , , who never wore n pair of Iniots twice, would win, but thoy uro not nvorM,,.!,!.,! ..n.,1,1,,, ,, , .i,-,. H0LBR00K & LEVEEN Tailors for Men 150 Sixth St., cor Morrison PORTLAND OREGON WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE SULLIVAN & KRUEGER l'hoiiu Main lh'.is Dealers in Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Teas, Coffees and Spices Sixteenth and Gltaan Sta. rrce Delivery PORTLAND, ORE. paid yet, If competent. Mayor l.ano Is not koUIiik much encouragement to run iikuIii from people who hnvo Kood Judgment and uro honest enough to tell him tho truth. Tho peoplo of tho state Kcucntlly us woll us his many personal friends hopo for Secretnry of State Hoiihou's speedy return to health. A 1'IXK OIM'OHTL'XITV. Kood for Portland Is tho settlement of tho dispute between tho Ilurrlmati i Is thus stated In tho Journal: A macadamized, rolled boulevard, Mr. Lufo l'enco, tho ontorprlslim dovolopor, has mado a siiKgestlon of Ki'ont value to tho county nnd city, .that should bo taken ndvnutiiKO of If iwicullilsk iilfmr uilili it vnln nt t a a livn'Ul uivi I twif ii nnd lllll lines as to terminal thanks to Mr. Pence for his public nnd rights of wny In this elty nnd lu nplrltotl offor, or proposition, which Seattle. Thoro will bo a Kreat com moil terminal ground back of tho present yard, nnd these Kreat Bys- so (cot wlllo ,, u,M,r0xlniiAoly llvo toins will quit IlKlitliiK ouch othor 'm0H lonB f,,owlnB tho contour of nnd worlc In amity for their own In- (ll0 hlllB north of Portland to Linn torosts nnd Incldontnlly nnd neces- toll 0I, elovntlons vnryliiK from 4C0 sarlly for thoso of Portland nlso. t0 a00 foot, Is an Immodlato possl Tho rnllrondB nro nlso iIoIiik n blllty. It Is within tho power of tho splendid service In mnkliiR such low cininty of Multnomah, which would tourist or homoaookors' ratoa for two JBOnornlly protlt In n larso wny from months and tho result will bo tlmt 'Bch development to Btart tho con thousands of pooplo will come to this tonilntcd boulevard system which It ntato who mlKht not hnvo come otli-V ,,,-oposed to center In Portland, orwlso. Idternttiro distributed byl -if the county will take tho neces- riillronila In tho eaBt has also been 8nr. 8tops promptly, while our com of Kreat value, and tho menus of ,mny , WorklnK out the plans be turiiliiK thousands towurd OroKon. tW00Il wuiamotto helKhts and Linn Now Is tho tlmo for Portland to start a very Importunt Improvement by votliiK for the pnrk and boulevard bonds. Labor men are koIdk to put up a ticket, but a good many of them can't bo depended on to vote It them-Bolves. Tho more Portland spends for pub lic Improvement tho richer It will be come, and tho cost won't bo missed. Tho railroads aro doing big things for OreKon now nnd tho Btnto should work In harmony with them. Tho railroad commission will servo tho pooplo best by not Interfering much with tho rnllrondB. Somo democrats havo hold n meet Ihk to talk over candidates. Hut what'B tho uso? Hrother Under Is koIiik to write fiction. It Is said that ho has had somo oxperlonco. Now that ho bus boon senator per haps Mr. Mulkoy would not accept a lessor olllce. Is now Konernlly realized that this la Improvement," KoIiik to bo a Kreat city nnd that president of the Penco company. Capital Is llowliiK Into Oregon nnd ton, such n boulevard tan bo con especially Into Portland at n fur structed at a cost approximately ono gronter rato than over bofore, nnd It fifth of tho normal cost of suclf nn said Lufo Pence, 'It within the courso of n comparative- so happens thnt our ontorprise fltB ly fow yenrs. This confident bellof In with the boulevard proposition will be a large factor In making It at this time, and wo would bo nblo such. So that fuBt as Portland hns to do n lot of work thnt would cost grown during tho past fow years It Is the public comparatively a bagatelle, destined to grow even faster In the "Hut If tho public pnrf of tho pro- iioxt fow yoars. It will reach 200,. Jcct were hold back n year or two by 000 during uoxt year, nud thou It the uoceatdty of voting bonds and It would surely tnko a strong Cof fey to got tho republican nomination for mayor. Now tho political beo begins to buzz In nn Increasing number of heads. Tho manner of getting a nomina tion deters ninny of the best men. It will bo seen next Juno that this is again a republican city. Ib the president going to try to dtctnto his successor? Silence gives mayor Is silent. consent, and the Who's going to bo your next councilman? tiouN, but ho forbade women to wear gems attached to their shoes. High priests wero coquettish also In this man ner. AlclbhidcH Invented n boot that bccaiuo the fashion, but we believe It was gemlcsH. Let us go through tho centuries. Clmrlemagno wore shoes udorned with gems nnd richly ornamented foot cover ings wero worn by the nobility of Eu rope, both by lords nnd unblo dnmes In the twelfth and thirteenth centu ries. In tho tlmo of Charles I. of Hug lnnd tho extravagance was shoo strings edged with gold. Louis XIV. wore at Ids wedding hoots adorned with Hours do lis nnd decorations of gold, but how did they lit him? Tor tho shoemaker, Lestage, disdained to take the royal measure. Toward tho close of the eighteenth century In Ihighind shoe buckles dazzled with Jewels. A millionaire Is now n person whoso Income Ib u million. A capital of a million Is nothing. When General Juni Ilahawthcr took Ids seat at the ball given In London by the Peulusular nud Oriental Company Itednd his tront, Ids belt, his coat, All bleezed with precious minerals. Why should not tho suddenly rich, tho heroes of tho American nights, more wonderful than the nights of Arabia, break out nil over with diamonds as poorer mortals with measles or the shingles? Hoston Herald. To lie IleHlled. Ono of the suburbs of Chicago Is tht site of a well-known school of theol ogy, from which go out each week-end many members of the senior class to try their voices as "supplies." A passenger on a Monday morning train was surprised at tho number of tbeai who got off nt the station. "What are all thoso chnps getting off bore?" ho asked the brakeman. "Them?" asked tho brakemnn. "Oh, they're returned empties, for the col lege." lllalrlonlc. Thero wns on the stage a realistic scene In which a surgical operation was apparently performed. "Hold on-" cried u voice from the au dience. "Aren't you going to give us some of that chloroform?" Of courso the management wns dis pleased, but there Is a point at which reallRn palls. Philadelphia Ledger. Hereditary. "Your son Is a great football player." "Yes; It Is hereditary." "I never heard that his father was a football player." "He Isn't, but be Is a chronic kicker." Houston Post. Finest Made Adams Fire Proof Stove Blacking. No odor. More durable. Only blacking made that will remain on Air Tight heaters. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS Centennial Market & Grocery J. J. ULUM Headquarters for " GOOD THINGS TO EAT " Groceries, Meats, Fish, Poultry ALWAYS THE BEST School Supplies, Shoes, Gloves, Notions riinno Main '.TIM 522.524 N. Twenty-fourth Street 1'IIONK MAIN Ihtu A THOUGHT That tliu teuton mirki'hU In a now Hprlnij Kim Is a jGood Thing to ki'vpln mind tlmt It pay toilrcx welt FOR ANY MAN Who want Mim' awl eel value for III minify u ill (.'o tu tlm CHICAGO CLOTH. ING COMPANY, 69-71 Third Street Martin-Marks Coffee Co. HIGH GRADE COFFEES TEAS, ETC. Tho excellence of Monto Crlsto Java nud Moulin Coll'eo stands in high lavor. 252 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON J. A. EASTES Staple & Fancy Groceries Choice Teas, Coffees & Spices Dry Goods and Notions ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOUR GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 432, 434, 436, Union Avenue North Corner of Tillamook St. Phone East 660' Frederick A. Kribs Correspondence Solicited 328-330 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dealer In Washington, Idaho & Oregon TIMBER & MINERAL LANDS Portland, Oregoa PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY Successor lo PIONtER, C. R. DAVIS and PHOtNIX TUEL CO. PHONE CAST 26 287 C. MORRISON ST. i rSA"? ?pr?ng8.' ,Pia5?ond' Richmond, Ro.lyn, New Cat tle, New Caitle Nut, Franklin, Carbon Hill, Coke. x Q 9D4-Fjt fir, 4-Foot Oak, 4-Foot Ash, Sawed Oak, Sawed Fir, Sawed Atk, Sawed KnoU. Women can always boo tin? point of a polutleM Jokt i . MWMT 'li.l'.l ,.lTT:OWiMMkTWl-.M n.Jtia wlk.! 1 BBHilNmlinnRnMBBcMBBf SMJHHk&.BI B4IBBBBBKSliiH5MiBMMBV ' "A .HAmBH jBKHBBBSMMKSttBBVwbJri& vii)fltHHHBllBO rUKJL . Vvviv MjiBlMMHHaHMfel'SHSHW;J' L i. HIK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY. Safes, Pianos. Furniture Mved, stored t Mtkcd rr sMffinl. Com mouioib bricK warehouse, with separate iron rooms, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hailed. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 PORTLAND. OREGON. X .: